What Happens To A Human When There Is More Hydrogel, Nanotechnology And Synthetic Biology Then Blood? And A HAARP Warning BY Cathy O'Brien From 1990's - Is 4Hz Accelerating This Process?

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 05, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image: Massive Amounts of Hydrogel Building spheres in blood

I have been seeing in many people a concerning trend of accelerated self assembly in C19 un-injected blood. I have seen even worse than this in many people.


Hydrogel can replace any organ, including the immune system as Karen Kingston showed in the patents.


If you have seen my previous posts, you understand that each of these spheres can grow hydrogel filaments, but now it is growing complex webs.


Global Warning

by Cathy O’Brien


Is it coincidence?

Why do you suppose

every time HAARP tunes up

global warming shows?

Could global warning be

HAARP’s public disguise?

Or is it a byproduct

of HAARP’s unnatural skies?

Is the ozone layer hole

above and beyond repair?

Does NASA have solutions?

Or know how the tear got there?

Whales are beaching without cause.

Do walrus really suicide?

How is harmony with nature

affected by HAARP’s vibe?

How does HAARP affect our “daze”?

Does HAARP play on all night?

Why are we left in the dark

while HAARP rides the Northern Light?

Is our planet out of balance

as polar ice caps melt?

Is the turning of the tide

destined to be literally felt?

HAARPing on the weather

has mother nature storming

We owe it to our planet’s future

to sound a global warning.

Lets all march to our own strum

and pull HAARP’s plug pole to pole

put the planet back in balance

and restore SELF control.


by Cathy O’Brien


Is there a glitch in the matrix?

a rupture in the rapture?

a trance portal through time?

a question to hereafter?

Is heaven a journey?

or a simple destination?

are we living the Apocalypse?

or times of tribulation?

Is timeless ancient wisdom

emerging again as true?

are aliens just natives?

evolved past me and you?

Is the next dimension

also destined to repeat?

or is truth there absoulute?

and life’s purpose complete?

Is time’s infinity mirror

reality’s reflection?

reverberating awareness?

now reversing its direction?

Is the gravity of time

deeper than we can perceive?

generating harmonics?

that affect us naturally?

Or is time manipulated?

leaving the future behind?

thrusting the present ahead?

in a giant step for mankind?

A step in which direction?

toward what eternal goal?

will mother nature be in time?

or is man now in control?

Its time we raised the questions

looked twice at the UNscene

past religion and scientists

to see who plays HAARP’s strings.

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Terry Adams - Jul 5, 2023

Terry’s Newsletter

Back in 2010 I sent some images of what I had been extracting under my skin to a lady who was (is?) considered the world's best Industrial Toxicologist. Her reply stunned me - She said "lots of different types of nano in your samples as well as hydrogels... which can send and receive frequencies - like a wireless fax" .... I had never even heard of hydrogels!

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Okisuke - Jul 5, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Those are extreme examples. In my wildest dreams I can not fathom how those people are feeling. 4 Hz is a very low frequency. Those behind this very well know what they are doing! I turned off Wifi for my router long time ago and set my smartphone mainly to flight mode. Moreover, if I have to use mobile data I manually set it to 4G, not 5G. But I can't fully escape these frequencies unless I live in an isolated bunker.

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