Understanding The Physics Of This Spiritual…

Aug 18, 2023

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There are many brilliant people throughout our recent history that have understood the fundamental nature of reality in relation to Mind and Light.


R In NorCal - Aug 18, 2023

R In NorCal

This is purely New Age Occultism .
Buyer beware .. jumbled jargon and no provable science .. anything supernatural (mind healing ) here is actually demonic forces using the willing party.
Jesus Christ is the DOOR.


Gary’S - Aug 18, 2023


It seems to me (and obviously I could be wrong about this) that the pure science of physics might provide a tiny bit of insight into how Jesus Christ performed mighty miracles, including casting out unclean spirits and causing the blind to see and raising people from the dead. Just because scientists cannot do what Jesus did doesn’t mean that scientists are demonic cultists or new age occultists when they look for scientific insights into how Jesus Christ did some things He did.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 20, 2023

R In NorCal

Well said... many fundamentalist are so far away from Jesus inclusive message of universal love, they would continue to burn anyone at the stake who does not believe as they do...they have no love for all, no inclusivity and they obviously have not read their own good book. Jesus was not a prejudiced bigot, he loved all of humanity and all of life. The miracles of Jesus are explained in the nemesis of the religious fundamentalists dogma and the church: quantum physics. Many people are way to closedminded to even comprehend anything about the future of healing or solutions to complex problems. They would kill it off even if it could save their life. Such is the nature of small mindedness - it creates its own reality.


R In NorCal - Aug 22, 2023

R In NorCal

Your “Jesus” is not THE JESUS of Scripture .
You have hijacked some biblical concepts and redefined them to suit your “scientific” construct .
Jesus is Who He said He Is - Creator , Shepard , Gate, THE Light, Bread of Life , Resurrection and the Life .
Quantum physics is theory .
Your belief system is theory & pantheistic.
And manifestations of dark powers .
You are creating your own reality .


John Vargo - Aug 21, 2023

John Vargo

Yeah,fact checked true.Engaged them today even though knew better.Posted Irene Caesar wave genome.Should see it new comments,Uses holographic technology and since 1985. Irene yrs ago,http://rutube.ru/video/27392dba6f0caad9e04a7803773d117f/


John Vargo - Aug 21, 2023

John Vargo

They took it this one down,about human sacrifice so I'll just repost, Not sure what she means by quantum leap,not yet.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWOw1mPZx_0


John Vargo - Aug 21, 2023

John Vargo

Much more info about the Archons Dr.Ana,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=una9eWHApvA


John Vargo - Aug 20, 2023

John Vargo

Were you there 2000 yrs ago?If not then it's allhearsay.It's just amazing to me that anyone could believe anything that's establishment whether it's got a holy label on it ornot.likereligion or lets sayLaw.Here's a good example of this corruption, It's called the UNITED STATES,the law and you.Watched it about 10 yrs ago and just watched it again and understand it more now,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP9ZKVwiJ-E


Gary’S - Aug 20, 2023


From a purely secular-theoretical perspective, some people call the Word of God “hearsay” and some people call it “literal historical fact”. And there’s the division, the great chasm, under which is the bottomless pit, the Abyss.


Tabby - Aug 19, 2023


Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the true & living God! That is how He did what ONLY He can do!!


Gary’S - Aug 19, 2023


And Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the true and living God, created the laws of nature and the laws of physics under the direction of the Father. By the divine Word (Logos) all things were created.
Can insight into the laws of nature & physics give us a glimpse into how mighty miracles are performed by faith, both the faith of the person performing the miracle and the faith of the person receiving the blessing from the miracle? I’m not afraid to ask such questions.


John D. Randomfactor - Sep 1, 2023

These things I do you shall also do and even more


Bill - Aug 20, 2023


He father son where is the female she is more important than he son father
Where is the female spirit of the divine father mother son it’s all male
What an imbalance


Gary’S - Aug 20, 2023


Read about Divine Wisdom in the book of Proverbs. Wisdom is feminine.


R In NorCal - Aug 18, 2023

R In NorCal

I agree . But I never implied that scientists are new age occultists .
But , this is NOT science ..
You could call it supernatural phenomena. Nothing new . Ancient occult knowledge repackaged as new info.
BTW How do you think Jesus did those miracles ? Read Gospel of John....


R In NorCal - Aug 19, 2023

R In NorCal

Knowing GOD thru Jesus , His Son , is like having a compass inside you .
You can FEEL IT.
These other folks are messing with supernatural powers that they won’t be able to control .


Gary’S - Aug 20, 2023


I agree. They are pushing the boundary between the natural and the supernatural. This knowledge (acknowledging that not all knowledge is salvific) is probably how the devil incarnated as “the man of lawlessness” (referenced in 2 Thessalonians 2) and “false christs & false prophets” (referenced in Matthew 24:24 and Mark 13:22) will work the signs and wonders which will deceive many, possibly even the very elect.
Since this has been foretold in prophecy, we have been forewarned.


Bill - Aug 20, 2023

R In NorCal

How do you think they built the pyramids?


R In NorCal - Aug 20, 2023

R In NorCal

Let’s hear your theory first ?


