Unvaccinated Blood: Recurrent New Proof of…

Mar 26, 2023

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Image courtesy: Unvaccinated live blood analysis Subject 1 - normal appearing prior to exposure to low level electrical current.


Fizzygurl - Mar 26, 2023

I have been forwarding your articles on shedding to my unvaxxed friends who have expressed their concern. Thank you for your research.


Thomas - Mar 26, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Dr. Ana, in a comment attached to the Michael Roth memorial, I mentioned that I had my blood recently examined under dark field microscopy by a cell biologist PhD. She lives 5 min from me (what a gift!). Although I haven't been vaccinated since 1969 and pursued a healthy dietary journey I was a bit shocked and humbled to find many of the slides resemble exactly your photos of blood with Rouleaux, clumping and bundles of fibrin. She (the biologist) follows your work and would like to know the brand of microscope from S. Africa that you have mentioned.
Also of interest: there are scalar frequency generators that entrain the biofield to mitigate potential EMF damage. Before and after dark field blood work show a complete de-clumping of Rouleaux formation most likely by depolarization of the cell wall with the consequence of freeing up oxygen.
Thank you for your continued vigilance, urgency, and insight.


Jonm - Mar 26, 2023

Best comment Thomas. Where is this cell biologist you refer to? Can you somehow forward contact info?


Thomas - Mar 26, 2023

Hello Jonm. The cell biologist as I mentioned, lives within a 10 min. walk. She was part of an unvaxxed/prepper group that we had going here in Julian CA. Her first name is Nila and strangely I don't know her last (yet). Degrees from UCSD. Excellent dietary and lifestyle advice. She is bit of a recluse with a landline only which she never answers-have to leave a voicemail. To honor her privacy, I would have to contact her first before giving out her number. Let me know.


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 26, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

What are those generators you mention , who has or cells them and we have to be careful about scalar the deadly smart meters are scalar wave weapons. Who has the evidence of this research?


Thomas - Mar 26, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Hello Thomas. Yes, scalar can be and has been weaponized (thank you DOD and DARPA). Even unauthorized knockoffs of Rife machines, which use scalar to target particular organs, have been found to cause harm. When smart meters were first rolled out, often without homeowner's consent, early dark field microscopy showed similar results of what Dr. Ana has posted, i.e., Rouleaux and clumping. I purchased my device fromBlushield.com. The site has generous info about scalar and effects on the body. Yes, they are selling a product, but the info is well worth a visit.


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 26, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

I checked their site , expensive stuff , and many other seemingly knowledgeable people saying , dont use this stuff even Clifford C. studies , we have so many confusing reports studies and opinions here its crazy


Thomas - Mar 26, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Thanks for the caution. I will continue my research. The before and after dark field scans will be telling. Whether the scalar frequencies can trigger the metals is my concern. I will pose this question to the company. If I morph into a hydrogel cyborg, you may find the event on alt news sources.


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 27, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Haaa great to have a sense of humor through all this , if we cant laugh then the "mofos" win , if you morph and it makes alt news make sure a photo is included so we know can clearly see the consequences SK


Marty - Mar 27, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Incredible to read your story and this only confirms Ana and Clifford's findings ... Do you live in an area that's heavily sprayed (chemtrails) ? Are you regularly in contact with people you know to be "vaccinated" ? Since i discovered that wifi exposure can create Rouleaux formation, i also wonder if smart meters and dirty electricity can't do the same ...


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 29, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

ALL AREAS are now highly SPRAYED AREAS , and it blows in the wind , comes down in rain and snow. Yes dirty power and smart meters are BAD NEWS . Its my understanding that SMART METERS are a scalar wave weapons after talking to several physicists who evaluated them . CAN ANYONE HERE prove this to be incorrect?


John Braby - Apr 3, 2023

John’s Newsletter

Walking on the ground barefoot and swimming in the sea unclumps the rouleaux. But as soon as you hit emfs - rouleaux again. A half way decent optical microscope will show you all this.


Tonya McKinney - Mar 26, 2023

Tonya’s Newsletter

Where can we buy a scaler frequency generator?


Thomas - Mar 26, 2023

Hello Tonya.Blushield.com. The site information is excellent. I have had the B1 product for just about a week now. In one month I will have my blood dark field scanned again to compare with the first reading to see if the combo of the Blushield device plus mega doses of nattokinase serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, zeolite, chlorella, liposomal C, liposomal EDTA, cilantro extract-in addition to transitioning to an alkaline diet - if that makes a difference.


