Thank you for your relentless work on this. The self replicating nano technology material from my experience spreads and is able to traverse distances within a wireless cloud of energy. When removing one's body from all EMF sources into a Faraday cage, it is easy to detect the material going dormant.
The conundrum we have is that to function in the world today we have to be around people in environments with toxic EMF. If we unplug off-grid and go into a remote region and area, then self-sufficiency is required and per militaries the estimated reported life expectancy is going to be 30 years of age or so.
Therefore, co-existing with this material requires, from my personal experience, ensuring you are not around people that give you headaches (e.g. literally nano tech trained on negative thoughts and destructive behaviors), people eating unclean foods (I'm avoiding these as well), and ensuring full hydration with clean water and antioxidants eating plant and plant based proteins with fruits. I'm not eating any sugars at all, in my electrochemical engineer opinion the sugar energy is catalyzing turbo cancers. I'm also eating less and earlier in the day (try to).
Time will tell what works for all of us, I'm doing all that I can to communicate what works for me so that others can learn from what to do and what not to do (do not spend a lot of time in a faraday cage, read my prior blog post on that, which almost killed me).
Any thoughts on eating fish like mackerel/sardines, which has a high amount of DHA?
Thanks Brandon for the work you're doing in this field!
Questions for you, Brandon. Does a Faraday cage stop Schumann resonance? If disconnected from Earth's grounding could that be why being in one long term was hurting you? Would it be better to sleep in a Faraday space but allow Schumann's while avoiding too much contact with injected people? I would appreciate your reply! I'm an ecologist not an engineer. Thank you!
dirty electricity with horrible harmonics is what hurt me during recovery from a failed NKT hit job "cognitive weapon". Define dirty electricity? harmonics such that the pulsing magnetic field around the distribution line is greater than 1 mG and in my case was as high as 10 mG (lethal). Also, the ground was electrified since the location where I evacuated to had underground distribution cabling for power.
I can only speak to items I've encountered and reverse engineered with data.
I've had this book at my old lab 1441 Canal Street, Lab 301, New Orleans, LA 70112-2714 for at seven or so years and it helped me troubleshoot the dirty electrical, such that I moved locations to recover in a healthier EMF environment with less dirty electricity further away.
What do you mean by, "When removing one's body from all EMF sources into a Faraday cage, it is easy to detect the material going dormant"? Are you saying you have placed your entire body in a Faraday cage and did empirical testing to prove the nanotech is no longer functioning in some way? Please explain in more detail.
I removed the external transmitters (e.g. antennas from towers, satcom, ionosphere, etc.) from my body by placing my body in a faraday cage. then selectively added a Royal Raymond Rife frequency, from The Rife Handbook, at the critical vibrational resonance frequency for the given virus, bacteria, cancer, parasite, fungus, mold, synthetic biology (morgellons, mesogens, graphenes, etc. all of this junk is old hat industrial/military/intelligence community spy tech or super human tech) and you will feel it move and when close to skin, see it, move inside of your body. It is the creepiest feeling and visual that I have had in my entire life.
I have also used Royal Raymond Rife frequencies with a horn transmitter (think football game announcement microphones) and electronically steered the synbio away from a given portion of my body and visually observed it moving away from the signal source. I also tested electrodes and electricity (which attracted the syn bio material). So I then combined the transmitter on one side of my body part and then the electrical source on the other side (where I wanted to the synbio material to move) and it moved faster than by using either method one at a time, when combined moved faster, that said per research, the synbio grows when by electricity and when nutrients in environment adjacent to it.... the world is weird. God bless those that have parasites in them dormant now awakening due to people's weakened immune systems.
If everything is now contaminated, including all terrestrial (surface) raised food sources, it is impossible to totally avoid it. At some point, it becomes an exercise in futility, doesn't it? What do you mean by saying the elites raise their food underground? Do you have proof of it or are you surmising that to be the case?
You are what you eat now. Literally, the nano tech of what you eat enters you and it already has pre-programmed neural networks that are representative of the prior organism's function, not yours.
2008 through today this NeuroS/T PRISM pub has been published Hope this helps. Regarding being unresponsive and rude, the only concern that I have is that it wastes people's time on something not good.
Once you understand how TAMI and MIND work (old tech that IC uses still most likely) anyone who is a polygot or savant perceived by others first needs to be reviewed for their respective brainpool cause there is artificial intelligence pervasive now and since TAMI+MIND went online in 1976, which ended Cold War.
I don't trust any supplements, any fluids, anymore, especially anything we are using to detox from this horror show - until they are all tested/scoped. Almost all have been shown to be contaminated. They've captured everything, so of course any and all detoxes would have been the first on their list to be poisoned. They finally got to ivermectin, so of course they are approving it now.
matt j.a.o.b has tested vitamin c - the crystal packet - and he found it had the Dots- and everyone is taking 10,000 a day...? ...might be a good idea to avoid massive doses of nanotech/bioweapons...and get our own scopes?
Thank you, Ana, for all that you do, but it might be time to recommend a microscope that we all might be able to afford so we can test our own supplements and detoxes from now on.
Not my intention. Anyway your earlier argument is painfully valid.
I know when they spray, every fucking day that they spray, wherever i go, i take notes ... Here (Western Europe) the chemtrailing has substantially slowed down since the plandemic started, but it's still going on, when the weather is nice, a few times a month ...
I'm sure that pine needles, being resinous, are polluted by the aerosols. But they're so medicinal and i use them to the fullest. I'm not gonna stop using nature's most powerful medicinal plants just because there's a bunch of subhuman psychopathic monsters that think they can get away with murder, murdering us, them and the planet in the process, they should already be hanging, but since this society protects those who poison others, we're not quite there yet.
I am very concerned about the above product, based on the material at the link. Every statement about potential efficacy uses the word "may" which also means "may not."
I don't see any proof that it is safe or effective as advertised. It's unclear from the site, what clinical studies if any were done on this product. It's also out of place in the post given the content/context of what the post is about.
I know what you mean...I felt the same way. Where are all the ingredients coming from? What are the controls? and the website itself seems archaic and lacking in information. There was time I would have tried it immediately; those days are gone...
Maybe Ana could test the product for us if she is recommending it.
People have gotten to the point where they will try anything at the drop of a hat, take dozens of products they know nothing about or the provenance of them. So many are simply scared to death and not thinking critically, which I guess was the goal, so it's working just as planned.
Yes...and I get it...when you are aware of any of this, panic does set in... stepping back a minute is always a good thing. Try to clear your head, trust your intuition and move forward?
Exactly why we need a clear protocol that works. People like Ana should concentrate on this IMO and analyze blood before and after each and every protocol.
By doing IV EDTA Ana can save a couple of people. By finding a protocol that works, she could save millions.
What are you supposed to take of you get covid? No Ivm? I also have lyme disease & take lots of supplements. What about thyroid pills- Synthroid & LDN?
There is no Covid. There is no virus. There is no such thing as a virus. Watch The Viral Delusion. The virus fear is to motivate you to ingest or inject
It would be interesting to see the following experiments under the microscope:
unvaxxed blood+shot+x
(x should be added after at least 15 min of interaction of unvaxxed blood and shot)
1.) x = 1 drop of CaNa2EDTA
2.) x = 1 drop of alpha lipoic acid
3.) x = 1 drop of liposomal vitamin C
4.) x = 1 drop of DMSA
5.) x = combination of 1-4
Thinking out loud, I'm not sure what is gained by subjecting fresh unvaxxed human blood to the shot in vitro. We already know the jab is very toxic and others already performed the blood plus shot contents and showed almost instantaneous deoxygenation (Fleming). Is it reasonable to expect any remediating agent to block the toxic effects of the shot when a miniscule amount of blood is exposed to a large/concentrated amount of jab content, which would not be analogous to the situation in vivo?
