it would be hard to believe except that Katherine Horton is actually married to Bill Binney - the very well known and highly regarded NSA whistleblower - and if you've ever heard him talk- he makes a strong impression of being the sanest man you'll ever hear. Its so awful what is happening. Its like Israeli psychopathy- like what the Israeli military is doing to Palestinians. Telling them the safe zone is south and then shooting them while they're going there. and on and on. Israel will not win this and I hope Katherine and Bill make it through too.. I wish she could get those microchips un-implanted.
What is it with you psychopaths, you take a completely unrelated topic to Israel v. Fake Palestinians & just can’t help yourself to just stay on topic. Because you can’t recognize terrorism when it’s perpetrated on Jews, you don’t have to bring your Israeli Derangement Syndrome everywhere. is you, friend, who are coming across as narcissistic at the very least if not downright psychopathic. Ann Watson's comment is on topic. She is making a simile between two situations. I shouldn't need to explain this to you as it's very clear.
While you may not agree with what she says, it hardly breaches some devastating boundary that results in you calling her a psychopath. " psychopaths..." Wow.
Hannibal Lecter would have you for dinner over this insult to psychos.
Try Ashwagandha. It helps.
No, it is your BS that is without foundation.
Israel absorbed twice as many refugees from Arab nations.
The land never belonged to the migrant workers falsely labeled Palestinian, there is no Palestinian language, no distinct culture, it has no trace of any hallmark of nationhood.
It's a Jew Hater scam with no validity at all.
I have supported Israel my entire adult life, October 7 that changed and WHY? Because there is absolutely no way on Gods green earth that an attack like that happens and Israeli security and military has no idea.
So now once you accept that fact and its a fact then you have to ask why did they let it happen?
That's not a fact, it's a perception.
Here is a fact: Every Single Week for an Entire Year, " "Innocent Pals" showed up faithfully in droves to try to breach the border fence in a weekly Day of Rage in which they very thoroughly plumbed for any weak spots.
Another fact is that communications were jammed at pertinent Israeli Army bases.
It really was very similar to the original '73 Yom Kippur War, in which Kissinger/Nixon twisted Israel's arm to neither do a pre emptive strike, or even do preparedness mobilization, lest they be cast adrift with no support.
That's very likely what happened this ti e as well, in addition to Hamss doing a very good job of presenting themselves as happy with being able to skim the billions in half wit Lefty largesse and wouldn't try another pointless sttack anytime soon.
Finally, tech is always fallible. It isn't God or anything.
Oh yes! I see! It's again all about The People Who Can Never Be Criticized. Only this time, it's different. The Narrative is now in full blast failure mode and has to be walked back rapidly. Why? Because the rest of the world caught on.
Yada yada yada. Transparent Jew Hater BS.
Every day since Oct , 7. The Fakestinians have restarted their intent to wipe out Jewish People everywhere.
You half wit droolers with your idiotic nonsense about Khazars that you know absolutely nothing about beyond the looney tunes crapola echoed by your fellow dirt bag dummies.
Write back when you develop your first fact.
Your BS is boring.
The fact that you can’t distinguish terror from the victims says more about you than anything else. Criticize Israel all you want as long as it is factual. The truth is that Israel gets criticized for existing.
If I somehow clicked the wrong post, my apologies.
When I have time I will scan the whole thread and see who it was intended for.
Unless your post to me was intended for Leslie, who also replied...
Wow, that’s tough & really frightening. Guess what folks, we have had enough hate & tries to reason with people, at this point, speaking for myself & I’m sure many others my empathy for people who want us wiped off the face of the earth has evaporated. the Islamic Fatwa Council can see the evil of Hamas. They have issued a Fatwa against Hamas, who the majority of the Palestinians support & agree with.
I know why the US and Israel bolstered Hamas---as a wedge against their fellow Fakestinian terrorists, the PLO.
It's an innovative concept called "Divide and Conquer".
Why does anyone need an excuse to see between bad and good?
Lies are bad. The Fakestinian scan is a lie, and that makes it bad. I need no excuse to see the obvious.
Excuse me? Innocent children are being genocided by the thousands and you dare claim others can’t see TERRORISM??? With your brown nosing of the worst psychopathic tyrants there are I can’t believe you would ever be targeted- who would subject someone already as brainwashed as you to mind control experimentation?
Those statements have been proven incorrect again and again. Israel has been caught spreading many lies about what hamas has done. They are not using children as human shields that’s Israeli propaganda to excuse the atrocities being committed against Palestinians.
It's all very real what Dr. Ana is saying. I know this personally. If any of you are believers in God and Christ Jesus, please pray against this evil, and remember the victims in your prayers - in my opinion this is first, and foremost a spiritual battle, that is playing itself out on earth. Prayer is powerful.
And, you know, I got the sense, reading Duncan's postings about what he had done, or is doing still, that he's ADDICTED to torturing people - those who are doing this can't stop doing it. And I believe their consciences are SEARED; meaning all but extinguished. We need God's help in this. Thank you, thank you, thank you Dr. Ana for sounding the 10,000-Alarm fire bells for humanity.
He is a shill and a narcissist. He claims to have something that jams the signals or frequencies that are attached to targeted individuals, but wont share it. He is a strange man, i follow him on another platform for shits and giggles.
