Whoever Is In Charge Of Geoengineering…

Jul 13, 2023

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I have been following the work of Michael Merrick on Telegram - he goes under the name of LAC microscopy.


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

oziz4oziz’s Newsletter

Ah yeah! Bill Gates from the Gates of hell is satans minion puppet who is responsible for the geoengineering / chemtrails. I pray daily God wipes his sorry evil azz off the face of His earth. I'd love to snap his scrawny neck!


Lookatit - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

oziz4oziz’s Newsletter

Bill is just the Rockefeller errand boy. Just a front man.


Tony Ryan - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

oziz4oziz’s Newsletter

Ahhh, unlike 99% you have done your homework. Have you figured out yet who is the Numero Uno since March 2017? Clue, he was annointed as such by David Rockefeller in 1973.


Nostradamus X - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

Henry Kissinger (RKM).


Tony Ryan - Jul 13, 2023

oziz4oziz’s Newsletter

Nope. Kissinger was one of the first evil disciples, pretty much on par with Soros. But he has limited ability. Chou en Lai, one of the most intelligent people of the 20th century, actually dismissed him as a clod. No.
David Rockefeller had to find a fellow Zionist who could control all human thought and information.. Next step, control our minds. I see their handiwork even on this page, with cerebral short-circuits installed in our education sysytem.
The person to whom I refer has control of universities, think tanks, all media, and has the ability to coordinate a global takeover.
Keep guessing.
Another clue. When Zbigniew Brzezinski completed the Trilateral Commission, David rang this guy the same day. Guessing this may save millions of lives.


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 13, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Yes. But Mr. Rockefeller also has helpers such as George Soros and corporate investment cohorts such as the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Carnegie Corp. of New York, hedge fund billionaires such as James Simons, banking conglomerates such as Rothschild's and Barkley's banks of London, the International Monetary Fund - also Numerous "royal" family's of European dissent, and of course, blind trusts controlled via Blackrock/Vanguard.
The world is run by an entrenched and incorporated mafia system - has been for over four hundred years. Civil populations are hypothecated and collateralized as "bond" issues within the financial marketplace. They are idiot slaves existing within a Feudal system that profits from illness, famine, and war.


Susan Skinner - Jul 13, 2023

Susan’s Newsletter

That is it and King Charles


Xmen442002 - Jul 13, 2023

Those who are the puppet masters are not even known to those we think are the players.
We will never know.


Nicola Roberts - Jul 24, 2023

It's the zionists.


JZ - Jul 13, 2023



Chekstein - Jul 13, 2023


Control of minds? I would have guessed a religious leader, but that doesn’t fit with the rest of the clue. Who?


Jeanette - Jul 13, 2023

oziz4oziz’s Newsletter

Who is it?


Tony Ryan - Jul 13, 2023

oziz4oziz’s Newsletter

If I tell you, you will stop thinking.
Another clue, while the Falangists were machine-gunning 3500 helpless Palestinian refugees, mostly women and children at Shatilla, this person was sipping champagn alongside Arial Sharon in his helicopter. This was the event that got Sharon labeled as "The Butcher of Lebanon".


MsheArt2 - Aug 12, 2023

MsheArt2’s Newsletter

The Trilateral I believe was another of the Rockefeller's creation.


Tony Ryan - Aug 16, 2023

oziz4oziz’s Newsletter

Spot on.


John H. - Jul 13, 2023

John H.

That would make the person 106 years old. Are you alleging that the individual is still alive?


MsheArt2 - Aug 12, 2023

MsheArt2’s Newsletter

How do you figure that? If it's Murdoch who is 92 yrs old, born in 1931, and was appointed in 1973, he would of been 50.


Nancy - Jul 13, 2023

oziz4oziz’s Newsletter

Dr. Rajiv J Shah doesn't fit - he was born in 1973


Tony Ryan - Aug 16, 2023

oziz4oziz’s Newsletter

Backtrack please. MsheArt2 wins the prize, which is a luxury trip to, and front seat at, the Grand Hanging of all WEF Members in 2030 at Nuremberg.


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

oziz4oziz’s Newsletter

I don't think so. Yes, maybe in the evil medical field, but the research I've done shows Gates sponsors the Chems.


Tony Ryan - Jul 17, 2023

oziz4oziz’s Newsletter

This is way bigger than vacccinations. Vax is only Plan A. Please read response to "Thru the veil," above.


MsheArt2 - Aug 12, 2023

MsheArt2’s Newsletter

Agreed much bigger than vax , which imo are actually an attempt experimental genetic modification, not medicine.


Monic - Jul 13, 2023

John H.

With everything he’s involved in like those particles to reflect the sun, vaccines that sterilized hundreds of thousands in India, Africa and South America, polio spreading everywhere he inoculated population against a disease to be the source of that disease, + all the patents he applied for his Microsoft to chip, control, collect datas etc
He’s definitely not a puppet anymore, he’s one of them.


Stephan - Jul 14, 2023

Right on! Some of us know his evil deeds πŸ‘


Miss Pat - Jul 14, 2023

It’s interesting the article says only one place at safe level..0.001% safe space? And ‘Elites’ are 0.001%? What is going on?
How are Elite escaping this? Have the ‘elite gang’ been replaced by clones or doubles or they have some protection from this?? Something not right! Who gave permission for this?
Also..Soros is front man for Rothchildes.,


John H. - Aug 12, 2023

John H.

Very high up but how high is the question.


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Brandon’s Substack

Some group ran a calculation, doing nothing had to be worse than doing something.


