From what it seems like to me is that our bodies are being bombarded with bioweapons at a rate far faster than our bodies can get rid of the bad stuff. So what do we do about that? Get as healthy as you can without going crazy and pray and leave the rest to God.
Can I ask anyone any possible explanation ? We have a 73 yrs old lady resident in the nursing home who had 5x Covid 19 injections 3 Astra Zeneca, 1 Pfizer and 1 Moderna. She has been displaying lots of physical and verbal aggression and just getting worse . According to care staff they recently noticed that her blue eyes will turn black prior to her outburst and lashing out to other people? This phenomena is freaking is out! She used to be a really sweet and caring lady. She also dementia.
Claudia, definitely there is a negative spiritual demonic influence there! Many of those vaccinated residents have significantly increased behaviours, many became verbally and physically aggressive.
"According to care staff they recently noticed that her blue eyes will turn black prior to her outburst and lashing out to other people? This phenomena is freaking is out!"
Freaking me out just reading that. I fear we have turned a corner and gone so far past rationality that the repurcussions of all this is gonna be centuries long... sigghhhh
Thank you. I do believe it too. Yesterday in the dining area she got hold of a knife and was a bout to hit another resident with it. Lucky one of the staff was near and was able to grab it from her but she slapped the staff. She easily get triggered and quickly react.
Thank you, Doc Ana and Doc Sansone, for the tireless and brave work you are doing to fight this terrible nano particle plague that the Globalist financial elite goons have unleashed upon the human race! Big Pharma, aided by government agencies and media kiss ups, have carried out a vicious assault on people everywhere! And they think they are going to get away with it - but with your work, we may yet bring them to Justice!😊👍
I’d like someone to offer the best thing to take to mitigate the formation of the nanobots. Currently taking spike support & zeolite. No one in the family got the jab. Apparently that is not stopping the problem. Even my 87 yo mother did NOT take the weapon, but is soo tired all the time. Any ideas welcome.
Usually when my mitochondria are sluggish, I use a few drops of methylene blue in juice or a few drops of Lugols and see how that feels... usually that's enough to correct errors in diet, unhealthy living on those rare occasions.
Goal: return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year. 2024 !! It must be done in steps. A next step: can be for a Civilian common law Court of record to require their Sheriff and / or the occupant of the Office of Sheriff to acquire for our perusal; their proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and of Nature's God included. This has a protocol involved; in matters of over $20.00 in value a verdict from a jury is required; in common law of Article III and Amendment VII. What you testify must be spoken in open court. with witnesses that do not rebut you and form a jurat signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published. We
To Larry .They did get away with maiming and killing millions of us .The whole covid inferno nightmare has many turned into retards More maskers are turning up again wherever I look .Anyone entering a hospital with respiration issues was and still is murdered by the brutal protocols .My brother was tortured ,than murdered in six days .Several nurses fired for not killing their patients testified on camera ,that none admitted for flue survived ,NONE .Not one of the mega criminals was arrested or went to prison ,after all that crime spree .Justice will never be done .Why? because no one can bring back the dead ,or take out the injections of the billions who have it in their body ,doing the slow sometime fast destruction .My wife got herself injected .Now she can hardly get up from bed ,with pain around the shoulder near the injection site .She seems to have aged by 15 years in a short time .With so much harm done ,God himself would have to come down to earth to wipe out the evil .We all know that will not happen ,,they already got away with it .
Good will prevail over evil. Don’t despair. It may not look that way right now but God is with us. In his goodness and for our happiness he gave us free will. It is not His fault that some men have chosen evil.
How to get rid of them ? EDTA IV do not work anymore ! My blood seemed clean last january after 13 sessions. March 2024, 6 sessions (E, Vit C) mesogens are there !
How do I know ? My german chelation doctor sent me the pics of my blood. He is so naive, he thought that it was Candida Albicans, it is not : cristal liquid, hydrogel, graphene, nanobots...
The infected are everywhere, and so Everytime you go Anywhere, you are getting reinfected. Every time you go to a store, restaurant, a gas station, Anywhere, there are some vaxxed people shedding and it seems to build up quickly indoors. And flying on an airplane is The Worst, you are guaranteed to be magnetic after your flight if you know how to check.
So if there are jabbed people that work at the chelation facility, you are getting constantly shed on and reinfected while you are getting the IV infusion.