R In NorCal - Aug 19, 2023

R In NorCal

Does that matter ?
A tidbit of physics in a soup of unintelligible ideas?
If you read the comments you’ll pickup on the true believers of this stuff . This is a religion .


R In NorCal - Aug 18, 2023

R In NorCal

Kaal- Where to start ?
You don’t need to believe me .
Use your own critical thinking ..
I don’t know what you understand of the World’s creation but IF you believe in the Judeo/ Christian GOD -
Start there ...
Read Genesis
Read The Gospel of John ( it’s short)
Jesus said ask , seek & knock and the DOOR will be opened to you .
The history of mankind tells me there’s no hope for mankind apart from Jesus the Messiah .
We aren’t strong enough or perfect enough to reach GOD or combine with others’ minds ( consciousness)
and dispel Evil .
What you have read in Dr Ana ‘s post is a jumble of some science sounding stuff,New Age thought , jargon no one can understand because it’s nonsensical wordage and fantastic emotional appeal . Oh & nice charts .
It’s a LIE.


R In NorCal - Aug 18, 2023

R In NorCal

Other ways ?


Gary’S - Aug 20, 2023


Yeah. There are other scriptures in addition to those in the gospel according to John in which Christ described the reasons for miracles.


Gary’S - Aug 18, 2023


Those miracles that Jesus performed he called his Father’s works that his Father might receive glory.
Jesus described the miracles he performed in other ways too.


Gary’S - Aug 19, 2023


Comment removed.


Gary’S - Aug 19, 2023


Maybe it’s about both, instead of being compelled by a (false?) either/or dichotomy.


Reply (1) - Aug 18, 2023


Comment removed.


Gary’S - Aug 18, 2023


I agree with you that things are going to get extremely noxious and toxic with the WEF in control.


Franklin O'Kanu - Aug 18, 2023


Have you looked into Gnosticism? Gnostics were the first Christians around the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine (and the Council of Nicaea) who formed the Roman Church. The Gnostics were persecuted for their Christian Faith because it went against the doctrine the Church had selected to go in the Bible. The Church back then essentially was "Trust The Science" while the Gnostics followed the teachings of Christ.
I mention the Gnostics because they went against the Church because their message was that God was for everyone not just the Church. It wasn't until hundreds of years later that Martin Luther confronted the Church and the Church opened its doors to the public. This historical fact is important to our understanding of the Bible and just how the Church used it for political and territorial gain. I touch on this here on an example here (Africa Before the Bible: A Case Study -
I've found that Gnosticism paints a very accurate story as to our reality and we can see how the Church would want to remove that aspect from the Faith. We have to realize that multiple books of the Bible were removed under the Church such as The Book of Enoch and the Book of Thomas. If the Roman Church removed the books of the "Man who walked with God (Enoch)" or "The Man who doubted Jesus (Thomas)," what else could the Church have removed so they could use the Power of the Faith for themselves?
If anyone is interested in learning more about this topic, this article is a good place to start. FYI it is behind a paywall, but worth the read.


Paul Vonharnish - Aug 19, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Most persons commenting here have no clue about Gnostic tradition. They've been indoctrinated to reject ALL metaphysical concepts that exist outside of their limited perceptions of reality... I recommend they read "The Other Bible" by Willis Barnstone.https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/other-bible-willis-barnstone/1000352847
Or perhaps The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, edited by Marvin Meyerhttps://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-nag-hammadi-scriptures-marvin-w-meyer/1127640048?ean=9780061626005
These texts detail the spiritual struggles of early Gnostic scholars to define reality in concrete terms. As in all speculative spiritual treatises, they're barking at airplanes...
The Universe does not fragment reality into gods, demons, satanic forces, inner - outer, up - down, left - right, or any of the two dimensional constructs men utilize as definition. The Universe is a multidimensional plethora... An infinity... A unity...


Franklin O'Kanu - Aug 19, 2023


Paul, this was a beautiful post. Agreed with everything with this! Especially how you ended it.
Amazing comment and thanks for this!


Paul Vonharnish - Aug 20, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello again from the quantum field... Please refer to my response to John Vargo - just below this entry. Perhaps you will find it interesting.
Best regards, Paul Vonharnish


Paul Vonharnish - Aug 19, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Franklin O'Kanu: Thank you for the compliment.


John Vargo - Aug 20, 2023

John Vargo

The universe organizes itself on the quantum level and we humans are soul fragments of source(God creation)You don't have to buy the book,the information is free.Not only correct you are but there are parallel universeshttps://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/nag_hammadi/contents.htm


R In NorCal - Aug 20, 2023

R In NorCal

What’s a universe ?
Where did it begin ?
Nothing +nothing = ?
Nothing wrote intelligent code for life ?


R In NorCal - Aug 20, 2023

R In NorCal

You sure about that?


