I am writing this because I have an experience that is disturbing and after reading your article
I thought that is concerning what is happening. I bought a product while ago from ( store name) liquid Fulvic acid, I did put one full dropper in distilled water for my daughter, in a semi dark room, the morning after I saw 2 white things floating inside….I took them out thinking that probably they were already there inside the bottle (it was a new one). I add more water and the liquid was seating there for at least 3-4 more hours …I saw a similar thing floating, this time was shorter. I was puzzled. I add almost a full dropper in 5-6 oz of distilled water in a different jar with lid, and put the jar in a dark place.
One and half day later I have a one new white string a little fatter that the 2 previous ones also it were almost entirely out of the water. The previous day I read your paper ( my experiment was stimulated by what I read) and I think that this "experience" is at the minimum very suspicious!
If you listen to my interview with Celeste Solumn, she says the entire food supply, water and medication supply has been contaminated. You are right to be suspicious.
Ana, you said it. So don't keep trusting any pharmaceutical drug or prescribe any. You will be prescribing a disguised poison at this time of this biological war. Natural solutions exist and I tested them to defeat this bioweapon many times, and the results with different people have worked very well.
Thank you Dr Mihalcea, I will do that!! actually my perception is as you clearly stated…a total compromise/contamination on the chain food supply. .
ideally, the focus would be how to minimize the awful potential effects.
I am Grateful for your workπ
Hi Ana . I know your busy . I do not expect you to reply .... but on the off chance you can ... what are your thoughts on wild game like Moose ? Alaskan Salmon ? I can send you or Mike Adams a package of each harvested in 2022 to be tested . And more to be enjoyed ... ππ€£
It would be interesting to see how introducing CDS would effect all of this. Perhaps CDS at concentrations equivalent to the blood concentrations resulting from using CDS Protocol C, as described here...https://andreaskalcker.com/en/cds-clo2/cds-protocols.html
Dear Vi: Disturbing! I have Humic acid-Fulvic acid in 3 different bottles from different sources. One is a large bottle to detox my garden soil. Now I will test all three, thanks to you. If I find similar disturbing results of testing I will post them here on Dr. Ana’s substack. Bless you.
I yes, please try them out, mine is a well known product that comes in a small black box with white letters. I did use distilled water every time with similar results. I have pictures and I am waiting for any development since I have the jar intact. Also, the fact that I used water makes me wonder about everything..even taking showers. Take care, blessings to you.
Hi, Vi. I was just getting ready to test mine. I don’t have any distilled water but will try twice-boiled water from my electric kettle. I got online the 3 different H-F. One very large bottle/jug is for detox of my garden soil so is out in the garage. I am testing a 2-oz dropper bottle from “Age-Immune”: Fulvic-Humic Acid : Ionic Trace Minerals”. Everything looks legit to me. Then there’s a 1-quart bottle of Vital Earth Minerals: “Mineral Blend Fulvic-Humic”. From Colorado, going since 2000, looks fully legit as well. I will follow up whether I find anything or not.
I don’t trust anything any more, esp. since we saw all those photos of inoculated raw meat this past week! Esp. since I posted photos of the poison snow in my garden the past 2 years — that did not melt but scorched black and stunk, under a lighter fire. More later….
Thanks for replying, at this point we need to test almost everything. Fingers crossed you will not encounter similar results that I had…I will repeat the test using distilled water and another one with RO adding the same amount of Fulvic acid because after these results I won’t let anyone else get close to this product.
About the snow…I saw some videos last year showing the same situation .. What an awful experience!
Take care!
What is RO? I will get some distilled water for testing, I guess. Will we soon have to test every fresh food product before eating? I remember hearing they were inoculating fresh tomatoes and lettuces with the hydrogel (rubbery clot-makers) many months ago.
I wish I had kept the antique microscope my grandfather (botanist) gave me back in the 60s!
RO Is reverse osmosis, since we are in different environments I think that your water will be fine, I am just starting a new one with tap water that have 235 ppm so pretty full of “good and bad” things.
I want to know if the white strings will show up again and if those chemicals have any different effect.
About the microscope….that is unfortunate! ..nobody expected this type of situation :/
Are you in the United States or Canada ? With the constant chemtrail spraying there it's not surprising that these synthetic fibers end up being found in food and water.
California and, the pollution is overwhelming...even using RO and water distiller or eating all organic food....nobody could escape this environment. They doesn’t look like fibers....more like worms. Pretty disturbing
Fulvic acid is minerals - it could be magnetic, attracting to itself
Theoretically it attracts toxic things from our body, traps the toxins inside it's structure and we poop it out. Charcoal, zeolite, etc
Just to be clear charcoal works a bit differently then zeolite. They are both negatively charged substances. I don't believe that charcoal goes and finds the toxins to bind to where zeolite does so you need another supplement to bind to the toxin and then the charcoal will help remove it from the body. Zeolite does both parts: 1) acts as a scavenger in the body and then also binds to the toxin and 2) removes it from the body. It's gentle and safe in the way it works and shouldn't cause any herxeimer (adverse) reaction if used properly. Charcoal, which is great is not something to use long term because apparently it can remove minerals too since they are positively charged. Zeolite won't bind to any minerals that are bound to a protein in the body and you can use it long term. Not clear if charcoal will remove minerals bound to proteins in the body. From my research, zeolite powder is the best form of zeolite to use. As I mentioned, it is a negatively charged substance, as is charcoal, so it binds to positively charged substances which include many toxins (glycoproteins, lipid nano particles, heavy metals, molds, flouride, and many more). Zeolite also alkalines the body and helps to suppress cancer by becoming a little bit positive and being able to go into the negatively charged cancer cells to help turn on the C21 gene (I believe that's what it's called) which is the cancer suppression gene. It's fascinating stuff. Dr. Howard Peiper wrote a short book about it.
This article gives a little explanation of the differences:https://www.therechargeclinic.com/post/everything-you-need-to-know-about-zeolite-for-detox
Ironically that you just responded to this because I was going to purchase humic and fulvic acid and I was curious to know what brand you were referring to in your test. What brand of fulvi acid have you tested?
Actually it was not a test, I prepared the solución and it was seating form the night and the next morning I remembered it …that was the moment that I saw the things floating in the bottom for the first time. It happened later 2 more times with same results.
About the brand, I can tell that the liquid comes in a black bottle with white letters and says fulvic mineral drops.
I hope it helps.
I am being out through hell some nights when my unusual symptoms are intense. They started summer 21 & led to FND. My own speech is communicating with me as though someone else is using it. My speech/body are following commands I or others give to it. I have tinnitus, vibrations targeting specific areas causing significant blood loss to rear also. I have Fasciculations, a strong feeling my nervous system has been remotely hacked causing symptoms similar to remote neural monitoring (see Dr Katherine Horton re the physics on how this is done). James Giordano (pentagon advisor/neuroweapons expert) said there is evidence civilians r being targeted. He also talks about nanotechnology. I am unvaccinated. I am awaiting sleep clinic results before hopefully being referred to a specialist but the medical profession don’t look for symptoms connected to this technology. At the moment I have Fasciculations, extreme tinnitus, vibrations affections gums which is also throughout body. It’s like a nightmare. I had large bruises shortly after symptoms started and I have controlled involuntary movements of limbs which can often be very sexual in nature and it is expert level affecting pelvic area and mouth/tongue. Blood test showed my iron dropped to 5.4 after blood loss following intense pelvic symptoms. This is back to normal following ferrous sulphate. my veins raise rapidly. There are too many symptoms to list. A smear and ultrasound were normal apart from a cyst on my ovary. symptoms can be off the scale in terms of intensity and I can put up with a lot but this is not normal what I am experiencing. There is an overwhelming intuition that it is some sort of technology causing it. Intuition detects it’s unnatural. Can Anyone recommend a blood test which would show these blood problems you discuss? Something happened to me in October 22 when I had an mri. I began having severe Fasciculations, severe spasms and my first of two functional seizures (2nd the following day). The next morning I was unable to walk. It is as though something being used on my interacted with the scanner. The hospital said over email that mri wouldn’t affect my walking so I went for a private neurophysio assessment and was told I had FND in his opinion and had to relearn to walk. I was also getting paused speech following mri. The doctor thought my walking had been triggered by keeping still under the machine and focusing on that. I disagree. The mri result was normal but Barrie Trower (ex mi5 microwave scientist/whistleblower) said any mri would have to be read by a world class expert to detect this radio frequency/pulsed microwave frequency. The tinnitus is so loud now it is making my throat hurt. If I put my fingers on my ears or any part of my body (excluding shoulders) they forcefully repel as though the are magnetic and touching opposite magnets within my body or something. Any advice appreciated. I am 48 and live in England. My email istw1traceywhite@icloud.comI am not very technical and don’t know if I can look for replies on here so email best if anyone knows of a test I could request or any experts I could contact who may understand what is happening to me. Thank you
For tinnitus try nicotine- gum or patch. Dr ardis claimed it helped his family and patients. Use nicotine slowly increasing tolerance be cause it can cause nausea if using too fast. Benefits were noticed within days to a week.
Best to you
This truly works. More details....Dr Ardis recommends cutting a 14 mg patch in 7 pieces. It's much easier to cut 8 so that's what I do ( slightly lower dose) Use just 1 piece per day. Use for 2 weeks, then can increase to double the dose ( cut patch into 4 pieces) and use 1 per day. (I also put 2 bandaides on to keep it on until the next day.) It's a very small dose and I havnt had any side effects except slightly less hunger ( good for me!) and slightly more intense dreams. I feel like I can think more clearly and it's removed alot of my brain fog. It's worth a try. Good luck to you!
Well...im lazy too π I just felt more comfortable starting with lower doses because I didn't know how my body would respond to nicotine. I didn't want to end up with a massive migraine trying something new. I might eventually go up to higher doses.
You did the right thing, your first hit of nicotine should be a moderate dose. A sign that you've taken too much is when you have a racing hearbeat (migraine is another common symptom), as nicotine induces a mild vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels).
The median lethal dose of nicotine is uncertain but it's far from anything you could get from the strongest nicotine patches.
Unfortunately, niacin does not attach to the nicotinic receptors. I use Tobacco Essential Oil, just one drop in a cup of coffee. Tastes great and solves the problem of venom peptides attaching to the nicotinic receptors.
Tracey White, I am so sorry you are going through this. I hope you can enjoy a complete recovery soon.
You may want to read this Substack and take appropriate actions to lower your EMF exposure levels, including measuring, mitigation, shielding and avoidance.https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/enemy-emf-silent-weapons-for-quiet
I will note that, if you are in a strong enough Faraday cage, wireless communication will be blocked. A few months ago I noted some disturbing dreams that were not mine (along with tinnitus for the first time in my life), I had never had dreams like that before. I increased the Faraday cage shielding to over 50 dB (log scale, that is 99.999% +) shielding, and the strange dreams and tinnitus stopped. This is an excellent product, and wrapping in it has worked for me. I think the company is in the UK, so you can probably order it directly from there. I am in the US, so this is a US description.
UK website:https://emf-protection.co.uk/?s=BlocSilver®+EMF+Protection+Fabric
In addition, you may want to try CDS, as described below. it helped me, and others, who had some of the challenges you list. Along with the EMF measurement, mitigation, shielding, and avoidance, CDS saved my life, and allowed me to make a surprising recovery. I will give some information about CDS below.
Here is CDS inventor and leader Dr. Kalcker describing how he makes CDS. My way is much cheaper and should be equally effective. I have done it Kalcker's way too.
Here is CDS information.
CDS has been called the universal antidote. It saved my life and allowed me to regain an acceptable quality of life. Here is another video and downloadable information.
Sincere wishes for a rapid, complete, and lasting recovery.
Thank you. Barrie Trower worked at mi5 & recommended ES-U.K. emf charity as shielding/emf exposure reduction is the same whether it is deliberate or accidental from Wi-Fi. I bought shielding from another company but it isn’t military grade and isn’t very good. Barrie said only a faraday cage can block microwaves and embassies have them. He said I can build one using chicken wire but u need several layers and make it like a box over where u sleep as yr immune system drops overnight by around 70% he may have said and it’s made up
The following day by water, good, outdoors etc. After a 18 mths it will give up and illness will appear. Es-U.K. don’t recommend them as they block something else but as I get intense symptoms at times I think I will have to try it. He said make a small one first to put mobile phone in and ring it from another phone. If it rings, add more layers until it doesn’t then replicate it over yr bed. I bought an emf detector from Amazon (just £47 one so didn’t show radio frequency) and this detected danger so levels all over my bedroom. I contacted es-U.K. and they said my symptoms aren’t typical of emfs but EMFs can cause seizures and tinnitus I think. However, I am certain it is neuroweapons due to its presentation and my extensive research. The only thing I was looking into as another possibility was covid as Dr Francis Boyle, who drafted the biological weapons act, said covid 19 was a weapon and many are claiming they have neurological symptoms but these aren’t elaborated on. However, my life is complex and I was writing to Boris Johnson re data leaks over investigations just before symptoms started. Apparently a number of people became involved in my situation and my symptoms started shortly after. My life fits the ‘the criteria’ to be targeted. Thank you though for the info. Not very technical but it apparently costs around £100 for chicken wire so will make one soon just for respite now and then when symptoms intense
Thanks for the information. Barrie Trower is excellent. Your description of his layered chicken wire box Faraday cage is excellent. Two videos from him are provided in this link.https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/enemy-emf-silent-weapons-for-quietThe Faraday cage with the chicken wire appears to be a great option, I have measured chicken wire and even one wrap can give a pretty good reduction in some of the radiation. My experience, and the experience of others, indicates that we could not heal the EMF issues until after we got a tri field meter like the one discussed in that link and learn how to use it to really measure the EMF levels in the environment to ensure they were within the building biology standards also discussed in the link. I found that the cell phone test was a great idea, but incomplete. When you wrap with a conductive material you are building a Faraday cage, wrap completely in all dimensions and you build a better Faraday cage, and the measurement meter clearly shows how any holes effect the radiation that gets through. Each situation is different and the more information one can gain to learn more about that situation, the better. I note that in some of her videos, Dr. Horton appears to be in a crude Faraday cage, and still claims to have been targeted there, but I never saw her using a meter adequate for measuring the radiation. Others, and I, did not heal until after we got a good meter and learned from what the meter told us. A powerful Faraday cage will also shield the Schumann Resonance frequencies that are necessary for health, so a Schumann resonator might also be a good idea. Experts say that the most important time to shield against radiation is when sleeping, though it all adds up.
This is all far too complicated, expensive, time consuming, and controversial for many. My experience is that the effort spent on learning usually pays off. We all do our best. I hope that the solutions you choose work for you.
I hate to inform you of this, but 4G+ and 5G deploy scalar electromagnetic waves that penetrate Faraday cages with ease. Only a Tesla shield can stop them. I was an EE in my younger days.