Is number 4 dimercaptosuccinic acid? That's for chelating heavy metals, isn't it? If you think this approach is valid, what about trying boron/Borax?
We also need something that doesn’t move mercury. I have amalgams & now , since dental analgesics are contaminated, Im afraid to switch them to composite.
I see where my last paragraph as written above is confusing. I should have put the boron/Borax sentence in a separate paragraph from the heavy metals paragraph.
My sense is that chelating agents like IV EDTA for removal of heavy metals have been known about for years (long before the jab program).
What remains unclear to me is whether there is any known remediation for the nanotech that is scalable and cheap enough for humanity to take/afford. I was raising boron/Borax as a possible remediation for the nanotechnology contents. Oral boron could theoretically be given at scale if proven to be useful and free of adverse/toxic effects.
Dr. Ana says IV EDTA not only clears heavy metals but removes the nanotech for short durations of time after which it returns. Taking IV EDTA treatments every week or twice a month is not practical for the vast majority of people even if there were enough properly trained practitioners. That's why an oral agent would be ideal, taken on a chronic/ongoing basis.
Apparently the results will not be the same in vivo, but it's perhaps the quickest method to observe a positive effect immediately.
A physician named Robert D is currently conducting experiments with his own blood:
4. Correct, DMSA has a higher affinity towards metals such as Hg, Cd, As etc. The interaction of the thiolgroups with graphene oxide should - in theory - render it less toxic.
There's is more data for the use of DMSA for heavy metal detoxification, but little info about the interaction with GO-PEG and nanotech.
Personally I only used borax for the qualitative analysis (borax bead test) of transition metals such as Cr, Mn and Cu. Perhaps Ki-Yeob Jeon MD, PhD, ScD used a footbath with borax to remove these parasite like structures.
What counts for very much in all these experiments is to control for e-exposures, in vitro or vivo. Rarely attended to.
If metals are incorporated into the hydrogel, i.e. attached not only swimming within or however, then does the edta work by pulling it apart, also getting at what's within? What happens to the "rubbery" aspect - remaining attached and thus also exiting?
It seems more and more apparent that ambient e-smog activates what's within &/or on injectees (and very exposed non-injectees), rebroadcast at true clot-forming frequencies. The bluetooth signal aspect is not as important as the clotty frequencies coming off these "carriers". I am not affected with clots by run of the mill e-exposures, but by other symptoms. The clot efficiency is new; the e-aspects are critical.
Indeed it's a factor we should address. I even linked this paper in one of my posts: "Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G"
HI again,
Just had a look at your substack for 1st time, we read 2 pieces.
Re chest pain: Have you tried hawthorn (shan zha) as maybe you've seen me recommend repeatedly? It was left chest area discomfort that finally focussed my attention last yr on getting serious about remedy. I'd never felt anything like that. It absolutely worked, feeling gone, also to reveal that other clots had remained in situ as the haw drinks moved them along. Injie exposures give me throbs, but prior to haw use I did not realize that some clots might not be clearing. I'd figured wrongly that what I felt in throbs was all there was (usually clearing in a few hours, a few times 2 days, once a record 4 days). Of course there may be some I still do not realize, but I have no reason to think so. Moreover when I est. only 1x/wk these days take it, it is uncommon for e to feel more come loose, and what does make for a throb is not as sharp as earlier.
I wonder if a remedy of use might be brown sea veg (kombu as I've been recommending, too, also changed throb quality) that has had metals it might hold removed with edta if that is possible, if the hold on it all by the sea veg is not stronger, and if those metals are removed eating totally non-toxic sea veg which is a known chelator. As is untested for metals it has definitely been since last yr of good use for us in combatting some effects of exposure to injies.
It seems that you are uninjected, but affected by shedding/radiation, right? So I assume that hawthorn has a similar effect for me. Hence, you may provide me the following information: 1. dosage form (capsule, coated tablets), 2. dosage [mg], 3. time of intake, 4. intake per day (on average).
I tried g strophantine (ouabain) tablets in homeopathic form. Apparently, it didn't work at all. The whole story about ouabain is complex, because there are cases where an overdosage killed patients. Based on these events it's only on prescription now. What makes it even worse is that only a handful of doctors can and will prescribe it.
I think there were no less than 4 such papers connecting severity of ailment with new telecommunications infrastructure, one paper by two known to me.. The paper you link to, altho' I only glanced for now, seems to deal with exacerbation. From my own experience plus all the work Dr Ana et al have put forth, something inhaled (or ingested later of course injected) acts a converter of new frequencies &/or modulation patterns to clot efficiency, well beyond rouleaux formation (known since at least 80s) etc. Remember the Diamond Princess cruise sip covi-stranded, i think off Japan? It (as reported by Arthur Firstenberg) was touted as the 1st such ship to have "5G' aboard". I think in Italy the sickest place was the 1st to have that deployed, San Marino.
Interesting experience of late, reported on this or another substack; a local injectee who always has given me clots after even short exposure, did not do so last time encountered, and it somehow came up that he had unusual for him no cell phone with him at the time. I did however have other symptoms - no clots - the feeling around my forehead I &
very many get from being around wifi. This kind of thing seems to corroborate for me the essential aspect of figuring what is coming off injies, coming at the rest of us. (I used to say up to 15 ft, but a recent encounter of longer than usual duration, ie injie and interlocutor stationary for maybe 10minutes, provoked symptoms from 20 ft. Also as reported blockage has been effected with 1/4 inch plywood. This kind of blockage can be frequency and material specific, so might add clue as to nature of broadcast.)
Here's a thought:
Non-jabbed should find a location free of 5G (nearest pole or tower miles away) then monitor for EMFs with one of the commercially available units. Ideally, stay in that location with no cell phones present. Check blood and document, rinse and repeat. Report the results. Hypothesis is that without some type of remediation, complete clearing of blood will not occur.
I have read from a source I trust (don't recall it right now) that stated a low % of humans actually get the rubbery clots. I hope this source is correct.
I have repeated several times in comments here that more care should be taken in word use re 'clots' (our host I only once heard distinguish between blood clots proper and other). It is needlessly confusing, altho' certainly the two are closely related. There are true blood clots of various types and the "rubbery" intrusion.
Very important point. Type ordinaire blood clots do seem to occur after exposure through injection and result in clinical sequelae such as DVT, arterial thrombosis which is seen in CVA/PE/MI etc.
The rubbery clot phenomenon appears to be the result of a different mechanism entirely which seems to the reason they are not effectively treated with anticoagulants, not even those that allegedly dissolve thrombus material such as streptokinase, urokinase and even nattokinase. Attempts at mechanical (digital) disruption postmortem show they are resistant where standard blood clots are easily disrupted by washing and digital disruption.
Yes, yes, yes! We need more testing because people are so confused now they try like 10 different protocols and sometimes dangerous supplements as well. We need something that works.
Identify the size of each item what you are looking at. Live cells structures are much larger than one would guess and there are 80-100 Billion of them dying daily at an average with higher amounts from anaerobic bacterium (the basic structures along with anaerobic fungi as the blood is no longer able to provide oxygen) and there are structures of nano-bacterium but it is a fully functional single celled animal doing what it is supposed to do when cells are dying in mass especially when the living creature is dead.
