Wakaminenga Maori Government Is Magic Number…

Oct 24, 2023

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On Saturday 17 June 2023 an historic event took place in New Zealand.


Diana Mara Henry - Oct 24, 2023 - Edited

Diana’s Voice

Thank G-d for indigenous peoples. Their love of their creator has imbued them with a spirit of wisdom and self-respect that offers hope for humanity.


Fayanne - Oct 24, 2023


yes Thank God indeed.


Health Lyceum - Oct 24, 2023

Health Lyceum

Were we all once 'indigenous' people, before govern-ments told us to 'be civilized', or die?


vegan warrior - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited

vegan warrior

Comment removed.


vegan warrior - Nov 5, 2023 - Edited

vegan warrior

That WEF 'Maori lens' is a real twisted piece of work, the way it infuses the message with all the Covid-19 madness.


vegan warrior - Nov 5, 2023

vegan warrior

Comment removed.


vegan warrior - Nov 5, 2023

vegan warrior

Fascinating about Maurice Strong. I've always suspected that those shouting loudest have had the most to gain.


BraveFreedom - Oct 24, 2023 - Edited

BraveFreedom’s Newsletter

Dr. Mihalcea this is excellent news. Every long journey starts the same way. One foot in front of the other.


Margie Chism - Oct 24, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Many of trail for years ■ I had to put just 2 inches of foot in front of the other in the wilderness; or I would be in the woods in the [d]ark!


Roman S Shapoval - Oct 24, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Very true. It's a good day as any to take that first step. The human spirit lives forever.


BraveFreedom - Oct 24, 2023

BraveFreedom’s Newsletter

I agree!!


Joey jinx - Oct 24, 2023

Yes we must pay attention to releasing Reiner Fuelmich from German custody he and his team are organising the Nuremberg indictments through the ICC evidence is gathering momentun .


Georgia Cammann - Oct 24, 2023


Thank you so much for all your efforts. This is how we eat an elephant... one spoonful at a time with those who are dedicated to sovereignty and freedom.


Fayanne - Oct 24, 2023


love it Georgia! Well stated


Darrell - Oct 24, 2023

Good will win over Evil and their minions.


Marianne Agnello - Oct 24, 2023

Marianne Agnello

Great news this is only the beginning thank you Dr Anna for reporting this great news


Margie Chism - Oct 24, 2023

Margie Chism

"The Grand Jury are being presented with the results of an investigation by the Prosecutor of the Court and will determine if it merits a decision to indict the putative defendants and progress to trial by jury or tribunal. ■ We give thanks to our Creator and acknowledge His divine love and compassion on this kaupapa nui (grand plan) for justice, restoration and peace in our country." In Jesus Name; Amen! Amen! M


Zumi Tayler - Oct 24, 2023

Woohoo. The first card has fallen and now the rest will follow.


Marae - Oct 24, 2023

Thank you Dr. Ana! And way to go Māoris! Let their wisdom and bravery lead the way for all countries to follow!


The Bodysnatchers - Oct 24, 2023

The Bodysnatchers

Wasn't Reiner Fuellmich involved in this? Is that why he's been arrested?


ShortLeggedDog - Oct 24, 2023

Jack Black

It is believed that he was arrested regarding embezzlement charges that go back to the first group that was conducting the interviews. There were public allegations from that group about embezzlement.


Bev S. - Oct 24, 2023

Please don´t jump to conclusions, nor spread anything until all the facts have been established. It appears to be trumped up charges against him to prevent him from taking down some big fish in this genocide matter.


ShortLeggedDog - Oct 27, 2023

I selected my words carefully as they are allegations but allegations that have escalated to an arrest.


Jack Black - Oct 27, 2023

Jack Black

He didn't embezzle anything


ShortLeggedDog - Oct 27, 2023

Perhaps not. I was simply providing context for people to do there own research on the allegations and the arrest.


JohnnyBGood - Oct 27, 2023

No, you were being just like legacy media and posting unsubstantiated BS


Thomas Joseph Brown - Oct 24, 2023

Chronicles of Alkemix

Reiner spoke with them and realised they have no mandate to claim the governance they do. Nice theatre though.


ShortLeggedDog - Oct 24, 2023

Chronicles of Alkemix

I heard Reiner say quite the opposite about the Māori after meeting with them. He even shared this with Dolores Cahill at an event this summer. Are sure? Perhaps his position changed but I didn’t see that and I had been looking for an update from him.


