A Targeted Individual: Dr. Katherine Horton -PhD in Experimental Particle Physics -Directed Energy Weapons, Nanotechnology Microchip Implants, Military Neuro/Biotechnology and Systemic Corruption

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 15, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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There are so many people who are clueless about the human targeting program. This genocidal program and implantation of humans with microchips has been going on for a very long time. I posted the analysis of implanted microchips by Dr Hildy Staninger and have been discussing that these micro chips are the very same thing that is the C19 bioweapons now : GLOBAL BRAIN CHIP AND MESOGENS Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories - Computer System For Collective Mind Control

The Graphene microchip shown by Dr Staninger was from ear wax of a Targeted Individual - compared to Dr Nixon’s C19 Pfizer Microchips.

People think of CERN as a great institution, but its satanic purpose is in plain sight. If you think this human sacrifice ritual in front of CERN is a mockery, you are brainwashed beyond rescue: Mock human sacrifice at Cern – video

I have been presenting Dr Robert Duncan’s work who came forward as a whistleblower and developer of the remote targeting World Mind Control and AI remote assassination program. I thought he was a good guy, but after seeing the documentation of the facebook posts and the treatment of Dr Horton, I think caution is warranted. We have so many “whistleblowers” who developed a technology and then supposedly are fighting against it while still getting payments for their invention. Caution is warranted if you know what a double agent is - until we know more. We have a couple of them in the medical freedom movement too, that keep the narrative controlled. If Dr Duncan now is warning humanity or continues to be part of the predators, either way his information is extremely important to explain how far advanced the mind control technology is and how long this genocide has been going on.

Here are Dr. Duncan’s facebook posts and interactions with Dr Horton. A MUST READ.

Dr Robert Duncan

Either way, his admissions on how he mind maps people and then remotely accesses them via his computer screen, is worth studying in detail, since this is the very technology I and other researchers have been finding. People think it is hard to hack someone’s mind, but did you read his email that Duncan accessed his computer program AND MAPPED HER MIND - and subsequently did not consider her smart at all. Let that sink in. He was able to access her brain waves remotely and decode her entire MIND.

Here are some other revealing comments:

Here is a flyer of his lecture at MIT in 2019:

In the below history of Dr Horton’s torture in the targeting program, she discusses that the microchips she was implanted with are the WBAN Network that we have been discussing:

2007 Chemical Analysis of Morgellons Fibers Showed Polyethylene Nanotechnology. Pfizer C19 Bioweapon Polyethylene Glycol LNP's Create Filaments And Micro Chips. Are They Related And Part Of WBAN?

Below you can see the attacks of Directed Energy Weapons that she has been suffering and more. This is a common description of what Targeted Individuals are experiencing. The reason why every human being needs to learn about it because this is the method of genocide, leading to quarantine camps, total mind control via remote surveillance of every thought you have. Understand that the usual method of discrediting TI’s as bipolar or schizophrenic is challenging when you have someone of this caliber of intelligence. I have patients like this - Geniuses in their fields who are being tortured literally to death.

Dr. Katherine Horton

Below is a summary of Dr. Horton’s work and its sabotage by Secret Service networks. The links here are to pages with the respective evidence documents.

Dr. Horton’s qualifications

Dr. Horton’s court case against MI5 and MI6 intelligence agencies


High Energy Physics

Dr Katherine Horton in an Oxford-educated particle physicist and systems analyst with a Master of Physics (1st class) and doctorate in particle physics, both from the University of Oxford. She worked as a high energy physicists on the particle collider at the German Electronsynchrotron DESY in Hamburg, Germany, and on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva Switzerland. She taught nuclear physics and particle physics at Hertford College, University of Oxford, and conducted admissions interviews for undergraduate physics at St Hilda’s College, Oxford.

Physics of Complex Human Systems

At Oxford, Dr. Horton worked as a research fellow at St John’s College, a position that allowed her to expand her research from particle physics into medical physics and the physics of complex human systems. As part of the latter, she conducted systems analysis research of the English legal system, economies, the financial system, currencies, as well as white collar crime and organized crime.

Growing up in Communism with Secret Service Criminality

Dr. Horton’s first experience of Secret Services and their boundless criminality was in Communist Romania, where she was born to Hungarian-German parents. Growing up as a young child, she experienced the non-stop terrorism of her family by the Romanian Secret Services Securitate , an organisation known for its brutality and uneducated idiocy. Dr. Horton’s family were a prime target of the Secret Service thugs as they were highly educated and refused to take part in the snitching and informant criminality that was used by the mob networks of the Secret Services to take over the society in Romania.

