Worsening Toxic Darkfield Live Blood…

Jun 28, 2023

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In this post, I continue to post video footage of darkfield microscopy live blood of C19 unvaccinated blood documenting self assembly nanotechnology.


Fayanne - Jun 28, 2023 - Edited


If it’s true, what the hell are we supposed to do about it? It’s just starting to feel like a whole bunch of fear porn to me.


Lucy - Jun 28, 2023 - Edited


I have a feeling it is true. Pfizer’s papers detail that this injection is self spreading. They have been working on this type of thing with animals for some time. It was successful. I refused the jab, refused to inject people with the poison, and resigned immediately upon the illegal mandates being issued. I lost my 30 year career as a pharmacist but it was worth it to me. I occasionally work, now that the mandates have been lifted, to cover sick leave and vacations. Every time I am around all of my jabbed colleagues for even one day I get sick. Bruises and blood spots form on my arms and legs. I feel lethargic and I have a headache. It takes at least 3 days to recover. I am 20 years past menopause but I had vaginal bleeding. This is terrifying. I’m not going to work anymore unless I’m desperate for money. This is a spiritual war. Pray and put on the whole armor of God. I am using colloidal silver and quercetin and N-acetyl cysteine to help clear it. May God help us all.


jacquelyn sauriol - Jun 28, 2023 - Edited

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

Lucy, Thanks so for relaying a bit of your story, am leaving a home of 30 years because those here (Portland OR) are so....lost, clueless, heads in sand mostly. I too have had bad reactions to being around the jabbed (like when I was sick with a mystery illness in Nov of 2019), esp recently jabbed or in their cars or houses. Won't do it anymore either. Burdock root tea (i like mine with honey and milk) cleans the blood, got me through the mystery illness late 2019, drank it every day. Mountain Rose Herbs is one source for Burdock root ..for me God is just the plants around us, helping us heal. Best from Ore-gone, for now....jackie


Bernie_miltenberger - Jun 28, 2023

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

ESSAIC Tea is a immune support mixture of 4 to 8 herbs with burdock root. Rene Caise RN from Canada got the original version from a Indian tribe in Canada and successfully used it to heal many people with later stage cancer. This mixture cleans the blood & interstitial fluid within your body by stimulating your lymphatic system to flow better. EDTA, ionic foot baths, & the rootsbrand.com- Clean Slate along with vitamin K2/ Mk-7 & ECGC should be very helpful.


curious butterfly - Jun 29, 2023

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

Natto, a Japanese fermented bean dish, is loaded with the Mk-7 form of Vitamin K2. It is easy to make in an instant pot or yogurt maker. I succeeded on my first attempt. Just soak your beans overnight (soybeans are most common but I used garbanzo beans), cook for 2-3 hours on the stove, then keep them warm at 100 degrees with some starter culture, come back 24 hours later and it's ready.
I looked up Essiac tea and it's also good for digestion. Will add it to my list. Thanks.


Bernie_miltenberger - Jul 4, 2023

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

That is great information! I get the pill form through vitacost 100 mcg of Mk-7 & 16 mg of Nattokinase per pill and take 2 or 3 daily. My reasoning comes from a book called K2 & The Calcium Paradox by Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue. Her recommendations on the 300 mcg of Mk-7 daily is that this level one can see the reversal of hardening of the arteries & the diminishing crystals within the prostate. Combined with Vitamin D3 & Vitamin A from grass fed butter, one creates the triangle of health in regards to cardiovascular health & bone density. It can add a decade of life for men. Life expectancy in Japan is currently close to 100 years of age due to Nattokinase!


curious butterfly - Jul 5, 2023

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

Natto is what you call an "acquired taste" so there are days when I prefer taking the pill form of Mk-7 and Nattokinase. I lost bone density after I lost a lot of weight and started drinking bone broth too to help reverse it. Thank you for the info on the correct dosage from the book you read. My Jarrow Mk-7 has 90mcg per softgel and I was only taking one per day with 2000 FUs (fibrinolytic units?) of Nattokinase. Both my Nattokinase and my Serrapeptase are in enzyme units.


Lucy - Jun 28, 2023


Thank you JackieπŸ™


Reply (1) - Jun 28, 2023


Comment removed.


koppykat - Jun 28, 2023


I get a blank page?


Max Light - Jun 28, 2023

Max Light

my click on the link leads here...


DIANE MCKENZIE - Jul 17, 2023

I had a chronic cough for five months after covid. I tested negative for COPD, asthma, and allergies. I had to take steroids for 5 days. I could feel the fluid in my right lung. Then it went away for the winter and came back at the end of this March and continued until the middle of May. Someone sent me a link for Clorine Dioxcide (CDS) and I bought it, watched some videos and decided to try it. I took it religiously 3 drops in 4 oz of distilled water every hour for 8 hours a day for 9 days. I also put 1 drop to 1 oz distilled water used the dropper and put that down my nostrils quite a few times laying down. I used it in my netipot. I even put a drop in my mini nebulizer. My cough is 100% gone. I have since found a study about CDS that supports curing lyme disease from a doctor in Greece and wrote him and he replied. It kills microrganisms. Somehow it only targets acidic organisms in the body. It's only $40 for two bottles and you have to keep them capped so the gas does not escape and refrigerated. You can also freeze it.


Duchess - Jun 28, 2023


jackie, am contemplating doing the same...best of luck to you. Stay in touch please let us know how it goes.


shelley zimm - Jun 28, 2023 - Edited


Thank you Lucy and all the others who share their stories so we dont feel alone. Im endstage and more advanced than most in the poisonings. The sheddings and 5G/6G have finally taken me out after 15 mandated vaxes [while asleep] to work the medical system for 30 years. I got VAIDS after 2 Hep B shots 20 years ago, fauci's test for covaids. If I dont isolate in a faraday cage, and take 10 detoxers per day, I get very sick. Obviously this is not living anymore, but some of us have faith, and I trust God He'll take me home at the right time. If human beings like Dr Ana dont speak the truth, and we dont tell our stories, the world will be too dark to live in.


koppykat - Jun 28, 2023


hugs from afar. Much better place after this one.


Gary McCollom - Jun 29, 2023

Justin Coy

You have got to give Master Mineral Solution a try, there are many different protocols and it may take you some experimentation to find the right one. After starting one and going through it no matte rhow you feel now go and get your vitamin d level up close to 100ng and add the other crucial nutrients.
Then start again on another protocol.
I believe God pushed Jim Humble to discover this great miracle for human health.


Justin Coy - Jul 14, 2023

Justin Coy

As far as I am aware, I have seen no studies to corroborate its effectiveness, and certainly I doubt it has any effectiveness against this holocaust.


Gary McCollom - Jul 14, 2023

Well I can guarantee there will never be any studies but I do not and will not say it has no effectiveness. At the very least it would get rid of any other garbage in your body to allow for its natural healing to take over.


Denise Gardiner - Jun 28, 2023 - Edited

Denise Gardiner

I'm not far behind. I had 29 years in. Have had so many jabs I lost count after the quad flu jab in 2017 but I did Not take any after that.
Fighting this with all I got left.
Sorry fellow nurse what these people have done to nurses who give all, the drive for justice is really burning deep and that's not changing.
I'm grateful you spoke out here. I am very sorry you are so harmed.


dyr - Jun 28, 2023 - Edited

Ernie Rockwell

As mentioned in comments after several of Dr Ana's posts, I have had mitigation of blood-related effects through taking strong doses of hawthorn berry (tasty besides, only tcm medicinal grade, or fresh in season). It is a known blood clearer of at least some of what does not belong, thus benefitting the heart. I also have had the character of what i suffer when as you I am exposed to injectees for any time, even from uninjected who have been exposed thus 3rd hand, as it were, when i take brown sea vegetable (culinary grade "seaweed", in my case for past months tough kombu but readily reducible through cooking with certain legumes, and also tasty besides) the clots/throb pains I feel change to more diffuse and softer feeling. That these feelings increase shortly after hawthorn then stop (until re-exposures) indicates for me that the hawthorn is helping move along to exit what is stuck as clot or clot-like, which otherwise I have found can take up to 2 days to stop (once it was 4 days, exceeding your 3 count), but usually stops within hours. These are just a few suggestions that bear repeating. These mitigating foods I take on average only once a week. Since we live relatively isolated harmful exposures occur sometimes only once a week. Were I to make it a daily regimen, which I might yet experiment with adding to many self-experimentations the past year-plus, perhaps I would be shielded altogether from adverse exposure effects. The biggest revelation of these experiments was corroboration of my theory that the effect from vaxees was electromagnetic originating from on or within them. If a graphene component is involved as seems likely, as eg A Stuckelberger mentions it can magnify incoming e-smog 1000-fold. Thus increased avoidance of manmade e-pollution - eg throw away your kill/mob phones! - is certainly indicated if it serves to activate as suspected elements of the toxic bodyload. When in proximity to injectees, keep moving, as a moving target I have found is not affected as even when I stand still eg chatting at even up to 15 ft away.
I hope this kind of comment helps dispel the "fear porn" some apparently are misperceiving with Dr Ana's reports.


Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Jun 28, 2023

Ernie Rockwell

dyr-- appreciate all the tips and personal anecdotes!


Ernie Rockwell - Jun 28, 2023

Ernie Rockwell



Lucy - Jun 28, 2023


Thank you for the information. I really appreciate it!


curious butterfly - Jun 28, 2023

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

What is the difference between kombu and nori seaweed nutrition and effects wise? I eat the black nori seaweed that comes in sheets for making sushi, which is pretty high in iodine. I tend to go nuts with supplements, taking things together that may not mix or too many in a day, so I'm glad you said you only take the hawthorn once per week. I am not near the vaxxed very often but I live with an unvaxxed person who frequents doctor's offices and clinics. Thanks.


dyr - Jun 28, 2023

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

C. Butterfly,
Hawthorn I would expect is totally non-toxic and can be indeed taken and with sweet-sour pleasure daily. To give an idea of dosage for strong brew as I've said, last order from my reliable Canadian supplier of 5 lb I started into early March, 1/2 way through that now, were I to take daily (ie manyfold more often) i'd've been through that bulk maybe 2 mo. ago already. Not very expensive, or yet....
More important re kombu & sea veg: suspected toxicity relates to presence of inorganic metal esp. arsenic, but I feel that these are quite well bound and exit as they enter (as one learned marine biologist contacted agreed with me), chelating more on the way and offering other beneficial mineral supplementation as well. In the book I mentioned in one or more comments here, Danish author Mouritsen i think eats daily, as would many in Japan. i also must have mentioned the perversity of "Health" Canada, our "wonderful " (ie in perps' pocket) overseer, which banned maybe the best of all sea veg at getting through hardnesses, hijiki is the Japanese name mostly used. (I did see post-ban some in a TCM shop but it looked much inferior to culinary Japanese type we were used to, until Fukushima). Mouritsen also notes re arsenic that there is arsenic and there is arsenic (and thus likely with many purported toxicants of this nature) with no differentiation made by "authorities", he trusting that over the ages there seems to be no arsenic-connected negative effect in main consumers. My guide would be to eat as much as one feels appetite for. I should say that my supply comes from two British Columbian harvester-suppliers. Anyway it is brown sea veg (not red sea veg like nori which we often enjoy as well very much) that is thought to be best at chelation and other effects germane to the mass assault (led by what I am sure are anglosupremacist hegemoniacs). Low grade kelp granules I started with but with less effect. Eat to enjoy in health and praise the One who allows us this!


curious butterfly - Jun 29, 2023

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

For me the best judge of food and supplement effectiveness is how I feel, given that my system is very sensitive. My local tap water contains arsenic, chromium, barium and many other contaminants. I don't feel well when I drink unfiltered tap water, but when I eat seaweed I am overall more energetic, both physically and mentally. I take a kelp capsule on days when I've run out of seaweed. Thanks for the tip on brown hijiki, which I can get here at Asian markets in the US. Maybe there are black market herb sellers who ship to Canada? We may all have to resort to the dark web, not to buy guns or ingredients to make bombs but to preserve our own health and longevity with medicinal plants. I've had varying degrees of brain fog and difficulty concentrating for years. Cutting back on grains while adding healthy fats, adding fresh herbs and seaweed and new supplements has helped some. Maintaining our health in the digital age is a daily if not hour by hour ongoing process.


dyr - Jun 29, 2023

Your last sentence is at the crux of the matter. Daunting in some circumstances as it may seem, not only should one sensibly be preoccupied with what one takes in, but with what is coming at one in the main and increasing generally from manmade electropollution. Esp. where one remains stationary for lengths of time, at night etc, one should try to shield from ambient "e-smog'. By now there are many useful sources of info on how to, and many even not that expensive materials & pieces of equipment to help assess whether one is doing it right or enough. One of the main reasons we quit our urban location was the increasing e-pollution. An all out effort has gone on to encroach ever closer to whomever remains somewhat outside the control zone, by hooking people on wireless devices, attaching "smart" meters to dwellings, now injecting with hyperconductives. Infrastructure for its incessant coming at one can't be shut off but can be attenuated in effect. Even where we are there has been encroachment we have had to take measures against. But above all protect yourself at places where extended time is spent. The fog stands to dissipate with much better sleeping. E-induced tinnitus, insomnia (not to mention anxiety etc) are so widespread as to be absurdly normalized. Best wishes to be not normal!


Gary McCollom - Jun 29, 2023

Iodine is our greatest defense against emf radiation and radiation in general.


koppykat - Jun 28, 2023


thankyou for taking the time to share your great remedies. We all should do as much as we can and I really appreciate building on my knowledge of what ppl find helps them in any way


jacquelyn sauriol - Jul 17, 2023 - Edited

I too have found Hawthorne tincture to be very helpful for heart palps, you can harvest fresh or order dried Hawthorne berries from Mountain Rose Herbs in Eugene OR. I use only potato vodka because I prefer it over grain based vodka. Also eating fresh (not stale!) walnuts, just a few walnuts a day, is a great heart helper.


Raberdash - Jun 28, 2023 - Edited

Raberdash’s Newsletter

Thanks for your comment, as horrifying as it is. My understanding is that the research done by La Quinta Columna shows that a combination of NAC and glutathione is effective for breaking down graphene oxide. I have obtained this from Dr. Lessman at HSN.
I’m wondering if these might also break down the hydrogel as well?
And Zeolite?
Benedictine Healing Products makes Blood Root Plus, which contains not only burdock root, but many other blood purifying ingredients.
I agree, this is a spiritual war, and we need to remain in prayer. Only Jesus can save us from this.
EDIT: you can obtain the Blood Root Plus from a medical professional. I get it from my naturopath.


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

AMEN X 10! We still need to be vigilant. We must help ourselves in the meantime. Also pray aloud so Jesus and God can hear our voices. πŸ™β€οΈ


Lucy - Jun 28, 2023




jacquelyn sauriol - Jul 17, 2023

Pagan herbalist (me) says only plant and trees can save us from this, ok. If I don't speak up I am unseen so I make a point to do so esp in this. Glad to fight with you but please remember we are not all one religion.


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

A true warrior you are Lucy! Sad, but good for you. You did what many did not and that was walk away from doing harm to others for your values and inner worth. I can tell you are very knowledgeable. God knows your heart and that's the true key to everlasting life. As for the self Spreading / shedding, it was horrible fore as well. Straight to my testies and the pain, and it was for months. The migraines were horrible as well. Nothing would help get rid of it. Usually 3 days to subside. When I finally realized it was from the shedding vaxd, I started detoxing and haven't stopped. I detox on a slew of things 3 to 4 times a day. I feel so much better. Heck, I've been detoxing for 3 yrs now and I'm not stopping. We know it's in everything so I must keep detoxing. You may want to checkout my prior comment on what all I detox with. Best wishes and keep Praying. We win no matter what in the end.πŸ™β€οΈ


RandD - Jun 28, 2023 - Edited

You can take liposomal Methylene blue tested to be free from all heavy metals, it has helped me a lot and Dr. Anna speaks highly of it. I do not sell the Methylene blue or make any commission but the formulator is a friend of mine. Email me atsinginglessonexpert@gmail.comand I will forward your email to Michaela. She has a Masters in Anthroposophical medicine. Dr Anna says EDTA crème or suppositories eliminate the hydra gel but that you need to add a mineral back in because the EDTA IS chelation.


Abigail - Jun 28, 2023

Abigail’s Newsletter

This is very interesting. I refused the shot, but my husband got the J&J and my stepson received 2x Pfizer (his mother is an allopathic nurse; I was unable to stop it). I've been experiencing frequent headaches lately, and have noticed a bunch of very small blood spots all over my body (new in the last few months). I've also been having trouble focusing. My problem is that I am unable to avoid contact with the members of my household, who are poisoning me. I do not say this lightly: I purchased my own microscope last November to examine blood, and have been seeing rouleaux, these strange bubbles (containing luminescent particles), crystalline structures, parasites, and things that look a lot like the filaments that Dr. Ana shows.
If you need to see to believe, then buy a microscope. This is real.
I am in the process of researching potential "cures," trying them out, and retesting my blood. I live in NY, where Live Blood Analysis is not available, but once I am able to see a practitioner (ROAD TRIP!), I plan to experiment on myself and publish my findings. We need to help one another, and this might be one way to do that.