To nip this problem at the roots, recognize this is tyranny. Thomas Paine wrote the book, "Common Sense" which America arose to fight tyranny and won. HR0726 NULLIFICATION ACT spearheaded by Tennessee reps, is the peoples power to legally and constitutionally NULLIFY unconstitutional mandates and unconstitutional three letter agencies (including cia, fbi, dhs, fda, doe and the federal reserve), all people (you) are encouraged to learn and make it happen in your state. We can and must return to the constitutional republic thru our power of nullification. The Anti-commandeering policy is also a path. Constitutional incompetence is to blame, constitutional competency can save the nation from this commi-globalist deep state corporate central bankster tyrannical takeover. It is time for common sense to rise again and take our country back. The U.S. is not the U.S.A. The UCC Universal commercial code is rigged against us. The federal reserve was a trojan horse. NULLIFY THEM ALL...ASAP.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for...The legal precendent has already happened and it can happen again, and again, try we must, the alternative is grave for America, as tyranny is heavy and active upon us, the option to remain idle is our demise, thru unity, love for country, vision, bravery in action, all things are possible. May the spirit of Thomas Paine "Common Sense" bring courage, bravery, and unity to America... it happened can...and must...happen again. The POPULARITY OF THE NULLIFICATION ACT CAN END EVERY UNCONSTITUTIONAL AGENCY, mandate and law. Let constitutional competency be the light to reignite unity in America.
I was thinking of Dr. Horton the other Day. Wondering if she was still alive. I remember her reports in 2016. Thank-you Dr Ana, for bringing this to everyone's attention. I will mention Dr Jane Ruby, as one of the so-called Freedom Doctors, trying to sabotage your work. Among many, she stands out as the worst. Posing to be righteous about everything. Honestly, it makes me so angry to know that the opposition is also in on the genocide. Faith is all I have left. Faith that there might be enough of us to unveil the real power structure of the world and the pure Evil that controls us all. God Bless you and your work for humanity. It is not going unnoticed. You are a very special ANGEL AND WARRIOR of GOD.
Thanks to Dr. Ana yet again, so many revelations!
Interesting what you say Ari, about Jane Ruby. I’ve noticed she exerts much control over her Telegram followers, there is no free speech. She controls her ‘followers’ by not allowing them to say anything she doesn’t want to hear, either about her, or the products she sponsors. If they dare to, their comment is quickly removed and a public ‘warning’ is issued in its place; they are allowed 3 warnings then blocked. Ironic, since she (rightly) fought back against Dr. Malone suing her for her criticism of him.
Over and over Ruby says how she was FIRST with some things. When Dr. Ana’s name comes up by someone in an interview, she makes negative remarks to denigrate Dr. Ana’s work, though it’s obvious she never looked into it. It makes it seem as though she has trouble that Dr. Ana might be on to some things that she, Ruby, has not brought out first.
True. Funny thing is she wants credit for breaking the story on the rubbery clots. Now she just posted that they act as antennae. She wants credit for breaking the story of another persons work?. I got blocked from commenting on her channel, but I have no idea why. I emailed her twice. Now my emails are blocked. I have never said a thing against her. I do think some thing is fishy there. And please......the pictures with the stethoscope...Now it just makes me laugh.
Yes, strange, maybe you said something she didn’t agree with. I saw her headline about the rubbery clots, haven’t yet watched. Finding it harder to watch her now.
The only thing I can think of was I commented on Andreas Noack the first scientist to discover the nanontech, in the clot shots and that he was murdered. That was on Rumble. The comment was removed and then I couldn't comment on Ruby's channel. She said a while back that people were being removed for no reason and to contact her...never the less she did not address my concerns. I do believe there are OTHERS MONITORING her channel. All channels on Rumble amd Telegram, etc. Dod is everywhere. Now, having said that, she posted another persons comment that they did not respect Dr Tenpenny for selling products on her website. Why she could post that I have no idea. What a slap in the face to Dr Tenpenny. At least she developes her own products Dr Ruby just sells other people's crap. So, I did come to Dr Tenpennys defense and other Doctors creating products to help.people, outside the pharma industry....who knows...I do think she is very rude.....sorry to say.
Maybe she didn’t want you saying someone else was the FIRST to discover nanotech in the clot shots, she feels FIRST due to bringing out info about the rubbery clots found by embalmer Hirschman. She also may not like someone pointing out others good works on her Substack, such as the work of Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Mihalcea, etc.
She just trashed Dr Ana Again, by saying she hasn't analyzed the material in the shots. Today. Dec. 29/2023. She wants to credit the Health Ranger. Funny that she is doing NOTHING to help people get this crap out of their bodies....π€―π€―π€―
Brain Health Breakthroughs' News: β This condition increases dementia risk
Anemia happens when your level of red blood cells called hemoglobin is too low to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues. As you can imagine, lack of oxygen can cause all sorts of challenges from fatigue and shortness of breath to dizziness and pain, to cold hands and feet, as well as a pale complexion.
Anemia can also lower your immunity, putting you at an increased risk of infections and illness. If that’s not enough, anemia is also linked to a higher risk of falls, disability, and an increased risk of early death.
The causes of anemia can vary, from the body not making enough red blood cells to a vitamin or mineral deficiency or even loss of blood.
Anemia occurs in nearly one quarter of seniors and that number is rising. So, it’s no surprise that over the last decade various research groups have conducted studies to see how anemia affects your brain and memory. The results are alarming…
Anemia Increases Dementia Risk by 41 Percent
A study published in 2013 involved 2,552 participants in their 70s. Compared to those who were free of anemia when the study began, those with anemia had an incredible 41 percent higher risk of developing dementia eleven years later. The link remained after considering other factors, such as age, race, gender, and education.
Senior author Kristine Yaffe M.D., at UC San Francisco, explained, saying, "There are several explanations for why anemia may be linked to dementia. For example, anemia may be a marker for poor health in general, or low oxygen levels resulting from anemia may play a role in the connection. Reductions in oxygen to the brain have been shown to reduce memory and thinking abilities and may contribute to damage to neurons."
A few years later experts from the University of Duisburg-Essen, in Germany, compared 163 participants with anemia and 3,870 participants without anemia. After five years, anemic participants showed a significantly lower performance in tasks involving immediate recall and verbal fluency.
A second phase of the study compared 579 people diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) with 1,438 cognitively healthy participants. They found MCI occurred almost twice as often in anemic participants when compared to non-anemic participants.