British Secret Service Criminality

After fleeing Communist Romania with her parents, Dr. Horton grew up in Germany where she excelled at school, skipping year 9 on merit and coming top of her year in the German Abitur . Based on her school results and high aptitude for maths and physics, Dr. Horton was accepted for a place at the University of Oxford where she completed her undergraduate and doctorate before becoming a research fellow, as mentioned above.

It was during her first week as an undergraduate at Oxford, that Dr. Horton witnessed the very same tactics used on her that the Securitate had used on her family during Communist times. A group of older men began to stalk her to lectures in the morning and were waiting for her at various points on the way upon her return to the College. They repeatedly took photographs of her and made their stalking and harassment as overt as possible.

At the time, Dr. Horton ignored the spectacle as life in a foreign country and keeping up with studies at an elite university was overwhelming enough. The stalking and harassment by older men continued intermittently throughout her undergraduate degree, but it wasn’t until a decade later that it exploded into a high-intensity terror campaign by British Secret Services.

In November 2011, as Dr. Horton was attending a High Court case in London as part of her systems analysis research into the English legal system, MI5 openly stalked her home from court and placed a thug to wait for her outside her home every morning to follow her to the train station. This overt Secret Service terror campaign, that began with MI5 in 2011 has not stopped to this day and has followed Dr. Horton abroad to all European countries through the terror networks of MI6. So at the time of writing, Dr. Horton has been stalked and harassed by MI5 and MI6 for almost two decades.

What began as overt surveillance became intrusive harassment, overt stalking, physical mutilation and sex trafficking by a group of British men mostly in their 50-70s after the end of the court case. Eventually, it morphed into open, rampant criminality by people connected to the Secret Services and the police. Dr. Horton suffered a Stasi-style break-in, sex stalking by those perverts in Oxford and wherever she went, regular street theatre and harassment by strangers. One of the barristers from the court case, Jonathan Sumption, began to stalk her as part of this criminal network and took prominent part in her abuse.

During this period he also became a judge of the UK Supreme Court and acquired the courtesy title of Lord Sumption. Due to the timing of his promotion, which saw him leap-frog the entire English judiciary by becoming a Supreme Court Judge without ever having served as a judge in England, and the sexual nature of the abuse that Dr. Horton suffered and continues to suffer, it appears likely that Lord Sumption’s abuse of her is for the accumulation of a control file that a lot of establishment figures need to have to be promoted up in the cartel world of the ruling establishment.

The violations of the members of this criminal network grew ever more sadistic and brutal with time. They followed her across Europe, subverted her medical care and eventually escalated into systematic physical mutilation of her with Directed Energy Weapons. These assaults that started overtly in 2011 have not abated to this day.

Start-Up, Finance, Consulting

After leaving academia and returning to Germany, where she had grown up, Dr. Horton set out to launch a company. Her endeavour was sabotaged and destroyed by MI6 and German Intel BND with the methods of Zersetzung , which had been developed by the East German Stasi. The criminals from BND also began to openly assault Dr. Horton physically, including launching an attack from a helicopter on her as she was standing on her rooftop terrace in Munich-Solln and a similar attack on her in bed at night that was launched from a neighbour working for BND.

After having to abort the company due to the incessant Secret Service terror, Dr. Horton worked briefly for an asset management firm in Switzerland, a job she obtained by predicting the unprecedented money printing of the European Central Bank. Dr. Horton was forced to leave the job because she began to fear for her life when MI6 and BND increased their intimidation campaign using collaborating criminals from Swiss Intel NDB.

The subsequent attempt to launch a consultancy in Switzerland, was brutally squashed when Swiss Intel NDB began to machine-gun Dr. Horton with Directed Energy Weapons around the clock in January 2016.

More on Dr. Horton’s qualifications

Investigating Secret Service Terror

With the explosion of the Secret Service terror campaigns into non-stop mutilation with Directed Energy Weapons, life became impossible for Dr. Horton as she found herself assaulted 24/7 in a torture program that had her death as its goal. The continuous assaults during the day exploded at night when she was lying defenceless in bed.

She made several reports to the local police in Unterengstringen (Zurich) and to the German Federal Police Agency, Bundeskriminalamt. However, it became clear that they were involved in the criminality as they refused to take action. So Dr. Horton was forced to take up the investigation herself full time.

After extensive online research and after flying to London to attend the High Court case of Philip Kerr v MI5 and speaking to the business man Philip Kerr and his partner after the hearing, Dr. Horton discovered that her case and that of Philip Kerr were almost identical.

