Dr. Ana please see this -https://xochipelli.substack.com/p/mik-andersens-39-articles-in-english- here you can literally find top notch and detailed scientific material about everything you are finding ! the whole substack is incredible, from Dominique Guillet who called you a genius- he is the distributor of the bach flower remedies and owner of the biggest organic seed bank in the world, fighting monsanto legally for more than 10 years and he is the father of 5 healthy unvaxxed kids ;-)
I just saw an ad for Mary Ruth's organics claiming they have no plastics, heavy metals or pesticides in their supplements. Maybe she can team up with Ana here so she can prove there is no nanotech too.
Silver may interact with graphene oxide making it worse from the medical articles I have read. It causes particle agglomeration, the formation of assemblages in a suspension and represents a mechanism leading to the functional destabilization of colloidal systems... agglomeration is defined as a process of accumulating fine material into cohesive units such as pellets or granules.
Hello Heidi,
This study has nothing to do with the human physiological aspect of nano-silver and / or possible interaction with GO nano-particles
This is a commercial use study to find a commercial nanocomposite.
"aggregation of the AgNPs on the GO sheets is inevitable, possessing a huge challenge for this method in the long-term stabilization and dispersion of the metal nanoparticles in the solution. The modification with stabilizers such as polymer surfactant combined with ultra-high dispersing technology
Thus, more scientific studies should be employed to explore more commercial applications of Ag/GO as well as contribute to the variety of the industry of commercial nanocomposite."
If you have any human studies to back up your post I would like to read them.
I am currently working on NS /GO research.
Thank so much :-)
Hi Dr. Deborah. ❤
Thank you for clarification. Please see the medical article below. It is cytotoxic to cells:
"Our data indicated that GO-AgNPs cause cytotoxicity in a dose-dependent manner. GO-AgNPs induced significant cytotoxicity by the loss of cell viability, production of ROS, increasing leakage of LDH and level of MDA, increasing expression of pro-apoptotic genes, and decreasing expression of anti-apoptotic genes. GO-AgNPs incited DNA hypomethylation and the decreased expression of DNMT3A. Taken together, this study showed that GO-AgNPs increase the generation of ROS and cause apoptosis and DNA hypomethylation in CFFCs. Therefore, the potential applications of GO-AgNPs in biomedicine should be re-evaluated."
Thanks so much Heidi!
I will review this tomorrow.
Babysitting my little granddaughter who just turned 3 yesterday, I bought her a little plastic microscope. She wants to look at more pieces of flowers.
Then bed-time. I am pooped :-)
I looked at this, thanks. But really! 39 articles??? Can't help with where to start, perhaps precis of articles, etc????
The key think today for those who are awake - vs. their polar opposite, the wokesters - is that we need to help the overwhelmed reader. Dumping 39 articles as this site does, no precis, no "start here," no nuthin', does not help push the cause of freedom forward
funny because those who promote the use of nano silver say it burns through the body very quickly. The nano size may be less of a concern for the risk of agglomeration - being as its of such a miniscule size particle to begin with, over regular colloidal silver which can come in much larger particle sizes? thankyou for pointing this out Heidi we have to be careful of so much in what we do.
The nano size is what makes it more toxic to the cell especially bound to graphene oxide. Medical article below.
"The GOAg nanocomposite was more toxic than pristine GO and pristine AgNP for both macrophages, and it significantly induced more ROS production compared to pristine AgNP. TEM analysis showed that GOAg was internalized by tumoral J774 macrophages. However, macrophages internalized approximately 60 % less GOAg than did pristine AgNP. The images also showed the degradation of nanocomposite inside cells."
Beware of large companies products.
A handful of corporates are buying up many prior “clean” supplement companies - like PURE ENCAPSULATED etc. Always research who OWNS the company you buy from. It’s usually a large corporation but they present the company as independent to fool the masses.
Just like Garden of Life was bought by a large group, and most buying the product are unaware of the ownership change.
The “nice story” behind the product was it was created by someone who had struggled with major health problems, then he sold to America.inc -
now the company is owned by a handful of massive corporations (ie the elite billionaires).
Buy from small business owners who third party test products and always check who owns them.
It will surprise you how few are owned by truly small business owners these days.
Blackrock sucks up stock and then the large companies vacuum the good, clean small companies up.
it's always been hard for me to fathom, since i was a little girl, why everyone was sick - and then why they all went to doctors and took poison pills. i have lawfully withdrawn myself completely from their pseudo-medicine, and only done holistic care for 42 years! Too many people remain too scared to do this. They want to still believe. THAT will be their downfall - while sadly, we watch and then sweep up at the end of the day
Awful ■ This makes laying hands on the sick and asking God to heal them in Jesus Name much more a choice! M
■Mark 16:18 KJV — They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
■Acts 28:8 KJV — And it came to pass, that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever and of a bloody flux: to whom Paul entered in, and prayed, and laid his hands on him, and healed him.