In 2019, researchers from the Netherlands analyzed data from 12,305 men and women over 12 years. Those with anemia were 41 percent more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease and 34 percent more likely to develop any type of dementia compared with those who were not anemic.
Although the connection seems clear, scientists from China decided to research the link further by conducting the largest study to date.
Anemia Accelerates Onset of Dementia
Using the UK Biobank resource containing half a million volunteers, they selected 207,203 dementia-free participants aged 60 or more, including 18,211 who underwent cognitive assessments.
After sixteen years they found those with anemia - defined as hemoglobin levels below 13 g/dL for men and 12 g/dL for women – had faster declines in processing speed and all-round cognitive abilities, and a 57 percent greater risk of dementia.
Anemia also accelerated the onset of dementia by 1.53 years.
To explain the results, the researchers pointed to the damage caused by low oxygen to the brain. Emerging evidence suggests this escalates the formation of amyloid-beta, the protein that forms brain plaques. They also suggest that if anemia is caused by low levels of B vitamins, in particular vitamin B12 and folic acid, then this could lead to poor cognition.
As well as B vitamin deficiency, and various medical conditions that cause the condition, a common type of anemia is caused by iron deficiency.
Best Sources of Iron
Most older adults can get all the iron they need from their diet but since the most easily absorbed (heme) form is found in beef, lamb, liver, kidneys, fish and shellfish, vegetarians may go short, especially if they drink tea or coffee with their meals, as this hinders absorption. That’s right, if you’re worried about low-iron, avoid drinking tea and coffee with your meals.
When it comes to iron, take care not to get too much. We previously reported that Preston Estep, Director of Gerontology for the Personal Genome Project at Harvard University, advises older people to limit their intake of iron to prevent its buildup as it has the potential to do a great deal of harm to the brain. He suggests blood levels of ferritin – which reflects the amount of stored iron in the entire body - should be no higher than 40 ng/ml. The normal range in blood serum is 24 to 336 ng/mL for men and 24 to 307 ng/mL for women.
Our Takeaway
The link between anemia and dementia is clear, so it’s important to protect yourself. Have your blood hemoglobin, as well as your blood levels of B vitamins and iron, tested every year.
Best Regards,
The Awakening From Alzheimer’s Team
Anemia linked to increased risk of dementia (2013)
https: //www. aan. com/PressRoom/Home/PressRelease/1199
https: //www. iospress. com/news/link-between-anemia-and-mild-cognitive-impairment (2015)
https: //www. alzinfo. org/articles/diagnosis/anemia-tied-to-alzheimers-risk/ (2019)
https: //content. iospress. com/articles/journal-of-alzheimers-disease/jad230483 (2023)
Kat - Thank you! β I receive some excellent emails. Here is a free e-book. M
eBook - Scientific Insights into Natural Therapies for Reversing Chronic and Autoimmune Diseases.pdf - Google Drive
I spent a dozen years working in a few fields of Intelligence. Like others, having been read on and off of highly compartmentalized programs, one begins to piece the puzzle together.
The longer one is in, the more one sees, the more one questions. This is not an abnormal trajectory...governments know this.
Unfortunately, I've known quite a few people who were targeted and "suddenly" went crazy, as they simply knew too much, and had served their purpose, the penultimate trajectory of their waning career.
You have mentioned some of the many tactics that are used by ground teams to psychologically "break" an individual, in yet again, another well-written substack, awakening the masses. Thank you for your work.
This is not about psychologically "breaking" targeted individuals. These operations are physiologically violating us around the clock with directed energy, frequency, subliminal, chemical and BCI weapons, generally combining incessant 4th Amendment violation (as described in Filer's "NSA Mind Control and Psyops") with directed energy weapons including aggravated sexual abuse, capital offenses committed every day (18 USC § 241–242, which no executive order or legislation can supersede since 1803 — Marbury v Madison). Apparently every employee and contractor in operations for NSA, CIA, DHS, DIA, NRO, ONI, DTRA, USAF etc. is sufficiently myopically sadistic, or sufficiently retarded, to be complicit in daily capital offenses and systemically treason. You can learn more about abject treason throughout the covert sector and psychiatric BS attending TI torture at, respectively.
Good links, response, and information. I may have mistyped my response. The implication wasn't that these programs were originally designed to target a handful of individuals, as that's a nonsensical premise from a cost-benefit analysis, rather that these programs have been used, in conjuction with ground teams (a more coordinated and expensive, and time-intensive operation) to target key individuals, beyond the broad spectrum psychological operations, coupled with other technologies, that are aimed at the populace at large.
In other words, I offered an anecdotal, and personal experiential view, not a big-data, broad spectrum picture.
This is immensely important stuff. Thank You. Now. Time for US to brain storm ideas to short circuit their little electronics show. Remember, they wouldn’t be so confident Using this crap if, they Didn’t have a Way to protect THEMSELVES from it. Our job is to figure out what those ways are. No fear. No giving up hope. Everything has some fatal flaw , no matter how small.βπΊπΈβοΈβ€οΈ
To the best of my knowledge, nobody has completely isolated themselves from all wifi, radio frequency, cell phones, etc. to see what it does to the nano. David Nixon said when slides with chips on them were placed in a faraday cage the chips disappeared. Numerous individuals reported that the vax doesn't morph inot nano when ther is no wifi, or cell phones around. Does anyone know of someone who isolated in the middle of nowhere for a while, with no tech around, and then checked their blood?
Check Dr David Nixon’s Nov archives for his post from Mat (Mateo) Taylor. Taylor relocated to Ecuador to continue his microscopy research on the nanotech from an area with very little EMF. Really interesting work.
