Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 10, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Comparison of a filament exited the body via anti nano tech and live blood analysis of unvaccinated blood
In this post, I wish to share some comparison images of nanotechnology that has exited human bodies via anti nano devices and the live blood analysis of C19 unvaccinated individuals in my office. Many doctors and scientists are denying the presence of nanotechnology that has invaded all of humanity. Since they do, no treatments for the nanotechnology removal is recommended in mainstream medicine.
People need to make up their own mind. I cannot explain what I see in the blood by natural means, neither can I explain the accelerated aging process clearly visible in people. I can explain it in the understanding that humanity is being poisoned by artificial intelligence self assembly nanotechnology and synthetic biology. I do not subscribe to the notion that nothing can be done about this. There are solutions, and the detoxification of these structures by every means available, while supporting the body nutritionally - is important. The more of this technology is in people, the more rapid the symptom development is.
I get feedback from doctors and scientists from all over the world, stating how limited our research is, and what I should do to convince other researchers to have more credibility. Why don’t all of those who have these recommendations for improvement do their own research? Please get a microscope and publish what you find. Why don’t more people look at meat under the microscope? Why don’t others try to find out what they can about the chemical composition of these structures? If people think the self assembly nanotubes are yeast, please do the work to prove they are. That might actually evolve the conversation for the world. We share these findings that are based on our volunteer work so it might alert others. We work to find out what is happening entirely self funded, with limited resources and very limited time. The best thing you - who may be way more qualified then us to do this work - can do for humanity is not educate us but contribute yourself. Go on your own journey of discovery. Maybe the results will shock you into action.
In the following slides, I show images taken from the below linked video explaining what anti nano devices have removed from the body. On the right side I have posted live blood images from my office for comparison.
Image: whitish filament extracted with anti nano device and classic Hydrogel/ Graphene Ribbon in C19 unvaccinated blood
Image: Filament development and microchip connection C19 Pfizer vial Dr. David Nixon
Image: Red and black filament extracted with anti nano device and red Hydrogel/ Graphene Ribbon in C19 unvaccinated blood surrounded by unknown degradation product
Image: Bluish filament extracted with anti nano device and blue Hydrogel/ Graphene Ribbon in C19 unvaccinated blood
Image: C19 Pfizer vial Dr David Nixon. Bluish optical communication between microchips
Image: white filament extracted with anti nano device and white Hydrogel/ Graphene/ CDB structures cultured from in C19 unvaccinated blood
The images were taken from this video below, which shows the many types of nanotechnology extracted.
I have seen how these devices can take the nanotechnology out of the body. Ionizing footbaths work. These devices demonstrated in the video work. I have also seen culture work of what came out of C19 injected people in the water of ionizing foot baths, that are used with different salts, white vinegar, borax and other solutions. The nanotechnology continued to grow outside of the body when cultured. I recommend people use every modality possible to rid themselves of this nanotechnology and synthetic biology. God bless anyone who has a solution to this.
I highly recommend this video. Look at what is being pulled out of people’s body. Whatever your position is, can you explain how this got there? The authors in the video call the ribbons fullerenes. Whatever the name, this looks similar to what I see.
Here is the most recent video by the group “ La Quinta Columna” - please note they found the same filament like structures developing the C19 vials. What I call Hydrogel/ Graphene - they call Graphene Oxide. I do not care what you want to call it until it has been chemically quantified - the point is this does not belong in a vaccine, nor into the human body.
The game is over - La Quinta Columna
Here is the article about Graphene oxide in the Pfizer vials:
Here is what I have for a long time been talking about - shedding that in the medical literature has been proven via antibodies.
This is what Dr. Philippe van Welbergen found in human blood - exactly the same filament structures that I have been finding too, and this structure is shedding to others.
Here is what I have been doing with EDTA Chelation, that happens to work against Graphene, Metals and Hydrogel:
I encourage anyone again, to please do their own research. If you can, contribute to solutions.
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Vi - Apr 10, 2023 - Edited
I am writing this because I have an experience that is disturbing and after reading your article
I thought that is concerning what is happening. I bought a product while ago from ( store name) liquid Fulvic acid, I did put one full dropper in distilled water for my daughter, in a semi dark room, the morning after I saw 2 white things floating inside….I took them out thinking that probably they were already there inside the bottle (it was a new one). I add more water and the liquid was seating there for at least 3-4 more hours …I saw a similar thing floating, this time was shorter. I was puzzled. I add almost a full dropper in 5-6 oz of distilled water in a different jar with lid, and put the jar in a dark place.
One and half day later I have a one new white string a little fatter that the 2 previous ones also it were almost entirely out of the water. The previous day I read your paper ( my experiment was stimulated by what I read) and I think that this "experience" is at the minimum very suspicious!
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Tracey White - Apr 10, 2023
I am being out through hell some nights when my unusual symptoms are intense. They started summer 21 & led to FND. My own speech is communicating with me as though someone else is using it. My speech/body are following commands I or others give to it. I have tinnitus, vibrations targeting specific areas causing significant blood loss to rear also. I have Fasciculations, a strong feeling my nervous system has been remotely hacked causing symptoms similar to remote neural monitoring (see Dr Katherine Horton re the physics on how this is done). James Giordano (pentagon advisor/neuroweapons expert) said there is evidence civilians r being targeted. He also talks about nanotechnology. I am unvaccinated. I am awaiting sleep clinic results before hopefully being referred to a specialist but the medical profession don’t look for symptoms connected to this technology. At the moment I have Fasciculations, extreme tinnitus, vibrations affections gums which is also throughout body. It’s like a nightmare. I had large bruises shortly after symptoms started and I have controlled involuntary movements of limbs which can often be very sexual in nature and it is expert level affecting pelvic area and mouth/tongue. Blood test showed my iron dropped to 5.4 after blood loss following intense pelvic symptoms. This is back to normal following ferrous sulphate. my veins raise rapidly. There are too many symptoms to list. A smear and ultrasound were normal apart from a cyst on my ovary. symptoms can be off the scale in terms of intensity and I can put up with a lot but this is not normal what I am experiencing. There is an overwhelming intuition that it is some sort of technology causing it. Intuition detects it’s unnatural. Can Anyone recommend a blood test which would show these blood problems you discuss? Something happened to me in October 22 when I had an mri. I began having severe Fasciculations, severe spasms and my first of two functional seizures (2nd the following day). The next morning I was unable to walk. It is as though something being used on my interacted with the scanner. The hospital said over email that mri wouldn’t affect my walking so I went for a private neurophysio assessment and was told I had FND in his opinion and had to relearn to walk. I was also getting paused speech following mri. The doctor thought my walking had been triggered by keeping still under the machine and focusing on that. I disagree. The mri result was normal but Barrie Trower (ex mi5 microwave scientist/whistleblower) said any mri would have to be read by a world class expert to detect this radio frequency/pulsed microwave frequency. The tinnitus is so loud now it is making my throat hurt. If I put my fingers on my ears or any part of my body (excluding shoulders) they forcefully repel as though the are magnetic and touching opposite magnets within my body or something. Any advice appreciated. I am 48 and live in England. My email istw1traceywhite@icloud.comI am not very technical and don’t know if I can look for replies on here so email best if anyone knows of a test I could request or any experts I could contact who may understand what is happening to me. Thank you
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