I have the gift of healing and would love it if God could use me to deliver people from these evil vaccines/bioweapons, Sad thing is many churches back these shots. They are I believe a precursor of the Mark of the Beast. Part of it is the 5G network. Check out these 2 siteswww.NaturalNews.comwith its BRIGHTEON videos. Many hosts on it like Stew Peters are Christian. The other iswww.stopworldcontrol.com. God bless you sister.
I cannot say the Covid-19 shot is [n]ot the mark (Gene therapy in this shot is a nuclide shot, God's name is in every cell in nuclude acids, 10-5-6-5, YHVH). ■ He causeth means produces/manufactures...he causeth all to receive a mark to buy and sell. BILLGATES111 is Six hundred threescore and six in ASCII code. He chose the number of his name for his patent 060606 (read Revelation about the number of his name). Lead us not into temptation is experiment in Greek, REV 3:10, QR code is an image used for passports required for buying and selling, has happened/is happening. Phone is a Greek word for voice, speaks, sound. The image speaks that they worship (read REV about the image of the beast and that it could speak), Greek here is obedience. (Fauci makes a great false prophet). God told me for about a year or more to "do not get/receive this shot/vaccination." He never 'snake tailed wiggle any 5g'. Precursor is [n]ot your word, but picked up like a hitch hiker of a money handled coward...just pay them, they are not willing to show face; pay the fee. Cowards for cash. Lastly, MAC addresses from injected and some forehead test/PCR nose swabs, yes, Greek for forehead is between the eyes...know of some testing between the eyes? There is a requirement for those that do lay hands on the sick, and there is an example of the unqualified and the consequences for practicing which they do not have the authority. Required reading. M
‘Chair Care’: New Mexico Hairstylists Being Trained Under CDC-Funded Program to Push COVID, Flu Shots ■ Under “Chair Care,” a program funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, New Mexico hairstylists are paid and trained as “trusted messengers” to promote COVID-19 and flu vaccines, especially to minority and conservative clients with low vaccination rates.
Lucky for me I have a hairstylist in NM that knows about all the BS lying that is going on. She does not fall for any of it. She worked through the plandemic and didn't wear a mask or get the poison shot.
Several thoughts Dr Ana...
1. Nicotine is not used for any purpose except to dislodge Spike Glycoprotein from alpha 7 nicotinic receptors. We have published on this citing ample peer-reviewed evidence.
2. Foreign Protein Cleanse was developed to be used as a neutralizer because of the binding affinity the botanicals have. Again, published with ample peer-reviewed evidence.
3. We were the first to publish on and recommend for use Vitamin C, EDTA, Hydrogen Peroxide, etc as dissolution agents for SGP and have been seeing them work since first recommending. Again, published with ample peer-reviewed evidence.
4. C60, Bentonite Clay, are used to bind the degraded products that can still be caustic within the cellular environment per Carlo Brogna's excellent peer-reviewed publications. That dude and his team have been instrumental in our understanding of one aspect of a multi factorial problem.
Respectfully, you misrepresent our work here as if we were asserting these solutions for SGP were for quantum dots as well and it's really sad to read as we have been supportive of your work to this point.
Graphene Oxide is best dealt with using our provem 3 stage water purification methods, boron, colloidal silver, and humic acid.
Dr West's use of archaea are currently being explored for hydrogels and his live blood cell analysis evidence is excellent.
2024 will bring new possibilities as the research continues in plasmid curing compounds and anti CRISPER proteins where archaea and 528 Hz weigh heavily.
So let me ask you this...
Have you actually reviewed are work and considered it on it's merits or are you attempting to build for yourself by misrepresenting us?
How are you proving these are indeed quantum dots? Have you used an electron microscope?
How are you proving these are hydrogels?
And why have you previously associated yourself with the use of blue light for therapeutic purposes when we have confirmations from DARPA that blue light can activate latent bioweapon systems?
In the future it is better to talk with us before misrepresenting our work to your audience. Please don't do that again.
I have no interest in warring with people who are legitimately exploring for humanity. I also have no interest in people talking shit about my team's leading work and thinking I'm not going to clap back.
Anytime you want to debate this issue publicly, Dr. Ardis, Dr. Group, Dr. Schmidt and I welcome the opportunity for scientific discussion and perhaps collaboration following as this may just be a misunderstanding...
Please don't play hero ball and purport that you alone have the solutions.
If you do then teach me. I'm a life long student and open to new ideas no matter how unpopular they might be to people who care more about their appearance than winning.
This is bigger than any one of us and it's going to take all of us working together to defeat our common enemy.
I'll let you decide how you want to get down from here on out. I'd much rather be a friend than a foe, but don't get it twisted sis.🤙🏽
We're here to collaborate. Share our work. Learn from everyone doing God's work.
Please understand that we can't allow our work to be misrepresented by anyone.
We've been engaging Dr Ana privately and we've been exploring and endorsing her work. That has to be a two way street if the mission is more important than are egos.
