Aluminum: The Brain Toxin Found Everywhere…

Jan 7, 2023

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Heavy metals test after 1 IV Chelation from a patient in my office: Note extremely high Aluminum level in conjunction with many other metals which are synergistically toxic to the body.


deever - Jan 8, 2023

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

I am very grateful for Dr Ana's substack. I have commented a few times on other posts re my own experience in what i figured must be successful chelation - it was using seaweed. In today's post Dr Ana mentions why she sticks with EDTA, successful in removing multiple categories of toxicants. But has there been similar study re sea veg? I had a quick browse around the internet and quickly found several studies that indicate chelation success with various seaweed or seaweed extracts (I did not look in depth at all, however). This begs for urgent serious testing by pros like Dr Ana. Perhaps as adjunct to EDTA therapy, etc.
In Canada where I am, "Health" Canada banned years ago a favourite seaweed, hijiki, due to accumulation of inorganic metals. I feel this is wrongful, as I believe the net effect of eating even relatively metal-laden hijiki would be to remove more from the eater's body, not to mention other benefit in mineral provision etc. Not to be cavalier about metal ingestion in this manner going through one's alimentary tract, but this should not be hard to research, too.
I dwell on this seaweed thing because it is easier to imagine successful very widespread dietary detox this way than as many booking doctor office intravenous interventions.
I believe the non-biodegradables such as metals and whatever the mass injection campaign increased exposures to, have their particular toxicity in re the list of ailments solved by chelation, due to e-effects. The mad vax campaign, one should think coupled with new e-infrastructure output, has primary ill effect electromagnetically. This I have felt and conclusively figured, as stated in prior comments, from self-experimentation around injectees, and even regarding 2nd hand exposures via a non-injie. The latter I theorize could perhaps make good use of the topical EDTA suggested by the doctor here, which may relate to other skin-level issues. (I recall in one interview S Yanowitz theorizing about transfer of toxic effects via skin as well.)
I would hope to hear that chelation therapy is accompanied by strong advice re avoidance of albeit ubiquitous manmade e-pollution from devices and infrastructure.(that I was involved in intense advocacy against for some years, years ago - it is this advocacy work which had me have much contact with public health departments and in governments at all levels; all that had me not surprised at all that public health are playing stooges for nefarious perpetrations.)
I so look forward to further posts and sharings from Dr Ana.


David Merrill - May 16, 2023

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

I agree that it is more about binding the aluminum for disposal, rather than the amount of aluminum in the seaweed. Like dissolves like so if there is bound aluminum in the seaweed, and room for more yet, then the seaweed will remove aluminum as it passes. My theory.


mothman777 - Jan 7, 2023 - Edited

mothman777’s Newsletter

In the mid-1980's I read a Harpers and Queen Magazine health section article by Dianne and Leslie Kenton, and it said that sunbathing increases the rate of expulsion of all types of toxins from the body by 20-40 times, so just sunbathing, and obviously having a quick rinse off in the shower every few hours, gets rid of a lot of toxins including heavy metals, same goes for if you decide to have your amalgam silver mercury metal fillings replaced, do that in the summer while you can sunbathe so as to avoid heavily overburdening toxicity that can result in reactions like oral lichen planus, that can cause gum tissue to shrink away and dentine teeth tissue to become exposed, in fact, if you have a lot of mercury fillings, like a dozen or so, space having them out removed over several years so as not to stress your system, speaking from experience. Ayurveda has answers too, Dr Vasant Lad's ayurvedic research is good, teas made with turmeric for instance help with safe detoxification, and several other herbs can be added to the tea that help too which he mentions.


deever - Jan 8, 2023 - Edited

mothman777’s Newsletter

RE sunbathing and similar exposures and what is going on re covidiana as I have alluded to in other comments: Two very interesting self-experimentation results I had last year, I who would react strongly with throbs (clots coming loose surely; until recent seaweed & hawthorn self-therapy) after close enough contact (could even be at >10 ft away if stationary for some seconds) - twice when exposed to strong heat, once by our woodstove and the other time in summer while sunbathing, in both cases as never pre-covidiana, I had the symptom in the body part at skin level closest to the heat source. I.e. if one is laden with an e-effect toxicity enhancer, graphene compounds seeming the likeliest common culprit these days, intense sun exposure may be contraindicated (as may sitting too close to wood fire, etc). I am not at all recommending against lots of sunshine, on the contrary, but be aware. If a threshold of exposure is met, exacerbation may ensue. Manmade e-pollution is not the only "light" in the spectrum that can harm in certain conditions.


