2007 Chemical Analysis of Morgellons Fibers…

Nov 14, 2023

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Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 14, 2023 - Edited

Joy’s Newsletter

I have also seen that people were getting genuine relief from Morgellons using EMP pulses and powerful magnets, of the kind used to wipe a hard drive. Theory is that this destroys the coding in these buggers, disabling their functionality, including replication.
Seems a combo of anti-parasite meds, chelation, (and other detox) along with strong magnetics or EMP pulses (to wipe the coding) could be an answer. Obviously, proper nutritional supplements as well. Seriously need to be throwing everything we can at this.
I am so grateful to you Ana for all of your work, and your intensity on finding solutions.


Frances Lynch - Nov 14, 2023

Frances Lynch

Given these nasty things are metallic, might colloidal silver also work? Sincere question


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 14, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

I have heard it is helpful. Also, most people are seriously copper deficient, and it turns out these little buggers are more vulnerable to copper than to zinc.


Frances Lynch - Nov 14, 2023

Frances Lynch

Thank you! Is ivermectin of any use?


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 14, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

EXTREMELY valuable. Good anti-parasite drug. Looks to be very safe. My family and I have used it for years now without ANY problems.


JMarie.58 - Nov 14, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

IVM has no effect because they’re not organic parasites, they’re synthetic technology. IVM is a good drug, can’t hurt as an anti-viral, but not useful in this battle


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 14, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

The "natural" parasite DNA is an essential part of these biomechanical weapons. They needed it for replication properties. It IS vulnerable to a host of anti-parasitic drugs, including even citrus bitters. Ivermectin is one the most effective. I have used it with HUGE success on myself, friends, and family. And there are myriad studies showing it does much good.
Hence, the FDA's desperate slandering of anything that happens to kill parasites.


Frances Lynch - Nov 14, 2023

Frances Lynch

Thank you! Just to be clear, are you saying it would work against morgellons, as well as similar structures within "vaccines"?


JMarie.58 - Nov 14, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

The silver and/or copper can draw them out, and along with other elements from the periodic table can potentially disable their antenna. IVM has no effect because they’re not organic parasites, they’re synthetic technology. IVM is a good drug, can’t hurt as an anti-viral, but not useful in this battle. Don’t forget we’re being exposed via EMF daily so the battle is not viral, there’s no virus in Dr Ana’s or Clifford Carnicom’s findings. Here’s my direct experience with morgellons and also a link to a very sobering expert engineer who’s findings line up with Dr Ana’s, et al…
My Morgs:
Mateo Taylor
Video #3


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 14, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

Yes. EMP (magnetic) wipes the coding.


John Vargo - Nov 15, 2023

John Vargo

I don't know about Ivermectin but fenbendazole,well my SS debit card declined the purchase!https://fenbendazole.substack.com/p/how-to-be-someones-hero?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2


John Vargo - Nov 15, 2023

John Vargo

Here's another one,Mebendazole is the FDA,CDC,big pharma,insurance company alternative.Cost is 500 a pill,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCOODjrJhRQ&t=1318s


Laura - Dec 22, 2023


YES! It’s a part of my protocol.


Frances Lynch - Dec 22, 2023

Frances Lynch

Thank you


Unagnu - Nov 18, 2023


Borax water look it up


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 19, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

Yes. Helpful.


Adrian - Nov 14, 2023 - Edited


I use a circular degausser, it does neutralize the local area, a larger industrial size degsusser could do a whole body.


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 14, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

I have seen these and want to acquire (or build) one soon. I have to say, that construction magnet gave me positive results though. Relief from neurological crap that was happening in my feet. Clearing the moving blood is a good start, but you're right, these buggers lodge and grow anywhere/everywhere in the body.
If they didn't have this new "rule" requiring people to be injected with graphene to get an MRI, I might go in for one of those. But alas, they're now LYING and saying it doesn't work as well (for imaging) without the person first being poisoned. Previously, they were getting crystal clear images WITHOUT the poison. But there are many new irrational "rules" these days, all of them intended to maim and murder.


