Only two are served in this world! If you’re not on Jesus Christ the one who went to the cross then you’re on the other. Yes Dr Ana that means you as well. Matthew 7:13-14
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
I'm going to step out on a limb here by agreeing that there little difference between a Catholic priest and AI outside of the idea that AI is better behaved and doesn't eat. It's the perfect globalist solution for an already tainted system. But I'm not being very nice, am I?
Well we know Papa Francesco is a jesuit and some say an usurper of the seat.....
My dad was a fervid catholic. I grew up catholic but i m highly critical of catholicism. However ....i want to say that among the christian religion I favorite it only because I grew up with all that secular notions thus I feel more comfortable with the Roman Catholic Church. We could discuss down a rabit hole the nefarious actions of the catholic church and all the bullshit the first church circulated to convert people from polytheistic to monotheist.
Protestants... are not better than catholics and I argue the message of their bible masonic doctrine as well. Catholics generally do not read the old testament. Not saying it is bad or good just saying that both doctrines have enormous flaws. The Roman Catholic Church is a political body and so is the Protestant Church.
Today as an adult who has gone through the ups and down struggle of spirituality...ranging from agnostic to atheist to agnostic to somewhat spiritual to ...I m not so sure if I am agnostic again but this feels like we are in hell already....of all 3 Abrahamic religions Christianity, Islam and Judaism.....the latter two actually appeal to me more in some aspects. I think all religions have good things that serve as guidance for human kind for reasons I do not want to expand in this post. But one does not need to be of any beilief system to understand that certain behaviors are wrong.
"Protestants... are not better than catholics and I argue the message of their bible masonic doctrine as well."
The KJV was heavily edited and rewritten by top Mason Francis Bacon for King George I, another top Mason, and published in 1611 with masonic images on the pages.
Comment con't:
But Freemason ideology/ religion is more an amalgam of mystical Judaism, Islam, Jesuitism, and Babylonian-Egyptian paganism, though the not so secret organization certainly has prospered among the Protestants and nihilists, esp. since the KJV.
No thanks!!! I'll have nothing to do with that demonic crap!!! People are so gullible and ignorant, they love the devil and everything he peddles to them!
How is the Catholic Church's digital AI Jesus not full-on blasphemy?
On the upside, a screen can't physically touch young boys.
Yet. But it can program them.
The official policy of the UN and WEF is to decriminalize Pedophile crimes and make them acceptable sexual preferences. But that has been the policy and practice of the Catholic church and the Roman Empire from which it is the extension
As I said,children are the top source of loosh for the negative aliens.that would be the reptilians,annunaki,tall whites AKA the Nordics and the greys.We have help from the guardians and it gets ignored,every post I made on FB for around 18 months was evidence the scamdemic was a hoax and Ron Paul posted that meme on twitter it was a hoax.He was heavily criticized.I guess you can't fix stupid!
I don't have kids but I did acquire a two and a half pound amethyst crystal mainly to ward off psychic and astralattacks.It's beautiful,worth every penny,
I had to think about that question thomas,it never entered my mind.Short answer is yes,I sleep better although still wake up at 3 am a lot but different when you actually fall asleep at 8 or 9 instead of midnight.I've done a little research on the power of crystals,,people%20all%20over%20the%20world.Justhad the thought,could the 3 am wake up that a lot of people are now dealing with be one of the controllers AI programmers experiments?Anyways ES tells about how the Atlans were using crystal technology against the underground reptilians and made mistake that sunk atlantis.Our Earth has a crystal core.'sa lot more like a guy named Ras Ben who wrote a book,using crystals to thrive with 5G or something like that.Thought about buying the book yrs ago but I like the discovery process of learningmyself.Soyeah ES is out there but it's the truth about this universe we live in,,people%20all%20over%20the%20world.Just's
WHOOOOA that is deep , I think I understand some of it but not all , and who actually does ? But it is profound and there are certainly many reasons for the suppression and exploitation of women , or children which I have zero tolerance for at all .
Yes, it could be the Antichrist or the Demiurge or satanic/ Ahriman spirit. We know it's a digital god being built to rival God and to be profanely embedded into our lives through the nanotech injected, ingested, absorbed, and breathed into our bodies. But they will fail to replace God for all of us who love God.