G S Wells - Mar 30, 2023

You wont know which one made the difference.


Thomas - Mar 31, 2023

True. Same problem with taking multiple supplements.


jeffrey p lubina - Mar 26, 2023 - Edited

jeffrey p lubina

60GigaHertz has said almost everything I was about to say, exactly. I love you, man—intellectually, of course. I’ve always loved people—the intelligent individual, diversity and culture…so being forced to stay isolated from the majority-vaccinated makes it impossible to live a normal life—whatever the hell that means, anymore. Everything is so bloody backwards. I’m sorry to say this, but the vaccinated should be the ones to be forced into isolation or mandatorily-forced to wear laboratory-grade space suits in public, paid for by the lawyers who trapped us all. How the bloody hell does it make any sense that those of us who protested and resisted following the blinded sheep must be forced to suffer the costs of the brainwashed and stubborn-stupid still insisting, lining up for their third, fourth, fifth…vaxx still wearing those ridiculous face diapers? I just had an exchange with Michael Moore’s chat, and it was so painful to still have random, intelligent, beautiful people treat me like shit for insisting they have it all wrong. I‘ve never been a conspiracy theorist. I’ve always been a “Things Just Don’t Make Any Goddamn Sense, researcher. I had to, because American education, both private and public, had failed me so terribly, and the same goes with the “intelligently-corrupt and criminal” Government and Media. I want compensation!


Thomas Guitarman - Apr 2, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

This website is dedicated to exploring the question of whether the white light reportedly experienced at death is the BEST option or whether it may be a portal to an eventual reincarnation on Earth. It is an essential and logical question to ponder and not intended in any way to generate fear or paranoia. On this site, I will look not only at near death experiences, but also out of body experiences, pre-birth experiences, psychedelic experiences, alien abductions, meditation experiences, mythology and ancient texts. For example, many other transcendental experiencers, including The Tibetan Book of the Dead, reveal that light is just one of the two polarities of duality and that beyond the light exists a "clear" light of awareness beyond time and space, thought and emotion, a peaceful neutrality. It is indescribable, but is both light and dark or neither light nor dark, a type of so-called void which is a misleading misnomer that evokes the image of emptiness because it is nonduality: simulataneously nothing yet everything. It has been likened to a womb or pre-creation containing all potentiality. Why should we elect to go to an external light or authority figure when, as all disciplines suggest, our astral bodies are made of translucid, liquid light and we are connected to everything? And, more importantly, that we are living a dream and we have the power to manifest any reality through our focused Intention! So why would we want to hand over that Sovereignty to another being? And as quantum physics has shown us, there is an infinite energy present in every quantum zero point. This means that Infinity is within us. All we have to do is focus attention inward. From a larger perspective, the white light is an illusion as everything is a part of us and we are a part of everything. The nature of reality is holographic. It is consciousness, awareness. Consciousness manifests what we perceive to be reality.


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 29, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Since we are ALL being sprayed with the bio /nano weapons , separating from those who chose to be jabbed , makes some sense but is not complete, because this whole site is filled with evidence that the same stuff is showing up in the blood of the non jabbed , though less , and less deaths and injuries AT THIS POINT , with more 5g or higher gigahertz that could change quickly.


jeffrey p lubina - Mar 26, 2023 - Edited

jeffrey p lubina

Comment removed.


jeffrey p lubina - Mar 26, 2023 - Edited

jeffrey p lubina

Yes. You’re so correct. And I also believe mentally institutionalizing and liquidating all the assets of Rockefeller, Schwab, Bill Gates and at least 200 other rich subordinates would almost be a good start.


