We are being put through the worlds largest psycological operation in history. These psycopaths have deployed guerilla warefare on the worlds population. This has been in my opinion, is the most dangerous part of the scamdemic. They have hijacked peoples way of thinking into believing lies. The non free thinkers will go with the flow citizens were an easy target. They have deceived and destablized the population using an order out of chaos tactic. We have been shown about the many lies we have been told over our lifetimes. These unraveling lies can't be unseen by critical thinkers. The truth is the criminals of this psyop have no place to hide and continue to double down. In the last two years, we can see our system has been hijacked and weaponized. Every citizen needs to come together. This is not about religon, country alliance, or race. It's about unplugging from the system and take care of you and your loved ones. The go with the flow people, are a complete waste of time as they continue to be enslaved. We need to all work together and make a better world. It has to happen, otherwise we will be in a technocratic surveillance system.
Thank you Dr Ana for sharing those thoughts. It is helpful on many levels. First, it's helpful in understanding what physicians are facing these days. This is all "novel" and for physicians to attempt to learn something new, scientifically and medically, is to be willing to take on the confusion and "chaos" associated with leaving one understanding, for a greater one. Humans in general tend to resist that like the...............
Second, you show how we are "all in this together, but not really". We are individuals on parallel journeys, at times. And not, at other times. In other words, when we are aligned in our realities, we share that portion of the journey, in that moment. But moments and people come and go, and we need to release them so we can move toward our new understanding.
And finally, love.
Everyone is primarily responsible for their own well being. So that must be tended to. That is an act of love.
When we gain a sense of completeness within, a sense that we are "ready" so to speak, then we have the option of helping others, out of abundance.
In that way, love leads to ful-fillment, like a cup overflowing, and then to abundance.
Well said. As long as we keep learning.
We have come a long ways since this all began. I think they created many versions
Of the vaxxine and what if everyone was correct 🙏❤️🙏
Thank you for sharing your perspective....wonderful way to put it....it addresses so much of what I have going on in my mind...it has been my process of letting go of my past...letting go of my family's choices....and just moving on along my own path without regrets....
Great Metaphor!! Knowledge is king in these uncertain times…even if it challenges our own paradigms it’s becoming paramount to know and understand all elements. Thanks for your words of wisdom! 🙏💙🦋
DonnyJSands - Jul 22, 2022 - Edited
We are being put through the worlds largest psycological operation in history. These psycopaths have deployed guerilla warefare on the worlds population. This has been in my opinion, is the most dangerous part of the scamdemic. They have hijacked peoples way of thinking into believing lies. The non free thinkers will go with the flow citizens were an easy target. They have deceived and destablized the population using an order out of chaos tactic. We have been shown about the many lies we have been told over our lifetimes. These unraveling lies can't be unseen by critical thinkers. The truth is the criminals of this psyop have no place to hide and continue to double down. In the last two years, we can see our system has been hijacked and weaponized. Every citizen needs to come together. This is not about religon, country alliance, or race. It's about unplugging from the system and take care of you and your loved ones. The go with the flow people, are a complete waste of time as they continue to be enslaved. We need to all work together and make a better world. It has to happen, otherwise we will be in a technocratic surveillance system.
Citizen Seer - Jul 23, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
Thank you Dr Ana for sharing those thoughts. It is helpful on many levels. First, it's helpful in understanding what physicians are facing these days. This is all "novel" and for physicians to attempt to learn something new, scientifically and medically, is to be willing to take on the confusion and "chaos" associated with leaving one understanding, for a greater one. Humans in general tend to resist that like the...............
Second, you show how we are "all in this together, but not really". We are individuals on parallel journeys, at times. And not, at other times. In other words, when we are aligned in our realities, we share that portion of the journey, in that moment. But moments and people come and go, and we need to release them so we can move toward our new understanding.
And finally, love.
Everyone is primarily responsible for their own well being. So that must be tended to. That is an act of love.
When we gain a sense of completeness within, a sense that we are "ready" so to speak, then we have the option of helping others, out of abundance.
In that way, love leads to ful-fillment, like a cup overflowing, and then to abundance.
JamesDuff - Jul 22, 2022
JamesDuff’s Newsletter
Well said. As long as we keep learning.
We have come a long ways since this all began. I think they created many versions
Of the vaxxine and what if everyone was correct 🙏❤️🙏
Shirley Eileen Schutt - Jul 24, 2022
Thank you for sharing your perspective....wonderful way to put it....it addresses so much of what I have going on in my mind...it has been my process of letting go of my past...letting go of my family's choices....and just moving on along my own path without regrets....
Yazmin - Jul 24, 2022
Yes, there's a lot of separation in the same boat...but most people are understanding about that.
Natalie Rowett - Jul 22, 2022
Great Metaphor!! Knowledge is king in these uncertain times…even if it challenges our own paradigms it’s becoming paramount to know and understand all elements. Thanks for your words of wisdom! 🙏💙🦋
Dan - Jul 22, 2022
Johannes - Jul 22, 2022
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