Was It Known In Science That Polyethylene…

Mar 31, 2024

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Image: C19 unvaccinated blood showing spheres that are self assembling the filament


Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter - Mar 31

Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter

My Ex wire had Morgellans in the early days when doctors called it phantom bugs. I was horrific for her and left her scarred over most of her body picking at the itching beneath the skin. She went kinda bonkers and we tried all the antibiotics, mange medicine, distilled water baths, but she never got over the many symptoms and damage. I looked at 1,000 x under a microscope I bought just for trying to figure it out. It looked like carpet lint, with no mouth, body, or indication it could be alive, let alone replicating. Neither I or my son developed the problem and it was not known before I left her after she divorced me. It was as if an Archon had taken her over and kept her depressed, angry, self loathing, and all low frequency energies.


scout - Mar 31

Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter

'match box case' was the SOP (response) for morgellans after the military began ionization of the ionosphere during the 90s with the stock metals, barium, strontium, aluminum plus polymers, couple other metals, also, if I recall. Women seem to often pull the strings out and place inside the friction match boxes. MDs, ofc, had no clue and no time. Your wife struggled much. Sorry to hear this.


Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter - Mar 31

Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter

Yes, she spent endless hours pulling the blue, red, and white fibre, if I recall the colors right, and thought there must be bugs all over in sheets and all. It was hell for her for sure.


anna burns - Mar 31

Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter

Is your wife recovered now, and if so, what did she do for it? I wonder if Ivermectin would have helped. About 10 years ago, I had something going on on my skin and I felt crazy from it. I dealt with it for months. I tried lots of things topically to get rid of it and nothing worked. I finally tried ivermectin in the form of horse paste, and all my symptoms went away. If possible, it's better to use the pills, but I was desperate so I took the horse paste.


Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter - Mar 31

Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter

Ivermectin was never prescribed. I do not associate with her anymore. It was not a kind divorce as her Archon guided her to attempt a full financial castration despite I had been the one to earn the millions I gave her for my freedom. In many ways I still operate under the position that our attitude, perspective, positive or negative, has much to do with our recovery from any illness. She remained quite negative minded... beyond my ability to remain.


anna burns - Mar 31

It sounds very traumatic. It's good that you are free from that.


Jeffrey Osborne - Mar 31

Jeffrey Osborne

And why are we allowing the oligarchs to dictate what WE the human race ,to what we allow in our bodies…i say F YOU…. I have my own choice to decide what goes into MY BODY . IF something works for you have at it….if you are scared I will infect you and your government tells you to take that route….then obviously the jab you took on your own or were forced to take……..you were lied to……if it saves you and I die…..oh well……I die. I wear a winter coat in Canada….. you live in Florida and don’t wear a winter coat but your government tells you that you have to wear a winter coat or else I will freeze to death…..like how dumb is that…..same goes for many things….you take your vitamins or mine won’t work…….vitamins are crap then…….wake up sheep……and F your jabs klaus swabby and turd 💩 boy.


scout - Mar 31

Please read Rivera's books. Manifest destiny is a good start. He covers everything mostly scanning the surface, so you can continue in further research. Easy reading with high interest rate.


joe stuerzl 85 - Mar 31

joe’s Substack

Please people cheer up and celebrate .Pfizer just announced that it now has a vaccine ,that prevents you from ever dying of old age ,because the vaccine will kill you at a young age .


Sarah - Mar 31


"we" arent allowing anything. like, as in "new threat. who dis?"


Elizabeth Sarah - Mar 31 - Edited


My memory of PEG (and I think there are different PEGs), was when I lived in England and they found the ship of Henry VIII, buried in the silt and brought it up to surface, but they had to preserve it as it was a wooden ship and the silt it was buried in preserved it, but once on land it had to be preserved, and they sprayed it for along time with a preservative and that was PEG. This was in Portsmouth, England.


Effra - Mar 31 - Edited


I remember watching a documentary on that ship. And they mentioned PEG used in that manner. And I said to myself, “PEG is the ingredient in Miralax, which I have taken.” And I stopped taking it.
But how many mesogens are in my digestive system now?


BlazeCloude3 - Mar 31 - Edited


Yes indeed, noticed the same thing. And, Miralax is what Gastrointestinal Doctors or Proctologists advise all to consume before a common Colonoscopy. Woo 'F-'ing Hoo!
When trying to advise the physicians; they're so indoctrinated by Allopathological nonsense as Rockefeller's Prostitutes, THEY WILL NOT LISTEN or even begin to pursue their own research when we offer resources to find the information.