Paul Vonharnish - Aug 20, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello John Vargo: Yes. I read interpretations of these manuscripts over twenty five years ago. I found the entries interesting from a historical or anthropological perspective, but left "spiritual" interpretations right there.
My conclusion was that many of these persons were suffering from dietary imbalances and/or food and water poisoning. They had no accurate method of diagnosis, no microscopes, no antibiotics, and no clue. I assumed many of their "Sophia" assertions were intuitive and based in the quanta of physics. Mental and intellectual "health" are largely based on the health of metabolism - ie: gut knowledge... What goes in yields what comes out...
In my opinion, the Universe is a self-aware and largely dispersed quantum field. Manifestation of "reality" is a Universal response to the question of existence. The question being: Do I exist? The answers are infinitely expressed...


John Vargo - Aug 22, 2023

John Vargo

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=una9eWHApvALot of answers here Paul


John Vargo - Aug 20, 2023

John Vargo

https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/nag_hammadi/contents.htm. Forgot to put a period at the end of my comment.


John Vargo - Aug 22, 2023

John Vargo

Well,better find out who the Archons are,Laura Eisenhower considers John Lamb Lash the best.Interesting middle name and quite a character.Great interview on the age of truth,worth the two hrs IMO.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=una9eWHApvA


Paul Vonharnish - Aug 22, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello John Vargo: Interesting discussion. More people need to view these analyses, but I don't think there's enough time left for these considerations... Primary environmental systems are unraveling...
I was gifted "Not in His Image" (John Lash) a short while ago. I haven't read the entire text, as I've been focused on personal matters like attempting to stay alive... I have been ill for decades... Long story...
These kinds of academic discussion "should" have been included as part of advanced education within ALL academic settings these last 1500 years. The last hundred years have reduced "education" to rote memorization of how to screw another person out of their minds (or souls) and steal from their wallets whilst pointing at some other event... It's elemental "Sophist" deception...
Not a very eloquent analysis. But there it is in spades. Thank you for the link.


R In NorCal - Aug 19, 2023

R In NorCal

Calling you out on your blanket statement ,Paul.
People who disagree with YOUR view point haven’t necessarily been “indoctrinated to reject ALL metaphysical concepts .. outside of their reality .”
That’s very belittling & false .
I reject your viewpoint because I’ve studied it and it’s a rewarmed & repackaged blend of ancient religions , occult beliefs & practices .
And I’ve studied Jesus.
Not a religion or a church .
Just Jesus .


R In NorCal - Aug 19, 2023

R In NorCal

And if you have been led to believe
Jesus was an avatar .. why not just see what He said of Himself ?


Paul Vonharnish - Aug 19, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

The alleged Jesus of Nazareth was a person. The Christ is a propaganda construct. I don't give a damn if you reject my viewpoint.


R In NorCal - Aug 19, 2023

R In NorCal

I reject it because I’m educated about it , not indoctrinated .
You apparently reject Jesus Christ having not studied Him .
Cool off ...


R In NorCal - Aug 18, 2023

R In NorCal

Where to begin ....(?)
Gnostics were not Christians , but an early Christian cult in the first century . They believed we are all “gods” and denied that Jesus was divine..and thus rejected His atonement on the cross ( for those who accept Him)
Frank , why not read HIS OWN WORDS ( Gospel of John )?
Instead of second hand opinions of the Faith He started .


hivemind exodus - Aug 19, 2023

R In NorCal

From our studies of world spirituality, we have observed that religious movements tend to embrace two opposing poles, which we call ‘Gnosticism’ and ‘Literalism’, with particular individuals inhabiting the whole spectrum between the two extremes. This classification is important because Gnostics from different religious traditions have far more in common with each other than they do with Literalists within their own tradition. Whilst Literalists from different religions clearly hold conflicting beliefs, Gnostics from all traditions use different conceptual vocabularies to articulate a common understanding, sometimes called the ‘perennial philosophy’4. It is not that all Gnostics agree. Different schools argue vehemently with each other, but these differences are minor compared to their shared essential perspective.
To get an accurate understanding of the development of spiritual ideas, we need to view Gnosticism as an identifiable spiritual tradition which transcends the accepted divisions into regional religions. Those who embrace Gnosticism and have been born into a Jewish culture tend to remain within their national tradition and become Jewish Gnostics, while those born elsewhere tend to become Muslim Gnostics, and so on. But all Gnostics need to be understood as essentially parts of one evolving tradition, whatever their race or culture.5
The goal of Gnostic spirituality is Gnosis, or Knowledge of Truth. We have chosen to use the name ‘Gnostics’, meaning ‘Knowers’, because in the various languages used by different religions, individuals who have realized ‘Gnosis’ or achieved ‘Enlightenment’ are often referred to as ‘Knowers’: Gnostikoi (Pagan/Christian), Arifs (Muslim), Gnanis (Hindu), Buddhas (Buddhist).6
Gnostics interpret the stories and teachings of their spiritual tradition as signposts pointing beyond words altogether to the mystical experience of the ineffable Mystery. Literalists, on the other hand, believe their scriptures are actually the words of God. They take their teachings, stories and initiation myths to be factual history. They focus on the words as a literal expression of the Truth. Hence we have chosen to call them ‘Literalists’. Gnostics are concerned with the inner essence of their tradition.
Literalists associate their faith with its outward manifestations: sacred symbols, scriptures, rituals, ecclesiastical leaders, and so on. Gnostics see themselves as being on a spiritual journey of personal transformation. Literalists see themselves as fulfilling a divinely ordained obligation to practise particular religious customs as a part of their national or cultural identity.
Literalists believe that their particular spiritual tradition is different from all others and has a unique claim on the Truth. They obsessively formulate dogmas which define membership of their particular cult.7 They are prepared to enforce their opinions and silence those who dissent, justifying their actions by claiming that they are fulfilling God’s will. Gnostics, on the other hand, are free spirits who question the presuppositions of their own culture. They follow their hearts, not the herd. They are consumed by their private quest for enlightenment, not by the goal of recruiting more adherents to a religion.
Gnostics wish to free themselves from the limitations of their personal and cultural identities and experience the oneness of all things. They therefore have no reluctance in adopting the wisdom of other traditions if it adds something to their own. Literalists use religion to sustain their personal and cultural identity by defining themselves in opposition to others. This inevitably leads to disputes with those outside their particular cult. It is Literalists who fight wars of religion with Literalists from other traditions, each claiming that God is on their side. Literalists’ enmity also extends to Gnostics within their own tradition who question their bigotry. Most spiritual traditions have a tragic history of the brutal oppression of Gnostics by intolerant Literalists. Interestingly, it is never the other way around.
We know that we are radically changing accepted terminology and run the risk of affronting some classicists and Christian scholars, but we feel that thinking in these terms enables us to understand the origins of Christianity much more accurately. This way we can circumvent the dead end of looking for a particular ‘parent’ religion. Christianity certainly adopted many elements from Judaism, as is generally accepted. It was also heavily influenced by Paganism, as is being increasingly realized.8 But it is best conceived as a product of neither and a reaction against both.