For her to do this is not cool.
Our work speaks for itself, we're not being defensive, we're just disappointed.
I've held these question back from the public out of professional courtesy.
That ship sailed when Dr Ana decided to make a post about nanobots in budesonide about my family and our heart-driven work.
If you put your heart and soul into something like this as we have...
I understand! We are in a moment where we learn tremendous many things; the wonders of wonders and the blackness of evil. There isn't an in-between right now. I for myself, I do not dare to go to doctors or healers anymore. And that is because there isn't a good flow or harmony anywhere. / The awe, the willingness to open up to things extraordinary and then being humble and respectful is the new era. We all have to make sure that our own wounds are healed now before we speak up and that our ego's do not scream for attention anymore. The ego is obsolete. When we all get to that spot, my God...we will jump like a deer! Hello from Flanders Field, Belgium.
I somehow believe in all of you. Thank you!
I understand what you are saying.
Hello again Piki, I remember you from awhile back. Yes I am the same re dctrs. I've always had to be my own healer anyways, but am so grateful for the hoards of ND's and Dr's who truly speak the truth and go so much further and give their time over - to teach us and expand our horizon's
it's so not cool, and demands explanation. I hope that is forthcoming. Nothing to do with ego, we the public are your students and invest a phenomenal amount of time and trust paying attention and paying it forward too - to help those who don't bother to come to class. Both of you are warriors, we need you.
I do have one question about using nicotine gum or patches though. I’ve read that nicotine narrows the blood vessels which can cause high blood pressure. Is that something you’ve looked into?
This is quite coincidental to this discussion now…..
I’ve been using nicotine gum 2mg once a day since earlier this year. I’ve been a big fan thinking how great for the venom issue, which I still believe to be true.
But earlier last week I had my first appointment with my new doctor, he’s an MD and also a naturopathic doctor, does live blood analysis at each appointment (said mine was best he’d seen especially for my age). He does EDTA chelation for a very moderate price (I’ve not had it yet), and several other things. If anyone lives close, here’s his website:
Some days before my first appointment with him last week, I stopped the daily nicotine gum, since I knew I’d have a blood test there. At my appointment it was a shock that my blood pressure was extremely high, systolic 180 (not in my normal history). I was told to monitor it at home with a log which I’m doing several times a day and logging it. I’ve not had the nicotine gum for about two weeks now. The first days after the doctor appointment, monitoring my blood pressure still showed very high levels, though I’ve not taken nicotine gum anymore. Then finally the last two days my blood pressure has gone down 40 points or more lower than it was showing before. Earlier I knew I was feeling poorly at times, especially at night, but didn’t think to check my blood pressure.
If taking nicotine gum or patches, might want to monitor blood pressure. I don’t know if it’s just my age perhaps not tolerating the nicotine since I’m in my 70s, though I’m very healthy and take no meds.
Thankyou Henry, I thought it so odd that shedding/nanotech were even connected to nicotine application by Dr Ana this way. I would have thought all frontrunners looking into humanity's health - would be up to date on their peers research? Where general citizenry are making great strides and networking our collective progress and knowledgebase. Justified call.
I'd also like to know what your background in clinical nutrition is Dr. Ana?
I looked for it here, but didn't see any and I hope it simply an oversight on my part.
Perhaps Germany has different curricula standards because in the US MDs get on average 19.6 hours of nutrition education over their entire 6 year education.
Combined education and clinical experience Dr Ardis, Dr Group, Dr Schmidt and I have well over 75,000 hours in our careers and I just happen to have over 200 publications of my own.
Forgive me for having a very hard time with MDs talking about nutrition...they killed mom and almost killed me.
You know how to reach me if you want to take this offline where it should have begun.🤙🏽
First I’d like to thank you for all you do and secondly I would ask a favor of you and your group. Would one of you please look into DMSO andTheUniversalAntidote.comDMSO is a powerful solvent, yet can be used on/in humans. It breaks down most plastics and yet it is very beneficial to humans without it would appear any real adverse effects if dosed properly. There’s a book written by STANLEY W. JACOB JACK C. DE LA TORRE called:
(DMSO) in Trauma and Disease. It is very well written and they cite all the work. Again thank you and I pray you keep up the good fight and that GOD keeps you all safe from harm!
I don't know that "hours spent" or even "courses taken" are correlated to "God-given genius." The proof is in the results and I doubt anyone can challenge Dr. Mihalcea's results. Did you ever see a four-year old play Franz Liszt?
Thousand upon thousands of hours mastering a craft don't hurt.
I challenge Dr. Ana's results and conclusions... just as I am open to people challenging mine.
I've earned the right to speak on such things with all the work I've published that has withstood criticisms.
These very well may be quantum dots. We're open to that. But how do we prove it? How do we get other independent teams to validate it?
That answer begins with electron microscopy. Has she performed any tests using an electron microscope?
That's a legitimate question.
There are no sacred cows on the road to freedom that we walk.
