Truly disturbing news Doc. In spite of the planned destruction of the human immune system of the average person. I suspect that some of us will fare better by staying away from the OTC and the pharmaceutical poisons and the fake supplements. I hear that some famous brand supplements are actually owned by pharmaceutical companies.
Come what may. No one will ever convince me to stay alive just to live on a steady diet of medical toxins and carcinogens. We all have two better options than that. Either heal through the use of nature's medicines and/or functional medical care. Or go home to be with the Lord. That's my take on the medical insanity that the medical industrial complex is trying to cram down everyone's throat. If they hadn't killed millions, perhaps billions of their guinea pig customers already. There would be more people alive to live as sick and diseased life-long customers on their drug plantations.
Yes, some supplement companies are indeed owned by the big bad guys. I know Jordan Rubin, Garden of Life, sold out Nestle am VERY disappointed in Rubin. Maybe he has a reason that I'm not aware of, but it appears - tho I could be wrong - that he just sold out for the dough.
Blaise, it could be that some business people are being threatened or blackmailed to make decisions that we don't understand. About 2 years ago, I heard about a father and son that were imprisoned in Mexico, I think for selling and distributing the MMS supplement. I hear that stuff works wonders for all types of diseases and health issues. So we know that certain factions delight in having a sick, diseased or a dead human population. We may not all have PhD's. But many of us understand that toxins and carcinogens cause and contribute to diseases. We also remember our loved ones and friends who were murdered by allopathic medicine. Before, during and after 2020. Furthermore, there aren't any chemicals that's being pushed on society that have anything to do with good health or healing to my knowledge.
Well said. There are some useful non-neuro-toxic pharmaceuticals but ultimately they were never needed and are in reality a way of big pharma making more money keeping people ticking over health wise.
I agree. Very disappointed. I bought his book The Maker’s Diet years ago then used his Garden of Life supplements exclusively after that. When I heard he sold out to Nestle I switched to Dr Mercola products
Besides chelating, Vitamin C increases bifido, does cannibidoil? It’s important to distinguish cannibidiol from different strains of CBD. I know we have the most cannibidiol receptors. making it illegal was one step in evil pharma’s agenda. The US has a patent on marijuana for that reason. Maybe somebody with a microscope could check a CBD consumer’s blood?
We just did that, we did the same test of DR. Ana, but instead of putting vitamin c or edta in the tubes we put CBD. and let sit for 11 days. Then did a live blood analysis. Blood was completely perfect. doing more test soon. you can see the results here.
That's a fact jack. Almost ZERO CLOTTING too, that's after 11 days sitting in the test tube at room temperature... and the red blood cells were still alive and free of 99 percent clotting, graphene, parasites or any other nanotechnology.
You guys are awesome! This is great. I’m in Oklahoma, the kingdom of marijuana π a dispensary on every corner. In fact, my practice is next door to a dispensary and I recommend patients hop over after every visit.
Blood was not completely perfect. Due to the remaining biosensor seen in the blood, it may be of help to add boron to reduce nanotech reproduction in this regimen.
Have chlorine dioxide samples been videotaped? Maybe the antidote to biosyn is a combination, to counter their bioweapon rubix cube.
If we can inhibit it, we can then work on dissolving treatments.
I said MY blood was completely perfect not Susan's, who had the 1 bio chip in it. we both took live blood analysis about 5 months ago. she did the PH-MIRACLE diet. I did ivermectin for1 week and CBD, CBDA and CBDG treatments. CBD is known to be 50 percent stronger than vitamin c as an antioxident. We still have not done before and afters of a vaccinated person. that one is coming next. Just like Dr. Ana said about using vitamin C to detoxity we are following the orginal work of Dr. Levy who proved that saline soltuions and vitamin c infusions returned the blood to NORMAL, and it stayed that way even after 15 days. The question we are trying to answer, can CBD do the same as vitamin C infusions taking orally. CBD is readily available to the masses and cheaper. see
In the early 1990s research was undertaken to find out how effective CBD was as an antioxidant. The conclusion was that it was more effective against glutamate neurotoxicity (nasty chemicals that kill cells when in high concentrations) than a-tocopherol (vitamin E) or ascorbate (vitamin C). Basically, the results on this research indicated that CBD is a powerful antioxidant.
Yup... I've read most of the page comments, and am convinced most readers have seriously lost cognitive abilities. Many are focused on technical modalities which exist well beyond an average persons clinical access or financial means.
Creating more technology to solve the problems created by too much technology, seems pretty counter-intuitive... Earth's environment has become a test lab. Ghouls have taken control of the grave yard... Let's dance around and celebrate!
First and foremost, We, every individual on earth, are Spiritual Beings - of the Light meaning Pure omnipresence Energy, Divine Consciousness. We are here to evolve these carbon based bodies to crystalline bodies to align ourselves to the higher energies pouring to earth via our PORTAL sun. Our real body is Light body Not the human body! They (the status quo) are are hellbent on keeping the human subdued and ignorant of their trues selves to maintain control over the people of earth.
The unvaccinated are the wise ones irrespective of what nonsense is being said about them, it is this state of consciousness that sets them apart from those unenlightened fools who only see as far as their periscope will take them and go no further, so be it!
I see that some people are confused about which chelator is better or safer. EDTA and DMSA are often compared. Let me tell you this from a chemical perspective and some experience as a patient myself. As a rule, the formation of stable complexes results from the interaction of hard bases with hard acids, or soft bases with soft acids (HSAB theory by Pearson). While this theory has it's limitations it predicts quite accurately the stability and reactivity of complexes.
Soft acids react preferentially with soft bases and hard acids with hard bases.
Example: O2 (hard base) and Fe (II) or Fe (III) (hard acid)
The trivalent iron Fe (III) is classified as a "hard" or oxygen-seeking metal ion. The oxygen in EDTA is a "hard" ligand and therefore EDTA would be the choice for removal of iron (III and II). Moreover, EDTA has 4 carboxyl and 2 aminogroups for binding resulting in very stable metal-EDTA chelate complexes.
DMSA on the other hand has thiol groups which are considered as soft bases. They have a high affinity towards soft acids such as mercury (Hg), platinum (Pt), cadmium (Cd) etc.
EDTA does not enter the cells, DMSA can do this and also has a higher affinity to toxic metals such as Hg. So DMSA chelation is more dangerous if you don't adjust the protocol to your toxification level, renal function etc. Theoretically you could just relocate mercury from fat tissue to your brain, which is sth. you don't want to do.
Certain radio waves cause the quantum dots/lipid nanoparticles to spin violently and heat up. They are covered in polymers to Control the spin/toxicity.