Perhaps that is why your blood has gotten worse.
If it were me, I would try to stay away from all people for a week or two and do a three day fast with oral EDTA, ALA, sodium citrate, bromelain and vitamin C, D and E at the beginning and end of your isolation. During our fast, we take both Medfive and Arizona EDTA. Three arizona and one medfive, every 8-12 hours.
You can get a ton of bromelain, citrate and Vit C from fresh pineapple and oranges, much more than from pills.
Hempseed oil is a great natural source of ALA, and easily taken in high doses.
You can make your own sodium citrate easily.
And they all work together and dont bind with the EDTA.
Good luck.
I have that, Edta suppos, capsules, vit C, sodium citrate... it never worked...
I told a friend that he would be infected on the plane... flight Lyon-New York !
Read his VERY interesting Covid vax causing cancer posts on July 3rd (the plan using Event 201 October 2019 simulation in NYC sponsored by Gates Jnr), and his post on April 26th.
If there are any DNA experts out there, look at his call to action to study the deletion of the gene he mentions on July 3rd . (Read the full text he posted on this text)
How We Can Stop the WHO's Horrific Pandemic Treaty
* “Preventing” pandemics is one of the most lucrative areas in medicine. Sadly, this money has incentivized “preventative” research which frequently leads to disastrous leaks and suppresses effective solutions for the pandemics that emerge
* COVID-19 was handled so egregiously that it woke much of the public up to this grift and the pandemic-industrial complex is now facing an existential threat to its business model
* To address this “threat” the WHO (World Health Organization) has covertly created a treaty behind the scenes which usurps national sovereignty and gives international health agencies terrifying control during “health emergencies”
* A grassroots activist movement advocating for health freedoms has accomplished something remarkable in their fight to derail the WHO treaty and they need your help
‘We Get Paid to Vaccinate Your Children’: Pediatrician Reveals Details of Big Pharma Payola Scheme
In an interview on Children’s Health Defense’s “Vax-Unvax” bus, Dr. Paul Thomas exposed the financial incentives pediatricians receive for administering vaccines, including kickbacks of up to $240 per visit.
Yes, and if you haven't seen them for 40 years, I assume they've aged 40 years in the meantime - you would agree, I presume? That brings its own health problems, much more likely than covid injections. Best regards
You imply that your relatives' injections have something to do with their health problems, based on the observation that they have all got unhealthier in the 40 years since you've seen them. My point is that this theory ignores the obvious fact that any group of people will be significantly unhealthier 40 years after first observation (say, at age 60 compared to age 20). It is not because they have all had injections.
Nona 104 - May 7
From what it seems like to me is that our bodies are being bombarded with bioweapons at a rate far faster than our bodies can get rid of the bad stuff. So what do we do about that? Get as healthy as you can without going crazy and pray and leave the rest to God.
JulesUSA - May 9
Reply (1) - May 14
Comment removed.
JulesUSA - May 15
Anen Allidnab - May 7
Can I ask anyone any possible explanation ? We have a 73 yrs old lady resident in the nursing home who had 5x Covid 19 injections 3 Astra Zeneca, 1 Pfizer and 1 Moderna. She has been displaying lots of physical and verbal aggression and just getting worse . According to care staff they recently noticed that her blue eyes will turn black prior to her outburst and lashing out to other people? This phenomena is freaking is out! She used to be a really sweet and caring lady. She also dementia.
Claudia - May 7
I would call in an exorcist. Not joking! You never know..
Anen Allidnab - May 8
Claudia, definitely there is a negative spiritual demonic influence there! Many of those vaccinated residents have significantly increased behaviours, many became verbally and physically aggressive.
Christian - May 8
Ar’s Substack
too late, she will die soon
Sober Christian Gentleman - May 7
Sober Christian Gentleman Podca…
A Borg transition. Detox, anti-parasitics and heavy metal cleansing will bring her back. I put the protocols in my podcast.
Anen Allidnab - May 8
Thank you.
Mike H - May 8
ShortOnTime Newsletter
"According to care staff they recently noticed that her blue eyes will turn black prior to her outburst and lashing out to other people? This phenomena is freaking is out!"