R In NorCal - Aug 19, 2023

R In NorCal

Quite a lecture . But good to know how you see reality .. however why not make up some new words instead of hijacking English.?? Words have meaning . So your misuse is a misrepresentation of YOUR meaning . The naive easily follow you .
You cannot speak for ALL folks who don’t agree with you . That’s a generalization.
Jesus Himself said “Enter through the NARROW GATE . For wide is the gate and broad is the gate that leads to destruction, and many enter through it .”


kaal - Aug 19, 2023


G in freemasonry mean Gnosticism?


R In NorCal - Aug 19, 2023

R In NorCal

I believe so .


kaal - Aug 19, 2023


The Trinity is literal and mystical. You cant extract Jesus from the trinity. So you accept Jesus Christ for who he is or you reject him along with the Trinity. So whatever you have left thats what you have.


JimB - Aug 19, 2023

John Vargo

Exactly , R in NorCal. Im in NorCal also (Sundial Bridge). I agree with everything you’ve stated in this thread.


John Vargo - Aug 20, 2023

John Vargo

Then I bet you just can't wait for the second coming,https://www.globalresearch.ca/millions-of-evangelical-christians-want-to-start-world-war-iii-to-speed-up-the-second-coming/29362?print=1


JimB - Aug 20, 2023

John Vargo

Yea this is nonsense, I’ve been a believer/follower of Christ for 45 years and have not met or heard of one actual Christian espousing this view.
Amos 5: 18 Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light.
19 As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.
20 Shall not the day of the LORD be darkness, and not light? even very dark, and no brightness in it?


John Vargo - Aug 20, 2023

John Vargo

Oh really,then you must be blind,selectively blind because there's a Mt Everest of evidence.This one youtube.I really don;t give a damn what you believe but I have a problem with both of you that disparages Dr. Ana because she's sticking her neck out trying to find remedy for this nanotechnology that's infected the human racehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjMRgT5o-Ig#t=64


hivemind exodus - Aug 19, 2023

R In NorCal

Did your Christ not say; do not look here or there the kingdom of the father is with in? In the book of Luke if I recall


R In NorCal - Aug 19, 2023

R In NorCal

‘Jesus answered him ( Nicodemas )
“I assure you ,that unless a person is born again (from above), he cannot see,know and experience the kingdom of God .”’ John3:5
“Everyone who believes in Me (trusts , relies on Me) will not perish but have ETERNAL LIFE and actually live forever.” John 3:15


John Vargo - Aug 20, 2023

John Vargo

Aww bullshit,when you die your beliefs do not go with you.Maybe you should read the union jack but it wouldn't do anygood.You'd rather set your pants on fire than change your beliefs based on new information.http://educate-yourself.org/cn/britishisraelhiddenhand10jul05.shtml


R In NorCal - Aug 20, 2023

R In NorCal

I know that website ...
Don’t assume I follow any of those
“Christians” because I don’t ..
They’re fakers & grifters ..
That’s old information ..


Ken Kobalanski - Aug 18, 2023

Yes, King James was a narcissist and he had many other books removed. Thank you.


Michael Gong - Aug 21, 2023

Michael’s Substack

I don't understand this so it must be from the devil, HO HUM.


R In NorCal - Aug 21, 2023

R In NorCal

You assume I don’t understand ..
Is it possible I understand yet disagree with you ?
Has it occurred to you that intelligent folk appraise many viewpoints before finding TRUTH?
Time will tell .


