What Happens To A Human When There Is More…

Jul 5, 2023

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Image: Massive Amounts of Hydrogel Building spheres in blood


Terry Adams - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Terry’s Newsletter

Back in 2010 I sent some images of what I had been extracting under my skin to a lady who was (is?) considered the world's best Industrial Toxicologist. Her reply stunned me - She said "lots of different types of nano in your samples as well as hydrogels... which can send and receive frequencies - like a wireless fax" .... I had never even heard of hydrogels!


Roman S Shapoval - Jul 5, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

way to go! same here. Welcome to the elite few who are truly waking up (:


Linda - Jul 12, 2023


What kind of phone do you use? Are the old phones that we had before iPhones safe? They are wireless too. In many areas we cannot have land lines. Copper wire services have been disabled. We can only use Verizon Fios.


BlazeCloude3 - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited


Where do we send our blood to have an analysis ran to determine the infection of Hydrogels, Nanotech? Have seemed attuned to EMP's for years now...And oddly, a night I was especially upset and felt so extremely restless and unable to sleep there was a sudden Earthquake in an area seldom having them to the point of feeling it. Following the quake, I slept as a baby.
Have been feeling sensitive to EMP energy for years and have not been certain of the means by which it can be turned off.


m cameron - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

m cameron

Dr. Ana does the darkfield blood microscopy.


BlazeCloude3 - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited


I know she performs this function in Washington State with her practice. I'm in the Midwest. There must be somebody closer knowledgeable about Nanotech to attend to this problem. Have found a practice in the nearest city providing EDTA Chelation Therapy and made an appt. to attend these physicians. Am taking Dr. Ana's Substacks with me as verification for what's been happening for the recent 4 years...After a 'Power Conduit' Substation for Verizon was placed near our property.


m cameron - Jul 5, 2023

m cameron

Good for you and good luck! What Dr. David Nixon said the other day in an interview was that he was taking colloidal gold to resolve the nano and chlorine dioxide to resolve the hydrogel and "sticky blood cells". Dr. Ana speaks highly of his work and has worked with him also. Here is the linkhttps://www.brighteon.com/b586e72a-59fe-4ccc-bffe-ab1c23955363
Please share


BlazeCloude3 - Jul 5, 2023


Thx Merilee...Just watched and am willing to give it a go. He advises only 3-4 days of this treatment taken in conjunction with Ivermectin. So...


m cameron - Jul 5, 2023

m cameron

I started today.


Joe - Jul 6, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Doesn’t colloidal gold cure rubbery clots?


m cameron - Jul 6, 2023

m cameron

I dont know- I heard about it in a Dr David Nixon interview- he was using it for nano I believe- its a good interview with Maria Zee.


Joe - Jul 6, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Where do u buy a safe chlorine dioxide and is it safe to use?


m cameron - Jul 6, 2023

m cameron

Technically what I make is activated Sodium chlorite with hydrochloric acid. Ive been using it for over a year wouldnt be without it. Check outandreaskalcker.com, he explains alot & doing ongoing clinical studies.


Val - Jul 6, 2023

m cameron

How do I contact her to have my blood looked at?


m cameron - Jul 6, 2023

m cameron

Here's her website- lots of info on there.


Gina zahn - Jul 5, 2023

Gina zahn



m cameron - Jul 5, 2023

m cameron

This is an interview with Dr. David Nixon, Dr. Ana works with him also, in this interview he gives some suggestions for solutions to the nano and other symptoms, very interesting.


m cameron - Jul 5, 2023

m cameron

Best thing is to call her office. She may have a referral for your area. She is in Lacy WA.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Rosalind McGill

Glad you found someone to look. My morgellons had all sorts of strange things coming out of my body that decade , until I did a heavy metal detox with my new doctor. My insurance dictated doctors sent me to the loony bin calling it delusional parasitosis.


TimeIsNear - Jul 6, 2023 - Edited

Rosalind McGill

Wait unit it happens to them. It's only a matter of time. On a serious note, what method did they use to perform the detox? Just curious and wondering if it's possible to do at home. I don't like doctors or hospitals. I don't trust them.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 6, 2023 - Edited

Rosalind McGill

It was by prescription from Metagenics. Very painful but worth it. I think it was a week or ten days. I had to follow the schedule and eat a lot of flax to help my leaky gut flush it out. I’m thankful I found this integrative medicine Dr , he left the system 20 years ago after his hospital told him he was spending too much time with his patients. He specializes in biotoxin mold illness. He’s been incredibly busy since hurricane Ion last year.