It is very sickening because as a homeless TI, I am going though similar torture program like Dr. Horton for 6 months in a row and have microwave burns and blisters on my right arm, skin pigmentation changes all over the body and I am chased by GPS and tortured 24/7 by the domestic terrorists gangstalkers and suffering greatly from rising inflammatory, hypertensive and oxidative stress. My car being frequently microwaved, radiated has become a death trap for me. Today my EMF meter peak RF Power Density measurement was 34419mW/m2 as compare to <10mW/m2 normal. Today after 10pm I talked to one of the young gangstalkers for half an hour who parked behind my car to stock me and pretended he was not a terrorist but his weird actions, lying, and my symptomology betrayed him afterwards to the point me calling the police. After lying he was going to call the police because his victim was stocking him, I the victim called the police. As soon he saw that, he left the street around midnight and threatened me he was going to press charges. Whenever I can I take pictures or write down the license plates of the stalkers but LE do nothing to investigate.
Please document your experiences and send the documents to targeted justice to keep on file. We need these things to be documented for posterity at least if the change isn’t immediate.
So if they’re being manufactured in volume what does a DEW look like? Is it the size of a pistol? Bazooka? Rocket launcher? What powers it? Is it batteries? Nuclear? If it emits microwaves then it couldn’t penetrate a metal lined room, helmet, or encapsulation. And certainly once the beam encountered any metal objects there should be an obvious shower of sparks. Looking past the terror-filled story there are many unanswered questions. You’d think the famous physicist would have explored these things. I’ve unsubscribed to this substack because I see it as lacking substance to support the wild claims it makes. It spins a good yarn but at the end of the day it leaves the reader with more questions than answers. Peace out.
Become a gangstalker member and you will witness it yourself, and plz tell us what the weapons look like. Call an FBI Supervisor and asked him to become a member of the antiterrorist's team and hopefully, you will whistle blow the illegal operation someday, what every American patriot should do. As I have stated in my various previous comments prior, I am being hit several times per day from on foot gangstalkers whether in parking lot, during shopping, in libraries, in public bathrooms, anywhere, and or also hit from cars, semitrucks, and since 09/10/23 many times daily from helicopters, airplanes, drones, weaponized cell towers. The lasers penetrate car doors, and I witnessed multiple times been hit in my 2nd level storage unit by laser or DEW that penetrated the ceiling and 3rd floor. It is only a matter of time before my physical body crumbles under that constant ongoing barrage of electronic assaults and become incapacitated or dead. A good way to verify my account of ongoing electronic torture is to invite me in your home and you can see it and experience it yourself. By the way I am looking for hardworking helper in farm or homestead or lab technician helper in exchange for a shelter.
Sincerely Dimitar a TI.
What the hell? A shower of sparks would be emitted if HPM’s hit metal? How can the military power these weapons- batteries?? You are so ignorant you don’t even know how ignorant you are. I suggest learning about modern covert warfare weapons before you say something that exposes your lack of understanding.
I just subbed so it looks like the info is weeding out the ignorant and attracting the informed!
They saturate you with emf. Its more like a carrier wave. They can also attack you with low frequencies. Check out ‘ look of for charlie’ on youtube, youll be a believer. It’s frequency weapons.
Ana i want to reinforce the obvious. The amount of people you are helping by doing this is the most profoundly beautiful act a human can strive for. Thank you for your unwavering determination and dedication. Being a target myself, I am constantly reminded by your work that there is a solution. Thank you. (Omaha, NE)
PremaShakti - Dec 15, 2023
I hardly ever thank you, Ana. I’m so sorry. You are wonderful.
Chris - Dec 15, 2023
I can only subscribe to a supernaturally evil motivation for actions like these. I sincerely pray that God protects us from such evil.
Emily K - Dec 17, 2023
oooh they get in the WAY of god.
ann watson - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
it would be hard to believe except that Katherine Horton is actually married to Bill Binney - the very well known and highly regarded NSA whistleblower - and if you've ever heard him talk- he makes a strong impression of being the sanest man you'll ever hear. Its so awful what is happening. Its like Israeli psychopathy- like what the Israeli military is doing to Palestinians. Telling them the safe zone is south and then shooting them while they're going there. and on and on. Israel will not win this and I hope Katherine and Bill make it through too.. I wish she could get those microchips un-implanted.
Leslie Benjamini #π¦ - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
What is it with you psychopaths, you take a completely unrelated topic to Israel v. Fake Palestinians & just can’t help yourself to just stay on topic. Because you can’t recognize terrorism when it’s perpetrated on Jews, you don’t have to bring your Israeli Derangement Syndrome everywhere.
Pirate Studebaker - Dec 15, 2023
Pirate Eyes is you, friend, who are coming across as narcissistic at the very least if not downright psychopathic. Ann Watson's comment is on topic. She is making a simile between two situations. I shouldn't need to explain this to you as it's very clear.
While you may not agree with what she says, it hardly breaches some devastating boundary that results in you calling her a psychopath. " psychopaths..." Wow.
Hannibal Lecter would have you for dinner over this insult to psychos.
Try Ashwagandha. It helps.
John - Dec 15, 2023
No, it is your BS that is without foundation.
Israel absorbed twice as many refugees from Arab nations.
The land never belonged to the migrant workers falsely labeled Palestinian, there is no Palestinian language, no distinct culture, it has no trace of any hallmark of nationhood.
It's a Jew Hater scam with no validity at all.
Gary McCollom - Dec 16, 2023
I have supported Israel my entire adult life, October 7 that changed and WHY? Because there is absolutely no way on Gods green earth that an attack like that happens and Israeli security and military has no idea.
So now once you accept that fact and its a fact then you have to ask why did they let it happen?
John - Dec 16, 2023
That's not a fact, it's a perception.
Here is a fact: Every Single Week for an Entire Year, " "Innocent Pals" showed up faithfully in droves to try to breach the border fence in a weekly Day of Rage in which they very thoroughly plumbed for any weak spots.
Another fact is that communications were jammed at pertinent Israeli Army bases.
It really was very similar to the original '73 Yom Kippur War, in which Kissinger/Nixon twisted Israel's arm to neither do a pre emptive strike, or even do preparedness mobilization, lest they be cast adrift with no support.