I believe they'll still have fleshly figures act the roles of False Prophet, Beasts, and the Antichrist, and soon.
No boundaries whatsoever! This is the world’s biggest problem!
Nobody will know what’s real or what’s fake. We’re living in a simulated reality where people have no reason to “think for themselves” anymore.
Which is all part of a much bigger issue, “Satan” and those who succumb to and or support / believe in, this false narrative.
A false narrative in order to trick and deceive people. To make people feel good until such time as the scales of “Satan” sink the “Love” of God!
Unfortunately, many houses of worship are “falsifying” their own truthfulness to attract people who are unsuspecting of their true intentions.
Time will tell, everything happens for a reason and we must keep true believers in this battle by helping them understand their being “Deceived.”
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Just look at the Vatican Public Hall, it has a serpent roof and the Alter is very satanic as well, nothing Christian about it at all, it is the house of satanic worship. God help us all 🙏
And their secret archives are hiding 10,000 years of human history in 20 miles of hallways WHY ARE THEY HIDING IT , WHO GIVES THEM THE POWER OR THE ARROGANCE?
Yes Linda, you are right.
I was reading yesterday about how that came to be. Your reply is a testament to the absolute “Truth of Lies” we’ve been taught to or made to believe, something it is not.
Thank you Linda for sharing this information. I’ll post the article I read yesterday on my Substack Homepage.
Revelation 13:15
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”
King James Version (KJV)
Now I've absolutely heard everything is getting more and more insane by the second the world needs to fight against this and a huge way we can never accept this what they're trying to push on to us
The first thing Jesus answered when asked by his followers RE the last days:
Be. Not. Deceived.
And deception is ubiquitous. It's not IF one has been deceived, but how much and how aware of how bad the deception is.....
AI can only do what it i programmed to do, so with all these left egg heads, you are getting corrupted information of GOD, Jesus and humanity,
These programmers hate GOD and will do anything and everything to destroy FAOTJ and Humanity.
People of the world, read your bible, most preferably the King James Version, and find the truths for yourselves.
Dr Ana is a beautiful and highly intelligent WOMAN and she works tirelessly to do GOD's work, listen to her and learn from her.
Hannahlehigh - Dec 1
God wins in the end, those demons including the fake pope will be driven back to hell where they belong. CHRIST IS KING.
Lee - Dec 1
George’s Cowboys and Angels
Only two are served in this world! If you’re not on Jesus Christ the one who went to the cross then you’re on the other. Yes Dr Ana that means you as well. Matthew 7:13-14
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
George’s Cowboys and Angels - Dec 2
George’s Cowboys and Angels
She’s disclosing not supporting.
Silver Warrior - Dec 1
Wetiko Freaks
I'm going to step out on a limb here by agreeing that there little difference between a Catholic priest and AI outside of the idea that AI is better behaved and doesn't eat. It's the perfect globalist solution for an already tainted system. But I'm not being very nice, am I?
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 1
Thomas’s Substack
artermix - Dec 1
Artermix’s Substack
I guess you are not catholic.
Silver Warrior - Dec 1
Wetiko Freaks
Been there. Done that.
Marianne Agnello - Dec 1
Marianne Agnello
I don't recognise any saint by the recent pope's.
I only recognise those saints who died for their faith in Jesus Christ
In the first centuries
artermix - Dec 1
Artermix’s Substack
Well we know Papa Francesco is a jesuit and some say an usurper of the seat.....
My dad was a fervid catholic. I grew up catholic but i m highly critical of catholicism. However ....i want to say that among the christian religion I favorite it only because I grew up with all that secular notions thus I feel more comfortable with the Roman Catholic Church. We could discuss down a rabit hole the nefarious actions of the catholic church and all the bullshit the first church circulated to convert people from polytheistic to monotheist.
Protestants... are not better than catholics and I argue the message of their bible masonic doctrine as well. Catholics generally do not read the old testament. Not saying it is bad or good just saying that both doctrines have enormous flaws. The Roman Catholic Church is a political body and so is the Protestant Church.
Today as an adult who has gone through the ups and down struggle of spirituality...ranging from agnostic to atheist to agnostic to somewhat spiritual to ...I m not so sure if I am agnostic again but this feels like we are in hell already....of all 3 Abrahamic religions Christianity, Islam and Judaism.....the latter two actually appeal to me more in some aspects. I think all religions have good things that serve as guidance for human kind for reasons I do not want to expand in this post. But one does not need to be of any beilief system to understand that certain behaviors are wrong.