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 29, 2023 - Edited

Thomas’s Substack

Very good start and really a MUST or they will kill us all , so lets talk about solutions to accomplish these things.


jeffrey p lubina - Mar 30, 2023 - Edited

jeffrey p lubina

Thank you Thomas. Rather than repeat everything I keep saying within my Substack publications, let me just say in short, “Run for an executive position in your state.” If you live in Missouri, run or support me or someone else who’s a centered moderate Independent (I) with our realistic ideas for evolving true democracies and freedom, not Left vs. Right paradigms destroying honest democratic principles and election processes. If you haven’t already, please subscribe for free tojeffreyplubina.substack.com—after reading the following the link to one of my latest publications. Our citizens do NOT understand their rights and powers, yet. I’m changing this one reader at at time. I’m gong to run for either Governor or Senate, as well as support like-minded challengers who take my professional advice, to prosecute whoever replaced, lawyers, security advisers and their lawyers and other executive officers of state for treason and compensate all of us. This is the only way, Thomas, not wars or worthless demonstrations destroying our own country—just to be beaten down or murdered in the process by our own brainwashed cops and soldiers, who also need help to escape the fraud of fascist controls via corrupt and unconstitutional laws.
…oh, and please share with everyone, especially the brainwashed who keep saying, “there’s nothing we can do but accept the tyranny.” I despise the simpletons who are always “improving” upon evil prisons and wars—but health, education, real self-determination, democracy & freedom is impossible. I just hate ‘em.


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 31, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

I understand your sentiments , but I cannot run for anything in my state that is not a state , but merely a corrupt corporation criminal cartel. Im not part of this defacto system. Personally I think its gone way too far to be saved , revived or recreated by electoral process , or anything like that . It would be like treating cancer that is all the way to the bone and in all major organs with aspirin. I have screamed about all this for more than 4 decades, maybe 2 decades ago there was a chanced for what your talking about to make a difference, not now. We have not even begun to fully experience the collapse of the human infrastructure form the death shots, and a destroyed military, and completely corrupted judicial system. ALL THOSE behind or complicit in all these evil agendas have no intention of backing down or changing.. They also have not thrown their big guns [like phase 2 of plandemics ] into FULL action yet . I try to support everyone doing what they can and what they believe in, but there really is no time to waste . We dont want war and violence , but when someone is determined to kill you and your family , and is in the process of it, your choices are limited to, stop them , or be victimized and a statistic. We are there now .


jeffrey p lubina - Mar 31, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

But Thomas, you did say, “Let’s talk about the solutions.” I totally understand, though. And I agree with most of your sentiments. I’ve never cared for false hope or blind faith, as some often say, “It’s in God’s hands.” Nonsense. It’s up to us, humanity, not the lawyers trapping everyone to disparity. But I do believe in humanity. I’m going to show you, being from Missouri, if I live long enough, that we can punish enough lawyers to make a difference. They are at the center of all the problems, and I intend to “correct” all of them. Please do me a favor and read my last two substack publications, but start with this “whistle blower” video who’s exposing the vaxx bioweapons and DARPA’s complicity. She is why I still have hope, Thomas.
Pfizer Covid Vaccine Vial Contents Exposed By WHO Whistleblower Dr. Astride Stuckelberger (video link below with cross-post link at bottom)
Remember the world renown scientist Astrid Stuckelberger, PhD who was silenced by Dr. Ryan Cole at the Stockholm Health Freedom conference - when she endeavored to speak about Graphene and Nano technology to an audience of doctors. Dr. Ryan Cole has been denying Graphene and Nano technology in the shots and hence unfortunately denying humanity the appropriate collective research into treatment approaches by covering up this crime against humanity - calling it harmless cholesterol.


Marty - Mar 27, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

The chemtrailing is slowing a bit because, the criminals who obey to the cabal to spray this poison on us are dying as well ...


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 29, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Dont see any proof or evidence of this yet, can you show us some .


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 27, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Comment removed.


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 29, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Yes and the smart city designated cities were chosen long ago , because all current gov are WEF controlled or graduates. NOW DJT is pushing and promoting the same smart city program in disguise just calling it "new cities" Wake up people ALL major players are controlled opposition.


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 29, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Comment removed.


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 29, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Yes and JFK s election was also rigged , his old man was buddies with all those European banking monsters who have given us these agendas. In truth I THINK Thomas Jefferson was the last real president without a rigged election.


Kathleen Janoski - Mar 26, 2023 - Edited

Kathleen Janoski

I remember reading stories a few years ago about people who were suffering from Morgellons.
Doctors didn't believe them and often said it was "all in their head" or caused by stress, anxiety, etc.
So how did those fibers end up coming out of people's skin?
Were they vaccinated recently? Or is there a connection to Lyme disease? The weaponized ticks created at Plum Island, Long Island...another US government disaster.