A-curious - Nov 14, 2023 - Edited


Could you please share with us the exact product you are thinking of? And how and to what extent does it "neutralize the local area"? Do you mean in terms of body troubles/pain or just in terms of magnetism?


Adrian - Nov 15, 2023


Search the term "circular degausser" on amazon or net. Its function is to demagnetize. The morgellons body and g.o. are electromagnetic, they charge up like a rechargable battery taking the energy from ambient wifi. The degausser weakens it, but since the degausser is small it just neutralizes a 3 inch area. Larger industrial degaussers could do more but they are industrial.


Pirate Studebaker - Nov 15, 2023

Pirate Eyes

The human mind and heart also produce electromagnetic energy so be cautious. Once you use a degausser on something it can never be magnetized again. What does this mean in terms of brain, heart, etc., electromagnetic function? IDK.


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 14, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

I think Adrian is referring to the "wiping" of the electronic coding here.


Doug - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited

Doug’s Substack

what power of magnets I have 5lb pound about 6. then several small very small ones and can't remember the pounds but I have them wrapped around the 5lb ones, and use them in my EMF baseball cap. doesn't seem to do much to the v2k I suffer from but it seems to pull power from EMF and other things...
But what poundage of Rare earth magnets does one need?
Likely higher than I use but wondering...


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 16, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

Oh, and please do share your own research here/with me. We're all trying to find the answers. We know what's coming, the "barcoding" with these buggers in us, transmitting our unique ID and making us all trackable. We MUST find a way to kill this technology.


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited

Joy’s Newsletter

I've only been mildly studying this part of the situation. I have no idea what the exact "power" of the magnet I have used is. I know it's meant for cleaning up metal from construction sites, and that it's a huge U shape. It produced relief, substantial. So I keep it under my bed;-)
I want to try the EMP systems primarily because I saw credible evidence that it was curing Morgellons, in people who were desperate, i.e., people with open wounds and biomechanical "critters" crawling out, debilitating pain, all sorts of problems. None of these people were able to get help from ordinary doctors, all of whom had ALREADY been "warned" that anyone complaining of these symptoms is INSANE and must be drugged and locked up immediately.
When Morgellons first hit, it appeared to be a "test run" of this new technology. It was expressing in myriad forms, the most common being that fibers were growing (and moving around) in these people, sometimes crawling to the surface/through the skin.
SEE some of the early coverage, before any honest reporting about it was SHUT DOWN:
Anti-parasite meds help. But it comes back. This is why I believe EMP is also a required component of reaching a "cure." And then for maintenance, because this crap is now everywhere.


Webe1 - Nov 14, 2023


Interesting approach!


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 14, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

It was curing Morgellons for many people, not just "reducing" or "controlling" symptoms when they got the EMP pulses. I found a giant magnet (used for construction sites) and put it against my femoral artery (serious bloodstream access) while napping during the day a few times. Got relief from a few nasty symptoms. I also use citrus bitters with star anise seed (brew, simmer them with water for a couple hours and drink) plus all the other stuff, NAC, bromelain, copper, zinc, Quercetin, etc.). I want to do the EDTA chelation that Ana understands to remove the trash/detox from the byproducts.
Godspeed, Joy


Pirate Studebaker - Nov 14, 2023

Pirate Eyes

I've had Morgellons/CDB disease for over fifteen years and honestly I don't know anyone who actually has it who has been cured of it. There is a tremendous amount of misdirection in regards to Morgellons/CDB and the people who released it and have been experimenting on other people (like me) have no desire to see it cured. The point was to study its effectiveness. So a lot of people pose as victims and send people off in many dead ends.
Be cautious when dealing with anything that kills this stuff. It is using our natural bodies as building blocks and fuel so it is partially made of what it's host is made of. In other words, what kills the invaders will kill some of your own healthy cells.
Dr. Ana and Clifford Carnicom recently conducted some experiments with frequencies and Carnicom said unfortunately he found no frequencies that didn't damage the healthy cells as they killed the invaders.
You can find out more on his website. He's been studying Morgellons/CDB for several decades and has the most reliable information I know of not only on Morgellons/CDB but also the current crisis.