TimeIsNear - Jul 6, 2023 - Edited

Rosalind McGill

What kind of holistic or doctor would you go to for a detox. I don't mind the pain. That's been the story of my life after being injured in the military. I was messed up. They had me on 6 Norco a day then bumped it 4 Oxycodone with 2 Oxycontin a day and about 3mg of Xanax. I saw a doctor to ask him to get me off of it because I couldn't stop due to withdraws being horrible. He wrote me a handful of prescriptions to ease the detox and I did it took a week. That was painful and I slept on the floor that week because I was very restless and the wife had to work. I said never again. I lost all trust for the medical community in 2015. That whole ordeal was an eye opener for me. Unfortunately, I still live with chronic pain and neuropathy but I found Kratom which gave me my life back. No withdraws but I feel the pain if I don't take it. Turns our it's also loaded with very powerful antioxidants. Probably the reason they have been trying to ban it for nearly a decade.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 6, 2023 - Edited

Rosalind McGill

I weaned off 8 prescriptions slowly when I was in my late 40’s. I’m a recovering alcoholic and the dr offered oxy when the neurontin stopped working. Everything but my thyroid medicine. That was the last straw. A few years later God put this integrative medicine doctor in my life, I saw him once a year when I visited my mom in Florida. I moved there just before lockdown so I see him regularly now. He only takes biotoxin mold patients right now. I’m glad you got off the prescription s& found some relief with kratom . My husband just started going to acupuncture, it’s helping his back and the foot neuropathy a little. He’s only been going a month, twice a week and then back off to once a week then once every two weeks hopefully. We’re near ft Myers Florida


TimeIsNear - Jul 6, 2023 - Edited

You almost sound like me. I did the prescription detox when I in my mid 40's. Thankfully, I don't crave any of it. It was just difficult to stop taking it. The amount of toxins we put in our bodies from all these prescriptions. I guess some of us had to learn the hard way. I do feel like these drugs changed me if that makes any sense. I've thought about acupuncture also since the VA now pays for it. I don't go to the VA much anymore. I use Community Care to see who I need to see outside of the VA and they pay 100% of the costs. I hope the procedure works for your husband. If not, have him look into Kratom if he hasn't already done so. I've been taking it since 2015. It's fairly cheap but important to find a good vendor along with the right strain. We were Lehigh Acres last summer about 2 weeks before the hurricane hit visiting relatives. We plan on going back this summer sometime if possible.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 6, 2023

Rosalind McGill

A network my dr is involved with.


SilentMajority - Nov 10, 2023

Thank you for your service! My hubbs stuggles with a former non-combat injury, but did not have to endure the myriad of pharmaceuticals that you did. We have spent many years in the alternative health space looking for things to help and Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO have been amazing. Please look up a book by canadian physician amandha dawn vollmer called: "Healing with DMSO: The Complete Guide to Safe and Natural Treatments for Managing Pain, Inflammation, and Other Chronic Ailments with Dimethyl Sulfoxide". You can also search her on YT and rumble for different interviews. she has a substack and several websites (yummy dot doctor is her main one) dedicated to dmso to make sure they are following the rules/regs of canadian fda equivalent. If you are not taking any other meds, dmso can be used internally and topically. It does smell a bit so you can take it internally as "Organic sulpher or msm" without the smell, but it is an absolutely amazing compound for pain and healing. I am wanting Dr. Ana to try both dmso and Chlorine Dioxide for the clotting to see if either have any effect. Chlorine Dioxide Gas as CDS has an activation time of about 1 hour in the body as an Oxidant according to Jim Humble's books, so it should be spaced an hour from other vitamins/meds you are taking. DMSO, on the other hand will enhance any other drug/medicine you are taking so it can "overmedicate" you if not careful. Amanda's books have been the most specific so far about precautions to take as she is a physician and writes it from the perspective of prudence. I alternate it with CDS and our fam has really benefited from it in terms of pain (bee sting, swollen ankle, back pain, bruising etc.) as well as a nice stable energy throughout the day-which I would say is similar to taking the orgainc sulphur/msm flakes as well. You will be amazed what benefits you can get from these 2 things when you start down the rabbit hole!!