Charlotte Pendragon - Mar 31

The Charlotte Pendragon Diaries…

Detox, detox, detox, detox, detox.......


Kathleen Pimentel - Mar 31 - Edited

Kathleen Pimentel

Psalms 37:1-40 Amen


joe stuerzl 85 - Mar 31 - Edited

joe’s Substack

Kathleen ,What can a husband do if the wife complied already ,and is shedding on me .?I did beg her not to take any shot or shots ,but she did anyway .I asked her why did you betray me and trust some yahoo more than me ?She said,where I work the girls where teasing me ,that I was more scared of a harmless needle ,than of the covid that will kill me together with the rest of the girls there ,so I took it .How many? She did not say . Did I marry the most stupid woman in the world??


Carol B - Apr 1

Carol B

We’ve all been exposed. Actual injection might add extra punch but everyone has nano, self assembling structures in their blood.
Air, water, food, many prescription and otc meds, injections, dental anaesthetics, - many paths to pollute us.


joe stuerzl 85 - Apr 1

joe’s Substack

As I stated many times ,they have many ways to kill us .Dr Milhathea stated that she found no blood that was not contaminated ,waxxed or unwaxxed .It seems we can't defend against the extermination program .


Carol B - Apr 1

Carol B

Tell the technology, “I do not comply. Get out, leave my body. Be gone.” If so inclined, quote the Bible. There are some powerful verses in it. Don’t disregard or underestimate the power of your spoken word, commands.


joe stuerzl 85 - Mar 31

joe’s Substack

Blessed are the ones who are married to the right partner .


KT-SunWillShineAgain - Apr 15


Hi Joe,
Sorry for the late reply. My husband also ignored my pleas to avoid getting the jabs and now is vaccine damaged. His bullying brother, a Barrister, pressured him to "do the right thing" and get vaxxinated while his street smart cousin refused to jabbed.
The pressure to get jabbed was immense, both professionally, and personally. It was like coming at us from all sides, especially all the gov advertising campaign.
We have been and are being spiritually raped and are being dehumanized and physically injured and traumatized on so many levels, and it continues since so many are still in denial, even amongst the most educated and highly intelligent.


Apologetic Yankee - Apr 1

Apologetic Yankee

Hopefully you don't have any children Your wife has exposed to the transhumanist agenda > that's another nightmare in & of


Kathleen Pimentel - Mar 31 - Edited

Kathleen Pimentel

Sadly, many have suffered around the world who feel betrayed. What shall we do? We will reconcile and be resolved who shall remain to resist knowing who are the actual adversaries and to whom they follow. [For better and for worse, in sickness and in health, til death due us part] Pray she overcomes her pride and repents for having betrayed your trust.💞


joe stuerzl 85 - Mar 31 - Edited

joe’s Substack

It's not only my wife who betrayed me .My brother lived 800 km.away and suddenly none of my calls to him by phone where taken .Than one day about two years ago ,his son came by and told me,that my brother had died three month ago ,when he went to a hospital because of a flu .Of course I was shocked and wanted to know all about it .He told me that his father was isolated given remdesivir ventilated with prison like treatment .It killed him in six days .He believes he got the best treatment there . He was cremated and the ashes scattered in a lake .He said his wife and him and his sister did not want me to know ,because they where scared I would go there and kill the rest of them with the covid I would most likely bring with me .Do I live in a insane and criminal world or what else is it ??


Kathleen Pimentel - Mar 31

Kathleen Pimentel

Yes. It's also known as end times.


Gary - Mar 31 - Edited

Gary’s Substack

I told my dad I’d commit suicide if he got the shot and he just scoffed .


joe stuerzl 85 - Mar 31 - Edited

joe’s Substack

Well Gary ,going to a hospital with a flu is committing suicide .Several nurses who where fired or quit for not murdering patients testified on camera ,that no one survived the treatment ,as was done to my brother NONE .The shots are just one of many ways to murder us,among many others .


Gary - Mar 31

Gary’s Substack

I wish I could state otherwise, but sadly, I have to agree with you. I even heard a doctor say repeatedly: “we are killing people.”