2FollowHim - Aug 18, 2023

2FollowHim related topics

I worship Yehoshua, the Hebrew name for 'Jesus', an invented name with no meaning. Yehoshua tells us everything about the Creator. Yeho means 'the Eternal Present', or God, 'shua' means Salvation. I love the concept of 'Eternal Present'.
You may know the magnificence of the numbers in scripture.
So many levels.


Peter70x7 - Aug 18, 2023


as an example...https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1CSjg6CbzCi6oa7afZaWrgz3fBQpFAFs
Shabbat Shalom!


Un-silent - Aug 18, 2023


Yes! Jesus and only Jesus.


John Vargo - Aug 20, 2023

John Vargo

Why are you here then?Condemnation without investigation is the height of allignorance.Newage occultism,hahaha.You're entitled to your opinion which is not even worth 2 cents tome.Youhave no clue who the gnostics were. Not in his image by John Lash,maybe you should do a little investigating before criticizing Dr.Ana and putting your foolish label on her.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=una9eWHApvA


Paul Vonharnish - Aug 19, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

"Miracles happen when actuality fails”
- Paul Vonharnish -
Same as it ever was...


R In NorCal - Aug 20, 2023

R In NorCal

Heavy ..


Brian O’Neill - Aug 18, 2023

Brian’s Substack



JimG - Aug 18, 2023

The Eternal Light and is life-giving, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit and the Eternal Light are One with Jesus, OK? This guy is not the only one preaching from this pulpit. This is not the first time people have pointed to proven results.


Lynn - Aug 18, 2023

Lynn’s Newsletter

Thanks for pointing this out. Saved me a lot of reading. +


R In NorCal - Aug 18, 2023

R In NorCal

Comment removed.


R In NorCal - Aug 18, 2023

R In NorCal

ALLEN - Jesus Himself said He could do only the works of His Father .
That’s not mind healing
That is being enabled by ETERNAL TRUE GOD with HIS POWER TO HEAL .
Jesus didn’t “think “ heal --
He was so connected to His Father He healed . Imbued with power He set aside when He took human form.


JimB - Aug 18, 2023

R In NorCal

Comment removed.


JimB - Aug 19, 2023

Litmus test…. John 3: 3 ¶ Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
4 ¶ Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?
5 ¶ Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
1 Peter 1: 22 ¶ Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently:
23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
24 For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:
25 But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.


R In NorCal - Aug 19, 2023

R In NorCal

Allen I AM connected to the Father & I feel it continually .. Jesus never said theHoly Spirit would make us feel connected to the Father .
The Holy Spirit IS GOD . He also guides and empowers Believers .
Mind healing is energized by Satanic forces .. which can also make you sick and do apparent miracles ..
This is old news .
Satan & his minions are created beings and have stupendous yet limited powers .
All this is recycled Gnostic New Age religion ... I’ve studied it a long time -decades .


John Vargo - Aug 20, 2023

John Vargo

I think you're connected to armageddon software.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Armageddon_Software


R In NorCal - Aug 20, 2023

R In NorCal

Haha I’m glad to see you have a sense of humor !


R In NorCal - Aug 19, 2023

R In NorCal

Allen, I did want to say I appreciate your kind attitude . I know your intent is genuine .. keep seeking ,son.


Phyl - Aug 18, 2023


There is nothing mysteries about who We (every individual on earth) are, majority on earth have forgotten who they are - Divine beings, having physical experiences in human form. We have been coming to earth lifetime after lifetime, generation after generations, built this civilization to where it is today. We have learnt everything that has needed to be learnt in earth's lower energies, We are moving on to higher energies, higher consciousness.
"You are consciousness. Your body is in your consciousness, not the other way round--you are not consciousness inside of a body. Your consciousness formed the body necessary for your needs and lessons while on earth. When you realize this you will find you are no longer quite so subject to world beliefs that say that you are at the mercy of your body.
Your whole world is within your consciousness--the weather, friends near or far, family, beliefs. Everything exists in consciousness and nothing exists outside of consciousness. Each must ask; "What do I entertain in my consciousness? What beliefs, what concepts, what ideas, etc do I hold?"
A spiritually evolved consciousness of truth and Light will manifest outwardly in whatever forms necessary for your highest good..."


David Nixon - Aug 18, 2023


I don't understand all this in fact most of it is new material and I will re-read it several times. However it certainly resonates and I know that it is relevant to what we are facing and what I am seeing
Thank you Ana...


Franklin O'Kanu - Aug 18, 2023


Hey Nixon! If you're interested, here's some articles that kinda help break this topic down a bit:
This is how we need to start looking at our reality from a spiritual perspective. Ana's article has a lot of spiritual and physical themes, so this a solid place to start. Be mindful, the ideas here are a little "unorthodox" ... but so is questioning the science:
Ana mentioned theories of physics, antigravitational, etc. Here's an article that introduces us to Nikola Tesla because he was a MYSTIC (few people know that). This article also introduces us to "public science" and "classified science" :https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-esoteric-philosophy-is-vital-967
Let me know if you need more articles, but that should get you started on the right path.