Adrian - Nov 14, 2023


Hi, Im a fellow morgie, long term sufferer...to share an experience, perhaps others can expand on this, as it brings relief....step 1 I bought an inexpensive green lazer pen from amazon ($15), step 2 shine lazer into wall socket, after a few minutes blood circulation returns, the blob movement is reduced, i feel better. I saw a vid where a crowd shined numerous green lazers at a security drone and brought it down. Evidently, the green lazer has an ability to block wifi somehow. When the lazer light hits the wire in the socket perhaps a field is made that jams the wifi signal targeting me/us. A dedicated lazer socket attachment would be the next step up. Let me know if you try it and get relief.


Veronica Evans - Nov 15, 2023

Hi Adrian,
How many times do you shine the laser on the socket? Do you need to do it only once or multiple times a day in order to get relief from your symptoms?


Veronica Evans - Nov 15, 2023

Can you also explain further about a plug-in laser? So one would have to buy several if one had several sockets?


Frances Lynch - Nov 14, 2023

Frances Lynch

Hi, I am reposting my reply to Pirate Studebaker as you may find it useful :)
Speaking of frequencies....have you ever considered using this paint in your room, think of it as a paint Faraday Cage...
Now it is expensive as paint goes, but I believe you only need one coat and it does get raves. Something to think about.


Adrian - Nov 15, 2023


Hi and thank you, I have experience with that paint. Reading the label it sais 90% conductive and 10% blocking. I painted the interior of a room, floor, walls, ceiling...and still had problems bc the whole room became electrified. Nasa grade radient barrier works better for a faraday affect.


Margie Chism - Nov 14, 2023

Margie Chism

Green light ■ glows from my three dirty electric plugins. M


Pirate Studebaker - Nov 14, 2023

Pirate Eyes

Great idea. I will give it a try. It's something I can actually afford.
So why do you shine it into a wall socket? Is it all wall sockets or particular one(s)?
I'm guessing you mean electrical outlets/plug-ins?
Thank you.


Adrian - Nov 15, 2023


Yes the outlets. It was curiousity that made me do it. I only have one, so just one outlet, more lazers might have a greater affect. I wonder, this one is rechargable only a few minutes life, a plug in lazer is $125 might do 24/7 idk.The affect is impressive, but i have to physically hold it there. Enginuity might make a dedicated unit with a timer.


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 14, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

Have you tried EMP pulse or even extremely strong magnets?


Frances Lynch - Nov 14, 2023

Frances Lynch

Hi, I am reposting my reply to Pirate Studebaker as you may find it useful :)
Speaking of frequencies....have you ever considered using this paint in your room, think of it as a paint Faraday Cage...
Now it is expensive as paint goes, but I believe you only need one coat and it does get raves. Something to think about.


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 14, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

Have you actually tried EMP?? These are biomechanical devices, part "life" (DNA from parasites and other nasty things in nature) but they are also electronic. I am not the one advocating for "CDB" (no understanding of how that could work to kill this crap) but I am saying EMP pulses appear to WORK, and very well.
You might want to check into it if you have not tried it. The coded program is required for this crap to "grow" into these nasty "things." It is a very well understood fact that this coding/programming is destroyed with a strong magnetic force, just like your hard drive is wiped clean with strong magnets.


Veronica Evans - Nov 15, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

Hi Joy,
Can you post a link to the type of EMP gadget or magnet you’re referring to?