There is only God's work for there is but ONE genius and He is the Author of All Things.
Genesis seed war ■ Genesis 3:15 KJV — And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. blueletterbible
We do need help. Psalms 23 I am teaching to my Grandsons and there is a song we have practiced during these few weeks. ■ Happy Sabbath. M
Psalms 23 - (I Am Not Alone) [Live at Linger Conference] People & Songs ft Josh Sherman
Makes me wonder what other common prescription drugs have these micro robots. We give budesonide ALL the time in pediatrics, ex preemies with BPD (bronchopulmonary dysplasia), etc... it’s our go to for asthma flare ups , it’s being prescribed in covid emergency emergency kits by the wellness company- on the FLCCC protocol!
I have been thinking this over. How can anyone live ? Shedding is impossible to avoid. Even mennonites, have to interact with others on a regular basis,too. Then I have to tell everyone, we all need to get rid of our technology completely and dump the cell towers and all of it. Go back to newspapers, here’s a novel idea, “ TALK, Commiserate and do it all while you are weeding your garden and sharing. “. And they call me crazy, huh...who’s crazy is them projecting their sickness on to others who are honest, caring and have integrity. These types without this quality are “ the legions and they are many.”
Dear Dr. Ana, your work is amazing, invaluable, courageous... true and honest. Thank you so much for all you are doing to keep us informed and for your encouragement to use certain supplements at this time. As research demonstrates new information, perhaps new options will appear as well. Many are truly grateful for your dedication to this research and your collaboration with others around the world. I am one of them! Blessings and love to you.
Telestai Nexus - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
Telestai Nexus
Dr. Ana please see this -https://xochipelli.substack.com/p/mik-andersens-39-articles-in-english- here you can literally find top notch and detailed scientific material about everything you are finding ! the whole substack is incredible, from Dominique Guillet who called you a genius- he is the distributor of the bach flower remedies and owner of the biggest organic seed bank in the world, fighting monsanto legally for more than 10 years and he is the father of 5 healthy unvaxxed kids ;-)
Marcelo Araujo - Nov 16, 2023
Marcelo Araujo
Thank you Telestai for sharing.
The topics and subtitles seem amazing!
Tremendously informative.
Am certainly going to bookmark
The Straight Juice - Nov 17, 2023
The Straight Juice Substack
This is a great refrence site for graphene related papers. Thanks!
Honeybee - Nov 16, 2023
Honeybee’s Substack
Thank you for this wonderful resource!
Thinking Mama Bear - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
Starbear’s Blog
Is nothing safe? This saddens my heart.
Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
Thymus Cures Newsletter
I just saw an ad for Mary Ruth's organics claiming they have no plastics, heavy metals or pesticides in their supplements. Maybe she can team up with Ana here so she can prove there is no nanotech too.
Roman S Shapoval - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
I wonder if in this case, would colloidal silver help, or further attract these metallic objects?
Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
Thymus Cures Newsletter
Silver may interact with graphene oxide making it worse from the medical articles I have read. It causes particle agglomeration, the formation of assemblages in a suspension and represents a mechanism leading to the functional destabilization of colloidal systems... agglomeration is defined as a process of accumulating fine material into cohesive units such as pellets or granules.
Dr. Deborah - Nov 17, 2023 - Edited
Dr.’s Substack
Hello Heidi,
This study has nothing to do with the human physiological aspect of nano-silver and / or possible interaction with GO nano-particles
This is a commercial use study to find a commercial nanocomposite.
"aggregation of the AgNPs on the GO sheets is inevitable, possessing a huge challenge for this method in the long-term stabilization and dispersion of the metal nanoparticles in the solution. The modification with stabilizers such as polymer surfactant combined with ultra-high dispersing technology
Thus, more scientific studies should be employed to explore more commercial applications of Ag/GO as well as contribute to the variety of the industry of commercial nanocomposite."
If you have any human studies to back up your post I would like to read them.
I am currently working on NS /GO research.
Thank so much :-)
Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Nov 17, 2023 - Edited
Thymus Cures Newsletter
Hi Dr. Deborah. ❤
Thank you for clarification. Please see the medical article below. It is cytotoxic to cells:
"Our data indicated that GO-AgNPs cause cytotoxicity in a dose-dependent manner. GO-AgNPs induced significant cytotoxicity by the loss of cell viability, production of ROS, increasing leakage of LDH and level of MDA, increasing expression of pro-apoptotic genes, and decreasing expression of anti-apoptotic genes. GO-AgNPs incited DNA hypomethylation and the decreased expression of DNMT3A. Taken together, this study showed that GO-AgNPs increase the generation of ROS and cause apoptosis and DNA hypomethylation in CFFCs. Therefore, the potential applications of GO-AgNPs in biomedicine should be re-evaluated."
Dr. Deborah - Nov 17, 2023
Dr.’s Substack
Thanks so much Heidi!
I will review this tomorrow.
