Bravo Dr Anna.
Your work is ESSENTIAL ! so the
eassiest we make, it the best :)
A taste of whats happening in Spain and other European countries,
* here in Spain at least 90/100 of 46 million people have at least 2 doses, population zero questioning except for several in Telegram, followers of LaQuintaColumna arround 250.000. People do not speak English.
* As of march I was blocked by Telegram cannot send anything as I did before to channels or people (I used to summarize and translate). As of then, your works are not seen at all.
Try to contact LaQuinta for an interview with translation, as they are also listened in South America.
I can help if necessary although they blocked me several times, I have no idea why. But they are the best way for your works to be seen in Spanish speaking countries.
* In France Rumble forbidden.
* People, dissidents & of health area, do not want to know (ego, fear & unable to understand gravity). Several told me that this is too uncomfortable, :(((.
KEEPING ON anyway Dr, remaining simple & free.
Tu Dr Anna
I'd like to expand your good points, Cristina. Shy guests and those uncomfortable in spoken English will not join Dr. Ana's talk shows; she knows and I believe it should be mended, because the non-English world outnumbers the English speaking one, offering views untainted by culture and science paradigms of the English world that remains perhaps the most influenced by the global cabal.
The last point on your list -- also those compromised to Mammon, i.e. most of the medical professionals, the plandemic has shown.
Recordings alternative to Rumble can and should be done by dedicated, paid person.
Telegram -- there are no idependent platforms.
With 90% vaxed twice, Spain belongs to world's most vaxed, beside Israel and a few others. No good witness for the level of spirituality, education, awareness and knowledge.
No data for Poland, but from a "survey" around my circles, somewhat lower % but shameful multiple jabs. No data for Germany, but they had world's most numerous anti-scamdemic demos up to Putin's invasion of Ukraine: tens of millions in ca. 800 towns and cities on the same day. German independents are also tops. With good scientific expertise, equipment and discipline, they should be followed.
Russian scene is potentially fruiful on independent science, but the regime has a firm, pro-cabal grip in society, more so in China where social dissent is higer than officially admitted. I wouldalsocounton East Indian groupssich as Punjabis who are rebellious and have a record of dissent against authoritarianism. I observe such behaviour in Canada's immigrant inflow, much stronger trend than in equally numerous Chinese immigrtion.
What is not yet underlined by Dr. Ana, Humanity urgently needs unification around common defence. Initiatives like NARM rather dilute than fortify the effort.
Congratulations!!! You are an amazing Dr. Please dont push the Methylene Blue. I have had severe effects from just 5 days and 4 drops at 1% solution. Apple Pectin (a natural food) is a better option and wont make you feel like you might die, as a side effect.
My point is when you take a product to kill parasites or to remove toxins, heavy metals etc, it is very important to take another product that will capture those toxins in the blood. This is why I have suggested to take also Apple Pectin. Activated Charcoal is also very good.
It is important to be regular, otherwise the toxins, the dead parasites stay inside. I suggest triphala.
When we have a cold or have dead parasites inside of us we constipated.
It is very important to avoid constipation. Dead parasites have the tendency to block our bowel movements. They remain inside and worst, they intoxicate us. It is the same when we have a cold. The priority number one should be to avoid that.
You will be never constipate with triphala and it is not a laxative. It has a lot of other benefits. It is part of ayurvedic medecine. Do your own research.
I buy this brand. It is Organic and at a very good price. I am not related to this company or make money here.
Organic Triphala Powder
Triphala Benefits for Digestion, Immunity & More
Maharishi AyurVeda Blog
Therapeutic Uses of Triphala in Ayurvedic Medicine
The Benefits of Triphala Dr. Chopra
Thank you John. Organic Tradition is the brand that I buy here at the store for years. It is a lot less expensive in powder but the taste is bitter. I take 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon a day mix with warm water. One bag will last few months.
If you cannot find it there, this company, Banyan Botanicals is also very good,. Low price and Organic.
I have worked in India as an airline pilot before and every body knows Triphala over there.
My biome "tells"me when I need fibre and I eat what's around: freash fruit, potatoes, beets and other veggies with skin on, brown rice, lentils and grains, full grain dark bread, dried prunes etc. fruit, to name a few. Chocolate constipates a bit depending on quantity and % cocoa.
I agree the apple pectin is a safe remedy, I know of a woman who healed decades of fungal infections (from living in a moldy house) by using apple pectin. For me, I just make apple cider products (vinegar, hard cider).