Susan - Aug 18, 2023

Susan’s Substack

Hi David, ditto your comment, yet there is something to all this that I’m seeing as very pertinent. This is a fabulous document on Royal Raymond Rife. His work in was amazing and you reminded me of him when I first found your posts of your work.
The link to the video is at the bottom of the synapses of the film.


Seeking Truth - Aug 28, 2023

Seeking Truth

The rife machine has helped many with lyme disease , get well. Lyme is another bioweapon.


R In NorCal - Aug 18, 2023

R In NorCal

How do you define “consciousness”?
Sincere question


rehari - Aug 19, 2023

R In NorCal

the mind seeks definitions... analysing its own projections on a screen,
consciousness is beyond definition,
when the mind is still,
the light of consciousness
will be known directly.


R In NorCal - Aug 19, 2023

R In NorCal

I’m disappointed with your reply .
If you cannot define consciousness (because it’s “beyond definition “)
It might just be a mental construct .


R In NorCal - Aug 19, 2023

R In NorCal

And actually my mind is still when I’m fishing , but I call that relaxation .


Franklin O'Kanu - Aug 18, 2023


Thank you for this post Dr. Mihalcea! I have a PharmD and I've come to the same conclusions you have, not only about medicine, but about reality as well. I will be checking out your book as you have a lot of topics I have not considered.
I have an upcoming book called "An Unorthodox Truth To Reality." It's intended to be a beginners guide to anyone and show them just how the last two hundred years have culminated to create the world that we have for us today:
Once again, thank you for this post and I look to checking out more of your work!


Kerry - Aug 18, 2023

Bringing in the Light

Thank you Dr Ana for your tireless work for humanity. (-:
Understanding that the basics of the satanic transhumanist attack is to scramble our resonant coherence with life and God - our armor is anything that restores that coherence and connection. Our mind, the most powerful antidote of all, has tremendous capacity of healing. Being in harmony with nature, being joy and love, listening to coherent music, applying sincere prayer and mindful healing focus, getting away from everything of low vibratory frequency (EMF, incoherent music, negative emotions, toxic food and polluted water etc) - is also part of the antidote.
This is what I realised when I watched your interview with Elsa and had my Call To Action. Your identifying of the fact that this is a spiritual war helped me to understand that I too have access to advanced tech, we all do. So now I do a ceremony every week with the clear intention to create a spiritual tool that brings in Light energy to illuminate the Dark. Thank you so much for the inspiration. Each time I journey with this ceremony I have the strongest sense of many others doing their own version of this spiritual work.


JamesDuff - Aug 18, 2023

JamesDuff’s Newsletter

God Bless I was looking for something like this to help me better battle what seeks to terminate the me and us. I intuitively get all this, I just need some
More harmonic power to resist and repel the enemy. And flourish to carry on.


Andrea L Kosar - Aug 18, 2023

R In NorCal

There was so much gobble-de-gook in this, I had to get my husband, a rocket scientist and divinity student to explain it to me. This is new-age Hinduism. Monism as opposed to Christianity, which is dualism. Monists believe all reality is God and there is no difference in the physical and spiritual world. They don’t believe in a creator God. Remember, if you are a Christian, demons do affect the physical world and can easily affect healing. Jesus said “ Many will heal in my name......but are not of Me.” (Sic) This is a seductive religion. Do not be fooled. Read the first comment here by R in Cal.


R In NorCal - Aug 18, 2023

R In NorCal

Yes Andrea & thank you .
These people understand nothing of real physics and none of this garbled presentation .. we will see all kind of “miracles” soon .. I’m sticking to what Jesus said .. still working on obeying . Some people have chosen to not to look at Jesus and some are just unaware .. plant seeds where we can.
God bless.


JimB - Aug 18, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

the other day I slapped a link or two on some substacks about the biolab in Reedley Ca ….. with little to no response. While comparing various articles written over about a two week period some things bothered me about the ‘response’ by the 3 letter agencies. One article stated the Feds told the local Fresno Co personnel to suppress the information….. this lab was discovered in Dec 2022 and did not hit the press for almost 6 months…. Another issue I have is initial reports stated in the same warehouse where this occurred PCR tests were being manufactured or were present where at least a dozen pathogens and live mice were present. The FDA did a recall on the ‘PCR’ tests (see attached) which advised people to return them to the same company that distributed them. As a retired cop, this makes no f@#&$ing sense. Those test should be tested for the pathogens which were present in the warehouse.https://www.fresnobee.com/news/local/article278262808.htmlhttps://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/medical-device-recalls/sml-distribution-llc-recalls-skippack-medical-lab-covid-19-direct-antigen-rapid-tests-are-notWhile we’re at it In the summer of 2018, one of China’s largest domestic vaccine makers sold at least 250,000 substandard doses of vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough. It was the latest in a slew of scandals caused by poor quality drug products made in China over the last decade. In 2008, the contamination of a raw ingredient imported from China and used to make heparin, a blood-thinning drug, was associated with at least eighty-one deaths the United States. In 2008, the contamination of a raw ingredient imported from China and used to make heparin, a blood-thinning drug, was associated with at least eighty-one deaths the United States. According to an investigative journalist, fraud and manipulation of quality data is still endemic in Chinese pharmaceutical firms.