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Psalms91’s Substack

Detox till that "something" comes along. Help yourself as this is not ending in our life time. This evil negative crap is here day in day out just like them chems being sprayed world Wide day and night. That's just a piece of the evil pie they are murdering us with.


Psalms91 - Jul 13, 2023

Psalms91’s Substack

Exactly, AnotherFaze like follow Dr. Anna Maria lead, EDTA and other natural based platforms.


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023


You got it! I actually signed off all social platforms and now only get the newsletters from Ana. I don't need to hear the same evil over and over. Not healthy mentally
I just like to know what's Ana and her slides and vids have to say what's in our UNVAXED blood. The bastards got us all but I figure if I do enough detoxing I can rid this shit from my body. I figure detoxing is the Most important thing any of us can do at this point in time. As we see by Ana's slides, these evil bastards dosed us real good with all kinds of toxins, metals, hydrogels, nanos, self assembling etc... Honestly, what to do? Detox our ass off is all I can think of logically.πŸ™


Lioness3* - Jul 13, 2023


Don't forget to make Art or Music or anything else of Beauty while you are still here. This is our Human Song. Do not be silent.


Miss Pat - Jul 16, 2023

I am in N.Ireland..can’t find anything here! Do you know any way I could get Ivermectin?? TY..


denise ward - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited


People still fund the evil. Do you pay taxes? That's funding it. Do you use banks? That's supporting it.


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

Easy killer, were all on the same team I'd hope.


Xmen442002 - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited


Your taxes in the US have nothing to do with funding projects.
99% go to pay off the interest charged by the FED for our government borrowing money from a private bank.
The other 1% goes to fund the IRS which is not part of our government but a collection agency form the FED.


denise ward - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited


Who gets the interest? The banks! So all that money from interest goes to the banks. Now think about this - the banks get all that money for simply making numbers appear on a screen. The interest is NEVER ever issued so it never is in the economy to begin with. The only money in the economy is the principle. So you can see how scammed we all are. It's like the only money issued into the economy is the amount of grass on your land. But the amount of money that has to be paid back is the amount of grass in the state! We're being scammed so thoroughly and they make you think it's all legit. If your taxes even went to infrastructure we'd be living like Shangala.


denise ward - Jul 13, 2023


Oh really well that sounds scientific doesn't it *not*. What study? Back up what you say. It depends on the something you do, but everyone is doing something - they are still funding the government and still using banks so everyone who does is actually investing in this evil.


Lioness3* - Jul 13, 2023


It is shocking to realize, is it not, that every facet of the life you took for granted is actually turned against you and your fellows. I would suggest some Catherine Austin Fitts and her discussions of "Mr. Global." That will help bring you up to speed. We were all flabbergasted. Now we're getting angry. Join us, won't you?


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Jul 13, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

World running out of finite resources. Specifically phosphorous for NPK stack in agriculture food. Also soils depleted... no need to list a reference/backup, search for this data and find the answer yourself regarding phosphorous cliff, a key part of NPK food stack.


Nicola Roberts - Jul 24, 2023

Gates Father was head of planned parenting. They are all zionists, all of them have been planning these horrendous crimes for over a century.
Everything has been a lie, history has been a lie, turn the events around and then your see the real truth.
ZIONISTS want to take over the world. They are attacking the west by introducing communism. The west has fallen and has been lead astray by these monsters. WW2 was a turning point, after the slaughter of Germany, they have been full steam ahead with there plans.
Even though the Germans did alot of wrong, I don't believe they did as bad as what has been said. New evidence is coming to light. We need to invest into these investigations. Many have come out by giving the littlest of coverage.
Zionist have played hard on the lies of WW2. This is part of there plan to get away with their own atrocities especially towards Palestine people. They hate white people, and destroying the west is what this is all about.
I have plenty if evidence to show that Stalin was a zionist, he's red Bolvechik killed the Tsar of Russia, he slaughtered millions from he's time in power to he's end. He killed tortured Russians and anyone else getting in he communist way.
Then WW2 they raped, tortured & killed german women to try & stop the German bloodline. Germany cried out for peace so many times. It fell on deaf ears. They hated Germanys Socialisism. The country before WW2 was flushing, the people of Germany, where happy, all doing extremely well, educated, loving society. Germany had become one of the richest countries. The refusal of trading and allowing this to catch on. The zionist had to stop this.
So they declared war on Germany. Churchill sold us out for the bankers money, just like all the rest of them of today. Look at every war that these zionist have got usa, UK involved with. Rosservelt was also in the bankers pockets. It took until 2014 for usa to pay back for WW2...and guess who paid for it? The people. The things they have done to humanity are the worst crimes. Your not even allowed to mention any of this. Especially not zionist. Surely we should be allowed to question things and to be able to bring these monsters to justice?


Nanc - Jul 13, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

Nah, neck snapping is much too nice. Wood chipper this reptile, feet first!


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

Lol, I'm with ya girl!πŸ‘


Michael Schliter jr - Jul 24, 2023

Watc---> The Dimming


Rauwolfia Serpentina - Jul 13, 2023

Rauwolfia’s Substack

I can't understand why Starbucks is still busy, he owns them. Gates might be pulling an "Arsenic and Old Lace" on humans, with the recycled cups woven with some kind of poison. The hot beverage, activating something inside unwitting drinkers of his potion. Has everyone forgotten? Doesn't he want us all to die?
His coffee shops are everywhere on our earth! A perfect set-up for depopulation, my opinion.