TimeIsNear - Nov 10, 2023

Thank you! Unfortunately, it was all for lies and I'm sure you know this by now. Love my country but I despise my government. 2015 was the year I started looking into alternative/holistic medicine. I do believe these approaches work unlike modern medicine. I learned the hard way because I trusted them. This will never happen again as long as I can help it. We've even change how we eat and what products we use. We grow an organic non-GMO garden, microgreens, and sprouts. We supplement it by hitting a farmers market every week. We also buy meat and dairy from our neighbors who don't vax or feed them GMOs. Swapped out hygiene and cleaning products with ones that use safe ingredients. We either buy these from neighbors or do it ourselves. This alone has made a huge difference. We don't get sick much anymore and when we do, it may last 2 or 3 days. It's not even that bad. I used to get 3 to 4 times a year and it would drag on for 3 to 6 weeks. Food is medicine. I'll make a smoothie in the morning with a variety of microgreens, variety of fruits, protein powder, cocoa powder, cinnamon powder, turmeric powder, peppercorn, boron, and raw milk. Then chase it with some raw honey straight out of the beehive. I'm looking to add Ashwagandha to see if it will help. I started struggling with anxiety when I returned. It turned into panic which led to agoraphobia. I do have a bottle of DMSO but have never used it. I read that one should apply some to the skin first. If it creates a pain in the liver area, one shouldn't take it until the detox the liver with MMS. There's one medication that I always have on me and take when needed and that's Clonazepam. I've tried Kava and some and a handful said it helps with anxiety. Neither seemed to help me or may it does help but mine will spiral out of control. I'll end up in the ER but Clonazepam keeps me out of the ER. I don't know how DMSO would be affected by it since Clonazepam has a long half-life. This is why I want to try Ashwagandha. I also picked up some Milky Oat tinctures. I know there something out there that will work but I haven't found it yet. I have no doubts these plants work miracles. I don't mix anything. For example, if I have to take Clonazepam, I will wait about an hour before taking Kratom. DMSO is still new to me but I've read great things about it from others. I copied the information you provided above and will look into it. Thank you!


Rosalind McGill - Jul 6, 2023

Rosalind McGill

My dr told me that the detox also balanced my parasite overload and the metals, based on my blood work after the detox. When I mentioned morgellons, he interrupted me and said this protocol will help all your issues.


TimeIsNear - Jul 6, 2023

Rosalind McGill

So, he knows. I bet many of these doctors didn't take it while others are treating themselves if they were duped. I know some doctors in the VA gave vets and their families the vax cards and dumped the vax. They didn't trust it. I was in the ER right when this crap started and needed surgery. This was before they started any testing and long before the vaccine came out. I asked the doctor, nurse, and anesthesiologist what they thought about this upcoming vaccine and they all said nope. They we're not taking. They had no trust in it. Now, I know they had it made and ready waiting. It was all a show. And I probably got nano injected into me since this seems to be in a lot of injectables before the scandemic.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 6, 2023

Rosalind McGill

An unjabbed friend did a month long detox after going to the dentist recently. We just assume it’s widespread now.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 6, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Encouraging to hear they passed on it . We’ve used the military as pincushions and test runs for vax for too long.


George - Jul 9, 2023

how did that happen?


Gina zahn - Jul 5, 2023

Gina zahn

Do you have a site others can contact her? I know I would find it a great help to get some answers and know what’s in mine


Terry Adams - Jul 5, 2023

Terry’s Newsletter

She has become the subject of quite a bit of debate among "Morgellons" victims. Some say she is NOT a doctor and that the university where she claims she earned her degree doesn't exist, while others admire her courage to stand up and talk about this nanotechnology based bio-weapon. Personally I like Dr Hildegard Staninger because she took the time to read and respond to my frantic emails. She is based out of California - I can tell you that - but I don't know if she is still in the fight - if that makes sense...


Rosalind McGill - Jul 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

She’s working with Clifford Carnicom. He wouldn’t waste time with a fake scientist or doctor.


Terry Adams - Jul 6, 2023

Terry’s Newsletter

When I found out that something was wrong I hit the internet looking for answers. I found some interesting answers atrense.com- something called the "morgellons parasite" which resembled a micro shrimp. Not a month or so later i extracted something that was almost identical to it. i also found out about Clifford Carnicom on Jeff Rense's site as well. His tracking the agencies that frequented his site spoke volumes to me, as it should everyone. At some point after that I burned a fiber with an open flame which revealed "NASA" in quantum dots. i sent an image of this to Carnicom but never got a response. Skizitgesture later made a video of this fiber, which I greatly appreciated. The last interaction I had with Carnicom was a few years back when he seemed to devote all of his energies to classifying the symptoms and other pertinent data of all the victims....


Rosalind McGill - Jul 6, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Do you have a link to the video skitz made by any chance?


Terry Adams - Jul 6, 2023

Terry’s Newsletter

here's her Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@skizitgesture


TimeIsNear - Jul 6, 2023



TimeIsNear - Jul 6, 2023

Terry’s Newsletter

Holy crap, I remember seeing this video on Skizitgesture YouTube channel. I haven't seen anything from his channel in years. I can confirm that I saw the words NASA on it. Is he okay or still around?


Terry Adams - Jul 6, 2023

Terry’s Newsletter

She is a targeted individual and focuses on that aspect of her life these days. She relocated to another state several years ago - as a matter of fact, the summer I spent some time with her she came up to Alabama (from Texas) living in the back of her Silverado pickup. One day I picked her up at the motel she was staying in and noticed that it had a kitchenette. She had bought some fresh produce and a watermelon and it was all resting on the bar. A long knife was beside the fresh melon. When we returned from eating and recording some videos down in the motel's restaurant we went back up to her room... There resting - balanced - on it's side was that knife I had seen earlier. "They just want me to know that no matter where I go they can get to me" - she said... I saw that with my own eyes.... TIs are real - no doubt... Which tells me - PROVES to me that our own gvt is committing crimes against it's own people...