There are 70-100 trillion enzymes (the word that the world idiots and liars call virus which are only protein chains and are not alive and are created within the cells if you have seen Necroskopy electron microscopy, and the break through the cells wall (mostly in the human GI tract) which immediately closes up.
Dead organic matter is eliminated, much like a detergent with ENZYMES! as in the Princeton document of the notes of Pasteur proved him to be a fraud 1995 G.L. Geison - The Private Science of Louis Pasteur, and then the idiocy of the virome speaking out both sides of their mouths from Cold Spring Harbor Eugenics of NY, beginning in the UK Sir Francis Galton, a statistician that doesn't understand the science as my degree and professions were decisions sciences (don't get me started on AI and Genetics) and this article should make you furious, it only gets worse with the Koch's postulates being nothing more than a child's comedy. If any disease could create a pandemic with the size of a virus as stated and in cold spring harbor's, there would be no life and before and after Bechamp all had detailed documentation of real science that showed a healthy environment and food supply (eliminate all of the idiocy of pasteurization and UV-C as it destroys the bacteria that helps in digestion which is what the US government did in the 60s along with Florida, aluminum and earlier mercury, the last which are extremely deadly neurotoxins that DO NOT LEAVE THE BODY and are now, with nano-aluminum, all in the brain which never leaves. So much for the dumbing down of everyone and the death of everything as the pesticides and herbicides are just as deadly and destroy the foundation of healthy soils which create healthily bodies. Read the article for factual information "Healthy Soils, Healthy People; The Legacy of William Albrecht". We have all but destroyed the future of all life from institutions with $ in their eyes and know wisdom. The fools that performed the unimaginable are trying to blame those who use their products while the makers knew in advance the detriment to life itself but figured their fake science which is dead for years now, will help them.
A question for you Jim, you like I have seen the sheep of the last 3 years lining up for injections.
Tell me how we are going to stop them from getting injections, will it be by showing them the deaths and adverse effects so many have suffered with from them OR try and tell them that virus does not exist?
From where I sit if you start trying to tell the sheep virus don't exist its only going to push the sheep further away.
I sure do appreciate all your work Ana but its worth mentioning my story again.
In August 2021 I was still at my old job and on a Friday I came back from my run and took some stock back to returns and one of our other drivers came up to me and asked if I could take his too and I said said of course Glen and he proceeded to thank me by grabbing my upper arm skin to skin.
Unknown to me at the time he had his second Pfizer shot on the day before on Thursday.
Now continuing with story I went home and we had the weekend and the Tuesday that followed I woke up at 3 am and knew something was wrong, I had a fever, was dizzy and felt weak. Went to computer room and all 3 got worse after 10 minutes or so.
My wife ran a room temp bath for me and I jumped in and took 50,000iu vitamin d, quercetin and zinc and after an hour got out and went to bed for 4-5 hours and woke up and all the symptoms were gone.
A weel prior to this I got back my 4th vitamin d test since I learned in early 2020 that it had a protective effect against whatever was going on and my number was at 82ng.
I have absolutely no doubt that if it was not that high I would have been in serious distress.
I have not stopped at Vitamin d, I take the whole gamut of vitamins and nutrients along with a few ionic versions of boron and magnesium and lipsomal vitamin c, pine bark extract, serrapatese, curcumin, iodine, baking soda, MSM, DMSO, nattokatise, nitric oxide, ivermectin, potassium powder there are others as well and I take this to help them all work better, molybdenum.
And I am obviously still alive and kicking.
Some things I have but have yet to use are collodial silver and MMS.
Some info for those curious about Molybdenum.
I add this one because its important to get copper while taking Molybdenum
I don't have a microscope but I am a nurse and work with platelet rich fibrin- we draw someone's blood spin it down and retrieve the platelet rich fibrin to inject back into the patient for aesthetic purposes. I was not vaccinated, but I was exposed to a lot of people that were vaccinated. I did notice people's platelet rich fibrin seemed to clot slightly faster after the vaccine roll out, I couldn't prove it was happening because I didn't time it before vaccines came out. One day I decided to do my own PRF (platelet rich fibrin) injections. Before the nurse could microneedle it into my skin the platelets had formed a very large clot in the middle of the vial. I have factor V leiden a blood clotting disorder, which is harmless unless combined with other risk factors, such as oral birth control, surgery, flying, dehydration, sedentary lifestyle, obesity. I had none of these, BUT I had been exposed to the vaccinated patients over and over and my own family members who ignored my warnings and took the shot. So I've experienced side effects from second hand exposure to the vaccine and it really upsets me that people acted like unvaccinated people were "super spreaders" when the vaccinated are the actual super spreaders, creating more variants, and now we just have to live with this mRNA in our bodies indefinitely. And they are still so dumb they don't have a clue what they've done.
2nd handers transmit as well, per my now lengthy researched experience. They may not have all the requisite hardware and software installed, as it were, but some at least are effective "spreaders".
Do you remember second hand smoking cancer deaths?
Do you remember hundreds of millions of $ of lawsuit settlements for tobacco induced cancers?
This time it's called "experimental gene therapy" in lieu of cigarettes.
Dr. Hulda Clark's supplements are all we trust--rigorously tested with the Syncrometer (detects the minutest toxins via frequencies, her invention which was way ahead of its time).
The original messaging was about the vaccine having mRNA in it so that the body could produce the "spike" protein in it. Has the mRNA in Liquid Nano Particles LNPs been detected or not in any of the vaccines? From what I've dug into the materials in vaccines 2020-2023 are comprised of mesogens (quantum dots), graphenes and self replicating nanotechnology. Then the material enters the body, if the body is healthy (e.g. no parasites, high cholesterol, etc.) then it meshes with the Central Nervous System CNS and you get a "cyborg". However, if you've had parasites dormant and been eating unclean food (pork w/parasites in it), living with cats that have cat poop not changed out quickly (less than one day), then you synbio up the parasites already existing inside of your body that results in neurological issues. Further, the cholesterol clumps up the synbio and results in this weird synthetic paste that clogs arteries, etc.
Keep in mind with ChinaCCP deploying continually changing bioweapons on the world, the only way to protect people is to have nano scale crystals in your body vibrating at critical resonance frequencies that can be dispatched through trusted smart devices to real-time detect and squash a bioweapon attack from ChinaCCP. If you are not aware of any of the words above, then please do your research before commenting as the world is more advanced than meets your eye (cause it's literally hidden from your eyes). Humanity had no choice, to upgrade in order to counter ChinaCCP evil.
My protocol:
1) lots of clean water high pH water
2) plant based foods
3) high dose vitamin c
4) calcium-disodium-EDTA periodically
5) zinc
6) magnesium
7) methylene blue
8) fulvic acid
9) quercetine
10) resveratrol
11) kosher pickels
12) apple cider vinegar with the mother
13) NAC
14) Nattokinase
15) Borax (wash clothes in and foot baths)
16) Iodine Providone
17) anti-parasite (natural, synthesized, etc.)
18) baking soda (foot baths)
19) salts (foot baths and baths/showers)
20) chlorine (pool)
21) fasting (eat during 1/2 of the day earlier preferred then tapper off and quit eating five or so hours before bedtime)
22) Rife Machine(s) with transmitters
23) moderate exercise
24) indoor / outdoor balance for natural vitamin D.
Will you not stop attributing certain things to the Chinese?