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 15, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

FWI: None of them are advertised for use in defeating/curing the nanotech;-) Here's one:https://elixa.com/shop/em-pulser/
If you search "Electromagnetic pulse therapy" and similar, you'll find there are many options out there. There are also a growing number of YouTube videos showing how to build them yourself.
My first awareness of the effectiveness of this method was a doctor who moved down to Mexico (where it's still technically legal to actually heal people;-) and he was bussing people over the border to get into a "box" that would treat them quickly and completely. His business model was based upon RESULTS and therefore word of mouth, since advertising clearly wasn't an option. I saw some of the videos of people being treated with the smaller localized systems as well, and they were seeing results very fast. Usually the initial "kill off" would hurt, (like the creatures were pissed off;-) but then within hours no more "crawling" sensations.
I failed to continue following this doctor after about 2014. I hope he's not been murdered by now. But the things I learned are a help to me now.
I have seen two branches of treatment theory, and the most "popular" one, is to get Morgellons sufferers to simply "accept" that they can NEVER actually be cured, and that they must constantly treat the symptoms for the rest of their life.
The other, is the EMP route (very hard to find materials on this one) which is aimed at entirely disabling the coding within these biomechanical "creatures" so that they die off for good. Think about it, how long would any lifeform be able to go on without it's CODING? The fact these things are biomechanical makes them vulnerable to EMP. And EMP is harmless to the human body, harmless to OUR DNA-coding. (But keep it away from electronics;-)
So why not give it a try? Expense, yes. It has delayed me in getting to the more powerful systems available. But it is on my list of priorities to obtain such for myself and loved-ones. Meanwhile, I mess with powerful magnets and they HELP.


Unagnu - Nov 18, 2023


Borax water


Frances Lynch - Nov 14, 2023

Frances Lynch

Speaking of frequencies....have you ever considered using this paint in your room, think of it as a paint Faraday Cage...
Now it is expensive as paint goes, but I believe you only need one coat and it does get raves. Something to think about.


Webe1 - Nov 14, 2023


Thank you for the info! Have you heard anything on EZ Detox cream? The iv chelation isn’t available to many due to location and cost. There’s a book on the timing each supplements should be taken and with what but I neglected to write it down. With the increase in supplements, it’s my hope to make the most of them since they too are expensive.


JMarie.58 - Nov 14, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

I use EZDetox as part of my daily protocol, it was recommended after chelation treatment with Dr Ana. The EDTA treatment was temporary, I have found the fibers on my skin with a microscope. It’s in the lint of my dryer and the screen in my air purifier as proof it’s in the air and we’re all exposed. I don’t have any outward symptoms, I feel great…but I detox daily, plus detox bath, and I use a grounding mat, wear scaler technology, and pray for protection. Still here, still well, and sharing my experience in case it helps others.


Webe1 - Nov 14, 2023


Thank you! I have found your journey via Substack to be most helpful! Are you using BlueShield?


JMarie.58 - Nov 15, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

I use a few different grounding and scalar products. Blushield is expensive though looks well made.


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 14, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

I haven't used it myself. It seems to make sense though. Might be adding it to my arsenal.


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 25, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

Comment removed.


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 26, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

Hi. Are you talking about EMP?


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 28, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

Comment removed.


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 28, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

Hi Rose,
Finding an "at home" system is a matter of searching. Terms like "EMP Magnetic Pulse Sports injuries" and such, will get you in the right direction. Prices are all over the map, and they will NEVER advertise them as "killing Morgellons" b/c that would get them arrested by the FDA;-) So they do make other acceptable healing claims, (all of which are also TRUE, this stuff WORKS).
I did notice Amazon had a good selection, and the best prices for the power ranges that would seem to be effective. I'm putting this in my budget for early 2024. Not sure yet which system I will end up getting though.


Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 14, 2023

Agent’s Substack

Huge news, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 first time the MSM news is broadcasting COVID INJURIES


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 14, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

AWESOME video!!! Thanks.


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 14, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

It is most certainly the same technology. I've read the DARPA patents on this crap. Walks like it. Talks like it. Looks like it. This is the same. The early tests (myriad variations of Morgellons) on the public without our consent, were just their earlier experiments. They were trying to perfect it to be more predictable.