Big question I have been harping on regards your comment: what is incident and what manages to exit the afflicted and how. Are terahz involved? How to get through all the body "noise"? Is skin-based activity part of the answer? Is it from the body's own internal transmissions? DNA-related signalling? As mentioned here, one to me shady character early on in covidiana put out something incongruous to others but recognized by myself, ie ref. to the late Martin Blank's paper on DNA as fractal antenna. If for monitoring, what signals in and out? My own symptoms are so strange, and relate to vaxee blood-related problems, but are provoked over the airwaves, as it were - what frequencies or modulation patterns provoke clots? I know these enter at least through low resistance acupuncture "points". On that i can relate a recent rather confirmatory self-experiment. But what is the nature of the perverse signals?!
4 hz was a reported preliminary finding. How for clot formation? It may however nefariously relate to brain function, as is that not, as I mentioned elsewhere here already, a type of deep sleep brain wave? If this is constant in injectees, might this set the stage for some depth and perverse interaction of body with vax contents? Mood changing?
re effects after multiple jabs:
since there seems to be a varying distribution across vax lots of incidence of injury and worse, one is moved to consider that unless specific individuals are assigned specific lots as is possible (but via what? in any case i think it likely all politicians or very much most will have received the less toxic or possible placebo as has happened before i think re h1n1 some yr ago in europe), a random assigning of shots can lead to possible placebo receiver on subsequent occasions receiving more dangerous shots, you see what i mean?
i have not noted any diff. in my own (non-injie of course) symptoms originating 2nd or 1st hand from injies based on # of shots they said they got, not that that is an indicator of what's going on inside them necessarily, just my response which may require a mere singleton of the bad shots
i have been around double shot and one 4 or 5 shot up guy and got zero effect from long exposures suggesting they got all possible placebos or "vax lite" minus a critical component that does it to me, or else their particular (actually similar) body types i noted has something to do with apparent benign affect on them and myself
I do apologise.
Yes, 4 Hz apropos brain function/mind control.
Personally I thkink clots are a flow-on from this. Something to do with very low frequencies and the 4th phase of water. I wonder if this, as well as the organic/non-organic interface (biology fusing with the hydrogel polymers) aids in clot formation along with the systemic inflammatory reaction of heart (and other organs) muscles and vessels.
Just a thought...π€ππ
maybe dr ana can interview SABRINA WALLACE who knows alot. hijacked bio field. time to expand our knowledge. and with the info from bryan kofron. please use this info from ti's and those who know how its perpetrated.
You have a beautiful mind and you should be funded and start doing some scientific experiments.π«ΆπΌ
Steve Kirsch has made hundreds of millions funding medical experiments.
so what is the answer to 'what is shedding?" quantum dots are shedding? what i learned new in this article is that the quantum dots are coated in polymer. so they are being shed via radio waves?
there is a woman sabrina wallace talking about our missing body part- biofield. and wireless body are networks. she said this happened years ago. check nonvaxer420 on rumble. just repeat trying if it doesnt show.
A thought provoking question.
They are molecular and very small and extremely magnetic and mini electrical anomalies. When you touch someone, (and there is a spark,) there must be some electrical currents between people.
self replicating also via radio waves. removing water in tissues and blood to transform both into hydrogel to replace them hosting the quantum dot biosensors which also do the self assembling.
Thank oyu DR ANA for everything you question is does the EDTA or Vitamin C destroy and desolve the polymers and ccleans the blood or does it only prevent further damage? thats really important to understand
I had the EDTA chelation + Vit C with peptide and blood was clear afterwards. It’s been 2 months so planning to test again to see if the maintenance protocol has kept it free of the hydrogel.
And no word on Karen Kingston who's now M.I.A. after her last post originally on GETTR. The fight to survive continues on after her major tireless tearful contributions. Millions have seen her last video.
It appears her substack was taken over by a fake dr posting a story about karens son lost/ then found prayers answered 'verified" by karens 'brother"- none of this is verified. And karen has malaria/ brain/ behavior/ paranoia and needs/ then is getting medical 'help" but may get "worse". Now Malone and this "brother" are continuing the fraud on twitter. Malone was controlled opposition from the beginning 3 letter and now the truth/ freedom mvmt leader.
Incredible. I called Dr. Ana's office, they called me back and told me they would inform Dr. Ana. However, there's no word. The only thing is, millions have shared her last known video on gettr including the mischaracterized version by Mike Adams, who many consider a mole, and fraud previous to this, along with others who saw what I saw. There are moles, and a list of them with proof. Some are just ignorantly going along with bad information. Seeing is believing here. I trust this research shared.
Can you be sure that the subjects from whom blood is drawn are entirely unvaccinated? By that I mean no flu, shingles, tetanus, or other vaccines within the last 5 years or so? If there is a nefarious inclusion of such marking or signaling structures in the COVID-1984 vexxes, there is good reason to suspect that they are also present in other vaccines of recent manufacture.
Doctor M. Would you please advise? I used to take DMSA in the past, for a serious mercury toxicity. I was told that it is the only chelator that passes the BBB, and to use chelators that don't can increase toxin loads in the brain as they don't always fully grab the metal and knock some loose, which may go into the brain, and increase the load there.
I know the brain fog I had from mercury, almost immediately started dissipating when I used it. I have started using it again now after reading your awesome articles, as I am around a lot of vaccinated people every day, and have had symptoms on and off, from picking up their shedding.
Would not the DMSA be a better and safer chelator since it cleans up the brain as well? Or is there a reason that it would not be a good one to use? Thanks for your consideration.
That is wise. If you have amalgams, they just keep off-gassing into your lungs anyway. That is the issue I had, as well as other exposures. I read Hal Huggins books on mercury toxicity. He was a dentist and immunologist who trained dentists to follow a safety protocol in removing amalgams and detoxing afterward. He trained dentists all over the country.
I found a dentist in Norman, OK, who trained with and was friends with Huggins, and he followed a very strict and cautious protocol in removing mine, on quadrant at a time over a several weeks period. He then put me on a chelation and vitamin/mineral replacement program. I went from near death to amazing recovery in just weeks.
I did not rush the DMSA and only took 100mg, once a week. It is imperative to take plenty of extra vitamins and essential minerals, because it will pull some of that out of your body as well.
How is it said, do you know, that edta can lead to bbb through-passage of metals, if it itself does not go there?
What i primarily think of is the well-established bbb opening attributed to microwave exposures, now ubiquitous. So lack of care or inability to curb such through shielding or fleeing, i can see the problem due to the ubiquity. But otherwise is there what to say, because it is confusing/contradictory.
I posted a general comment and note about this topic. Please have a look as I have some experience with EDTA chelation. Will start DMSA chelation as well. Plus I understand the chemical nature of EDTA and DMSA. DMSA is not safer! I talked with my chelation practitioner about this.
You are correct. DMSA is strong, so caution and moderation is wise. It is imperative to take plenty of extra vitamins and essential minerals, because it will pull some of that out of your body as well.
I wish Dr. M would weigh in on this, but I guess she doesn't read the comment section.