I have already called out the scurrilous (esp. in French) words towards one group internationally of one substacker referred to by our host and others, regardless of his useful other info. It is time to also call out anyone who goes along with helping wittingly or no beat the drums for the next "pivot to Asia" - war provocation vs China.
You're misunderstanding. I am attributing a lot of thefts and bioweapon/neuroweapon use to ChinaCCP, not the good Chinese people. I have studied in Tsinghua University, Beijing and seen people (Chinese) get disappeared by their ChinaCCP gov.
FLASH WARNING, Spanish Research Group La Quinta Columna has confirmed that the REQUIRED rabies vaccines for Dogs are infested with MRNA nanotech. start video at 2hr 1 minute 59 seconds 4 dogs out of 10 vaccinated developed turbo cancer within 6 months.
PEOPLE WAKE UP PLEASE. Can someone with a DFM please repeat Dr Ana's live blood draw vial test post to coobarate findings. 1u can use meat blood. 2 leave in small bottle cap or jar. 3. Add cure 4 leave 4 hours 5 to at with DFM and bluetooth. Cures to test for medfive oral EDTA. VITC. AC. DE. CBDA. HA. CG. etc. TY.
We did repeat her experiment but instead of using edta or vitamin C we used CbD. Let the blood sit for 11 days then had the blood analyzed by a top expert in microscopy. we did 6 Viles 2 unvaccinated and 1 double vaccinated subject. We didn't see any yellow hydrogel form in any of the samples. You can see the results here.
We did two, CBD and PH Diet. we are pretty sure we found THE CURE.... and GUESS who has been secretly getting ROYALTY payments on this GOV PATENTED DRUG, .... ANTHONY FAUCI that's who...
If you think you found THE CURE, you need to test it on many people and use a double-blind method to be sure about it. You need to look at live blood before and after.
Yeah, we are working on more test, the first ones were successful with before and after live blood samples. Working on doing more. will let you know. You can see the first results here. This isn't the exact formula but close. THE CURE is called IMMUNINZ or something like that and its main ingredients come from the HEMP PLANT.
OK please keep us updated.
I'll watch the video but I am skeptical that the cure comes from hemp. It wouldn't make sense that they made cannabis legal, let's say in Canada, if the solution would come from that plant. The fact that they are trying to ban a lot of supplements tell me that the solution could be there.
That said, I'll watch with an open mind and I'll be waiting for more live blood analysis.
Hey ana been reading your work for vaccine injured and im almost certain ive got blood clots at age 41 ive been to every hospital from nyc to chicago and they claim i dont but i can feel them , they just keep telling me its something else at every hospital. Is there anyone who can just look at my dicomm files and confirm if they are lying ??? Please im begging here
As per my understanding no one was prepared for the “pandemic” response but Gates Foundation, aka WHO… So he was prepared…
There is an option for English subtitles.
Frequencies 171.160 Hz, 174.989 Hz, and 1185.131 Hz useful in combating COVID-19
(Novel Coronavirus)
Abir Chakravorty1*a
a Orcid Id:
1PhD research scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur, Kharagpur-721302, India.
The paper presents the works carried out by different researchers for identifying the SARS-CoV-2 virus
structure, and its background with the present medication being addressed to the COVID-19 patients. The
paper discusses three candidates for possible defense and cure of humans against the virus along with the
regular medication. The first is the resonant frequency therapy, which has proven its efficacy for treating
different types of viral infection and cancer cells as the capsid of Rubella measles virus, Satellite Tobacco
necrosis Virus, Cancer cells and many more are neutralized on the application of frequency equal to the
resonance frequency of the protein shell of the virus. It is expected that there must be a resonance
frequency corresponding to the capsid of the SARS-CoV-2, on the application of which might result in
the disintegration of the protein shell. As treating a huge number of people in hospitals is becoming
increasingly difficult and large number of population is under quarantine, a resonance audio frequency of
this sort embedded in a soothing music can be melodius, and the same if played in public spaces and
homes might help a great deal. The frequencies (approximate values) are 171.160 Hz, 174.989 Hz,
1185.131 Hz the complete details regarding administration and calculation of the frequencies are
discussed in this manuscript. This treatment along with the presently administered treatment to COVID-
19 patients might aid in their quick recovery from illness. Further the audio frequency/ resonance
frequency therapy, and the strategy discussed in this manuscript might be useful in future from any kind
of Virus attacks/ Biological warfares either intentionally or naturally. Also, the medicinal properties of
ethnomedical plants such as Piper nigrum, and Ocimum tenuiflorum L and essential oils such as
Eucalyptus oil are discussed.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
Brandon’s Substack
Thank you for your relentless work on this. The self replicating nano technology material from my experience spreads and is able to traverse distances within a wireless cloud of energy. When removing one's body from all EMF sources into a Faraday cage, it is easy to detect the material going dormant.
The conundrum we have is that to function in the world today we have to be around people in environments with toxic EMF. If we unplug off-grid and go into a remote region and area, then self-sufficiency is required and per militaries the estimated reported life expectancy is going to be 30 years of age or so.
Therefore, co-existing with this material requires, from my personal experience, ensuring you are not around people that give you headaches (e.g. literally nano tech trained on negative thoughts and destructive behaviors), people eating unclean foods (I'm avoiding these as well), and ensuring full hydration with clean water and antioxidants eating plant and plant based proteins with fruits. I'm not eating any sugars at all, in my electrochemical engineer opinion the sugar energy is catalyzing turbo cancers. I'm also eating less and earlier in the day (try to).
Time will tell what works for all of us, I'm doing all that I can to communicate what works for me so that others can learn from what to do and what not to do (do not spend a lot of time in a faraday cage, read my prior blog post on that, which almost killed me).
Roman S Shapoval - Aug 22, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Any thoughts on eating fish like mackerel/sardines, which has a high amount of DHA?
Thanks Brandon for the work you're doing in this field!
Sandy K - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
Sandy K
Questions for you, Brandon. Does a Faraday cage stop Schumann resonance? If disconnected from Earth's grounding could that be why being in one long term was hurting you? Would it be better to sleep in a Faraday space but allow Schumann's while avoiding too much contact with injected people? I would appreciate your reply! I'm an ecologist not an engineer. Thank you!
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 23, 2023
Brandon’s Substack
Sandy K.
Specific Itemized Answers to your Questions:
Does a Faraday cage stop Schumann resonance? Normally no, cause the wavelengths are so long. You'd need active jamming.
Here is a paper on frequency of Sars-Cov-2 by researchers in India, this also coincides with MIT publication on frequencies (higher range).
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
Brandon’s Substack
dirty electricity with horrible harmonics is what hurt me during recovery from a failed NKT hit job "cognitive weapon". Define dirty electricity? harmonics such that the pulsing magnetic field around the distribution line is greater than 1 mG and in my case was as high as 10 mG (lethal). Also, the ground was electrified since the location where I evacuated to had underground distribution cabling for power.
I can only speak to items I've encountered and reverse engineered with data.
I've had this book at my old lab 1441 Canal Street, Lab 301, New Orleans, LA 70112-2714 for at seven or so years and it helped me troubleshoot the dirty electrical, such that I moved locations to recover in a healthier EMF environment with less dirty electricity further away.
John H. - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
John H.