I knew I was doing right, but didn't know why when last fallI I did not allow my family to waste a single apple from own trees in truly organic garden. I cleaned the stamp of quality (worm holes and other minor"spoilage"), cut them to pieces and froze. Another batch went into jars and is consumed daily incl. several yrs old ones that taste as good. I read today that the pectin only acts in the intestinal tract. Does anybody know beyond that?
Hi Catherine. How do you know that it could be MB and not Sodium Citrate?
¨I looked at the blood today of somebody taking 20g of sodium citrate daily for the last two weeks. He feels considerably better but difficult to conclude other than that his blood looks similar to everybody else’s that I have looked at within the last few months
Update on Sodium Citrate, blood and urine by David Nixon
I did not have any of those things you mentioned Mario. My doctor said I had an adrenaline surge and that was caused by MB. He is an MD and a Natural doctor with 40 yrs experience treating patients. Whether a reaction from MB or the few grains (less than a pinch of sodium citrate) for two mornings, I will never do either again. I wouldn't recommend anyone else go through what I have this week.
I have tried to explain you that you felt bad because of the toxins in your blood coming from the detox. Read my post again. You start to feel good when you took the Apple Pectin Concentrate that have absorbed those toxins. Baking Soda also is good to absorb toxin.
Anyway, trust your feeling and do what you feel good for you. Out.
You have deleted all your comments on
Dec 29, 2023
edited Dec 29, 2023
Comment deleted
Mario A Leblanc
Writes Mario’s Substack
Dec 29, 2023
edited Dec 29, 2023
Nice to meet you Catherine.
Dec 29, 2023
Comment deleted
Mario A Leblanc
Writes Mario’s Substack
Dec 29, 2023
edited Dec 29, 2023
Goodnight. Next time I will try to explain you how to use a pendulum. I call it now my compass:)
LIKE (1)
Dec 29, 2023
edited Dec 29, 2023
Comment deleted
Mario A Leblanc
Writes Mario’s Substack
Dec 29, 2023
Ok but now I am watching Join The Symposium: Medical Sovereignty: The Solution To Exit The UN & WHO Starts Today 11:45AM Eastern Until 3PM
Welcome to the symposium Medical Sovereignty and truth. Exit the WHO and UN
Dec 29, 2023
Comment deleted
Mario A Leblanc
Writes Mario’s Substack
Dec 29, 2023
It's live
Mario A Leblanc
Writes Mario’s Substack
Dec 29, 2023
It is very important. It concerns all of us. Try to watch
i'm not going to stop taking MB because you had a side effect.Mario just gave you a way to deal with it and you cop an attitude.Did you even know why you were taking MB?You should have just said you had some side effects because the MB is potentially life saving.
What is your point? If you want advise from doctors, well ask them. I have spent a lot of my time to give you information on the other substack post and you already knew that I was not a doctor. I find you very cheap.
Many congratulations!
What a way to start 2024 - looking forward to the show this afternoon. You are an amazingly productive and dedicated dynamo! Thank you.
EDTA, Vit C, healthy food and drink, physical activities, no e-gadgets, socializng and engagement for the common good... In the olden days humans had much more vitality than today. Dr. Ana has a gift from God. May He bless her.
You have certainly given your listening audience alot to consider in your first presentation but it was brilliantly delivered as usual by your loving heart yet as bold as a lioness.
1 The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein.
2 For He has founded it upon the seas, And established it upon the waters.
(Psalms 24:1-2 NKJV)
I need help Dr. Ana - have the saline IV bags been checked for nano?
I started EDTA chelations at a local clinic over the last few weeks and I think I may feel worse and my garmin smartwatch says my HRV has plumetted and is below optimal ever since I started the chelations. If insulin, meds, and other pharma products are tainted, PLEASE check the saline bags and let me know which ones are clean or tained. Thank you so much.
Cristina Lamana - Jan 4, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Bravo Dr Anna.
Your work is ESSENTIAL ! so the
eassiest we make, it the best :)
A taste of whats happening in Spain and other European countries,
* here in Spain at least 90/100 of 46 million people have at least 2 doses, population zero questioning except for several in Telegram, followers of LaQuintaColumna arround 250.000. People do not speak English.
* As of march I was blocked by Telegram cannot send anything as I did before to channels or people (I used to summarize and translate). As of then, your works are not seen at all.
Try to contact LaQuinta for an interview with translation, as they are also listened in South America.
I can help if necessary although they blocked me several times, I have no idea why. But they are the best way for your works to be seen in Spanish speaking countries.
* In France Rumble forbidden.
* People, dissidents & of health area, do not want to know (ego, fear & unable to understand gravity). Several told me that this is too uncomfortable, :(((.
