Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 90 | "Nanobot Infested Blood" with Dr. Ana Mihalcea and Dr. Joseph Sansone

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 07, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 90 | "Nanobot Infested Blood" with Dr. Ana Mihalcea and Dr. Joseph Sansone

Dr Joseph Sansone and I were invited back by James Grundvig. Great discussion on the recent wonderful news of the Arizona State GOP passing the Ban the Jabs resolution and Dr Sansone provides updates on the Writ of Mandamus legal action. We also discuss my recent research findings on mesogens and microbots found in C19 unvaccinated blood.

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Nona 104 - May 7

From what it seems like to me is that our bodies are being bombarded with bioweapons at a rate far faster than our bodies can get rid of the bad stuff. So what do we do about that? Get as healthy as you can without going crazy and pray and leave the rest to God.

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Anen Allidnab - May 7

Can I ask anyone any possible explanation ? We have a 73 yrs old lady resident in the nursing home who had 5x Covid 19 injections 3 Astra Zeneca, 1 Pfizer and 1 Moderna. She has been displaying lots of physical and verbal aggression and just getting worse . According to care staff they recently noticed that her blue eyes will turn black prior to her outburst and lashing out to other people? This phenomena is freaking is out! She used to be a really sweet and caring lady. She also dementia.

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