Miss Pat - Jul 14, 2023

I have never gone to Starbucks..we need to tank all the major ‘Stakeholders’ now! Coca Cola..McDonalds..Amazon..eBay..Walmart..Target ect.. Especially Hollywood..Music industry and Elite sports..they are pacifying and brainwashing all young ppl. Just shut all down like MSM. We could do this..


Nicola Roberts - Jul 24, 2023

I am very sick with these filaments they did something to me whilst I was having a masectomy. The genomic one hundred thousand test is a group that asked one hundred thousand patients who had breast cancer (like myself) if we would give them permission to take some of our genes, if we volunteered we would be helping science and the future development of medicines. I obviously said yes. I was just about to go down for my surgery.( I had right side stage two invasive breast cancer.) When this women came in and asked. To be honest I was in very nervous. I feel like they also put this filaments disease in me. Two months after my masectomy I became so sick. I was going to my GP, cancer team, A&E and specialist begging for help as my symptoms were awful and to long to list. I was already poor and I knew something had been done to me. Six years later and fighting to find out, they have tried to say I'm aggressive when all I have been is upset and distraught. They have harmed all my family in one way or another. I have chronic fatigue so writing and using brain power is alot for me. They did something bad to me. Now they are saying I'm crazy. I often ask all the time am I mad?? I had this filaments coming out of my eyes, long white things 4 cm some of them. I don't have any money either so can't afford protocols. How could they do this to people. They were doing this before the vaxxes! They literally forced me to have one. After the first I refused, as I cannot breath now. I have terrible palpitations & I can't breath. I was sobbing to my GP. But they are in on it. Keeps telling me I'm stressed. After six years I've given up hope. I read 1000s of people in my predicament. All these poor people who can no longer work and are bed ridden. Why have they done this to us?? Why?? I am so angry I just don't want to be here anymore. I'm scared for my kids though. Thanks.


Nicola Roberts - Jul 24, 2023

Comment removed.


Nicola Roberts - Jul 24, 2023

Aww thank you, I really appreciate you getting back to me. I am in absolute shock after reading one of Dr Ana report. I knew she was describing these awful filaments what I have. Many others have too. As I said I've spoken to so many women who are sick and have no help
So glad your doing stuff to help yourself. I will try that all out. I don't think we can get away from it. But in going to try to get as well as I can. I think the worst is still to come. We should all be prepared. Thank you so much for caring, it means so much.


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 15, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Let me be clear: Bill Gates is not the "person" who is releasing these contaminates into the environment. There are thousands of persons employed in geoengineering and weather control activities. The focus on Bill Gates distracts attention from the facts that these operations are NOT new, and have been ongoing for over 70 years.
Excerpted from the cited page: "Weather modification has been ongoing for decades in the United States. It was perfected during the Vietnam War leading to the ENMOD Treaty signed by the United States. However, this has not stopped a whole host of weather modification programs and experiments being initiated or are now ongoing in the United States and with increasing frequency in many foreign countries. "
Hundreds of such pages have been disappeared from the internet these last 3 years...


Stephan - Jul 15, 2023

Yes, our military is actually the ones who are doing the spraying.


Stephan - Jul 15, 2023

Yeah OK! You're 50/50


John H. - Aug 12, 2023

John H.

I have been aware of it since 1997. I'm not sure how much earlier it was ongoing.


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

Gates can help but smirk his evil little smile when talking about harming / maiming and murdering people animals and plant life / food. Gates can't contain his glee to be a sinister minion puppet of satan. Seriously, look at any interview he has done and you will see the evil ooz from his face. I say Gates is the world's Destructive demon.


Nanc - Jul 13, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

I’d really like to bitch slap that smirk off his face, then feed him into the wood chipper.


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

My kinda girl! I see you don't play. Chuckling,...wood chipper! I just watched a crime show where a dude used a wood chipper on his wife. Yeah, Bill needs the chipper bad


Nostradamus X - Jul 13, 2023

Nostradamus X



Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

Nice! He's a friggin termite!!


Miss Pat - Jul 14, 2023

He does laugh whenever he says something evil..like this next ‘scamdemic’ will get your attention. Hehehe..Soros is number One demon also..


Stephan - Jul 14, 2023

Yeah, he said that and looked at his wife and they both smiled. What an evil lil shit he is. I can't even stand watching him being interviewed cause of the shit eating grin he always does. It's sinister


Lioness3* - Jul 13, 2023


He's mere a simp, a tool. He has no substance, but he is being driven.


Nicola Roberts - Jul 24, 2023

John H.

I agree is a big player in all this. He's a zionist who loves coming out to gaslight us all while smirking and dropping little clues to what they are really doing to us all. He has the gates foundation and he's also has shares in vanguard & black rock. He's a monster.


John H. - Jul 24, 2023

John H.

Comment removed.


John H. - Aug 12, 2023

John H.

Maybe he is the AC but I don't think he's Jewish. The AC has to be accepted by them as their Messiah. Some say it's DJThttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uZV9GaVoKA.


Adrian - Jul 13, 2023


Important to realize the full scope and impact of this ai nano gel that is covering the earth in a giant synthetic bio organism web. Note, wifi is ubiquitous, and wifi feeds the growth. Therefore, it is growing daily. Left alone, the only survivors on the planet, will be ai and black mold, as these two can thrive in microwave inundation, while real life, over time, will become sterile and extinct. This is the single greatest threat to mankind and the earth. Soulutions, require, a paradigm shift in our thought process. Big bold steps to stop geoengineering funding, stop and reverse telecom overelectrification, overinundation of artificial frequencies, and purify ourselves and our environment of this toxin, must take priority world wide.


