Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Mihalcea – AI Exterminating Humans Through Synthetic Biology - Our Interview With Maria Zeee

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 03, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Mihalcea – AI Exterminating Humans Through Synthetic Biology

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Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Mihalcea – AI Exterminating Humans Through Synthetic Biology

I am so honored to speak with Maria Zeee and Karen Kingston as we expose the synthetic biology and artificial intelligence nanotechnology assaulting humanity. Karen Kingston has been such an amazing source of information in understanding the complex AI, Synbio nano technology of the C19 shots. She has from the beginning warned about Graphene Oxide that now clearly has been revealed in the Pfizer manufacturing process. Everything that my colleagues I and have been finding in our research has been backed up step by step by Karen Kingston. She is a huge Light to this World, and I am so honored to call her my friend.

Thank you to Maria Zeee for reporting the TRUTH that no one else will. In my view, being incorruptibly devoted to speaking the truth will be one of the most celebrated assets of humans who look back from the future at this time. Their beingness in a future time depends on the courage and devotion of every one of us. Lies cannot take us to the future, and deception are the ways of the past, the ways of technocratic satanic transhumanist who can buy people that are corruptible.

Please watch and share this important interview.

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Mark The AntiSatan - Jun 3, 2023

There are species of marine bacteria in several families, including Marinobacter, Oceanospiralles, Pseudomonas, and Alkanivorax, that can eat compounds from petroleum as part of their diet.
Who Thinks Crude Oil Is Delicious? These Ocean Microbes Do
What would find hydrogel delicious and eat it in a manner it could be evacuated reasonably simply?
Dec 29, 2018 -- "What can dissolve hydrogel?
The dissolution time of hydrogel reduced with the increase of
the concentrations of l-cysteine or GSH, and the hydrogel could be dissolved within 1 min by
adding the l-cysteine or GSH at a concentration of 600 μmol/mL"

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Larry Sullivan - Jun 3, 2023

L Sully's Editorials

Very well said, Dr. Ana! 😊 You do amazing research and so does Karen! And Maria Zeee is a terrific journalist! Have a great day; 😊

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