Understanding The Physics Of This Spiritual Warfare: A Review Of "Fractal Space Time: Origin of Biologic Negentropy" – from Dan Winter

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 18, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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There are many brilliant people throughout our recent history that have understood the fundamental nature of reality in relation to Mind and Light. Certainly one of my most favorite enlightened people was Walter Russell, the Author of “ The Secret of Light”.

He described Mind as Light and that Light is God. Based on his spiritual illumination experiences, he explained a new universal physics that I have discussed in my book “Light Medicine - A New Paradigm, The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity”.

When I was researching for years suppressed healing technologies, I ended up studying a lot about the scientific warfare applications of novel technologies - because this is how it was misused and kept from the public. One of my greatest teachers was physicist Lt Colonel Tom Beardon, PhD, who really was a pioneer in explaining vacuum physics, negentropy, time reversal and the fundamental flaws of current thermodynamics and classical electromagnetic theory. I read all of his books, watched all of his videos, and studied the work of Engineer John Bedini, who designed free energy systems. This eventually lead me to studying antigravity propulsion systems, transmutation of elements, cold fusion physics. It turns out, antigravity and free energy physics has a lot to do with healing. I also was friends with the late Claude Swanson, PhD , a physicist trained at MIT who wrote phenomenal books on the physics of life force - and also taught me a lot of how psychotronic weapons systems and healing devices are based on similar Torsion physics principles developed in Russia.

The Author Dan Winter was recommended by Lt Col Tom Beardon. Winter wrote a radical book: Fractal Space Time: Origin of Biologic Negentropy .

Dan Winter’s book presents the most compelling and systematic scientific evidence to date – that fractality in space and time is the specific mechanism and cause of gravity, biologic negentropy, life force, perception, and human bliss.

Remember, in relation to the nanotechnology, I have been talking about impairment of blood electricity, hijacking of life force, resonant brain frequencies that have been mapped to create an artificial brain and are being interfered with, electromagnetic resonance measurement with impedance spectroscopy finding vaccinated blood extremely sensitive to 4 Hz and more. It is really this form of physics - that is negated by mainstream physicists and physicians - that is used by this nanotechnology to hijack what is divinely mysterious about us.

It applies to everything in our life from architecture to our clothing to the health of our biological system and all of nature:

In molecular terms this means that every molecule which was once part of a living system ( limestone for example)- is going to be more conjugate and breathe charge better- like a fractal (meaning high dielectric constant). And thus - it will be much better to use for architecture. (As opposed to poisons to biologic charge like steel / aluminum and to some extent synthetics in general ). This teaching for how living charge gets distributed efficiently is the very basis of the curriculum for biologic architecture. The bottom line in every case- whether it is clothing, or your house, or your land- if the electrical environment is more conjugate or fractal - the charge map looks like a rose - then your life force can breathe and unpack.

Winter describes fractal physics, which is the underlying mathematical symphony that contains the language of life based on the phase conjugation of the golden ratio. Our DNA, the earth’s Schuman resonance, our brain waves, our heart rate variability, our life force - all vibrate and are interconnected. We are not only connected to all of life, we are ONE with all of life. This resonant harmonic frequency interconnectivity or harmonic photonic quantum potential structuring nurtures all of life from the vacuum or void or the mind of God, whatever words you prefer.

The attack on our biosphere, geoengineering with poisoning of the atmosphere, the HAARP artificial 4 Hz ambient field effect overriding the healing effect of the Schuman resonance, the C19 weapons with the nanotechnology and quantum dots that inharmoniously interfere with the body’s resonant frequency communication systems and our spiritual mind body interface -ALL OF THAT - attacks our connection to Life itself - which is God - the everything that is.

Why is Life Force- defined by a centripetal, implosive, negentropic field? The concept of life force -from an electrical perspective - being fundamentally the ability to become centripetal is not hard to understand. Think about it in terms of a seed. A seed is called alive or dead- based on it's ability to send out a 'tractor beam' to align it's first nutrient. That charge relationship to enable that first bond to a nutrient- is clearly electrical. Obviously it's not about pushing away the nutrient- it is about centripetally sucking it in.

The same principles can be explained with Professor Fritz Alexander Popp’s teachings about biological biphotonic coherence which correlates with health, and incoherence and loss of photonic light, which creates disease and death. He famously explained correctly: “We know today that man, essentially, is a being of light.”

Our emotions also have resonant vibratory frequencies and harmonious emotions such as love contain the mathematics of the golden ratio. The mathematics of human embrace is a perfect harmonic and literally heals us. This is what was attacked with social distancing.

Now, lets take a step back and look at the first image above. You can see that there are materials with high life force or electrical charge, such as Gold, Wood, Hemp, Granite. Then you can see the lowest life force or electrical charge in Aluminum, Plastic and Polyester. If you now look at what the nanotechnology is made of, you can see low vibratory or toxic metals that literally create incoherence in the biphotonic field, plastics and polyesters are the make up of hydrogel and the induction of negative emotions through psychological warfare operations.