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 13, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Adrian: Yes. I agree. Your comment joins others that I've read on various web sites for well over 15 years. I've posted hundreds of links to Lawful dictate and Statute law, and disseminated valid and verified documentation many hundreds of times.
Molds, fungi, bacteria, and DNA are ALL negatively affected by electromagnetic induction. The civil public remains willfully ignorant and indoctrinated to death via cellular hypnosis...


Miss Pat - Jul 14, 2023

Well said..


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

Totally agree πŸ‘


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

Spot on Adrian


Miss Pat - Jul 14, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Yes..perfect what you are saying. It must stop! First you have to wake up the asleep masses who have No clue what is taking place. No one even sees the chem trails..if you point it out they say..oh just jet exhaust. They have been indoctrinated to NOT think or question..


Stephan - Jul 15, 2023

Ain't that the truth on the chemtrails. I'm laughed at so Many times for pointing them out. I honestly believe they can't handle the truth. It's in their sight and they can't except it. I've stopped trying to wake people up. I just point it out anymore and shake my head


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 15, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Pat: Yes, the public disconnect is frustrating. I've been onto the geoengineering (weather control) agenda for nearly 20 years. The evidence is overwhelming (simply look at the sky) and documentation is readily available. Here are a couple of links. > Geoengineering: A Half-Century of Earth System Experimentation
Geoengineering Programs and Weather Modification Experiments · ClimateViewer News
Extensive List Of Patents >>>https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/
Please disseminate to persons who may take an interest. Thank you for posting.


Miss Pat - Jul 15, 2023

Thank you so much for the info! I am going to pass it to some ppl who are also investigating this dangerous experiment! I must say..I left Canada in 2017 and up to then I really didn’t see any chem trails...maybe I wasn’t aware? However..lots of contacts in US were showing about it for years! How could anyone NOT see it. Over here in UK it started mildly 2 yrs ago..but progressed since then..really noticeable..I see the spray being done at dusk now..and into cloud cover. It has been raining here for 2-3 weeks and another 10 days to come! No sun..sometimes at sunset you see a little brightness but the orb of sun always has a cloud in front. This is not normal summer weather and No Vit D..


Miss Pat - Jul 13, 2023

Comment removed.


Miss Pat - Jul 14, 2023

I agree to that! I keep saying.. why doesn’t someone or some group just pull the plug on the big AI facilities!!


Michael Schliter jr - Jul 13, 2023

Thru’s Substack

I've read that borax or Boron with pinch in 8 oz glass of water or instilled into nasal cavity greatly destroys the nanotechnology that is growing in most people on earth . Transhuminism is being forced on all on earth and I've read that when 5G is pulsed in our facility or in range can greatly cause unknown effects on us plus when 6G is introduced to us then it's a wrap. aluminum,barium,strontium, graphein,biologicals,polimers ore some of the Geoengineering nanotechnology that where being sprayed like bugs with and forced into us via. Air collum,most meats,water, and vegetables or other that the Geoengineering nanotechnology comes into contact with.
Occums Razer


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

Thru’s Substack

Dane Wiggington is the Geoengineering expert


JoFinn - Jul 13, 2023

And Elana Freeland.


Thru The Veil - Jul 17, 2023

Thru’s Substack

Be wary of Wigington. I threw my hat in the ring with him to sue the Fed for these illegal spray operations. Absolutely zero came of it. Not even a summons. Nothing. If there are any experts Clifford Carnicom is at the top of a very short list. Dane simply repeats the same "global melt down" hysteria week after week. It breaks my heart to say these things as for many, many years I was an avid supporter and helper of his. Billboards, volunteering, you name it. I did all of those things and more for him in good faith and trust.


Deborah - Jul 15, 2023

Yet he offers no solutions


Stephan - Jul 15, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I just read the fine print on my Whey protein by Body Fortress and it says Bioengineered ingredients! Here I've been detoxing for years while drinking this Bioengineered shake for 4 yrs now every morning. What a dumbass I am for not seeing this years ago.


Rosalind McGill - Aug 16, 2023

Rosalind McGill

It may have changed recently. (I bought some Breyer vanilla ice cream and it now has geo engineered ingredients. Last year it didn’t have that on the ingredients list. & so many excellent small companies have been bought out by large corporations)


Rosalind McGill - Aug 16, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Comment removed.


Rosalind McGill - Aug 16, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I avoid gluten and genetically modified ingredients. And there’s glyphosate in everything in America. It’s a slow kill by design. I remember as a kid I was so proud of how healthy Americans were. I’m 57 and on disability far too long from autoimmune issues I wasn’t born with.


Rosalind McGill - Aug 16, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Comment removed.


Rosalind McGill - Aug 16, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I’m glad I have faith in Jesus, this war of good vs evil is exhausting at times. I don’t mean organized religion, just a personal relationship. So many of my peers have autoimmune issues as well. It’s not an accident! I used to go down my rabbit holes on YouTube, it’s all disappeared now.


Rosalind McGill - Aug 16, 2023

Rosalind McGill

& happy belated birthday!


Miss Pat - Jul 14, 2023

So..how is this all not affecting the 0.001% of Elites?? Are all these ppl in govt ect just clones..or stand ins ..or fakes and real elites in a safe hiding place? I don’t understand how it won’t affect them?


Deborah - Jul 15, 2023

I think they want to exist in AI form themselves. They despise natural creation


Michael Schliter jr - Feb 4, 2024

They may have medicine that removes the neurotoxins from their bodies


JMarie.58 - Jul 13, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

It’s a 1/4 tsp for women and 1/8 for men mixed in a liter of distilled or purified water. It’s amazing how many are using it and with nano silver or gold.