What do you mean by, "When removing one's body from all EMF sources into a Faraday cage, it is easy to detect the material going dormant"? Are you saying you have placed your entire body in a Faraday cage and did empirical testing to prove the nanotech is no longer functioning in some way? Please explain in more detail.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
Brandon’s Substack
I removed the external transmitters (e.g. antennas from towers, satcom, ionosphere, etc.) from my body by placing my body in a faraday cage. then selectively added a Royal Raymond Rife frequency, from The Rife Handbook, at the critical vibrational resonance frequency for the given virus, bacteria, cancer, parasite, fungus, mold, synthetic biology (morgellons, mesogens, graphenes, etc. all of this junk is old hat industrial/military/intelligence community spy tech or super human tech) and you will feel it move and when close to skin, see it, move inside of your body. It is the creepiest feeling and visual that I have had in my entire life.
Seeking Truth - Aug 23, 2023
Seeking Truth
holy shit
Lacie moore - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
Brandon’s Substack
It says he has a prior blog on the Faraday cage
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
Brandon’s Substack
I have also used Royal Raymond Rife frequencies with a horn transmitter (think football game announcement microphones) and electronically steered the synbio away from a given portion of my body and visually observed it moving away from the signal source. I also tested electrodes and electricity (which attracted the syn bio material). So I then combined the transmitter on one side of my body part and then the electrical source on the other side (where I wanted to the synbio material to move) and it moved faster than by using either method one at a time, when combined moved faster, that said per research, the synbio grows when by electricity and when nutrients in environment adjacent to it.... the world is weird. God bless those that have parasites in them dormant now awakening due to people's weakened immune systems.
John H. - Aug 22, 2023
John H.
Comment removed.
John H. - Aug 22, 2023
John H.
If everything is now contaminated, including all terrestrial (surface) raised food sources, it is impossible to totally avoid it. At some point, it becomes an exercise in futility, doesn't it? What do you mean by saying the elites raise their food underground? Do you have proof of it or are you surmising that to be the case?
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 22, 2023
Brandon’s Substack
You're not getting the point. The nano tech mimics the organism it lives within.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 22, 2023
Brandon’s Substack
You are what you eat now. Literally, the nano tech of what you eat enters you and it already has pre-programmed neural networks that are representative of the prior organism's function, not yours.
bastringue - Aug 24, 2023
It's an interesting theory, but how can you prove it? We need facts now. We need facts and a way to cure people who are harmed by this.
John H. - Aug 22, 2023
John H.
Comment removed.
John H. - Aug 22, 2023
John H.
That's a totally unresponsive reply and rude. If you have evidence, you should produce it. You may be right.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 22, 2023
Brandon’s Substack
2008 through today this NeuroS/T PRISM pub has been published Hope this helps. Regarding being unresponsive and rude, the only concern that I have is that it wastes people's time on something not good.
Once you understand how TAMI and MIND work (old tech that IC uses still most likely) anyone who is a polygot or savant perceived by others first needs to be reviewed for their respective brainpool cause there is artificial intelligence pervasive now and since TAMI+MIND went online in 1976, which ended Cold War.
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
Diva Drops
I don't trust any supplements, any fluids, anymore, especially anything we are using to detox from this horror show - until they are all tested/scoped. Almost all have been shown to be contaminated. They've captured everything, so of course any and all detoxes would have been the first on their list to be poisoned. They finally got to ivermectin, so of course they are approving it now.
matt j.a.o.b has tested vitamin c - the crystal packet - and he found it had the Dots- and everyone is taking 10,000 a day...? ...might be a good idea to avoid massive doses of nanotech/bioweapons...and get our own scopes?
Thank you, Ana, for all that you do, but it might be time to recommend a microscope that we all might be able to afford so we can test our own supplements and detoxes from now on.
Marty - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
the best and safest source of vitamin C on earth is pine needles
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Aug 22, 2023
Diva Drops
nothing is safe to ingest now...
John H. - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
John H.
Comment removed.
John H. - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
John H.
Aluminum, barium, strontium, cadmium, etc. is everywhere now.
Marty - Aug 22, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
not where i live. I'm sure that in Mystery Babylon it would be.
Marty - Aug 22, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Comment removed.
Marty - Aug 22, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Not my intention. Anyway your earlier argument is painfully valid.
I know when they spray, every fucking day that they spray, wherever i go, i take notes ... Here (Western Europe) the chemtrailing has substantially slowed down since the plandemic started, but it's still going on, when the weather is nice, a few times a month ...
I'm sure that pine needles, being resinous, are polluted by the aerosols. But they're so medicinal and i use them to the fullest. I'm not gonna stop using nature's most powerful medicinal plants just because there's a bunch of subhuman psychopathic monsters that think they can get away with murder, murdering us, them and the planet in the process, they should already be hanging, but since this society protects those who poison others, we're not quite there yet.
John H. - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
John H.
I am very concerned about the above product, based on the material at the link. Every statement about potential efficacy uses the word "may" which also means "may not."
I don't see any proof that it is safe or effective as advertised. It's unclear from the site, what clinical studies if any were done on this product. It's also out of place in the post given the content/context of what the post is about.
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
Diva Drops
I know what you mean...I felt the same way. Where are all the ingredients coming from? What are the controls? and the website itself seems archaic and lacking in information. There was time I would have tried it immediately; those days are gone...
Maybe Ana could test the product for us if she is recommending it.
John H. - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
John H.
People have gotten to the point where they will try anything at the drop of a hat, take dozens of products they know nothing about or the provenance of them. So many are simply scared to death and not thinking critically, which I guess was the goal, so it's working just as planned.
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Aug 22, 2023
Diva Drops
Yes...and I get it...when you are aware of any of this, panic does set in... stepping back a minute is always a good thing. Try to clear your head, trust your intuition and move forward?
bastringue - Aug 24, 2023
Exactly why we need a clear protocol that works. People like Ana should concentrate on this IMO and analyze blood before and after each and every protocol.
By doing IV EDTA Ana can save a couple of people. By finding a protocol that works, she could save millions.
Seeking Truth - Aug 23, 2023
Seeking Truth
What are you supposed to take of you get covid? No Ivm? I also have lyme disease & take lots of supplements. What about thyroid pills- Synthroid & LDN?
Margaritas at the Mall - Aug 29, 2023
Margaritas at the Mall
There is no Covid. There is no virus. There is no such thing as a virus. Watch The Viral Delusion. The virus fear is to motivate you to ingest or inject
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Aug 22, 2023
Diva Drops
Comment removed.
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Aug 22, 2023
Diva Drops
with you all the way...
MarieSea - Aug 22, 2023
Diva Drops
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Aug 22, 2023
Diva Drops
I was just looking at her parasite zapper yesterday! Thank you so much.
Okisuke - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
Okisuke’s Substack
It would be interesting to see the following experiments under the microscope:
unvaxxed blood+shot+x
(x should be added after at least 15 min of interaction of unvaxxed blood and shot)
1.) x = 1 drop of CaNa2EDTA
2.) x = 1 drop of alpha lipoic acid
3.) x = 1 drop of liposomal vitamin C
4.) x = 1 drop of DMSA
5.) x = combination of 1-4
John H. - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
John H.
Thinking out loud, I'm not sure what is gained by subjecting fresh unvaxxed human blood to the shot in vitro. We already know the jab is very toxic and others already performed the blood plus shot contents and showed almost instantaneous deoxygenation (Fleming). Is it reasonable to expect any remediating agent to block the toxic effects of the shot when a miniscule amount of blood is exposed to a large/concentrated amount of jab content, which would not be analogous to the situation in vivo?