Anyone with a keen eye, who understands just from looking at this - those who developed this technology are absolutely aware of the spiritual nature of this war and are precisely targeting our spiritual essence, our connection with life force, which is God.

The interesting thing is that these people are without imagination. The same physics they are using to try to destroy us, will actually save us.

First, fractal physics or torsion physics - which understands that a torsion wave (and a thought) can travel faster than the speed of light and therefore breaks Einstein’s concepts of special relativity, has a property in the vacuum that has to do with reversing time - additionally, Maxwell’s quaternion equations already gave the mathematics of the unified field.

Lt Col Tom Beardon explained:

We state this fact: as a mass moves in space, it generates increased "activity" with the virtual particle flux of vacuum itself.   The increased virtual particle flux activity exchange between vacuum and mass is analogous to a strange kind of "virtual resistance."  Since the resistance is virtual, it does not observably slow down an observable object moving in an (unobservable, virtual-particle flux) vacuum. 
     The increased flux activity represents an increased "virtual energy density" of space time, and an increased "trapped potential" (mass; resistance to an accelerating force) of the moving object.  It represents a rotation of the spacetime frame, vis a vis the laboratory observer).  (My comment: the Russians called this virtual rotation of spacetime potential Torsion).
     In the virtual vacuum (which contains both positive and negative time), one sees two antiparallel virtual forces:  one in positive time, along the velocity vector of the object, and one in negative time (time reversed, or phase conjugated). 

We already have healing technology, albeit suppressed by corrupt governments, that uses this form of physics:

This technology cured cancer and all diseases of aging and was really a vacuum engine. It reversed the patient to a past that was not their own, meaning a timeline on which they were never sick.

If you closely examine the Linguistic Gene Wave Model by Dr. Peter Garyaev, the same principles apply, since the change in spin state of photons creates torsion fields. Hence he was able to age reverse people with light and sound information, but he really reversed people to a past not of their own. DNA is multidimensional, so it can process the information of parallel universes. I have worked with Dr. Garyaev’s gene wave laser and discussed this here:

Unconsidered Effects of mRNA Gene Technology and their Possible Reversal – Understanding Holographic DNA, Morphogenic Fields, and the Implications for the Future of Humanity

This is the true physics of life and miracles. I know, because I have healed myself of life threatening diseases like cancer with my own focus. One week the large tumor was there on the radiologic imaging study, and the next week it was gone. While we call this mind healing, we must understand that our mind uses fractal or torsion physics to access the vacuum and create the very effect Priore used with his machine.

Someone sent me today this magnificent experiment, in which a lady prayed over Graphene and dissolved it. Look at this and for those of you with a more religious background, this may really inspire you to use your prayers:

The Science of Prayer by Faith with gene Decode

Understanding that the basics of the satanic transhumanist attack is to scramble our resonant coherence with life and God - our armor is anything that restores that coherence and connection. Our mind, the most powerful antidote of all, has tremendous capacity of healing. Being in harmony with nature, being joy and love, listening to coherent music, applying sincere prayer and mindful healing focus, getting away from everything of low vibratory frequency (EMF, incoherent music, negative emotions, toxic food and polluted water etc) - is also part of the antidote.

If you have not yet listened to my interview with Cathy O’Brien, MK Ultra CIA whistleblower, you should do it. She explains that our mind is so powerful, the dark forces literally are powerless when we connect to our divine nature.

Healing From Mind Control Through Love - Mindful Protection from Nanotechnological and Synthetic Biology Assault: Dr. Ana Mihalcea & CIA MK-ULTRA Survivor and Whistleblower Cathy O'Brien

If you would like to read more about the hopeful healing medicine of the future and healing with mind and many other modalities - here is the link to my book in English: Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity

And in Spanish here La Medicina de Luz or here

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R In NorCal - Aug 18, 2023

R In NorCal

This is purely New Age Occultism .
Buyer beware .. jumbled jargon and no provable science .. anything supernatural (mind healing ) here is actually demonic forces using the willing party.
Jesus Christ is the DOOR.

REPLY | 82 replies by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD and others

Phyl - Aug 18, 2023

There is nothing mysteries about who We (every individual on earth) are, majority on earth have forgotten who they are - Divine beings, having physical experiences in human form. We have been coming to earth lifetime after lifetime, generation after generations, built this civilization to where it is today. We have learnt everything that has needed to be learnt in earth's lower energies, We are moving on to higher energies, higher consciousness.
"You are consciousness. Your body is in your consciousness, not the other way round--you are not consciousness inside of a body. Your consciousness formed the body necessary for your needs and lessons while on earth. When you realize this you will find you are no longer quite so subject to world beliefs that say that you are at the mercy of your body.
Your whole world is within your consciousness--the weather, friends near or far, family, beliefs. Everything exists in consciousness and nothing exists outside of consciousness. Each must ask; "What do I entertain in my consciousness? What beliefs, what concepts, what ideas, etc do I hold?"
A spiritually evolved consciousness of truth and Light will manifest outwardly in whatever forms necessary for your highest good..."

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