Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Mihalcea with Maria Zeee – COVID is a Technological & Biological Weapon Hybrid – Gene Editing of All Humans

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 28, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Mihalcea – COVID is a Technological & Biological Weapon Hybrid – Gene Editing of All Humans

Biotech Analyst Karen Kingston and Dr. Ana Mihalcea join Maria Zeee for a deeper discussion into COVID 19 shots being a technological and biological hybrid that serves to introduce mind control through the nanotech in the injections.

This interview was very important because Karen Kingston understands much of the multidimensionality of this AI weapon. I highly recommend her work and substack - please see this link to subscribe.

The Kingston Report
The Kingston Report is an evidence-based analysis of COVID-19 causes, guidelines, treatments, 'vaccines', and market forecast presenting government documents not found on any other platform.
By Karen Kingston

Together we are able to shed a light on this complex subject that many to date have not considered in its entirety. Maria Zeee is phenomenal and I am so grateful for the opportunity to discuss this on her show. Please watch and share this important information.

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RSA Farmer - Nov 28, 2022

RSA Farmer

Karen is most probably thé only person that knows how this puzzle is stacking up. And based on her analysis and work, i cannot phantom that this technology is developed by humans, no way, DAHRPA et al had access to foreign life forms since the 1940s. This is demonic ET tech.

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Leeaison - Nov 29, 2022

Dr Ana...
I believe as you do when you stated that we are living in biblical revelations, Prophesied long ago...The Lord said that not one jot would be left undone.. it’s all unraveling before our own eyes...ifor those who have eyes to see, that is...Karen Kingston is brilliant at what she does..you might say she was handpicked a perfect combination of God fearing with a God giving intelligence for those who have ears to hear, that is..not to leave out how you have also been tasked to heal and illuminate others also from a God fearing place, you have shown...Others too are rising above the fray, perhaps this too is part of Gods plan..to pick His remnant?..this battle will be won but there is a cost for mankind has hardened its heart to God now we must open our hearts to Him and fight for truth, for life according to His will...not only for our health, His creation but for the young, the innocent, the elderly and the mislead.
I really enjoyed this interview, the best the most profound, concise analysis of the many that I have listened to !
Well done!
and Thank Maria Zee for your astute choice in picking these wonder women..:) for us to view.
God bless you and us all!

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