Justin Coy - Jul 14, 2023

Justin Coy

Abigail, I am in the same boat. My wife was a fool and got two shots while I was away on a trip. She has transfected me. You need a UV light. After a hot shower, have your husband check your body for small orange-pink, sometimes green, sometimes purple "strings" that come out of your body. They are ONLY seen within a couple of minutes of a hot shower. Also check the face of yourself and your family. In the jabbed it glows ORANGE, and you will probably find that your nose and area around it glow. If it has gone up the rim of your nose into your forehead, you are the walking dead, just like your loved ones. You have 10 years at most. If it is just around your nose then MAYBE (hopefully because it spread from the base of my nose to my entire nose and aroudn my nose) with EDTA chelation you can be saved. That said, Dr. Ana talks a lot about it but it is a treatment that almost nobody has access to. I'm in Stasiland Boston. Like you, I can't even get a blood test done. I just look up at the scorched chemtrails every week and realize that NOBODY is going to stop this. BILLIONS will die. Almost nobody cares, and yeah 99.9% of doctors are useless imbecile quacks.


Charlie - Jul 4, 2023


I too am a pharmacist (over 20 years) who is no longer practicing as I could see this coming with the flu shot obsession around 2010. I noticed the shots contained SV40 at that time and refused to give the flu shots. At that time, I was considered a “conscious objector” by my big chain employer. Was taken from my permanent location of over 15 years, made a relief pharmacist. Then eventually blackballed laid off in corporate downsizing in 2014.
I too miss the pay. But it is not worth it!
Every pharmacist needs to re-evaluate their priorities. Unfortunately, the majority will never contemplate the situation we are in unless they are personally effected or someone in their closer circle. Until, we get doctors and pharmacists taking responsibility for their actions nothing will change.


Lucy - Jul 4, 2023


God Bless You for that!!! You’re right. It isn’t worth any amount of money to poison and kill people. I had no idea how evil the medical people are until this happened. I felt like a fool. I always refused to vaccinate anyone. I always suspected vaccines were poison. I was right.


Charlie - Jul 4, 2023


It is very sad. I chatted over the internet with a young lady who also quit her pharmacist job. She quit her job in a public way, (I saw a video clip of it on the internet). Then I contacted her. After several interactions, she revealed to me she was magnetized. Sent me a picture of magnets sticking to her face and upper torso area.
She is an example of a person waking up to what’s going on (hopefully not too late) As I stated, unfortunately it is going to take more of that to wake people up.


Lucy - Jul 4, 2023


I hope it’s not too late. Both of my daughters fell for the scam. Got the shots and boosters. I’m sick over it.


Charlie - Jul 4, 2023

Hopefully, they received placebos, as I heard it mentioned (think it was a Denmark study) that stated 1 in 3 shots were placebo.


Justin Coy - Jul 14, 2023

Justin Coy

Unless they got saline, they are walking dead. There is no way to recover from this holocaust demon juice unless you're lucky enough to live in Washington and have Dr. Ana as your doctor... and never took any shots. She won't see any patients that were jabbed. For the other 99.9999%, we're all walking dead. That likely includes you as well.


Debra - Jun 29, 2023

Lucy, if you can find a doctor that uses IV Therapy, ask for EDTA Chelation IV therapy. Dr. Ana looked at my blood and it was completely contaminated, but after two EDTA Chelation IV sessions, she looked at my blood again, and it was completely clear and normal. Praying that your body is healed and restored! There is hope. <3


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

Don't believe your lying eyes then, and if truth is fear porn to you then stop reading Ana's feed. Move on! Personally I like to know what is in ALL our bodies now. We have ALL been infected by the evil villains. Whether detoxing 3 and 4 times a day helps me, I don't know but at least I'm doing something.


Kamii Neko - Jun 28, 2023

Hard, uncomfortable truth doesn't equal fear porn, and this is what you do about ithttps://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/finding-new-treatment-solutions-our


Apologetic Yankee - Jun 28, 2023

Apologetic Yankee

Evidently you have yet to comprehend all that the Good Dr has been sharing re best /most effective Protocols > IV chelation + detox immunity support Lifestyle is more important than ever before.
Sadly, unless the general public begins to make this specific research a public & transparent priority, this Landscape will surely continue to regress, as it's been doing for 2+ Decades now....that We can prove, thanks to The Carnicom Institute.
It's entirely up to Us > look within & search that Soul while ignoring the fear....as Others are doing ...like Dr. Mihalcea, Carnicom, Klinghardt, etc.


Truth Barbarian - Jun 28, 2023

Truth Barbarian

kinda had a similar immediate gut reaction. interesting.


scout - Jun 28, 2023


Well, join party. Wife took all the c19s and now in pain every day. I told her that the c19s were NOT vaccines before they rolled out. She wanted me to take the c19s. I said that one of us has to stay alive to take care of the other. She planned in being MY care-taker. Now I live in fear that any day may be her last. Lock down? She can't do anything and I'm afraid to do anything. LIfe is interesting.


kerrylyn - Jun 28, 2023


What Dr Mihalcea is saying is that everyone is doomed, whether vaxxed or unvaxxed and everyone's blood is equally contaminated.


WrittenintheStars - Jun 28, 2023

Katie’s Substack

And you believe that? Why? Because she says so?


kerrylyn - Jun 28, 2023


Of course not.


Justin Coy - Jul 14, 2023

Justin Coy

Yes, as of right now, because she says so. It does help that the same discoveries are being made by several other doctors from around the world.


Heather LibertyCricket - Jun 28, 2023

Heather LibertyCricket

Feel for you. Same boat here except knock on wood, my husband is "fine" for the time being. he only got one and it was the last batch of the vial very little time left before it expired so may be he got a bum vial. it was certainly bot a bum batch - was a hot lot. Hang in there. Interesting times indeed.


Gary McCollom - Jun 30, 2023

I love the interesting times comments from people but I thought when you said that its a good time for non-believers to maybe ask themselves if God is not real when they see the type of evil thats been on display the last 3 years.
Oh well thats just me lol.


Justin Coy - Jul 14, 2023

Justin Coy

I'm sorry to hear your wife is so dumb. It if makes you feel better, my wife took two shots while I was away on a trip. Hence, you and I are both likely going to die miserably from transfection even thought we weren't stupid enough to take the shots but we were stupid enough to marry dumb women.


Gary McCollom - Jun 29, 2023

You have got to give Master Mineral Solution a try, there are many different protocols and it may take you some experimentation to find the right one. After starting one and going through it no matte rhow you feel now go and get your vitamin d level up close to 100ng and add the other crucial nutrients.
Then start again on another protocol.
I believe God pushed Jim Humble to discover this great miracle for human health.


Noren O Drisc - Jun 28, 2023

Fear is normal given the horrific findings iIs frightening because psychopaths are killing and maiming billions of people; maybe everyone on the planet aparrt from the criminals themselves. This is a new problem so there may not be cures yet but hooefully some will quickly emerge. Dr Ana does recommend some things to help the body detox from these poisons & tech you read all her posts recently


jacquelyn sauriol - Jun 28, 2023


Or truth? Died suddenlies seem to bear witness to the truth of it. Dr. Ana persists, not like others that come and go. I do not want my blood to be put through plastic tubes; plus I cannot afford it. Burdock root tea cleans the blood, (quercitin and inulin and a hundred other constituents we don't look at) (with honey and milk is how I like mine), Burdock is a 2 year plant probably growing near you or can get Burdock root at an herb shop. You can simmer OG citrus peels for 20 min and get your C that way. Cheap medicine if you buy grapefruit, oranges or lemons limes organic. No harm done, you will be better off with such medicines.


kerrylyn - Jun 28, 2023


I think you'll find the died suddenlies are for the most part the vaxxed and likely multiple-vaxxed. The SAD syndrome began with the roll-out of injections. Not to say unvaxxed blood is not contaminated too, but until we know more about the unvaxxed people whose blood she's analyzing, we can't draw firm conclusions.