Rosalind McGill - Jul 6, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I had forgotten about skizitgesture. You had more clarity of thought than I did when it was really bad. Thanks for sharing. I had so many odd things. One time I pulled a piece off my leg and I could see through it but it had numbers indented on the skin/plastic. Typical blue and red fibers, sometimes white, other times transparent, little seahorse looking things, bug like things, it was painful & very scary at first. I saved the samples for a long time.


Terry Adams - Jul 6, 2023

Terry’s Newsletter

You are most welcome. Hind sight being 20/20 I think I had this affliction back in the eighties... Mine started with a high pitched frequency in my ears... Sometimes loud, sometimes not so loud - but always there. I had raced loud rotary engine cars and two stroke motorcycles so I shrugged off this hearing issue to that... but it is still with me...


Terry Adams - Jul 5, 2023

Terry’s Newsletter



Okisuke - Jul 5, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Those are extreme examples. In my wildest dreams I can not fathom how those people are feeling. 4 Hz is a very low frequency. Those behind this very well know what they are doing! I turned off Wifi for my router long time ago and set my smartphone mainly to flight mode. Moreover, if I have to use mobile data I manually set it to 4G, not 5G. But I can't fully escape these frequencies unless I live in an isolated bunker.


Roman S Shapoval - Jul 5, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Even then - if you did totally shield yourself, you'd have to disconnect from the healing Schumann resonance, which would unplug you from source energy. So we have to face this thing head on I believe.


Okisuke - Jul 5, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

I agree on that. Combine that with no blue sunlight in the morning and your circadian rhythm is out of balance.


Roman S Shapoval - Jul 5, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Exactly! Gotta get that infrared light first thing to build our solar callus and melanin detox pathway.


lou - Nov 10, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

5G frequency protection is very easy, since the tiny millimeter waves have very little power, and reflect from any sheet metal, including aluminum foil. (You can fold aluminum foil over your phone to verify.)
By contrast, Schuman Resonance pervades our environment, even in a Faraday Cage.


Roman S Shapoval - Nov 10, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Good point Lou. Very true. - as long as our devices and routers aren't on or radiating 5G as often can be the case. Even the iphone 12 is tied to the Cband spectrum of 5G as it's connected to Starlink, but the phone isn't specifically going to indicate "5G" as active necessarily:


Terry Adams - Jul 5, 2023

Terry’s Newsletter

I dumped my smart phone.. it takes some getting used to but it is worth it - at least to me -


LONG In The TRUTH - Jul 5, 2023

Hamish625’s Substack

......NEVER owned one myself, Terry - just FAR too much risk of GROSS exploitation, I realized from the OUTSET.....


Terry Adams - Jul 5, 2023

Terry’s Newsletter

It took me longer, but I have always been naive...


Okisuke - Jul 5, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

I personally only met 2 people since 2018 who are using burner phones (flip phones). They were aware that even a turned off smartphone can be tracked via battery status. I highly admire them for standing their ground and I would bet my money that they didn't get the shot on a voluntarily basis.


SheilaB - Jul 5, 2023


Haven't used them yet, but I bought a few Faraday pouches for phones. That way you can have your phone with you in case of an emergency but you can't be tracked unless you take it out of the pouch. I would ditch my smart phone - I was a late adopter anyway. But my kids contact me on WhatsApp and one lives abroad, so I can speak to her via WhatsApp too.


Unagnu - Jul 6, 2023


Use mine at night. Switch off the phone, put in the bag. Sleep better :)


Escaped Rebel HCP - Jul 5, 2023


I am researching a phone to get as I am way out of town, my old 7plus due to die and do NOT want another smart phone again!


Alyssa - Jul 9, 2023


One of the phones I have been happy with is the Sunbeam flip phone. It is extremely simple, no apps or internet possible. I mostly use my cell phones for emergencies and have been extremely happy with it since I ditched my smartphone quite a while back. I have no intention of ever owning one again.


Linda - Jul 13, 2023


Can you text on the Sunbeam flip phone? Is it still considered a wireless phone? Who is your service provider?


Unagnu - Jul 6, 2023


Ditto. I put mine away at night faraday bag. I also leave it at home - work has Wifi so I'm getting irradiated there, don't need that doubled! I unplug router. Never plug my TV in anymore. Just computer. Unplug that at night as well. Got a beanie for the head that does emf reduction, sounds silly but put it on to sleep. An EMF reducing gaiter for throat/thyroid.
Also PJs that do EMF mitigation/reduction. Incandescent lights are my next thing - taking out the LED lights ... following that - the dimmer switches in my house for the dinning room and the bathroom. Dirty electricity generates that way. Last.. finding a place in my yard to ground my feet in pure sand.