Rosalind McGill - Mar 26, 2023 - Edited

Rosalind McGill

Morgellons is painful and scary. Doctors called it delusional parasitosis. Clifford Carnicom helped me understand it. Heavy metal detox helped my symptoms greatly.


Cynthia Jeanne Lee MD - Mar 30, 2023 - Edited

Cynthia’s Substack

look up demodex skin mite. This information was left out of physician education. This mite causes acne, rosacea and skin ageing. Sometimes, with 15 X magnification, one can see a black demodex brevis project straight out of the skin after applying a substance toxic to them, like green tea! I highly doubt it was confused with Morgellons and am not suggesting it was or is, just that physicians are kept ignorant. Someone needs to tell Brian Ardis about it. He said he was sure rosacea was parasites and I believe he was correct although he probably thought intestinal parasites!


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 30, 2023 - Edited

Unfortunately some people out there never see patients, never verify their theories in clinical practice. "Everything" about Covid is snake venom was a bunch of nonsense that has mislead so many. This is not just one weapon system. These are not parasites. They are artificial intelligence Hydrogel polymer synthetic biology.


Rosalind McGill - Mar 30, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Makes sense, thanks.


Kathleen Janoski - Mar 26, 2023

Kathleen Janoski

Had you received a regular vaccine right before it developed?


Rosalind McGill - Mar 26, 2023

Rosalind McGill

No , not recently.


kaal - Mar 26, 2023


Is it that their bodies reject it and wont synthesize it-? A relative had M and started putting small amt of oil of oregano on skin straight {supposed 2 mix w carrier oil and it burns w/ out} - w regular use M stopped. For over 1 yr now. This person elderly female also had recurring antibiotic resistent UTI's- they also stopped. not sure where she applied i- think round nose possibly ears.


kaal - Mar 26, 2023


i suggested this her over 1 yr ago in response to her despair.


kaal - Mar 26, 2023


Comment removed.


kaal - Mar 26, 2023


Does this have something to do w aliens? Certainly demonic. Where does it come from? WHO INVENTED THIS CRAP ????? And there is venom and creature/ retile dna in the vax- says karen kingston i think. I think she said mrna is AI tech imported from chyna that was infected into [living aborted baby} kidney cells to create bio synthetic "life" Much science done by MALONE.


kaal - Mar 26, 2023


Comment removed.


kaal - Mar 26, 2023


Ive listened a bit to Harold Kautz Villa {sorry if spelling is wrong} he said he gave something away w profound loss a risk to himself yet the universe gave it back to him. next he did it again but the universe did not cooperate te ppl were greedy. felt he had very shallow understanding of christianity snowflake like w abraham and issac. orthodox christianity eastern ortho monks ascetism is constant sacrifice. we r sold watered down corrupted sugar christianity.


kaal - Mar 26, 2023


Yes. She is 95 yrs old and suffered for years. When hospitalized for something unrelated and complained of symptoms she was called crazy. It musy have been more than 1 yr ago. I just suggested she put it on her skin. UTI's and M stopped. But she applies a little regularly. I dont really care to try to beat this. We are heading 4 great trib. But if i get such disgusting symptoms..


Light4Ima - Mar 26, 2023

Kathleen Janoski

Comment removed.


Light4Ima - Mar 27, 2023

Kathleen Janoski

Thank you for sharing all this info and your experience. I knew a lady who claimed she had Morgellons decease and I swear everyone around thought she was mental and her own husband divorced her and tried to lock her up in a psych ward. She was pulling blue threads out of her hands and head over 10 years ago and even saving them in a little jewelry box so she could show people it’s true and she is not crazy. Some of my friends saw the tiny blue threads but still thought she was insane. I lost touch with her years ago. I have a lot of compassion and empathy for her now. She was telling the truth all this time and everyone turned their backs. Such a tragedy.


Kathleen Janoski - Mar 27, 2023

Kathleen Janoski

Some research suspect Morgellons may be attributed to GMO foods.


