Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 22, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I received an email from weapons expert Mark Steele explaining that he now confirmed the Directed Energy Weapons in London as part of the smart city grid. These are the images received from him.
Here is the email from Mark:
“These are the ULEZ weapons for the 15 Min digital city agenda - We have now confirmed these to be Class 4 lasers. X 24 laser diodes in each laser Gun head. This is not a camera as we have been told but a Direct Energy weapon deployment across London. It has a high speed Modem manufactured in China for THALES operating platform is Microsoft Azure Lockheed Martin 5G MIL Cloud operating platform.
Confirms the planned murder of a civilian population plan.”
Here is the response.
If you have not seen my interview with Mark Steele, he explains how the metamaterials in the COVID bioweapons interact with 5G and how the smart cities are prisons that are used for total surveillance civilians and are fully weaponized as he now confirms. The self assembly nanotechnology allows total surveillance and control and the metals in the shots enhance facial recognition satellite technology.
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Free Human - Jul 22
Free Human
We need people to start crowdsourcing lists of cities in the US where it can be confirmed that these things are being deployed too (as well as suggestions from technically informed folks for the best low-tech methods that an average person can use to disable them). These are surely not just in London...
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TruthSeeker - Jul 22
Humanity is doomed unless we start cutting off the heads of the hydra one by one. How people do this is up to them but humanity needs to start fighting back or there will be no turning back. Who in the hell wants to live in a smart city or be monitored 24/7? I don't and won't. I haven't received any shots and won't get even the flu shot. I lost all faith in the medical establishment and their so called vaccines. It's all a hoax and a scam. Terrain Theory is more closer to the truth as to what is going on. Now there are buoweapons which were made in a lab that they call viruses but that's as far as I'll go. The rest is your body detoxing itself and self healing like the Great Architect designed it too.
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