Freaking me out just reading that. I fear we have turned a corner and gone so far past rationality that the repurcussions of all this is gonna be centuries long... sigghhhh
Sandy K - May 7
Sandy K
It may be possible that it is because of her injections. So sorry that she, her family and you have to experience this.
Anen Allidnab - May 8
Thank you. I do believe it too. Yesterday in the dining area she got hold of a knife and was a bout to hit another resident with it. Lucky one of the staff was near and was able to grab it from her but she slapped the staff. She easily get triggered and quickly react.
ron vrooman - May 7
Ron’s Newsletter
I do not believe it.
Anen Allidnab - May 8
Which one is you do not believe?
Chief Wolf - May 7
Chief’s Substack
Larry Sullivan - May 7
L Sully's Editorials
Thank you, Doc Ana and Doc Sansone, for the tireless and brave work you are doing to fight this terrible nano particle plague that the Globalist financial elite goons have unleashed upon the human race! Big Pharma, aided by government agencies and media kiss ups, have carried out a vicious assault on people everywhere! And they think they are going to get away with it - but with your work, we may yet bring them to Justice!😊👍
Lenmor1776 - May 8 - Edited
I’d like someone to offer the best thing to take to mitigate the formation of the nanobots. Currently taking spike support & zeolite. No one in the family got the jab. Apparently that is not stopping the problem. Even my 87 yo mother did NOT take the weapon, but is soo tired all the time. Any ideas welcome.
Christian - May 8 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
I am unvaxxed, but my blood is awful... even after 19 chelation IV.
JulesUSA - May 9 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
You did EDTA chelation?
Christian - May 9 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
yes EDTA IV, good results at the begining, and then Mesogens at the end...
Melanie B - May 9
Usually when my mitochondria are sluggish, I use a few drops of methylene blue in juice or a few drops of Lugols and see how that feels... usually that's enough to correct errors in diet, unhealthy living on those rare occasions.
JulesUSA - May 9
Sarah - May 7
I watched this video this morning. I cannot find Joseph's substack atm (???) But i was looking to share with his SS that up here in canada.... our ships are sloooowly correcting course
That links to another sub re Quebec judge approving lawsuit against fb ...
Dr. Joseph Sansone - May 8
Mind Matters and Everything Els…
That is a good start.
ron vrooman - May 7
Ron’s Newsletter
Goal: return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year. 2024 !! It must be done in steps. A next step: can be for a Civilian common law Court of record to require their Sheriff and / or the occupant of the Office of Sheriff to acquire for our perusal; their proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and of Nature's God included. This has a protocol involved; in matters of over $20.00 in value a verdict from a jury is required; in common law of Article III and Amendment VII. What you testify must be spoken in open court. with witnesses that do not rebut you and form a jurat signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published. We
joe stuerzl 85 - May 7
joe’s Substack
To Larry .They did get away with maiming and killing millions of us .The whole covid inferno nightmare has many turned into retards More maskers are turning up again wherever I look .Anyone entering a hospital with respiration issues was and still is murdered by the brutal protocols .My brother was tortured ,than murdered in six days .Several nurses fired for not killing their patients testified on camera ,that none admitted for flue survived ,NONE .Not one of the mega criminals was arrested or went to prison ,after all that crime spree .Justice will never be done .Why? because no one can bring back the dead ,or take out the injections of the billions who have it in their body ,doing the slow sometime fast destruction .My wife got herself injected .Now she can hardly get up from bed ,with pain around the shoulder near the injection site .She seems to have aged by 15 years in a short time .With so much harm done ,God himself would have to come down to earth to wipe out the evil .We all know that will not happen ,,they already got away with it .
Nona 104 - May 7
ron vrooman
Good will prevail over evil. Don’t despair. It may not look that way right now but God is with us. In his goodness and for our happiness he gave us free will. It is not His fault that some men have chosen evil.
ron vrooman - May 9
ron vrooman
a solution is found
Christian - May 8
Ar’s Substack
Blabla absolu...
Christian - May 7 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
How to get rid of them ? EDTA IV do not work anymore ! My blood seemed clean last january after 13 sessions. March 2024, 6 sessions (E, Vit C) mesogens are there !
Leon - May 7 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Hi, Ar Zano. How do you know 'mesogens are there'? Thanks.
Christian - May 8 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
How do I know ? My german chelation doctor sent me the pics of my blood. He is so naive, he thought that it was Candida Albicans, it is not : cristal liquid, hydrogel, graphene, nanobots...
