COVID 19 Pfizer Bio N Tech Injection Mixed With Tobacco Solution Darkfield Microscopy Shows No Effect on Nano and Microrobots, Microchips Still Present

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 11, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Video Pfizer Covid 19 vial mixed with tobacco solution. Magnification 200x

The Reese Report
Recent Study Shows Self-Assembly Nanobots in the COVID-19 Injectables
Recently published research from Korea and Japan confirm previous reports we’ve heard of nanotech in the COVID-19 injectables…
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Greg Reese did a report on the self assembly nanotechnology and Dr Young Mi Lee’s and Dr. Broudy’s recent paper. You can see my interview with them here:

Breaking News: Millions of Self Assembly Nanoparticles In COVID19 Injections - Interview with Dr. Young Mi Lee & Professor Daniel Broudy

Here is the original article

Another Confirmation Of Self Assembly Nanotechnology In COVID Bioweapons: Remarkable Longitudinal Study And Culture Work Of COVID Shots For Up To 12 Months And Cellular Toxicity Studies

I have to laugh, because this scientific team is being attacked from different angles. Some are claiming that the journal they published in is not credible. But let me ask those who would lauch such a preposterous attack, what bought and paid for corrupt peer reviewed journal has any credibility left? If you have not read what the former editors of the New England Journal of Medicine, British Medical Journal, JAMA have stated about the corruption of these pharma owned propaganda machines, you should read this article:

Longstanding History Of Big Pharma Crimes. "Deadly Medicines And Organized Crime" By Dr. Peter Goetzsche Is A Must Read

I am allergic against these arrogant doctors and the scientists, these cowards who stood by and allowed humanity be injected with this nanotechnological weapon of mass destruction and pretented all there was was spike protein when scientific group after group found no mRNA.


Someone said to me that the nanotechnology issue is still controversial. It only is if you are a mind controlled slave of the system. Any simple citizen with more than two neurons firing upstairs has been able to look at our microscopy images and understand that there is something seriously wrong here and that blinking lights and microchip electronics should not be found in human blood.

The failure to refuse to investigate what we have found for three years disqualifies any self proclaimed expert to even comment. Remember, the best these kinds of people could do was say “its cholesterol and sugar”. Any three year old has more common sense than that.

People like Dr. Young Mi Lee should be celebrated as world heroes to humanity.

Now that I have said my peace about that - Greg Reese in his report was asking for other scientists to investigate the tobacco solution. I wanted to post a lot more videos that I took mixing tobacco solution with the Pfizer Bio N Tech Covid bioweapon because I have a Darkfield microscope, so I can see the nano and microrobots which La Quinta Columna cannot. In my different investiations, the tobacco solution did nothing to inhibit the nano and microrobots and I still saw microchip structures. If you do not eliminate the nano and microrobots, as I have done with the EDTA plus Vitamin C, they will still build the technology in the body. I have shown in previous posts, that I have had the opportunity in my clinic to look at the live blood of hundreds of people who were using Nicotine as a primary prevention based on their idea that the Covid vials contained snake venom. All of their blood was highly contaminated. You can see some of those examples here:

New Findings By La Quinta Columna - Microchips Disassemble With Tobacco Solution Plus Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Of Individuals Using Nicotine Alone - Other Detox Molecules Are Recommended

In my experiments with Enbrel, an injectable medication from Pfizer that contains microelectronics, the tobacco solution was increasing the nano and microrobot activity. It appeared to inhibit the developent of the nano antennas but in turn pushed the self assembly towards building polyer filaments.

You can see those experiments here:

Tobacco Solution/ Nicotine Enhances Nano and Microrobot Activity When Mixed With Microelectronics In Pfizer's Enbrel But Interferes With Integrity Of Nano Antennas In Microchip Development

Tobacco/ Nicotine Solution Day2 Shows Significant Inhibition Of Nano Antenna And Microchip Growth Of Pfizer's Enbrel

My testing with the Pfizer Bio N Tech confirmed this. In the videos below you can see many hours of observation of the mixture of toboacco solution with the Covid 19 bioweapons. You can clearly see that nano and microrobot activity is extremely active and microchips are present.


Video Pfizer Covid 19 vial mixed with tobacco solution. Magnification 400x


Video Pfizer Covid 19 vial mixed with tobacco solution. Magnification 2000x


Video Pfizer Covid 19 vial mixed with tobacco solution. Magnification 2000x


Video Pfizer Covid 19 vial mixed with tobacco solution. Magnification 2000x


Video Pfizer Covid 19 vial mixed with tobacco solution. Magnification 100x

I wanted to show that I have done extensive testing on the toboacco solution and the COVID vials. I highly recommend looking at the issue not just from the perspective of dissolving microchips, because that will not help you clean the blood as I have clinically shown. You have to use Darkfield Microscopy to see the whole story.

I would not use Nicotine/ tobacco as a solitary solution.

I noted that the EDTA plus Vitamin C combination was weakened by tobacco, so if you are going to use it, maybe increasing the EDTA and Vitamin C dose would be a good idea. In patients with normal kidney function EDTA 500mg daily in the evening ( must be liposomal, microsomal, enteric coated or rectal as it othewise gets disintegrated in the gut). Most people tolerate this well daily and some could take the weekends off. Full Multimineral support must be taken in the morning. I currently prefer Global Healings microsomal Calcium EDTA as an oral source, but others also work fine.

I recommend high doses of Vitamin C up to 10.000mg daily. I have seen great results with oral regimens only, meaning people do not have to do IV therapy. I have treated vaccine injured patients with oral regimens of EDTA/ Vitamin C and it works well.

The more severely symptomatic definately benefit from more intensive treatment intravenously.

I hope this adds to the discussion regarding Nicotine/ tobacco for self assembly nanotechnology. I personally will continue to recommend EDTA + Vitamin C as the primary treatment as I have for three years. I have shown in many articles that it works. My recent testing was a complete confirmation of my work. I think everybody in the world should be on this combo, until we stop Geoengineering and the nanotechnological assault on humanity in food, water, medicines and all other convenience products.

In my mind, after finding the results below, there was just one sentence:

Check Mate, Deep State.

Humanity will live.

Breaking News: Calcium Disodium EDTA +Vitamin C Deactivates Nano/Microrobots And Dissolves All Microchips In Pfizer COVID19 "Vaccine"- Darkfield Microscopy

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Beth Burton - Sep 12

Beth Burton

In other words, no one agrees on what is in the jabs and what can help the people infected by them. It would be nice if you and Dr Ardis could get together and hash it out on the Nicotine aspect! Your average person is doing the best they can to comprehend all the PhD work from all the “experts” to help themselves!!!

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Kim - Sep 12 - Edited


Here is one small favor I was thinking about today as I was out walking barefooted in the grass, and my cat was following me... All animals have "natural" grounding since they don't wear shoes!

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