As I think about this, I would like to share something else for review and comment... How many times did Edison have to try before inventing a working light bulb? If we try something and it fails, is that not a valuable learning opportunity, and an invitation to adjust accordingly, and try again? I think our enemy might have vulnerabilities it does not want us discovering. I fully intend to work on discovering those vulnerabilities, and I will continue to try solutions, learn from failures and setbacks, adapt, and do my best. I fear that our enemy may have brainwashed, hypnotized, brain damaged, or otherwise convinced far too many of us into giving up and not trying anymore. Collaborations with those who will work together to try new things is welcome. Thank you.
Further, I would like to possibly collaborate with an EE on things like an affordable meter design that works on the so called forbidden frequencies, from 10 GHz and above. Some meters exist for some of these frequencies, but they are, in my opinion, inadequate. Perhaps using adaptations of some of the interferometry techniques that have long been used by amateur radio astronomers to measure these frequencies, it is curious how many of these plans for these radio telescopes have magically disappeared from the internet recently. If you can give my any advice or guidance, Yonatan, I would appreciate it. Thank you.
I was an EE up to 23 years ago, but not specialized in the design of antennae. Unfortunately, I've lost contact with the technical world, having moved into Technical Writing for a decade, and an online health business until the FTC, FDA, and PayPal sent me threatening letters in June, 2020. At present, I am in the survival mode, fending off bioweapons with success, I might add. I must stay clear of 5G/4G+ towers for sure. I did purchase an EMF baseball cap which helps a little when I'm out and about. Meanwhile, I'm researching all I can on how to not be "done in" by the bioweapons, and have categorized some potential remedies here:https://badtimes.yolasite.com/resources/Detoxification%20Schedule3_26.pdf
That is a good point, thanks for making it. As a mechanical engineer, it is not my area. but I have studied it, and scalar design. And you are absolutely correct. As of yet I have not tried to develop something like a Tesla shield. But I will say that the nested Faraday cages, along with a DC Schumann resonator, allowed me to heal to a significant and surprising extent. Experts like Dr. Kinghardt, who have demonstrated success in healing hundreds of people from EMF harm, also advocate for measurement, shielding, and avoidance. If the enemy decides to specifically target somebody and devote resources like a scalar EMF weapon against them, then perhaps setting up a diversion might be an idea, EG. put your cell phone in a different place and do other things to try to fool the enemy into attacking that place instead of where you are. I am of the opinion that there are always things to try, no matter how powerful our enemy may appear.
Thanks for your excellent suggestions. I would be hesitant to use a decoy, as someone else may get fried in your place if they are in close proximity to the decoy. Most of my time is spent in a "bomb shelter" room with steel plates all around. It significantly attenuates rf, and almost completely blocks out local FM radio stations. I got rid of all RF routers in the home. My tinnitus is subdued to a large extent, and probably by no small measure by the practice of chelation (getting rid of toxic graphene compounds). Nicotine restored my taste, too, and I take a drop of Tobacco essential oil in my coffee now and then. It is non-addictive because it contains no pyrazine, the addictive substance found in commercial tobaccos. To be sure it was pyrazine-free, I ordered some from India on eBay.
If this is coming from chemtrails it may be possibly to get it from your skin plus internal detox. lookoutfacharlie video the end of electronic harassment. you have to watch more than a few of his videos to understand. and his protocols take time- i understand w some bleeding cuz it involves fungal infection under the skin/ u become sensitized to becoming a targeted individual cant remember where i saw his protocol it might have beenstopthecrime.netorlookoutfacharlie.comid try lookoutfacharlie and see if he has a web sitelookoutfacharlie.comim trying to remember i think his website connects tostopthecrime.nethope u feel better.
lookoutfacharlie.blogspot.comThe key to this and missing part is fungal infection under/ beneath the skin. So yes bathing w epsom borax but it involves scraping and peeling back layers of skin to get to this infection . Appears to take time/ effort/ pain. This along with internal detox.
I don’t have assistant knowledge but I just want to say I hear you and I am sorry for your suffering. Magnetic symptoms.. sounds scary. I have been researching a lot so will email any links that may apply.
Good luck
Hi Tracey, If you make a comment and someone replies to you, when you are back in Substack again if it is another day, you will see the Bell Icon in top right of Inbox with a number on it, also lefthand side of in box webpage to show number of replies to any comments you have made. So just click there. I'm in UK also, Yorkshire. I have unfortunately no help to offer as there doesn't seem to be anyone medicl in UK that is loooking into these things.
I'm so sorry to hear your problems. I have lots of difficulties in trying to get anyone to realise things we are told are not what they seem, including my adult kids and most of my friends who have all gone and got these jabs. It is worrying to learn that even unjabbed can be affected and unless one wants to go live like a hermit in the woods, we will encounter problems with shedding, wifi and 5g etc. I do not have any answers but if I find any I will let you know. One of the problems is so much information, coming from all sides, because they have people put there, both sides so the punters find a saviour, one side or the other and it is deliberate, so we do not know what to believe so we do nothing and shrug our shoulders. This is how they operate. I would look at the videos on the electrical foot baths, not to buy, ridiculous prices, but find someone who could knock something up and try to remove whatever it is in your body. Another substack, Christine247 (I think, not 100% sure) has a post about a 12v car battery which will obliterate any nanbots. I am just telling you it exists, not advice to take up her recommendations.
Tracey, you have broken my heart. I am going to email you directly to talk a little and send you love. Your symptoms are mine, though I am spared the worst of yours by far. Love, Joanna
Thank you but I am not into talking about this really. I prefer to distract myself. It’s 4.17 am and I’ve been awake with symptoms for over an hour. I don’t go online much to discuss this as I get exhausted easily and I concentrate on photography when symptoms are less intense but thank you. Just trying to see if there are any blood tests/thermal imaging which may show the cause as there is no way this is part of FND as it’s too targeted in nature. I know about targeted individuals also. I am trying to get medical evidence but this is slow on the nhs. I contacted a private speech therapist and she didn’t know what my speech problem was and asked if she could send the footage to a colleague in Oxford who understood FND. They said I needed to see a neurologist but my GP is refusing as I already seen one even though he failed to diagnose, only gave me one phone call as he runs a remote clinic and arranged mri before discharging me saying it wasn’t organic. I had to go privately for one off assessment where FND was his opinion. Hopefully I will get to the bottom of it eventually. Just having another bad night. Thanks for the support though, it’s really kind.
First of all, and feel free to ignore this, but: don't do any more MRI, and avoid EMF as much as possible in your environment.
I'd recommend "earthing" (grounding) every day, walking barefoot on the ground, for 30-45 minutes. It's excellent to normalize blood pressure and will help unload negative magnetism.
I have 19 & (almost 17) yr old sons so impossible to avoid Wi-Fi. I love photography do have my camera on airplane mode and put phone on this mode a lot. Put my laptop on it too whenever possible but it’s everywhere so just about reducing exposure if possible I suppose. It’s everywhere. I had a normal mri but was told it was a fmri I needed but this isn’t available on the NHS. If I could afford it, I would get a fmri and also a full thermal imaging scan privately. It’s upsetting that the government are choosing to ignore this. They have a duty of care.
Have you tried a morgellons detox bath? Borax and something about hamster pellets? This ionic foot bath or the edta protocol sound worth trying.
Zeolite, charcoal, diatomaceous earth orally also worth researching.
.....Many doctors and scientists are denying the presence of nanotechnology .....
The same "experts" told the world in 2020 that a novel coronavirus had infected humans via a zoonotic jump and that it was so dangerous that 7 billion people had to be genetically modified in order to survive...
1. I just turned around and found the blueprint of a Plandemic published in 2010
o Covid-19 Plandemic Blueprint – RKM Lockstep 2010 Report.
2. Then another person in another country published the "Global Predators" confirming what the blueprint of the Plandemic was saying.
3. I then turned around and found 50 nanotechnology patents used for C-19 quackcines.
o Micro-Tech Patents (50) – Charles Lieber – Caught!
Why would anybody still believe in Voodoo Scientists who criticize you?
If you look closely, they've all been injected with abortive fetal cells infested transgenic injections without questioning the Big Pharma about their bioweapons. I don't see a difference between them and a street person anymore. They've failed miserably since 2020.
Find below the warning that I have been posting online since 2021. All scientific and geopolitical artifacts related to the Plandemic are included.
Thank you for a coherent comment! I am familiar with most of the links. You did a great job of posting them. Appreciate your sense of humor as well. I especially liked the link to Expose News on how to remove GO from the body. I recently posted a comment on Mercola's site to the same effect since it is not mentioned much.
Also, I recently went into my several month old Wi-Fi home router/modem to drop the output power to around 50% and noticed it was putting out a 5G signal. I promptly disabled it. I will also check it again as I don't trust it not to do a "secret reset".
With all the inundation of a plethora of toxins, we all need to do a daily detox. Those items should include Vit C (several grams/day mixed with baking soda to make sodium ascorbate which is easier on the digestive tract), NAC, Quercetin, Milk Thistle, Vit D3, Astaxanthin, Melatonin and I even use CLO2 (MMS), and Zinc. These are the basics. I also add Vit B-complex (w/P5P), Magnesium glycinate (no stearic acid or mag stearate lubricants), MSM, Boron, EDTA (oral 1200mg) and Vit K (MK-7 form). I stay away from "food" that has "ingredients" too. I only use organic coconut oil and organic grass fed butter - no vegetable oils but some real organic unadulterated olive oil. I only drink RO water (remineralized w/ Himalayan salt). I'm in my mid 60's with no meds, no vaxes and no Docs. Good blood pressure, heart rate and oxygenation and good weight. I only eat wild caught salmon or Cod, little red meat not factory farmed (100% grassfed), lots of eggs and salads with about 10 different vege's in it topped with ACV and olive oil plus hemp and Chia seeds. So, if anyone is looking for a descent diet this should be a good menu.
Hi Sam,
Just wanted to say thank you for monitoring strange activities on my site and making me aware of it. Feel free to continue as I will refrain from commenting there.
The oppositions tactics here on stack can be very subtle but still nefarious.
PS , i usually make contact in older posts because nobody looks at them. Its seems most are still in the “news” paradigm.
Best Regards,
I appreciate your attentiveness to all the comments. I, as yet, have not received a reply from the "person of interest". My concern was someone looking to find out what products are not contaminated and dosing.?
I too use older posts as you do. Hey, I think I figured out what j.a.o.b. is...just another ordinary bloke? No?
Some are just stupid and lazy, some are fishing to discredit you, some are deceptive and wanting to distract you.
jaob? , yes thats one but its broad as wordplay is my second favorite kind of play.
just an old bugger, bastard, businessman etc. depends who you ask i guess.
just angry over bullshit
or O for observant, etc
My Internet router has ethernet and wi-fi outputs. I never turned on the WI-FI, not even once. I use ethernet cables for all my computers/printers.
I use a cellphone only because I need an authentication code to connect to my corporate network. The phone is always at least 25 feet from my desk.
EMFs are as dangerous to human cells as other Big Pharma poisons.
People who believe in the government should know that it's not there to protect them, but to arm them. In the US, there are no experiments conducted by the FCC or any federal communication agency that shows the safe EMF radiation threshold.
When telecommunication companies need an approval from the government, they're the ones who decide what to show as safety proof! They tell the government what they can do and get their approval. Your health has no value to them or to the government.
BTW: 50 million Americans have no disease insurance (they call it health insurance and I don't know why) and the government spends 100s of billion of dollars to maintain ~850 military bases around the globe.
I had an Xfinity Wi-fi a few years back. I had to put it in "bridge mode" to disable the "default on" Wi-Fi, then used just ethernet cabling.
I too keep my phone away from me , keep it in airplane mode or off and also have an app that detects radiation. I went into my boss's office the other day to see if I could pinpoint the background signal I was getting. Well, the thing went through the roof. The indicator turned a funny shade of purple (beyond the red zone), and gave a reading of around 13500 microwatts/ sq meter. He had the router sitting on his desk about an arms length away. I showed him the reading but he didn't seem to believe it was a big deal. He's probably "shedding" microwaves around the planet (lol), but that's his choice I guess. I don't go in his office anymore. Supposedly a reading of anything over 0.00xxx µW/m² is not good. Our cells operate in microvolt or millvolt ranges, can't remember which one, but effectively overloading or jamming those signals for any length of time can't be healthy. Smart meters, towers, repeaters and even neighbors Wi-Fi's outputs all contribute to background radiation, not to mention things like GWEN towers, car GPS/Wi-Fi and other sources like microwave ovens and even regular ovens and stovetops emitting strong electric fields. I even have a plasma cutter that disables my cordless mouse and keyboard on my CAD computer due to the HF radiation so that PC is hard wired. I'm not about to start wearing tin foil underwear but I try to keep my exposure as low as I can.
Sounds like we're on the same page on a lot of topics. And yes, health insurance is to insure us from health.
..."shedding" microwaves....
You're actually right. I've decided to never work from a corporate office anymore because of EMFs.
Almost all corporate offices these days use WI-FI instead of cables and with 5G, cables are obsolete!
Please don't ask your boss to turn off his microwave at home too because he's going to think that you're insane. I stopped using microwaves more than 25 years ago after I understood how it interacts with food. I said never again. I had a long discussion with a 'scientist' (PhD in Physics) and he told me that it was a source of energy like any other energy!
Beware of "experts" because this guy had no clue of what he was talking about. He had zero knowledge of chemical/biochemical reactions so he could not understand that microwaves break double and triple chemical bonds in your food to create new compounds that might be toxic to your health depending on your food composition.
Now combine that with the fact that these waves are bad for your cells and you see how the population exposes itself to stupid risks in their homes just because they believe that the government approved the devices and therefore they should be safe!
Be careful with b6. I developed severe b6 toxicity from p5p. B6 in excess can be a neurotoxin. I took it actively for many years before BOOM. They say p5p is active and won’t cause toxicity. That is not the truth. Many in the b6 groups are becoming toxic on p5p and even high protein diets alone.
I just recently received EZDtox cream . Used it today . It made my skin tingle uncomfortably a little . I’m not complaining . My aching , weakened muscles and concerning weight loss lately are much more of a nuisance . I am 51 this year . I could feel my heart reacting after about 10 minutes also . I live in Alaska and do not have option for EDTA chelation here , or can’t find it anyway . Going to start my ioncleanse by AMD ionic foot bath again after reading this article . I use CD in the foot bath . DETOX in some form or another should be an every day practice at this point IMO .
I wanted to share something here also .
In 2018 I saw a few concerning things In Prince William Sound Ak while working on a salmon tender .
I saw a Alaska Airlines jet spraying and turn off its spay before Whittier heading towards Anchorage.
2. I saw a jet that was spraying , coming directly in my direction disappear near Montegue island .
Was watching it in my binoculars.