Alyssa - Jul 9, 2023


Wow, I had no idea that the dimmer switches contributed to the dirty electricity. Thank you for this post. Do you have a favorite site for purchasing your emf blocking gear? All of the things we need to consider truly makes my head spin. These sociopaths need to drop dead before they can kill anyone else.


Unagnu - Jul 9, 2023


I buy from Defendershieldhttps://defendershield.com/. Air gapped ear buds are great for my phone. Also I buy protective clothing from Lambs. Pricy, but it does stop some EMF getting to you. I do alot of garden work in Florida where the sunshine is strong UV. So getting plenty of the correct wavelengths of light. I am also wearing blue blocking lenses for computer (work) and general vision. I unplug the router at night and I make sure that I put my phone in to a faraday bag at night - shut it off as well. So that way, can't be tracked AND also no radiation. I just started wear the Lambs hat / beanie to bed. I did sleep better last night. So maybe it works? Waiting to get my Lambs PJs (back ordered) and I hope they come soonest.
I know couple places that sell bed netting to make your bed a reduced EMF zone or eliminate, but as the poster here indicated, that comes with some of its own issues. Collodial Gold is something that seems to disable the mesh from forming so perhaps putting a lotion of Collodial Gold on, will help as well. Not necessary to drink it just pop it on the skin...


dyr - Jul 5, 2023


Why does one not let go of one's mob/kill phone altogether?Full escape is not possible, but much mitigation is. Altho' admittedly less can be more in some circumstances.


Unagnu - Jul 6, 2023


Because my parents panic when they cannot reach me. My employer is doing 2 factor recognition and has us putting an app on our phone to login to the computers! Tracking anyone? State of Florida mind you. So, I opted for the hardware you plug in, it stays on my lanyard and I can't ever be rid of it or lose it BUT it only works for logins on my computer at home and work.


Irene - Nov 10, 2023

Cats’s Substack

how do you set your data to 4G instead of 5G?
What insanity we are now living...I hope the end is very near cause I am seriously done with this evil


Okisuke - Nov 10, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

If you are using android:
1. Go to Settings on your Android device.
2. Select Network & Internet under the settings options.
3. Tap on Mobile Network from the list of available options.
4. Find the Preferred network type option and select 4G/LTE as the preferred network type option if it is not already selected.
5. Once you have made this selection, restart your device and it will be switched back to 4G/LTE mode for data usage purposes.


croydon kemp - Jul 5, 2023

croydon’s Substack

What Happens To A Human When There Is More Hydrogel, Nanotechnology And Synthetic Biology Then Blood? You didn't answer the question? What does happen?


Roman S Shapoval - Jul 5, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

I believe Ana is implying that a total new cyborg type of human can then be created, bit by bit, unless you die first.


croydon kemp - Jul 5, 2023

croydon’s Substack

I am starting to believe that Ana is looking at a fire she has no idea how to put out.
No help there.


Pamela Raditsch - Jul 5, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

Oh brother...She is learning as she goes, and sharing with those who will listen.
Don't you see that?!


Rosalind McGill - Jul 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

She’s doing good work! & fighting for humanity.


Unagnu - Jul 6, 2023


No. I see her panicking everyone with doom porn. How about other than EDTA what can I do today to help myself? Rife? Colloidal Gold? NAC? Nicotine? IVM? Methylene Blue? Borax Water? Gotta be something out there folks.


Pamela Raditsch - Jul 6, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

Panicking everyone with doom porn?! You really have no idea who Dr. Ana is.
And, by the way, she also has plenty of recommendations. You have to take the time to sift through previous stacks she's written instead of complaining so rudely.


Pamela Raditsch - Jul 6, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

So you see it isn't just me who knows this, in these comments, if you scroll down to the 1st comment from I AM, she is thanking Dr. Ana for her research and detox therapies


Unagnu - Jul 6, 2023


Augmentations are being pushed hugely to the young - superheros anyone? And though that they will hook em up to the AI and become like in Matrix... These people tell you what they are going to do you know? Your job is protest, avoid, reject and deny as far as you can any purchase on you mind, soul, or body.


m cameron - Jul 5, 2023

m cameron

Last week I heard Dr. David Nixon speaking about taking colloidal gold to remove or "deactivate" the nano and chlorine dioxide to get rid of the hydrogel and crud that makes your red blood cells stick together. I know Dr. Ana has worked with Dr. Nixon and speaks highly of him and his work.


