Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 24, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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On Saturday 17 June 2023 an historic event took place in New Zealand. A dedicated team of men and women have opened the first sovereign independent Grand Jury Court of justice, Te Wakaminenga Kooti Wakanga nui of Nu Tireni – New Zealand. The Court will deal with civil and criminal claims for all Sovereign Nationals of Nu Tireni NZ who register with the Wakaminenga Maori Government under the jurisdiction of Tikanga and He Wakaputanga.
The first case has been brought by the members of the Wakaminenga Maori Government on behalf of all the people of New Zealand. The case deals with alleged breaches of the sovereign law of He Wakaputanga and crimes of genocide and against humanity.
Senior officials of the Wakaminenga Maori Government witnessed their Leader Upoko Arikinui Ripekatangi of Ngati Maniapoto, Tainui and Ngati Kahu Taitokerau and Deputy Leader Upoko Tuarua Arikinui Kurakamaringi of Te Uepohatu of Te Tairawhiti and Rangatira o Aotearoa Nu Tireni NZ open and bless the Court with ancestral whakatauaki (proverbs), karakia (prayers) and waiata (song).
Rangatira present acknowledged the aroha of their Pakeha brothers and sisters of English and European ancestry. They have united under the supreme, sovereign authority of the constitutional law of Tikanga and He Wakaputanga 1835, and Te Wakaminenga o Te Rangatiratanga of the Congress of Nga Hapu Iwi of the United Tribes and Peoples of New Zealand.
Te Wakaminenga Kooti Wakanga Grand Jury Court has been many years in planning and is now open for all New Zealanders who register with the Maori Government under sovereign Tikanga customary law and He Wakaputanga the Declaration of Independence 1835. The Kooti Wakanga Grand Jury Court is convened under the supervision of the Kooti (Court) Presidency made up of the President of the Court and two deputies and a Court Moderator. These officials conducted the swearing in of a panel of Grand Jurists to commence the first stage of the case dealing with allegations of breaches of He Wakaputanga and crimes of genocide against the people of New Zealand.
Inauguration of the Grand Jury follows extensive talks between Arikinui Ripekatangi and a renowned group of international constitutional lawyers. Their expert legal opinion is that the Maori never ceded sovereignty and retained absolute authority under their ancient Tikanga customary law and the internationally recognised Declaration of Independence He Wakaputanga 1835. This legal opinion confirms the findings of the Te Raki Inquiry under Justice Coxhead published in 2014 and 2022. It fully substantiates the publicly stated position of the Government of the Russian Federation that the Treaty of Waitangi was never ratified by the British contained within a briefing on 7th June 2023 by Maria Zakharova Director of the Department of Information and Press of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Grand Jury are being presented with the results of an investigation by the Prosecutor of the Court and will determine if it merits a decision to indict the putative defendants and progress to trial by jury or tribunal.
We give thanks to our Creator and acknowledge His divine love and compassion on this kaupapa nui (grand plan) for justice, restoration and peace in our country.
The first court sitting of COJ-07-23-001 was convened to deliver judgment to four convicted New Zealand Government officials, Christopher John Hipkins, Andrew James Little, Ashley Robin Bloomfield and Christopher James for their part in actions that breached He Wakaputanga and actions that led to serious Covid 19 crimes.
The Maori Government is a light to the world and brings hope to us all.
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Diana Mara Henry - Oct 24, 2023
Diana’s Voice
Thank G-d for indigenous peoples. Their love of their creator has imbued them with a spirit of wisdom and self-respect that offers hope for humanity.
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BraveFreedom - Oct 24, 2023
BraveFreedom’s Newsletter
Dr. Mihalcea this is excellent news. Every long journey starts the same way. One foot in front of the other.
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