Chris - Mar 31


Every single Asian person (especially those from East Asia, the Sino-sphere) in the United States seems to be on board with this great reset techno-authoritarian garbage. It is clear to me at this point that they have been imported for this purpose, to transform the United States into a hub for this fucking bullshit. I believe that absent a belief in God, people are vulnerable to worshipping this demonic AI future. Many of the East Asians (and many South Asians as well) around me, do not take belief in God seriously. It is status and material success over all else. San Diego has been turned into western Canada over the past decade, and especially since "COVID." I don't even recognize my hometown anymore. Good luck to those of us who are not on board with this great reset garbage. We are going to need it.


Susan Skinner - Mar 31

Susan’s Newsletter

I think there are a lot of bad, evil people who have done this to humanity. Some folks need to be exterminated for murdering and crippling many humans. Nuremberg trials on GO…..


Max Headroom - Mar 31

Linda’s Substack

If no gasoline was sold for one week? If no retail sales took place at any store for a week; hmmm. That could be business ending for many. Could be bad, right? I’ll answer……absolutely catastrophic! Some would say “why would we do that?” Well, that would be considered a lesson. I would consider it a warning. The evil ones take our money, that we freely give them by the way, turn around and use it against us. If we don’t like what is happening, stop giving the enemy ammo!


Linda O - Apr 2

Linda’s Substack

Power Grid Failure: no water supply.


Sarah - Mar 31


it is soooooo much worse than thst imho; biblibal proportoins' worth....


Linda L Lyden - Mar 31

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

A lot of people don't know that PEG is in a lot of things! A lot of medications, right down to the generic type of aspirin you buy a big name drug stores. Peel that label on the aspirin bottle around, like it actually instructs you to, and very that thing there on the "inactive ingreidents" is PEG, (polyethylene glycol) Hair dyes? Yes look at the ingreidents on that "safer" hair dye at your favorite organic food store, PEG!!!!


curious butterfly - Apr 5

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

The free toothpaste my dentist gave me had PEG. We have to check absolutely everything.


Sajid Yaqub - Mar 31

Sajid Yaqub

Its Always Everything, Everywhere All At Once- RottenChilds.


Claire De Lune - Mar 31



Greypaw - Mar 31


Wow! Just watched the most recent youtube video of DrBerg describe how PEG is a main ingredient in Bill Gate’s APEEL fruit n veg coating product!! 🤯🤮😡 Why am I not surprised 🤦‍♂️


Rob - Mar 31


Even when consuming organic produce, anything with a skin that you wish to ingest must be blanched in boiling water for 10 seconds, then rinse and wipe off


Catherine - Mar 31 - Edited

Linda’s Substack

Meth Blue come with dangerous side effects. I think if you are going to push it, you should also provide the warnings. I had a very bad reaction to it causing my heart to race uncontrolled, unable to sleep, spinning extreme dizziness, very anxious nervous teeth grinding jaw tension feeling and not feeling like my normal self at all. I felt like I was on a bad drug I couldnt come down from. Very scary! The dose was extreme low, a couple drops in water once a day for 5 days and I stopped. My symptoms were so severe I saw a doctor and I never go to a doctor and was told I was having an 'adrenaline surge' from the MB, and it would subside eventually. I took MB for 5 days and it was the 5th day that my symptoms made me feel like I would die. It took 3 weeks to start coming down from it and I started to finally sleep normal again after 6 wks. I still have dizziness when rising and laying after 3 months. I never had any of this before taking this M Blue. I will never take this product again. Id rather have the self assembling shedding than go through this again. Be careful and if you have adverse symptoms, report it here. IDK if im a rare case but the literature does come with adverse warnings so I think the DR should mention them when she recommends this and give the antidote instructions for those side effects. Some of the adverse effects of methylene blue are listed on the net. It also says this med should not be taken for long periods and even the manufacturer warns against taking it for more than a few days. The dr doesnt mention that at all. It obviously works for her but its not for everyone. Copied them for you all:
Pain in your arms or legs
Blue or green urine or stool
Altered sense of taste
Headache, dizziness
Sweating, skin discoloration
Nausea, stomach upset, diarrhea, vomiting
Bladder irritation
Feeling hot
SIDE EFFECTS: Nausea, stomach upset, diarrhea, vomiting, or bladder irritation may occur. If any of these effects continue or become bothersome, tell your doctor.This medication may cause your urine or stool to turn green-blue. This effect is harmless and will disappear when the medication is stopped.Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects.Tell your doctor immediately if any of these rare but very serious side effects occur: dizziness, fainting, high fever, fast/irregular/pounding heartbeat, pale/blue skin color, unusualtiredness.Seekimmediate medical attention if this rare but very serious side effect occurs: chest pain.A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, seek immediate medical attention if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, trouble breathing.This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
Negative Effects:
Increased Blood Pressure:
Anxiety and Sleep Disruption:
Taste Change: Methylene blue can alter taste perception.
Nausea: Commonly reported.
Serotonin Syndrome Risk: Caution is advised.
Skin Discoloration: It can turn urine, skin, and mucous membranes blue or green.
Other Side Effects: Headache, dizziness, sweating, and more
*ALL COPIED and Pasted from Internet


Linda O - Apr 2

Linda’s Substack

I would stick to natural, non chemical methods of detox.
Hope you are feeling better.


