Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 14, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Millions of people around the world have been affected by the C19 shots. Researchers everywhere are working to find out what exactly is in the shots, how do they work in affecting the body, what is the mode of shedding and many other yet unanswered questions. Most physicians believe there is a mRNA encoding spike protein in the vials, and a virus has infected people. Other scientists are drawing attention to the fact that no virus has been isolated and other mechanisms like Graphene Oxide, 5G, and other toxins can account for the same symptoms we call Covid. Some analyzed C19 vials do not appear to have mRNA in them. There are many different potential mechanisms to discuss and to broaden our understanding of the scientific basis of action. In this article, I wish to provide a different viewpoint to what has been previously discussed from the viewpoint of optogenetics.
This testimony from a Pfizer whistleblower has brought attention to some interesting potential ingredients - Graphene Oxide (GO) and Luciferase.
BOMBSHELL: Pfizer whistleblower says vaccine ‘glows,’ contains toxic luciferase, graphene oxide compounds
Polyethylene Glycol as an ingredient causing allergic reactions and anaphylaxis has been contemplated. While some say the self-assembly GO is used for induction of C19 symptoms and Luciferase for tracking, I would like to explain some science that shows that these compounds can also be used for gene editing and control of cellular function.
This alternate scientific model of control of physiological function via optogenetic systems can give a different mode of explanation for the many shot side effects - causing vast diseases and accelerated cancers.
In my book “Light Medicine – A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit, and Longevity” I have discussed in depth a new model of science and medicine based on Light.
From my book:
Light has been used to control biological systems to facilitate rapid and reversible manipulation of highly dynamic cellular processes. Instead of using chemicals or drugs, researchers have used light-sensitive proteins and their ability to transform or interact with other proteins to manipulate all aspects of cell cycle.
Light‐sensitive regulatory proteins occur in nature. These regulate processes, such as plant development, gene expression, circadian rhythm, and facilitate the communication of visual information. Genes that are light sensitive, called optogenetic systems, are based on natural photoreceptors that have been used to control intracellular processes. These photoreceptors contain an area called chromophore that undergoes a rearrangement of its atoms upon absorption of a photon. This leads to a change in the photoreceptor. Most photoreceptors mediate interactions within the cell or between cells in response to light. The cellular processes are manipulated by light, ranging from gene transcription, genome engineering, transmission of cell signals, and changes within the skeleton cell.
The idea has been discussed that the electrical activity of the body that generates spatiotemporal electromagnetic fields acts like an antenna that tunes the brain/body system into the quantum memory network that contains consciousness.
Neurons appear to communicate via fractal resonances. Their information processing exhibits quantum properties and quantum entanglement. The quantum space/time matrix contains elementary particles. With the extremely high energy of the quantum vacuum, space/time is curved to a singularity, producing wormholes. This connection between particles could be responsible for producing the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, quantum coherence, and other nonlocal phenomena, all of which occur in the brain.
The microtubule network of the cellular cytoskeleton in the brain’s neurons has been identified as a key structure involved in processing information. Photons, when absorbed, will modulate the electronic properties of biomolecules, resulting in a direct functional effect. Phonons and electrical fields will also do this.
Coherent interference of cytoplasmic sources will result in holographic information processing. Holographic interference patterns can be stored in the phosphate bilayers of membranes over short time periods or hardwired into microtubules and actin filaments.
Optical Properties of Carcinogens
Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp found correlations between the optical properties of biomolecules and their effects in causing cancer. He exposed 37 materials to ultraviolet light to create excited states. Some were carcinogenic and some were not. The molecules which cause cancer had the effect of reemitting the light at different frequencies, similar to a scrambling effect of the light. All of these carcinogens reacted to a very narrow band of wavelength around 380 nm. A key frequency that cells use for repairing damage is 380 nm. A weak light (low luminescence of watts/meter2) at this wavelength is found to speed up the healing of cells. Dr. Popp discovered that carcinogens function by absorbing this healing energy and converting it to other frequencies which can trigger illness. He found that mistletoe was the one substance that was able to reverse the light scrambling effect of carcinogens.