Unagnu - Mar 27, 2023


I just ordered the oral ETDA. Can't hurt. I use the Clinoptil and looking for Zeolite for more detoxing. Already take a good heart lineup Ivermectin, Black Seed Oil, CoQ10, D3 and K1/2, going to add the EDTA 2x daily. And I take some Magnesium plus a digestive pill Wobenzyme (papin, and other digestive enzymes). And I've been spurred on to get my heart looked at via a Telemed Dr. who works on helping prevent chronic disease with focus on the diabetic/heart connection. Given my blood is pure (eg not vaxxed) and I don't spend or haven't in the last year a lot of time around the vaxxed (work bars, gyms, shops nor do I live with one etc) I'm thinking low exposure. I added an Alexapure filter recently and put some shugalite in. Got some orgonite (I don't know if it helps with EMF but..).. Thinking of some paint for the wall where the smart meter for electricity is. And I now unplug the WiFi router and all electrical things minus the fridge at night (shocking how much I saved on the electric bill too. All ways on standby appliances are vampires for electricity). And no, none of my appliances are smart! Except the SmartTV which is permanently unplugged unless I want to watch the Roku. Which I never do, as I'm on the computer more than that... Small things. Now, a Rife machine may also be helpful. I don't want to spend all my time worrying, and I don't think we will ever be completely CLEAN of these effects. BUT we can minimize things, work to protect as much as we can. Do frequent courses of detoxing. And mix it up. Sadly, these things have poisoned our world. And there's no coming back from that. I console myself that my genetic code hasn't been tampered with WILLINGLY at any rate since I didn't take the miRNA and all the other poison straight into my veins...


Kathleen Janoski - Mar 26, 2023

Kathleen Janoski

Thank you for the info and links.


Fizzygurl - Mar 26, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Wow on Dane Wigington! Good info...thanks.


Marty - Mar 26, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Comment removed.


Marty - Mar 27, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Just learned that Michael Murphy passed away, that's so sad


Fizzygurl - Mar 27, 2023

Damn, what a story! DEW no touch torture and voice to skull? Not sure I want to know what those are. Holy heck the guy went homeless. Very sad story...and someone who could have made a difference.


kaal - Mar 26, 2023


oh my. he is stopping short of the nano topic?


KT-SunWillShineAgain - Mar 26, 2023


Where are these filaments coming from, how is the c19 nanotechnology getting into the unvaxxed? I can't believe we're all being poisoned from chemtrails, food and from vaxxed. Am guessing the water supply is also being targeted.


Tyrannicides - Mar 26, 2023


They already said they wanted to put it in the water a year ago. They (the powers that be) do not ask permission, they just do it because all is permissible.
“Do what thou wilt.” - Anton Levy (The Satanic Bible)


Kathleen Janoski - Mar 26, 2023

Kathleen Janoski

I recently read that some feel there is a connection between Morgellons and Lyme Disease.
Here's a story from The Guardian a few years back.


Unagnu - Mar 26, 2023


Comment removed.


Unagnu - Mar 27, 2023


Alexapure lists this:https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/And when I looked for my zip area in FL there are 18 non listed and 6 are over the guid lines limits for the contaminants. I read they were switch the water cleaning to chlorine from chloroamine (taste is impacted) so I went to get that filter after reading that. Like falling down a rabbit hole ...I feel better I have it, and my cats and I are now only drinking the filter stuff. Tastes wonderful.


Doug Cragoe - Mar 26, 2023 - Edited

jeffrey p lubina

How are you going to be able to prove that live blood has changed since COVID shots? Without some kind of proof, the work of you and your colleagues is going to continue to be ignored.
Here's an idea. Take a look at animal blood. But were you ever looking at animal blood before COIVD? Has any animal blood changed? Sure, some animals can get COVID. But pick an animal that does not get COVID and see if that blood has changed. Or take a look at animal blood of animals that got COVID and compare it to blood from animals that did not get COVID.
If it's something that's raining down on us from airplanes spraying it out, then it should be seen in animal as well as human blood.


jeffrey p lubina - Mar 26, 2023 - Edited

jeffrey p lubina

Yes, but you test the military grade bogus vaxx and intentionally spread mutated viruses first, then do your comparatives and studies. These nano-particulates are being sprayed into the air by the military starting long before the coronavirus reports three years ago. And Gates & friends are also giving these toxins to farm animals, not just people and plants. This is so much worse than anyone wants to admit, and our treasonous government and intelligently-misleading press must be prosecuted for it.


Unagnu - Mar 26, 2023 - Edited


Comment removed.