mothman777 - Jan 8, 2023 - Edited

mothman777’s Newsletter

I looked this up about 'e-effect', and cannot see that this has anything to do with sunbathing or being near a heat source.


Morton Winner - Jan 18, 2023 - Edited

mothman777’s Newsletter

A crucial question: how does one find a physician trained in, and willing to perform, IV administration of EDTA , in order to detoxify as per your excellent article? Any guidance offered would be most greatfully received. I am living near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


mothman777 - Jan 20, 2023 - Edited

mothman777’s Newsletter

Buy a half kilo bag of EDTA for next to nothing on the internet. Try taking a very safe small dose of 1 gram of this specific type, calcium disodium EDTA reagent grade a day for a maximum of 4 days at one go, and just do that 4 day period once a month and see if that makes you feel any fresher, taking it orally does work. I have taken vastly more EDTA than that and for much longer with no ill effects to shift and dissolve 1 cm kidney stones very rapidly in emergencies, but just for general gentle detoxing, a gram a day just for 4 days every month will not possibly cause you any problems, unless, possibly you have some terrible kidney disease, but EDTA has actually been found in small amounts to improve function of damaged kidneys. Some say you need to remineralize after using EDTA, but that small amount will not take significant amounts of vital minerals out of you, and a decent mineral supplement 12 hours after each EDTA dose should sort any slight demineralization out. Some reckon that only minerals that are not bound in the body are affected anyway.
EDTA is a heavy laxative, especially in larger amounts, so you might do well to maybe just do a couple of days on weekends for two weekends or just one weekend day each week instead each month and make sure you stay at home then, as just thinking one is about to pass wind alone can have certain consequences if one follows the impulse, especially if one has taken several grams of EDTA, but 1 gram should be reasonably mild in its effects.
Another tip, EDTA will not dissolve in cold water, it forms a hard lump like chewing gum in cold water, so dissolve it in hot or very warm water, it is best to use distilled or Berkey filtered or RO filtered water, however, just hot tap water will do if one cannot access those, it is really hardly acidic at all and is quite pleasant in the mouth, far less acidic than apple or tomato juice actually and pleasantly almost sweet, always take it on a completely empty stomach first thing, follow the dissolved solution of EDTA with a pint of water, and do not eat breakfast or milk etc. for at least 2 or 3 hours afterwards, otherwise the EDTA just goes to work on the food or milk in your stomach. EDTA will rapidly start to clean out microcapillaries and boost hearing, eyesight and cognitive function as it enables more oxygen and other vital nutrients into cells, there are some very encouraging studies on its use as a promising life-extender, and recently there has been a massive increase in its use to very rapidly remove unwanted calcium deposits within the eyes during eye surgery.


deever - Jan 8, 2023

Sorry to be maybe too casual with nomenclature. Layperson I am so would not mean electromeric effect. When in anti-e-smog advocacy I would sometimes draw attention to e.g. a NASA graphic of the opacity of the atmosphere - our protection! - to which wavelengths throughout the spectrum. Found again just now at Where the atmosphere does not interfere with transmission, what has humans certain that this portion of the spectrum can be exploited as now, and not be required to be clear for optimal biological functioning? But that rhetorical question does not take further into account what our bodies are laden with, where e.g. otherwise benign or even healthful exposures from other parts of the spectrum magnify to xenobiotic distortions.