That's very likely what happened this ti e as well, in addition to Hamss doing a very good job of presenting themselves as happy with being able to skim the billions in half wit Lefty largesse and wouldn't try another pointless sttack anytime soon.
Finally, tech is always fallible. It isn't God or anything.
Gary McCollom - Dec 16, 2023
Save this for the sheep and not people like me that think John.
Perhaps you can explain The Balfour Declaration, this should be good.
daverkb - Dec 16, 2023
Oh yes! I see! It's again all about The People Who Can Never Be Criticized. Only this time, it's different. The Narrative is now in full blast failure mode and has to be walked back rapidly. Why? Because the rest of the world caught on.
John - Dec 16, 2023
Yada yada yada. Transparent Jew Hater BS.
Every day since Oct , 7. The Fakestinians have restarted their intent to wipe out Jewish People everywhere.
You half wit droolers with your idiotic nonsense about Khazars that you know absolutely nothing about beyond the looney tunes crapola echoed by your fellow dirt bag dummies.
Write back when you develop your first fact.
Your BS is boring.
Leslie Benjamini #π¦ - Dec 16, 2023
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
The fact that you can’t distinguish terror from the victims says more about you than anything else. Criticize Israel all you want as long as it is factual. The truth is that Israel gets criticized for existing.
daverkb - Dec 17, 2023
The worlds sees. That is enough.
John - Dec 16, 2023
They can't post facts to bolster their argument because no facts exist to support their lies.
Pirate Studebaker - Dec 15, 2023
Pirate Eyes
I never said a thing about Israel or the Palestinians. WOW.
Leslie Benjamini #π¦ - Dec 16, 2023
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
Actually it was Ann Watson who made the comment. I wasn’t replying to you.
John - Dec 16, 2023
If I somehow clicked the wrong post, my apologies.
When I have time I will scan the whole thread and see who it was intended for.
Unless your post to me was intended for Leslie, who also replied...
MarshaGail - Dec 15, 2023
Leslie Benjamini #π¦ - Dec 16, 2023
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
Wow, that’s tough & really frightening. Guess what folks, we have had enough hate & tries to reason with people, at this point, speaking for myself & I’m sure many others my empathy for people who want us wiped off the face of the earth has evaporated.
Leslie Benjamini #π¦ - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited
Leslie Benjamini #π¦ the Islamic Fatwa Council can see the evil of Hamas. They have issued a Fatwa against Hamas, who the majority of the Palestinians support & agree with.
Khadija Mahrouk - Dec 15, 2023
Why do you think.. israel was always supporting Hamas. The best border of the world in a concentration camp was closed for a couple of hours.. π
John - Dec 15, 2023
I know why the US and Israel bolstered Hamas---as a wedge against their fellow Fakestinian terrorists, the PLO.
It's an innovative concept called "Divide and Conquer".
Leslie Benjamini #π¦ - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited
Leslie Benjamini #π¦’s evidence of your so called uninvolved Palestinian.
Khadija Mahrouk - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited
I understand its hard for you to accept it maybe because it's your background or religion. But is no excuse to see between bad and good.
John - Dec 16, 2023 - Edited
Why does anyone need an excuse to see between bad and good?
Lies are bad. The Fakestinian scan is a lie, and that makes it bad. I need no excuse to see the obvious.
Leslie Benjamini #π¦ - Dec 16, 2023
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
Spoken like someone who’s never been the target of irrational hate.
Jenny - Dec 29, 2023
Excuse me? Innocent children are being genocided by the thousands and you dare claim others can’t see TERRORISM??? With your brown nosing of the worst psychopathic tyrants there are I can’t believe you would ever be targeted- who would subject someone already as brainwashed as you to mind control experimentation?
Leslie Benjamini #π¦ - Dec 29, 2023
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
Those innocent children are being used as human shields. The fact the you can’t see that shows willful blindness.
Jenny - Jan 27, 2024
Those statements have been proven incorrect again and again. Israel has been caught spreading many lies about what hamas has done. They are not using children as human shields that’s Israeli propaganda to excuse the atrocities being committed against Palestinians.
Michelle - Dec 15, 2023
It's all very real what Dr. Ana is saying. I know this personally. If any of you are believers in God and Christ Jesus, please pray against this evil, and remember the victims in your prayers - in my opinion this is first, and foremost a spiritual battle, that is playing itself out on earth. Prayer is powerful.
And, you know, I got the sense, reading Duncan's postings about what he had done, or is doing still, that he's ADDICTED to torturing people - those who are doing this can't stop doing it. And I believe their consciences are SEARED; meaning all but extinguished. We need God's help in this. Thank you, thank you, thank you Dr. Ana for sounding the 10,000-Alarm fire bells for humanity.
Elizabeth - Dec 19, 2023
He is a shill and a narcissist. He claims to have something that jams the signals or frequencies that are attached to targeted individuals, but wont share it. He is a strange man, i follow him on another platform for shits and giggles.
Adrian - Dec 15, 2023
To nip this problem at the roots, recognize this is tyranny. Thomas Paine wrote the book, "Common Sense" which America arose to fight tyranny and won. HR0726 NULLIFICATION ACT spearheaded by Tennessee reps, is the peoples power to legally and constitutionally NULLIFY unconstitutional mandates and unconstitutional three letter agencies (including cia, fbi, dhs, fda, doe and the federal reserve), all people (you) are encouraged to learn and make it happen in your state. We can and must return to the constitutional republic thru our power of nullification. The Anti-commandeering policy is also a path. Constitutional incompetence is to blame, constitutional competency can save the nation from this commi-globalist deep state corporate central bankster tyrannical takeover. It is time for common sense to rise again and take our country back. The U.S. is not the U.S.A. The UCC Universal commercial code is rigged against us. The federal reserve was a trojan horse. NULLIFY THEM ALL...ASAP.
SEPT - Dec 15, 2023
That will never happen with a European minority in the USA of which a 1/3 or supplemented by the Government .