Paul Vonharnish - Aug 18, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello JimB: Yes. China exports intentionally sabotaged products day in and day out. Millions of tons of industrial garbage and plastics. Ship after ship, trainload after trainload. People suck it up like candy, and ignore realities such as the Pacific Gyre - garbage patch... Earth's environment is collapsing as gurus talk about gods and technical nonsense...
The US Department of Commerce continues to allow importation of Chinese industrial filth, and it ends up distributed in air, water, landfills, and biological systems. Any country that allows importation of Chinese products is engaged in mass suicide.


JimB - Aug 19, 2023

Paul Vonharnish



Paul Vonharnish - Aug 19, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

The bible is a polluted landscape, as well. Two thousand years of intellectual puke absorbed by persons who are desperate for validation...


John Vargo - Aug 20, 2023

John Vargo

Which Bible,hahaha.Yeah,all ofthem.Atleast 5 in the christian religion,Old and new testaments,Kolbrin,King James and the Rothschilds Scofield bible.i really don't see anything intellectual about any of them except maybe knowing or learning the codeswithin.It's all about mind control Paul,preventing humanity from ever uniting against our owners.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Mind_Control


R In NorCal - Aug 19, 2023

R In NorCal

Why so hateful , Paul ?


Lone Star - Aug 19, 2023

Lone Star

China has bragged that it has agents placed in all key positions in our government. Another way to say this is, we are owned. Our scientific and medical research and resources--commandeered by China and used for its purposes against us. Our politicians and their families involved in spying, high crimes, treason, and felonies, are not punished for same, because of tangled webs of interlocking influence and blackmail. Contamination. Medicine, food, manufactured goods, engineering, the environment, the fake recycling industry, the ludicrous green energy scam, the self-defeating practices of our government--all for the short term gains of its members and the long term subjugation of the citizens, at the enforced expense of the latter.


JimB - Aug 19, 2023

It’s not to late to throw it all off,,,,,,I am a Christian, with God all things are possible.


JimB - Aug 19, 2023



Stella - Aug 18, 2023

This substack article as usual is very interesting information from Dr. Ana.
Here’s one way to lift one’s vibrations, and experience Light and Sound:https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Eckankar+Hu+Song&&view=detail&mid=E79C0E9156799B5A0972E79C0E9156799B5A0972&&FORM=VRDGAR


Apologetic Yankee - Aug 18, 2023

Apologetic Yankee

Have also found sensory deprivation (aka Floating) therapy to be incredibly beneficial 🫠


Lone Star - Aug 19, 2023

Lone Star

Oddly, I have recently begun longing for that experience, and, yet, it is something I have never experienced or had access to.


Margie Chism - Aug 19, 2023

Margie Chism

Dr. Ana â–  Thank you for your research and reporting on hydrogel and nanoparticles found in a dental injection solution; Zeee report on Stew Peter and yourself on 8/11/23. Shared the video by email to my in network/insurance Dentist/s and today received a certified letter stating that the contents in the email their service for me could not be met/something like that, and that they gave me a 30 day emergency care limit from now. I am healthy and have had cleanings only with this group; no cavities. They signed their letter, never mentioned hydrogel nor nanoparticles, neither that there are other opinions like gas, or made to order formula/s. I called my insurance and shared the situation. The insurance person I spoke to had never heard of these substances. My sent email to the Dentist addressed that if injections contain these substances then it is "no informed consent." That clotting can occur; murderous. My entire family is unvaccinated and use this dental care office; may God provide a better service and protect/bless us to the end. Thank you for the detail pictures with exact research at about 1:04:00 on the video, and the testimony of what you see and know. It has caused an awareness in dental care that I will seek the will of God. Margie


Paul F. - Aug 18, 2023

Surely a lot to digest. But it rings true because God had it written down so long ago.
1 Corinthians 3:16
Do you not know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that the spirit of God dwells in you?
1 Corinthians 3:17
If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him; for the temple of God is holy, and you are that temple.