Monica - Jan 7, 2023

Would chelation help someone with Parkinson? We believe parkinson's set in after jabs. Please help if possible


dana ciancimino - Jan 8, 2023

I am conflicted. I have ordered some of the EDTA cream because I and my children are ill and suffering. BUT I am seriously CREEPED OUT by the name of the company, Soma.
Was this an intentional naming? It must be. We are to take "soma" to escape our pain? The same drug that kept all the citizens in A. Huxley's, Brave New World happy? The same drug that let them accept their genetically modified bodies, their govt conditioning from birth, the absence of any and all freedom of thought and bodily autonomy?
It makes the hairs stand up on the back of my neck to know we have arrived at such a horrid dystopia. Can we not rewrite the ending just a bit? Or is that as hopeless as Oedipus trying to avoid his fate?


Dr Maria D Olivier🇿🇦 - Jan 8, 2023

Dr Maria D Olivier🇿🇦

Is it true that people with amalgans cannot receive EDTA?


Sally Gould - Jan 8, 2023

Sally’s Newsletter

I hope that Dr. Ana will kindly answer your urgent query, as well as address the issue of surgical metal.
Thank you!


Dr Maria D Olivier🇿🇦 - Jan 10, 2023

Dr Maria D Olivier🇿🇦

Sally,do you have an answer to my question?


Sally Gould - Jan 11, 2023

Sally’s Newsletter

No, I did not get a reply, so I just posted the question AGAIN in Dr. Ana's current post.
Let's hope Dr. Ana answers this critical query!


Sally Gould - Jan 12, 2023

Sally’s Newsletter

Dr. Ana just replied on her current Substack:
na Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
7 hr ago
Better to get all amalgams out before doing it....


Dr Maria D Olivier🇿🇦 - Jan 12, 2023

Dr Maria D Olivier🇿🇦

Thank you so much


Catherine - Jan 10, 2023

Catherine’s Substack

Is this true?


Dr Maria D Olivier🇿🇦 - Jan 10, 2023

Dr Maria D Olivier🇿🇦

We are still awaiting reply from anyone able to answer.


StellaMaris - Jan 7, 2023


The interview on Epoch is behind a paywall... :(


Mark.Kennard - Jan 7, 2023

Healthcare, not Medicine

I’m hypersensitive to mercury, aluminium and titanium. I’ve had to have two spinal implants removed due to the bad reaction. I still do have tiny fragments of metal peppered through my back. I’m also suffering from the toxins in PMMA bone cement. Bone cement was used to plug a hole in my vertebrae that was gushing blood. So the bone cement is in physical contact with the blood supply in my vertebra and causes a toxic reaction if I speed up my metabolism with vitamins or exercise. I can’t tolerate vegetables and get anaphylaxis from them. I have to keep my vitamin c levels below normal range as if I bring them into normal range the symptoms are worse and I get very bad organ pain. Anything that causes the body to detox just moves the toxins around my body more and more. Apart from getting the bone cement removed there doesn’t seem to be anything I can do. I don’t know anything about edta and am worried about how I would react to it. Because there is a permanent source of toxins in my spine. I doubt anything would be safe for me for detox unless the bone cement and metal fragments were removed first. I had bad reactions to vaccines between the ages of 14-30. The hepb vaccine was the first one I reacted badly to at 14. Any with mercury cause me chronic fatigue type symptoms. Any with aluminium cause neurological injury/toxicity. I would hear old memories and have elevated emotions. Organisation and planning skills were badly affected. My first spinal titanium alloy spinal implant at the age of 33 also had a galvanic reaction with my amalgam fillings so they had to be removed too. I react to titanium dioxide in foods and medications and dental work. I’ve even reacted to clothing that was impregnated with titanium dioxide in the past. I was in contact for 3 years with professor Vera Stejskal from 2006-2008 and she taught me a lot about type 4 allergy to metals. From my multiple experiences throughout my life I’ve become a bit of a resource for other patient’s suffering implant allergy too. From my long term observations I believe metal antigens in particular are responsible for most disease. They are what sets the disease process off. I believe we all have our own personal antigen tolerance limit and once we exceed that limit the body malfunctions and disease occurs. I believe 95% of disease could be prevented very easily if our biological responses to metals was taken seriously. You may enjoy this Substack I wrote which describes what has been happening in this area. You may even identify with one of the roles discussed


Catherine - Jan 7, 2023

Catherine’s Substack

Can you help me locate chelation services in the state of Florida? How can I purchase the cream that you referenced? Will it help with long covid? Thank you


Renee Marie - Jan 7, 2023

Renee Marie

Catherine, it’s in the article. SomaHealth. I purchased some, but it’s on back order.