3. I went deer hunting on LaTouche island . When I sat down to spot for deer I noticed these small hairlike fibers covering the ground . Was very dense mist everywhere and ground was wet . When placing hand on ground I noticed these fibers almost magnetized toward my hand . They did stand on end and moved in direction of hand . My son (18 at the time) and I both noticed it . I live in Seward Ak . We do not have commercial air traffic , only local and military . They juice us most often at night now . During the daytime sometimes still tho .
I’ve been following Clifford C for nearly a decade . Very thankful Dr . Anna has teamed up with hers and others expertise. I will post any improvements from my self treatments .
Live in the live and the light my friends ... not their fear !
An eternal soul/spirit in a human experience. No fear of death here . I/we are eternalβ£οΈ
COUNTER MEASURES! I knew we would figure it out, and I will learn how to build them. I will encourage all the engineers I can find to work on them and develop an app that screws the 5g and remove these weapons. Fight fire with fire.
Ho Hi Wanna know what could use to look at food for detecting the unwanted active synthetic elements. Microscope, at a starting budget. I want to check fish and all. I am wondering how the Nettles, Dandelions, Brassicas are fairing as that is what I eat.. I make miso and would like to check it is OK. Thanks Paul Glastonbury UK
I've seen videos pouring Coca Cola on fish to see organisms flee. Probably the carbonate?
Also Magnets?
Rinsing veggies in baking soda and vinegar any help?
To rid the body of Morgellons, you can take alfalfa sprout daily. Epsom salt baths with aluminum free baking soda. Activated charcoal to flush out toxins fastest. Bladderwrack and Irish Sea Moss will begin to nourish the body back to health and release all mucus from inflammation. I supplement with these and see a huge difference in myself.
Morgellons is aka self assembling nanotech. It is dropped in the chemtrails, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, gmo food, etc. Dont drink pasteurized milk or refined sugar as these only enhance the problem. These things require impurities to thrive and self assemble. These are bioengineered and come in many forms. Join Morgellons an open forum on facebook, there alot of people awakened to the matter. Everyone is infected and only some show signs for various reasons. A regular intake of polyphenols (Olive Oil, nuts, etc.) will start to detox your body and the impurities they require and of course TRS. They use fluorine, bromine, chlorine, aldehydes and hydroxide to duplicate and assemble. So the polyphenols are a good start. Take raw unfiltered honey 2tbs daily to build up your immune system and of course organic and grass fed beef. Take baking soda/epsom salt baths daily. Wash your clothes with baking soda in washer and dryer it minimizes the smart dust exposure to your body. Drink distilled water. There is much to this as I have studied 4 years diligently and yes this stuff nearly killed me 4 years ago. The Dr.s and pharma only make it worse. I am no longer sick and Holistic is what healed me. You definitely need to detox the metals which are actually metal nanotech. So TRS, chia seed and flax seed as well. There is much to do, but healing can be obtained. God Bless. β€
the actual stress hormone that is released is called cortisol. It is released from the adrenal gland to attempt to protect the body in perilous times. It is actually a purity with the chemical structure of C21H30O5, which is 21 atoms of carbon, 30 atoms of hydrogen and 5 atoms of oxygen. The 4 gases that the body relies on is carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen for optimal health. So what is actually taking place during times of stress, as with any purity, the nanotech is being agitated and pushed out. So during times of stress the situation will appear worse. Having said that too much of anything regardless of what it is, is bad for you including stress. Note: synthetic cortisol (cortisone) manufactured to 'heal' ailments, but in a weaker manmade form. So eliminating some of the stress is beneficial. Like I said, join the group Morgellons open forum Kandy Griffin Vandawalker is the administrator she is well versed on the Agenda, most of the people on the site are also well educated on the situation and offer valuable information. I personally attempt to expose the agenda to mainstream often trying to awaken others. It will be good for you to have others to gain information from as well voicing your concerns.
The attitudes of those other Dr's & researchers you described in you email must be very frustrating & disappointing but when you are so far ahead of the pack you will find yourself alone carving out a new, untrodden path.
I can only encourage you to plough on as you have been doing, you are doing great work to understand what these psychos have & are continuing to do to humanity - we are living through unprecedented times & all bets are off - this may be the moment you have trained for your whole life & if not you - who else. Don't loose faith !!!
Thank you for the detox protocols - I downloaded that video π
A comment on the Expose News site story
Dr Discovers the Vaccinated Emit Electromagnetic Signals & Bluetooth Identification Codes
August 2, 2022
For the first time in human history, mRNA gene therapies are being administered throughout the planet. Governments worldwide insist the COVID-19 vaccine is ‘safe and effective’. However, since rollouts began, a host of unprecedented health conditions now plague the inoculated. Mainstream media outlets blame gardening, skipping breakfast, falling asleep with the TV on, climate change & cold showers as the culprit. Simultaneously, bizarre anomalies continue to unfold behind the scenes. Morticians are extracting peculiar metallic structures from vaccinated corpses.
One Argentinian researcher theorizes some of these synthetic objects could be an advanced type of nanoprocessor. Stranger yet, she provides evidence to support her astonishing claims.
Dr. Chinda Brandolino is a medical professional specializing in lymphology, phlebology & disease prevention. In 2021 her typically routine practice was turned upside-down. An alarming number of vaccine recipients suffered from severe & debilitating complications. Growing increasingly concerned, the physician decided to study messenger RNA & its effects on DNA. After speaking with colleagues & conducting numerous experiments, she made a startling discovery. When the Bluetooth setting was activated near immunized individuals, a unique identification code appeared on her smartphone’s screen. Each person seemingly contained an internal technological device. During an interview transcribed by Orwell City,
Dr. Brandolino shared her startling findings:
Mónica Calcedo: The chip. Is that real or a lie? Dr. Brandolino: It’s a nanoprocessor. I say again that it is in plain view for those who want to see the micrographs of the electron microscope study made by Dr. Kalcker. It’s clearly seen in the magnification: a small, perfect, quadrangular, precise-edged, metallic corpuscle which is the same as any nanoprocessor in nanotechnology- responsive devices. That nanoprocessor is driven from a 4G Plus or 5G antenna. That is, all G technology is the same. The difference lies in that the packet of information that an antenna can transmit is much larger in 4G Plus and 5G, 6G, and 7G. All that compact information is handled by a nanoprocessor— in a device which will be just inside our cells. By having Morgellons in the polyethylene glycol, they’re self-reproducing, it’s self-replicating. But because it’s in graphene… Graphene is a catalyst & as I explained to you, makes that cell resonate with the 5G antenna & the microwaves of human thought. Can you understand that? There’s a nanoprocessor driven by a 5G antenna that goes directly to the workings of our brain. On the other hand, I have seen that microchips are being inoculated in the northern hemisphere. In one of the hands of many business leaders. That would be annexed information. It would seem to be that this chip would be used… I have seen a lot of signed documents about how managers, high-ranking employees of companies use it as an identification card to open the door of the bank, etc. In it, they would have their medical history as well. All the summary data will be in that microchip, which is already a fact. If you remember, they already wanted to impose it in our countries a few years ago. It was officially manufactured by Motorola in 2000 & already in the northern hemisphere, it is used by all companies. But they are two different things: the microchip for the information & the nanoprocessor managed by the 5G antennas.
Diana Schroeder: Dr, another question. A colleague did a test with wifi. He was in a shopping mall & codes came up when he put the phone directly on the vaccinated person. Codes came up. Dr. Brandolino: That’s correct. It’s like that. I experimented with some inoculated family members of my patients. If you activate the Bluetooth option, which searches for devices, put it on the arm of the vaccinated person, you’ll get a code of about 10 digits. It’s always the same for that person. And if you put it on the other arm, that code appears again. I think that is the number of the nanoprocessor that was inoculated with the vaccine. Diana Schroeder: So that’s the person’s identification number. Dr. Brandolino: Of the nanoprocessor, of the person. Yes. Dr. Brandolino’s screenshot of the unique codes picked up Bluetooth after scanning vaccinated individuals. While injectable microcomputers sound like the work of science fiction, bioengineers already possess such capabilities. According to an entry from the National Institutes of Health database, molecular robots can program and alter DNA. Scientists from NeuroSWARM3 are currently developing particle-sized biosensors that travel through the blood-brain barrier. They then act as an antenna and wirelessly transmit neural activity to external devices. In other words, a person’s thoughts will be fully accessible. Is it any wonder why the powers-that-be were so desperate to get vaccines inside every man, woman & child? The era of transhumanism isn’t coming— it’s already here.
Copyright (C)https://downthechupacabrahole.com.
Read more at…https://downthechupacabrahole.com/2022/08/02/doctor-discovers-the-vaccinated-emit-electromagnetic-signals-bluetooth-identification-codes/
Also there was this comment
Google this article
Here’s How Graphene Oxide in All Covid ‘Vaccines’ is Slowly Killing the Vaccinated
Dr. Mylo Canderian’s viewpoint is much the same as Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates & the Big Pharma CEO’s: LET THEM ALL DIE!
I asked Mylo what the effect of second & third shots & boosters do & how that changes the End of Cycle table.
Mylo replied: “It is all measurable through hematological testing. The more shots & boosters the imbeciles get, the worse their blood will look under a microscope & the quicker they will turn to fertilizer.”
Spoken like a real psychopath (my comment)
And if you can stand anymore, there's this
Dear Ana. I have followed your substacks for some time being very skeptical. Nevertheles my ability to deduct tells me, that you might be right. Because all the coersion had to have a purpose. Likewise the scapegoating of the unvaccinated. Why this police? Why were They so eager to get this stuff in everyone? So as a physisian, i continue following you substacks. This morning i came across an app ( told about on Twitter), that might trace the vaccinated through Bluetooth. It doesnt trace me ( luckily), but it seems to trace some people around me. I do not know if it traces their mobilephones. But if it traces the very person, They must have devices in their body somehow. You might use it to test your results. Its called Bluetooth SLE Device finder on app store. You must have an iPhone. Anyway, if you need my help my e-mail isjearungby@me.comI would be happy to help you, somehow, if I can. Otolaryngology, Denmark.
Well said Ana Maria, its a similar mentality to the freedom movement where everyone wants a hero but not keen to be one.
If a Crane operator like me can be fact checking this information (and collaborating it) then everyone can. When someone that trusts you is forwarded something from your actual work they are more inclined to believe it. When forwared an article from a random internet person its straight in the "CT" basket.
The worlds under an attack and by that not just our species but all species. I'm not religious as such but if we don't wake people up we lose because we'll be fighting them before we get to look at the parasites controlling them.
Test, retest, share. Win as a species or lose as an individual, ego will isolate and individualise the person.
This is all interesting and rather scary. The problem is that after doing some kind of chelation or extraction of these particles, there is no way to know how to keep them out of your body. We don't know for sure what they are or how they are entering the body. I don't know if we can say that everybody has these structures.
For sure, the medical community will never offer any help and will never acknowledge there is a problem. I think I need more information before I panic.
Gorgo.... I hear you . I was a little freaked years ago when I learned this . Went into overprotection mode of myself and my children . We can only do what we can do . All else , that we can not control .... let it go . Knowing that we are only here for a short time in this human experience helps me . I do not fear this any longer .
I will maintain that this is the greatest time to be alive . These Evil monsters have revealed themselves . We are watching them expose themselves even more as they feel their grip slipping . We are the ones we’ve been waiting for . Do not live in fear . Love yourself as the divine creator that you are . Love everyone else . Love the day . Live free of guilt and fear . You can hate and love these monsters at the same time . You loving them will burn their arses out IMO .
Stay in the light and the love , and let it go ....
But be ready to fight like hell if you have to π
No fear !
These structure, the ribbons, can be seen with a cheap digital microscope 2000x from ebay, $80.
You video your blood droplet, and view it & save it on your computer.
Here is feedback from one source that claimed negative results for ionizing foot baths as you mention here bringing out this stuff you studies , can you please address this below , we are looking for answers that work and dont do more damage SK
people can research themselves side effects of electrocuting foot baths can't they?
i was injured/my clients some were injured- pain, brain damage, etc
they get dirty without feet in. de mineralization we felt to the core. entity attachments etc.. aura was awful. some had mini cap bleeding.. i do not agree with lots of her so called treatments. end of story
Does anyone read this document published by The Exposé saying that the FDA admitted graphene oxide in Pfizer’s vaccine?
Please, note that it is a mistake because the document is NOT about vaccine production. In fact, here is the title of the of document the Exposé show in pictures (which, by the way, do not appear by the link they provide): “Structural and Biophysical Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein (P2 S) as a Vaccine Antigen”
Whoever keep peddling this fakenews that FDA admitted GO in Pfizer vaccines, is not help in the cause. The FDA didn’t admit a thing. People will lose their credibility for re-posting without reading.
Sorry. Not sorry.
I have some fibres that are coming out of my body they are transparent and it gets little white stuff on it intermittently with a space betweeb each blob thats what it looks like little blobs along this thread shaft and all the same space between them, it does not mcve much at all and it has taken me 3 years using my phone and added microscope apps to see some of this stuff but mainly my camera sees it when i zoom in, a strand of transparent hair like thread comes out off me, I just know it's made me very poorly and I have ended up with a perforated bowel and I blame whatever is ailng me for causeing this but the skin always looks extremely dry and i am using nano So9ma and Ogygen liquid to try to help it and still the itching never stops, I can only describe it as like being naked and I have thousands of feathers that keep touching me it is aking to that, you know when you get a bit of somethibng on the nose and you feel as if yu can blow it away but feel it there well thats the feeling i get constantly. I have been tested many times for parasites and fungal infections they always come back negative and sw an infection specialist who said my iron levels and vitamin D leve;s were more or less no existent in me so I've been taking sup-lements trynig to counter that I do believe it is going to kill me I am losing the stregnth to keep fighting this thing and it hurts me as well I've had bad pain and blame whatever t is for this, there is some life to it i have seen it move but it has more or less got me housebound now I love our video's and will keep checking back thank you for speaking ut about this. Dr Ana :)
Dawn, this sounds like Morgellons. I would try to find a Doc or a mobile IV company that could administer an EDTA IV as Dr. Ana suggests to resolve what appears to be nano tech in your body. There is also a reference to a site for folks with Morgellons somewhere in this thread and it sounds like it's a good resource.
In addition, I would recommend taking NAC (n-acetylcysteine a precursor to glutathione since it is not well absorbed), Vit C - several grams/day in divided doses with some baking soda added to the Vit C crystals to reduce digestive impact and Vit D on the order of about 5000IU/day to help keep your immune system up, plus general nutrients.
This is obviously a tough ordeal to handle but I believe you can win this battle.