Lioness3* - Jul 13, 2023


That is the total daily allowable daily dose, per my understanding. A "pinch" 3x daily is the recommendation, which should have you just under the allowable dose each day.


Michael Schliter jr - Jan 1, 2024



TONGUE, TIED & TWISTED - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Tongue Tied & Twisted

I would totally give him a sample of my blood. I guarantee it is a mess. My step father worked for these companies like darpa. He married my mother and commenced torturing all us kids with god knows what and exposed us to a trafficking world. However, while swaths of my memory have been wiped. Over the last several years I’ve been injected with stuff I have no idea about. I would just wake up over and over with large needle injection marks. Can’t find anyone to test me.


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Tongue Tied & Twisted

Heck, you don't need confirmation to what's in your blood when all these blood analysis show us. Just keep detoxing and deparasiting and trust in God, we'll be ok.


TONGUE, TIED & TWISTED - Jul 13, 2023

Tongue Tied & Twisted

I don’t need confirmation I would just like to see for myself what they have done to me since childhood.


Rene H - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Rene H

I’m new to deparasiting. Any recommendations? Have no idea how to go about it.


Fayanne - Jul 13, 2023

Ivermectin, ivermectin ivermectin


Miss Pat - Jul 15, 2023

Can you get Ivermectin in UK or from US? Who would carry it?


JQ - Jul 16, 2023

There was this a while agoivermectin.com, I think in US. I'm in Australia and got it cheaper fromivermectinaustralia.storewhich I think shipped from India.


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Marcia K.

Fenbendazole on Amazon from China is no good. Nutrissa out of Florida is the best brand tested and 120 caps for 50$


Marcia K. - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Marcia K.

I got my Feben from Lithuania. Yes, you are right on the need to use multiple items.... Borax, DE, EDTA cream. With regards to using the hydrosol gold... My alternative doc said do not take internally. She has seen cancer starting after someone used it internally. It's derived from gold chloride? She said maybe just hold the bottle?


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Rene H

Yep, good call. I also have Chlorine Dioxide/MMS but haven't done any in a few months. Protocol is hell. I've been taking black seed oil, Vit C, D3, quercetin, zinc, iron, multi, aspirin, Nitrous Oxide, for 3 yrs now at least twice a day. Double dosing the nitrous oxide. I'm so sick of taking a handful of pills but I feel if I don't I'm doing nothing for my health internally. Now I'm swallowing it all down with a cup of DE. If nothing else, I'm believing in it so the placebo effect is wiping out all the toxins, metals and nanobots. The DE is Negative charged and binds to metals positive charges. Same as Zeolite but much cheaper. I did Zeolite for a couple yrs also. The DE does more case it kills a slew of Parasites. Keep rocking it girl. You know what your doing


Rene H - Jul 13, 2023

Rene H

What is DE please?


Elizabeth M. Dean - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Why do you take black seed oil and nitrous oxide?


Monic - Jul 13, 2023

I’ll drop the iron and the aspirin. Besides that all is good. Iron supplements are detrimental to the brain, it thickens the blood. As for aspirin, it can create « spider web tissues «  in the intestines. Take good Omega 3 instead. πŸ™‚


Stella - Jul 13, 2023

I saw a video about that, wish I’d saved it. It showed colloidal gold in the body and a cell or cells around it, or maybe right next to it, how they can then become cancerous. This video said not to put the gold or even silver I think it said in the body, it stays, then can cause cancer to grow.


Nostradamus X - Jul 13, 2023

Nostradamus X

You should be using colloidal gold produced by electrolysis of 24K gold - no gold alloys please!


Linda Ray - Jul 13, 2023

@Nostradamus Where can I/we locate the process for electrolysis of 24Kt gold to learn it and make Colloidal Gold? TYVM


John H. - Jul 13, 2023

John H.

Is Nutrissa the same chemical as Fenbendazole?


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

No, Nutrissa is the manufacturer of Fenbendazole. I do a ton of research before I actually press the "purchase" button. I actually purchase mine through Amazon. Always read comment reviews before purchase.


Miss Pat - Jul 14, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

I am in UK..can’t find anything here..how would I find it?


JMarie.58 - Jul 25, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

There's more to work with than IVM. New substack finally up with a chart of what disables the nanotech.https://substack.com/inbox/post/135418133


Monic - Jul 13, 2023

This is a way to clean parasites that was used by the slaves (cheap and effective based on that article). I personally put 12-15 drop of turpentine in a one Tbsp of MCT oil. But the « real » way is one tsp turpentine over 3 cubes of sugar. (Principle: they like sugar and at the same time they are tricked to swallow the turpentine and die).
I used to have 2 migraine per month, now to once.
PS: it’s not the turpentine for removing paint. It’s a specific one (I paid $80 for 8 on). From Pure Gum Spirits.
Hope this can help


Miss Pat - Jul 14, 2023

Me also..what kind of parasites?


Marcia K. - Jul 13, 2023

Marcia K.

look into fenbendazole


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

Rene H

I've been taking Fenben for some time. It's a 5 day on and a 5 day off. Nothing kills the eggs. I also started taking Diatomaceuos Earth
It's way cheaper. 4 lb food grade on ebay for $11
No one product kills all parasites. Needs mix


Rene H - Jul 21, 2023

Rene H

How do you take the DE?


