Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 31, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: C19 unvaccinated blood showing spheres that are self assembling the filament
The Pfizer Covid 19 lipid nano particle formulation is Polyethylene Glycol. Since the roll out of the C19 bio weapons researchers and doctors around the world have been reporting filament structures and spherical objects that self assemble in the blood. In my extensive research of Darkfield Live blood microscopy documenting self assembly nanotechnology, I have often described the nano technological literature that explains and confirms all of my and other colleagues findings.
The question is, was it known that Polyethylene Glycol could cause what we are seeing in the blood? The answer is yes.
In 2007, a collaborative effort between the Curie Institute in France and the Chinese Academy of Sciences discussed their breakthrough.
We describe in this Communication nanofibers and vesicles formed in water by two new amphiphilic LC block copolymers, in which the LC block is a polymer containing a cholesteryl-based mesogen and the hydrophilic block is again a poly(ethylene glycol).
Remember how doctors were telling the public that its just cholesterol and PEG, there is nothing to worry about.
The article discusses that smart nanomaterials can create mesogens and that this group has found a way to use PEG to create self assembly nanofibrils ( I call them advanced nanotechnology filaments) and are also creating via block co-polymer micelles ( I call them spheres).
What does this mean?
A mesogen is a compound that displays properties of a liquid crystal. Dr. Hildegard Staninger, a world expert in toxicology and advanced nano materials, has explained this in her extensive chemical analysis of brain chips found in 2011 in individuals as well as in her research of Morgellons advanced nanotechnology filaments. I highly recommend you read this article here:
Mesogens are used to create whole body network interfaces for Artificial Intelligence bio sensing applications and remote mind control.
In the below image, taken from the article linked above, you can see the same spherical micellar forms and the filaments we are seeing in the blood. In 2007 they knew that Polyethylene Glycol can self assemble to create this:
Figure 2. TEM images of self-assemblies of block copolymers in water (samples stained by uranyl acetate): (a) PEG5000-b-PAChol(14/86); (b) PEG2000-b-PAChol(28/72). The scale bars at lower left are 200 nm.
PEG 2000 or PEG 5000 means there are 2000 or 5000 building blocks of Polyethylene Glycol strung together to create these structures.
Please see this Darkfield microscopy image of C19 un-injected blood affected by shedding and compare it to the image above:
We also know about the extensive filament self assembly that has been documented and grows from the micellar structures:
Additionally the PEG can appear like this:
Figure 5. Polarized optical microscopy (POM) textures of the block copolymer PEG5000-b-PAChol (14/86) at T = 172°C upon cooling.
This is certainly bearing resemblance to what I have been finding in people’s blood:
Image: Self assembly nanotechnology in C19 un- injected blood exposed to shedding
If you have not yet watched my recent presentation on the exact self assembly mechanism in human blood, please do so, it will answer a lot of questions. I explain and show step by step why this is self assembling nanotechnology, not parasites or anything else biological. I show many more examples in 150 slides and images of the same architecture seen here.
For the past 3 years, a handful of experts have been warning the world that there is self assembly nanotechnology growing in peoples blood. I have been also warning that this is shedding from the C19 vaccinated to the unvaccinated. We know this technology is creating an intra body area body network for artificial intelligence control of humanity. The scientific and medical community has met our revelations with disbelief. The question is, was it known that PEG can do this?
Was it known that PEG can self assemble into liquid crystal mesogens, in other words DNA biosensors and soft robotics?
Who co-founded the Curie Institute?
I rest my case.
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Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter - Mar 31
Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter
My Ex wire had Morgellans in the early days when doctors called it phantom bugs. I was horrific for her and left her scarred over most of her body picking at the itching beneath the skin. She went kinda bonkers and we tried all the antibiotics, mange medicine, distilled water baths, but she never got over the many symptoms and damage. I looked at 1,000 x under a microscope I bought just for trying to figure it out. It looked like carpet lint, with no mouth, body, or indication it could be alive, let alone replicating. Neither I or my son developed the problem and it was not known before I left her after she divorced me. It was as if an Archon had taken her over and kept her depressed, angry, self loathing, and all low frequency energies.
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Jeffrey Osborne - Mar 31
Jeffrey Osborne
And why are we allowing the oligarchs to dictate what WE the human race ,to what we allow in our bodies…i say F YOU…. I have my own choice to decide what goes into MY BODY . IF something works for you have at it….if you are scared I will infect you and your government tells you to take that route….then obviously the jab you took on your own or were forced to take…… were lied to……if it saves you and I die…..oh well……I die. I wear a winter coat in Canada….. you live in Florida and don’t wear a winter coat but your government tells you that you have to wear a winter coat or else I will freeze to death… how dumb is that…..same goes for many things….you take your vitamins or mine won’t work…….vitamins are crap then…….wake up sheep……and F your jabs klaus swabby and turd 💩 boy.
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