I take ach day, 1 oregano oil capsule 25mg., probiotics 40 billion CFU and 15 different strains, 8mg folic acid, 200mg ferrous funarate, 5000iu a day of vitamin D usually but not used why I have been using Nano Soma for the last week or so as that attaches it'sself to the vitamin D receptors in the body .....I am poorly with my health y wound burst open during my stay in opital with the perforated bowel and it opened up the entire legnth of my tummythe only good thing I was lay down had tobe rushed back to theatre there and then and operated on oce more after that it had all gone horribly wrong, my skin healed on the surface where we can see it but the couple of ayers below tha they stitch up didn't heal and opened up and as a result it looks like i have a massive hernia i look ike i am having quads and about to drop any day and I walk constanty bent over, not sure if this is casing the stooping with my tumy problems and they won't operate again and so all i can do is manage tis but i have to say te bowel/stoma works fine i have to take laxative constantly and strong ones or it wouldn't work, iit's my iggest fear that i will getmote of my bowel perforted because my stools go rock hard like a stone and they can be sharp it is that dry and solidified so to sort that i take lots of laxtives, not very day but every 3 days about twice
week to help me clear out, now i believe some stuf can cause the stools to god so hard but I haven't seen anything except parasites that do this and i am not immunosupressed and this thing does not leave me alone, I don't get any coloured fibres except the transparent hairs, occasionally i will get black ones or they can sometimes be in a spiral shape I believe they are like this in my eyes as well though, i have little white blobs on the rim of my eye lids to and it loks like a tiny pimple but it will not burst o be moved fo anything and then I can go look and they aren't there it is intermittent and I am so tired all the time, and have been today trying to find someone who will do a Life Blood Analyst Test as I have a friend helping me who is a does the naturopaty and Homeopathy and a few other things that I can't remember off the top of my head but she's very good at what she does and has been succceful and most of all I really trust her and so this is the route I'm taking so I am getting good avice my fear is I have left it to long, it's taken 4 years for me to fathom out this stuff but I forget an awful lot of thigs i can make a cup of coffee and put it down and will go back to get it a few times and still not have it and in the end I have to ask my partner to please get me my coffee from the kitchen or I won't be able to have it, I tend to drift off into space alot, my breathing is bad when it is bad you see I am on a nebuliser they tell me it is COPD but the thing I have a problem with that and is that once I sit down the breathing is fine, never a problem when I stay still and for the most part i can go a couple of weeks and the only timne the breathing is a problem is when I wake and I don't smoke but I clear any mucus quite quickly just put on tissue and bbin it and then all of sudden my oxygen can go down to 75% and I'm in hospital then for couple of days and then it will come back to normal again and I go home stuffed with anti-biotics I don't need because they don't help and I might not have a problem with it again for a while and to me COPD does not work like that if it gets so bad it is supposed to be that way all the thie, it doesn't stop and think right let her breath easily today for a week or so it would e bad all the time but it is much easier for doctors to say it is COPD...They got very lazy and very ignhorant during the pandemic and the medical profession is not goo a all in the UK these days, i call my doctor the pipsqeak these days because he is one, he tried to have me diagnosed with psychosis and I swear he wasn't sending my sample away for testing so i caught him out on the days I had to go see my infection specilist I would call to my doctors on the way and drop a sample in there to and give it to the specialist in another tub also and I never said a word and di this fr 6 straight weeks once a week and every sample from my infection specilist came back infected and everyone of my doctors came back nothing detected and so I asked why this was happening he said it was one of those things and I said "No I did this 6 times" he looked like he might fallout of his chair and i went higher than him to the trust her runs in and made a comlaint ot against my docor but atgainst what had happened anyways i got a letter back were they apologised profusely and said it was different laboratroies that had done them and some times mistakes happen and tey would be doing stuff to make sure it did not happen again bla bl bla,,,,,and since I have ony taken 2 samples to my doctos but both came back with a chest infection so hopefully I've put him mon guard now and he won't do any more shady stuf I can't prove he was doing that but I caught him out to many times now actively working against me, he got so hell bent on having me diagnosed carzy because he did not know how to fix what was happening to me but also I do wonder if our doctors are given incentives to not prescrib meds due to cost on bigpharmacuticles as here in the NHS I qualify for free treatment ad thenpipsqueak constantly talked about cost of my meds as if it was coming out his own pocket and so that made me wary i also caught him out in a lie, when I had been in the yospital with id perforated bowel I told them i had some kind of fungal infection and they gave me fluconazole intravenously for a week it started bringing up all this green stuff in my sputum but i was discharged a week later and I contacted the docotors when I got home and it took him 10 wks to prescribe and he would only do a short course of itaconazole and even complained then because the nurse as to come out to do ans ECG for those tablets and he saw me once at home to do a skin scraping he knelt down and said "I've never donethis before i have just had to check on YouTube how to do it"...i was flabbergasted and then he told me he'd been on the phone with the microbiologist at the hospital who had said I needed the fluconazole and that shye'd told him i had whats called in layman terms "Bakers yeast" and about 2 wks later i found a phone number for the microbiologist and rang her she could not remember my doctor at all he said he'd had avery lengthy conversation with her but she did not know who i was talking about and that really upset me as i had been chasing protocols to rid myself of a fungal infection...I do believe something fungal is going on just not sure what....and also the guy at the Psychosis place said he thought I was the farthest thing from mad he'd ever seen, said my mind was solid and he could not diagnose me with a problem at all and my doctor still wrote to him asking him to treat me as I said I would and I didn't intend to i just wanted the shrink to see that even though he'd said I did what was going on and he must have he never got in touch again and so I knew I had to take the herbak route and have been doing that since but reality is only for the last year and feel I am so upgainst it and this country the UK they have the medical places sewn up tight, I phoned so many people who did Naturopathy and Homeopathy etc and they all told me they didn't do the life blood Analyst tests so I might as well been asking if they had a unicorn .....only one clinic said they do it but their machine had broken and it would be a few months before it was fixed, I also googled to see if these people had gotten a license removed to do this kind of test as it seemed something was not right and google came up and showed that only last year most blood testing in the UK had been stopped due to a shortage of the vials they use and not sure if it is still carrying on with it now , I could noty find anything to say they were and I didn't look hard enough but was so tired by then so yes I feel as if anything hollistic or from nature in my country on the medical circuit is being well and truly kept under........So my dilema is I am struggling big time with mobility outsude of my home and need a chariot to take me anywhere and don't always have this a I don't drive...although I would have struggled but gone for one the life blood tests without a doubt i knew it would be a good thing for me to get the rresults from that and so n for I am in a bit of a pickle.....I don't go down wthout a fight even though i do it very nicely and calmlyI can roll up my sleeves when i need to and raise hell quietly to...lol.......thank you for your commen and advice t it is appreciated :)
Dawn, I appreciate your reaching out for help on your issues and your determination to fight for and understand what is going on with your health.
My first thought was about taking MMS, better known as Chlorine dioxide, to address the issues that may be coming from a lack of a balance in your intestinal flora due to possible yeast overgrowth or other potential parasite/ viral or bacterial overgrowth. Your use of probiotics is a good approach and your other remedies seem to be in line as well. Intestinal dysfunction is related to proper brain function as it is with people that have Autism. Once the intestinal issues become balanced, then other issues seem to fall in line with normal function. A variety of factors are considered in these approaches including a clean diet and other associated supplementation. Kerri Rivera has been working in this area for a long time and I think her website is called AutismOne.
If you can find a source to get MMS, which is sodium chlorite and a 4% HCL (hydrochloric acid) solution, which are mixed together in a drop by drop ratio, then diluted with clean water, you may have a start on getting things under control. Check out Jim Humble's research and also look up EarthClinic's website to read more on this topic. Chlorine dioxide has been used to seccessfully treat viral, bacterial and parasite infections, including malaria. Always start slow on new therapies. Chlorine dioxide can produce a "loose" intestinal condition if you have high toxicity, so if you try just two drops of sodium chlorite and two drops of 4% hydrochloric acid, reacted for about 30 seconds together, and then diluted with water of about 8oz/day, that might be enough to start ridding your body of any potential isseus related to viral, bacterial, parasitical or yeast issues you may have. This is just one possible approach to address your issues. Of course I can't say for sure if it will start to help you in rcovering from your health problems, but I would do some reading into this area to see if you think it may help. I am not a medical doctor so these suggestions are only to give you some informational bachground to look into.
I used to get my MMS supplies from the Genesis II "church". They have since deferred to another soure for these items. Either way if you can locate a sourec for MMS aka Miracle Mineral Solution aka chlorine dioxide, it may help to resolve some of your perceived (by me), problems. Hope this helps a little.
Glutathione is the master antioxidant in the body. Taking NAC, a presursor to glutathione is recommended to boost the production in the body. Vit C is also a great antioxidant which can be mixed with baking soda to reduce intestinal discomfort. If you use CLO2 (chlorine dioxide), they should be separated by about two hours as their mechanism of operation couteract each other. Chlorine dioxide works via an oxidative pathway and Vit C is an antioxidant.
Vi - Apr 10, 2023 - Edited
solutions’s Substack
I am writing this because I have an experience that is disturbing and after reading your article
I thought that is concerning what is happening. I bought a product while ago from ( store name) liquid Fulvic acid, I did put one full dropper in distilled water for my daughter, in a semi dark room, the morning after I saw 2 white things floating inside….I took them out thinking that probably they were already there inside the bottle (it was a new one). I add more water and the liquid was seating there for at least 3-4 more hours …I saw a similar thing floating, this time was shorter. I was puzzled. I add almost a full dropper in 5-6 oz of distilled water in a different jar with lid, and put the jar in a dark place.
One and half day later I have a one new white string a little fatter that the 2 previous ones also it were almost entirely out of the water. The previous day I read your paper ( my experiment was stimulated by what I read) and I think that this "experience" is at the minimum very suspicious!
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 11, 2023
solutions’s Substack
If you listen to my interview with Celeste Solumn, she says the entire food supply, water and medication supply has been contaminated. You are right to be suspicious.
solutions - Apr 28, 2023
solutions’s Substack
Ana, you said it. So don't keep trusting any pharmaceutical drug or prescribe any. You will be prescribing a disguised poison at this time of this biological war. Natural solutions exist and I tested them to defeat this bioweapon many times, and the results with different people have worked very well.
Vi - Apr 11, 2023
I am watching Your interviews on youtube…another very good starting point!
Vi - Apr 11, 2023
Thank you Dr Mihalcea, I will do that!! actually my perception is as you clearly stated…a total compromise/contamination on the chain food supply. .
ideally, the focus would be how to minimize the awful potential effects.
I am Grateful for your workπ
WildernessofZin - Apr 11, 2023
Hi Ana . I know your busy . I do not expect you to reply .... but on the off chance you can ... what are your thoughts on wild game like Moose ? Alaskan Salmon ? I can send you or Mike Adams a package of each harvested in 2022 to be tested . And more to be enjoyed ... ππ€£
Larry Druhall - Apr 11, 2023
Solution Seeking
It would be interesting to see how introducing CDS would effect all of this. Perhaps CDS at concentrations equivalent to the blood concentrations resulting from using CDS Protocol C, as described here...https://andreaskalcker.com/en/cds-clo2/cds-protocols.html
Joanna Gear - Apr 11, 2023
Joanna’s Newsletter
Dear Vi: Disturbing! I have Humic acid-Fulvic acid in 3 different bottles from different sources. One is a large bottle to detox my garden soil. Now I will test all three, thanks to you. If I find similar disturbing results of testing I will post them here on Dr. Ana’s substack. Bless you.
Vi - Apr 11, 2023
Joanna’s Newsletter
I yes, please try them out, mine is a well known product that comes in a small black box with white letters. I did use distilled water every time with similar results. I have pictures and I am waiting for any development since I have the jar intact. Also, the fact that I used water makes me wonder about everything..even taking showers. Take care, blessings to you.
Joanna Gear - Apr 11, 2023
Joanna’s Newsletter
Hi, Vi. I was just getting ready to test mine. I don’t have any distilled water but will try twice-boiled water from my electric kettle. I got online the 3 different H-F. One very large bottle/jug is for detox of my garden soil so is out in the garage. I am testing a 2-oz dropper bottle from “Age-Immune”: Fulvic-Humic Acid : Ionic Trace Minerals”. Everything looks legit to me. Then there’s a 1-quart bottle of Vital Earth Minerals: “Mineral Blend Fulvic-Humic”. From Colorado, going since 2000, looks fully legit as well. I will follow up whether I find anything or not.
I don’t trust anything any more, esp. since we saw all those photos of inoculated raw meat this past week! Esp. since I posted photos of the poison snow in my garden the past 2 years — that did not melt but scorched black and stunk, under a lighter fire. More later….
Vi - Apr 11, 2023
Joanna’s Newsletter
Thanks for replying, at this point we need to test almost everything. Fingers crossed you will not encounter similar results that I had…I will repeat the test using distilled water and another one with RO adding the same amount of Fulvic acid because after these results I won’t let anyone else get close to this product.
About the snow…I saw some videos last year showing the same situation .. What an awful experience!
Take care!
Joanna Gear - Apr 11, 2023
Joanna’s Newsletter
What is RO? I will get some distilled water for testing, I guess. Will we soon have to test every fresh food product before eating? I remember hearing they were inoculating fresh tomatoes and lettuces with the hydrogel (rubbery clot-makers) many months ago.
I wish I had kept the antique microscope my grandfather (botanist) gave me back in the 60s!
Vi - Apr 11, 2023
RO Is reverse osmosis, since we are in different environments I think that your water will be fine, I am just starting a new one with tap water that have 235 ppm so pretty full of “good and bad” things.
I want to know if the white strings will show up again and if those chemicals have any different effect.
About the microscope….that is unfortunate! ..nobody expected this type of situation :/
Marty - Apr 12, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
Are you in the United States or Canada ? With the constant chemtrail spraying there it's not surprising that these synthetic fibers end up being found in food and water.
Vi - Apr 12, 2023 - Edited
California and, the pollution is overwhelming...even using RO and water distiller or eating all organic food....nobody could escape this environment. They doesn’t look like fibers....more like worms. Pretty disturbing
Whole Mommy - Apr 11, 2023
Whole Mommy’s Newsletter
Fulvic acid is minerals - it could be magnetic, attracting to itself
Theoretically it attracts toxic things from our body, traps the toxins inside it's structure and we poop it out. Charcoal, zeolite, etc
Debra - Apr 14, 2023
Just to be clear charcoal works a bit differently then zeolite. They are both negatively charged substances. I don't believe that charcoal goes and finds the toxins to bind to where zeolite does so you need another supplement to bind to the toxin and then the charcoal will help remove it from the body. Zeolite does both parts: 1) acts as a scavenger in the body and then also binds to the toxin and 2) removes it from the body. It's gentle and safe in the way it works and shouldn't cause any herxeimer (adverse) reaction if used properly. Charcoal, which is great is not something to use long term because apparently it can remove minerals too since they are positively charged. Zeolite won't bind to any minerals that are bound to a protein in the body and you can use it long term. Not clear if charcoal will remove minerals bound to proteins in the body. From my research, zeolite powder is the best form of zeolite to use. As I mentioned, it is a negatively charged substance, as is charcoal, so it binds to positively charged substances which include many toxins (glycoproteins, lipid nano particles, heavy metals, molds, flouride, and many more). Zeolite also alkalines the body and helps to suppress cancer by becoming a little bit positive and being able to go into the negatively charged cancer cells to help turn on the C21 gene (I believe that's what it's called) which is the cancer suppression gene. It's fascinating stuff. Dr. Howard Peiper wrote a short book about it.