WrittenintheStars - Jun 28, 2023 - Edited

Katie’s Substack

And she said… we’ve been sprayed for the last 30 years. Okay… if that’s the case, why am I and my family and friends still functioning. Who is this woman anyway. She and so many others just came out of nowhere once covid came. Have you done your research digging on her? There are lots and lots of opposition playing both sides… fear mongering is rampant. I just say, do your own research before you believe people who you don’t know crap about. You believed your government and took the shot, right? See where that go 70 million people????!!! So… STOP and do your OWN research … who is she, where does she get her research, who sponsors her, where are the documents supporting her claims.. where do these documents come from. I have no idea what. Blood slide should look like… so, she could be showing us neon strands by play dough… and I’d never know. THINK!!!


Scott Barnett - Jun 28, 2023

Sounds like you should research. We all know her credentials and the numerous other groups of qualified people who risk their lives to spread this information. Pictures don’t lie. If in doubt get your own blood analyzed
Reality is becoming a horror show but there are solutions. Be positive. Detox and limit exposure. The WHO CDC and Gates must be stopped.


Nanc - Jun 28, 2023 - Edited

Nanc’s Substack

Aye yi yi, stop the hate already. Do your own research first before mouthing off and and sullying others reputations.
Think about this, just exactly does Dr. Ana have to gain here? Now think of what she has to lose?
And she is absolutely correct we have sprayed on for years! Look up Dane Whittington, he has some very serious information regarding this.
But, then again I imagine you’ll label him too as a fear monger.
Grow up, do the real research and turn off the idiot box!


WrittenintheStars - Jun 28, 2023 - Edited

Katie’s Substack

Who is she??!! Why don’t you do your own research about EVERYTHING she is feeding you. Instead of Just believing everything she says. And getting mad at me because I tell everyone on this post to do their own research.


Thru The Veil - Jun 28, 2023 - Edited

Thru’s Substack

I know Carnicom. His reputation is impeccable. If he is associated with her, then by proxy she has been vetted.


Apologetic Yankee - Jun 29, 2023

Apologetic Yankee

Same here > Clifford is by far among the most credible advocates there is in this space > he's been on the scene for 2+ Decades now and my 1st hand personal experiences with him have been most rewarding & fulfilling > Clifford deserves a Nobel.... unfortunately We know who TptsNb hand those out to


kerrylyn - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited


I would say she has associated herself with him. She also considers "Sasha Stone" her brother apparently. His reputation is not so impeccable!


Thru The Veil - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

Thru’s Substack

Dr. Ana is doing her work for free, asking nothing in return. If you don't like it no one is forcing it upon you.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.


Apologetic Yankee - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

Apologetic Yankee

In agreement with your primary message but re Wigington aka Geowatch > he's a warmest & thus a Climate Denier .... refuses to acknowledge the Maunder Solar Minimum Earth continues transitioning through & will be doing so for years to come.
He has also done much damage to the anti Climate Engineering Movement...too many stories to count over the years & some even I can cite personal experiences with > he was responsible for stalling the Rosalind Peterson/Rhode Island anti geo proposed legislation back in 2016 > that's just 1 example.
Many (myself included) believe he is part of the Cointelpro/Psyop Agenda which is very prevalent > we are surrounded by UNscrupulous bad actors in this Landscape posing as being on Team Humanity > yet when doing deeper research and by becomming very actively involved (esp where organizing is concerned) it's not challenging to see how TptsNb operate ... mainly by amplifying only the voices they approve of.
Exercise extreme caution when showing support for Geowatch ... ask him why he didn't support Rosalind Peterson's (RIP) legislation...& what about the $$$ he raised for his class action lawsuits (2) that never even got heard > where exactly did all those funds go? That whole thing was nothing more than a psyop money grab > careful.... coming up on a snake in the grass would be preferred vs Dane.
#OpStopPsyopπŸ›‘ in this the biggest LARPing wealth transfer in History


Thru The Veil - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

Thru’s Substack

I concur with your comments on Wigington. I was one of the so called "plaintiffs" of his suit. I never received a single brief, document or update after participating in his 60 day notice. When asked what was happening he would grumble on about the lawyers this, the lawyers that.


Apologetic Yankee - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

Apologetic Yankee

I was listed in suit #1 > I believe this is when the targeting began on me ... several solid reasons anyway to believe so.
Thankfully learned my lesson & refrained from signing onto #2 ...which also went up in flames...all by design of course.
Now fast forward a few yrs & there's a different Faction attempting to do the same ...another Class Action that Senum is pimping > wreaks as another money grab.
Also consider this....even IF it is allowed to be heard (unlike the Geowatch scripts), it'll likely fail b/c guess what.... Climate Engineering has been made legal....thx to both the Weather Forecasting Act (2016) which the Fed Fast Tracked in response to the Rosalind Peterson anti Geo legislative proposal (that Rhode Island sponsored)...& of course don't forget....Geowatch did all he could behind the scenes like the snake he is to thwart the progress of Rosalind Peterson's Language > she said she would never speak to him again after the stunts he pulled...which helped the Fed fast track The Weather Forecasting Act.
Too many ppl with too many stories on Wigington > run Forest RUN!!


kerrylyn - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited


I don't understand. Wiggington is a warmist and therefore a "climate denier"?


Apologetic Yankee - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited

Apologetic Yankee

See Milankovitch Cycles
The primary argument the Power Structure has making Their case for Climate Engineering is to cool the Earth addressing global warming, which we know is bs > Dane fuels that argument by subscribing to the global warming Climate Emergency Scam > he refuses to acknowledge the overall cooling that is clearly happening...thus a Climate Denier.
Meanwhile... Climate Engineering actually heats the surface as it traps heat in > which is exactly why they are doing this ..to offset the cooling that is happening.
Legitimate Climate research is being heavily censored .... anything that points ppl to the truth such as Milankovitch Cycles & The Maunder Minimum Earth continues to transition through is heavily suppressed...Dane certainly doesn't want to discuss > ask Him to have Raphaelle O'Neill on aka NOLA Butterfly...see World of Hot Water Docuseries....still on YT...I think.
Be very careful with those who aren't being censored (like Geowatch) to the degree others are...like Raphaelle O'Neill & Clifford Carnicom


kerrylyn - Jun 29, 2023


OK, I get it now. Yes, I've noticed he pushes the global warming bs.


Chris Leeds - Jul 4, 2023

Yes the times of day they do it is traps heat in i see it happens daily or 5 c a week evening tine start 4pm so trapped heat in 100 percent


Lisa Thomas - Jun 28, 2023

Lisa Thomas

I'm fine except for the grief. You make very good points. I enjoy all the comments especially the comments full of piss and vinegar. I'm just going to make piss and vinegar my detox protocol.


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

LOL! Nice!πŸ‘


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

Katie’s Substack

Stop crying 😭 When you don't know who Ana is says it all. Your comment has you looking StOoPid! Glad to know you have studied blood for over 30 yrs like Ana has. Your attitude sucks! You should subscribe and actually learn what's going on.


WrittenintheStars - Jun 28, 2023

Katie’s Substack

Are you talking to me about my attitude?? Lol. It only sucks because you don’t agree with it. Why get pissed from a person who says: do your own research instead of believing everything you hear. Just what do you really know about her? Nothing . You just follow her and believe. That’s what’s wrong with everything these days . Everyone believes what they want to believe instead of doing their own deep dives. I beg you haven’t done any of your own research. Didn’t think so. You look really stupid, now don’t you. Particularly after you made such a STUPID and DEFENSIVE , insecure comment to my post.


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023


You obviously haven't done any research. Yeah, I'm gonna believe an 30+ yr blood analyst I've been listening to for Two yrs before I listen to some newbee fruit loops like yourself telling us to do our own research. What the heck do you think this here is?? Go back down your mommy's basement and play your video games...or keep squawking so I have more to comment on. I don't mind smacking you around 😘


David - Jun 28, 2023


AF, it's another troll playing to the ignorant and/or distracting from the true focus.


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

Agree, I forgot about the trolls. Good call. This is the first comment forum I have been on in some time being I axed out all social platforms. Thx


Apologetic Yankee - Jun 29, 2023

Apologetic Yankee

I forget... does Substack make you pass captcha to comment here? If not, it's likely another ai/empty shell fake acct that twatter & FedBotBook are infested with ...CensorTube as well for that fact > & if indeed the troll is an actual human, doubtful they'd be willing to put their full name & face on the acct > hiding behind a keyboard = no credibility > transparency matters


kerrylyn - Jun 29, 2023


At it again?


Mir - Jun 28, 2023


Please listen to this ^^^and then let's discuss who's right or wrong!
I encourage everyone to follow!


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

That was a good listen. Thanx


Mir - Jun 28, 2023


Jeff and Erica have a talk several times a week, it's really worth getting into it and see whether it leads to a different view of things. Interesting, honestly!!