Babysitting my little granddaughter who just turned 3 yesterday, I bought her a little plastic microscope. She wants to look at more pieces of flowers.
Then bed-time. I am pooped :-)
Blaise - Nov 17, 2023
Att Viska
I looked at this, thanks. But really! 39 articles??? Can't help with where to start, perhaps precis of articles, etc????
The key think today for those who are awake - vs. their polar opposite, the wokesters - is that we need to help the overwhelmed reader. Dumping 39 articles as this site does, no precis, no "start here," no nuthin', does not help push the cause of freedom forward
Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Nov 17, 2023
Thymus Cures Newsletter
koppykat - Nov 19, 2023
funny because those who promote the use of nano silver say it burns through the body very quickly. The nano size may be less of a concern for the risk of agglomeration - being as its of such a miniscule size particle to begin with, over regular colloidal silver which can come in much larger particle sizes? thankyou for pointing this out Heidi we have to be careful of so much in what we do.
Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Nov 19, 2023
Thymus Cures Newsletter
The nano size is what makes it more toxic to the cell especially bound to graphene oxide. Medical article below.
"The GOAg nanocomposite was more toxic than pristine GO and pristine AgNP for both macrophages, and it significantly induced more ROS production compared to pristine AgNP. TEM analysis showed that GOAg was internalized by tumoral J774 macrophages. However, macrophages internalized approximately 60 % less GOAg than did pristine AgNP. The images also showed the degradation of nanocomposite inside cells."
koppykat - Nov 19, 2023
wow, must digest this, thanks again
Dr. Deborah - Nov 17, 2023
Dr.’s Substack
Hi Roman
Nano-Silver at 05nm would
NOT colloidal silver
Jennifer Want - Nov 17, 2023
Jennifer Want
TheNarrowPathway - Nov 18, 2023 - Edited
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
Beware of large companies products.
A handful of corporates are buying up many prior “clean” supplement companies - like PURE ENCAPSULATED etc. Always research who OWNS the company you buy from. It’s usually a large corporation but they present the company as independent to fool the masses.
Just like Garden of Life was bought by a large group, and most buying the product are unaware of the ownership change.
The “nice story” behind the product was it was created by someone who had struggled with major health problems, then he sold to America.inc -
now the company is owned by a handful of massive corporations (ie the elite billionaires).
Buy from small business owners who third party test products and always check who owns them.
It will surprise you how few are owned by truly small business owners these days.
Blackrock sucks up stock and then the large companies vacuum the good, clean small companies up.
Splish_Splash - Nov 18, 2023
Quiet Mind & Brain Healing
Yolanda Pritam Hari - Nov 19, 2023
Quiet Mind & Brain Healing
it's always been hard for me to fathom, since i was a little girl, why everyone was sick - and then why they all went to doctors and took poison pills. i have lawfully withdrawn myself completely from their pseudo-medicine, and only done holistic care for 42 years! Too many people remain too scared to do this. They want to still believe. THAT will be their downfall - while sadly, we watch and then sweep up at the end of the day
Telestai Nexus - Nov 16, 2023
Telestai Nexus
we have to demand that now
Margie Chism - Nov 16, 2023
Margie Chism
Awful ■ This makes laying hands on the sick and asking God to heal them in Jesus Name much more a choice! M
■Mark 16:18 KJV — They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
■Acts 28:8 KJV — And it came to pass, that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever and of a bloody flux: to whom Paul entered in, and prayed, and laid his hands on him, and healed him.
Lynette Devries - Nov 16, 2023
Margie Chism
I have the gift of healing and would love it if God could use me to deliver people from these evil vaccines/bioweapons, Sad thing is many churches back these shots. They are I believe a precursor of the Mark of the Beast. Part of it is the 5G network. Check out these 2 siteswww.NaturalNews.comwith its BRIGHTEON videos. Many hosts on it like Stew Peters are Christian. The other iswww.stopworldcontrol.com. God bless you sister.
Margie Chism - Nov 16, 2023
Margie Chism
I cannot say the Covid-19 shot is [n]ot the mark (Gene therapy in this shot is a nuclide shot, God's name is in every cell in nuclude acids, 10-5-6-5, YHVH). ■ He causeth means produces/manufactures...he causeth all to receive a mark to buy and sell. BILLGATES111 is Six hundred threescore and six in ASCII code. He chose the number of his name for his patent 060606 (read Revelation about the number of his name). Lead us not into temptation is experiment in Greek, REV 3:10, QR code is an image used for passports required for buying and selling, has happened/is happening. Phone is a Greek word for voice, speaks, sound. The image speaks that they worship (read REV about the image of the beast and that it could speak), Greek here is obedience. (Fauci makes a great false prophet). God told me for about a year or more to "do not get/receive this shot/vaccination." He never 'snake tailed wiggle any 5g'. Precursor is [n]ot your word, but picked up like a hitch hiker of a money handled coward...just pay them, they are not willing to show face; pay the fee. Cowards for cash. Lastly, MAC addresses from injected and some forehead test/PCR nose swabs, yes, Greek for forehead is between the eyes...know of some testing between the eyes? There is a requirement for those that do lay hands on the sick, and there is an example of the unqualified and the consequences for practicing which they do not have the authority. Required reading. M
Michael Folks - Nov 16, 2023
Michael’s Substack
Foods, Medicines, Dental numbing applications,what's it NOT in?