Is number 4 dimercaptosuccinic acid? That's for chelating heavy metals, isn't it? If you think this approach is valid, what about trying boron/Borax?
Jeb - Aug 22, 2023
Seeking Truth
Borax doesn't chelate heavy metals.
Seeking Truth - Aug 23, 2023
Seeking Truth
We also need something that doesn’t move mercury. I have amalgams & now , since dental analgesics are contaminated, Im afraid to switch them to composite.
Okisuke - Aug 22, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
I'm sure that he's aware of this and he's not the first one to add Borax to this list.
John H. - Aug 22, 2023
John H.
I see where my last paragraph as written above is confusing. I should have put the boron/Borax sentence in a separate paragraph from the heavy metals paragraph.
My sense is that chelating agents like IV EDTA for removal of heavy metals have been known about for years (long before the jab program).
What remains unclear to me is whether there is any known remediation for the nanotech that is scalable and cheap enough for humanity to take/afford. I was raising boron/Borax as a possible remediation for the nanotechnology contents. Oral boron could theoretically be given at scale if proven to be useful and free of adverse/toxic effects.
Dr. Ana says IV EDTA not only clears heavy metals but removes the nanotech for short durations of time after which it returns. Taking IV EDTA treatments every week or twice a month is not practical for the vast majority of people even if there were enough properly trained practitioners. That's why an oral agent would be ideal, taken on a chronic/ongoing basis.
Okisuke - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
Okisuke’s Substack
Apparently the results will not be the same in vivo, but it's perhaps the quickest method to observe a positive effect immediately.
A physician named Robert D is currently conducting experiments with his own blood:
4. Correct, DMSA has a higher affinity towards metals such as Hg, Cd, As etc. The interaction of the thiolgroups with graphene oxide should - in theory - render it less toxic.
There's is more data for the use of DMSA for heavy metal detoxification, but little info about the interaction with GO-PEG and nanotech.
Personally I only used borax for the qualitative analysis (borax bead test) of transition metals such as Cr, Mn and Cu. Perhaps Ki-Yeob Jeon MD, PhD, ScD used a footbath with borax to remove these parasite like structures.
Linda - Aug 23, 2023 - Edited
Did you use an ionized foot bath that gets plugged into an electrical outlet?
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 23, 2023
Brandon’s Substack
the synbio grows rapidly, when subject to an electrical current, tread carefully.
Okisuke - Aug 23, 2023 - Edited
Okisuke’s Substack
See Brandon's response. This is the reason why I'm hestitant to do this. Moreover, any carelessness can give me an electric shock.
dyr - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
Okisuke’s Substack
What counts for very much in all these experiments is to control for e-exposures, in vitro or vivo. Rarely attended to.
If metals are incorporated into the hydrogel, i.e. attached not only swimming within or however, then does the edta work by pulling it apart, also getting at what's within? What happens to the "rubbery" aspect - remaining attached and thus also exiting?
It seems more and more apparent that ambient e-smog activates what's within &/or on injectees (and very exposed non-injectees), rebroadcast at true clot-forming frequencies. The bluetooth signal aspect is not as important as the clotty frequencies coming off these "carriers". I am not affected with clots by run of the mill e-exposures, but by other symptoms. The clot efficiency is new; the e-aspects are critical.
Okisuke - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
Okisuke’s Substack
Indeed it's a factor we should address. I even linked this paper in one of my posts: "Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G"
dyr - Aug 22, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
HI again,
Just had a look at your substack for 1st time, we read 2 pieces.
Re chest pain: Have you tried hawthorn (shan zha) as maybe you've seen me recommend repeatedly? It was left chest area discomfort that finally focussed my attention last yr on getting serious about remedy. I'd never felt anything like that. It absolutely worked, feeling gone, also to reveal that other clots had remained in situ as the haw drinks moved them along. Injie exposures give me throbs, but prior to haw use I did not realize that some clots might not be clearing. I'd figured wrongly that what I felt in throbs was all there was (usually clearing in a few hours, a few times 2 days, once a record 4 days). Of course there may be some I still do not realize, but I have no reason to think so. Moreover when I est. only 1x/wk these days take it, it is uncommon for e to feel more come loose, and what does make for a throb is not as sharp as earlier.
I wonder if a remedy of use might be brown sea veg (kombu as I've been recommending, too, also changed throb quality) that has had metals it might hold removed with edta if that is possible, if the hold on it all by the sea veg is not stronger, and if those metals are removed eating totally non-toxic sea veg which is a known chelator. As is untested for metals it has definitely been since last yr of good use for us in combatting some effects of exposure to injies.
Okisuke - Aug 23, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
It seems that you are uninjected, but affected by shedding/radiation, right? So I assume that hawthorn has a similar effect for me. Hence, you may provide me the following information: 1. dosage form (capsule, coated tablets), 2. dosage [mg], 3. time of intake, 4. intake per day (on average).
I tried g strophantine (ouabain) tablets in homeopathic form. Apparently, it didn't work at all. The whole story about ouabain is complex, because there are cases where an overdosage killed patients. Based on these events it's only on prescription now. What makes it even worse is that only a handful of doctors can and will prescribe it.
dyr - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
John H.
I think there were no less than 4 such papers connecting severity of ailment with new telecommunications infrastructure, one paper by two known to me.. The paper you link to, altho' I only glanced for now, seems to deal with exacerbation. From my own experience plus all the work Dr Ana et al have put forth, something inhaled (or ingested later of course injected) acts a converter of new frequencies &/or modulation patterns to clot efficiency, well beyond rouleaux formation (known since at least 80s) etc. Remember the Diamond Princess cruise sip covi-stranded, i think off Japan? It (as reported by Arthur Firstenberg) was touted as the 1st such ship to have "5G' aboard". I think in Italy the sickest place was the 1st to have that deployed, San Marino.
Interesting experience of late, reported on this or another substack; a local injectee who always has given me clots after even short exposure, did not do so last time encountered, and it somehow came up that he had unusual for him no cell phone with him at the time. I did however have other symptoms - no clots - the feeling around my forehead I &
very many get from being around wifi. This kind of thing seems to corroborate for me the essential aspect of figuring what is coming off injies, coming at the rest of us. (I used to say up to 15 ft, but a recent encounter of longer than usual duration, ie injie and interlocutor stationary for maybe 10minutes, provoked symptoms from 20 ft. Also as reported blockage has been effected with 1/4 inch plywood. This kind of blockage can be frequency and material specific, so might add clue as to nature of broadcast.)
John H. - Aug 22, 2023 - Edited
John H.
Here's a thought:
Non-jabbed should find a location free of 5G (nearest pole or tower miles away) then monitor for EMFs with one of the commercially available units. Ideally, stay in that location with no cell phones present. Check blood and document, rinse and repeat. Report the results. Hypothesis is that without some type of remediation, complete clearing of blood will not occur.
Jeb - Aug 22, 2023
John H.
I have read from a source I trust (don't recall it right now) that stated a low % of humans actually get the rubbery clots. I hope this source is correct.
dyr - Aug 22, 2023
John H.
I have repeated several times in comments here that more care should be taken in word use re 'clots' (our host I only once heard distinguish between blood clots proper and other). It is needlessly confusing, altho' certainly the two are closely related. There are true blood clots of various types and the "rubbery" intrusion.
John H. - Aug 23, 2023
John H.
Very important point. Type ordinaire blood clots do seem to occur after exposure through injection and result in clinical sequelae such as DVT, arterial thrombosis which is seen in CVA/PE/MI etc.