Roman S Shapoval - Jul 5, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Our bodies were designed to function with the Earth at 8Hz to 30Hz:https://romanshapoval.substack.com/i/98919678/what-is-light-baby-dont-hurt-me
ELFs like Haarp are even more dangerous than acute EMF from 5g etc.


Reality - Jul 5, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

i suspect there is a mobile app that disables synbio for the slave masters.


Roman S Shapoval - Jul 5, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Ironic but you're probably right!


Unagnu - Jul 6, 2023


Maybe it modulates what the phone emits to jam or block the tech?


Bruce Cain - Jul 5, 2023

Bruce’s Newsletter

We are being governed by psychopaths. That needs to stop.
"Basically you can either see the world as dead matter to be exploited which is essentially the view of the current globalists and tyrants throughout the ages. Or you can see the world as an interconnected whole that requires us to appreciate and nurture those interconnected systems. Certainly the most important interconnected system is the family: which has always been the glue that holds society together.
You can see the people as “useless eaters” or “useless idiots” to be exploited under collectivist ideologies, which again is the view of the globalists. Or you can see the people as deserving bodily autonomy, inalienable rights, free speech, free markets and human dignity so they may thrive.
And that is why I am so committed to free speech and opposed to central control through digital currencies (CBDC’s) and the WHO Pandemic Treaty. I will never except a world where human’s are treated as slaves on a Global Plantation and where dissent becomes impossible. I will never except a world where psychotic globalists push their central control ideologies under the guise of fake climate change, indoctrinating our children through Marxist LGBTQ/CRT curriculums and other nonsensical bullshit. And that is why I encourage the people of planet Earth to unite, rise up and support policies that nurture and respect the interconnected reality of this world. It is why I support an agenda that puts people first." Quote from Bruce W. Cain (June 2023)
A Call to Action: It is time for the people of every nation to oppose the Globalist Agenda
Primary demands: No digital currency (CBDC), No WHO Pandemic Agreement and No further censorship of free speech


NJ Election Advisor - Jul 5, 2023

NJ Election Advisor

So - how to remediate ?


Roman S Shapoval - Jul 5, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

sunlight, breathe, structured water, grounding, get rid of the wireless in our local environment, pray, meditate, laugh, cry, repeat.


420MedicineMan - Jul 5, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

The CDC is paying money to the unvaccinated in rural area's for some sort of medical testing. This courageous woman in the link below was banned on Tik Tok for recording and reporting it to her friends. Apparently the whole community was given some sort of medical wrist band that records medical data a month or so before. Something is diffidently going on.
Dr Ana I think you're right about HARRP.


futurehumanity - Jul 5, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

I believe we need not only EDTA but personal EMP electro magnetic pulses to disable the nanotech
Just make sure to do it in the woods, with nothing metallic in or on you


Roman S Shapoval - Jul 5, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Thanks for that. Any ideas on how to carry out personal EMP?


Stella - Jul 5, 2023

Writing from the Heart Jewel

I think, as I recall, Dr. Ana said they tested electro magnetic pulses since people were saying to use it, and she said it can do the opposite and cause more growth. Anyone remember her saying that?


futurehumanity - Jul 6, 2023

EMPs can make hydrogel grow, but they knock out nanos, the solution is simple, use EDTA first to get rid of hydrogel then use an EM Pulse to knock out the nanos!


Julie Stander - Jul 6, 2023

Writing from the Heart Jewel

Yes, I remember.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I recall her saying another person put his slides in a faraday cage and everything disappeared. He removed the shield and the fibers started growing again. Sorry I don’t have a link. I know it was a recent rumble video.


Marty - Jul 5, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Someone commented here a few weeks ago that isochronic tones helped them cure from morgellons, i don't remember the exact frequency


Rosalind McGill - Jul 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

But we’re full of a lifetime of heavy metals!


Larry Sullivan - Jul 5, 2023

L Sully's Editorials

Yes, I'm happy you included Cathy's testimony and her work. Sometimes we forget that the war by the Globalist Genocidal goons against humanity goes back decades
Thanks again to the brilliant and brave doc Ana! ☀️


Unagnu - Jul 6, 2023


Decades? Try centuries or more...


Larry Sullivan - Jul 6, 2023

L Sully's Editorials

Yes, I should have said centuries.


http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Jul 5, 2023


There are no coincidences: Right now in German TV: Fall guy (Baunernopfer) -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33HXcsf0-RA(use autotranslate if necessary).
The film is from 2011, and it's about nano technology in vaccines for cattle.
S. a. The Intelligent and Brave Have Been Waiting for this Weapon -https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/the-intelligent-and-brave-have-been


I AM - Jul 5, 2023

I’s Substack

Thank you so much for sharing your research and detox therapies, Ana. Bless you and all that you do.