I'd like to know more about this as well. Why do you believe DMSA would be better than EDTA? I know EDTA is a chelator, but isn't DMSA somehow more dangerous?
You can get it through prescription, and some compounding pharmacies will make it for you. It's gotten hard to get on the internet, but I just got some from:
Not so different from the uncontrollability of the mRNA technology, after all? The result seems to be the same as is mRNA was in use...
Is this the end of technological control or an extinction-level event?
Thank you Ana, for the incredible mountains of work you do. I am in Belgium. The chemtrails have been horrific and I think they have started to block out the sun too. (It is summer here but we have the plasma cloud-blanket every day). I did the wine test yesterday. I swished red wine for five minutes in the mouth and spit it out on a white plate. I was horrified about what I saw. Some 'things' still wriggled... I did it three times. Every time the same results. We are all infested with threads, clots and wriggling things. I did not take the thing in my arm.
Dr Ana, before commercialising this product, please check the work of biochemist Andrew Cutler author of "Amalgam Illness". R-ALA creates biochemical havock under common conditions, it made me extremely sick (chronic polyneurooatgy) before I could fix the issue thanks to Cutler's recommandations
For supplementation never use ALA in its commonly sold righr form ( R-ALA), if you are going to use it make sure it is in its left form (L-ALA) and in terms of intake schedule strictly respecting its half life (depending on metabolism 2.5h to 3.5h) to avoid redistributing the mercury in the tissues and the brain. ALA is a thiol which crosses the brain-blood barrier, if not used according to those guidelines you will trigger what you're trying to solve namely brainfog, extrem fatigue, neurological issues and the host of other chronic symptoms you have.
Mercury toxicity (low level, chronic, not acute as understood by mainstream MDs) cannot be seen in blood analisis because the mercury hides in the brain and within organs and cells, destroying myelin and blocking enzymes. It has to be inferred. People with dental amalgams (the black fillings) have it for sure. Some light bulbs have mercury vapor, some creams and bactericides found internatiinally have it. You can breathe it, drink it from industrial spilling. It's the most toxic metal there is and no chelation ahould be done without respecting the half-life of the chelatior. Following those recommendations helped me reverse completely my demyelinisation, to the surprise of my neurologist..
Dr. Ana, I'm an electrical engineer. Unvaxed, Spiritual organic magnetic and love Earth & Nature. In my studies of human biological blueprints there are some humans who are more magnetic while some are more electrical. There are other possibilities as well such as radioactive. I would sermises this variation comes from different origins of the humans species. What I see here is biological warfare being projected into organic life without consent, without conscious awareness or agreement which makes this Sorcery and Black Magic. The conduction tests you did, where you describe how the life force is being consumed through this technology is Sorcery. Period. I would imagine this would be absolutely catastrophic to indigenous peoples as they are more magnetic in their biology compared to white people. Wonder if you have noticed a difference. I find it hard to believe humans on Earth are evil enough to devise this technology but who knows where this originated or came from. I have my guesses. I would love a microscope to work on this stuff with. Thank you for the work you are doing and sharing!
I went to a holistic clinic asking for chelation therapy. I knew I would have to pay cash for it. The first day they did 650$ worth of bloodwork and exam and a Vit c treatment. They want a 300$ heavy metal test just to see if I can do the chelation plus another 250 to tell me the results of my blood work! Is there anywhere else I can go I can hardly breath anymore from this stuff. Does this Medlive help?
So maddening isn't it!?! Look at Klinghardt Institute dot com. Recommend signing up for emails. May need Aluminum detox for lungs (well we all do really). BioPure AluTox and Cilantro tincture. Ionic foot baths with platinum coil good also if can afford. And a binder - Chlorella or powdered Zeolite. Follow and you'll learn protocols and so much more. <3
Thank you! I’m not sure what the footbaths are I will look it up along with the other recommendations ..I found the website and will watch the videos. I’ve been taking zeolite, but not powered , I will look into that as well
DK's recommended ionic foot bath is from KiScience in the UK or BioPure Austria, but there are US brands too. If you get DK's newsletter, take note of his weekly debriefs. They are excellent, and free, Most if not all of the liquid zeolite is nanonized, which is not necessary for it to work in the gut where we need it, and it can cause problems. Hope you find some relief soon, Rhonda! I'm struggling too, thinking I have Lyme again.
Question: Can an unvaxxed person who has been shedded upon and whose blood is now toxic (for lack of a better word) shed on others who have not been inoculated?
I believe the answer to this is yes. This thing is growing in each and every one of us. That's why they are injecting wild animals as well. IMO it's transmitting to each and every living organism.
Thank you. You're the first one to respond to me anywhere. I believe that's correct. From what I heard Dr. Lee Merritt state a couple of years ago now is that they would inject rats to sterilize them in Australia and they would spread the toxins into other rats and so on like a domino effect. So, my guess is this is no different.
We are taking detox supplements every day. Our dog is also taking them. We try to not let people touch our dog because I'm pretty sure people are shedding on their dogs and cats and causing those animals to become sick and die. On IG, so many dogs have died in the past year or so. It seems highly unusual. There are heart issues, cancers, etc.
We give our dog zeolite powder mainly for the shedding issue but he gets other whole food supplements that work to boost his immune system, his microbiome, as well as, healing and keeping his organs healthy. The rescue he was at gave him prozac stupidly to "help" with anxiety. Prozac is pure garbage. Instead it make the anxiety worse and now he's got a lot of flouride in his tissues (on our own we tested his urine - no need for a vet) because prozac is 18% flouride. Flouride is highly toxic. Zeolite takes flouride out of the body. It's very hard to find safe products for dogs that remove flouride.
1) Zeolite powder (we take it too) from zeohealth (zeopure). Zeolite binds to all positively charged substances in the body since it's a negatively charged substance itself (from what I understand, the toxic substances in the shots are positively charged which helps them bind to and/or enter the negatively charged cells). Our cells are negatively charged. I would suggest reading Dr. Howard Peiper's Zeolite book. You can get it from amazon since that's the easiest and fastest way to get it. The book explains what zeolite is, how it works and the benefits. It's a short read and about $7.
Dr. Peiper's website gives good suggestions on dosing since the manufacturer is not allowed to put proper dosing on the package.
2) Systemic Enzymes (mainly for breaking up the scar tissue from the ccl injury he had but it helps in many ways with fibrin and getting rid of waste in the body, etc). We get them specifically for dogs from here:
You don't want to give your dog human systemic enzymes because their bodies are different. It probably won't harm them but it's always better to be safe. Here is the companies explanation:
Dogs take in a lower number of enzymes as they are much smaller and less complex anatomical beings than humans for instance it takes 9 months to grow a human and 60 days to grow a puppy.