Nostradamus X - Nov 17, 2023
Nostradamus X
Ben - Nov 17, 2023
Dental ?
Rust - Nov 18, 2023
Margie Chism - Nov 16, 2023
Margie Chism
‘Chair Care’: New Mexico Hairstylists Being Trained Under CDC-Funded Program to Push COVID, Flu Shots ■ Under “Chair Care,” a program funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, New Mexico hairstylists are paid and trained as “trusted messengers” to promote COVID-19 and flu vaccines, especially to minority and conservative clients with low vaccination rates.
anna burns - Nov 16, 2023
Margie Chism
Lucky for me I have a hairstylist in NM that knows about all the BS lying that is going on. She does not fall for any of it. She worked through the plandemic and didn't wear a mask or get the poison shot.
Margie Chism - Nov 16, 2023
Margie Chism
Anna - As an artist I had never cut my long hair myself, and since 2020 I have cut it twice at least; I really do a good job too! M
Montana - Nov 17, 2023
Dear Lord
Stefanie - Nov 17, 2023
There should be an Angry Icon Button. I hated having to "Like" it.
Margie Chism - Nov 17, 2023
Margie Chism
Stefanie - I agree ■ I accept it too! Perhaps a fire rod for judgement would work; let the redeem "say so." M
Kathy M. - Nov 17, 2023
Kathy M.
I run into that a lot... having to say "like" to the worst news in the world.
Yolanda Pritam Hari - Nov 19, 2023
Quiet Mind & Brain Healing
you said it!
Renée - Nov 17, 2023
Wow this is cray cray
SadCookie - Nov 16, 2023
Dr. Henry Ealy - Nov 17, 2023 - Edited
Dr. Henry Ealy
Several thoughts Dr Ana...
1. Nicotine is not used for any purpose except to dislodge Spike Glycoprotein from alpha 7 nicotinic receptors. We have published on this citing ample peer-reviewed evidence.
2. Foreign Protein Cleanse was developed to be used as a neutralizer because of the binding affinity the botanicals have. Again, published with ample peer-reviewed evidence.
3. We were the first to publish on and recommend for use Vitamin C, EDTA, Hydrogen Peroxide, etc as dissolution agents for SGP and have been seeing them work since first recommending. Again, published with ample peer-reviewed evidence.
4. C60, Bentonite Clay, are used to bind the degraded products that can still be caustic within the cellular environment per Carlo Brogna's excellent peer-reviewed publications. That dude and his team have been instrumental in our understanding of one aspect of a multi factorial problem.
Respectfully, you misrepresent our work here as if we were asserting these solutions for SGP were for quantum dots as well and it's really sad to read as we have been supportive of your work to this point.
Graphene Oxide is best dealt with using our provem 3 stage water purification methods, boron, colloidal silver, and humic acid.
Dr West's use of archaea are currently being explored for hydrogels and his live blood cell analysis evidence is excellent.
2024 will bring new possibilities as the research continues in plasmid curing compounds and anti CRISPER proteins where archaea and 528 Hz weigh heavily.
So let me ask you this...
Have you actually reviewed are work and considered it on it's merits or are you attempting to build for yourself by misrepresenting us?
How are you proving these are indeed quantum dots? Have you used an electron microscope?
How are you proving these are hydrogels?
And why have you previously associated yourself with the use of blue light for therapeutic purposes when we have confirmations from DARPA that blue light can activate latent bioweapon systems?
In the future it is better to talk with us before misrepresenting our work to your audience. Please don't do that again.
I have no interest in warring with people who are legitimately exploring for humanity. I also have no interest in people talking shit about my team's leading work and thinking I'm not going to clap back.
Anytime you want to debate this issue publicly, Dr. Ardis, Dr. Group, Dr. Schmidt and I welcome the opportunity for scientific discussion and perhaps collaboration following as this may just be a misunderstanding...
Please don't play hero ball and purport that you alone have the solutions.
If you do then teach me. I'm a life long student and open to new ideas no matter how unpopular they might be to people who care more about their appearance than winning.
This is bigger than any one of us and it's going to take all of us working together to defeat our common enemy.
I'll let you decide how you want to get down from here on out. I'd much rather be a friend than a foe, but don't get it twisted sis.🤙🏽
Piki - Nov 17, 2023 - Edited
Kay and the blue teapot.
Please, indeed, don't fight, don't be defensive. We the people and everything on the planet need you very much now. You are all heros.
Dr. Henry Ealy - Nov 17, 2023 - Edited
Dr. Henry Ealy
We're here to collaborate. Share our work. Learn from everyone doing God's work.