TXR - Mar 31

Tzila’s Substack

My blood pressure went scary high 195 / 104+ I stopped taking it. This happened with 8 drops in water, once a day.


Linda Redman - Mar 31

Linda’s Substack

Thanks for this info.


Catherine - Apr 1



Claire De Lune - Mar 31

I've taken Methylene Blue and felt amazing. No side effects.


Catherine - Mar 31

Comment removed.


Catherine - Apr 1



Catherine - Mar 31



Carol B - Mar 31

Carol B

Varies from brand to brand. Be very careful.


curt s sanders - Mar 31 - Edited

Sitting in a Nest of Cobras

Sorry you had such a bad experience but I take 20 drops every other day and feel fine. No side effects. Not one.. I do take baking soda to clear out the kidneys most days. That is important..
Are you taking any prescriptions? Medical procedures?


Catherine - Mar 31 - Edited

Curt; Your advice about baking soda is nothing that Ive heard before and its probably good advice that someone taking this medicine should know.


Catherine - Mar 31 - Edited

Sitting in a Nest of Cobras

none and no Curt. Vit C, D3 only, and since this happened, NOTHING! I did have Mercury dental fillings change for white fillings 20 years ago and the A-Hole Dr allowed the mercury dust to fill my mouth without protection. I was exposed to the amount of 3 fillings, and I thought that maybe the MB could have awoken that toxic dust I absorbed yrs earlier. Other than that, IDK why I had this dangerous reaction except that some people do have these dangerous reactions according to my doctor who has practiced medicine for 40 yrs. He didnt think that my dental work years earlier had anything to do with it.


curt s sanders - Mar 31

Sitting in a Nest of Cobras

Goodness me, sounds like you better leave it alone.. Bless Your total Healing!


Deb - Mar 31


Could be why those who use E cigarettes were having weird things show in their lungs. I was an evaper for over 10 years..
Polypropylene glycol is also added to smoke machines at parties and concerts . As well as being added to nicotine in the electronic cigarette juices


scout - Mar 31

Sitting in a Nest of Cobras

Ana, thx again. Rockefeller links directly to Trilateral, Kissinger, all Presidents to Obama, all Hollywood Vatican, Bob hope, Sinatra, at the top, CIA and MKULTRA, so on. Either he was part of Bilderberg/Club rome, or reported to them. Unclear of chain of command. Point being is that you linked mRNAs (and 5g is important here) into the Huxley revelation, Brave New World, (NWO) population reduction, so on.
Trump is our ONLY OPTION. If we fail to glitch him into office, we're in for a rough ride. :)