3) Medicinal mushrooms. This is a whole topic onto itself. First, only buy mushrooms that you know have been grown on a tree bark not on grains. If grown on grains, it looses a lot of benefits especially for cancer since the mushroom now is more carb based due to the grain. Here's a video from a fantastic holistic vet explaining it: 5 Mushrooms for Dogs and Cats with Veterinarian Dr. Rob Silver DVM, MS "". Second, medicinal mushroom are great for the immune system, for detoxing, and many other reasons including supplying the body with wonderful nutrients.
4) Even intermittent fasting can be helpful. We try to put at least 14 or 16 hours between dinner and breakfast. Intermittent fasting causes autophagy which helps get rid of damaged cells.
There are other things that one can give their dog/cat too (cats are different and one must be sure to read everything so that the product is safe for cats).
To help his immune system and his overall body he gets real organic food and whole food supplements. So, his body is nourished along with detoxing well and safely. We feed our dog raw grass fed green tripe of either beef or lamb (that we buy online from a specific source that we trust - nothing from a can or in a pet store) in the morning and he gets a homecooked (with added whole food supplements fromfourleafrover.comand organic/wild food for dinner of grass feed (100% beginning to end) beef or lamb with organic vegetables. I purchased all the meats from the supermarket so it is human grade. I will not buy prepared fresh foods because they are not organic. Also, those companies also put rice in the fresh foods which is totally bad for dogs to eat and it's something cancer loves. All his treats are organic whole food and wild. Nothing he gets is processed.
They told us they were going to catalogue every living thing on earth. That means they would need to get something capable of doing it into every living thing. Properly trained microscopists should prove it by looking at plants and animals as well as marine life. It wouldn't be hard to come up with a representative sample.
I am Unvaxd since 1960's and am shedding. There are no purebloods, its a myth. Vax status means little to me today except they are more advanced in contamination.
I'd like to know more about vitamin C dosage and why it should be taken with EDTA (and not simply to take more EDTA). From everything I have read, anything over 1,000 mg vitamin C can lead to kidney stones, and kidney stones are something nobody wants to have.
I find that the powers that be don't want us to know that vitamin C can be taken at much higher does, certainly intravenously. They tried to blame the Chinese for COVID 19, a.k.a. the 'flu re-branded to make more money for big pharma etc.
The issue with vitamin C as with any vitamins they should form part of a balanced diet when taken orally. I consider that vitamin D and C work together which is why we have CoviD, the letters at the beginning and end of the word indicating the cure/defense.
All I know is that it's been used for different things at sky high doses for many things including cancer. Maybe people are willing to risk it. I'd rather have stones than cancer. π€·
Nobody wants to have cancer, but I believe kidney stones could be more painful than cancer. Anyway, that's not a choice I would like to make.
I'd like to understand WHY vitamin C when there are so many other "safer" antioxydants.
VIt C is a chelating mineral besides an antioxidant. I’ve worked up to 5000mg a day as home maintenance after having my blood cleared by the EDTA chelation. No kidney stones. But we’re all different so one has to be willing to experiment.
What I was told when getting treatment, is that chelators don't always attach to the metal particles and sometimes knock them loose, which then can send them back into the bloodstream and possibly to the brain. The EDTA does not go. The DMSA does pass the BBB and is supposedly much better at attaching to particles. I know it sure worked a miracle for me as I was pretty close to croaking.
It's been a while back, so I don't remember all the details, but I think it might be based on size of the particles that make up the chelator?
I wish the doctor would weigh in on this. I expect she has the expertise to know.
Mary - Aug 14, 2023
Mary’s Newsletter
Truly disturbing news Doc. In spite of the planned destruction of the human immune system of the average person. I suspect that some of us will fare better by staying away from the OTC and the pharmaceutical poisons and the fake supplements. I hear that some famous brand supplements are actually owned by pharmaceutical companies.
Come what may. No one will ever convince me to stay alive just to live on a steady diet of medical toxins and carcinogens. We all have two better options than that. Either heal through the use of nature's medicines and/or functional medical care. Or go home to be with the Lord. That's my take on the medical insanity that the medical industrial complex is trying to cram down everyone's throat. If they hadn't killed millions, perhaps billions of their guinea pig customers already. There would be more people alive to live as sick and diseased life-long customers on their drug plantations.
Janie Knetzer - Aug 15, 2023
My feelings exactly Mary. They are doing the same thing to our pets with their poisons. Animals are sicker than they have ever been.
Blaise - Aug 15, 2023
Att Viska
Yes, some supplement companies are indeed owned by the big bad guys. I know Jordan Rubin, Garden of Life, sold out Nestle am VERY disappointed in Rubin. Maybe he has a reason that I'm not aware of, but it appears - tho I could be wrong - that he just sold out for the dough.
Mary - Aug 15, 2023
Mary’s Newsletter
Blaise, it could be that some business people are being threatened or blackmailed to make decisions that we don't understand. About 2 years ago, I heard about a father and son that were imprisoned in Mexico, I think for selling and distributing the MMS supplement. I hear that stuff works wonders for all types of diseases and health issues. So we know that certain factions delight in having a sick, diseased or a dead human population. We may not all have PhD's. But many of us understand that toxins and carcinogens cause and contribute to diseases. We also remember our loved ones and friends who were murdered by allopathic medicine. Before, during and after 2020. Furthermore, there aren't any chemicals that's being pushed on society that have anything to do with good health or healing to my knowledge.
Baldmichael - Aug 15, 2023
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
Well said. There are some useful non-neuro-toxic pharmaceuticals but ultimately they were never needed and are in reality a way of big pharma making more money keeping people ticking over health wise.
Joan Hirzel - Jan 3, 2024
I agree. Very disappointed. I bought his book The Maker’s Diet years ago then used his Garden of Life supplements exclusively after that. When I heard he sold out to Nestle I switched to Dr Mercola products
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 15, 2023
Agent’s Substack
CBD is 50 percent more powerful as an antioxidant than vitamin C and is NOT owned by big pharma.
Laura - Aug 15, 2023
Modern Healthcare
Besides chelating, Vitamin C increases bifido, does cannibidoil? It’s important to distinguish cannibidiol from different strains of CBD. I know we have the most cannibidiol receptors. making it illegal was one step in evil pharma’s agenda. The US has a patent on marijuana for that reason. Maybe somebody with a microscope could check a CBD consumer’s blood?
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 15, 2023
Agent’s Substack
We just did that, we did the same test of DR. Ana, but instead of putting vitamin c or edta in the tubes we put CBD. and let sit for 11 days. Then did a live blood analysis. Blood was completely perfect. doing more test soon. you can see the results here.
kaal - Aug 16, 2023
wow. no hydrogel developed in blood treated with cbd?
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 16, 2023
Agent’s Substack
That's a fact jack. Almost ZERO CLOTTING too, that's after 11 days sitting in the test tube at room temperature... and the red blood cells were still alive and free of 99 percent clotting, graphene, parasites or any other nanotechnology.