Adrian - Dec 16, 2023
Faith is the substance of things hoped for...The legal precendent has already happened and it can happen again, and again, try we must, the alternative is grave for America, as tyranny is heavy and active upon us, the option to remain idle is our demise, thru unity, love for country, vision, bravery in action, all things are possible. May the spirit of Thomas Paine "Common Sense" bring courage, bravery, and unity to America... it happened can...and must...happen again. The POPULARITY OF THE NULLIFICATION ACT CAN END EVERY UNCONSTITUTIONAL AGENCY, mandate and law. Let constitutional competency be the light to reignite unity in America.
Ari - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited
I was thinking of Dr. Horton the other Day. Wondering if she was still alive. I remember her reports in 2016. Thank-you Dr Ana, for bringing this to everyone's attention. I will mention Dr Jane Ruby, as one of the so-called Freedom Doctors, trying to sabotage your work. Among many, she stands out as the worst. Posing to be righteous about everything. Honestly, it makes me so angry to know that the opposition is also in on the genocide. Faith is all I have left. Faith that there might be enough of us to unveil the real power structure of the world and the pure Evil that controls us all. God Bless you and your work for humanity. It is not going unnoticed. You are a very special ANGEL AND WARRIOR of GOD.
Stella - Dec 16, 2023 - Edited
Thanks to Dr. Ana yet again, so many revelations!
Interesting what you say Ari, about Jane Ruby. I’ve noticed she exerts much control over her Telegram followers, there is no free speech. She controls her ‘followers’ by not allowing them to say anything she doesn’t want to hear, either about her, or the products she sponsors. If they dare to, their comment is quickly removed and a public ‘warning’ is issued in its place; they are allowed 3 warnings then blocked. Ironic, since she (rightly) fought back against Dr. Malone suing her for her criticism of him.
Over and over Ruby says how she was FIRST with some things. When Dr. Ana’s name comes up by someone in an interview, she makes negative remarks to denigrate Dr. Ana’s work, though it’s obvious she never looked into it. It makes it seem as though she has trouble that Dr. Ana might be on to some things that she, Ruby, has not brought out first.
Ari - Dec 16, 2023 - Edited
True. Funny thing is she wants credit for breaking the story on the rubbery clots. Now she just posted that they act as antennae. She wants credit for breaking the story of another persons work?. I got blocked from commenting on her channel, but I have no idea why. I emailed her twice. Now my emails are blocked. I have never said a thing against her. I do think some thing is fishy there. And please......the pictures with the stethoscope...Now it just makes me laugh.
Stella - Dec 16, 2023 - Edited
Yes, strange, maybe you said something she didn’t agree with. I saw her headline about the rubbery clots, haven’t yet watched. Finding it harder to watch her now.
Ari - Dec 16, 2023 - Edited
The only thing I can think of was I commented on Andreas Noack the first scientist to discover the nanontech, in the clot shots and that he was murdered. That was on Rumble. The comment was removed and then I couldn't comment on Ruby's channel. She said a while back that people were being removed for no reason and to contact her...never the less she did not address my concerns. I do believe there are OTHERS MONITORING her channel. All channels on Rumble amd Telegram, etc. Dod is everywhere. Now, having said that, she posted another persons comment that they did not respect Dr Tenpenny for selling products on her website. Why she could post that I have no idea. What a slap in the face to Dr Tenpenny. At least she developes her own products Dr Ruby just sells other people's crap. So, I did come to Dr Tenpennys defense and other Doctors creating products to help.people, outside the pharma industry....who knows...I do think she is very rude.....sorry to say.
Stella - Dec 16, 2023 - Edited
Maybe she didn’t want you saying someone else was the FIRST to discover nanotech in the clot shots, she feels FIRST due to bringing out info about the rubbery clots found by embalmer Hirschman. She also may not like someone pointing out others good works on her Substack, such as the work of Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Mihalcea, etc.
Ari - Dec 29, 2023 - Edited
She just trashed Dr Ana Again, by saying she hasn't analyzed the material in the shots. Today. Dec. 29/2023. She wants to credit the Health Ranger. Funny that she is doing NOTHING to help people get this crap out of their bodies....π€―π€―π€―
Ari - Dec 16, 2023
That sounds about right. π
MarshaGail - Dec 15, 2023
Margie Chism - Dec 15, 2023
Margie Chism
Brain Health Breakthroughs' News: β This condition increases dementia risk
Anemia happens when your level of red blood cells called hemoglobin is too low to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues. As you can imagine, lack of oxygen can cause all sorts of challenges from fatigue and shortness of breath to dizziness and pain, to cold hands and feet, as well as a pale complexion.
Anemia can also lower your immunity, putting you at an increased risk of infections and illness. If that’s not enough, anemia is also linked to a higher risk of falls, disability, and an increased risk of early death.
The causes of anemia can vary, from the body not making enough red blood cells to a vitamin or mineral deficiency or even loss of blood.
Anemia occurs in nearly one quarter of seniors and that number is rising. So, it’s no surprise that over the last decade various research groups have conducted studies to see how anemia affects your brain and memory. The results are alarming…
Anemia Increases Dementia Risk by 41 Percent
A study published in 2013 involved 2,552 participants in their 70s. Compared to those who were free of anemia when the study began, those with anemia had an incredible 41 percent higher risk of developing dementia eleven years later. The link remained after considering other factors, such as age, race, gender, and education.
Senior author Kristine Yaffe M.D., at UC San Francisco, explained, saying, "There are several explanations for why anemia may be linked to dementia. For example, anemia may be a marker for poor health in general, or low oxygen levels resulting from anemia may play a role in the connection. Reductions in oxygen to the brain have been shown to reduce memory and thinking abilities and may contribute to damage to neurons."
A few years later experts from the University of Duisburg-Essen, in Germany, compared 163 participants with anemia and 3,870 participants without anemia. After five years, anemic participants showed a significantly lower performance in tasks involving immediate recall and verbal fluency.