This article gives a little explanation of the differences:https://www.therechargeclinic.com/post/everything-you-need-to-know-about-zeolite-for-detox
Whole Mommy - Apr 14, 2023
Whole Mommy’s Newsletter
Thank you, very helpful!
Vi - Apr 11, 2023
Self-assembling, it’s the only answer that I have after observing the results.
Debra - Apr 14, 2023
Just to be clear, you believe the fulvic acid is contaminated, right? Not your water supply. Or both?
Vi - May 2, 2023
The water is distilled with no further contamination possible.
Debra - May 2, 2023
Ironically that you just responded to this because I was going to purchase humic and fulvic acid and I was curious to know what brand you were referring to in your test. What brand of fulvi acid have you tested?
Vi - May 3, 2023
Actually it was not a test, I prepared the solución and it was seating form the night and the next morning I remembered it …that was the moment that I saw the things floating in the bottom for the first time. It happened later 2 more times with same results.
About the brand, I can tell that the liquid comes in a black bottle with white letters and says fulvic mineral drops.
I hope it helps.
Tracey White - Apr 10, 2023 - Edited
I am being out through hell some nights when my unusual symptoms are intense. They started summer 21 & led to FND. My own speech is communicating with me as though someone else is using it. My speech/body are following commands I or others give to it. I have tinnitus, vibrations targeting specific areas causing significant blood loss to rear also. I have Fasciculations, a strong feeling my nervous system has been remotely hacked causing symptoms similar to remote neural monitoring (see Dr Katherine Horton re the physics on how this is done). James Giordano (pentagon advisor/neuroweapons expert) said there is evidence civilians r being targeted. He also talks about nanotechnology. I am unvaccinated. I am awaiting sleep clinic results before hopefully being referred to a specialist but the medical profession don’t look for symptoms connected to this technology. At the moment I have Fasciculations, extreme tinnitus, vibrations affections gums which is also throughout body. It’s like a nightmare. I had large bruises shortly after symptoms started and I have controlled involuntary movements of limbs which can often be very sexual in nature and it is expert level affecting pelvic area and mouth/tongue. Blood test showed my iron dropped to 5.4 after blood loss following intense pelvic symptoms. This is back to normal following ferrous sulphate. my veins raise rapidly. There are too many symptoms to list. A smear and ultrasound were normal apart from a cyst on my ovary. symptoms can be off the scale in terms of intensity and I can put up with a lot but this is not normal what I am experiencing. There is an overwhelming intuition that it is some sort of technology causing it. Intuition detects it’s unnatural. Can Anyone recommend a blood test which would show these blood problems you discuss? Something happened to me in October 22 when I had an mri. I began having severe Fasciculations, severe spasms and my first of two functional seizures (2nd the following day). The next morning I was unable to walk. It is as though something being used on my interacted with the scanner. The hospital said over email that mri wouldn’t affect my walking so I went for a private neurophysio assessment and was told I had FND in his opinion and had to relearn to walk. I was also getting paused speech following mri. The doctor thought my walking had been triggered by keeping still under the machine and focusing on that. I disagree. The mri result was normal but Barrie Trower (ex mi5 microwave scientist/whistleblower) said any mri would have to be read by a world class expert to detect this radio frequency/pulsed microwave frequency. The tinnitus is so loud now it is making my throat hurt. If I put my fingers on my ears or any part of my body (excluding shoulders) they forcefully repel as though the are magnetic and touching opposite magnets within my body or something. Any advice appreciated. I am 48 and live in England. My email istw1traceywhite@icloud.comI am not very technical and don’t know if I can look for replies on here so email best if anyone knows of a test I could request or any experts I could contact who may understand what is happening to me. Thank you
Lisa@eatrealfood - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited
For tinnitus try nicotine- gum or patch. Dr ardis claimed it helped his family and patients. Use nicotine slowly increasing tolerance be cause it can cause nausea if using too fast. Benefits were noticed within days to a week.
Best to you
Jessie - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
This truly works. More details....Dr Ardis recommends cutting a 14 mg patch in 7 pieces. It's much easier to cut 8 so that's what I do ( slightly lower dose) Use just 1 piece per day. Use for 2 weeks, then can increase to double the dose ( cut patch into 4 pieces) and use 1 per day. (I also put 2 bandaides on to keep it on until the next day.) It's a very small dose and I havnt had any side effects except slightly less hunger ( good for me!) and slightly more intense dreams. I feel like I can think more clearly and it's removed alot of my brain fog. It's worth a try. Good luck to you!
Marty - Apr 12, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Nice. I'm too lazy and just cut the 14mg in half but it's better to take multiple micro doses throughout the day as you're doing.
Jessie - Apr 12, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Well...im lazy too π I just felt more comfortable starting with lower doses because I didn't know how my body would respond to nicotine. I didn't want to end up with a massive migraine trying something new. I might eventually go up to higher doses.
Marty - Apr 13, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
You did the right thing, your first hit of nicotine should be a moderate dose. A sign that you've taken too much is when you have a racing hearbeat (migraine is another common symptom), as nicotine induces a mild vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels).
The median lethal dose of nicotine is uncertain but it's far from anything you could get from the strongest nicotine patches.
Tracey White - Apr 11, 2023
WildernessofZin - Apr 11, 2023
Niacin might have the same effect as nicotine. Niacin has the same basic elements as nicotine except o2 added .
Yonatan - Apr 12, 2023
Unfortunately, niacin does not attach to the nicotinic receptors. I use Tobacco Essential Oil, just one drop in a cup of coffee. Tastes great and solves the problem of venom peptides attaching to the nicotinic receptors.
Tracey White - Apr 11, 2023
Thanks for the info
Yonatan - Apr 11, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Comment removed.
Yonatan - Apr 11, 2023
Better yet, just purchase some Tobacco Essential Oil from India; it will last virtually forever, as one drop in a cup of coffee does the trick.
Marty - Apr 12, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
I agree with you, the patches are the best option, most brands of nicotine gum are full of useless toxic ingredients as well.
Larry Druhall - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited
Solution Seeking
Tracey White, I am so sorry you are going through this. I hope you can enjoy a complete recovery soon.
You may want to read this Substack and take appropriate actions to lower your EMF exposure levels, including measuring, mitigation, shielding and avoidance.https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/enemy-emf-silent-weapons-for-quiet
I will note that, if you are in a strong enough Faraday cage, wireless communication will be blocked. A few months ago I noted some disturbing dreams that were not mine (along with tinnitus for the first time in my life), I had never had dreams like that before. I increased the Faraday cage shielding to over 50 dB (log scale, that is 99.999% +) shielding, and the strange dreams and tinnitus stopped. This is an excellent product, and wrapping in it has worked for me. I think the company is in the UK, so you can probably order it directly from there. I am in the US, so this is a US description.
UK website:https://emf-protection.co.uk/?s=BlocSilver®+EMF+Protection+Fabric
In addition, you may want to try CDS, as described below. it helped me, and others, who had some of the challenges you list. Along with the EMF measurement, mitigation, shielding, and avoidance, CDS saved my life, and allowed me to make a surprising recovery. I will give some information about CDS below.
Here is CDS inventor and leader Dr. Kalcker describing how he makes CDS. My way is much cheaper and should be equally effective. I have done it Kalcker's way too.
Here is CDS information.
CDS has been called the universal antidote. It saved my life and allowed me to regain an acceptable quality of life. Here is another video and downloadable information.
Sincere wishes for a rapid, complete, and lasting recovery.
Tracey White - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited
Solution Seeking
Thank you. Barrie Trower worked at mi5 & recommended ES-U.K. emf charity as shielding/emf exposure reduction is the same whether it is deliberate or accidental from Wi-Fi. I bought shielding from another company but it isn’t military grade and isn’t very good. Barrie said only a faraday cage can block microwaves and embassies have them. He said I can build one using chicken wire but u need several layers and make it like a box over where u sleep as yr immune system drops overnight by around 70% he may have said and it’s made up
The following day by water, good, outdoors etc. After a 18 mths it will give up and illness will appear. Es-U.K. don’t recommend them as they block something else but as I get intense symptoms at times I think I will have to try it. He said make a small one first to put mobile phone in and ring it from another phone. If it rings, add more layers until it doesn’t then replicate it over yr bed. I bought an emf detector from Amazon (just £47 one so didn’t show radio frequency) and this detected danger so levels all over my bedroom. I contacted es-U.K. and they said my symptoms aren’t typical of emfs but EMFs can cause seizures and tinnitus I think. However, I am certain it is neuroweapons due to its presentation and my extensive research. The only thing I was looking into as another possibility was covid as Dr Francis Boyle, who drafted the biological weapons act, said covid 19 was a weapon and many are claiming they have neurological symptoms but these aren’t elaborated on. However, my life is complex and I was writing to Boris Johnson re data leaks over investigations just before symptoms started. Apparently a number of people became involved in my situation and my symptoms started shortly after. My life fits the ‘the criteria’ to be targeted. Thank you though for the info. Not very technical but it apparently costs around £100 for chicken wire so will make one soon just for respite now and then when symptoms intense
Larry Druhall - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited
Solution Seeking
Thanks for the information. Barrie Trower is excellent. Your description of his layered chicken wire box Faraday cage is excellent. Two videos from him are provided in this link.https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/enemy-emf-silent-weapons-for-quietThe Faraday cage with the chicken wire appears to be a great option, I have measured chicken wire and even one wrap can give a pretty good reduction in some of the radiation. My experience, and the experience of others, indicates that we could not heal the EMF issues until after we got a tri field meter like the one discussed in that link and learn how to use it to really measure the EMF levels in the environment to ensure they were within the building biology standards also discussed in the link. I found that the cell phone test was a great idea, but incomplete. When you wrap with a conductive material you are building a Faraday cage, wrap completely in all dimensions and you build a better Faraday cage, and the measurement meter clearly shows how any holes effect the radiation that gets through. Each situation is different and the more information one can gain to learn more about that situation, the better. I note that in some of her videos, Dr. Horton appears to be in a crude Faraday cage, and still claims to have been targeted there, but I never saw her using a meter adequate for measuring the radiation. Others, and I, did not heal until after we got a good meter and learned from what the meter told us. A powerful Faraday cage will also shield the Schumann Resonance frequencies that are necessary for health, so a Schumann resonator might also be a good idea. Experts say that the most important time to shield against radiation is when sleeping, though it all adds up.
This is all far too complicated, expensive, time consuming, and controversial for many. My experience is that the effort spent on learning usually pays off. We all do our best. I hope that the solutions you choose work for you.
Yonatan - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited
Solution Seeking
I hate to inform you of this, but 4G+ and 5G deploy scalar electromagnetic waves that penetrate Faraday cages with ease. Only a Tesla shield can stop them. I was an EE in my younger days.
Larry Druhall - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited
Solution Seeking
As I think about this, I would like to share something else for review and comment... How many times did Edison have to try before inventing a working light bulb? If we try something and it fails, is that not a valuable learning opportunity, and an invitation to adjust accordingly, and try again? I think our enemy might have vulnerabilities it does not want us discovering. I fully intend to work on discovering those vulnerabilities, and I will continue to try solutions, learn from failures and setbacks, adapt, and do my best. I fear that our enemy may have brainwashed, hypnotized, brain damaged, or otherwise convinced far too many of us into giving up and not trying anymore. Collaborations with those who will work together to try new things is welcome. Thank you.
Marty - Apr 12, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
That's the spirit, Larry. Never give up.
Larry Druhall - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited
Solution Seeking
Further, I would like to possibly collaborate with an EE on things like an affordable meter design that works on the so called forbidden frequencies, from 10 GHz and above. Some meters exist for some of these frequencies, but they are, in my opinion, inadequate. Perhaps using adaptations of some of the interferometry techniques that have long been used by amateur radio astronomers to measure these frequencies, it is curious how many of these plans for these radio telescopes have magically disappeared from the internet recently. If you can give my any advice or guidance, Yonatan, I would appreciate it. Thank you.
Yonatan - Apr 11, 2023
I was an EE up to 23 years ago, but not specialized in the design of antennae. Unfortunately, I've lost contact with the technical world, having moved into Technical Writing for a decade, and an online health business until the FTC, FDA, and PayPal sent me threatening letters in June, 2020. At present, I am in the survival mode, fending off bioweapons with success, I might add. I must stay clear of 5G/4G+ towers for sure. I did purchase an EMF baseball cap which helps a little when I'm out and about. Meanwhile, I'm researching all I can on how to not be "done in" by the bioweapons, and have categorized some potential remedies here:https://badtimes.yolasite.com/resources/Detoxification%20Schedule3_26.pdf
Larry Druhall - Apr 11, 2023
Solution Seeking
That is a good point, thanks for making it. As a mechanical engineer, it is not my area. but I have studied it, and scalar design. And you are absolutely correct. As of yet I have not tried to develop something like a Tesla shield. But I will say that the nested Faraday cages, along with a DC Schumann resonator, allowed me to heal to a significant and surprising extent. Experts like Dr. Kinghardt, who have demonstrated success in healing hundreds of people from EMF harm, also advocate for measurement, shielding, and avoidance. If the enemy decides to specifically target somebody and devote resources like a scalar EMF weapon against them, then perhaps setting up a diversion might be an idea, EG. put your cell phone in a different place and do other things to try to fool the enemy into attacking that place instead of where you are. I am of the opinion that there are always things to try, no matter how powerful our enemy may appear.
Yonatan - Apr 11, 2023
Thanks for your excellent suggestions. I would be hesitant to use a decoy, as someone else may get fried in your place if they are in close proximity to the decoy. Most of my time is spent in a "bomb shelter" room with steel plates all around. It significantly attenuates rf, and almost completely blocks out local FM radio stations. I got rid of all RF routers in the home. My tinnitus is subdued to a large extent, and probably by no small measure by the practice of chelation (getting rid of toxic graphene compounds). Nicotine restored my taste, too, and I take a drop of Tobacco essential oil in my coffee now and then. It is non-addictive because it contains no pyrazine, the addictive substance found in commercial tobaccos. To be sure it was pyrazine-free, I ordered some from India on eBay.
kaal - Apr 11, 2023
If this is coming from chemtrails it may be possibly to get it from your skin plus internal detox. lookoutfacharlie video the end of electronic harassment. you have to watch more than a few of his videos to understand. and his protocols take time- i understand w some bleeding cuz it involves fungal infection under the skin/ u become sensitized to becoming a targeted individual cant remember where i saw his protocol it might have beenstopthecrime.netorlookoutfacharlie.comid try lookoutfacharlie and see if he has a web sitelookoutfacharlie.comim trying to remember i think his website connects tostopthecrime.nethope u feel better.