Marty - Aug 17, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
That's settled then, weed will save humanity, as always. Prepare and sow the fields, let the good herb grow and cover the earth. Rastafari almighty I.
kaal - Aug 16, 2023
was it subject to frequencies?
Laura - Aug 16, 2023
Modern Healthcare
You guys are awesome! This is great. I’m in Oklahoma, the kingdom of marijuana π a dispensary on every corner. In fact, my practice is next door to a dispensary and I recommend patients hop over after every visit.
Laura - Aug 15, 2023
Modern Healthcare
Blood was not completely perfect. Due to the remaining biosensor seen in the blood, it may be of help to add boron to reduce nanotech reproduction in this regimen.
Have chlorine dioxide samples been videotaped? Maybe the antidote to biosyn is a combination, to counter their bioweapon rubix cube.
If we can inhibit it, we can then work on dissolving treatments.
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 15, 2023
Agent’s Substack
I said MY blood was completely perfect not Susan's, who had the 1 bio chip in it. we both took live blood analysis about 5 months ago. she did the PH-MIRACLE diet. I did ivermectin for1 week and CBD, CBDA and CBDG treatments. CBD is known to be 50 percent stronger than vitamin c as an antioxident. We still have not done before and afters of a vaccinated person. that one is coming next. Just like Dr. Ana said about using vitamin C to detoxity we are following the orginal work of Dr. Levy who proved that saline soltuions and vitamin c infusions returned the blood to NORMAL, and it stayed that way even after 15 days. The question we are trying to answer, can CBD do the same as vitamin C infusions taking orally. CBD is readily available to the masses and cheaper. see
In the early 1990s research was undertaken to find out how effective CBD was as an antioxidant. The conclusion was that it was more effective against glutamate neurotoxicity (nasty chemicals that kill cells when in high concentrations) than a-tocopherol (vitamin E) or ascorbate (vitamin C). Basically, the results on this research indicated that CBD is a powerful antioxidant.
Smurf - Aug 20, 2023
Agent what brand CBD do you recommend? How long much do you take thanks.
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 15, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Yup... I've read most of the page comments, and am convinced most readers have seriously lost cognitive abilities. Many are focused on technical modalities which exist well beyond an average persons clinical access or financial means.
Creating more technology to solve the problems created by too much technology, seems pretty counter-intuitive... Earth's environment has become a test lab. Ghouls have taken control of the grave yard... Let's dance around and celebrate!
Phyl - Aug 14, 2023
First and foremost, We, every individual on earth, are Spiritual Beings - of the Light meaning Pure omnipresence Energy, Divine Consciousness. We are here to evolve these carbon based bodies to crystalline bodies to align ourselves to the higher energies pouring to earth via our PORTAL sun. Our real body is Light body Not the human body! They (the status quo) are are hellbent on keeping the human subdued and ignorant of their trues selves to maintain control over the people of earth.
The unvaccinated are the wise ones irrespective of what nonsense is being said about them, it is this state of consciousness that sets them apart from those unenlightened fools who only see as far as their periscope will take them and go no further, so be it!
Okisuke - Aug 15, 2023 - Edited
Okisuke’s Substack
I see that some people are confused about which chelator is better or safer. EDTA and DMSA are often compared. Let me tell you this from a chemical perspective and some experience as a patient myself. As a rule, the formation of stable complexes results from the interaction of hard bases with hard acids, or soft bases with soft acids (HSAB theory by Pearson). While this theory has it's limitations it predicts quite accurately the stability and reactivity of complexes.
Soft acids react preferentially with soft bases and hard acids with hard bases.
Example: O2 (hard base) and Fe (II) or Fe (III) (hard acid)
The trivalent iron Fe (III) is classified as a "hard" or oxygen-seeking metal ion. The oxygen in EDTA is a "hard" ligand and therefore EDTA would be the choice for removal of iron (III and II). Moreover, EDTA has 4 carboxyl and 2 aminogroups for binding resulting in very stable metal-EDTA chelate complexes.
DMSA on the other hand has thiol groups which are considered as soft bases. They have a high affinity towards soft acids such as mercury (Hg), platinum (Pt), cadmium (Cd) etc.
EDTA does not enter the cells, DMSA can do this and also has a higher affinity to toxic metals such as Hg. So DMSA chelation is more dangerous if you don't adjust the protocol to your toxification level, renal function etc. Theoretically you could just relocate mercury from fat tissue to your brain, which is sth. you don't want to do.
Dan Preece - Aug 14, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Certain radio waves cause the quantum dots/lipid nanoparticles to spin violently and heat up. They are covered in polymers to Control the spin/toxicity.
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 15, 2023
matt’s microscopy
I have heard that some pathologists have recorded dead body temperatures of 40c . Must make it hard for todays coroners to estimate time of death...
dyr - Aug 14, 2023
Big question I have been harping on regards your comment: what is incident and what manages to exit the afflicted and how. Are terahz involved? How to get through all the body "noise"? Is skin-based activity part of the answer? Is it from the body's own internal transmissions? DNA-related signalling? As mentioned here, one to me shady character early on in covidiana put out something incongruous to others but recognized by myself, ie ref. to the late Martin Blank's paper on DNA as fractal antenna. If for monitoring, what signals in and out? My own symptoms are so strange, and relate to vaxee blood-related problems, but are provoked over the airwaves, as it were - what frequencies or modulation patterns provoke clots? I know these enter at least through low resistance acupuncture "points". On that i can relate a recent rather confirmatory self-experiment. But what is the nature of the perverse signals?!
Truth Seeker - Aug 14, 2023
I think Dr. Ana said 4 Hz or less for the clot formation. I'm trust someone will correct me if I heard this wrong.
dyr - Aug 14, 2023
4 hz was a reported preliminary finding. How for clot formation? It may however nefariously relate to brain function, as is that not, as I mentioned elsewhere here already, a type of deep sleep brain wave? If this is constant in injectees, might this set the stage for some depth and perverse interaction of body with vax contents? Mood changing?
Truth Seeker - Aug 14, 2023
Yes, I think mood changes are an observed change in the jabbed. I've noticed this, primarily with those who have had 3 or more jabs.
dyr - Aug 15, 2023
re effects after multiple jabs:
since there seems to be a varying distribution across vax lots of incidence of injury and worse, one is moved to consider that unless specific individuals are assigned specific lots as is possible (but via what? in any case i think it likely all politicians or very much most will have received the less toxic or possible placebo as has happened before i think re h1n1 some yr ago in europe), a random assigning of shots can lead to possible placebo receiver on subsequent occasions receiving more dangerous shots, you see what i mean?
i have not noted any diff. in my own (non-injie of course) symptoms originating 2nd or 1st hand from injies based on # of shots they said they got, not that that is an indicator of what's going on inside them necessarily, just my response which may require a mere singleton of the bad shots
i have been around double shot and one 4 or 5 shot up guy and got zero effect from long exposures suggesting they got all possible placebos or "vax lite" minus a critical component that does it to me, or else their particular (actually similar) body types i noted has something to do with apparent benign affect on them and myself
kaal - Aug 14, 2023
yes. i think she said vaxxed blood differs in that it correlates to haarp 4htz mind control/ sleep
Truth Seeker - Aug 15, 2023
I do apologise.
