Covid19 Nanotechnology And Synthetic Biology. Conversation With Karen Kingston. Truth, Science And Spirit Episode 3

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 18, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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This fabulous interview is now available on my Rumble Channel - make sure to subscribe to see updated video’s and interviews.

Humanity United Now Rumble

You can also view it on Clouthub

Clouthub Truth, Science and Spirit

In this important interview, world renown pharma insider, expert, and dear friend Karen Kingston discusses with me the self assembly nanotechnology and how exactly the spike protein is an engineered device, manipulable by electromagnetic frequency and containing Graphene and Gold particles. We also discuss that Quantum Dots ARE Gene editing technology - which should alert everyone since this is what I have been finding in the blood of C19 unvaccinated individuals.

Karen just wrote this important article about the Japanese Scientists confirming that the nanoparticles are PLASTICS, NOT LIPIDS. This is what I have been finding as well.

“If the problem of ‘off-targets’ is solved, there are still many other problems because these nanoparticles, which are inflammatory and environmental ( cause environmental harm ), especially the plastic nanoparticles. Nanoparticles are the world’s number one problem .” - Professor Emeritus Fukushima, Kyoto University

The Kingston Report
UNLOCKED: Spike Proteins and Lipid Nanoparticles are HIGHLY TOXIC per Systemic Review of Scientific Literature
January 18, 2024: Due to numerous requests from respected colleagues and valued Kingston Report subscribers, I’ve unlocked this article for free. Please share this compelling and critical article with your friends, family and network. January 16, 2024…
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And for anyone denying the presence of self assembly nanotechnology in the C19 shots, Karen shows again the Moderna Patent:

They are made from hydrogels, as I have been discussing in depth:

Karen and I have done other brilliant interviews together, and have been working to tell the world the truth about these nano technological weapons. Our message has been consistent and has remained true from the beginning.

Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Mihalcea – AI Exterminating Humans Through Synthetic Biology - Our Interview With Maria Zeee

AI Magnetic Hydrogel Bioweapon and Nanotechnology in C19 shots - Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD Interviews Karen Kingston

Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Mihalcea with Maria Zeee – COVID is a Technological & Biological Weapon Hybrid – Gene Editing of All Humans

ICIC - International Crimes Investigative Committee: Nanotechnology: Self Assembly structures in mRNA-injections with: Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Karen Kingston, Dr. Nixon, Shimon Yanowitz, Dr. Mike Yeadon,

Great news is the tone of this doctor who has the appropriate fighting spirit. This is what we need in the United States. Get rid of the corrupt CDC, FDA, HHS, NIH, ABIM, Federation of State Medical Boards, all the medical commissions that threatened doctors and forced them to administer the C19 bioweapon to millions of Americans. Hold accountable the corrupt healthcare system that murdered people with ventilators and remdesivir.

Tyrants only have power because we give it to them. When we decide it ends, it does.

Stay healthy and detox from the New World Order nanotechnology bioweapon:

Methylene Blue, EDTA and great nutritional supplements support the body.

Click images for links.

Med five is shipping 1/22/24 - the delays happened due to the government going after ingredient manufacturers… FDA does anything to harm the citizens and prohibit anything that might help people. I look forward to the day of justice for this corrupt organization!

For comprehensive nutritional support, I have recommended Dr Tennants Restore in my clinical practice for years:

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Larry Sullivan - Jan 18, 2024

L Sully's Editorials

I just watched this fascinating, critically important interview and discussion. The brilliant Doc Ana and brilliant Miss Karen Kingston do an amazing job of informing the public about the dangers of the Covid 19 "vaccines" and mmRNA tech in general. Everyone should see this interview, which I immediately shared online. Thanks, doc!! 😊

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Roman S Shapoval - Jan 18, 2024

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Once people realize how insidious tech like 5G is not "skin deep" but penetrates our organs through the skin, using metals and nano as a catalyst, then, and only then, do we stand a chance:

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