Dr. Horton realised that during her time at the University of Oxford, she had become the victim of criminal operations by MI5, which used her in non-consensual human experimentation and covert sex trafficking. Upon this realisation, she took MI6 (called SIS these days), MI5 and GCHQ to court but was thwarted by the defendants who sabotaged her case in every possible way, including a death threat on the way to court in London that MI6 executed with an assassination attempt 3 days later in Switzerland. In the end, the court case was “terminated” and attempts were made to make it disappear off the record.

After this experience, Dr. Horton tried to withdraw but the attacks only escalated further until it became clear that they would not stop until the Secret Services would have succeeded in murdering Dr. Horton.

In an attempt to understand what was happening, Dr. Horton travelled to Manchester to attend the court case of Dr. Stephen Frost v MoD at the end of October 2016. There, Dr. Horton was brutally assaulted in the hotel room with Directed Energy Weapons. Upon reporting the assault to police the Greater Manchester Police lied to Dr. Horton and sent her back to her hotel room promising to send a police officer to the scene. There, MI5 waited until they expected her to have gone to bed and then staged criminal intimidation theatre by faking the call out of a “mental health ambulance” (no such thing existence in the UK) and pretended to try to section Dr. Horton.

After this experience, Dr. Horton went public on the Richie Allen Show about the Directed Energy Weapon assaults on her by the Secret Services. Through this publicity, she was put into contact with several other women, including Karen Melton-Stewart, who had worked almost 30 years for the NSA and had become a whistleblower about internal corruption. Through the exchange it became clear that the Secret Service criminality was identical between the US and Europe and there were indications that it was founded on a global genocide programs run by the Secret Services worldwide for “population control” and “sustainability”.

In May 2017, through the work of the Joint Investigation Team, Dr. Horton discovered that she had been covertly implanted with military bio-technology and neurotechnology and used as a torture and mutilation slave for almost two decades.

Court Case against MI6, MI5 and GCHQ

In spring 2016, when the physical attacks with Directed Energy Weapons on her became insane, Dr. Horton fled to London and was desperately seeking an emergency injunction from the London High Court against British Intelligence. Her court case

Dr Katherine Horton v SIS, MI5, GCHQ [2016] EWHC 2095 (QB)

was violently sabotaged by British Secret Services who committed every imaginable criminal act to stop her litigation and disappear it off the record:

More on Dr. Horton’s court case

Death Threat and MI6 Assassination Attempt

In retaliation just for daring to approach the High Court, Dr. Horton received a death threat from MI6 who were reading her email live and listening to all her phone conversations and knew that she was travelling to London to go to the High Court. An MI6 agent approached her in gas-lighting theatre on her way from Heathrow airport to her hotel after midnight, and after involving her in small talk said out of the blue “there is crime in every country, in some it is just well hidden” ; he repeated that sentence and after a meaningful pause he asked “Did they kill Diana?” , making a reference to Princess Diana and her death that pointed to MI6 as her killers. The implication was that if MI6 was willing to murder a Princess, they would just as easily murder Dr. Horton.

Straight after the first hearing of her court litigation, MI6 stalked Dr. Horton demonstratively all the way back to her hotel. There, the attackers waited until she came out of her shower wrapped in a towel before assaulting her with intense machine-gunning from Directed Energy Weapons into the back of her head so that she collapsed from pain. The emphasis on nudity and humiliation in Secret Service attacks is a recurring theme in the victim cases and appears to result from mental illness, sexual depravity and sadistic psychopathy that is rampant in Western Secret Services and the military. The attackers repeated the attack a second time when Dr. Horton’s husband arrived back at the hotel as she stood up to tell him what had happened. She collapsed again in pain in front of her husband from the agonisingly painful machine-gunning.

Three days later, Dr. Horton and her husband survived an assassination attempt on the Swiss motorway as Dr. Horton, the driver of the car, was machine-gunned in the head as from a car in front as they were travelling at 100km/h through a tunnel. Had Dr. Horton lost consciousness during the attack as intended, she and her husband would have crashed in the tunnel and likely died in an accident reminiscent of the death of Princess Diana.

Satanic Symbolism & Continued Attacks

On the day of the attack, a life-size black plastic goat was placed by Ms. Nitschke a neighbour of Dr. Horton on a flat roof of a neighbouring property in a prominent place that could be seen from almost every room of Dr. Horton’s home. Comparison with other victim cases identifies this as a Satanic symbol of death that the Secret Services like to harass their victims with. Subsequently, the mutilation of Dr. Horton with Directed Energy Weapons became even more psychopathic.

Investigative Research

As a result of the refusal by the police and the courts to assist, Dr. Horton was forced to investigate these rampant crimes herself. She came across the testimony of hundreds of victims online who were begging for help like her on YouTube, Facebook on Twitter. All of them were being mutilated like she was and had also been maliciously treated by the authorities. It was at that point that Dr. Horton realised that the police, judiciary and secret services are all knowingly complicit in a global Nazi extermination program that is using Directed Energy Weapons to place victims into invisible concentration camps and commit silent genocide .