Rosalind McGill - Jun 28, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Carnicom really helped me when I had morgellons. Sorry if it’s too horrible to wrap your mind around it but don’t shoot the messenger. I’m very thankful for Dr Ana work .


David - Jun 29, 2023


What steps did you take that were successful?


koppykat - Jun 28, 2023


you take a very hostile position, and I doubt you would resonate with the truth if you saw it right in front of you. So I pray you will soften your heart, and just watch a number of Dr Anna's videos/interviews and read her last 6 months of articles. For some of us, seeing the truth is easy, so I hope you do put in the time to research her work - as she is worth it.


Debra - Jun 29, 2023

Who is she? Dr. Ana saved my parents life from COVID, and has helped thousands of people. My blood was completely contaminated like the pictures, but after 2 EDTA Chelation IV therapies, my blood was clear and normal. Her treatments completely reversed my type II Diabetes. I feel better than I have in many years. I am very thankful for her, and her courage to get the truth out, despite the backlash from the main stream medical. She genuinely wants to help people, and is doing just that. She charges less than 1/2 of what a normal MD would charge, so she isn't doing it for the money. There is hope. God bless.


Abigail - Jun 28, 2023

Abigail’s Newsletter

Do you have ~$200?
Buy yourself a microscope, some slides, cover slips, and lancets. If you don't want to take someone else's word for it -- and in this day and age it's smart to be skeptical -- then take a look for yourself.
After you've readied your microscope, slide and coverslip, wash your hands. Prick a fingertip, gently massage the hand (try not to crush the blood you'll be observing; better to massage farther down the hand/finger than to smoosh your fingertip) until you get a nice red bead of blood. Take a coverslip and lower it slowly to the blood just until the blood adheres itself -- again, trying not to smoosh the blood cells. Then, gently place the coverslip onto your glass slide, and view away.


Yolanda - Jun 28, 2023

Check your produce at home grocery stores ots all injected and leaky fruit flies around produce section even organic!!!! Im starting garden inside water I filtered and local farmers market for now grass fed eggs and hopefully becoming vegan. Even in drinks EVERYTHING we consume pur on our bodies is tainted! Even bottles water I re filter it I'm very tight budget so u dont have to be well off to survive and i play healing freaquency , grounding /earthing diy videos on youtube really cheap to do it and PRAY to GOD and last but not least VOTE FOR RFK JR 2024 hes a good man check ou the Children's Health defense and say no to the WHO treaty .https://twitter.com/ChildrensHD/status/1669751943013576731?t=vejA3fnHImrpdA3zSSdjww&s=19


Chris Leeds - Jul 4, 2023

That the thing it about money also EDTA is a couple pound last ages try don't like try something else i spent few years trying many things now you find what works im still alive that something if i see something i buy the bits and make my own i was a junkie for 30 years 46 now drug wise doing good my feancee here sat from Philippines and my 3 years old born 20022020 and was 2 20022022 i named him jessyjames as a middle finger to usa intelligence agancy it was that or John coner lol can't make this sht up my life since 2016 is fighting back any way i can he was ment to be muricle because 2 weeks latet RNA posioned 2018 so so lucky


Gary McCollom - Jun 28, 2023

Just putting this here as well because few know about this other than maybe seeing me mention it once or twice.
Hi Ana, one thing I would like you to look into and not sure if you or your colleagues know how to but look to the sky in regard to worsening blood samples.
What I mean by that is our magnetic north pole has been moving and recently rapidly since the year 1900 and its now gone past the 40 degree marker.
What this means also is our magnetic field protecting the planet and people has weakened considerably allowing more cosmic rays to hit the surface and people.
Very few people know but our planet is soon to have a pole shift or pole reversal and I know for a fact that NASA and the American military are aware of this and when one considers Karen Kingstons reports and the knowledge seems common now that this is a military operation of sorts this raises alarm bells for me.
I will try to explain better but I think you know what I mean and its not just cosmic rays we are exposed to more of the suns UV rays and radiation as well.
So far as CDS goes, good to hear but MMS from Jim Humble is a stronger product and maybe test that one out as well, it has cured my wife and I am soon to take a course of it.


Page Walker - Jun 28, 2023

Gary, Thank you for all of your info! I’m curious how did CDS/MMS cure your wife?


Gary McCollom - Jun 29, 2023

Hi page, my wife has suffered for 3 years with a very bad fibromylalgia, we tried everything the 'system' said to try and stopped most of them immediately on account of side effects. The only thing that gave her any quality of life was pain meds. She was on over 200mg of them and unlike many she tolerated them very well but its no way to live.
Long story short we tried so many different vitamin and mineral combinations as well as a high vitamin d level and it brought some relief here and there. But after using the MMS we realized why they did not take hold as they should have and it was the toxins in her body blocking and impeding the major healing pathways that our Creator designed us with.
Once those pathways were cleared it allowed the vitamins and nutrients to start doing their work which is why I think she had such great success after only 5 days.
There was a little setback after about 3 weeks and she is currently doing the protocol again and after 2 days it started working again so this time we will see it through.
There are many different protocols and timeframes, steady as she goes wins the race with the master mineral solution and its something you can do the rest of your life as a maintenance because of the toxic world we live in.
After the first 2 weeks she literally wanted to go back ato work and I'm like whoa hold up here lol, so we called disability and while we did not tell them how we were treating here we just said we were having some good results with alternative healing and they were very understanding but said to give it a good 2 months of feeling good before you go back to work.
No matter how corrupt our government is here in Chinada and its very corrupt, they even open my mail if it comes through Canada post and they are targeting me now with emf through our cell signal but we will always be open and honest and let God guide our way.


Gary McCollom - Jun 28, 2023

Hard to find good articles as many are removed or hidden, there is no doubt in my mind that this pole shift and the last 3 years are in some way connected.


koppykat - Jun 28, 2023


Of course it's true...just how much more convincing do you need ! "fear porn" ? is a really ignorant reply to this amazingly devoted Dr who's busting her gut to not only help people, but also treat them and be furiously dedicated to publishing her research and results to reach people asap before they drop dead. Dr Ana deserves nothing less than our attention and respect. She is just "one" person carrying this horrible load - support her efforts at the very least by being respectful of her. Wake up !


Carolyn Sheridan - Jun 29, 2023


She isn't carrying the load alone. Karen Kingston has been in this fight all along, and she has the written proof, of all that's going on...written by Pfizer, and they threatened her about revealing it. There are others, too...Dr. Rima E. Laibow, Dr. Jane Ruby, and Dr. Robert Young, to name a few. There are also a few brave broadcasters, like Stew Peters (where I first saw Karen and Ruby), and Maria Zeee, who have been a lot of help. There are others too, but I can't remember their names.
I don't have any symptoms, but know my blood must be bad, too. I'm trying to detox, but live with a husband who is also vaxxed, and does not want to detox. Being seniors in our 70's, we were tricked into taking the shots. I try to get some of the detox into his supplements, as I organize them into the pill cases each week. Not easy with him, since most of what I take says to take it on an empty stomach. For me the hardest part is staying on schedule all day. He takes his pills with a big glass of milk, and a \small candy bar after, "to get them to go down", he says. Won't make any difference anyway, since he spends so much time down at the Huddle House. I will have to stay on Detox, of course. I even have my little ones on the Zeolite spray and drops. They were not sick, but Buttons is 11, and is much more alert, and walks faster on our mile walks than she did before.
Dr. McCullough was on an interview I saw tonight, and he said the most important things they have found that help, is Nattokinase 100 mg 2 x day, Bromelian 500 mg a day, and Curcumin 500 mg 2 x day. I also use Pure Body Extra Zeolite spray, Diatomaceous Earth - Food Grade, EDTA capsules & Detox Cream (nobody in our area to do the IV Chelation), and baking soda water 1st thing in the mornings to stay alkaline. I had already been taking the Zinc, K2, D3, C, Quercetin, NAC, and Glutathione along with other supplements.


Gary McCollom - Jun 29, 2023

Wonderful to hear, you should add some boron as well but give the master mineral solution a go from Jim Humble.
The stuff is truly miraculous.


Carolyn Sheridan - Jun 29, 2023

I have his book, but haven't gotten brave enough to attempt the MMS, even though I ordered the components. I also did not realize that the MMS abbreviation for chlorine dioxide, stood for Master Mineral Solution. I have mineral capsules ordered, but right now I am using the pink Himalayan salt water -- a pinch in 1 liter of water. Sometimes I add the lemon, sometimes I don't. I drink it most of the time, but not with the EDTA, because it says to take minerals an hour away from it. I will look into the Boron...and start trying to read his book. Thanks.