DNA has a high absorbance of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). There are studies showing that DNA, when it absorbs EMFs, undergoes structural changes. Neuropsychiatric changes have been documented with electroencephalogram (EEG) changes. The mechanism is thought to act via voltage-gated, calcium-channel activation. Pulsed EMF, which is Wi-Fi, has been shown to be more biologically active and thereby more harmful to organisms than non-pulsed EMF. The adverse health effects are cumulative. Studies stating that EMF is harmless have been shown to be flawed. In children, EMF exposure is linked to increased incidence of cancers and neurodevelopmental diseases, including autism.
We can manipulate DNA with light and EMF frequencies and magnetic fields. We do not need to inject RNA that reverse transcribes into DNA into anybody.
In my previous article on vaccine analysis, many different metals have been found which act as nanoparticles with specific optical properties.
Here is an article that explains how polyethylene glycol helps graphene oxide and nanoparticles to hybridize DNA. The polyethylene glycol found in some vials has its own assisting effect to DNA modification.
Effects of polyethylene glycol on DNA adsorption and hybridization on gold nanoparticles and graphene oxide
Here is another article discussing how gold and graphene oxide can be adsorbed to DNA.
In addition to gold, graphene oxide (GO) has emerged as a new material for interfacing with DNA. GO and AuNPs share many similar properties for DNA adsorption; both have negatively charged surfaces but can still strongly adsorb DNA, and both are excellent fluorescence quenchers.
Adsorption of DNA onto gold nanoparticles and graphene oxide: surface science and applications
The nanoparticles can be used as light transducers that then activate light sensitive proteins to manipulate how cells work – in any organ system.
Optogenetics harnesses photoactivatable proteins to optically stimulate and control intracellular activities. UCNPs-mediated NIR-activatable optogenetics uses lanthanide upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) as light transducers and utilizes near-infrared (NIR) light to indirectly activate the traditional optogenetic proteins. The integration of UCNPs with cellular optogenetics has showed great promise in biomedical applications in regulating neural/brain activity, cancer therapy and cardiac optogenetics in vivo .
Applications of upconversion nanoparticles in cellular optogenetics
CRISPR gene editing technology has been used in conjunction with nanoparticles, like Graphene Oxide.
CRISPR/Cas9 components can be transported into target cells via various delivery methods, including physical methods (such as electroporation and microinjection) as well as viral and non-viral methods. We are witnessing a remarkable increase in the employment of nanomaterials as non-viral carriers for the delivery of the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Nanoparticles have so far presented numerous advantages such as ease of synthesis, high efficiency, low cost, size tunability, non-mutagenicity, non-immunogenicity, etc. with regard to the delivery of CRISPR/Cas9.
Harnessing nanoparticles for the efficient delivery of the CRISPR/Cas9 system
If you use enzymes like Luciferases, which act inside the body like a flashlight, you can use those light systems to manipulate DNA and cellular function, not just a glow in the dark light sensor.
Building Biological Flashlights: Orthogonal Luciferases and Luciferins for in Vivo Imaging
Luciferase can be used to either manipulate genes directly or indirectly.
Bioluminescent Optogenetics 2.0: Harnessing Bioluminescence to Activate Photosensory Proteins In Vitro and In Vivo
CRISPR gene editing has been controlled via light. Luciferase can provide the light inside the cells to activate CRISPR gene editing.
Light-controlled CRISPR is now used in laboratories around the world. Researchers have used it to study genes involved in sleep and to manipulate the metabolism of organisms using light. Instead of cutting DNA continually, these molecular scissors can be turned on and off with ease.
A light switch for cutting DNA - Researchers made a CRISPR gene editor that can be controlled with blue light
As we know many have noticed a magnetic phenomenon in those who received the shots. Magnetic fields also can be used for CRISPR genetic engineering in conjunction with Graphene Oxide that is magnetic and can capture DNA information in real time.