Margie Chism - Nov 14, 2023

Margie Chism

NWO: Dr. Martin on the COVID-19 bioweapon & the evil WHO ■ "If the liberties of the American people are every destroyed, they will fall by the hand of the Roman Catholic cult's clergy."
-General Lafayette under President George Washington


A-curious - Nov 14, 2023

This is the better tendency I am indirectly referring at:https://www.lifesitenews.com/episodes/catholic-lay-leaders-worldwide-reject-the-false-church-being-set-up-by-pope-francis/?utm_source=featured_video&utm_campaign=usa


A-curious - Nov 14, 2023

Margie Chism

I think you rather mean the very dangerous and highly nefarious s*tan*sts cult mafia/clanic structures, aside of the fact that you might designate the darker religious forces next to the ital. capital... which cannot truly represent the Church in its whole/entirety (but actually should, without its negative/dark tendancies "given" by our (very) crazy (western/"northern") world.


Margie Chism - Nov 14, 2023

Margie Chism

Watch the video ■ and learn the laws that were established for the WHO. M


A-curious - Nov 14, 2023

However, thank you for the `brighteon link´ which is quite relevant, eventhough I haven´t seen the video yet.


Jules - Nov 14, 2023

Jules’s Substack

You speak of people who are unvaccinated but you never mention if you have been gathering data on whether those people had a PCR test. I am curious because I suspect the PCR was used also to get the poisons into people.


Margie Chism - Nov 14, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

World Health Organization Vaccine Passports Coming? ■ Digital IDs, vaccine passports, CBDCS & the next 'pandemic' may all be closer than you think.
Reggie Littlejohn, Founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, proclaimed a vital message at the 2023 Rome Life Forum by sounding the alarm about the globalist plans to establish a bio-tech surveillance state that will use digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) to lockdown the world’s population.
Littlejohn reveals the globalist powers, such as the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and World Economic Forum — all powerful arms of the New World Order — and their plans to create global surveillance networks to control a once-free people.
The world stands on the brink of adopting Communist China's social credit system — integral spyware of the Communist Chinese Party — which will make it impossible to live a normal life without government oversight. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the Vatican, and others are all working hard and behind-the-scenes to take away your freedoms.


Therisa - Nov 14, 2023


I’ve said many of times, that morgellons was the test run for what we’re seeing now


Pirate Studebaker - Nov 14, 2023

Pirate Eyes

Yes it is. I've had Morgellons/CDB for over fifteen years. It is the beta test.


Therisa - Nov 14, 2023


Yes, I remember. Good to see you again. I’ve thought of you several times as we dig down into the rabbit holes of nano technology. But I couldn’t remember your user name 🤦🏼‍♀️


Margie Chism - Nov 14, 2023

Margie Chism

Petition: STOP VACCINE PASSPORTS – Stop Vax ■ Petition


Margie Chism - Nov 14, 2023

Margie Chism

Take action! WITHDRAW US FROM THE W.H.O. NOW! ■ Petition


Margie Chism - Nov 14, 2023

Margie Chism

Covid Vaccine on CDC Childhood Schedule – ACTION REQUESTED ■ Petition


Margie Chism - Nov 14, 2023

Margie Chism

Stop the Sellout of US Sovereignty to the WHO ■ Petition


Margie Chism - Nov 14, 2023

Margie Chism

Save Babies and Children from the COVID Jab ■ Petition


Margie Chism - Nov 14, 2023

Margie Chism

Repeal or Amend - International Pandemic Prevention Act 2022 ■ Petition


Margie Chism - Nov 14, 2023

Margie Chism

Take Action! Stop the Secret WHO Sellout of our Sovereignty ■ Petition


Margie Chism - Nov 14, 2023

Margie Chism

Cashless Future: Convenience or Captivity? ■ Petition


The Straight Juice - Nov 14, 2023

The Straight Juice Substack

Great article. I'd written about Smart Dust a little while back, which overlaps and complements this work - covering: nanotechnology, examining patents, funding streams, research papers and their ties to behavioral modification; DARPA neural dust.


Margie Chism - Nov 14, 2023

Margie Chism

Excellent link ■ I really thank you Straight! M


The Straight Juice - Nov 14, 2023

The Straight Juice Substack

You are most welcome!



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