Gina zahn - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Gina zahn

nobody i know has asked how this affects blood pressure. does it explain some with blood pressure issues? 2020 i woke up with something i could not understand had happen to me. i was dizzy and weak. i ended up in ER . blood work showed hemolytic anemia . could not explain. ?my red cells at least some had burst for some unknown reason. I had myoglobin in the blood too which can happen with low oxygen. they could not explain this. not sure if my husband had transfer from his recent jab? or something else?


Nanc - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Nanc’s Substack

Hmmm I’d say your vaxed husbands shedding is your problem. You are no longer unvaxed, I’m afraid. This is a very meticulous planned mass Democide and they planned for those of us who refused their poison. Today, it’s everywhere, the food, water, air, you name it. How many of us survive this, only God knows.
You can oxygenate the blood with Chlorine Dioxide. Look up Dr. Andreas Kalcker , he has a ton of great information on this miracle.
Wishing you the best.


Gina zahn - Jul 6, 2023 - Edited

Gina zahn

that is toxic are you kidding me?????


TimeIsNear - Jul 6, 2023 - Edited

Nanc’s Substack

Chlorine Dioxide is safe if you follow the protocols. Many people have and still use it. Did you know it used to be used to purify water until they started using chlorine and flouride. How safe are those compared to CD? LOL It's far worse. Hikers, campers, and others still use it every day. A person had been given 6 months to live with aggressive lung cancer and he is still alive after 3 years. Tumors are almost gone. Have you read Jim Humble's book? If not, read it to learn about it before screaming it's toxic since it's helped countless people.


Nanc - Jul 6, 2023 - Edited

Nanc’s Substack

Thank you Time for your level headed and true response.
The Gina’s of the world crack me up. I imagine colloidal silver is “toxic” too, lol 😂.
I’ve used Chlorine dioxide for years, I use it daily in all my pets water bowls, and nope, no dead pets yet, 10+ years and counting.
I cured my sister and her family when they got the covid (whatever that is).
Just 3 drops of both the Chlorine Dioxide and 3 drops of the activator in a few ounces of distilled water every hour for 8 hours and bam 💥, they were back up and running in less than 48 hours!
I make the CDS and add it to my daily water, about 10ml for a 24oz bottle. Been doing this for years, still here, lol 😆.
The only downside with this miracle molecule is that you cannot take any antioxidants with it, they cancel each other out.
So, for those wishing to oxygenate their blood, look no further.
For the screaming idiots, check out Telegrams, Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I’m not jabbed and had bleeding in menopause the week after helping newly jabbed and injured elderly family. Shedding is by design.


Terry Adams - Jul 6, 2023

Terry’s Newsletter

What about body temp? I noticed back in 2009 that my body temperature was about a full degree lower than the normal 98.6 (F)... Now I am reading that the medical community claims that everyone's body temp is getting lower but it's OK because it's natural.... I don't believe that for a second. Personally I believe this drop in the body's core temperature is a direct result of our nano infestation. Anyone have any thoughts?


Unagnu - Jul 6, 2023


I run cold a degree below normal. Therefore when I am above normal, I am having a fever (.5 degree above). But doctors will say I'm healthy and fine! I OTH know I am not fine not healthy and running a temperature.


Unagnu - Jul 6, 2023


PS. And yes, the nano infestation could be what is doing it. I'm off to get some colloidal gold now, use with the NAC, EDTA pills, and Zeolite. And add some IVM and Borax Water for the 5 day 'flush'. I've just discovered methylene blue now... so I want to try that a touch of nicotine too.


Terry Adams - Jul 6, 2023

Terry’s Newsletter

Nicotine - smoking - hmmmm Does it make sense that a cabal that wants us sick and ultimately dead also wants us to stop smoking? I think that smoking hardens the lung tissue thereby making it harder for the floating nanobots to pierce it and infest us. Ya know, the last time I interacted with Skiz (who, by the way, once said i was the most infested morgellons victim she had ever seen) she was openly surprised that I was still alive!


Unagnu - Jul 6, 2023


Or nicotine itself has an impact on the synbio/nanobot... don't discount that. Boron as well as Gold - both can be I believe it was electron donor, which might mess with that nanobot on a quantum energetic level, or change cellular potential just enough so the thing can't power up... like AC and DC current...