The rubbery clot phenomenon appears to be the result of a different mechanism entirely which seems to the reason they are not effectively treated with anticoagulants, not even those that allegedly dissolve thrombus material such as streptokinase, urokinase and even nattokinase. Attempts at mechanical (digital) disruption postmortem show they are resistant where standard blood clots are easily disrupted by washing and digital disruption.
bastringue - Aug 24, 2023
Yes, yes, yes! We need more testing because people are so confused now they try like 10 different protocols and sometimes dangerous supplements as well. We need something that works.
Jim Reinhart - Aug 22, 2023
Identify the size of each item what you are looking at. Live cells structures are much larger than one would guess and there are 80-100 Billion of them dying daily at an average with higher amounts from anaerobic bacterium (the basic structures along with anaerobic fungi as the blood is no longer able to provide oxygen) and there are structures of nano-bacterium but it is a fully functional single celled animal doing what it is supposed to do when cells are dying in mass especially when the living creature is dead.
There are 70-100 trillion enzymes (the word that the world idiots and liars call virus which are only protein chains and are not alive and are created within the cells if you have seen Necroskopy electron microscopy, and the break through the cells wall (mostly in the human GI tract) which immediately closes up.
Dead organic matter is eliminated, much like a detergent with ENZYMES! as in the Princeton document of the notes of Pasteur proved him to be a fraud 1995 G.L. Geison - The Private Science of Louis Pasteur, and then the idiocy of the virome speaking out both sides of their mouths from Cold Spring Harbor Eugenics of NY, beginning in the UK Sir Francis Galton, a statistician that doesn't understand the science as my degree and professions were decisions sciences (don't get me started on AI and Genetics) and this article should make you furious, it only gets worse with the Koch's postulates being nothing more than a child's comedy. If any disease could create a pandemic with the size of a virus as stated and in cold spring harbor's, there would be no life and before and after Bechamp all had detailed documentation of real science that showed a healthy environment and food supply (eliminate all of the idiocy of pasteurization and UV-C as it destroys the bacteria that helps in digestion which is what the US government did in the 60s along with Florida, aluminum and earlier mercury, the last which are extremely deadly neurotoxins that DO NOT LEAVE THE BODY and are now, with nano-aluminum, all in the brain which never leaves. So much for the dumbing down of everyone and the death of everything as the pesticides and herbicides are just as deadly and destroy the foundation of healthy soils which create healthily bodies. Read the article for factual information "Healthy Soils, Healthy People; The Legacy of William Albrecht". We have all but destroyed the future of all life from institutions with $ in their eyes and know wisdom. The fools that performed the unimaginable are trying to blame those who use their products while the makers knew in advance the detriment to life itself but figured their fake science which is dead for years now, will help them.
Gary McCollom - Aug 22, 2023
A question for you Jim, you like I have seen the sheep of the last 3 years lining up for injections.
Tell me how we are going to stop them from getting injections, will it be by showing them the deaths and adverse effects so many have suffered with from them OR try and tell them that virus does not exist?
From where I sit if you start trying to tell the sheep virus don't exist its only going to push the sheep further away.
Gary McCollom - Aug 22, 2023
I sure do appreciate all your work Ana but its worth mentioning my story again.
In August 2021 I was still at my old job and on a Friday I came back from my run and took some stock back to returns and one of our other drivers came up to me and asked if I could take his too and I said said of course Glen and he proceeded to thank me by grabbing my upper arm skin to skin.
Unknown to me at the time he had his second Pfizer shot on the day before on Thursday.
Now continuing with story I went home and we had the weekend and the Tuesday that followed I woke up at 3 am and knew something was wrong, I had a fever, was dizzy and felt weak. Went to computer room and all 3 got worse after 10 minutes or so.
My wife ran a room temp bath for me and I jumped in and took 50,000iu vitamin d, quercetin and zinc and after an hour got out and went to bed for 4-5 hours and woke up and all the symptoms were gone.
A weel prior to this I got back my 4th vitamin d test since I learned in early 2020 that it had a protective effect against whatever was going on and my number was at 82ng.
I have absolutely no doubt that if it was not that high I would have been in serious distress.
I have not stopped at Vitamin d, I take the whole gamut of vitamins and nutrients along with a few ionic versions of boron and magnesium and lipsomal vitamin c, pine bark extract, serrapatese, curcumin, iodine, baking soda, MSM, DMSO, nattokatise, nitric oxide, ivermectin, potassium powder there are others as well and I take this to help them all work better, molybdenum.
And I am obviously still alive and kicking.
Some things I have but have yet to use are collodial silver and MMS.
Some info for those curious about Molybdenum.
I add this one because its important to get copper while taking Molybdenum
Janet Newman - Aug 22, 2023
Janet’s Substack
I don't have a microscope but I am a nurse and work with platelet rich fibrin- we draw someone's blood spin it down and retrieve the platelet rich fibrin to inject back into the patient for aesthetic purposes. I was not vaccinated, but I was exposed to a lot of people that were vaccinated. I did notice people's platelet rich fibrin seemed to clot slightly faster after the vaccine roll out, I couldn't prove it was happening because I didn't time it before vaccines came out. One day I decided to do my own PRF (platelet rich fibrin) injections. Before the nurse could microneedle it into my skin the platelets had formed a very large clot in the middle of the vial. I have factor V leiden a blood clotting disorder, which is harmless unless combined with other risk factors, such as oral birth control, surgery, flying, dehydration, sedentary lifestyle, obesity. I had none of these, BUT I had been exposed to the vaccinated patients over and over and my own family members who ignored my warnings and took the shot. So I've experienced side effects from second hand exposure to the vaccine and it really upsets me that people acted like unvaccinated people were "super spreaders" when the vaccinated are the actual super spreaders, creating more variants, and now we just have to live with this mRNA in our bodies indefinitely. And they are still so dumb they don't have a clue what they've done.
dyr - Aug 23, 2023
2nd handers transmit as well, per my now lengthy researched experience. They may not have all the requisite hardware and software installed, as it were, but some at least are effective "spreaders".
Nostradamus X - Aug 22, 2023
Nostradamus X
Do you remember second hand smoking cancer deaths?
Do you remember hundreds of millions of $ of lawsuit settlements for tobacco induced cancers?
This time it's called "experimental gene therapy" in lieu of cigarettes.
MarieSea - Aug 22, 2023
Dr. Hulda Clark's supplements are all we trust--rigorously tested with the Syncrometer (detects the minutest toxins via frequencies, her invention which was way ahead of its time).
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 22, 2023
Brandon’s Substack
The original messaging was about the vaccine having mRNA in it so that the body could produce the "spike" protein in it. Has the mRNA in Liquid Nano Particles LNPs been detected or not in any of the vaccines? From what I've dug into the materials in vaccines 2020-2023 are comprised of mesogens (quantum dots), graphenes and self replicating nanotechnology. Then the material enters the body, if the body is healthy (e.g. no parasites, high cholesterol, etc.) then it meshes with the Central Nervous System CNS and you get a "cyborg". However, if you've had parasites dormant and been eating unclean food (pork w/parasites in it), living with cats that have cat poop not changed out quickly (less than one day), then you synbio up the parasites already existing inside of your body that results in neurological issues. Further, the cholesterol clumps up the synbio and results in this weird synthetic paste that clogs arteries, etc.