Gary McCollom - Jun 30, 2023

I would not lie and put you in danger friend, my wife is doing it again as we speak. Just do your homework as there are some things to follow and after its just going through the process, detoxing is not fun and I'm about to start it myself in a few days.
There are 3 rules to follow, which atm escape me, I could find them but you will. One is if the symptoms of detox are too strong, don't stop just cut back the dose by half.
For instance, you put 2 drops together in a cup and wait till they turn amber in color, then add your distilled or in our case big berkey water.
You do this every hour for 8 hours and while during that time try and eat as little as you can. On my own I figured out that must have to do with letting autophagy take hold in the body.
I genuinely believe God directed Jim Humble to find this in 1996 and expressly for this time we are in now.


Carolyn Sheridan - Jul 1, 2023

It is that tight schedule that I am afraid of. I am having a hard enough time with what I am taking, with the schedule, I mean. I have no sense of time going by, and I stay so busy with the yard and garden, my babies, and printing stuff out to distribute to neighbors, to try to educate them. Even trying to use an alarm, I keep getting behind. Then at the end of the day, I end up in bed about 2 am. Still have to get up at 6:00, to get the girls walked before it gets too hot for them. I am trying to make sure I don't have the white clots in there, making my circulation worse than normal. I have valves that do not close all the way, and that is what causes the bad circulation; I inherited it from my dad. I don't have any symptoms, so I won't know when the detoxes have worked, anyway. I will have to stay on the detoxes, since my husband isn't interested in detoxing...and goes to the Huddle House all the time anyway. He just can't stay home. Me, I have plenty to do here at home, so my time away from the house is very limited.


Chris Leeds - Jul 4, 2023

NO NO no boron borax i did 4 month hydrogel was exploring out my skin it makes it worse i promise i been though loads and know this is fact when i stoped taking it sytoms improved then about 5 months without did again to try bamb bad again it make hydrogel go nuts in a bad way other salts but not borax maybe in a bath or shampoo as i did also is ok but i did it every night my drink had it now i put EDTA i been on speed since 2019 2018 i had norvous sytem near dead geon baray 8 months on a mattress hid in corner with an anti static rist band on ankle going through vent then into the ground speed has gave me mad porn sections in morning i plug it with salin sullution that has EDTA with also speed got me walking from 10 metres max to now 2 or 3 hrs walking in County it saved my life the faruge had me bed ridden a drone to fly was first thing i did stand 28 mins 5 min walk was all i could manage start walking and build on that naturally then get wise to LED lights and phone apps that monitors everything you think do act they try to contol and target you like they do me especially when i right about it or learn but i take the tourcher and wil not stop im happy to die i tel them they pedos and go fk yourself every time so they hate me with vengeance


koppykat - Jun 29, 2023


wow you are all over it Carolyn ! and, I didn't mean there aren't any others in the fight - I meant Dr Ana is the only one applying her remedy - it's unique to her to be openly publishing, freely, as she goes along in her treatment and research and collaborations.. she's the whole package! so generous with her time and knowledge, campaigning for our health's sake. A force all on her own and a shining light of hope. Others have a paywall standing in front of that kind of effort too.


John Caldwell - Jun 28, 2023

John C's Substack

We work. Research. Support Ana and the others and hope that some practical solution turns up. In the meantime support our health nutritionally and other ways. Know that the stakes are very high and success could mean that society is awakened to our situation and then we can change the structure.


RandD - Jun 28, 2023

You can take liposomal Methylene blue, it has helped me a lot. Dr Anna says edta creme or suppositories and add a mineral back in because the EDTA IS chelation. I do not sell the Methylene blue or make any commission but the formulator is a friend of mine. Email me atsinginglessonexpert@gmail.comand I will forward your email to Michaela.


David - Jun 28, 2023


You can view it as fear porn, but the pictures are correct.


Sean - Jun 28, 2023

Apologetic Yankee

Agree. At this point fugghet,


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

That's exactly what the demons want you to do, "Give up". You ain't No man with that attitude. Stallion up!


Apologetic Yankee - Jun 28, 2023

Apologetic Yankee

& that would be an approved Cabal response as this is exactly the mindset they prefer people relegate Themself to > if this was Twitter I'd end with #unbecoming


Diane Meile - Jun 28, 2023


The so called elite are culling humanity it’s been planned for a very long time I wish it was just fear porn but it is true about what is happening in vax and unvaxed blood


Lucy - Jun 28, 2023


I think that’s why they destroyed their own Georgia Guide Stones. Because they know their mission has been accomplished. Dear God I have never imagined just how evil these creatures truly are.


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

Katie’s Substack

AMEN X 10 Sister! Key is we know what they did and are doing. Two things to do, Pray aloud daily and detox to the fullest. Once a day don't cut it. It has to be 3 and 4 times a day. I left a short list in my "bully" comment of a few things I've researched and do.


WrittenintheStars - Jun 28, 2023

Katie’s Substack

Do you really think that every one’s blood is contaminated like she says? I don’t. That means 330 million Americans and the whole world has contaminated blood. No way.


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023


Yep, sure do. The entire world is infected/ contaminated. Obviously you have no clue to the extent of what took place with the scamdemic/ plandemic. Yeah Way!


aj - Jul 8, 2023


I think that must mean the elites were injected with the preventive before it was rolled out


Stephan - Jul 8, 2023

Not! They are all infected just like us from the water food chemtrails and all the suckers who fell for the WooWoo and took the BIOWEAPON πŸ’‰ / satan doesn't care who he kills.


kerrylyn - Jun 30, 2023


The SADs syndrome was virtually non-existent before cv-vax roll-out. It is clear that those dying suddenly currently are the vaxxed and likely the multiply-vaxxed. Dr Mihalcea needs to provide more details re. unvaxxed patients whose blood she's studying. Of course, shedding seems to have been verified so contamination from shedding is likely, but that should reduce over time, given vax uptake is now extremely low.


Jason Ersland - Jun 28, 2023

Yes way, they have been spraying us like bug's for years with this nanotechnology and it's in everything including you. Sorry


koppykat - Jun 28, 2023


you really don't have a very sciency-oriented skill set do you? follow the science at play here and there is no question what is at hand


Nostradamus X - Jun 28, 2023

Nostradamus X

οƒ˜ "The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia (2015) – 1 minute
“The Peace of the Graveyard” - Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad


RandD - Jun 28, 2023

This was great thank you!!!!!


Heather - Jun 28, 2023


Could it be a combination of many things including mRNA ? Radiation, 5g technology, mRNA & toxins in water & food. The perfect storm!!


koppykat - Jun 28, 2023


yes, yes oh and yes, correct. And chemtrails.


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

Perfect evil storm yet satan had them infect themselves as well cause satan has no friends.


Stephan - Jun 29, 2023

Comment removed.


Stephan - Jun 29, 2023

Yep, satans losers


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

John H.

Seems to me we have a bunch of sissy non believers who know more than Ana. Fear porn!, Yeah OK! Maybe you do fear what you read and see if you read and watch these videos. Most of you cowards probably don't do a damned bit of detoxing or take Black seed Oil or Nitric Oxide or aspirin or CD or iron or Diatomaceous Earth or Zeolite or Fenbendazole...No, you weak minded people just deny and justify as "fear porn". Good luck with that! A dead man don't know he's/ she's DEAD!


jacquelyn sauriol - Jun 28, 2023

John H.

Bullies first tactic, call folks names. Way to go!


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

John H.

You're weak! Probably scared! If truth is bully to you than you are both scared and weak. Sissy comments deserve Stallion responses. Pull that thumb πŸ‘ out your mouth


dana ciancimino - Jun 28, 2023

John H.

A lot of people have gone into denial. It's a primative self protective brain mechanism to guard against dire effects of too much trauma.


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

John H.

Agree, I know. Sometimes I'm brutal with my feelings of facing true head on. I know I should be more humble


dana ciancimino - Jun 28, 2023

John H.

I get the frustration though. No one wants to admit to the reality they're seeing with their own eyes. No one even wants to admit this is war/genocide/death/extinction


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

You are correct dana, hard to admit war/genocide/death/ extinction. Nail on the head with that one. Reality of that comment is probably hard if not impossible for most to see acknowledge and admit.


John H. - Jun 28, 2023

John H.

Only a precious few have the courage to do so.


David - Jun 29, 2023




dana ciancimino - Jun 28, 2023


Which detoxes work best? Which to start with? We're poor now after 3 years of being debilitated/poisoned to almost death.