Miss Parker - Dec 2
Miss’s Substack
"Protestants... are not better than catholics and I argue the message of their bible masonic doctrine as well."
The KJV was heavily edited and rewritten by top Mason Francis Bacon for King George I, another top Mason, and published in 1611 with masonic images on the pages.
Miss Parker - Dec 2
Miss’s Substack
Comment con't:
But Freemason ideology/ religion is more an amalgam of mystical Judaism, Islam, Jesuitism, and Babylonian-Egyptian paganism, though the not so secret organization certainly has prospered among the Protestants and nihilists, esp. since the KJV.
Silver Warrior - Dec 2
Wetiko Freaks
Organized religion always disappoints, but some people must have it. Not following men doesn't make you agnostic, just sensible.
John Vargo - Dec 2
John Vargo
Organized religion was created by the aliens to hide their control over Earth'shumanity.It's another consciousness trap,
artermix - Dec 1
Artermix’s Substack
Same....but all religions are same.
Joni - Dec 1
No thanks!!! I'll have nothing to do with that demonic crap!!! People are so gullible and ignorant, they love the devil and everything he peddles to them!
Miss Parker - Dec 1 - Edited
Miss’s Substack
How is the Catholic Church's digital AI Jesus not full-on blasphemy?
On the upside, a screen can't physically touch young boys.
Yet. But it can program them.
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 2
Thomas’s Substack
The official policy of the UN and WEF is to decriminalize Pedophile crimes and make them acceptable sexual preferences. But that has been the policy and practice of the Catholic church and the Roman Empire from which it is the extension
Miss Parker - Dec 2
Miss’s Substack
Yes, globa'alist sickos have been after our children for a long time.
John Vargo - Dec 3
John Vargo
As I said,children are the top source of loosh for the negative aliens.that would be the reptilians,annunaki,tall whites AKA the Nordics and the greys.We have help from the guardians and it gets ignored,every post I made on FB for around 18 months was evidence the scamdemic was a hoax and Ron Paul posted that meme on twitter it was a hoax.He was heavily criticized.I guess you can't fix stupid!
John Vargo - Dec 3
John Vargo
I don't have kids but I did acquire a two and a half pound amethyst crystal mainly to ward off psychic and astralattacks.It's beautiful,worth every penny,
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 4
Thomas’s Substack
Does that really work ? SK
John Vargo - Dec 7
John Vargo
I had to think about that question thomas,it never entered my mind.Short answer is yes,I sleep better although still wake up at 3 am a lot but different when you actually fall asleep at 8 or 9 instead of midnight.I've done a little research on the power of crystals,,people%20all%20over%20the%20world.Justhad the thought,could the 3 am wake up that a lot of people are now dealing with be one of the controllers AI programmers experiments?Anyways ES tells about how the Atlans were using crystal technology against the underground reptilians and made mistake that sunk atlantis.Our Earth has a crystal core.'sa lot more like a guy named Ras Ben who wrote a book,using crystals to thrive with 5G or something like that.Thought about buying the book yrs ago but I like the discovery process of learningmyself.Soyeah ES is out there but it's the truth about this universe we live in,,people%20all%20over%20the%20world.Just's
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 2
Thomas’s Substack
This is A VERY ANCIENT AND DESPICABLE PRACTICE . Same as all the sacrificing, and abuse of women in any way
John Vargo - Dec 4
John Vargo
Women have been oppressed for a reason Thomas,I always wondered why,here's at least one answer,
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 4
Thomas’s Substack
WHOOOOA that is deep , I think I understand some of it but not all , and who actually does ? But it is profound and there are certainly many reasons for the suppression and exploitation of women , or children which I have zero tolerance for at all .
artermix - Dec 1 - Edited
Artermix’s Substack
Because the A.I. is tge antichrist.
Miss Parker - Dec 1 - Edited
Miss’s Substack
Yes, it could be the Antichrist or the Demiurge or satanic/ Ahriman spirit. We know it's a digital god being built to rival God and to be profanely embedded into our lives through the nanotech injected, ingested, absorbed, and breathed into our bodies. But they will fail to replace God for all of us who love God.