Please understand that we can't allow our work to be misrepresented by anyone.
We've been engaging Dr Ana privately and we've been exploring and endorsing her work. That has to be a two way street if the mission is more important than are egos.
For her to do this is not cool.
Our work speaks for itself, we're not being defensive, we're just disappointed.
I've held these question back from the public out of professional courtesy.
That ship sailed when Dr Ana decided to make a post about nanobots in budesonide about my family and our heart-driven work.
If you put your heart and soul into something like this as we have...
Margie Chism - Nov 17, 2023
Margie Chism
Can two walk together, except they be agreed? ■ Amos 3:3 KJV — blueletterbible
Piki - Nov 19, 2023 - Edited
Kay and the blue teapot.
I understand! We are in a moment where we learn tremendous many things; the wonders of wonders and the blackness of evil. There isn't an in-between right now. I for myself, I do not dare to go to doctors or healers anymore. And that is because there isn't a good flow or harmony anywhere. / The awe, the willingness to open up to things extraordinary and then being humble and respectful is the new era. We all have to make sure that our own wounds are healed now before we speak up and that our ego's do not scream for attention anymore. The ego is obsolete. When we all get to that spot, my God...we will jump like a deer! Hello from Flanders Field, Belgium.
I somehow believe in all of you. Thank you!
I understand what you are saying.
koppykat - Nov 20, 2023
Hello again Piki, I remember you from awhile back. Yes I am the same re dctrs. I've always had to be my own healer anyways, but am so grateful for the hoards of ND's and Dr's who truly speak the truth and go so much further and give their time over - to teach us and expand our horizon's
Piki - Nov 20, 2023
Kay and the blue teapot.
Hi koppykat, exactly. I totally agree.
koppykat - Nov 19, 2023
it's so not cool, and demands explanation. I hope that is forthcoming. Nothing to do with ego, we the public are your students and invest a phenomenal amount of time and trust paying attention and paying it forward too - to help those who don't bother to come to class. Both of you are warriors, we need you.
Stella - Nov 18, 2023
I do have one question about using nicotine gum or patches though. I’ve read that nicotine narrows the blood vessels which can cause high blood pressure. Is that something you’ve looked into?
Dr. Deborah - Nov 17, 2023
Dr.’s Substack
Well said !
These are awesome questions.
Would love to see a reply.
You and your team keep up the great work Dr. Ealy.
Appreciate your efforts.
Margie Chism - Nov 17, 2023
Margie Chism
Photo copied ■ Filing for reference; so it doesn't vanish. M
Stella - Nov 20, 2023 - Edited
This is quite coincidental to this discussion now…..
I’ve been using nicotine gum 2mg once a day since earlier this year. I’ve been a big fan thinking how great for the venom issue, which I still believe to be true.
But earlier last week I had my first appointment with my new doctor, he’s an MD and also a naturopathic doctor, does live blood analysis at each appointment (said mine was best he’d seen especially for my age). He does EDTA chelation for a very moderate price (I’ve not had it yet), and several other things. If anyone lives close, here’s his website:
Some days before my first appointment with him last week, I stopped the daily nicotine gum, since I knew I’d have a blood test there. At my appointment it was a shock that my blood pressure was extremely high, systolic 180 (not in my normal history). I was told to monitor it at home with a log which I’m doing several times a day and logging it. I’ve not had the nicotine gum for about two weeks now. The first days after the doctor appointment, monitoring my blood pressure still showed very high levels, though I’ve not taken nicotine gum anymore. Then finally the last two days my blood pressure has gone down 40 points or more lower than it was showing before. Earlier I knew I was feeling poorly at times, especially at night, but didn’t think to check my blood pressure.
If taking nicotine gum or patches, might want to monitor blood pressure. I don’t know if it’s just my age perhaps not tolerating the nicotine since I’m in my 70s, though I’m very healthy and take no meds.
koppykat - Nov 19, 2023
Thankyou Henry, I thought it so odd that shedding/nanotech were even connected to nicotine application by Dr Ana this way. I would have thought all frontrunners looking into humanity's health - would be up to date on their peers research? Where general citizenry are making great strides and networking our collective progress and knowledgebase. Justified call.
Seeking Truth - Nov 16, 2023
Seeking Truth
Take a gander at this. He got rid of rubbery clots.
Honeybee - Nov 16, 2023
Honeybee’s Substack
Another very interesting study, Seeking. Thank you so much.
Dr. Henry Ealy - Nov 17, 2023
Dr. Henry Ealy
I'd also like to know what your background in clinical nutrition is Dr. Ana?
I looked for it here, but didn't see any and I hope it simply an oversight on my part.
Perhaps Germany has different curricula standards because in the US MDs get on average 19.6 hours of nutrition education over their entire 6 year education.
Combined education and clinical experience Dr Ardis, Dr Group, Dr Schmidt and I have well over 75,000 hours in our careers and I just happen to have over 200 publications of my own.