Thomas Joseph Brown - Oct 24, 2023

Chronicles of Alkemix

I sat in on a number of meetings with Reiner and Maori elders this year. He was totally into using the tikanga (customary) jurisdiction, he certainly comprehends the potential. He came to realise that the self-claimed Maori "government" didn't have any wide support from within the Maori tribes, nor would any useful rulings arise from from a small, self-proclaimed "govt." I actually wrote some of the original paperwork that "govt" uses, jointly with elders from the Proclaimed Hapu (tribes) movement. That "govt" group splintered off from a collective of hapu working together, when they got their hands on the paperwork, and declared themselves the sole authority.
I hadn't heard anything substantive following the zooms I was in on, was shocked to hear he was arrested. A good, honourable man.


Charles Tortise - Oct 25, 2023

Charles’s Tiaki Hauora Newslett…

Not with WMG though.


Susan Pockett - Oct 28, 2023

Yes and Yes


Sarah - Oct 25, 2023


Yes I think he is and maybe that is why... good point.


Anita Söderman - Oct 24, 2023

Anita’s Substack

As I remember it he was in to Greenland and tribes in Greenland?


Mark Much - Oct 24, 2023

Mark Much

Has he tried the Zulu warriors? Or the Comanches?


Hat Bailey - Oct 24, 2023

Hat Bailey

God bless 'em! May some in our part of the world show the same wisdom and courage to bring some accountability to these abusers of the public trust.


JAired - Oct 24, 2023




Margie Chism - Oct 24, 2023

Margie Chism

New Zealand Defacto Government MP’s and Officials Convicted for Covid 19 Crimes
The following video presentation shows excerpts from the trial proceedings for Covid 19 Crimes which has now been made public.


Susan Pockett - Oct 28, 2023

Margie Chism

Do watch this video. It documents the fact that MedSafe did NOT approve the Pfizer vaccine as "safe" (let alone effective). The bureaucrats and politicians who over-rode this decision and forced people to accept the shots on pain of losing their jobs and hence their homes are responsible for what is essentially mass murder. They should and I would say must be treated accordingly.


Margie Chism - Oct 28, 2023

Margie Chism

Susan - I agree, in Jesus name. ■ I have studied almost 4 years on this, while this evening I quietly asked myself, "Now what is this, who did this, why did they do this?" Then I was reminded the country owns the patents. If God had this trouble prophesied so that this end of people would have a good idea of what is 'not good', then it certainly welcomes for me to look forward to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, to judge and make war with the nations. Even the beast has the nations military ready to fight the Son of God and his angels. I have made it clear that Jesus is welcomed to my home, and even for a pot of coffee. You would think the nations would clean up and welcome the Son of God, but no, they want to kill him! It amazes me in Revelation Chapter 19, God has fowl to eat [a]ll of their flesh. Badass Father, the biggest I know. M


Grazyna Samborska - Oct 24, 2023

Grazyna’s Newsletter

Maori - a tiny DOT on the SOUTHERN ANTIPODEES is the winner!


Dee's meow - Oct 24, 2023

Dee’s Meow

Wonderful. Prayers needed.


Frank Deez - Oct 24, 2023

Frank Deez

this is good for moral but no government official will actually be held to account, none of the people listed were actually arrested or spending any time in jail, this is a native court not government, kinda like a U.S. native community saying they have found biden guilty of crimes against humanity, ok great but so what, it has no teeth to actually do anything about it but like I said good for motivating people about the truth but dont get it twisted that anyone that participated in the government genocide will ever be brought to justice. If any judge dared bring charges they'd just kill him or buy him off or use black mail to make it go away. Remember when fauci pulled this same gag over 30 years ago with Aids killing thousands with his safe and effective AZT poison, they even made a major motion picture about him and the government killing all those people and not only did he get away with it after it was completely exposed but he was promoted. Sorry, not being negative just living in the reality I find myself, sometimes the truth hurts but I'd rather know the hard truth then live a comfortable lie.


Pirate Studebaker - Oct 24, 2023

Pirate Eyes

Hopium is the world's most addictive drug. Why anyone thinks any man or woman or Maori is going to save the world is beyond me since reality tells us historically it's never happened and I don't think people are that much more intelligent or powerful than they have ever been.
As if the very legal systems that made this bioweapon possible to be injected in the majority of the world's population is somehow going to be brought to justice through that same legal system. That's insane IMO.
I think God is showing us something. I think we need to pay attention. God Bless.


Ann; .Vandersteel - Oct 24, 2023

Rosalind McGill

It always have been We the People! Now let's do our American Civic Duty and convene citizen grand juries here!
TacticalCivics.comgives the step by step easy instructions! Ove 1000 Counties already have Tactical Civics (TM) chapters stood up. What are you waiting for?


Rosalind McGill - Nov 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Have you heard of Ban the Jabs dr sandsone?



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