Peter70x7 - Aug 18, 2023 - Edited


Ana, We have actually met. I so appreciate your heart for bringing forth the truth in the natural, and your mind for discovery. Surely you realize this world has long gone over the cliff and is falling at terminal velocity to its destruction? The lateness of the hour is certain and the only thing that will be left standing will be the Word of God and an identity in Christ alone. Where are you leading those scared and lost?
"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NLT
JOHN 17 (CJB) - The Prayer of Jesus
17 After Yeshua had said these things, he looked up toward heaven and said, “Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, so that the Son may glorify you — 2 just as you gave him authority over all mankind, so that he might give eternal life to all those whom you have given him. 3 And eternal life is this: to know you, the one true God, and him whom you sent, Yeshua the Messiah.
4 “I glorified you on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do. 5 Now, Father, glorify me alongside yourself. Give me the same glory I had with you before the world existed.
6 “I made your name known to the people you gave me out of the world. They were yours, you gave them to me, and they have kept your word. 7 Now they know that everything you have given me is from you, 8 because the words you gave me I have given to them, and they have received them. They have really come to know that I came from you, and they have come to trust that you sent me.
9 “I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given to me, because they are yours. 10 Indeed, all I have is yours, and all you have is mine, and in them I have been glorified. 11 Now I am no longer in the world. They are in the world, but I am coming to you. Holy Father, guard them by the power of your name, which you have given to me, so that they may be one, just as we are. 12 When I was with them, I guarded them by the power of your name, which you have given to me; yes, I kept watch over them; and not one of them was destroyed (except the one meant for destruction, so that the Tanakh might be fulfilled). 13 But now, I am coming to you; and I say these things while I am still in the world so that they may have my joy made complete in themselves.
14 “I have given them your word, and the world hated them, because they do not belong to the world — just as I myself do not belong to the world. 15 I don’t ask you to take them out of the world, but to protect them from the Evil One. 16 They do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world. 17 Set them apart for holiness by means of the truth — your word is truth. 18 Just as you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. 19 On their behalf I am setting myself apart for holiness, so that they too may be set apart for holiness by means of the truth.
20 “I pray not only for these, but also for those who will trust in me because of their word, 21 that they may all be one. Just as you, Father, are united with me and I with you, I pray that they may be united with us, so that the world may believe that you sent me. 22 The glory which you have given to me, I have given to them; so that they may be one, just as we are one — 23 I united with them and you with me, so that they may be completely one, and the world thus realize that you sent me, and that you have loved them just as you have loved me.
24 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am; so that they may see my glory, which you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. 25 Righteous Father, the world has not known you, but I have known you, and these people have known that you sent me. 26 I made your name known to them, and I will continue to make it known; so that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I myself may be united with them.”
BLESSINGS -https://peter70x7.substack.com/p/blessings


Ken Kobalanski - Aug 18, 2023

Ana, this is really phenomenal. Just WOW! Thank you.


Franklin O'Kanu - Aug 18, 2023


I just wrote on how LOVE is the DESTROYER OF WORLDS and how LOVE is what we need to destroy this Satanic world being created:


R In NorCal - Aug 18, 2023

R In NorCal

How does one define Love - as it has multiple meanings to multiple people .
Words have meaning - connotation


R In NorCal - Aug 19, 2023

R In NorCal

Franklin - what do you define as LOVE ?(sincere q.)


Franklin O'Kanu - Aug 18, 2023


This quote right here was very powerful:
"The interesting thing is that these people are without imagination. The same physics they are using to try to destroy us, will actually save us." --- Carl Jung and David Icke have mentioned this. These "beings" without imagination are known as "Archons" or "Antimimos." Christianity calls them as Demons.


REW - Aug 18, 2023

REW’s Substack

Hi Dr. Ana! 🤗 Thank you for delving into so many different topics as we all are trying to make some sense out of our place in this world.
With your sharp eye and expert knowledge of microscopic data etc. I am a bit surprised by the video you included. You wrote:
“Someone sent me today this magnificent experiment, in which a lady prayed over Graphene and dissolved it. Look at this and for those of you with a more religious background, this may really inspire you to use your prayers:”
The Science of Prayer by Faith with gene Decode
My hope was that what I would be witnessing would be a true miraculous Christ inspired miracle. The buildup half way through the video seemed encouraging. The microscope was all set and ready to reveal the disappearance of the graphene circles that were displayed on the computer screen by using only the power of prayer. After Gene repeated the same prayer written out in the beginning of the video, she informed us that she would leave the microscope untouched as she exited the room. Within a few frames, the image on computer screen definitely moved, distorting the clear original film. When the image moved, it changed from a three d image to a two d image, which distorted the entire view. When Gene returned several minutes or hours later, she again moved the microscope’s vision field claiming that the graphene circles had miraculously vanished.
For these reasons, I think this presentation is a fraud. Every person who commented after her video that was published on Rumble offered Gene many thanks and much praise for this experiment, convinced apparently that what she said and did was all through the power of Christ. I am one who does believe in the power of God and prayer but find it repulsive for anyone to use the word of God with trickery and worse, for someone to put on such a deceptive display by claiming God dissolved the graphene when no such thing took place.


R In NorCal - Aug 18, 2023

R In NorCal

I agree with you .
Did you not notice the fantastical sentence structure Dr. Ana uses ?
Message - “If you can’t understand it
just believe it ( you’re too dumb)
and believe in the smarter people who feed this to you .”
This is occultism not science .
Not new, but very ancient ., packaged as new .


scout - Aug 18, 2023

Yes, Walter Russell, blast from the past. I'm familiar with more than a few of the named researchers, too. What's curious all sense God, never mention Christ and any that pursue that spark run to the Hindus, of all pagan peoples. All failed to get that Hindu paganism is grounded in ancient Babylonian. Same with Pagan Rome and Vatican Rome of today. Very difficult to escape that Satanic hamster wheel.
Bottom line: not one every ran to the Bible! They run AWAY from the truth. Not sure about Russell as I sensed Christ was near. Thx Ana.



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