Rosalind McGill - Apr 11, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I love lookout for Charlie. & soooo many targeted individuals, all with slightly different terrible tricks being used against them
Tracey White - Apr 11, 2023
kaal - Apr 11, 2023
lookoutfacharlie.blogspot.comThe key to this and missing part is fungal infection under/ beneath the skin. So yes bathing w epsom borax but it involves scraping and peeling back layers of skin to get to this infection . Appears to take time/ effort/ pain. This along with internal detox.
Lynley Hocking - Apr 11, 2023
Lynley’s Substack
I don’t have assistant knowledge but I just want to say I hear you and I am sorry for your suffering. Magnetic symptoms.. sounds scary. I have been researching a lot so will email any links that may apply.
Good luck
Tracey White - Apr 11, 2023
Lynley’s Substack
Thank you
Lynley Hocking - Apr 11, 2023
Lynley’s Substack
This is an army substack writer who knows stuff about body response to programming toxicity etc
Tracey White - Apr 11, 2023
Thanks. Will have a proper look later
Lynley Hocking - Apr 11, 2023
Lynley’s Substack
This is Dr Anna’s article on edta a treatment to clear the blood
Markker - Apr 10, 2023
Hi Tracey, If you make a comment and someone replies to you, when you are back in Substack again if it is another day, you will see the Bell Icon in top right of Inbox with a number on it, also lefthand side of in box webpage to show number of replies to any comments you have made. So just click there. I'm in UK also, Yorkshire. I have unfortunately no help to offer as there doesn't seem to be anyone medicl in UK that is loooking into these things.
Tracey White - Apr 11, 2023
Thanks. My memory is sometimes also affected plus processing and I have used this site before (a few mths ago) but forgot. I should be ok now
Charlene Jones - Apr 11, 2023
Try this since the other got scrubbed:
Charlene Jones - Apr 11, 2023
Try watching this video. Toward the end of the video he discusses how he treats people with these symptoms.
Markker - Apr 11, 2023
I'm so sorry to hear your problems. I have lots of difficulties in trying to get anyone to realise things we are told are not what they seem, including my adult kids and most of my friends who have all gone and got these jabs. It is worrying to learn that even unjabbed can be affected and unless one wants to go live like a hermit in the woods, we will encounter problems with shedding, wifi and 5g etc. I do not have any answers but if I find any I will let you know. One of the problems is so much information, coming from all sides, because they have people put there, both sides so the punters find a saviour, one side or the other and it is deliberate, so we do not know what to believe so we do nothing and shrug our shoulders. This is how they operate. I would look at the videos on the electrical foot baths, not to buy, ridiculous prices, but find someone who could knock something up and try to remove whatever it is in your body. Another substack, Christine247 (I think, not 100% sure) has a post about a 12v car battery which will obliterate any nanbots. I am just telling you it exists, not advice to take up her recommendations.
Joanna Gear - Apr 11, 2023
Joanna’s Newsletter
Tracey, you have broken my heart. I am going to email you directly to talk a little and send you love. Your symptoms are mine, though I am spared the worst of yours by far. Love, Joanna
Tracey White - Apr 11, 2023
Thank you but I am not into talking about this really. I prefer to distract myself. It’s 4.17 am and I’ve been awake with symptoms for over an hour. I don’t go online much to discuss this as I get exhausted easily and I concentrate on photography when symptoms are less intense but thank you. Just trying to see if there are any blood tests/thermal imaging which may show the cause as there is no way this is part of FND as it’s too targeted in nature. I know about targeted individuals also. I am trying to get medical evidence but this is slow on the nhs. I contacted a private speech therapist and she didn’t know what my speech problem was and asked if she could send the footage to a colleague in Oxford who understood FND. They said I needed to see a neurologist but my GP is refusing as I already seen one even though he failed to diagnose, only gave me one phone call as he runs a remote clinic and arranged mri before discharging me saying it wasn’t organic. I had to go privately for one off assessment where FND was his opinion. Hopefully I will get to the bottom of it eventually. Just having another bad night. Thanks for the support though, it’s really kind.
Marty - Apr 12, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
First of all, and feel free to ignore this, but: don't do any more MRI, and avoid EMF as much as possible in your environment.
I'd recommend "earthing" (grounding) every day, walking barefoot on the ground, for 30-45 minutes. It's excellent to normalize blood pressure and will help unload negative magnetism.
Tracey White - Apr 12, 2023
I have 19 & (almost 17) yr old sons so impossible to avoid Wi-Fi. I love photography do have my camera on airplane mode and put phone on this mode a lot. Put my laptop on it too whenever possible but it’s everywhere so just about reducing exposure if possible I suppose. It’s everywhere. I had a normal mri but was told it was a fmri I needed but this isn’t available on the NHS. If I could afford it, I would get a fmri and also a full thermal imaging scan privately. It’s upsetting that the government are choosing to ignore this. They have a duty of care.
Crosby Guy - Apr 11, 2023
Get out of range of cell phones towers and wi-fi. Turn off your devices. They grow.
Whole Mommy - Apr 11, 2023
Whole Mommy’s Newsletter
Have you tried a morgellons detox bath? Borax and something about hamster pellets? This ionic foot bath or the edta protocol sound worth trying.
Zeolite, charcoal, diatomaceous earth orally also worth researching.
Thomas Guitarman - Apr 11, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Those are all great ideas use all the natural remedies and methods .
Nostradamus X - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
.....Many doctors and scientists are denying the presence of nanotechnology .....
The same "experts" told the world in 2020 that a novel coronavirus had infected humans via a zoonotic jump and that it was so dangerous that 7 billion people had to be genetically modified in order to survive...
1. I just turned around and found the blueprint of a Plandemic published in 2010
o Covid-19 Plandemic Blueprint – RKM Lockstep 2010 Report.
2. Then another person in another country published the "Global Predators" confirming what the blueprint of the Plandemic was saying.
3. I then turned around and found 50 nanotechnology patents used for C-19 quackcines.
o Micro-Tech Patents (50) – Charles Lieber – Caught!
Why would anybody still believe in Voodoo Scientists who criticize you?
If you look closely, they've all been injected with abortive fetal cells infested transgenic injections without questioning the Big Pharma about their bioweapons. I don't see a difference between them and a street person anymore. They've failed miserably since 2020.
Find below the warning that I have been posting online since 2021. All scientific and geopolitical artifacts related to the Plandemic are included.
Nostradamus X - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
Disclaimer of Liability ™
Whilst we endeavor to make our products toxic (1,291 side effects), we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about their efficacy and safety.
We cannot guarantee that your gene 144 won’t be deleted, your X / Y Chromosome won’t be inverted, your gene 69-70 won’t be deleted or mutated, that you may experience loss-of-function due to protein folding, that your gene E1, E3, E4 won’t be deleted, that you won’t receive shots full of magnetic graphene oxides, nano-biosensors and self-integrated bio-circuits (motherboards, transistors, routers, antennas, etc…).
We do not guarantee that you won’t be MAC Addressed as per Clown Schwab’s instructions (COVID -19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world), that your Cancer Fighting CD8 T Cells won’t be suppressed.
“Let's be clear, the future is not just happening; the future is built by us, a powerful community here in this room. We have the means to impose the state of the world (Clown Schwab, Davos 2022)”.
By using our products you agree that you automatically become legally a trans-human and therefore our property since you are GM-modified using our patented MmRNAs (CERTIORARI 12–398).
Trans-humans do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state and this applies worldwide. Our patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.
Any reliance you place on our products is therefore strictly at your own risk.
We care,
CEOs Murderna & Schizer.
Dr. Red Pill Fact Checker: They make sh$t!
o Schizer (1minute video)
o Murderna (1minute video)
o Micro-Tech in COMIRNATY Quackcine – New Zealand D SOS
o How to Detect your MAC Address (e.g: “Pfizer borg 00:00:5e:00:53:af”)
o Micro-Tech Patents (50) – Charles Lieber – Caught!
o Covid-19 Quackcines Worldwide Democide - 1,291 Side Effects – Schizer Approval Document Reveals
o Suppression of Cancer Fighting CD8 T Cells - 100% of People Tested pre and post Covid-injections.
o “MmRNA Vaccine Approval” was a Farce. Deaths and Injuries are Real and Intentional
ο Democide Actors: Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise
ο Hidden in Plain Sight: Bombshell Document Dump on Pfizer Vaccine Data
By February of 2021, Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of deaths allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.
ο The Canaries in the Human DNA Mine
The claims by Pfizer and Moderna repeated by regulators and complicit politicians that modRNAs do not enter the cell nucleus, and reverse transcribe into the Human Genome, were lies, made knowingly. Over four decades of scientific knowledge that started with a Nobel Prize only pointed to modRNAs integrating into the Human Genome, the knowledge of Retroposition. The WHO and regulatory experts everywhere did not want to inform the global population about these facts.
ο Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
ο UK’s Plandemic: “When Do We Deploy the New Variant?” – Hancock (Health Minister) asked.
During April 2020 out-of-hospital prescribing for Midazolam was twice the amount seen in 2019
Omicron is Not Normal
ο UK - IT WAS ALL A LIE: NHS Director confirms Hospitals lied about Cause of Death to create Illusion of COVID Pandemic
ο FACT: Midazolam Matt Hancock turned Care Homes into Concentration Camps where the Elderly & Vulnerable were given Lethal Injections to create the Illusion of a COVID Pandemic
ο Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth
ο Reviewing the DOD Contracts for Covid "Countermeasures" - 2020
ο Ralph Baric – NIH : Mice & Bat Viruses
ο Covid-19 Cartel: Groundbreaking New Book Sends Shockwaves Through Pfizer’s Criminal Enterprise
ο Regulation or Racket? UK Drug Regulator Never Inspected the Pfizer Vaccine Study Data
ο UK MP says Covid-19 is a Manufactured Bioweapon and Security Services knew about it in August 2019
ο 1981 Depopulation Agenda: Jacques Attalli - BilderBerger
ο Pharma Exec Privately Admits Dangers of Vaccine to Rand Paul – What You Can Do to Keep Your Family Safe
ο Deadly Skies: FAA Moves Medical Goalposts for Pilots (80% injected) - Putting Your Life At Risk
ο Pilot Dies During Takeoff, "The Captain is Out" [ATC audio] - Chicago
ο Criminal Charges: U.S. District Attorney's and U.S. Sheriffs working together to criminally charge Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak and many others for racketeering, collusion in creating the Wuhan virus and premeditated murder of thousands by Remdesivir and Covid Vaccines.
ο British/Swiss citizen files lawsuit against Pfizer in America for profiteering from covid mandates
ο Secret Government Documents confirm COVID-19 Vaccine roll-out caused Excess Deaths in Australia to increase by 5,162%
ο Fauci Lied & Children Died: Secret CDC Documents confirm 120k Children, Teens & Young Adults ‘Died Suddenly’ in the US by Oct. 2022 after ‘“Emergency” Use Authorisation’ of Covid Vaccines.
ο BREAKING: Confidential Pfizer Documents confirm Graphene Oxide is in the COVID Vaccines & here is how to remove it from your body
Sam - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited
matt’s microscopy
Thank you for a coherent comment! I am familiar with most of the links. You did a great job of posting them. Appreciate your sense of humor as well. I especially liked the link to Expose News on how to remove GO from the body. I recently posted a comment on Mercola's site to the same effect since it is not mentioned much.
Also, I recently went into my several month old Wi-Fi home router/modem to drop the output power to around 50% and noticed it was putting out a 5G signal. I promptly disabled it. I will also check it again as I don't trust it not to do a "secret reset".
With all the inundation of a plethora of toxins, we all need to do a daily detox. Those items should include Vit C (several grams/day mixed with baking soda to make sodium ascorbate which is easier on the digestive tract), NAC, Quercetin, Milk Thistle, Vit D3, Astaxanthin, Melatonin and I even use CLO2 (MMS), and Zinc. These are the basics. I also add Vit B-complex (w/P5P), Magnesium glycinate (no stearic acid or mag stearate lubricants), MSM, Boron, EDTA (oral 1200mg) and Vit K (MK-7 form). I stay away from "food" that has "ingredients" too. I only use organic coconut oil and organic grass fed butter - no vegetable oils but some real organic unadulterated olive oil. I only drink RO water (remineralized w/ Himalayan salt). I'm in my mid 60's with no meds, no vaxes and no Docs. Good blood pressure, heart rate and oxygenation and good weight. I only eat wild caught salmon or Cod, little red meat not factory farmed (100% grassfed), lots of eggs and salads with about 10 different vege's in it topped with ACV and olive oil plus hemp and Chia seeds. So, if anyone is looking for a descent diet this should be a good menu.
matt. j.a.o.b - Dec 28, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Hi Sam,
Just wanted to say thank you for monitoring strange activities on my site and making me aware of it. Feel free to continue as I will refrain from commenting there.
The oppositions tactics here on stack can be very subtle but still nefarious.
PS , i usually make contact in older posts because nobody looks at them. Its seems most are still in the “news” paradigm.
Best Regards,
Sam - Dec 28, 2023
matt’s microscopy
I appreciate your attentiveness to all the comments. I, as yet, have not received a reply from the "person of interest". My concern was someone looking to find out what products are not contaminated and dosing.?
I too use older posts as you do. Hey, I think I figured out what j.a.o.b. is...just another ordinary bloke? No?
matt. j.a.o.b - Dec 28, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Some are just stupid and lazy, some are fishing to discredit you, some are deceptive and wanting to distract you.
jaob? , yes thats one but its broad as wordplay is my second favorite kind of play.
just an old bugger, bastard, businessman etc. depends who you ask i guess.
just angry over bullshit
or O for observant, etc
Sam - Dec 28, 2023
I was leaning towards the first two categories.
JAOB...thanks, got a good laugh on those!
Nostradamus X - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
My Internet router has ethernet and wi-fi outputs. I never turned on the WI-FI, not even once. I use ethernet cables for all my computers/printers.
I use a cellphone only because I need an authentication code to connect to my corporate network. The phone is always at least 25 feet from my desk.
EMFs are as dangerous to human cells as other Big Pharma poisons.
People who believe in the government should know that it's not there to protect them, but to arm them. In the US, there are no experiments conducted by the FCC or any federal communication agency that shows the safe EMF radiation threshold.