Miss Pat - Jul 14, 2023

I keep hearing about parasites & infestations..but not sure about that as much..I know about graphene & LNP ect. Do you have info on this parasites & detox methods?? Would appreciate any info on that!! Thank you..I am in a different time zone..6 hours ahead..


Diane G. - Jul 13, 2023

Diane G.

Omg, that sounds like a horror show! Perhaps pay a visit to Dr. Ana as a patient?


TONGUE, TIED & TWISTED - Jul 13, 2023

Tongue Tied & Twisted

You have no idea


RandD - Jul 13, 2023

I am so sorry on the deepest possible level for what you have been through. I was abused by my father but I cannot even imagine the hell you have been though. My guess is you don't have the money to see dr. Anna? I know I don't.


Linda Ray - Jul 13, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

Get your own Darkfield and look at it.


JMarie.58 - Jul 13, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

I started looking into a darkfield microscope but pretty daunting for a layperson. Any suggestions?


Linda Ray - Jul 17, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

Yes. Search on Youtubr and other vid platforms for instructive videos.
Dredge through old used bookstores for useful books.
Use every search engine you can find for information on microscopy.
That will get you well started. Look on academic videos as well.
Look at your own blood.


Linda Ray - Jul 19, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

@jmarie I went looking for you, bec I started in the same situation years ago.
Here is a link which will give you many leads:
Whatever you do, I advise you NOT to listen to any limited minds that may open their mouths to criticize your efforts to learn (Including the egg spurts). Self-taught is almost always the best learning in my experience. Apply your intuition, and ALWAYS keep your integrity and ethics intact. Behave as if the God in *all* life matters, bec it does.
Learn by doing Good for all living things.
If you run into questions, post them here and I will try to answer.
If I find more for you I will post it.
God Bless the Good.


JMarie.58 - Jul 25, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

Thank you! Found a new substack page today from a credible source. Lot's of useful info.https://substack.com/inbox/post/135418133


Linda Ray - Jul 25, 2023

Yep, that's Matt. I am also subscribed to him. Good Work!
Do you already have Darkfield equipment? If not, reminding you that whatever you get, it will also likely come with a User Manual..
Whatever you do, I hope you will continue with Microscope studies and ignore anyone who tries to talk you out of it. This world has many wet blankets in it, don't let them turn you aside!
Press On!
God Bless the Good.


Linda Ray - Jul 20, 2023

@jmarie Here is a link to someone who is actually doing (To you that will mean demonstrating) how to approach Live blood Analysis:
I am certain this will be helpful to you.
Have a Great Day.
God Bless the Good.


JMarie.58 - Jul 13, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

Comment removed.


JMarie.58 - Jul 13, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

She just interviewed Cathy O’Brian if you go back a few substack’s you’ll see it.


Elizabeth M. Dean - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Psalms91’s Substack

!!!!!!!! WHO WILL DO SOMETHING? Let's send to all presidential candidates to see if anyone can bring this up. Who else? Tucker Carlson? Elon Musk? Dr., you need to get on the interview circuit!
Everyone needs to: (1) send this to their state and federal congressmen; (2) send to everyone you know; (3) tack this Substack link onto every Twitter and Substack article you see.


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

Psalms91’s Substack

All government agencies are corrupt beyond repair. No one's going to do anything. Trust in yourself in God. Detox daily and take care of your own little sand box. As long as we know what they are doing we can counter act individually.


Psalms91 - Jul 13, 2023

Psalms91’s Substack

Your on the ball there Brother.
No point intended speaking in general. We all should Prepare gain faith trust in each other and the God Almighty and individuals whom become one with God, the reward is that you will see with his Eyes the ones he provided us with, hear with
his Ears the ones he provided us with and speak with his lips the ones with he also Provided us with.
The end result the truth will set you free and the Dominic have an issue because they unlike Gods creation can’t and will not step Out into the light.
So we rain in his name and provide results while they are in hiding as to our advantage.
For all those whom have their own options blessed be you all.


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

Psalms91’s Substack

You are on it brother. This all has to do with our soul. My favorite saying, " when they control the narrative in your mind you are a slave to satan's lies". They want our souls in hell. They know God exists for that's why they indoctrinated us all with all these lies since birth. God has awakened many of us and I doubt without God most of us would still be asleep believe satan's lies and deception. Besides them evil demons of satan wanting us dead and our souls in hell, none of it even matters save for the soul. Ascend or descend and you can't do that on a flying spinning ball that holds Curved water πŸ˜πŸ™


Psalms91 - Jul 13, 2023

Psalms91’s Substack

Exactly, from the beginning MK-Ultra programming.


Miss Pat - Jul 16, 2023

Do you think the Elites did not take any jabs also because 1. They know it’s poison..2. They want only their group pure of blood..3. They don’t believe in G_D but just case He is..they think they will be saved??
4. They are demon possessed and think Satan will save them.


Miss Pat - Jul 16, 2023

Psalms91’s Substack



Psalms91 - Jul 16, 2023

Psalms91’s Substack

Exactly, found the website for the Ivermectin it’sIvermectin.com, sales department, email isSales@Ivermectin.com
Share bless you!


Psalms91 - Jul 16, 2023

Psalms91’s Substack

And if for what ever reason you can pull it up or is Gremlins in your live wire forward you email I will forward the Web page to you.
These guys do everything any thing to cause extreme


Elizabeth M. Dean - Jul 13, 2023

We should do both! Take care/detox and alert the world!!!


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

AMEN X 10 Sister!