We explored the synergetic effect of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-activated graphene biointerfaces, and reported an on-line CRISPR wearable microneedles patch for extraction and in vivo monitoring of Epstein-Barr virus cell-free DNA (EBV CfDNA) in ISF. This wearable system can orientally capture and directly quantify unamplified ISF CfDNA in vivo within 75 min, with anti-interference ability of 60%, and has good electrochemical stability within 3 days.
Spatial control of in vivo CRISPR–Cas9 genome editing via nanomagnets
We can also engineer magnetic protein crystals that encode genetic material.
Magnetogenetics is a new field that leverages genetically encoded proteins and protein assemblies that are sensitive to magnetic fields to study and manipulate cell behavior. Theoretical studies show that many proposed magnetogenetic proteins do not contain enough iron to generate substantial magnetic forces. Here, we have engineered a genetically encoded ferritin-containing protein crystal that grows inside mammalian cells. Each of these crystals contains more than 10 million ferritin subunits and is capable of mineralizing substantial amounts of iron. When isolated from cells and loaded with iron in vitro , these crystals generate magnetic forces that are 9 orders of magnitude larger than the forces from the single ferritin cages used in previous studies. These protein crystals are attracted to an applied magnetic field and move toward magnets even when internalized into cells. While additional studies are needed to realize the full potential of magnetogenetics, these results demonstrate the feasibility of engineering protein assemblies for magnetic sensing.
Engineering a Genetically Encoded Magnetic Protein Crystal
If you have an intracellular light source like Luciferase, you can directly manipulate neuron and brain function. This can be done in any organ system.
Optogenetic inhibition of neurons by internal light production
Nanoparticles and toxins due to their optical, magnetic and electrical properties can interfere with the natural biphoton and bio phonon cellular communication system, similar to what I explained about Dr. Fritz Alexander Popp’s work earlier on carcinogens. Our holographic space time DNA control, that Nobel Prize Nominee Dr. Peter Garayev explained in the Linguistic Gene Wave Model, also needs to be considered. If you scramble the light of the genetic hologram that our DNA emits, you can directly induce disease without ever altering a physical gene. Our DNA acts just like a radio antenna sensitive to photons and phonons that can emit and receive a signal. A received EMF signal can alter the genetic code. I wrote about Dr. Garayev’s work and possible solutions here:
There are many ways to manipulate genetic material. We do not need a reverse transcriptase mechanism of mRNA. Some analyzed vials may not contain mRNA but that does not mean that genetic engineering does not take place. Researchers and doctors need to incorporate other biophysical considerations for assessment of potential mechanisms and proposed treatments, and different ingredients may have many different uses. When I contemplate the diabolical brilliance of the shots, I think of a deep black compartmentalized project where many researchers apply their knowledge but do not see the whole picture of their contribution. The more openminded we are, and the less final conclusions we draw, the more likely in my mind we will be to help people overcome all possible mechanisms of harm. In this, we can save humanity. This is not to scare people. EVERY PROBLEM HAS A SOLUTION, once you understand how something could work. I am not suggesting that this is how things work, but that it could be a contributing factor that needs to be considered.
I have included extensive references so other researchers may explore above named potentials.
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Marc Mullie - May 16, 2023
I keep asking people to show me one definitive paper showing that mRNA exists in the shots. Not a single person has been able to. Yet much work has been done showing there is none.
THIS is the smoking gun that all this has nothing to do with a SARS Cov2 'virus'. This was the subterfuge to get humanity jabbed with graphene oxide and hydrogels.
It is sad that the 'mainstream' alternative truth movement that believes in 'mRNA - spike protein' will not open its eyes to the truth that humanity has been intentionally poisoned with toxins that can alter DNA to a much higher level than reverse-transcriptase.
Marc Mullie MD
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Roman S Shapoval - May 16, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Another reason to stay away from LEDs, and get amber glasses, as we live in a blue-lit toxic world. Get your dose of UV and build melanin:
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