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023


The best cheapest detox is "diatomaceous earth". It's negative charged and binds to metals and excreted. Kills many types of parasites. Binds to other toxins... I purchased a 4 lb bag on eBay for $11. Food grade diatomaceous earth. Do not use a metal spoon to mix, will deactivate. Use plastic spin. I do an inch of water in a glass and add a heaping teaspoon of diatomaceous. Doesn't taste great but you get used to it after a while.


Jason Ersland - Jun 28, 2023

Awesome thank you for reminding me of diatomaceous earth. I've started using charcoal and seems to help also.


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

Good deal. We must keep detoxing


Gary McCollom - Jun 29, 2023

Got mine from pipingrock, dirt cheap.


Stephan - Jun 29, 2023

Yep, I use pipingrock as well. πŸ‘


koppykat - Jun 29, 2023


another good tip, thankyou !


Apologetic Yankee - Jun 28, 2023

Apologetic Yankee

Adding insult to egregious injury > not surprising the amplified voices many turn to in the anti Climate Engineering & Medical Freedom space don't seem interested in helping to disseminate this specific info > can only speculate as to why > regardless, Their silence speaks Vols.
Continued thanks Dr. Mihalcea for keeping this most important & concerning Nobel deserving Science on the front burner πŸ™


dana ciancimino - Jun 28, 2023


What is cds? And if ionized foot baths with it, help me live a little longer, I need to try. I'm a widow with no family and a very ill 11 year old daughter.


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023


Read my comment and I have a slew of detox info for anyone who wants to research. This is no longer about supplements to thwart fake covid it's about ridding our bodies of the evil stans bastards infected us all with and continue to infect us with thru food, chemtrails and water. The Fake COVID vaccine was/is a self Spreading self shedding poison and BIOWEAPON! They want us all dead by silent prolonged MURDER. Everything one can do for oneself in terms of detoxing is beneficial. Carrie Madej has awesome info on bath detox along with frequency healing.


dana ciancimino - Jun 28, 2023


Thank you!
After 3 years and tote bins full of suppliments, I've realized we've been poisoned. The hair fall was a giveaway years ago because it's so similar to radiation illness. All the vaxxed are now weapons of mass destruction. Every time I have to go out, I am so much sicker for the following days.
I'm unfamiliar with Carrie. I will Google her. I've only been doing Epsom salt and baking soda baths, and not as often as I should. My energy is so low.


koppykat - Jun 28, 2023


For energy issues check out Dr Henry Ealy of The Energetic HealingInstitute.orghe says the main thing is to correct the mitochondria (powerhouse cells) in our body, for lethargy and brain fog


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

Chlorine Dioxide/ Miracle Mineral Solution/ World Wide Antidote ...1 in the same. Parts A and Parts B


Lucy - Jun 28, 2023


I will pray for you and your daughter πŸ™πŸ’•πŸ˜‡


dana ciancimino - Jun 28, 2023

Thank you ❀️


Luis - Jun 28, 2023

Heather LibertyCricket

Hello Dana, for cds go toandreaskalcker.com, Let me know how can I help.


Gary McCollom - Jun 28, 2023

MMS is stronger than CDS.


dana ciancimino - Jun 28, 2023

Heather LibertyCricket

Thank you! I had looked into this a while back, but it was too much for my damaged brain to process. Does it really work?


Luis - Jun 28, 2023

Heather LibertyCricket

It does work, I make this on home, for some people sometimes is to much and like Dr Kalcker said Hydrogen peroxide food grade 35% also works and easier to mix and also inexpensive the one-minute cure gives the protocol and info about it, let me know if this info would help I have HP35% at home just in case.


Jason Ersland - Jun 28, 2023

Heather LibertyCricket

I had no simpoms untel I started the Hydrogen peroxide and within three days of starting it the whole left side of my body went numb and have been getting suver chest pain sents. Not sure if that's what kicked it off and I've been trying to find out if it was but I have found no info on it. I've done the HP protocol before and really want to again but I'm a little scared after what happened.


Heather LibertyCricket - Jun 28, 2023

Heather LibertyCricket

slow it down and try again. low and slow is the name of the game in all detoxing.


Gary McCollom - Jun 29, 2023

Exactly friend and maybe somehow this person got too much or had something else in their system at the time.
I have never used the 35% but have seen many talk about it.
Biggest thing is to have your faith and pick one detox protocol and go for it, God will do the rest.


Jason Ersland - Jun 29, 2023

Yes, I'll try that. Thank you.


dana ciancimino - Jun 28, 2023

The site would not load in English.


Gary McCollom - Jun 29, 2023

Yes it does, it has healed my wifes fibromylalgia that she has suffered with for 3 years.


dana ciancimino - Jun 29, 2023

My daughter and I have been very ill these past 3 years also


Domcrin - Jun 28, 2023

Triumph Over Absurdity

Chlorine dioxide solution


Gary McCollom - Jun 29, 2023

Plz look up MMS, its the original CDS and stronger than CDS. There are bath and foot protocols to use and its relatively easy and cheap to buy the ingredients needed, if in Canada realrawfood sells them under water purification tablets.
Look up Jim Humble and get his 2 books first or if you like I can send them to you atpcwhipped@live.com


dana ciancimino - Jun 29, 2023

Thank you. I've just looked him up. Is it the mms guidebook? I've ordered the cds from Amazon, but am ignorant as to its use. But we are desperate to heal here, even if we only partially heal. I keep hearing of foot baths, ionized, detox, but not many details on what or how to.


Escaped Rebel HCP - Jun 28, 2023

Prayers..... and can you find a local tribe where you live ?


dana ciancimino - Jun 28, 2023

I'm in Texas


John H. - Jun 28, 2023

John H.

CDS=Chlorine Dioxide Solution.


Hazel - Jun 28, 2023 - Edited


I feel the same. It’s like being on death row with imminent execution. What can we do about it??


anna burns - Jun 28, 2023 - Edited

Make peace with the mortality of your body and realize that your soul is eternal.


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

DETOX! You can sit in that chair and accept it, or you can jump up and fight back starting with detoxing.


Zumi Tayler - Jun 28, 2023 - Edited


I'm unvaxxed and do massage for a living. I've been touching vaccinated people for the whole time. I've been taking NAC, Selenium, Black Seed Oil, Bromelain, nattokinase and serrapeptase. Got my finger pricked and blood analyzed. It was the cleanest blood the practitioner had seen all day but there were some candida and possible hydrogel. I've started taking EDTA pill and the EDTA cream for skin. I'm also replenishing my minerals a couple hours after using so I don't deplete my body while detoxing heavy metals. I believe there is a way to stay human. I also tell my body that we don't comply with the nanotech and pray!


Stephan - Jun 29, 2023

Good deal! You are one of the lucky smart ones who did your homework and took action. I've watched interviews of other masseuses who are not so fortunate. The vaxd took them out. Totally agree with your placebo mind effect on body. It works. God plays a major part in belief as well. I pray daily and I pray aloud so God hears my voice. Not so much into the silent "mind thinking prayer", but to each their own. Not so sure one would "mind pray" in the face of death but I Invision a cry outloud to God for help. πŸ™πŸ‘ I'm just rambling for others who may read. Peace


koppykat - Jun 29, 2023


thanks, love your spirit


Suzi - Jun 29, 2023

Suzi’s Substack

please where do you buy EDTA cream? I have not found it here in Austria. Thak you


Zumi Tayler - Jun 29, 2023

Suzi’s Substack

You can find the EZDetox cream online. Works on hydrogel and heavy metals. Just remember to remmineralize your body two hours after taking it.


Suzi - Jun 29, 2023

Suzi’s Substack

thank you !


OCA - Jun 28, 2023


A few months ago, I bought bean coffee with the Rainforest Alliance seal of approval, which I drank for more than three weeks after grinding. Almost simultaneously, I started experiencing unexplained heart palpitations, numbness on the soles of my feet, and massive skin rashes all over my body. These feel like mosquito bites. Because I take CDL daily, both orally and externally, these complaints have been limited. Now I learned today that Rainforest Alliance Inc. is financially supported by the mass murderer Bill Gates, and so it became clear to me where these complaints came from. It is so easy to ruin one's health with dubious foods when Bill Gates has his fingers in the pie.


David - Jun 28, 2023


Thank you for this important serious warning.


Stephan - Jun 29, 2023

The Gates of hell shall NOT prevail. One of satans favorite sons. I literally pray each day God wipes his evil ass off the face of His earth!! God Riddance


Amy Harlib - Jun 28, 2023

Amy Harlib

Kudos to Dr. Ana for her heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!
All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.
Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links.RejectDigitalEnslavement.com
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Pam Popper:https://makeamericansfreeagain.com
Del Bigtree:https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire
Naomi Wolf:https://dailyclout.io


koppykat - Jun 28, 2023


go Amy!!!