Keep in mind with ChinaCCP deploying continually changing bioweapons on the world, the only way to protect people is to have nano scale crystals in your body vibrating at critical resonance frequencies that can be dispatched through trusted smart devices to real-time detect and squash a bioweapon attack from ChinaCCP. If you are not aware of any of the words above, then please do your research before commenting as the world is more advanced than meets your eye (cause it's literally hidden from your eyes). Humanity had no choice, to upgrade in order to counter ChinaCCP evil.
My protocol:
1) lots of clean water high pH water
2) plant based foods
3) high dose vitamin c
4) calcium-disodium-EDTA periodically
5) zinc
6) magnesium
7) methylene blue
8) fulvic acid
9) quercetine
10) resveratrol
11) kosher pickels
12) apple cider vinegar with the mother
13) NAC
14) Nattokinase
15) Borax (wash clothes in and foot baths)
16) Iodine Providone
17) anti-parasite (natural, synthesized, etc.)
18) baking soda (foot baths)
19) salts (foot baths and baths/showers)
20) chlorine (pool)
21) fasting (eat during 1/2 of the day earlier preferred then tapper off and quit eating five or so hours before bedtime)
22) Rife Machine(s) with transmitters
23) moderate exercise
24) indoor / outdoor balance for natural vitamin D.
dyr - Aug 23, 2023
Brandon’s Substack
Will you not stop attributing certain things to the Chinese?
I have already called out the scurrilous (esp. in French) words towards one group internationally of one substacker referred to by our host and others, regardless of his useful other info. It is time to also call out anyone who goes along with helping wittingly or no beat the drums for the next "pivot to Asia" - war provocation vs China.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 23, 2023
Brandon’s Substack
You're misunderstanding. I am attributing a lot of thefts and bioweapon/neuroweapon use to ChinaCCP, not the good Chinese people. I have studied in Tsinghua University, Beijing and seen people (Chinese) get disappeared by their ChinaCCP gov.
Seeking Truth - Aug 23, 2023
Seeking Truth
How can we trust any supplements ?
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 22, 2023
Agent’s Substack
FLASH WARNING, Spanish Research Group La Quinta Columna has confirmed that the REQUIRED rabies vaccines for Dogs are infested with MRNA nanotech. start video at 2hr 1 minute 59 seconds 4 dogs out of 10 vaccinated developed turbo cancer within 6 months.
Seeking Truth - Aug 23, 2023
Seeking Truth
I have a 13 month golden retriever. Rabies shots are required in NJ. I wonder when they started this. Monsters.
Seeking Truth - Aug 23, 2023
Seeking Truth
omg. Im horrified.
Nostradamus X - Aug 22, 2023
Nostradamus X
All harmaceuticals are infested - natural medicine is the only option left.
Rachel - Aug 22, 2023
What magnification is used to obtain these shots? 200x? 2000x?
Robert - Aug 22, 2023
Robert’s Substack
PEOPLE WAKE UP PLEASE. Can someone with a DFM please repeat Dr Ana's live blood draw vial test post to coobarate findings. 1u can use meat blood. 2 leave in small bottle cap or jar. 3. Add cure 4 leave 4 hours 5 to at with DFM and bluetooth. Cures to test for medfive oral EDTA. VITC. AC. DE. CBDA. HA. CG. etc. TY.
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 22, 2023
Agent’s Substack
We did repeat her experiment but instead of using edta or vitamin C we used CbD. Let the blood sit for 11 days then had the blood analyzed by a top expert in microscopy. we did 6 Viles 2 unvaccinated and 1 double vaccinated subject. We didn't see any yellow hydrogel form in any of the samples. You can see the results here.
bastringue - Aug 26, 2023
Agent’s Substack
This is the kind of work that should be done. Kudos to you. Try it with other protocols as well if you can.
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 26, 2023
Agent’s Substack
We did two, CBD and PH Diet. we are pretty sure we found THE CURE.... and GUESS who has been secretly getting ROYALTY payments on this GOV PATENTED DRUG, .... ANTHONY FAUCI that's who...
bastringue - Aug 26, 2023
Agent’s Substack
If you think you found THE CURE, you need to test it on many people and use a double-blind method to be sure about it. You need to look at live blood before and after.
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 27, 2023
Agent’s Substack
Yeah, we are working on more test, the first ones were successful with before and after live blood samples. Working on doing more. will let you know. You can see the first results here. This isn't the exact formula but close. THE CURE is called IMMUNINZ or something like that and its main ingredients come from the HEMP PLANT.
bastringue - Aug 27, 2023
OK please keep us updated.
I'll watch the video but I am skeptical that the cure comes from hemp. It wouldn't make sense that they made cannabis legal, let's say in Canada, if the solution would come from that plant. The fact that they are trying to ban a lot of supplements tell me that the solution could be there.
That said, I'll watch with an open mind and I'll be waiting for more live blood analysis.
Seeking Truth - Aug 23, 2023
Seeking Truth
CBD oil??
Lyndsey, RN💜🐭 - Sep 27, 2023
💙TheVaxInjuredLounge💙w/ Lynds…
Would love for you to study my blood. I have the rouleux and spherical cytes
Johnathan - Aug 29, 2023
Hey ana been reading your work for vaccine injured and im almost certain ive got blood clots at age 41 ive been to every hospital from nyc to chicago and they claim i dont but i can feel them , they just keep telling me its something else at every hospital. Is there anyone who can just look at my dicomm files and confirm if they are lying ??? Please im begging here
Karen Hayes - Aug 26, 2023
Karen’s Substack
Dr. Ana - thank you for all you are doing. Have you reviewed CardioRenew oral chelation? It is not tablets, but drops.
Adriana - Aug 25, 2023
As per my understanding no one was prepared for the “pandemic” response but Gates Foundation, aka WHO… So he was prepared…
There is an option for English subtitles.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 24, 2023
Brandon’s Substack
Frequencies 171.160 Hz, 174.989 Hz, and 1185.131 Hz useful in combating COVID-19
(Novel Coronavirus)
Abir Chakravorty1*a
a Orcid Id:
1PhD research scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur, Kharagpur-721302, India.
The paper presents the works carried out by different researchers for identifying the SARS-CoV-2 virus
structure, and its background with the present medication being addressed to the COVID-19 patients. The
paper discusses three candidates for possible defense and cure of humans against the virus along with the
regular medication. The first is the resonant frequency therapy, which has proven its efficacy for treating
different types of viral infection and cancer cells as the capsid of Rubella measles virus, Satellite Tobacco
necrosis Virus, Cancer cells and many more are neutralized on the application of frequency equal to the
resonance frequency of the protein shell of the virus. It is expected that there must be a resonance
frequency corresponding to the capsid of the SARS-CoV-2, on the application of which might result in
the disintegration of the protein shell. As treating a huge number of people in hospitals is becoming
increasingly difficult and large number of population is under quarantine, a resonance audio frequency of
this sort embedded in a soothing music can be melodius, and the same if played in public spaces and
homes might help a great deal. The frequencies (approximate values) are 171.160 Hz, 174.989 Hz,
1185.131 Hz the complete details regarding administration and calculation of the frequencies are
discussed in this manuscript. This treatment along with the presently administered treatment to COVID-
19 patients might aid in their quick recovery from illness. Further the audio frequency/ resonance
frequency therapy, and the strategy discussed in this manuscript might be useful in future from any kind
of Virus attacks/ Biological warfares either intentionally or naturally. Also, the medicinal properties of
ethnomedical plants such as Piper nigrum, and Ocimum tenuiflorum L and essential oils such as
Eucalyptus oil are discussed.
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