When telecommunication companies need an approval from the government, they're the ones who decide what to show as safety proof! They tell the government what they can do and get their approval. Your health has no value to them or to the government.
BTW: 50 million Americans have no disease insurance (they call it health insurance and I don't know why) and the government spends 100s of billion of dollars to maintain ~850 military bases around the globe.
Sam - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
I had an Xfinity Wi-fi a few years back. I had to put it in "bridge mode" to disable the "default on" Wi-Fi, then used just ethernet cabling.
I too keep my phone away from me , keep it in airplane mode or off and also have an app that detects radiation. I went into my boss's office the other day to see if I could pinpoint the background signal I was getting. Well, the thing went through the roof. The indicator turned a funny shade of purple (beyond the red zone), and gave a reading of around 13500 microwatts/ sq meter. He had the router sitting on his desk about an arms length away. I showed him the reading but he didn't seem to believe it was a big deal. He's probably "shedding" microwaves around the planet (lol), but that's his choice I guess. I don't go in his office anymore. Supposedly a reading of anything over 0.00xxx µW/m² is not good. Our cells operate in microvolt or millvolt ranges, can't remember which one, but effectively overloading or jamming those signals for any length of time can't be healthy. Smart meters, towers, repeaters and even neighbors Wi-Fi's outputs all contribute to background radiation, not to mention things like GWEN towers, car GPS/Wi-Fi and other sources like microwave ovens and even regular ovens and stovetops emitting strong electric fields. I even have a plasma cutter that disables my cordless mouse and keyboard on my CAD computer due to the HF radiation so that PC is hard wired. I'm not about to start wearing tin foil underwear but I try to keep my exposure as low as I can.
Sounds like we're on the same page on a lot of topics. And yes, health insurance is to insure us from health.
Nostradamus X - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
..."shedding" microwaves....
You're actually right. I've decided to never work from a corporate office anymore because of EMFs.
Almost all corporate offices these days use WI-FI instead of cables and with 5G, cables are obsolete!
Please don't ask your boss to turn off his microwave at home too because he's going to think that you're insane. I stopped using microwaves more than 25 years ago after I understood how it interacts with food. I said never again. I had a long discussion with a 'scientist' (PhD in Physics) and he told me that it was a source of energy like any other energy!
Beware of "experts" because this guy had no clue of what he was talking about. He had zero knowledge of chemical/biochemical reactions so he could not understand that microwaves break double and triple chemical bonds in your food to create new compounds that might be toxic to your health depending on your food composition.
Now combine that with the fact that these waves are bad for your cells and you see how the population exposes itself to stupid risks in their homes just because they believe that the government approved the devices and therefore they should be safe!
Ginger Kesler - Feb 4, 2024
Be careful with b6. I developed severe b6 toxicity from p5p. B6 in excess can be a neurotoxin. I took it actively for many years before BOOM. They say p5p is active and won’t cause toxicity. That is not the truth. Many in the b6 groups are becoming toxic on p5p and even high protein diets alone.
WildernessofZin - Apr 11, 2023
I just recently received EZDtox cream . Used it today . It made my skin tingle uncomfortably a little . I’m not complaining . My aching , weakened muscles and concerning weight loss lately are much more of a nuisance . I am 51 this year . I could feel my heart reacting after about 10 minutes also . I live in Alaska and do not have option for EDTA chelation here , or can’t find it anyway . Going to start my ioncleanse by AMD ionic foot bath again after reading this article . I use CD in the foot bath . DETOX in some form or another should be an every day practice at this point IMO .
I wanted to share something here also .
In 2018 I saw a few concerning things In Prince William Sound Ak while working on a salmon tender .
I saw a Alaska Airlines jet spraying and turn off its spay before Whittier heading towards Anchorage.
2. I saw a jet that was spraying , coming directly in my direction disappear near Montegue island .
Was watching it in my binoculars.
3. I went deer hunting on LaTouche island . When I sat down to spot for deer I noticed these small hairlike fibers covering the ground . Was very dense mist everywhere and ground was wet . When placing hand on ground I noticed these fibers almost magnetized toward my hand . They did stand on end and moved in direction of hand . My son (18 at the time) and I both noticed it . I live in Seward Ak . We do not have commercial air traffic , only local and military . They juice us most often at night now . During the daytime sometimes still tho .
I’ve been following Clifford C for nearly a decade . Very thankful Dr . Anna has teamed up with hers and others expertise. I will post any improvements from my self treatments .
Live in the live and the light my friends ... not their fear !
An eternal soul/spirit in a human experience. No fear of death here . I/we are eternalβ£οΈ
Yonatan - Apr 11, 2023
You can purchase EDTA frompipingrock.com
Crosby Guy - Apr 11, 2023
COUNTER MEASURES! I knew we would figure it out, and I will learn how to build them. I will encourage all the engineers I can find to work on them and develop an app that screws the 5g and remove these weapons. Fight fire with fire.
Paul - Apr 10, 2023
Whole Mommy’s Newsletter
Ho Hi Wanna know what could use to look at food for detecting the unwanted active synthetic elements. Microscope, at a starting budget. I want to check fish and all. I am wondering how the Nettles, Dandelions, Brassicas are fairing as that is what I eat.. I make miso and would like to check it is OK. Thanks Paul Glastonbury UK
Whole Mommy - Apr 11, 2023
Whole Mommy’s Newsletter
I've seen videos pouring Coca Cola on fish to see organisms flee. Probably the carbonate?
Also Magnets?
Rinsing veggies in baking soda and vinegar any help?
Paul - Apr 11, 2023
thank you. It may be that simple
Whole Mommy - Apr 11, 2023
Whole Mommy’s Newsletter
To rid the body of Morgellons, you can take alfalfa sprout daily. Epsom salt baths with aluminum free baking soda. Activated charcoal to flush out toxins fastest. Bladderwrack and Irish Sea Moss will begin to nourish the body back to health and release all mucus from inflammation. I supplement with these and see a huge difference in myself.
Morgellons is aka self assembling nanotech. It is dropped in the chemtrails, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, gmo food, etc. Dont drink pasteurized milk or refined sugar as these only enhance the problem. These things require impurities to thrive and self assemble. These are bioengineered and come in many forms. Join Morgellons an open forum on facebook, there alot of people awakened to the matter. Everyone is infected and only some show signs for various reasons. A regular intake of polyphenols (Olive Oil, nuts, etc.) will start to detox your body and the impurities they require and of course TRS. They use fluorine, bromine, chlorine, aldehydes and hydroxide to duplicate and assemble. So the polyphenols are a good start. Take raw unfiltered honey 2tbs daily to build up your immune system and of course organic and grass fed beef. Take baking soda/epsom salt baths daily. Wash your clothes with baking soda in washer and dryer it minimizes the smart dust exposure to your body. Drink distilled water. There is much to this as I have studied 4 years diligently and yes this stuff nearly killed me 4 years ago. The Dr.s and pharma only make it worse. I am no longer sick and Holistic is what healed me. You definitely need to detox the metals which are actually metal nanotech. So TRS, chia seed and flax seed as well. There is much to do, but healing can be obtained. God Bless. β€
the actual stress hormone that is released is called cortisol. It is released from the adrenal gland to attempt to protect the body in perilous times. It is actually a purity with the chemical structure of C21H30O5, which is 21 atoms of carbon, 30 atoms of hydrogen and 5 atoms of oxygen. The 4 gases that the body relies on is carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen for optimal health. So what is actually taking place during times of stress, as with any purity, the nanotech is being agitated and pushed out. So during times of stress the situation will appear worse. Having said that too much of anything regardless of what it is, is bad for you including stress. Note: synthetic cortisol (cortisone) manufactured to 'heal' ailments, but in a weaker manmade form. So eliminating some of the stress is beneficial. Like I said, join the group Morgellons open forum Kandy Griffin Vandawalker is the administrator she is well versed on the Agenda, most of the people on the site are also well educated on the situation and offer valuable information. I personally attempt to expose the agenda to mainstream often trying to awaken others. It will be good for you to have others to gain information from as well voicing your concerns.
HELPER - Apr 11, 2023
Remember This:
STAeR LIiNK satellites&3G, 4G, 4G+, 5Gnetwork is the tool that is being used to grow this biosynth nanotech
Odessa - Apr 11, 2023
The attitudes of those other Dr's & researchers you described in you email must be very frustrating & disappointing but when you are so far ahead of the pack you will find yourself alone carving out a new, untrodden path.
I can only encourage you to plough on as you have been doing, you are doing great work to understand what these psychos have & are continuing to do to humanity - we are living through unprecedented times & all bets are off - this may be the moment you have trained for your whole life & if not you - who else. Don't loose faith !!!
Thank you for the detox protocols - I downloaded that video π
A comment on the Expose News site story
Dr Discovers the Vaccinated Emit Electromagnetic Signals & Bluetooth Identification Codes
August 2, 2022
For the first time in human history, mRNA gene therapies are being administered throughout the planet. Governments worldwide insist the COVID-19 vaccine is ‘safe and effective’. However, since rollouts began, a host of unprecedented health conditions now plague the inoculated. Mainstream media outlets blame gardening, skipping breakfast, falling asleep with the TV on, climate change & cold showers as the culprit. Simultaneously, bizarre anomalies continue to unfold behind the scenes. Morticians are extracting peculiar metallic structures from vaccinated corpses.
One Argentinian researcher theorizes some of these synthetic objects could be an advanced type of nanoprocessor. Stranger yet, she provides evidence to support her astonishing claims.
Dr. Chinda Brandolino is a medical professional specializing in lymphology, phlebology & disease prevention. In 2021 her typically routine practice was turned upside-down. An alarming number of vaccine recipients suffered from severe & debilitating complications. Growing increasingly concerned, the physician decided to study messenger RNA & its effects on DNA. After speaking with colleagues & conducting numerous experiments, she made a startling discovery. When the Bluetooth setting was activated near immunized individuals, a unique identification code appeared on her smartphone’s screen. Each person seemingly contained an internal technological device. During an interview transcribed by Orwell City,
Dr. Brandolino shared her startling findings:
Mónica Calcedo: The chip. Is that real or a lie? Dr. Brandolino: It’s a nanoprocessor. I say again that it is in plain view for those who want to see the micrographs of the electron microscope study made by Dr. Kalcker. It’s clearly seen in the magnification: a small, perfect, quadrangular, precise-edged, metallic corpuscle which is the same as any nanoprocessor in nanotechnology- responsive devices. That nanoprocessor is driven from a 4G Plus or 5G antenna. That is, all G technology is the same. The difference lies in that the packet of information that an antenna can transmit is much larger in 4G Plus and 5G, 6G, and 7G. All that compact information is handled by a nanoprocessor— in a device which will be just inside our cells. By having Morgellons in the polyethylene glycol, they’re self-reproducing, it’s self-replicating. But because it’s in graphene… Graphene is a catalyst & as I explained to you, makes that cell resonate with the 5G antenna & the microwaves of human thought. Can you understand that? There’s a nanoprocessor driven by a 5G antenna that goes directly to the workings of our brain. On the other hand, I have seen that microchips are being inoculated in the northern hemisphere. In one of the hands of many business leaders. That would be annexed information. It would seem to be that this chip would be used… I have seen a lot of signed documents about how managers, high-ranking employees of companies use it as an identification card to open the door of the bank, etc. In it, they would have their medical history as well. All the summary data will be in that microchip, which is already a fact. If you remember, they already wanted to impose it in our countries a few years ago. It was officially manufactured by Motorola in 2000 & already in the northern hemisphere, it is used by all companies. But they are two different things: the microchip for the information & the nanoprocessor managed by the 5G antennas.
Diana Schroeder: Dr, another question. A colleague did a test with wifi. He was in a shopping mall & codes came up when he put the phone directly on the vaccinated person. Codes came up. Dr. Brandolino: That’s correct. It’s like that. I experimented with some inoculated family members of my patients. If you activate the Bluetooth option, which searches for devices, put it on the arm of the vaccinated person, you’ll get a code of about 10 digits. It’s always the same for that person. And if you put it on the other arm, that code appears again. I think that is the number of the nanoprocessor that was inoculated with the vaccine. Diana Schroeder: So that’s the person’s identification number. Dr. Brandolino: Of the nanoprocessor, of the person. Yes. Dr. Brandolino’s screenshot of the unique codes picked up Bluetooth after scanning vaccinated individuals. While injectable microcomputers sound like the work of science fiction, bioengineers already possess such capabilities. According to an entry from the National Institutes of Health database, molecular robots can program and alter DNA. Scientists from NeuroSWARM3 are currently developing particle-sized biosensors that travel through the blood-brain barrier. They then act as an antenna and wirelessly transmit neural activity to external devices. In other words, a person’s thoughts will be fully accessible. Is it any wonder why the powers-that-be were so desperate to get vaccines inside every man, woman & child? The era of transhumanism isn’t coming— it’s already here.
Copyright (C)https://downthechupacabrahole.com.
Read more at…https://downthechupacabrahole.com/2022/08/02/doctor-discovers-the-vaccinated-emit-electromagnetic-signals-bluetooth-identification-codes/
Also there was this comment
Google this article
Here’s How Graphene Oxide in All Covid ‘Vaccines’ is Slowly Killing the Vaccinated
Dr. Mylo Canderian’s viewpoint is much the same as Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates & the Big Pharma CEO’s: LET THEM ALL DIE!
I asked Mylo what the effect of second & third shots & boosters do & how that changes the End of Cycle table.
Mylo replied: “It is all measurable through hematological testing. The more shots & boosters the imbeciles get, the worse their blood will look under a microscope & the quicker they will turn to fertilizer.”
Spoken like a real psychopath (my comment)
And if you can stand anymore, there's this
Jeanne A. Rungby - Apr 11, 2023
Dear Ana. I have followed your substacks for some time being very skeptical. Nevertheles my ability to deduct tells me, that you might be right. Because all the coersion had to have a purpose. Likewise the scapegoating of the unvaccinated. Why this police? Why were They so eager to get this stuff in everyone? So as a physisian, i continue following you substacks. This morning i came across an app ( told about on Twitter), that might trace the vaccinated through Bluetooth. It doesnt trace me ( luckily), but it seems to trace some people around me. I do not know if it traces their mobilephones. But if it traces the very person, They must have devices in their body somehow. You might use it to test your results. Its called Bluetooth SLE Device finder on app store. You must have an iPhone. Anyway, if you need my help my e-mail isjearungby@me.comI would be happy to help you, somehow, if I can. Otolaryngology, Denmark.
damon mcclure - Apr 11, 2023
damon’s Substack
Well said Ana Maria, its a similar mentality to the freedom movement where everyone wants a hero but not keen to be one.
If a Crane operator like me can be fact checking this information (and collaborating it) then everyone can. When someone that trusts you is forwarded something from your actual work they are more inclined to believe it. When forwared an article from a random internet person its straight in the "CT" basket.