Unagnu - Mar 27, 2023 - Edited


Heirloom seeds. Grow your own. Use filtered water, hydroponics indoors. Meat, only the animals you raise and know are not jabbed up with vaccines. Sadly, you can fight back and it is super expensive. Which I suppose is the point, peons die out faster than the ultra rich who can 'afford' the boutique foods...the non altered stuff. But at some point, it escapes all bounds and poisons the world. Hence I suppose why the big God has to wipe the earth clean of humans. To purify it.


Ernest D. Lieberman - Mar 27, 2023 - Edited

The Menelaus Gambit

Comment removed.


Ernest D. Lieberman - Mar 27, 2023 - Edited

The Menelaus Gambit

60GigaHertz: I am impressed by your experience. If it is of interest, I have been looking at several ways to detox. Here is my post on glutathione, NADH, and probiotics. (Glutathione and PBs are well known, as is NAD, aka NAD+, but I find little reference to NADH in the literature as a supplement, yet it is the anti-oxidant form, and getting that up front appeals to me--I know, NAD+ and NADH cycle many times in the body.)https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/recovering-from-covid-long-covid
I'm building a much more extensive version that goes beyond the above methods of detoxing. Have you found ways to shield your body from EMFs? I know of various "earthing" products to ground your body, and the vendor EMFRocks sells "grounding bags. I don't know how effective they are, and for whom. Have you tried any of them?


Mar 27, 2023

Comment removed.


Observer - Mar 26, 2023



jeffrey p lubina - Mar 26, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

Comment removed.


jeffrey p lubina - Mar 26, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

Yes, I know, and they intend to include all birds, cows, bison and probably even fish. It’s totally insane this is happening. You know, I’ve been needing to take my cat to the vet, and I’ve also needed to see a dentist for the past three years, but I’ve been forced to hold off until all of this forced vaccination nonsense has been ended.


Unagnu - Mar 27, 2023


Regarding the cat. They do NOT need a rabies vaccine IF they can prove by blood titer the animal still has protection. The yearly shot for rabies is a scam as it is the same one given every 3. And I will bet you doughnuts to dollars that the rabies titers are high for 5 to 6 years in the cat. Why? Because that's how long the entire series lasts in humans before they have to get rabies updates. (I had to get the whole series, so I educated myself.) As for the other 'vaccines' ... well. Let your cat get over the cat corona virus (even if he/she may catch FIP from the 'mutated' version of corona.) And as far as dentists go, I've not had fillings done and I'm a bit in terror of going to dentist for one since I like/need Novocain and there are stories of the jabbing dentists...


jeffrey p lubina - Mar 27, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

Thank you, you’re right. I’ve added an expanded response below to 60GigaHertz. Vets have become deranged over the past several years. They used to be better than human practitioners. I’ve been refusing all vaccinations for me and my animals for over thirty years now. Of course, they are indoor animals and go outside only to get vet care.


Unagnu - Mar 27, 2023


My old state required the rabies vaccine NO MATTER IF INDOOR OR NOT. That is they had to have the rabies series at least 1 time in their lives. My 17 year old cat that died of kidney failure recently - they wanted to vax him!
I was like no way Jose, he's got a kidney failure issue and I am NOT making that any worse for him! Imagine, they told me it was...Required for him to get treatment (eg to sell me fluids or give prescription for such). And the cat they knew was on the downward spiral! Amazed. They also started in with the cat/dog license fees being required. My other cat now age 16.5 has had no vaccines since she was 5 years old, and maybe 2 rabies her entire life? I haven't had her to a vet in years or given any of the FLuke or other vaxes, and when I get asked about rabies my reply is "well, I'm not worried about that since I had the full series for rabies in 2020 due to bat exposure. She can't give it to me, she lives indoors and the yard. So who's she going to give it to?" Silence I get back silence, LOL. I think she will last for another year or so, I worry about her kidneys though. It seems all cats go from kidney or cancer. My old cats from the 70s and 80s lived for 18 years to 20 years. Cats from the 90s/2000s don't seem as long lived. 17 was the best I got out of the bunch I have from then. And heart issues are up too. And they make you jab to kennel them, jab to travel with them, jab to even TREAT them. Plus the food is getting worse with more chemicals in it. Always trying to better that. Found Peak Ziwi super expensive lamb only from NZ. The cat loves it. But, it is hard to find. Solved poop issues and digestive issues.