JMarie.58 - Jul 13, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

This research has been rejected for over a year by the “Freedom” docs that are getting the Senate traction, and are not onboard with Dr Ana’s work. They know, and have decided it’s “too scary” for general public. RFK Jr is a voice against vaccine industry but he’s a climate change advocate...we’re on our own at this point.


Piki - Jul 13, 2023

Kay and the blue teapot.

Follow Reinette Senum on Substack and this is interesting too: I read it on Substack too but lost it (My computer is surveilling me..): Boiling vinegar outside solves the chemtrails. If we would all do this the filth is gone! I 'll keep searching for this Substack piece.


Miss Pat - Jul 14, 2023

I did see an article about vinegar..I thought it said just put it outside in big jug..but can’t remember now..


JMarie.58 - Jul 25, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

You'd be interested in these findings concerning what disables the nano. God bless.


Piki - Jul 26, 2023

Kay and the blue teapot.

Super thank you!!


TONGUE, TIED & TWISTED - Jul 13, 2023

Tongue Tied & Twisted

No one will do anything. I’ve gone all the way to the pentagon and ignored. The V.A. Set me up to be targeted and discredit me. My best friends tried to involve me in criminal activity. They failed every attempt yet here I sit targeted, blacklisted and persecuted. Something I never thought are words that I get to tell people every day.


TONGUE, TIED & TWISTED - Jul 13, 2023

Tongue Tied & Twisted

Comment removed.


TONGUE, TIED & TWISTED - Jul 13, 2023

Tongue Tied & Twisted

I am on there already


Monic - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Tongue Tied & Twisted

All in politics know. Sadly I think the DoD is behind it too like Covid.


TONGUE, TIED & TWISTED - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Tongue Tied & Twisted

They are. The DOD actually hired Scientology to help run mental health programs in the Veterans Administration. They are fair gaming me secretly.
This is something they put in place and signed by trump before he left office. He had several meetings with them. Part of it is to get rid of certain people on disability.
And partly to get revenge on his critics. I seem to be one of them


Lioness3* - Jul 13, 2023


Corrupt to the capillary level. The "system" must go and we must start again.


Kerry - Jul 13, 2023

Bringing in the Light

100% they are trashing a beautiful jewell of a planet with a vibrant life force that they seem to hate. And human beings have a divine spark that could create a much better future if we choose a different path.


Miss Pat - Jul 14, 2023

This is the demonic realm now invading earth..they have been summoned for a long time..now manifesting..all this talk of ‘Alien invasion & UFOs is just a cover up..they are demons..you can see these elite leaders & govt agencies..they are possessed by demonic entities. The Battle between Good & Evil..pray you do not fall into the next ‘delusion’. 2 Thess:2 -2-11..
G_D will send a ‘strong delusion’ because they would not believe Truth..they are perishing’..πŸ™πŸ½


Piki - Jul 13, 2023

Kay and the blue teapot.

I have been saying this for the last 10 years...sigh...Lyme...Molds also, all bioweapons. I am 65 now and never in my life felt well. Our parents too have also probably been killed by this unbearably evil filth. Ana tell your mother about the work you are doing for humankind and let us slap the faces of the vulgar cowards who are doing this to all of us!


Steve Emery - Jul 13, 2023


I’ve been saying it for years, but my theory was that the nano metallic particles being sprayed as a solar reflective excuse to be able to claim climate nonsense is actually being breathed in and getting triggered by 5G cell tower technology producing the turbo cancer crises we are in now, thank you for bringing so many crucial issues to the public!


Deborah - Jul 13, 2023


So important that we stop 5G progressing any further. Their whole evil agenda depends on it


Lioness3* - Jul 13, 2023


My thoughts too. Bring it down!


Paul - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

”Kitten’s Secret Garden”

Dr. Ana,
George Green, years ago, ran a publishing outfit, called Global Insights, [nohoax.com], which produced a monthly paper catalogue featuring many Good Authors & books, videos, etc.
George is responsible for The Trilogy:
(V1) Handbook For The New Paradigm,
(V2) Embracing The Rainbow,
(V3) Becoming.
There was a final small pamphlet of about 30 pages, Messages To The Ground Crew.
George also produced yearly videos, called Updates, in these he explained many things.
In Your Article, you spoke of aluminum (Al) particulates entering soil.
I read a study, many years ago, about brain post-mortem evaluation of Alzheimer patients demonstrating uptake of higher than normal Al concentrations within brain tissue. (There may, have been MR or CT imaging correlation, of patient brain imaging prior to death. As you know, metals can distort magnetic & X-ray imaging, respectively.)
George said consider carefully eating carrots because they can absorb metals & perhaps other contaminates, from the soil.
I don't know if there are any scientific studies on metal contaimination concentration levels, within edible plant foods.
Thank You For Your Consistently Fine Work.
Dane Wiggington too.


kitten seeking answers - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

”Kitten’s Secret Garden”

would also be interested in list of edibles susceptible to phytoremediation that might accumulate toxins… great research project!
wonder if this is taken into account for produce certified as organic (ie, contaminant levels in soil & plant uptake.)


Sandy K - Jul 13, 2023

Sandy K

The "definition" of organic has also been altered by the unelected. Organic Consumers Association. Growing our own food isn't even safe with all these environmental toxins in air, water, soil....


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

Sandy K

Food, hygiene products, supplements...in every dang think they can think of. Yep, they want us all dead/ murdered Sandy


Sandy K - Jul 13, 2023

Sandy K

True that, AnotherFaze! Environmental Work Group gives the toxicity breakdown on many products. I also strongly recommend serious Soul work! Meditate, pray, connect to your Loving Creator and other manifest G-dly creations (people, animals, Nature). Miraculous beings all.


