What’s Love Got to Do with It? Playing in the Sandboxes of Reality.

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 22, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Moving through these times can have a lot of different challenges. In the field of allopathic medicine, the unfathomable corruption and destruction of healthy lives by Big Pharma has become visible to many awake people during the plandemic. We understand depopulation via the Covid vaccine. However, this is all just the surface of the Iceberg.

We live in a contrived matrix. Everything we see and know has been an illusionary deception constructed artificially by the puppet masters of the world, the shadow governments and those who own the world. Science, fashion, trends, religions, government, education, society, socially acceptable… - what if all of this is fake?

While people fight for some cause, many proclaim the right way. So, what is the right way and who says so? We are fighting for freedom but freedom from what?

Humans want to belong, and they want to be right. The interesting thing about belonging and being right is that these criteria also have been artificially created. People belong to an identity and that identity has certain criteria of who and what gets to participate in the sandbox with you. Your playmates may be part of your culture, your family, your professional affiliations. Most people don’t mix sandboxes that are too far apart.

Let me give an example. As a physician right now, there are two kinds of doctors – the ones who give the jabs and the ones who don’t. The ones who don’t, work with other scientists who have similar persuasions. But within that group there are many more sandboxes. There are the ones who say there is a Covid virus and the ones who say there has never been one isolated. Lots of sand being tossed in the air by those camps. Then there are the ones who treat more naturally and the ones who are orthodox allopath’s who believe in Big Pharma products and vaccines are great except the Covid jab. And yet others say it’s all Graphene Oxide and 5G. Others say everything Covid related is about venoms and snake peptides within the spike protein. Then there is HIV, malaria, staphylococcus peptides, amyloidosis, cancer causing genes, CRISPR gene editing, 1p36 and VMAT deletion, Marburg and Ebola fragments, lipid nanoparticles and so much more.

 So, who is right?

What if this war is so complicated, that everyone is right? What if the people who planned this, were so smart, they designed every which way to meet their goal and, in the process, confuse anyone who with current scientific knowledge may be able to figure them out? Censorship, cancel culture and factchecking slows down the process of free and broad evaluation of massive amounts of information and data.

What if this is intentionally created confusion and calculated hesitancy of projecting current doctors’ and scientists concerns about still being socially and scientifically acceptable in whatever sandbox they are playing – so that the enemies have the time to achieve their goal of killing and chipping as many people as possible? Who knows, that might be an available sandbox too in this strange reality we are in.

Sounds like a great idea to cover your basis and be prepared with solutions that address all these different areas. We have them. Why not use them, instead of getting stuck in one sandbox corner that has a limited view of potential harms coming our way.

From there it goes to politics, the World Economic Forum and depopulation. Once you arrive at depopulation you are also at geoengineering, induced famines, GMO, AI, transhumanism and more.

And then there is religion and its views of what is going on. Armageddon, Revelations, Christianity, Judaism, other isms,  Khazarian Mafia, Satanism, Secret Societies. It is very easy to get caught up in arguments there even though everyone is fighting on the same side, the same enemy. Say one wrong thing in that arena and you become the target – forget fighting the tyrannical globalists.

Some say the ones who speak out have a target on their back. Last I checked, plus or minus 8 billion people have a target on their back in the depopulation agenda. You can go into a pharmacy and get executed these days. It may take 6 hours or a year. Same outcome.

In this transition period, it is about breaking down walls of sandboxes. Our beliefs and associated identity are under attack in every moment when we fight for freedom. The lockstep government that wants to depopulate its people, wants you to play in a sandbox you don’t want to be in. You are jumping out of that, but the old sandbox contained much of what identified you, for example your employer. Or more challenging, your vaccinated kids who think you are a nuts conspiracy theorist because you are not quadruple jabbed by now. Or your former friends who think you are bonkers because you think the country is run by cannibalistic pedophile sociopaths that have infiltrated all aspects of society including Mainstream Media, Hollywood, Military and Government. Or some sandbox somewhere in between.

What we need to remember on this journey is that people are in different stages of moving in and out of various sandboxes. Eventually many people will end up in a reality that will be nothing like the current box. The people you know now may not be there or maybe they are but different. The things you know may be vastly different then what you believe to know now. 

In my experience, continuous learning of information is important and then validate that in life. You can have a hypothesis but then it is important to figure out if this works. When there are warning signs of coming danger, it is important to reevaluate preparedness. Try to warn people of what you know, but if they do not want to listen, let them be and keep moving. This part can be difficult because we want to keep people from harm, and we do not know if anything we say will wake them up. Just like families cannot convince other members not to take the jab. We have to allow, that people no longer are in our sandbox, and they have the right of free will and choice even if it means harm to them. You cannot transfer your experience to someone else. It’s your wisdom, not theirs. This has been one of the hardest lessons during this plandemic, for people to follow their individual truth and leave everything else behind.

Love has everything to do with that. Love what you are in your choices that now are in a different sandbox and tomorrow in another altogether. Eventually we get to the future where the old has fallen away and the sun is rising in the east. The spiritual aspect of this war is that we are all One. Many different views, sandboxes, persuasions, experiences. There are not different fractions in my mind. There is humanity against a satanic cabal that wants to destroy and enslave all of us. We are together in this fight regardless of the different views. Wherever you are, keep moving.

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DonnyJSands - Jul 22, 2022 - Edited

We are being put through the worlds largest psycological operation in history. These psycopaths have deployed guerilla warefare on the worlds population. This has been in my opinion, is the most dangerous part of the scamdemic. They have hijacked peoples way of thinking into believing lies. The non free thinkers will go with the flow citizens were an easy target. They have deceived and destablized the population using an order out of chaos tactic. We have been shown about the many lies we have been told over our lifetimes. These unraveling lies can't be unseen by critical thinkers. The truth is the criminals of this psyop have no place to hide and continue to double down. In the last two years, we can see our system has been hijacked and weaponized. Every citizen needs to come together. This is not about religon, country alliance, or race. It's about unplugging from the system and take care of you and your loved ones. The go with the flow people, are a complete waste of time as they continue to be enslaved. We need to all work together and make a better world. It has to happen, otherwise we will be in a technocratic surveillance system.

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Citizen Seer - Jul 23, 2022

Citizen’s Substack

Thank you Dr Ana for sharing those thoughts. It is helpful on many levels. First, it's helpful in understanding what physicians are facing these days. This is all "novel" and for physicians to attempt to learn something new, scientifically and medically, is to be willing to take on the confusion and "chaos" associated with leaving one understanding, for a greater one. Humans in general tend to resist that like the...............
Second, you show how we are "all in this together, but not really". We are individuals on parallel journeys, at times. And not, at other times. In other words, when we are aligned in our realities, we share that portion of the journey, in that moment. But moments and people come and go, and we need to release them so we can move toward our new understanding.
And finally, love.
Everyone is primarily responsible for their own well being. So that must be tended to. That is an act of love.
When we gain a sense of completeness within, a sense that we are "ready" so to speak, then we have the option of helping others, out of abundance.
In that way, love leads to ful-fillment, like a cup overflowing, and then to abundance.

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