Catherine - Jan 8, 2023

Catherine’s Substack

Right. I saw that but I also read that it is suggested the chelation therapy and the cream used together is a better outcome. Hoping to find EDTA Chelation therapy in my state. WA is on the other side of the world from Florida.


Renee Marie - Jan 8, 2023

Renee Marie

I gotcha! Be thankful you’re not in Commifornia!


CarO Lyn - Jan 8, 2023

I searched for ‘chelation therapy Florida’ and got lots of results all over the state


Kristen - Jan 8, 2023

You can google IV chelation therapy near your city/ town or in FL.


Dan Preece - Jan 7, 2023

Michael’s Newsletter

 My favorite deodorant is loaded with aluminum, can it penetrate the skin? 


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 7, 2023



Jazzy - Apr 11, 2023

How do we seek treatment with you?


Michael A. Stilinovich - Jan 8, 2023

Michael’s Newsletter

Ana is correct, if you go Michael Greger's site and a great site for practically all things nutrition.) you will find links of multitudes of studies. Deodorant being one.


Renee Marie - Jan 8, 2023

Renee Marie

I can’t BELIEVE how many years I used poison! I used to wear makeup everyday…the whole nine yards-lol! Not to mention animal testing. I feel like I just woke up after 59 years! It’s so weird.
After losing my job of 23 years for not complying and sickness, I feel like I’ve been slapped in the face-in a good way! Thank you for the site!


Renee Marie - Jan 7, 2023

Renee Marie

I just stopped using all deodorant, shampoo, soap. I use Dr. Bonner for cleansing my body/hair and also use Sal Suds (Dr. Bonner) for my dishes as well/cleanser. It’s all natural with no chemicals in it. I also stopped wearing makeup.
I had ovarian cancer in August at 59. I’m done with all this crap they’re selling!
I bought the EDTA cream, but it’s on back order.


Bodhimom - Jan 8, 2023

Dr. Ana, can I use the EDTA creme for my grandchildren? Aged 2 1/2 yrs. and 8 mos.
To my horror, my son got them vaccinated recently with the covid vaxxs. Can I also use for example Ivermectin and some other supplements to help get this garbage out of their little bodies?
Any input is appreciated as I am so upset that they did this to their children.


Apologetic Yankee - Jan 8, 2023 - Edited

Apologetic Yankee

Absolutely & the good news is > after my initial chelation rounds in 2017, my recent 5 yr follow-up Labs show very little, if any metal build-up.
The more concerning news via latest Labs show excessive mtbe marker > Naturopath says they've been seeing this exposure widespread globally beg approx 3-4 yrs ago.
Not sure what the best, most effective way to detox from mtbe is?


Tom - Jan 8, 2023



MCI - Jan 8, 2023

Any thoughts on using DMSO to a particular spot on the body to open absorption before applying the EDTA cream?


Michelle - Jan 8, 2023

Hi Dr. Ana! Thank you for all that you do. I purchased some bulk Calcium Disodium EDTA and would like to know your thoughts on using it via enema for chelation? I am no doctor, but it would seem to be a possible option for those that cannot IV Chelation or the expensive cream? I am attaching a link of a protocol I found. We have got to get these metals OUT of us. There are many EDTA suppositories on the market but they can cause irritation. I have done all the layman type research I can and would greatly appreciate your thoughts on EDTA enema. I am posting a link and also a link for the inexpensive bulk EDTA. Under $25 for a pound. Thank you and may you have many blessings this New Year! You are a LIGHT to many and we love you!


David Merrill - May 16, 2023

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

Avoid aluminum cookware. It sure helped me!


David Merrill - May 16, 2023 - Edited

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

Especially things like tomato that are acidic. Stop eating the etched aluminum from cookware. Go stainless steel, copper or iron.



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