I believe they'll still have fleshly figures act the roles of False Prophet, Beasts, and the Antichrist, and soon.
John Vargo - Dec 2 - Edited
John Vargo
It's about mind control,control the human mind you can control the human soul.
John Vargo - Dec 13
John Vargo
Yeah,AI alien machinery,
John Vargo - Dec 2
John Vargo
The reptilians created the church of rome and religion in general to hide their control over the human race,
Dave aka Geezermann - Dec 1
Dave aka Geezermann
These "churches" are not following Biblical principles, and obviously reject a literal Creator.
John Roberts - Dec 1
John Roberts
Blasphemy and idolatry setting the stage for the Antichrist.
Living in the last days is turning into living in the last hours.
artermix - Dec 1
Artermix’s Substack
I really do not think it is the last days.
Nor the last years.
Nor the last century.....
John Roberts - Dec 2
John Roberts
According to the Bible the only one that truly knows is the Father himself.
AJR - Dec 1
No boundaries whatsoever! This is the world’s biggest problem!
Nobody will know what’s real or what’s fake. We’re living in a simulated reality where people have no reason to “think for themselves” anymore.
Which is all part of a much bigger issue, “Satan” and those who succumb to and or support / believe in, this false narrative.
A false narrative in order to trick and deceive people. To make people feel good until such time as the scales of “Satan” sink the “Love” of God!
Unfortunately, many houses of worship are “falsifying” their own truthfulness to attract people who are unsuspecting of their true intentions.
Time will tell, everything happens for a reason and we must keep true believers in this battle by helping them understand their being “Deceived.”
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Linda Stevenson - Dec 1
Linda Stevenson
Just look at the Vatican Public Hall, it has a serpent roof and the Alter is very satanic as well, nothing Christian about it at all, it is the house of satanic worship. God help us all 🙏
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 2
Thomas’s Substack
And their secret archives are hiding 10,000 years of human history in 20 miles of hallways WHY ARE THEY HIDING IT , WHO GIVES THEM THE POWER OR THE ARROGANCE?
AJR - Dec 1
Yes Linda, you are right.
I was reading yesterday about how that came to be. Your reply is a testament to the absolute “Truth of Lies” we’ve been taught to or made to believe, something it is not.
Thank you Linda for sharing this information. I’ll post the article I read yesterday on my Substack Homepage.
Lisa Novakowski - Dec 1
Lisa’s Substack
That is creepy. I am happy I left the catholic church and consider myself a Christian ✝️.
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Dec 1
Ray’s Newsletter
Eliminating the personal relationship with God/Jesus is the idea:
The "God gene must be eliminated, because the extremely few people who are able AND willing to use their Free Will, are a threat:
Still, those who know how to keep contact through the "red line" and know what they want, cannot be intimidated and they are hard to manipulate. Of course, Hell is also a place where participants receive what they have always wanted:
artermix - Dec 1
Artermix’s Substack
See I think this is a psy op.....they want you to beiljve in something....just what they impose you.
Sam - Dec 1
Revelation 13:15
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”
King James Version (KJV)
gaby - Dec 1
Now I've absolutely heard everything is getting more and more insane by the second the world needs to fight against this and a huge way we can never accept this what they're trying to push on to us
Mary Cox - Dec 1
AI is only as good as its programmers hence the programmers are not and will never be our creator G_d.
Roman S Shapoval - Dec 1
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
AI will never be god, or create life like God. AI will only assimilate life.
Dz - Dec 2
Dz’s Substack
The first thing Jesus answered when asked by his followers RE the last days:
Be. Not. Deceived.
And deception is ubiquitous. It's not IF one has been deceived, but how much and how aware of how bad the deception is.....
Douglass Hetherly - Dec 2
Sherri Wilson
AI can only do what it i programmed to do, so with all these left egg heads, you are getting corrupted information of GOD, Jesus and humanity,
These programmers hate GOD and will do anything and everything to destroy FAOTJ and Humanity.
People of the world, read your bible, most preferably the King James Version, and find the truths for yourselves.
Dr Ana is a beautiful and highly intelligent WOMAN and she works tirelessly to do GOD's work, listen to her and learn from her.
Sherri Wilson - Dec 2
Sherri Wilson
AI is the enemy “ spirit of the airwaves”, using human puppets to contrive the contraptions!
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