Yes, 4 Hz apropos brain function/mind control.
Personally I thkink clots are a flow-on from this. Something to do with very low frequencies and the 4th phase of water. I wonder if this, as well as the organic/non-organic interface (biology fusing with the hydrogel polymers) aids in clot formation along with the systemic inflammatory reaction of heart (and other organs) muscles and vessels.
Just a thought...π€ππ
kaal - Aug 15, 2023
maybe dr ana can interview SABRINA WALLACE who knows alot. hijacked bio field. time to expand our knowledge. and with the info from bryan kofron. please use this info from ti's and those who know how its perpetrated.
kaal - Aug 15, 2023
ramola d on robert o young.
Baldmichael - Aug 15, 2023
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
It would make sense for Hz to cause harm as in full it is Hertz sounding like 'hurts'.
Megahertz would be large hurts.
Truth Seeker - Aug 15, 2023
...and "They" do so like to toy with words. Double entendré etc.
Dan Preece - Aug 14, 2023
You have a beautiful mind and you should be funded and start doing some scientific experiments.π«ΆπΌ
Steve Kirsch has made hundreds of millions funding medical experiments.
kaal - Aug 14, 2023
bryan kofron whistleblower yrs ago said they target individuals simply with dna resonance i think.
kaal - Aug 14, 2023
so what is the answer to 'what is shedding?" quantum dots are shedding? what i learned new in this article is that the quantum dots are coated in polymer. so they are being shed via radio waves?
kaal - Aug 14, 2023
there is a woman sabrina wallace talking about our missing body part- biofield. and wireless body are networks. she said this happened years ago. check nonvaxer420 on rumble. just repeat trying if it doesnt show.
Dan Preece - Aug 14, 2023
A thought provoking question.
They are molecular and very small and extremely magnetic and mini electrical anomalies. When you touch someone, (and there is a spark,) there must be some electrical currents between people.
kaal - Aug 14, 2023
self replicating also via radio waves. removing water in tissues and blood to transform both into hydrogel to replace them hosting the quantum dot biosensors which also do the self assembling.
Joe - Aug 14, 2023 - Edited
Joe’s Substack
Thank oyu DR ANA for everything you question is does the EDTA or Vitamin C destroy and desolve the polymers and ccleans the blood or does it only prevent further damage? thats really important to understand
JMarie.58 - Aug 18, 2023 - Edited
JMarie.58’s Substack
I had the EDTA chelation + Vit C with peptide and blood was clear afterwards. It’s been 2 months so planning to test again to see if the maintenance protocol has kept it free of the hydrogel.
Joe - Aug 18, 2023 - Edited
Joe’s Substack
Where dod u go?
JMarie.58 - Aug 18, 2023 - Edited
JMarie.58’s Substack
I saw Dr. Ana at her practice in WA state.
Joe - Aug 18, 2023 - Edited
Joe’s Substack
Oh wow…how do u feel? Better?
JMarie.58 - Aug 19, 2023 - Edited
JMarie.58’s Substack
I wasn’t feeling ill then so still the same.
Joe - Aug 19, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Oh okay good…if you don’t mind letting me know if it’s expensive to get what u it
Over 2k?
Crosby Guy - Aug 15, 2023
And no word on Karen Kingston who's now M.I.A. after her last post originally on GETTR. The fight to survive continues on after her major tireless tearful contributions. Millions have seen her last video.
kaal - Aug 15, 2023
It appears her substack was taken over by a fake dr posting a story about karens son lost/ then found prayers answered 'verified" by karens 'brother"- none of this is verified. And karen has malaria/ brain/ behavior/ paranoia and needs/ then is getting medical 'help" but may get "worse". Now Malone and this "brother" are continuing the fraud on twitter. Malone was controlled opposition from the beginning 3 letter and now the truth/ freedom mvmt leader.
Crosby Guy - Aug 15, 2023
Incredible. I called Dr. Ana's office, they called me back and told me they would inform Dr. Ana. However, there's no word. The only thing is, millions have shared her last known video on gettr including the mischaracterized version by Mike Adams, who many consider a mole, and fraud previous to this, along with others who saw what I saw. There are moles, and a list of them with proof. Some are just ignorantly going along with bad information. Seeing is believing here. I trust this research shared.
Day0 - Aug 15, 2023
Can you be sure that the subjects from whom blood is drawn are entirely unvaccinated? By that I mean no flu, shingles, tetanus, or other vaccines within the last 5 years or so? If there is a nefarious inclusion of such marking or signaling structures in the COVID-1984 vexxes, there is good reason to suspect that they are also present in other vaccines of recent manufacture.
Synickel - Aug 14, 2023 - Edited
Doctor M. Would you please advise? I used to take DMSA in the past, for a serious mercury toxicity. I was told that it is the only chelator that passes the BBB, and to use chelators that don't can increase toxin loads in the brain as they don't always fully grab the metal and knock some loose, which may go into the brain, and increase the load there.
I know the brain fog I had from mercury, almost immediately started dissipating when I used it. I have started using it again now after reading your awesome articles, as I am around a lot of vaccinated people every day, and have had symptoms on and off, from picking up their shedding.
Would not the DMSA be a better and safer chelator since it cleans up the brain as well? Or is there a reason that it would not be a good one to use? Thanks for your consideration.
Seeking Truth - Aug 15, 2023
Seeking Truth
I am worried to chelate because I have amalgams & I dont want to pull mercury from them & into my brain.
Synickel - Aug 15, 2023
That is wise. If you have amalgams, they just keep off-gassing into your lungs anyway. That is the issue I had, as well as other exposures. I read Hal Huggins books on mercury toxicity. He was a dentist and immunologist who trained dentists to follow a safety protocol in removing amalgams and detoxing afterward. He trained dentists all over the country.
I found a dentist in Norman, OK, who trained with and was friends with Huggins, and he followed a very strict and cautious protocol in removing mine, on quadrant at a time over a several weeks period. He then put me on a chelation and vitamin/mineral replacement program. I went from near death to amazing recovery in just weeks.
I did not rush the DMSA and only took 100mg, once a week. It is imperative to take plenty of extra vitamins and essential minerals, because it will pull some of that out of your body as well.
Jacs - Aug 15, 2023
Is that dentist still in practice? I'm in Tulsa and have a mouthful plus crowns.
Synickel - Aug 15, 2023
I'm sorry, but he retired quite a few years ago. You might do a search for Hal Huggins trained dentists.
dyr - Aug 14, 2023
How is it said, do you know, that edta can lead to bbb through-passage of metals, if it itself does not go there?
