Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 28, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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In this post, I continue to post video footage of darkfield microscopy live blood of C19 unvaccinated blood documenting self assembly nanotechnology. I am seeing a very concerning worsening of the quality of blood, with a much larger burden of these hydrogel/ CDB filaments and much accelerated self assembly. I have posted multiple times previously the images, and if you go back on my posts, you can see the change. I have never seen blood that looked this bad as in the video above, where all the red blood cells have spikes and looks like they are dying, and now I see multiple in a day. I believe that the toxicity is increasing significantly. These are people who are getting their live blood analysis for the first time or they have travelled, gotten re-contaminated after having had clean blood after EDTA Chelation. The general appearance of unvaccinated live blood is getting worse over time as observed in the last few months. Imagine I see all of this in one drop of blood. How much is in 6 liters?
The video above shows the blood of a progressively fatigued woman with hydrogel filaments and the blood looking like sludge with red blood cells having extreme toxic appearance. This video was taken within 2 minutes of the fingerpick. Her entire blood sample looked like this.
In the video below a hydrogel filament was assembled. You can see the rouleaux appearance of the blood surrounding the filaments with multiple spheres assisting in self assembly.
In this video below from another individual with brain fog and fatigue, you can see how the shape of the sphere has changed to grow hydrogel filaments with left over blinking lights seen.
In this image from someone asymptomatic you can see a sphere with multicolor lights self assembling a hydrogel filament. You can see toxic red blood cells in the background.
Here you can see the denser part of the sphere with the blinking lights in it. If you look closely at the surrounding, you can see several blinking lights that change colors from red to yellow to blue. This is different then the small moving particles that are fats in the blood. Nothing organic changes color from blue to red to yellow in the body. Quantum dots for biometric tracking do however. And they also self assemble.
This is a 200x magnification of the spheres with the blinking lights in them that have formed the hydrogel and are growing a filament
You can see here how many of these hydrogel pods are ready to self assemble into filaments- 100x magnification - this person has no symptoms. These are not crystals, because as above you can watch them change and grow the filaments.
Here you can see a blue nanotechnology self assembled filament with surrounding blood flow changes and rouleaux - this is not a contamination, but is growing in the blood stream as I have shown in previous posts.
I have heard people say what I see in the blood cannot be real because people would have strokes and heart attacks. I have seen just that, and in some people repeated strokes, heart attacks and heart arrythmia within a short amount of time despite blood thinners like Eliquis and Aspirin combination. I have seen this kind of picture repeatedly. This happened after having close contact with C19 injected individuals.
People ask me about Nicotine - I had the opportunity to study its effect on the blood in depth via my own darkfield microscopy observations, since I live in a community where many people used it - thinking it was going to protect them from some snake venom that they thought supposedly was shedding and contaminated them from the air or water. Every single person who used that was completely contaminated with artificial intelligence nanotechnology, it did not protect them - neither in blood quality nor symptoms.
People ask me about CDS all the time - it does not clear the blood of the hydrogel/ CDB filaments but it does very successfully resolve the rouleaux short term. A colleague incubated C19 vaccinated ionized foot baths filled with hydrogel filaments extracted from their body with CDS over a period of many months. The filaments continued to grow.
I am also posting these videos also for the many live blood practitioners who dismiss these findings either as an “immaterial hologram related to peoples spiritual suffering” or think these are “parasites”. I had a patient repeatedly ask a live blood practitioner to look at one of the filaments after the practitioner was ignoring it and telling the patient the blood looked normal. Unfortunately that happens a lot - I have seen it in my community as well and sadly people were falsely told they are safe, which I verified with my analysis. It is important to be openminded and not dismiss. I know from experience, since I have been looking at live blood daily for over 8 months continually dismissing the spheres as air bubbles, only to finally see they were integral to the self assembly. After that experience, I do not dismiss anything, I keep looking over and over to find out more and then there is something that happens that reveals itself - for example the lights changing colors from red to blue to yellow… nothing natural in the body does that.. but Quantum dot biometric technology does behave just like it and we are loaded with it!
Hopefully some of these live blood practitioners watch my video proof of self assembly and do some research on the nanotechnology and geoengineering background of Morgellons/ CDB being sprayed for the last 30 years on people. If the practitioner does not know about this, they have misdiagnosed and mistreated thousands of people for parasites who had self assembly nanotechnology in them. If you want proof, watch my videos on embalmed blood of an individual who has been dead for over 8 months or my latest video with Maria Zeee. Once you see, you cannot un-see. There continues to be much to learn.
Get your blood checked by someone who knows how to look for this and has an open mind. You may feel nothing, but everyone is loaded with this dangerous material.
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Fayanne - Jun 28, 2023
If it’s true, what the hell are we supposed to do about it? It’s just starting to feel like a whole bunch of fear porn to me.
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Diane Meile - Jun 28, 2023
The so called elite are culling humanity it’s been planned for a very long time I wish it was just fear porn but it is true about what is happening in vax and unvaxed blood
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