A second phase of the study compared 579 people diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) with 1,438 cognitively healthy participants. They found MCI occurred almost twice as often in anemic participants when compared to non-anemic participants.
In 2019, researchers from the Netherlands analyzed data from 12,305 men and women over 12 years. Those with anemia were 41 percent more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease and 34 percent more likely to develop any type of dementia compared with those who were not anemic.
Although the connection seems clear, scientists from China decided to research the link further by conducting the largest study to date.
Anemia Accelerates Onset of Dementia
Using the UK Biobank resource containing half a million volunteers, they selected 207,203 dementia-free participants aged 60 or more, including 18,211 who underwent cognitive assessments.
After sixteen years they found those with anemia - defined as hemoglobin levels below 13 g/dL for men and 12 g/dL for women – had faster declines in processing speed and all-round cognitive abilities, and a 57 percent greater risk of dementia.
Anemia also accelerated the onset of dementia by 1.53 years.
To explain the results, the researchers pointed to the damage caused by low oxygen to the brain. Emerging evidence suggests this escalates the formation of amyloid-beta, the protein that forms brain plaques. They also suggest that if anemia is caused by low levels of B vitamins, in particular vitamin B12 and folic acid, then this could lead to poor cognition.
As well as B vitamin deficiency, and various medical conditions that cause the condition, a common type of anemia is caused by iron deficiency.
Best Sources of Iron
Most older adults can get all the iron they need from their diet but since the most easily absorbed (heme) form is found in beef, lamb, liver, kidneys, fish and shellfish, vegetarians may go short, especially if they drink tea or coffee with their meals, as this hinders absorption. That’s right, if you’re worried about low-iron, avoid drinking tea and coffee with your meals.
When it comes to iron, take care not to get too much. We previously reported that Preston Estep, Director of Gerontology for the Personal Genome Project at Harvard University, advises older people to limit their intake of iron to prevent its buildup as it has the potential to do a great deal of harm to the brain. He suggests blood levels of ferritin – which reflects the amount of stored iron in the entire body - should be no higher than 40 ng/ml. The normal range in blood serum is 24 to 336 ng/mL for men and 24 to 307 ng/mL for women.
Our Takeaway
The link between anemia and dementia is clear, so it’s important to protect yourself. Have your blood hemoglobin, as well as your blood levels of B vitamins and iron, tested every year.
Best Regards,
The Awakening From Alzheimer’s Team
Anemia linked to increased risk of dementia (2013)
https: //www. aan. com/PressRoom/Home/PressRelease/1199
https: //www. iospress. com/news/link-between-anemia-and-mild-cognitive-impairment (2015)
https: //www. alzinfo. org/articles/diagnosis/anemia-tied-to-alzheimers-risk/ (2019)
https: //content. iospress. com/articles/journal-of-alzheimers-disease/jad230483 (2023)
Kathryn - Dec 15, 2023
Thank you so much for this info. Considering Dr. Michaela’s reporting on what she’s seeing in the blood, your info is very important.
Margie Chism - Dec 15, 2023
Margie Chism
Kat - Thank you! β I receive some excellent emails. Here is a free e-book. M
eBook - Scientific Insights into Natural Therapies for Reversing Chronic and Autoimmune Diseases.pdf - Google Drive
Kathryn - Dec 15, 2023
After starting EDTA, my thyroid markers improved for the first time!!!
Margie Chism - Dec 15, 2023
Margie Chism
Kat - Amazing! β M
MarshaGail - Dec 15, 2023
The Straight Juice - Dec 15, 2023
The Straight Juice Substack
I spent a dozen years working in a few fields of Intelligence. Like others, having been read on and off of highly compartmentalized programs, one begins to piece the puzzle together.
The longer one is in, the more one sees, the more one questions. This is not an abnormal trajectory...governments know this.
Unfortunately, I've known quite a few people who were targeted and "suddenly" went crazy, as they simply knew too much, and had served their purpose, the penultimate trajectory of their waning career.
You have mentioned some of the many tactics that are used by ground teams to psychologically "break" an individual, in yet again, another well-written substack, awakening the masses. Thank you for your work.
Noam - Dec 15, 2023
This is not about psychologically "breaking" targeted individuals. These operations are physiologically violating us around the clock with directed energy, frequency, subliminal, chemical and BCI weapons, generally combining incessant 4th Amendment violation (as described in Filer's "NSA Mind Control and Psyops") with directed energy weapons including aggravated sexual abuse, capital offenses committed every day (18 USC § 241–242, which no executive order or legislation can supersede since 1803 — Marbury v Madison). Apparently every employee and contractor in operations for NSA, CIA, DHS, DIA, NRO, ONI, DTRA, USAF etc. is sufficiently myopically sadistic, or sufficiently retarded, to be complicit in daily capital offenses and systemically treason. You can learn more about abject treason throughout the covert sector and psychiatric BS attending TI torture at, respectively.
The Straight Juice - Dec 15, 2023
The Straight Juice Substack
Just read first link, great resource, has been forwarded.
The Straight Juice - Dec 15, 2023
The Straight Juice Substack
Good links, response, and information. I may have mistyped my response. The implication wasn't that these programs were originally designed to target a handful of individuals, as that's a nonsensical premise from a cost-benefit analysis, rather that these programs have been used, in conjuction with ground teams (a more coordinated and expensive, and time-intensive operation) to target key individuals, beyond the broad spectrum psychological operations, coupled with other technologies, that are aimed at the populace at large.
In other words, I offered an anecdotal, and personal experiential view, not a big-data, broad spectrum picture.