Forgive me for having a very hard time with MDs talking about nutrition...they killed mom and almost killed me.
You know how to reach me if you want to take this offline where it should have begun.🤙🏽
Therisa - Nov 17, 2023
💥 Love you, Ardis and Group! You guys are doing AMAZING work! 💝
Thank you all so much!
Dr. Henry Ealy - Nov 17, 2023
Dr. Henry Ealy
And we are grateful to you and so many like you who feel the same way.
It is our duty to earn your trust anew each new day.🙏🏽
It’s me again - Nov 22, 2023
It’s’s Substack
First I’d like to thank you for all you do and secondly I would ask a favor of you and your group. Would one of you please look into DMSO andTheUniversalAntidote.comDMSO is a powerful solvent, yet can be used on/in humans. It breaks down most plastics and yet it is very beneficial to humans without it would appear any real adverse effects if dosed properly. There’s a book written by STANLEY W. JACOB JACK C. DE LA TORRE called:
(DMSO) in Trauma and Disease. It is very well written and they cite all the work. Again thank you and I pray you keep up the good fight and that GOD keeps you all safe from harm!
Kathy M. - Nov 17, 2023
Kathy M.
I don't know that "hours spent" or even "courses taken" are correlated to "God-given genius." The proof is in the results and I doubt anyone can challenge Dr. Mihalcea's results. Did you ever see a four-year old play Franz Liszt?
Dr. Henry Ealy - Nov 17, 2023
Dr. Henry Ealy
Thousand upon thousands of hours mastering a craft don't hurt.
I challenge Dr. Ana's results and conclusions... just as I am open to people challenging mine.
I've earned the right to speak on such things with all the work I've published that has withstood criticisms.
These very well may be quantum dots. We're open to that. But how do we prove it? How do we get other independent teams to validate it?
That answer begins with electron microscopy. Has she performed any tests using an electron microscope?
That's a legitimate question.
There are no sacred cows on the road to freedom that we walk.
There is only God's work for there is but ONE genius and He is the Author of All Things.
Margie Chism - Nov 17, 2023
Margie Chism
Amen ■ Amen. M
Margie Chism - Nov 17, 2023
Margie Chism
Comment removed.
Margie Chism - Nov 17, 2023
Margie Chism
Genesis seed war ■ Genesis 3:15 KJV — And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. blueletterbible
Margie Chism - Nov 17, 2023
Margie Chism
We do need help. Psalms 23 I am teaching to my Grandsons and there is a song we have practiced during these few weeks. ■ Happy Sabbath. M
Psalms 23 - (I Am Not Alone) [Live at Linger Conference] People & Songs ft Josh Sherman
Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 16, 2023
Joy’s Newsletter
Is there ANY substance produced by pharma that does NOT contain this technology? ANYTHING?
Thanks for blowing the whistle on these BASTARDS!
Awaken The Lions In Truth - Nov 16, 2023
Awaken’s Substack
"My soul is not for sale."
Very succinctly stated Dr. Mihalcea. Very well indeed.
Robert - Nov 16, 2023
Starbear’s Blog
I bet it’s in salbutamol, ipratropium bromide and other meds
Thinking Mama Bear - Nov 16, 2023
Starbear’s Blog
You mean the puffers? I hope not.
Jen RN - Nov 17, 2023
Jen RN
Makes me wonder what other common prescription drugs have these micro robots. We give budesonide ALL the time in pediatrics, ex preemies with BPD (bronchopulmonary dysplasia), etc... it’s our go to for asthma flare ups , it’s being prescribed in covid emergency emergency kits by the wellness company- on the FLCCC protocol!
klclosely - Nov 18, 2023
Well isn't that interesting.
Deborah R Evans - Nov 17, 2023
I have been thinking this over. How can anyone live ? Shedding is impossible to avoid. Even mennonites, have to interact with others on a regular basis,too. Then I have to tell everyone, we all need to get rid of our technology completely and dump the cell towers and all of it. Go back to newspapers, here’s a novel idea, “ TALK, Commiserate and do it all while you are weeding your garden and sharing. “. And they call me crazy, huh...who’s crazy is them projecting their sickness on to others who are honest, caring and have integrity. These types without this quality are “ the legions and they are many.”
Larry Inn - Nov 16, 2023
Larry Inn
The greater the cover-up, the greater the Crime.
The greater the Crime, the greater the Cover-up.
Tfncrqk - Nov 16, 2023
Dr. Ana-thank you for testing other compounds. As far as I have read-you have yet to test Boron. The claim is it interferes with nano assembly.
Anne - Nov 17, 2023
Dear Dr. Ana, your work is amazing, invaluable, courageous... true and honest. Thank you so much for all you are doing to keep us informed and for your encouragement to use certain supplements at this time. As research demonstrates new information, perhaps new options will appear as well. Many are truly grateful for your dedication to this research and your collaboration with others around the world. I am one of them! Blessings and love to you.
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