Who Needs Jesus When You Have AI? Swiss Church Tests AI Jesus and Bavarian Church Has Chat GPT Sermons - Digital Human Social Engineering Has No Boundaries

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 01, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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‘AI Jesus’ avatar tests man’s faith in machines and the divine

The normalization of AI religion is happening before our eyes and it is the Catholic Faith that is being infiltrated by these means. This is powerful social transhumanist technocratic engineering. I recently reported on the first digital saint.

Prepare for the One World Order AI Luciferian Religion: "Pope set to give Catholic Church its first millennial and digital saint" - WEF Digital Technocracy And Globalism Marches On

The war on all human values is progressing, and getting humans to worship AI as God is the ultimate goal of technocracy. That is what Silicon Valley technocrats are doing. I would like to remind people of the warnings of Cyrus Parsa, he has been right on target with his warnings about AI.

There now exist catholic robots:

Will Artificial Intelligence Transform Religion?

When ‘Santo’ the Catholic robot was asked a question about heaven it responded with a line of scripture that contained the word ‘heaven’.

Discussions about AI religions have been rising up everywhere:

Gods in the machine? The rise of artificial intelligence may result in new religions

We are about to witness the birth of a new kind of religion. In the next few years, or perhaps even months, we will see the emergence of sects devoted to the worship of artificial intelligence (AI).

The latest generation of AI-powered chatbots, trained on large language models, have left their early users awestruck —and sometimes terrified — by their power. These are the same sublime emotions that lie at the heart of our experience of the divine.

People already seek religious meaning from very diverse sources . There are, for instance, multiple religions that worship extra-terrestrials or their teachings.

As these chatbots come to be used by billions of people, it is inevitable that some of these users will see the AIs as higher beings. We must prepare for the implications .

Here are the experiments with AI Jesus which are reported to be well received.

LUCERNE, Switzerland (AP) — Would you trust an “AI Jesus” with your innermost thoughts and troubles?

Researchers and religious leaders on Wednesday released findings from a two-month experiment through art in a Catholic chapel in Switzerland, where an avatar of “Jesus” on a computer screen — tucked into a confessional — took questions by visitors on faith, morality and modern-day woes, and offered responses based on Scripture.

The idea, said the chapel’s theological assistant, was to recognize the growing importance of artificial intelligence in human lives, even when it comes to religion, and explore the limits of human trust in a machine.

After the two-month run of the “Deus in Machina” exhibit at Peter’s Chapel starting in late August, some 900 conversations from visitors –- some came more than once –- were transcribed anonymously. Those behind the project said it was largely a success: Visitors often came out moved or deep in thought, and found it easy to use.

A small sign invited visitors to enter a confessional -– chosen for its intimacy –- and below a lattice screen across which penitent believers would usually speak with a priest, a green light signaled the visitor’s turn to speak, and a red one came on when “AI Jesus” on a computer screen on the other side was responding.

Often, a lag time was needed to wait for the response – a testament to the technical complexities. After exiting, nearly 300 visitors filled out questionnaires that informed the report released Wednesday.

Of love, war, suffering and solitude

Philipp Haslbauer, an IT specialist at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts who pulled together the technical side of the project, said the AI responsible for taking the role of “AI Jesus” and generating responses was GPT-4o by OpenAI, and an open-source version of the company’s Whisper was used for speech comprehension.

An AI video generator from Heygen was used to produce voice and video from a real person, he said. Haslbauer said no specific safeguards were used “because we observed GPT-4o to respond fairly well to controversial topics.”

Visitors broached many topics, including true love, the afterlife, feelings of solitude, war and suffering in the world, the existence of God, plus issues like sexual abuse cases in the Catholic Church or its position on homosexuality.

Most visitors described themselves as Christians, though agnostics, atheists, Muslims, Buddhists and Taoists took part too, according to a recap of the project released by the Catholic parish of Lucerne.

About one-third were German speakers, but “AI Jesus” — which is conversant in about 100 languages — also had conversations in languages like Chinese, English, French, Hungarian, Italian, Russian and Spanish.

‘Work of the Devil’?

“What was really interesting (was) to see that the people really talked with him in a serious way. They didn’t come to make jokes,” said chapel theologian Marco Schmid, who spearheaded the project. Most visitors were aged 40 to 70, and more Catholics respondents found the experience stimulating than did Protestants, the report showed.

Schmid was quick to point out that the “AI Jesus” – billed as a “Jesus-like” persona – was an artistic experiment to get people thinking about the intersection between the digital and the divine, not substitute for human interaction or sacramental confessions with a priest, nor was it intended to save pastoral resources.

“For the people it was clear that it was a computer ... It was clear it was not a confession,” Schmid said. “He wasn’t programmed to give absolutions or prayers. At the end, it was more summary of the conversation.”

The Catholic Church from the Vatican on down has been wrestling with the challenges –- and possible opportunities -– presented by the explosion in public interest in AI since generative artificial intelligence captured the world’s attention two years ago when OpenAI’s ChatGPT made its debut.

The Vatican has appointed a friar from a medieval Franciscan order as its top expert on AI, and a Lutheran church in Bavaria served up sermons delivered by a chatbot last year. Pope Francis, in his annual peace message for this year, pushed for an international treaty to ensure the ethical use of AI technology.

In the below video Cyrus Parsa explain how humans are being programmed via their smart phones. The 5 G EMF information network can make you believe any crazy idea AI wants you to believe - mind viruses are digital infections that alter the human neural network and SELF REPLICATE. These software programs similar to what Moderna’s CEO stated - are hacking the software of life - and can make a child believe they are transgender, hence accept bodily mutilations or people embrace an AI Jesus without objection. Humans are being manipulated to accept the transition of their faith into the AI satanic religion and it is happening right now.

This is all part of the transhumanist technocratic AI agenda.

I got rid of my smart phone and would never touch one again. In the below video you can understand why.

I also highly recommend this video explaining the AI takeover of humanity .

AI- The Plan To Invade Humanity - Must Watch From Cyrus Parsa

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Hannahlehigh - Dec 1


God wins in the end, those demons including the fake pope will be driven back to hell where they belong. CHRIST IS KING.

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Lee - Dec 1

Only two are served in this world! If you’re not on Jesus Christ the one who went to the cross then you’re on the other. Yes Dr Ana that means you as well. Matthew 7:13-14
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

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