jeffrey p lubina - Mar 27, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

That’s crazy, but you are’t the first to tell me these things about veterinary health and medicine and the problem it causes individuals trying to provide the best care for their animals. I give my cat “Science Diet” fromAmazon.com, urinary/hairball type wet can food mixed 50/50 with grass fed bison or beef, as well as added fats from same source. I also use a supplement called “Break It Up” fromAmazon.com,on and off, for bladder/kidney stone prevention. I agree, most of the food out there, to include the can food from Science Diet can never be fully trusted. I also stay away from all kibble dry foods, which is “all” garbage. You really have to examine the damn labels, but still, they don’t really tell you what the hell’s in it. If I had the time, I’d make it all from scratch and stay away from all pet food, which even the veterinarians seem oblivious, just like human doctors when it comes to food and diet. I literally had to teach myself over thousands of hours of reading entire libraries and independent studies, becoming my own doctor and scientist. Of course now our fascist country is burning not just individual books, but entire libraries. I think my next phase to attempt to fix the problems of this country is to run for senate here in Missouri. Really.


jeffrey p lubina - Mar 26, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

Comment removed.


jeffrey p lubina - Mar 27, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

Yes, exactly. I’ve been self-practicing wholistic medicine and doing organic coconut/olive oil pulling for about ten years—an intelligent move away from alternative—which I call conventional medicine, most pharmaceuticals, surgery & synthetics. It’s all so backward, the Rockefeller “alternatives” of the early 1800’s that has progressively replaced the conventional wisdom of our ancient ancestors evolution of wholistic medicine. You know, it wasn’t that long ago doctors also did veterinary medicine and would come to your home, even for surgery, and never expected payment from the poor for the privilege of practicing and expanding human health science knowledge. All their money came only from the very wealthy via science seminars followed by donations in conclusion. The problem with finding a dentist are my mercury fillings needing to be removed, plus one extraction from a tooth that lost a filling, then finding someone who’s intelligent and competent to do it all in one process, rather than several horrific appointment-procedures. As soon as I find a qualified dentist, then fill out all their paperwork (questions and concerns checklist), they’ll either refuse to speak to me further, require vaccinations or will refuse to provide pre-op sedatives, which is a must for me to even step foot into a dentists office. I’ve had a very horrible history of bad dentists going back to grade school, then again in the military.


JC - Jun 27, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

I used Emotional Freedom Techniques to rid myself of Dental work phobia.
I used to sit in the chair and shake, gripping the arms. Now I can handle it much better. If some emotions come up, I can just tap on that and get it back under control. I am certified in that, but you can find much info on it online free.


jeffrey p lubina - Jun 28, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

Thanks, JC. I too use a variety of meditation and several versions of yoga while on my elliptical, daily, but my fear of dentists goes back when I was in grade school needing several terrifyingly-painful appointments for teeth extractions for extra sets of molars, then again in the Army to remove four impacted wisdoms. Jack the Ripper DDS using a chainsaw in a dark, dirty ally for the procedures best describes it. For me to get back into a dentist chair, I’ll need to be heavily sedated; boarder-line deep general anesthesia. Plus I must find a dentist that specializes in removing mercury fillings. I’ve found a couple in Mexico and KC, Missouri, but very pricy, and probably worth it. Sometimes cheeper is never a good thing, other than real charity—which is nonexistent in todays’ world.


DF - Mar 26, 2023

All seems a bit hopeless, I can't go live in a remote cabin, and constantly exposed to these jabbed sheep spreading their crap everywhere!


kaal - Mar 26, 2023


What {if any } is the difference betrween vaxxed and unvaxxed blood? PPL incl Todd Callender and other sites sat those who took vax took the Mark of the BEAST. Such a choice would need to be conscious w full knowledge and free will.


waxX Burner - Mar 26, 2023

waxX’s Substack

No. The mark is received unknowingly by deception. Read here:
Mark of the beast will be received by deception and/or by force:
And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. CHIZAYON (REVELATION) 19:20 את CEPHER
And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: CHIZAYON (REVELATION) 13:16 את CEPHER
The mark is on the forehead ( rt-pcr ), OR on either hand ( jab ) :
And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Yahusha, and for the Word of Elohiym, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Mashiach a thousand years. CHIZAYON (REVELATION) 20:4 את CEPHER