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

AMEN X 10 Sister πŸ™β€οΈ


kitten seeking answers - Jul 13, 2023

”Kitten’s Secret Garden”



Deborah - Jul 13, 2023

The demons implementing this are intent on murdering humanity and all natural life. Their key doctrine is to destroy God's creation and replace it with their own synthetic version. The freemasonry GAOTU.....
Information is important, but it is not enough. For those wanting solutions to nature destroying geoengineering, please join our solution-focussed campaign
Here for UKhttps://britonsforacleanatmosphere.uk/
Here for US and other countries


Miss Pat - Jul 14, 2023

Yes..it is Satans version of his heaven as opposed to G_D’s creation..In Revelation you will read..it will be as the days of Noah..when Noah & his family were only pure seed of Adam..the rest were corrupted by fallen angels mixing with seed of Adam and corrupting it. This is what is happening now.


Deborah - Jul 16, 2023

I've seen G_D expressed in this way before (without the 'o'). I've always been curious about the meaning. Could you tell me more?


Miss Pat - Jul 16, 2023

Well..it is a form of respect to Our Father..in Hebrew they did not write the name of G_d either..This is what I was told long ago..πŸ™πŸ½


Deborah - Jul 17, 2023

Ah I see, thanks


Marta Staszak - Jul 13, 2023



Michael G Eaglemeare - Jul 13, 2023

Annabel Smart

Michael Merrick - please, can someone provide a link to Michael Merrick, I can't find anything via Web search.....


Veronica Evans - Jul 13, 2023

Same here!


Deborah - Jul 13, 2023

Me too


Annabel Smart - Jul 13, 2023

Annabel Smart

I’m unable to find LAC microscopy on Telegram.


Veronica Evans - Jul 13, 2023

Same here! Dr. Ana the information in your article appears to be incorrect regarding Michael Merri k and LAC microscopy. Please provide correct links as there is nothing on Telegram.


Linda Ray - Jul 17, 2023

Yep, I can't find a thing on either one..


jacquelyn sauriol - Jul 13, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

I had a wierd dream weeks ago...was pulling something like spiderwebs from my arms, from inside my arms.


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

Heck, you probably were. We call that NIGHTMARE! Thank Bill Gates


Nanc - Jul 13, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

Morgellons ? I have outside spider webs that actually glow and throw light!


Piki - Jul 13, 2023

Kay and the blue teapot.

I believe the spiderwebs we see are also not real anymore. Even de spiders are betrayed...


Miss Pat - Jul 14, 2023

How do you see them? What are morgellons? Those crystal things in blood?


Rosalind McGill - Aug 16, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I had a dream similar a decade or so ago. One hand had webs, it sparkled like mucus. The other hand had what looked like tiny tiny tinker toys. Angels were pulling it out of my fingers. A few years later I found an integrative medicine doctor. He confirmed through blood tests that I had both heavy metals overload and parasitic overload. A supervised detox helped.


Nostradamus X - Jul 13, 2023

Nostradamus X

“He who controls the weather controls the world” – Lyndon B. Johnson, 1962.
HAARP geoengineering (Climate Change) in Action:


Le Piglet - Jul 13, 2023

”Kitten’s Secret Garden”

Not every country is participating. However we have noticed that someone is spraying outside of those country's airspacesansd allowing drift however it means much less contamination.
Costa Rica, Mexico (tho I can see it here from faroffshore and it does affect the atmosphere) however nothing overhead. I wish people would understand where and who is truly ground zero. I even examined tourist photos around the world and some seemingly have no trails. The sky was a nice deep blue in Costa Rica.
I wish everyone realize that it seems commonwealth and western controlled countries are the most affected. Why? Also the microwaving insanity does not exist here either!


kitten seeking answers - Jul 13, 2023

”Kitten’s Secret Garden”

family sent me a photo taken in Moscow a few months ago and he skies in the background were crossed with white stripes.
have been wondering if it’s mostly done over cities to somehow facilitate so called “smart” cities’ virtual infrastructure.


Helen P - Jul 13, 2023

Perhaps it is the Western world that has the most power currently so they want to silence anyone who may but up opposition via legal means etc


Miss Pat - Jul 14, 2023

Exactly true..get rid of middle class Christians in West..who are educated and care about the world..the poorer countries ppl just trying to survive..
But you see Africa..not being sprayed..also majority did NOT take jabs..and are standing up against aggression of US/UN for the Rainbow agenda..Africa says No..read some vids coming out about BBC & CNN ..VP Harris trying to browbeat African leaders to do their bidding..


Helen P - Jul 14, 2023

I think Africa has learnt it’s lesson regarding the testing of new vaccines and the like.
There may even be an exodus of people fleeing the West to the African Continent in the days ahead.


Miss Pat - Jul 14, 2023

It is a war on Western Christian nations. Esp the United States. Canada is being affected now too. I see in N.Ireland now much spraying..that comes from Ireland & UK too..Here it is raining for 3 weeks and predict 10 more days..it’s always grey black cloud cover. If the sun does peek out it’s at sunset..but a cloud always directly in front of it..you see rats to sides. This is NOT normal. I see the chem trails at dusk now or thru clouds..hiding??


Bestcoder - Jul 13, 2023

Rosalind McGill

LAC microscopy doesn’t seem to be present on Telegram any longer. At least it doesn’t show up in any search.


Miss Pat - Jul 14, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I read that the CIA has a presence on Telegram now..is that true?


Rosalind McGill - Aug 16, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Thought it always had!



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