On Universal Antidotes And Holy Grails Of Treating C19, Shedding And Vax Injury. Have You Checked The Live Blood?

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 03, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image: Extensive rouleaux formation and sludge blood

There are doctors out there saying they have the holy grail of treating Covid 19 or ‘THE’ antidote. Unfortunately that is misleading people to think they are safe, which the are not.

Here is an unvaccinated individual who’s been on 7mg Nicotine patch for 3 weeks, is on Nattokinase 20.000 Units, Vitamin C 8000mg, Vitamin D3 20000mg , Ivermectin 34mg once a week, EDTA orally 400mg daily, humic and fulvic acid, Nitric Oxide and other nutritional supplements. Last EDTA Chelation 1 week ago when the blood was looking pretty clean. Exposed to shedding from contaminated unvaccinated people.

If anyone tells you they have the antidote for this biological and technological weapon, ask them if they have proof of live blood analysis. Because if they don’t - they may just be telling you their wishful thinking. There is no universal antidote for this monstrosity. There are mitigation strategies that are reaching their maximum capacity, because recontamination occurs by just breathing. Everyone is shedding on everyone.

People say I am fearmongering. I do not think people are afraid enough. What is the blood of the unvaccinated going to look like after this next round of boosters for your family and friends that will contaminate you even worse?

Look at these images and contemplate for yourself. This right there is nanobots using the blood to create hydrogel clots.


Here is nanobot swarming to build large hydrogel clots using red blood cells as a substrate, you can see the blinking lights coordinating the effort:


Hydrogel construction sites:

Looks like a crystal chip to me

And here are the micro robots:


If with everything we know about that might work the blood does not stay clean and we continue to be bombarded with the nanotechnology and synthetic biology from everywhere - and those interact with the 5G frequencies… where is this going in another 3 months, 6 months or next year? You cannot stop self replicating nanotechnology from continuously replicating.

Is anyone out there getting the picture???

There are no holy grails in this war… and no universal antidotes. The weapons are too multifaceted. Will humanity ever wake up? The truth is in the blood. Everything else is show business.

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Lioness3* - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited


The truth is in the blood. Damn right it is, and to me, this looks like an extinction level event.

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RebeccaccebeR - Oct 3, 2023

RebeccaccebeR’s Substack

You should see my slideshow of shocking comparisons in which I have matched dozens of microscopic structures to their respective patents and published literature. See it for yourself; it is pinned to my substack!

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