Tonya McKinney - Mar 26, 2023

Tonya’s Newsletter

The vaccine is not the mark because it is not on the forehead or the hand. You are grasping. Don’t. It scares people. I am not vaccinated but have great empathy for those who are...many who didn’t want it. All of our blood is impure now and we all need EDTA chelation therapy.


waxX Burner - Mar 26, 2023

waxX’s Substack

You may read further in my substack if you have time and interested.
Yes it is not the mark yet...it is the seed that morphs into a mark as you can read in my little book. It is on the later part of the book.


shermanisland - Mar 28, 2023

shermanisland’s Substack

There vaccine is self spreading, like when they jab members of a herd and it spreads to the rest.


Marty - Mar 27, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Hey Doc ... i have a question. Do you think that the "dirty electricity" (EMF generated through lack of insulation in electric wires) generated by most smart meters (in homes equipped with smart meters) would lead to the same kind of growth of structures you're seing in the blood of the jab-free ?


Ernest D. Lieberman - Mar 27, 2023

The Menelaus Gambit

Good Point! Smart Meters and 5G are both spreading rapidly. The Weston A. Price Foundation has warned extensively about both.


Truth Matters - Mar 27, 2023

Truth’s Substack

Ana and all,
Thank you for your work as I am learning a lot from your research!
You and the other researchers have done a wonderful job growing the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION with all the serious Treason evidence.
But, now we The People are way past time UNITING! How about EVERYONE awake repeat the following…TIME TO TALK ABOUT UNITING TO SAVE OUR REPUBLIC!
The next step has to be UNITY of ALL awake persons in a real Freedom Movement in 1 direction with the same messaging with real strategic planners who know how to address ALL the Treason!
NO other organization has had any wins the past 3 years like the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER that is mentioned below!
UNITED, We can do anything we want!
Divided, there is nothing we can do!
Lex Greene, important writer with a serious resume writing about unity…
P.S. My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. I highly suggest if you want to unite with brilliant, strategic minds actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene!


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 26, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Excellent article as always is it ONLY AC current that has been tested? And shows this, what about DC current devices have they been equally tested?


Juliane - May 2, 2023

Ulrike Granogger of the Future Science Foundation has done several talks on the nature of our DNA, medical nanobots, gene editing and the linguistic and contextual basis of the DNA. The first one is entitled The Wave Genome. Professor Peter Gariaev who died mysteriously in 2020 was a leading researcher in the morphological and spiritual components of our DNA. I would love to learn from a conversation between you two. Thank you for your work and dedication.


J E B - May 2, 2023


Dr. Ana, It would be so helpful to know how various C19 injection ingredients work together for nefarious purposes; nanotechnology, venom, mRNA, and spike proteins. The information is becoming so fragmented and confusing. Thank you.


Paul F. - Apr 3, 2023

This is plain Nutz! All the electrical fields around us all? Another proof of Matthew 24:22. This would mean most all of humanity could be switched off on a whim. This is so not the work of men, yes men carried it out, but this is the work of God's adversary, Satan the Devil.
I know people hate when I bring this up, but we are right before the destruction of this wicked system of things. We will see it in our life times if electrical currents don't fry us first. 2 Peter 3:10-12


Ray Hammersley - Apr 1, 2023

I'm not vaccinated, but lived with mother-in-law for 2 years taking care of her and she was vaccinated(before she passed in Dec.2022). I'm 47 and I eat fairly healthy, not a terrible diet, but I'm 40lbs overweight. About 45 days ago I had an angina attack or mild heart attack which lasted for about an hour. I started on DMSO right away as it helps break up blood clots and repair damaged cells. I believe my issue is from shedding. Just last week I checked my blood(I have a microscope), against pictures I had almost a year ago. It freaked me out. I believe I have blood clots that caused my issue. Waiting on a D-dimer test results, to verify. I'm feeling better and noticed a marked improvement when adding CDS as well(no more heart flutters). After much research, I am leaning toward the bioweapon shedding causing blood changes.
This article would seem to support that.
My greater concern is that I checked my 16yr old daughters blood and it is not as bad as mine, but her red blood cells are starting to look similar to mine, which is very concerning. As i try different things. I'm going to continue and monitor my blood for hopeful improvements.



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