SLK - Jun 28, 2023

Amy Harlib



Amy Harlib - Jun 29, 2023

Amy Harlib

CLEAMS?? OR CLAIMS? What's a cleam? It's a TYPO!


SLK - Jun 29, 2023

Skaddour@gmail.com’s Substack

Mr Amy Harlib, l will let you find the meaning by your self if any, :)


Amy Harlib - Jun 29, 2023

Amy Harlib

That is Ms. Amy Harlib! I am not gender dysphoric and although I am very eccentric and gender non-conforming, I am most definitely female.


SLK - Jun 29, 2023

Skaddour@gmail.com’s Substack

Apologies Ms Amy, don't bother yourself with me, l am a little no-one who knows nothing about gender except that I'm glad for you being very eccentric. Peace.


Amy Harlib - Jun 29, 2023

Amy Harlib

I also often feel like a little no-one too but we have to keep reminding ourselves that we are all precious and sacred beings put here by THE CREATOR and endowed with unique personalities and inalienable rights that the evildoer globalist psychopaths want to destroy - cherish being human - THEY want to destroy everything that makes us human!
My loathing of AI and all things digital knows no bounds!
There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!
How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.
Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!
Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!
As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!
I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.


DBArizona - Jun 28, 2023

DBArizona’s Newsletter

Nattokinase, chelation.


dana ciancimino - Jun 28, 2023

Lumbrokinase helped my clots more than the natto


Agent Midnight Rider - Jun 28, 2023

Agent’s Substack

One thing you are leaving out is did those unvaccinated people take the PCR TEST??? We know those were loaded with HYDROGEL and Morgellons, so they should count as the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated. I'm just saying.https://www.hopegirlblog.com/2022/06/10/pcr-test-swabs-found-loaded-with-darpa-hydrogel-and-lithium/


kerrylyn - Jun 28, 2023


Yes, and whether they're habitual mask-wearers, are they from heavily chemtrailed area, what other medecine/drugs they take, do they take flu vaccines ...


Agent Midnight Rider - Jun 28, 2023

Agent’s Substack

Even did they go to the dentist recently, they put the nano tech in dental anesthesia and ALL other injectables, like flu shots, depot shots, insulin shots, etc.


AmericanVeteran - Jun 28, 2023

American Homesteader

I drink a detox tea pretty much daily. Add a pinch of each to your tea strainer then let steep in hot filtered water for an hour or more. I make 1/2 gallon a day and drink it all day adding water in between glasses. It may or may not help with getting rid of things but I have noticed that I feel better when I drink it regularly.
I wish I could send my blood in the Dr. Ana. I recently went to my dr to see if he would and he thought I was crazy. lol My husband got the jab and didn't tell me for over months and lied when I asked him.
He is A symptomatic and very healthy Thankfully. Do I think drinking tea helps, probably not but it does help my piece of mind and because there is no real way to get these out of my blood or body, I will just continue on living the healthiest lifestyle I can.
Here's my detox recipe:
Stinging Nettle cleans out the kidneys
Ginger root is good for the gut
Hawthorn berry is good for cleaning out the blood and good for your heart
Dandelion root cleans out the kidneys which are often overlooked in health care until its too late.
Milk Thistle is good for the liver.
Nigella Sativa boosts the immune system, could treat Covid and is basically a universal healer
and add cilantro which helps to detox, has antioxidants, great for heart health, cancer and the list goes on.


koppykat - Jun 29, 2023


thanks for sharing, much appreciated


Raberdash - Jun 28, 2023 - Edited

Raberdash’s Newsletter

Rather than try to find my comment below, there is also an excellent formula by Benedictine Healing Products called Blood Root Plus, which contains many blood purifying ingredients, including burdock root.


Lyn Champagne - Jun 28, 2023

Lyn Champagne

And here's the clencher . . . even those who are in on the global poisoning, those who have faked vaccination or not, at whatever level they might be in the echelon, well . . they are also contaminated as well as their relatives and children.


Lucy - Jun 28, 2023


Well hopefully we’re not as contaminated as the jabbed are. Thank God I am retired and live alone.


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023


Agree! Hopefully we are not as infected as the jabbed. I don't think we are. Early on I was infected by the jabbed and didn't realize it till months later. I've been detoxing now for 3 years. I feel pretty good. I'm not sure there is much more we can do but constantly detoxing. I may even over detox daily as I do a slew of things 3 to 4 times a day. I said screw it, I'm going full bore. Can't hurt. How long I can keep it up, I don't know. They continue to poison us daily here in central Ohio with Chemtrails night and day. One blue sky is all I've seen all year. Always hazy with chems. Then the food and water and everything else. Soap, shampoo etc... Evil evil evil villains murdering the entire world population. And our governments just let it continue as all agencies are corrupt beyond repair. I pray daily God wipes these evil bastards off the face of His earth


Lucy - Jun 28, 2023


Me too! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


Gary McCollom - Jun 29, 2023

Obviously I appreciate Ana's work but there is no way the unvaxxed are as bad off as those that got the genuine article injection. But there are caveats, if your spouse in injected and you are intimate and touch each then all bets are off.
There is much more but you get my point, plus the vast majority that are here on this page are already detoxing in various ways so its clear that almost any form of detox helps.
The biggest things to keep in mind it keep your emf exposure as low as possible and if you have a 5g phone try and disable it down to 4g and if not get a new cell or live without if you can.
Hardwire your internet at home and turn off wifi, most routers allow you to have 2.4 on without 5g, if you need it for a period of time.
But there are products to connect almost any device including phones without using wifi or data, meaning they are hardwires, just a little inconvenient.


kerrylyn - Jun 28, 2023


"Hopefully we are not as infected as the jabbed". She is telling you we are and you have been shouting down any commenter showing any skepticism about her claims.


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023


You got me there. Yes ,Ana has been saying we are as bad as the vaxd. Maybe we are but i sure hope we are not. Hope we don't have as much as the vaxd have. I was "shouting" down the people saying Ana doesn't know what she is talking about when she has been doing blood analysis for over 30 yrs. For people who have never done 1 blood analysis saying Ana doesn't know what she is presenting, yeah, they are fruit loops! Ana has presented proof of UNVAXED blood over and over so I know we are all contaminated, to what extent, most of us will never know. So I hope it's not as bad as the jabbed but may be. Those denying the facts presented I have a problem with. Big difference in what you claim I'm beating up on them for. But you have valid point on the amount of contamination. I will never know. Yeah, I shouldn't have come off so mean. I get it. I'll do better


kerrylyn - Jun 28, 2023


We need much more info on the unvaxxed people whose blood she's analyzing: where they're from (heavily chemtrailed area?), their mask-wearing/PCR testing habits, exposure to emfs, their intimacy with vaxxed ... She has been asked these questions numerous times but refuses to reply. She obviously looks at the comments but only replies to well-known figures or those with MD or PhD after their name. Moreover, her recent association with scam artist Sasha Stone does nothing to reassure me.


Stephan - Jun 28, 2023

Ok, I'l roll with you on that. You have valid points. I'm going by the vids and slides Ana has presented as being legit. Sasha, I agree, I couldn't even watch it. I can't stand the dude. For all the other questions you raise, I actually hadn't thought of all of that and give you credit for questioning. Good call. I have listened to other doctors like Robert Young who has tested blood for over 40+ yrs and he claims and showed the same as Ana. I'm no longer on any platforms. I actually only get emails of Ana's and Karen Kingston Substack.


Ana PF Goncalves - Jun 28, 2023


Bless the jabbed. Most my entire family are jabbed including my husband, step kids and my parents in law, one which had no say in it as she lives in a home. Only I've watched her deteriorate from having jab over jab and no one has done anything. She can no longer talk. I have respected for everyone especially those who took the jabs voluntarily. Me and my 7 year old daughter are the only ones who didn't take it but it feels like we have had more bad luck than our family who did get the jab. And I have informed or asked questions to the family and step kids about the jabs but they thought I was weird and discarded me. I have come to love them for who they are and not wish any bad intentions on them. Everyone makes different choices and it's important to respect them.


Scott Barnett - Jun 28, 2023

Where did this person travel to, was she eating vaxed meat, was she close to vaxed people , chem trails? All of the above. ?
Will oral edta work as well?


RandD - Jun 28, 2023

Oral EDTA is TOOOO hard on the stomach suppositories or creme are best.



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