Kelly Holland - Mar 31

Sitting in a Nest of Cobras

Trump is part of the big show. He's a young globalistfor the WEF(even though he's not so young anymore).
They are all actors and the world is their stage. There is no left wing / right wing... they are two wings on the same bird. On the same team. No president will be coming to save us. No man will magically make everything better. At least not any man in a flesh suit .. There are evil people at the very top who own literally everything. Shoot one of the families is literally mentioned in this Substack(Rockefellers)
These demons create the problems we have in society and then they also offer the solutions. Problem reaction solution... order out of chaos.
They have us dependent on them for food , gas, electric,health care, education, ect. They indoctrinate us when we are children in their schools and with the curriculum that they create, they want a nation of workers not thinkers. They own the banking system and they own the housing market and they create inflation and make everything so expensive that Mom can no longer be home with her babies and both parents have to work to be able provide and there is a constant state of stress in the home. Young people do not look forward to marriage these days because why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. .
They keep us all in flight or fight mode, merely surviving . They have us under trauma based mind control. They want to destroy the family unit and pervert our children. They prey on the weak and exploit those with mental health. They load people up with their pharmekia (sorcery) and they tell em that they were born in the wrong body and they can change their gender and it will magically fix their problems. . They celebrate mental illness and tell those who are of sound mind and know you can't change your God given sex that we are to embrace the madness and praise and accept the lie or you'll be called an intolerant bigot. They shove this garbage down our throats 24/7 They normalize pedophilia, sex, violence, mental illness ECT and if you are good and love God and your neighbor you' are an outcast. Evil is called good and good is called evil.
We no longer grow our own food and pay them to Poison us with the food we buy from their stores and when our health declines we go to the hospitals they own and let them poison us more with the pharmacuitcals they create.
They create the division that exist between us peasants. Black lives matter? My body my choice? And so on and so forth ...All by design. We are so distracted fighting one another over things like .bllack/white/ ,rich/poor, gay/straight,Christian/Muslim ECT. I could go on and on.
They keep us distracted over things like politics and sports and we pride ourselves over being a democrat or Republican or whatever when those are just two side of the same coin and we quarrel with one another over who will win an election when the winner has already been decided before the show ever starts.
I wish people would wake up to this fact . It's a bread and circus show and we are merely being entertained and distracted and we give up our freedoms because we don't want to get uncomfortable and they control us because they have us dn and they keep us fat lazy and complacent as they pervert our children and tell us we have to take their death jab or lose our jobs and we sit back and are watching them burn this country to the ground.
It's truly sad how we've allowed them to slowly take away all of our God given rights . Please understand that the issues of this world have nothing to do with who is president.
SATAN is the god of this earth and ultimately we are fighting a spiritual battle and not against flesh and blood.
Please don't put your hope in man. He will fail you. The only one who can save us is Yahuah who paid our sin debt so we could be truly free.
I too was once on the Trump train but he is deceiving you. Don't forget he called himself the "father of the vaccine" and he was the one who pushed operation warp speed to get these clot shots out to the masses and were seeing how that's worked out for everyone.... He is complicit in death of hundreds of thousands of people who trusted the so called "science"..
Ill end with this ...
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
1 Thessalonians 5:2-11


curt s sanders - Mar 31

Sitting in a Nest of Cobras

Absolutely Trump pushed the Poison jab.. Bragged about operation Warp Speed and that the Death Vax was a Wonderful thing just last week...


Carol B - Mar 31

Carol B

Comment removed.


Carol B - Mar 31

Carol B

Warp speed.
Sounds like an invitation to research into its safety.
How many people cheered when he said, new vaccine, named warp speed”
That’s what I did. Checked it out. Warp speed. Really?
If you call out Trump, you have to also call out thousands of businesses, doctors, hospitals that demanded it. Where is their blame? Trump never mandated it. They did.
Red flags everywhere. Sheep fell right in line, even rushed to the front of the line.


Miss Parker - Mar 31

Miss’s Substack

About that "warp speed," they always spell it out to work their black magic.
"COVID-19" = 666: 100 + 79 (computer code value of 0, "alt keyboard sequence 79) + 5 +1 + 500 + (- 19). The Covid virus is a computer code invoking the number of the Beast.
"Omicron" is moronic.
"Operation Warp Speed", or OWs.
One of many telling anagrams of "Operation Warp Speed": Weeper adopts a prion.
Anagrams of "Warp Speed": Deep-warps; as-DEW-prep (directed energy weapon); we-prep-SAD (sudden adult death); spread-PEW (passive electronic warfare).
And who takes credit for dumping the "beautiful vaccine" toxic waste into us? Anagram "Tan Lord Dump". Too, D.U.M.P. could signify deep underground military poison.
"Warp speed" in reverse: Deep spraw (Old Polish singular of sprawa, meaning difficult, important, lofty matters that need resolving). In this case, the glo-baal-ists' vital agenda of depopulation and transhumanism is now more aggressively underway, and, of course, speedily.
NWO-now-own us, along with WEF of the few.
How-WHO helps the NU world order of our UN-doing is by transWHOmanizing us/US.
We are being attacked by satanic anangrammarians!


Miss Parker - Mar 31

Miss’s Substack

If' one is going to make up a word, it, at least, should be typed correctly.