Dr. Horton gradually realised that she, as well as her family and friends, were being used as target practice for modern military weapons and subjects of human experimentation with non-consensual body implants and neurotechnology. The crimes against her and her family and friends were committed with egregious impunity because all police services, Intelligence Agencies and courts were in Deep Capture by a global criminal network that owned the Secret Services and had infiltrated every area of public life.

Dr. Horton as well as her family members and those of her friends experienced brutal assaults and survived assassination attempts. Dr. Horton was permanently mutilated and repeated brutal premeditated assaults and had to begin fighting for her life.

Dr. Horton also discovered that she had been non-consensually implanted without her knowledge with microchips. The radio-frequency emissions from these illegal chip implants that form an interconnected system, called a Body Area Network in the scientific literature, were measured by experts in a professional Faraday cage at a Belgian university.

She also discovered that members of her family and friends had equally been implanted.

Dr. Horton has begged for help from the human rights charities, Swiss & UK & German police, Swiss criminal police, Swiss military police, the German Federal Crime Squad BKA, the Swiss & UK Attorney Generals, the UK Investigatory Powers Tribunal, the Heads of MI5 & BND and the German ambassador to Switzerland. All committed dereliction of duty by refusing to help. The police even took active steps to intimidate her.

The Assaults & Mutilation

Sine 2011, Dr. Horton has been stalked and harassed continuously. Her private life has been under intrusive and overt surveillance and interference. All her communications (voice, phone, email etc.) have been intercepted and sometimes overtly acted upon by agents. Furthermore:

The Directed Energy Weapons assaults are incredibly brutal and occur continuously every minute of every hour of the day and night. The attacks ramp up at night when Dr. Horton is lying stationary and defenseless.

Directed Energy Weapons

The microwave beams from Directed Energy Weapons with which Secret Services target their victims, which number in the hundreds of thousands, are invisible, penetrate walls and are so intense that it hurts. Imagine putting your hand in your microwave; then focus that into a beam and aim it at your face.

Most of the time, Dr. Horton is assaulted inside her home. However, she is also being attacked spectacularly in public. Dr. Horton is shot at painfully from tail-gating and swarming cars of members of the criminal networks. Dr. Horton is also assaulted at professional venues. (For example, when she attended a HR & consultancy fair, Personalmesse-Nord , in Hamburg in April, she was literally shot in the head twice! The second time, it was so intense that she lost control of her right eye-lid and it began to flutter with the muscles around her eyes contracting uncontrollably.

What on Earth are Directed Energy Weapons?

Microwave emitters, or more generally, electromagnetic weapons or Directed Energy Weapons are a new type of assault and murder weapon currently being manufactured in very large numbers (and very cheaply) by arms companies around the world, for example Diehl , Rheinmetall , Aaronia and Siemens (yes!). They are also known as directed energy weapons , scalar weapons , no-touch torture devices and, euphemistically, non-lethal weapons (ha!).

The nasty thing about them is that they penetrate the walls of a home. That is because microwaves pass through concrete, brick and wood effortlessly (like the beam from a laser-pointer passes through the glass walls of a conservatory). However, they get absorbed in the human body, where they cause pain and incredible damage. Microwaves damage cells, organs, cause tumours and cancer. And they can kill (think of a sausage in a microwave oven).

By this means, it is possible to assault a person inside his home from the outside (from even large distances!), cause cancer, organ damage, brain damage, a heart attack and death without leaving a visible trace of the assault. These weapons thus allow people to commit the perfect crime on the cheap!

Read more about Dr. Horton’s case under the Death Camp Program and Dr. Horton’s Evidence (The evidence presented online is a very small selection. There are Terabytes of videos of attacks, photos of injuries and perpetrators, proof of hacking and housebreaking and car sabotage, medical records, data records etc., all being compiled into her second court case right now.)

Here is a great summary and more information:

Death Camp program

My final comments:

Now do you understand why the information on Nanotechnology is being ignored by the freedom movement and the media? Because it is the truth and the mechanism of enslavement of the world. Everything else that is going on in the medical freedom movement is show business. Injecting people with nanotechnology for total control is the genocidal plan. TI’s are just the testing ground. This is the future of total surveillance and the fate of dissidents if we do not overturn this.

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PremaShakti - Dec 15, 2023


I hardly ever thank you, Ana. I’m so sorry. You are wonderful.

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Chris - Dec 15, 2023


I can only subscribe to a supernaturally evil motivation for actions like these. I sincerely pray that God protects us from such evil.

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