The worlds under an attack and by that not just our species but all species. I'm not religious as such but if we don't wake people up we lose because we'll be fighting them before we get to look at the parasites controlling them.
Test, retest, share. Win as a species or lose as an individual, ego will isolate and individualise the person.
Crixcyon - Apr 11, 2023
This is all interesting and rather scary. The problem is that after doing some kind of chelation or extraction of these particles, there is no way to know how to keep them out of your body. We don't know for sure what they are or how they are entering the body. I don't know if we can say that everybody has these structures.
For sure, the medical community will never offer any help and will never acknowledge there is a problem. I think I need more information before I panic.
WildernessofZin - Apr 11, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Gorgo.... I hear you . I was a little freaked years ago when I learned this . Went into overprotection mode of myself and my children . We can only do what we can do . All else , that we can not control .... let it go . Knowing that we are only here for a short time in this human experience helps me . I do not fear this any longer .
I will maintain that this is the greatest time to be alive . These Evil monsters have revealed themselves . We are watching them expose themselves even more as they feel their grip slipping . We are the ones we’ve been waiting for . Do not live in fear . Love yourself as the divine creator that you are . Love everyone else . Love the day . Live free of guilt and fear . You can hate and love these monsters at the same time . You loving them will burn their arses out IMO .
Stay in the light and the love , and let it go ....
But be ready to fight like hell if you have to π
No fear !
Thomas Guitarman - Apr 11, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
We WILL have to fight like against hell and hellish ones, and SHOULD BE DOING IT ALREADY IN ALL POSSIBLE WAYS
WildernessofZin - Apr 11, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
I agree . Spiritually and physically
Thomas Guitarman - Apr 11, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
please stay in touch and stay safe my friend and on these substacks great and active minds are needed SK
Crosby Guy - Apr 11, 2023
These structure, the ribbons, can be seen with a cheap digital microscope 2000x from ebay, $80.
You video your blood droplet, and view it & save it on your computer.
Thomas Guitarman - Apr 10, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Here is feedback from one source that claimed negative results for ionizing foot baths as you mention here bringing out this stuff you studies , can you please address this below , we are looking for answers that work and dont do more damage SK
people can research themselves side effects of electrocuting foot baths can't they?
i was injured/my clients some were injured- pain, brain damage, etc
they get dirty without feet in. de mineralization we felt to the core. entity attachments etc.. aura was awful. some had mini cap bleeding.. i do not agree with lots of her so called treatments. end of story
Larry Druhall - Apr 11, 2023
Solution Seeking
Excellent comment. I was going to make a similar comment, but you said it better than I would have. Thank you.
Abigail Starke - Apr 10, 2023
Abigail Starke
How much is a microscope and how are we supposed to know what we are seeing is bad?
Mara M. - Apr 13, 2023 - Edited
Does anyone read this document published by The Exposé saying that the FDA admitted graphene oxide in Pfizer’s vaccine?
Please, note that it is a mistake because the document is NOT about vaccine production. In fact, here is the title of the of document the Exposé show in pictures (which, by the way, do not appear by the link they provide): “Structural and Biophysical Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein (P2 S) as a Vaccine Antigen”
Whoever keep peddling this fakenews that FDA admitted GO in Pfizer vaccines, is not help in the cause. The FDA didn’t admit a thing. People will lose their credibility for re-posting without reading.
Sorry. Not sorry.
dawn - Apr 11, 2023 - Edited
I have some fibres that are coming out of my body they are transparent and it gets little white stuff on it intermittently with a space betweeb each blob thats what it looks like little blobs along this thread shaft and all the same space between them, it does not mcve much at all and it has taken me 3 years using my phone and added microscope apps to see some of this stuff but mainly my camera sees it when i zoom in, a strand of transparent hair like thread comes out off me, I just know it's made me very poorly and I have ended up with a perforated bowel and I blame whatever is ailng me for causeing this but the skin always looks extremely dry and i am using nano So9ma and Ogygen liquid to try to help it and still the itching never stops, I can only describe it as like being naked and I have thousands of feathers that keep touching me it is aking to that, you know when you get a bit of somethibng on the nose and you feel as if yu can blow it away but feel it there well thats the feeling i get constantly. I have been tested many times for parasites and fungal infections they always come back negative and sw an infection specialist who said my iron levels and vitamin D leve;s were more or less no existent in me so I've been taking sup-lements trynig to counter that I do believe it is going to kill me I am losing the stregnth to keep fighting this thing and it hurts me as well I've had bad pain and blame whatever t is for this, there is some life to it i have seen it move but it has more or less got me housebound now I love our video's and will keep checking back thank you for speaking ut about this. Dr Ana :)
Sam - Apr 12, 2023 - Edited
Dawn, this sounds like Morgellons. I would try to find a Doc or a mobile IV company that could administer an EDTA IV as Dr. Ana suggests to resolve what appears to be nano tech in your body. There is also a reference to a site for folks with Morgellons somewhere in this thread and it sounds like it's a good resource.
In addition, I would recommend taking NAC (n-acetylcysteine a precursor to glutathione since it is not well absorbed), Vit C - several grams/day in divided doses with some baking soda added to the Vit C crystals to reduce digestive impact and Vit D on the order of about 5000IU/day to help keep your immune system up, plus general nutrients.
This is obviously a tough ordeal to handle but I believe you can win this battle.
dawn - Apr 12, 2023 - Edited
I take ach day, 1 oregano oil capsule 25mg., probiotics 40 billion CFU and 15 different strains, 8mg folic acid, 200mg ferrous funarate, 5000iu a day of vitamin D usually but not used why I have been using Nano Soma for the last week or so as that attaches it'sself to the vitamin D receptors in the body .....I am poorly with my health y wound burst open during my stay in opital with the perforated bowel and it opened up the entire legnth of my tummythe only good thing I was lay down had tobe rushed back to theatre there and then and operated on oce more after that it had all gone horribly wrong, my skin healed on the surface where we can see it but the couple of ayers below tha they stitch up didn't heal and opened up and as a result it looks like i have a massive hernia i look ike i am having quads and about to drop any day and I walk constanty bent over, not sure if this is casing the stooping with my tumy problems and they won't operate again and so all i can do is manage tis but i have to say te bowel/stoma works fine i have to take laxative constantly and strong ones or it wouldn't work, iit's my iggest fear that i will getmote of my bowel perforted because my stools go rock hard like a stone and they can be sharp it is that dry and solidified so to sort that i take lots of laxtives, not very day but every 3 days about twice
week to help me clear out, now i believe some stuf can cause the stools to god so hard but I haven't seen anything except parasites that do this and i am not immunosupressed and this thing does not leave me alone, I don't get any coloured fibres except the transparent hairs, occasionally i will get black ones or they can sometimes be in a spiral shape I believe they are like this in my eyes as well though, i have little white blobs on the rim of my eye lids to and it loks like a tiny pimple but it will not burst o be moved fo anything and then I can go look and they aren't there it is intermittent and I am so tired all the time, and have been today trying to find someone who will do a Life Blood Analyst Test as I have a friend helping me who is a does the naturopaty and Homeopathy and a few other things that I can't remember off the top of my head but she's very good at what she does and has been succceful and most of all I really trust her and so this is the route I'm taking so I am getting good avice my fear is I have left it to long, it's taken 4 years for me to fathom out this stuff but I forget an awful lot of thigs i can make a cup of coffee and put it down and will go back to get it a few times and still not have it and in the end I have to ask my partner to please get me my coffee from the kitchen or I won't be able to have it, I tend to drift off into space alot, my breathing is bad when it is bad you see I am on a nebuliser they tell me it is COPD but the thing I have a problem with that and is that once I sit down the breathing is fine, never a problem when I stay still and for the most part i can go a couple of weeks and the only timne the breathing is a problem is when I wake and I don't smoke but I clear any mucus quite quickly just put on tissue and bbin it and then all of sudden my oxygen can go down to 75% and I'm in hospital then for couple of days and then it will come back to normal again and I go home stuffed with anti-biotics I don't need because they don't help and I might not have a problem with it again for a while and to me COPD does not work like that if it gets so bad it is supposed to be that way all the thie, it doesn't stop and think right let her breath easily today for a week or so it would e bad all the time but it is much easier for doctors to say it is COPD...They got very lazy and very ignhorant during the pandemic and the medical profession is not goo a all in the UK these days, i call my doctor the pipsqeak these days because he is one, he tried to have me diagnosed with psychosis and I swear he wasn't sending my sample away for testing so i caught him out on the days I had to go see my infection specilist I would call to my doctors on the way and drop a sample in there to and give it to the specialist in another tub also and I never said a word and di this fr 6 straight weeks once a week and every sample from my infection specilist came back infected and everyone of my doctors came back nothing detected and so I asked why this was happening he said it was one of those things and I said "No I did this 6 times" he looked like he might fallout of his chair and i went higher than him to the trust her runs in and made a comlaint ot against my docor but atgainst what had happened anyways i got a letter back were they apologised profusely and said it was different laboratroies that had done them and some times mistakes happen and tey would be doing stuff to make sure it did not happen again bla bl bla,,,,,and since I have ony taken 2 samples to my doctos but both came back with a chest infection so hopefully I've put him mon guard now and he won't do any more shady stuf I can't prove he was doing that but I caught him out to many times now actively working against me, he got so hell bent on having me diagnosed carzy because he did not know how to fix what was happening to me but also I do wonder if our doctors are given incentives to not prescrib meds due to cost on bigpharmacuticles as here in the NHS I qualify for free treatment ad thenpipsqueak constantly talked about cost of my meds as if it was coming out his own pocket and so that made me wary i also caught him out in a lie, when I had been in the yospital with id perforated bowel I told them i had some kind of fungal infection and they gave me fluconazole intravenously for a week it started bringing up all this green stuff in my sputum but i was discharged a week later and I contacted the docotors when I got home and it took him 10 wks to prescribe and he would only do a short course of itaconazole and even complained then because the nurse as to come out to do ans ECG for those tablets and he saw me once at home to do a skin scraping he knelt down and said "I've never donethis before i have just had to check on YouTube how to do it"...i was flabbergasted and then he told me he'd been on the phone with the microbiologist at the hospital who had said I needed the fluconazole and that shye'd told him i had whats called in layman terms "Bakers yeast" and about 2 wks later i found a phone number for the microbiologist and rang her she could not remember my doctor at all he said he'd had avery lengthy conversation with her but she did not know who i was talking about and that really upset me as i had been chasing protocols to rid myself of a fungal infection...I do believe something fungal is going on just not sure what....and also the guy at the Psychosis place said he thought I was the farthest thing from mad he'd ever seen, said my mind was solid and he could not diagnose me with a problem at all and my doctor still wrote to him asking him to treat me as I said I would and I didn't intend to i just wanted the shrink to see that even though he'd said I did what was going on and he must have he never got in touch again and so I knew I had to take the herbak route and have been doing that since but reality is only for the last year and feel I am so upgainst it and this country the UK they have the medical places sewn up tight, I phoned so many people who did Naturopathy and Homeopathy etc and they all told me they didn't do the life blood Analyst tests so I might as well been asking if they had a unicorn .....only one clinic said they do it but their machine had broken and it would be a few months before it was fixed, I also googled to see if these people had gotten a license removed to do this kind of test as it seemed something was not right and google came up and showed that only last year most blood testing in the UK had been stopped due to a shortage of the vials they use and not sure if it is still carrying on with it now , I could noty find anything to say they were and I didn't look hard enough but was so tired by then so yes I feel as if anything hollistic or from nature in my country on the medical circuit is being well and truly kept under........So my dilema is I am struggling big time with mobility outsude of my home and need a chariot to take me anywhere and don't always have this a I don't drive...although I would have struggled but gone for one the life blood tests without a doubt i knew it would be a good thing for me to get the rresults from that and so n for I am in a bit of a pickle.....I don't go down wthout a fight even though i do it very nicely and calmlyI can roll up my sleeves when i need to and raise hell quietly to...lol.......thank you for your commen and advice t it is appreciated :)
Sam - Apr 13, 2023 - Edited
Dawn, I appreciate your reaching out for help on your issues and your determination to fight for and understand what is going on with your health.
My first thought was about taking MMS, better known as Chlorine dioxide, to address the issues that may be coming from a lack of a balance in your intestinal flora due to possible yeast overgrowth or other potential parasite/ viral or bacterial overgrowth. Your use of probiotics is a good approach and your other remedies seem to be in line as well. Intestinal dysfunction is related to proper brain function as it is with people that have Autism. Once the intestinal issues become balanced, then other issues seem to fall in line with normal function. A variety of factors are considered in these approaches including a clean diet and other associated supplementation. Kerri Rivera has been working in this area for a long time and I think her website is called AutismOne.
If you can find a source to get MMS, which is sodium chlorite and a 4% HCL (hydrochloric acid) solution, which are mixed together in a drop by drop ratio, then diluted with clean water, you may have a start on getting things under control. Check out Jim Humble's research and also look up EarthClinic's website to read more on this topic. Chlorine dioxide has been used to seccessfully treat viral, bacterial and parasite infections, including malaria. Always start slow on new therapies. Chlorine dioxide can produce a "loose" intestinal condition if you have high toxicity, so if you try just two drops of sodium chlorite and two drops of 4% hydrochloric acid, reacted for about 30 seconds together, and then diluted with water of about 8oz/day, that might be enough to start ridding your body of any potential isseus related to viral, bacterial, parasitical or yeast issues you may have. This is just one possible approach to address your issues. Of course I can't say for sure if it will start to help you in rcovering from your health problems, but I would do some reading into this area to see if you think it may help. I am not a medical doctor so these suggestions are only to give you some informational bachground to look into.
I used to get my MMS supplies from the Genesis II "church". They have since deferred to another soure for these items. Either way if you can locate a sourec for MMS aka Miracle Mineral Solution aka chlorine dioxide, it may help to resolve some of your perceived (by me), problems. Hope this helps a little.
dawn - Apr 13, 2023 - Edited
Thank you so very much for this information and taking the time to answer me, it is really appreciated and I will definitely see into it.
dawn - Apr 12, 2023
Comment removed.
dawn - Apr 12, 2023
Yes, I've sussed the sugar thing out a while ago...Why the glutathione....what is it tht it supposed to do...thank you :)
Sam - Apr 13, 2023
Glutathione is the master antioxidant in the body. Taking NAC, a presursor to glutathione is recommended to boost the production in the body. Vit C is also a great antioxidant which can be mixed with baking soda to reduce intestinal discomfort. If you use CLO2 (chlorine dioxide), they should be separated by about two hours as their mechanism of operation couteract each other. Chlorine dioxide works via an oxidative pathway and Vit C is an antioxidant.
dawn - Apr 14, 2023
Thank you very much for your advice it is much appreciated
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