Miss Parker - Mar 31

Miss’s Substack

The political wall obsession is singularly focused on keeping "undesirables" out and not on keeping us in, which we'll rue when the planned implosion on this side accelerates. Eventually, not only the entire country, but cities, neighborhoods, and estates will all be walled and gated with egress subject to permission by the beast system's minions and machines.
Now, for my obsession, "wall" in their satanic reverse language could be L law, maybe Lucifer's Law. Biometric identification for permission means we will all have to be scanned and entered into databases with coding we'll never see or be able to contest. We'll all be prisoners of dark despotism, whether we cede our souls or not.
One example of reverse signifying is Walmart, which becomes tram law. Tram in middle English is a siege tower, and in Latin (trama) it means warp. Word is that FEMA plans on using Walmart buildings as virtual prison housing during the chaos to come, whether due to famine, civil strife, or declared "pandemic." Also, trams, or electric rail transportation, have been planned as people movers in the SMART cities, when gas-powered and then all private vehicles are outlawed, and few are able to afford electric cab service.


Stephen Verchinski - Mar 31

Stephen Verchinski

PEG. The ingredient now used for colonrectal exams for cleaning the colon prior to the exam. This change happened in the last several years. They get ya coming and going. Laughing but seriously concerned. Does this mean it should be avoided?


Sarah - Mar 31


i am picking up what you are putting down, Stephen. Try to avoid PEG, avoid anything the parasites are pushing, avoid it like the convid!


curt s sanders - Mar 31

Sitting in a Nest of Cobras

At this point we have to Stay Away from 99% of Big Pharma products and the American Sick Care System... virtually every thing they formulate has several different contaminants that should never be placed in a Human Body... drop them all and Clean out your blood.. follow Dr Ana's suggestions...
There are Wonderful Natural healing products -


Gary - Mar 31

Gary’s Substack

and dentists with questionable injectibles, Botox too.


Alexandra - Mar 31

Alexandra’s Substack

Stephen, pause, think: You know the answer. xo


Susan Skinner - Mar 31

Susan’s Newsletter



Stephen Verchinski - Mar 31

Stephen Verchinski



Susan Skinner - Mar 31

Susan’s Newsletter

Then what do you do when they say drink this?????🤪


matt. j.a.o.b - Mar 31

matt’s microscopy

No Thanks, I bought my own.


Agent Midnight Rider - Mar 31 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

She is right about 1 thing; we were wrong when we assumed the PRIMARY function of the vaccine was depopulation.... that is SECONDARY, the REAL REASON is MK-ULTRA-MIND CONTROL, but we know how to FIX THAT, don't we #Dr, Ana Michalea???....
NO PARASITES HUH???? REALLY???.......#AgentMidnightRider


Linda Redman - Mar 31

Linda’s Substack

I am noticingmedium.comis following your posts


Linda Redman - Mar 31

Linda’s Substack

Your links


Linda Redman - Mar 31

Linda’s Substack

It’s possible to delete the part of the link that contains medium


Keyesgood - Mar 31

Keyesgood’s Substack

Dr Anna
Iv also seen the filaments in bottled water , and TAP water in australia,
My scopes not the best ,
Also on the shedding , iv never seen anyone say the unvaccinated can get filament , and PEG just by showering in Tap water ,


Lynette Devries - Mar 31

I live in Australia and been having bad bouts of fatigue and sleeplessness. I'm what they call a PURE BLOOD had no vaccines for over 40 years. Had the flu maybe twice. I'm pretty sure there are a few 5G towers across the street from me. I try to just drink pure water, can't say my diet is that good. I'm going to be 68 this year and have Diabetes 2. I'm around vaccinated people 3 times a week who are my support workers. Had a Pyschologist awhile who said proudly that she had all 5 COVID shots. The woman who was 70 did not like the way I was living and said that I belonged in a home. She rang a woman who was helping me through the NDIS and went off about me. The vaccines are now known to change people's personality even making them pyschotic. Pardon my spelling. Take care.


Alby - Mar 31

I have found the filaments in captured water vapor, time and time again under the microscope. If you live in a high humidity area they fall to ground level with the mass of the droplet, but when it's dry they blow freely, hence asthma during high wind events. Aka Melbourne event some years back.
If you notice after 'strange clouds', there is quite often rainfall shortly afterwards to bring the filaments to ground level to disperse into hosts.
I have placed filters on my shower and bath, for what little help they offer, but find it best to use binding agents in the bath, as opposed to being showered.
Lynette mentions below about fatigue and sleeplessness - I have discovered the direct link to my neighbors solar panel inverter and smart meter. Added to this the various wireless devices in my neighbors houses which 'ping' me quite often, looking for a 'hand shake' connection. The best solution is distance.
I hope this can assist others, or at least point them in the right direction. We need to take extraordinary steps, and think well outside the circle
And no I haven't had any poisons for some time.



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