Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 07, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Heavy metals test after 1 IV Chelation from a patient in my office: Note extremely high Aluminum level in conjunction with many other metals which are synergistically toxic to the body.
The Epoch Times interviewed me for this article on Aluminum toxicity:
Aluminum: The Brain Toxin Found Everywhere, Ways to Remove
This is a great review, please read it, but I disagree with the author’s writing on side effects of EDTA Chelation. I have done thousands of IV EDTA Chelation infusions and have not seen the side effects she described. It is a very safe and well tolerated therapy with tremendous benefits for people. When you detox the body from these heavy metals that bioaccumulate and have synergistic effects, everything gets better, from reversal of autoimmune diseases, brain fog, chronic fatigue, atherosclerosis, and many other conditions of aging. I did an interview with Dr. Michael Roth who brilliantly reviewed all the benefits of EDTA Chelation and we addressed all common mainstream allopathic Big Pharma propaganda made up objections to this safe therapy. For anyone who has concerns about the safety of EDTA - check out this interview.
I have extensively written about the beneficial effects to reverse the hydrogel AI synthetic biology we see in live blood in C19 injected and uninjected individuals. The metal accumulation in the body is synergistic and the metals are needed to control hydrogel properties and are themselves military grade wetware used for radar tracking of individuals. They contribute to the accelerated aging process we see in the world - because we are being sprayed like insects by our governments with this toxic metal poison concoction in geoengineering projects.
I am so convinced of the therapeutic benefit of EDTA, in particular at this time of this depopulation world war, that I not only recommend heavy metal detox for everyone as a preventative health initiative, but also to do one IV Chelation once a month to keep the blood clean of these AI artificial Hydrogel structures, since we are exposed to this via shedding, geoengineering chemtrails, food and water supply.
I also highly recommend the Soma Health EDTA Cream in conjunction and certainly on its own as well for those who do not have access to IV EDTA Chelation. The transdermal delivery bypasses the gut where EDTA may bind to minerals before crossing the gut barrier to enter the blood stream. Other possibilities that may overcome this is liposomal oral EDTA, but EDTA via the gut does not work well. People ask me about other metals chelators. Yes they are useful for metal detoxification, my recommendation of EDTA is based on it being able to address metals, hydrogel and graphene detoxification all at once.
I have found in sequential live blood analysis of people who use the cream daily that the blood stays clear of these structures when combined with EDTA IV chelation at preventative intervals. Aluminum is one of many toxic metals that accelerate aging and cause deterioration of health.
Nanoparticulate Aluminum is more toxic than micro size. World renown nanopathology researcher Dr. Antonietta Gatti has found nanoparticles with electron microscopy in blood samples. She has found for example nanoparticles in patients with Leukemia. These metals are cancerogenic. Her images are posted below.
One of Dr. Gatti’s interviews on nano biointeractions and pathology can be found here: Nano-biointeraction and nanopathology
I am grateful to the Epoch Times for informing people more about this important health issue.
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deever - Jan 8, 2023
I am very grateful for Dr Ana's substack. I have commented a few times on other posts re my own experience in what i figured must be successful chelation - it was using seaweed. In today's post Dr Ana mentions why she sticks with EDTA, successful in removing multiple categories of toxicants. But has there been similar study re sea veg? I had a quick browse around the internet and quickly found several studies that indicate chelation success with various seaweed or seaweed extracts (I did not look in depth at all, however). This begs for urgent serious testing by pros like Dr Ana. Perhaps as adjunct to EDTA therapy, etc.
In Canada where I am, "Health" Canada banned years ago a favourite seaweed, hijiki, due to accumulation of inorganic metals. I feel this is wrongful, as I believe the net effect of eating even relatively metal-laden hijiki would be to remove more from the eater's body, not to mention other benefit in mineral provision etc. Not to be cavalier about metal ingestion in this manner going through one's alimentary tract, but this should not be hard to research, too.
I dwell on this seaweed thing because it is easier to imagine successful very widespread dietary detox this way than as many booking doctor office intravenous interventions.
I believe the non-biodegradables such as metals and whatever the mass injection campaign increased exposures to, have their particular toxicity in re the list of ailments solved by chelation, due to e-effects. The mad vax campaign, one should think coupled with new e-infrastructure output, has primary ill effect electromagnetically. This I have felt and conclusively figured, as stated in prior comments, from self-experimentation around injectees, and even regarding 2nd hand exposures via a non-injie. The latter I theorize could perhaps make good use of the topical EDTA suggested by the doctor here, which may relate to other skin-level issues. (I recall in one interview S Yanowitz theorizing about transfer of toxic effects via skin as well.)
I would hope to hear that chelation therapy is accompanied by strong advice re avoidance of albeit ubiquitous manmade e-pollution from devices and infrastructure.(that I was involved in intense advocacy against for some years, years ago - it is this advocacy work which had me have much contact with public health departments and in governments at all levels; all that had me not surprised at all that public health are playing stooges for nefarious perpetrations.)
I so look forward to further posts and sharings from Dr Ana.
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mothman777 - Jan 7, 2023
mothman777’s Newsletter
In the mid-1980's I read a Harpers and Queen Magazine health section article by Dianne and Leslie Kenton, and it said that sunbathing increases the rate of expulsion of all types of toxins from the body by 20-40 times, so just sunbathing, and obviously having a quick rinse off in the shower every few hours, gets rid of a lot of toxins including heavy metals, same goes for if you decide to have your amalgam silver mercury metal fillings replaced, do that in the summer while you can sunbathe so as to avoid heavily overburdening toxicity that can result in reactions like oral lichen planus, that can cause gum tissue to shrink away and dentine teeth tissue to become exposed, in fact, if you have a lot of mercury fillings, like a dozen or so, space having them out removed over several years so as not to stress your system, speaking from experience. Ayurveda has answers too, Dr Vasant Lad's ayurvedic research is good, teas made with turmeric for instance help with safe detoxification, and several other herbs can be added to the tea that help too which he mentions.
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