Leon - May 8 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Thanks for the reply.
Christian - May 8 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
what is the clue to get rid of that... ??? my doctor realises something but refuses to admit the truth !
Bee Gee - May 8 - Edited
Bee Gee
The infected are everywhere, and so Everytime you go Anywhere, you are getting reinfected. Every time you go to a store, restaurant, a gas station, Anywhere, there are some vaxxed people shedding and it seems to build up quickly indoors. And flying on an airplane is The Worst, you are guaranteed to be magnetic after your flight if you know how to check.
So if there are jabbed people that work at the chelation facility, you are getting constantly shed on and reinfected while you are getting the IV infusion.
Perhaps that is why your blood has gotten worse.
If it were me, I would try to stay away from all people for a week or two and do a three day fast with oral EDTA, ALA, sodium citrate, bromelain and vitamin C, D and E at the beginning and end of your isolation. During our fast, we take both Medfive and Arizona EDTA. Three arizona and one medfive, every 8-12 hours.
You can get a ton of bromelain, citrate and Vit C from fresh pineapple and oranges, much more than from pills.
Hempseed oil is a great natural source of ALA, and easily taken in high doses.
You can make your own sodium citrate easily.
And they all work together and dont bind with the EDTA.
Good luck.
JulesUSA - May 9
But if they're fasting they wouldn't be taking the pineapple and oranges, right?
Christian - May 10 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
I have that, Edta suppos, capsules, vit C, sodium citrate... it never worked...
I told a friend that he would be infected on the plane... flight Lyon-New York !
Christian - May 10
Ar’s Substack
All the sick people in the small clinic are vaxxed...
TheNarrowPathway - May 9 - Edited
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
Read his VERY interesting Covid vax causing cancer posts on July 3rd (the plan using Event 201 October 2019 simulation in NYC sponsored by Gates Jnr), and his post on April 26th.
If there are any DNA experts out there, look at his call to action to study the deletion of the gene he mentions on July 3rd . (Read the full text he posted on this text)
JulesUSA - May 9
John Scotto - May 8
John’s Newsletter
How We Can Stop the WHO's Horrific Pandemic Treaty
* “Preventing” pandemics is one of the most lucrative areas in medicine. Sadly, this money has incentivized “preventative” research which frequently leads to disastrous leaks and suppresses effective solutions for the pandemics that emerge
* COVID-19 was handled so egregiously that it woke much of the public up to this grift and the pandemic-industrial complex is now facing an existential threat to its business model
* To address this “threat” the WHO (World Health Organization) has covertly created a treaty behind the scenes which usurps national sovereignty and gives international health agencies terrifying control during “health emergencies”
* A grassroots activist movement advocating for health freedoms has accomplished something remarkable in their fight to derail the WHO treaty and they need your help
‘We Get Paid to Vaccinate Your Children’: Pediatrician Reveals Details of Big Pharma Payola Scheme
In an interview on Children’s Health Defense’s “Vax-Unvax” bus, Dr. Paul Thomas exposed the financial incentives pediatricians receive for administering vaccines, including kickbacks of up to $240 per visit.
Charles A - May 7
These are the kind of people I want in my life. Amazing , thanks
Sober Christian Gentleman - May 7
Sober Christian Gentleman Podca…
Learning the difference between legal and lawful is essential:
Jadon Payton - May 25
This podcast had Dr. Robert Young! Please address !
Christian - May 7 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Comment removed.
Christian - May 8
Ar’s Substack
Yes BUT ! I am unvaxxed but I had dental procedures and the result is the same. My blood is totally spoilt !
Karl - May 8
The fact that they've all aged 40 years since you last saw them might have something to do with their health disorders...
Karl - May 8
Comment removed.
Karl - May 8
Yes, and if you haven't seen them for 40 years, I assume they've aged 40 years in the meantime - you would agree, I presume? That brings its own health problems, much more likely than covid injections. Best regards
Karl - May 8
Comment removed.
Karl - May 10
You imply that your relatives' injections have something to do with their health problems, based on the observation that they have all got unhealthier in the 40 years since you've seen them. My point is that this theory ignores the obvious fact that any group of people will be significantly unhealthier 40 years after first observation (say, at age 60 compared to age 20). It is not because they have all had injections.
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