What i primarily think of is the well-established bbb opening attributed to microwave exposures, now ubiquitous. So lack of care or inability to curb such through shielding or fleeing, i can see the problem due to the ubiquity. But otherwise is there what to say, because it is confusing/contradictory.
Okisuke - Aug 15, 2023 - Edited
Okisuke’s Substack
I posted a general comment and note about this topic. Please have a look as I have some experience with EDTA chelation. Will start DMSA chelation as well. Plus I understand the chemical nature of EDTA and DMSA. DMSA is not safer! I talked with my chelation practitioner about this.
Synickel - Aug 15, 2023 - Edited
You are correct. DMSA is strong, so caution and moderation is wise. It is imperative to take plenty of extra vitamins and essential minerals, because it will pull some of that out of your body as well.
I wish Dr. M would weigh in on this, but I guess she doesn't read the comment section.
Pamela Raditsch - Aug 15, 2023 - Edited
Pamela Raditsch
She can't possibly have the time.
Occasionally she does
bastringue - Aug 15, 2023
I'd like to know more about this as well. Why do you believe DMSA would be better than EDTA? I know EDTA is a chelator, but isn't DMSA somehow more dangerous?
Alanna - Aug 14, 2023
from whom do you purchase the dmsa ?
Synickel - Aug 14, 2023
You can get it through prescription, and some compounding pharmacies will make it for you. It's gotten hard to get on the internet, but I just got some from:
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Aug 14, 2023
Ray’s Newsletter
Not so different from the uncontrollability of the mRNA technology, after all? The result seems to be the same as is mRNA was in use...
Is this the end of technological control or an extinction-level event?
Piki - Aug 15, 2023
Kay and the blue teapot.
Thank you Ana, for the incredible mountains of work you do. I am in Belgium. The chemtrails have been horrific and I think they have started to block out the sun too. (It is summer here but we have the plasma cloud-blanket every day). I did the wine test yesterday. I swished red wine for five minutes in the mouth and spit it out on a white plate. I was horrified about what I saw. Some 'things' still wriggled... I did it three times. Every time the same results. We are all infested with threads, clots and wriggling things. I did not take the thing in my arm.
Rachel - Aug 15, 2023
Dr Ana, before commercialising this product, please check the work of biochemist Andrew Cutler author of "Amalgam Illness". R-ALA creates biochemical havock under common conditions, it made me extremely sick (chronic polyneurooatgy) before I could fix the issue thanks to Cutler's recommandations
For supplementation never use ALA in its commonly sold righr form ( R-ALA), if you are going to use it make sure it is in its left form (L-ALA) and in terms of intake schedule strictly respecting its half life (depending on metabolism 2.5h to 3.5h) to avoid redistributing the mercury in the tissues and the brain. ALA is a thiol which crosses the brain-blood barrier, if not used according to those guidelines you will trigger what you're trying to solve namely brainfog, extrem fatigue, neurological issues and the host of other chronic symptoms you have.
Mercury toxicity (low level, chronic, not acute as understood by mainstream MDs) cannot be seen in blood analisis because the mercury hides in the brain and within organs and cells, destroying myelin and blocking enzymes. It has to be inferred. People with dental amalgams (the black fillings) have it for sure. Some light bulbs have mercury vapor, some creams and bactericides found internatiinally have it. You can breathe it, drink it from industrial spilling. It's the most toxic metal there is and no chelation ahould be done without respecting the half-life of the chelatior. Following those recommendations helped me reverse completely my demyelinisation, to the surprise of my neurologist..
Ruth Elizabeth - Aug 15, 2023
The product she recommended also says on the 1st page, "This product made possible by the use of nano tec, so I don't get it.
Sisu - Aug 15, 2023
Dr. Ana, I'm an electrical engineer. Unvaxed, Spiritual organic magnetic and love Earth & Nature. In my studies of human biological blueprints there are some humans who are more magnetic while some are more electrical. There are other possibilities as well such as radioactive. I would sermises this variation comes from different origins of the humans species. What I see here is biological warfare being projected into organic life without consent, without conscious awareness or agreement which makes this Sorcery and Black Magic. The conduction tests you did, where you describe how the life force is being consumed through this technology is Sorcery. Period. I would imagine this would be absolutely catastrophic to indigenous peoples as they are more magnetic in their biology compared to white people. Wonder if you have noticed a difference. I find it hard to believe humans on Earth are evil enough to devise this technology but who knows where this originated or came from. I have my guesses. I would love a microscope to work on this stuff with. Thank you for the work you are doing and sharing!
Webe1 - Aug 15, 2023
Check outwoodnstone820@substack.comHe’s doing exactly what you’re considering!
JMarie.58 - Aug 18, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
Yes, most informative as far as home testing and results.
Webe1 - Aug 15, 2023
Rhonda Mcconahy - Aug 15, 2023
I went to a holistic clinic asking for chelation therapy. I knew I would have to pay cash for it. The first day they did 650$ worth of bloodwork and exam and a Vit c treatment. They want a 300$ heavy metal test just to see if I can do the chelation plus another 250 to tell me the results of my blood work! Is there anywhere else I can go I can hardly breath anymore from this stuff. Does this Medlive help?
Patricia Sonne - Aug 18, 2023
So maddening isn't it!?! Look at Klinghardt Institute dot com. Recommend signing up for emails. May need Aluminum detox for lungs (well we all do really). BioPure AluTox and Cilantro tincture. Ionic foot baths with platinum coil good also if can afford. And a binder - Chlorella or powdered Zeolite. Follow and you'll learn protocols and so much more. <3
Rhonda Mcconahy - Aug 18, 2023
Thank you! I’m not sure what the footbaths are I will look it up along with the other recommendations ..I found the website and will watch the videos. I’ve been taking zeolite, but not powered , I will look into that as well
Patricia Sonne - Aug 19, 2023
DK's recommended ionic foot bath is from KiScience in the UK or BioPure Austria, but there are US brands too. If you get DK's newsletter, take note of his weekly debriefs. They are excellent, and free, Most if not all of the liquid zeolite is nanonized, which is not necessary for it to work in the gut where we need it, and it can cause problems. Hope you find some relief soon, Rhonda! I'm struggling too, thinking I have Lyme again.
Debra - Aug 15, 2023 - Edited
Question: Can an unvaxxed person who has been shedded upon and whose blood is now toxic (for lack of a better word) shed on others who have not been inoculated?
bastringue - Aug 15, 2023 - Edited
I believe the answer to this is yes. This thing is growing in each and every one of us. That's why they are injecting wild animals as well. IMO it's transmitting to each and every living organism.
