Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 14, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I have shown these Quantum Dot swarms before. When I see the blood light up like this, it is important to remember I am looking at one drop out of six liters. The blood is being transformed by these blinking lights using the cells as energy source into the clots we are familiar with. This is an C19 unvaccinated individual who has been around vaccinated people daily. You can see it is building hydrogel.
Here is a closer look 400x Magnification
Quantum Dots have metals inside which can be removed by EDTA. When I see this many, I realize that the amounts of EDTA needs to be increased in addition to all other supplements like Vitamin C etc.
Here are the patents related to polymer and quantum dot technologies from Karen Kingston:
The polyamides is what Clifford and I have been finding in the blood. The Quantum Dots in the literature have been combined with a polyamide or polyethylene glycol or Vinyl polymer coating. We have found all of these chemical signatures via NIR spectroscopy in the blood of the unvaccinated. Our biological information is not only getting monitored, but the body transformed.
Biocompatible Polymer/Quantum Dots Hybrid Materials: Current Status and Future Developments
Quantum dots (QDs) are nanometer-sized semiconductor particles with tunable fluorescent optical property that can be adjusted by their chemical composition, size, or shape. In the past 10 years, they have been demonstrated as a powerful fluorescence tool for biological and biomedical applications, such as diagnostics, biosensing and biolabeling. QDs with high fluorescence quantum yield and optical stability are usually synthesized in organic solvents. In aqueous solution, however, their metallic toxicity, non-dissolubility and photo-luminescence instability prevent the direct utility of QDs in biological media. Polymers are widely used to cover and coat QDs for fabricating biocompatible QDs. Such hybrid materials can provide solubility and robust colloidal and optical stability in water.
Other research groups have demonstrated the utility of amine functionalized polymers as ligands for ligand exchange process. Amine –NH2 modified poly(acrylic acid) (PAA), an innoxious and water-soluble polymer, has been used to generate PAA/QDs hybrids with long-term colloidal stability.
Numerous reports have been published describing the use of polymer/QDs to label and image cells. For example, PEG is an ideal polymer because it can reduce nonspecific adsorption of biomolecules on QDs.
The sheer amounts of these self replicating nano bots is staggering. I know that Nanotechnology is a trillion dollar industry but these findings really make me want to ask for a moratorium on the deployment until we can answer the question of uncontrollable self replication and its consequences for our biosphere…
In the meantime I recommend EDTA, Vitamin C, NAC, Humic and Fulvic Acid…
Please click this link for the website: Medfive - Enteric Coated EDTA
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Mary - Aug 14, 2023
Mary’s Newsletter
Truly disturbing news Doc. In spite of the planned destruction of the human immune system of the average person. I suspect that some of us will fare better by staying away from the OTC and the pharmaceutical poisons and the fake supplements. I hear that some famous brand supplements are actually owned by pharmaceutical companies.
Come what may. No one will ever convince me to stay alive just to live on a steady diet of medical toxins and carcinogens. We all have two better options than that. Either heal through the use of nature's medicines and/or functional medical care. Or go home to be with the Lord. That's my take on the medical insanity that the medical industrial complex is trying to cram down everyone's throat. If they hadn't killed millions, perhaps billions of their guinea pig customers already. There would be more people alive to live as sick and diseased life-long customers on their drug plantations.
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Phyl - Aug 14, 2023
First and foremost, We, every individual on earth, are Spiritual Beings - of the Light meaning Pure omnipresence Energy, Divine Consciousness. We are here to evolve these carbon based bodies to crystalline bodies to align ourselves to the higher energies pouring to earth via our PORTAL sun. Our real body is Light body Not the human body! They (the status quo) are are hellbent on keeping the human subdued and ignorant of their trues selves to maintain control over the people of earth.
The unvaccinated are the wise ones irrespective of what nonsense is being said about them, it is this state of consciousness that sets them apart from those unenlightened fools who only see as far as their periscope will take them and go no further, so be it!
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