Unagnu - Jul 6, 2023


Which reminds me about Boron. This interesting (lengthy piece) shows how very *versatile* Boron is. What if, Boron (in the form of Borax, boron sodium tetra hydrate) is able to block, interfere or otherwise disrupt the 'bio engery' the nanobot is utilizing to build itself AND the filaments?
over the past decade, boron chemistry has been steadily subverted. A string of boron compounds in exotic bonding states have turned the element’s behavior on its head. Boron can be coaxed into become a strong nucleophile, a Lewis base, an electron donor. ‘When you make the hypovalent compounds that we make, boron becomes an exceptionally powerful reductant,’ Braunschweig says.
‘At the moment there seems to be an influx of new boron compounds with special reactivity,’ says Rebecca Melen from Cardiff University in the UK. ‘Small-molecule boron chemistry has really come into vogue in the last 10 or 15 years,’ Douglas Stephan from the University of Toronto in Canada agrees. ‘And the landmark in that game is Holger Braunschweig’s work,’ Stephan adds. ‘His 2018 paper, where he activates dinitrogen, is absolutely astounding. It is just going to spur so much activity.’
Being boron
The renaissance in boron chemistry is all the more remarkable given how far main group chemistry had slipped into the doldrums. ‘If you think back 30 years or so, what did we know of boron chemistry, what was boron good for?’ Braunschweig asks. ‘Boron was good for making glasses, and for detergents. Pretty boring, right?’
Today, things are different. Boron is a key functional component of technologies ranging from anticancer drugs (such as the boronic-acid-based multiple myeloma drug Velacade) to OLED displays and solar cells. ‘And then there is the organic synthesis part, Suzuki coupling and everything related to that,’ Braunschweig adds. This transition-metal-catalysed reaction, employing boron as a universal connector for new carbon–carbon bond formation, has becoming a mainstay for synthesising pharmaceuticals and other valuable organic molecules. In 2010, Akira Suzuki shared the Nobel prize for the discovery.
An image showing the structures of diborane and boryllithium
Boron compounds like diborane (left) and boryllithiums (right; Ar = 2,6-(i-Pr)2C6H3) can have unusual and unexpected bonding
But boron is not just being picked up in fields such as organic chemistry and materials chemistry. Inorganic boron chemistry itself, and main group chemistry in general, is also experiencing a renaissance.
Back in the first half of last century, German inorganic chemist Alfred Stock pioneered boron hydride chemistry. Some of the compounds he created, such as B2H6, seemed to defy basic bonding theory. As it was later discovered, boron was forming cluster compounds to achieve the elusive electron octet. In B2H6, rather than being a direct replica of its carbon analogue ethane, the structure is held together by two bridging hydrogen atoms, chemists established in the late 1940s. Each bridge shares two electrons across three atoms, forming a three-centre, two-electron boron–hydrogen–boron bond that thereby gives each boron atom a complete octet. A far cry from the covalent or ionic bonds we learn about in school.
The discovery showed boron could engage in some weird and wonderful chemistry. But after that time – apart from a few notable discoveries such as the borohydride reducing agents – boron chemistry fell fairly quiet. ‘There hasn’t been very much exploration of main group elements in the grand scheme of things,’ Stephan says. ‘People focussed on organic chemistry, and on transition metal chemistry, and main group chemistry has taken a back seat over the past 50 years.’
One likely reason, Braunschweig suggests, is that boron chemistry is really challenging to do. ‘The compounds are highly air- and moisture-sensitive: they burn in contact with air and whatnot. They are very difficult to make,’ he says. ‘It took a while until this was overcome.’ Gradually, as boron chemistry gained attention for its applications to organic synthesis, culminating in the Suzuki reaction and related transformations, the element was tamed. ‘You had to develop a toolbox to control boron chemistry,’ Braunschweig says.
Developing the necessary know-how to handle boron has underpinned its renaissance, Braunschweig believes. ‘Boron chemistry is always a challenge, so it is very rewarding if you reach your goals,’ Braunschweig says.


Marty - Jul 8, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

The odds of nicotine having any ability of counteracting the synbio and this nanobots hellfest are almost zero. Nicotine is very efficient against envenomation (and it has become clear that, out of all the bioweapons deployed in recent times, some of them act like synthetic venoms, and nicotine prevents damage by binding to the nAC receptors). If nic had any effects against the synbio it would be through some weird indirect mechanism and that would be quite a story and we would all start to wear nicotine patches all day long ..
But Boron and colloidal gold, yes. Colloidal gold carries an electric charge. Look at this video (starting at 03:20 in the video) you can see the colloidal gold dissolving the nanotech at a distance:


Webe1 - Jul 5, 2023


Would the following approach work?
EBO2-Yu method is a protocol of infusing ozone into your blood outside the body and then infusing it back into the patient intravenously. However, unlike the Ten Pass Ozone method of taking out a small amount of blood a handful of times and exposing it to ozone alone, the EBO2-Yu method pulls out and purifies the entire blood supply of the patient’s body by running it through a dialysis filter (ergo, “ozone dialysis”, please note: because we only add ozone gas to the blood and not large volumes of water as is done in traditional dialysis, ozone dialysis does not carry the risks of traditional dialysis).
The EBO2-Yu method combines ozonation with two other components that take the effectiveness to the next level.


(Comrade) Inugo - Jul 5, 2023

The New Normal

Research attached - for discussion.



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