Susan Hojdik - Dec 15, 2023
Susan Hojdik
This is immensely important stuff. Thank You. Now. Time for US to brain storm ideas to short circuit their little electronics show. Remember, they wouldn’t be so confident Using this crap if, they Didn’t have a Way to protect THEMSELVES from it. Our job is to figure out what those ways are. No fear. No giving up hope. Everything has some fatal flaw , no matter how small.βπΊπΈβοΈβ€οΈ
Robert - Dec 15, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
To the best of my knowledge, nobody has completely isolated themselves from all wifi, radio frequency, cell phones, etc. to see what it does to the nano. David Nixon said when slides with chips on them were placed in a faraday cage the chips disappeared. Numerous individuals reported that the vax doesn't morph inot nano when ther is no wifi, or cell phones around. Does anyone know of someone who isolated in the middle of nowhere for a while, with no tech around, and then checked their blood?
JMarie.58 - Dec 16, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
Check Dr David Nixon’s Nov archives for his post from Mat (Mateo) Taylor. Taylor relocated to Ecuador to continue his microscopy research on the nanotech from an area with very little EMF. Really interesting work.
Tena - Dec 16, 2023
Dr Len Ber said his MAC address disappeared when he was out in nature and reappeared when he entered the field of his iPhone.
MarshaGail - Dec 15, 2023
Well... I'm close - no TV, no computer & wifi always turned off on phone - would Absolutely Love2isolate up in them thar hills if I only could!
Dimitar Dermendziev - Dec 15, 2023
Dimitar’s Substack
It is very sickening because as a homeless TI, I am going though similar torture program like Dr. Horton for 6 months in a row and have microwave burns and blisters on my right arm, skin pigmentation changes all over the body and I am chased by GPS and tortured 24/7 by the domestic terrorists gangstalkers and suffering greatly from rising inflammatory, hypertensive and oxidative stress. My car being frequently microwaved, radiated has become a death trap for me. Today my EMF meter peak RF Power Density measurement was 34419mW/m2 as compare to <10mW/m2 normal. Today after 10pm I talked to one of the young gangstalkers for half an hour who parked behind my car to stock me and pretended he was not a terrorist but his weird actions, lying, and my symptomology betrayed him afterwards to the point me calling the police. After lying he was going to call the police because his victim was stocking him, I the victim called the police. As soon he saw that, he left the street around midnight and threatened me he was going to press charges. Whenever I can I take pictures or write down the license plates of the stalkers but LE do nothing to investigate.
Jenny - Dec 29, 2023
Please document your experiences and send the documents to targeted justice to keep on file. We need these things to be documented for posterity at least if the change isn’t immediate.
GLK - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited
Dimitar’s Substack
So if they’re being manufactured in volume what does a DEW look like? Is it the size of a pistol? Bazooka? Rocket launcher? What powers it? Is it batteries? Nuclear? If it emits microwaves then it couldn’t penetrate a metal lined room, helmet, or encapsulation. And certainly once the beam encountered any metal objects there should be an obvious shower of sparks. Looking past the terror-filled story there are many unanswered questions. You’d think the famous physicist would have explored these things. I’ve unsubscribed to this substack because I see it as lacking substance to support the wild claims it makes. It spins a good yarn but at the end of the day it leaves the reader with more questions than answers. Peace out.
Dimitar Dermendziev - Dec 29, 2023
Dimitar’s Substack
Become a gangstalker member and you will witness it yourself, and plz tell us what the weapons look like. Call an FBI Supervisor and asked him to become a member of the antiterrorist's team and hopefully, you will whistle blow the illegal operation someday, what every American patriot should do. As I have stated in my various previous comments prior, I am being hit several times per day from on foot gangstalkers whether in parking lot, during shopping, in libraries, in public bathrooms, anywhere, and or also hit from cars, semitrucks, and since 09/10/23 many times daily from helicopters, airplanes, drones, weaponized cell towers. The lasers penetrate car doors, and I witnessed multiple times been hit in my 2nd level storage unit by laser or DEW that penetrated the ceiling and 3rd floor. It is only a matter of time before my physical body crumbles under that constant ongoing barrage of electronic assaults and become incapacitated or dead. A good way to verify my account of ongoing electronic torture is to invite me in your home and you can see it and experience it yourself. By the way I am looking for hardworking helper in farm or homestead or lab technician helper in exchange for a shelter.
Sincerely Dimitar a TI.
Jenny - Dec 29, 2023
What the hell? A shower of sparks would be emitted if HPM’s hit metal? How can the military power these weapons- batteries?? You are so ignorant you don’t even know how ignorant you are. I suggest learning about modern covert warfare weapons before you say something that exposes your lack of understanding.
I just subbed so it looks like the info is weeding out the ignorant and attracting the informed!
Elizabeth - Dec 19, 2023
They saturate you with emf. Its more like a carrier wave. They can also attack you with low frequencies. Check out ‘ look of for charlie’ on youtube, youll be a believer. It’s frequency weapons.
Richard Raymond - Dec 15, 2023
Richard Raymond
Haven't heard from Dr. Horton for some time, since she married Bill Binney intelligience official with the NSA who became a whisteblower.
Stella - Dec 16, 2023
I wonder if use of magnets helps, as this article suggests:
Jenny - Dec 29, 2023
What is pulsed magnetism? Is there a specific magnet to look for?
Jenny - Dec 29, 2023
I tried to use a highly magnetic magnet and it did nothing.
Jenny - Dec 29, 2023
Comment removed.
Jenny - Dec 29, 2023
Do you get v2k? In what way were you helped by magnets? I did not experience a difference with the v2k. Aftershok headphones also did not help.
Betsey S - Dec 15, 2023
Betsey S
Ana i want to reinforce the obvious. The amount of people you are helping by doing this is the most profoundly beautiful act a human can strive for. Thank you for your unwavering determination and dedication. Being a target myself, I am constantly reminded by your work that there is a solution. Thank you. (Omaha, NE)
Biard MacGuineas - Dec 15, 2023
Biard’s Substack
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has been sabotaged to provide a "mental illness" cover for radiation attacks:
More about sabotage to the DSM:
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