Debra - Aug 15, 2023 - Edited
Thank you. You're the first one to respond to me anywhere. I believe that's correct. From what I heard Dr. Lee Merritt state a couple of years ago now is that they would inject rats to sterilize them in Australia and they would spread the toxins into other rats and so on like a domino effect. So, my guess is this is no different.
We are taking detox supplements every day. Our dog is also taking them. We try to not let people touch our dog because I'm pretty sure people are shedding on their dogs and cats and causing those animals to become sick and die. On IG, so many dogs have died in the past year or so. It seems highly unusual. There are heart issues, cancers, etc.
Seeking Truth - Aug 15, 2023
Seeking Truth
what are you giving your dog?
Debra - Aug 16, 2023
We give our dog zeolite powder mainly for the shedding issue but he gets other whole food supplements that work to boost his immune system, his microbiome, as well as, healing and keeping his organs healthy. The rescue he was at gave him prozac stupidly to "help" with anxiety. Prozac is pure garbage. Instead it make the anxiety worse and now he's got a lot of flouride in his tissues (on our own we tested his urine - no need for a vet) because prozac is 18% flouride. Flouride is highly toxic. Zeolite takes flouride out of the body. It's very hard to find safe products for dogs that remove flouride.
1) Zeolite powder (we take it too) from zeohealth (zeopure). Zeolite binds to all positively charged substances in the body since it's a negatively charged substance itself (from what I understand, the toxic substances in the shots are positively charged which helps them bind to and/or enter the negatively charged cells). Our cells are negatively charged. I would suggest reading Dr. Howard Peiper's Zeolite book. You can get it from amazon since that's the easiest and fastest way to get it. The book explains what zeolite is, how it works and the benefits. It's a short read and about $7.
Dr. Peiper's website gives good suggestions on dosing since the manufacturer is not allowed to put proper dosing on the package.
2) Systemic Enzymes (mainly for breaking up the scar tissue from the ccl injury he had but it helps in many ways with fibrin and getting rid of waste in the body, etc). We get them specifically for dogs from here:
You don't want to give your dog human systemic enzymes because their bodies are different. It probably won't harm them but it's always better to be safe. Here is the companies explanation:
Dogs take in a lower number of enzymes as they are much smaller and less complex anatomical beings than humans for instance it takes 9 months to grow a human and 60 days to grow a puppy.
3) Medicinal mushrooms. This is a whole topic onto itself. First, only buy mushrooms that you know have been grown on a tree bark not on grains. If grown on grains, it looses a lot of benefits especially for cancer since the mushroom now is more carb based due to the grain. Here's a video from a fantastic holistic vet explaining it: 5 Mushrooms for Dogs and Cats with Veterinarian Dr. Rob Silver DVM, MS "". Second, medicinal mushroom are great for the immune system, for detoxing, and many other reasons including supplying the body with wonderful nutrients.
4) Even intermittent fasting can be helpful. We try to put at least 14 or 16 hours between dinner and breakfast. Intermittent fasting causes autophagy which helps get rid of damaged cells.
There are other things that one can give their dog/cat too (cats are different and one must be sure to read everything so that the product is safe for cats).
To help his immune system and his overall body he gets real organic food and whole food supplements. So, his body is nourished along with detoxing well and safely. We feed our dog raw grass fed green tripe of either beef or lamb (that we buy online from a specific source that we trust - nothing from a can or in a pet store) in the morning and he gets a homecooked (with added whole food supplements fromfourleafrover.comand organic/wild food for dinner of grass feed (100% beginning to end) beef or lamb with organic vegetables. I purchased all the meats from the supermarket so it is human grade. I will not buy prepared fresh foods because they are not organic. Also, those companies also put rice in the fresh foods which is totally bad for dogs to eat and it's something cancer loves. All his treats are organic whole food and wild. Nothing he gets is processed.
John H. - Aug 15, 2023
John H.
They told us they were going to catalogue every living thing on earth. That means they would need to get something capable of doing it into every living thing. Properly trained microscopists should prove it by looking at plants and animals as well as marine life. It wouldn't be hard to come up with a representative sample.
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 15, 2023
matt’s microscopy
I am Unvaxd since 1960's and am shedding. There are no purebloods, its a myth. Vax status means little to me today except they are more advanced in contamination.
John H. - Aug 15, 2023
John H.
That makes sense to me.
bastringue - Aug 15, 2023
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
I'd like to know more about vitamin C dosage and why it should be taken with EDTA (and not simply to take more EDTA). From everything I have read, anything over 1,000 mg vitamin C can lead to kidney stones, and kidney stones are something nobody wants to have.
Baldmichael - Aug 15, 2023
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
I find that the powers that be don't want us to know that vitamin C can be taken at much higher does, certainly intravenously. They tried to blame the Chinese for COVID 19, a.k.a. the 'flu re-branded to make more money for big pharma etc.
The issue with vitamin C as with any vitamins they should form part of a balanced diet when taken orally. I consider that vitamin D and C work together which is why we have CoviD, the letters at the beginning and end of the word indicating the cure/defense.
Carol_007 - Aug 15, 2023
I think you'd need the vit. C intravenously and maybe that doesn't cause stones. π€·
bastringue - Aug 15, 2023
Why that wouldn't cause stones?
Anything intravenous is a big no for me unless it's a matter of life or dead.
Carol_007 - Aug 15, 2023
All I know is that it's been used for different things at sky high doses for many things including cancer. Maybe people are willing to risk it. I'd rather have stones than cancer. π€·
bastringue - Aug 15, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
Nobody wants to have cancer, but I believe kidney stones could be more painful than cancer. Anyway, that's not a choice I would like to make.
I'd like to understand WHY vitamin C when there are so many other "safer" antioxydants.
JMarie.58 - Aug 18, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
VIt C is a chelating mineral besides an antioxidant. I’ve worked up to 5000mg a day as home maintenance after having my blood cleared by the EDTA chelation. No kidney stones. But we’re all different so one has to be willing to experiment.
Synickel - Aug 14, 2023
What I was told when getting treatment, is that chelators don't always attach to the metal particles and sometimes knock them loose, which then can send them back into the bloodstream and possibly to the brain. The EDTA does not go. The DMSA does pass the BBB and is supposedly much better at attaching to particles. I know it sure worked a miracle for me as I was pretty close to croaking.
Patricia Sonne - Aug 18, 2023
Binders can ensure the metals are taken out of the body. Chlorella (like 20 tablets bid) and/or Zeolite powder, 30-60 minutes before meal.
Seeking Truth - Aug 15, 2023
Seeking Truth
what about if u have amalgams?
dyr - Aug 14, 2023
Modern Healthcare
Yes, but what opens the bbb is my question if not mw exposures?
Laura - Aug 15, 2023
Modern Healthcare
Potassium channels
Synickel - Aug 15, 2023
It's been a while back, so I don't remember all the details, but I think it might be based on size of the particles that make up the chelator?
I wish the doctor would weigh in on this. I expect she has the expertise to know.
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