KEEPING ON anyway Dr, remaining simple & free.
Tu Dr Anna
Piotr Bein - Jan 5, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
I'd like to expand your good points, Cristina. Shy guests and those uncomfortable in spoken English will not join Dr. Ana's talk shows; she knows and I believe it should be mended, because the non-English world outnumbers the English speaking one, offering views untainted by culture and science paradigms of the English world that remains perhaps the most influenced by the global cabal.
The last point on your list -- also those compromised to Mammon, i.e. most of the medical professionals, the plandemic has shown.
Recordings alternative to Rumble can and should be done by dedicated, paid person.
Telegram -- there are no idependent platforms.
With 90% vaxed twice, Spain belongs to world's most vaxed, beside Israel and a few others. No good witness for the level of spirituality, education, awareness and knowledge.
No data for Poland, but from a "survey" around my circles, somewhat lower % but shameful multiple jabs. No data for Germany, but they had world's most numerous anti-scamdemic demos up to Putin's invasion of Ukraine: tens of millions in ca. 800 towns and cities on the same day. German independents are also tops. With good scientific expertise, equipment and discipline, they should be followed.
Russian scene is potentially fruiful on independent science, but the regime has a firm, pro-cabal grip in society, more so in China where social dissent is higer than officially admitted. I wouldalsocounton East Indian groupssich as Punjabis who are rebellious and have a record of dissent against authoritarianism. I observe such behaviour in Canada's immigrant inflow, much stronger trend than in equally numerous Chinese immigrtion.
What is not yet underlined by Dr. Ana, Humanity urgently needs unification around common defence. Initiatives like NARM rather dilute than fortify the effort.
Catherine - Jan 4, 2024 - Edited
Mario’s Substack
Congratulations!!! You are an amazing Dr. Please dont push the Methylene Blue. I have had severe effects from just 5 days and 4 drops at 1% solution. Apple Pectin (a natural food) is a better option and wont make you feel like you might die, as a side effect.
Mario A Leblanc - Jan 4, 2024 - Edited
Mario’s Substack
My point is when you take a product to kill parasites or to remove toxins, heavy metals etc, it is very important to take another product that will capture those toxins in the blood. This is why I have suggested to take also Apple Pectin. Activated Charcoal is also very good.
It is important to be regular, otherwise the toxins, the dead parasites stay inside. I suggest triphala.
Mario A Leblanc - Jan 4, 2024 - Edited
Mario’s Substack
When we have a cold or have dead parasites inside of us we constipated.
It is very important to avoid constipation. Dead parasites have the tendency to block our bowel movements. They remain inside and worst, they intoxicate us. It is the same when we have a cold. The priority number one should be to avoid that.
You will be never constipate with triphala and it is not a laxative. It has a lot of other benefits. It is part of ayurvedic medecine. Do your own research.
I buy this brand. It is Organic and at a very good price. I am not related to this company or make money here.
Organic Triphala Powder
Triphala Benefits for Digestion, Immunity & More
Maharishi AyurVeda Blog
Therapeutic Uses of Triphala in Ayurvedic Medicine
The Benefits of Triphala Dr. Chopra
John Vargo - Jan 5, 2024 - Edited
John Vargo
Yeah,have seen thisbefore.SoTriphala and apple pectin.Seems worth it to make that small investment,thanks!
Mario A Leblanc - Jan 5, 2024 - Edited
Mario’s Substack
Thank you John. Organic Tradition is the brand that I buy here at the store for years. It is a lot less expensive in powder but the taste is bitter. I take 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon a day mix with warm water. One bag will last few months.
If you cannot find it there, this company, Banyan Botanicals is also very good,. Low price and Organic.
I have worked in India as an airline pilot before and every body knows Triphala over there.
Piotr Bein - Jan 5, 2024 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
My biome "tells"me when I need fibre and I eat what's around: freash fruit, potatoes, beets and other veggies with skin on, brown rice, lentils and grains, full grain dark bread, dried prunes etc. fruit, to name a few. Chocolate constipates a bit depending on quantity and % cocoa.
jacquelyn sauriol - Jan 4, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
I agree the apple pectin is a safe remedy, I know of a woman who healed decades of fungal infections (from living in a moldy house) by using apple pectin. For me, I just make apple cider products (vinegar, hard cider).
Piotr Bein - Jan 5, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
I knew I was doing right, but didn't know why when last fallI I did not allow my family to waste a single apple from own trees in truly organic garden. I cleaned the stamp of quality (worm holes and other minor"spoilage"), cut them to pieces and froze. Another batch went into jars and is consumed daily incl. several yrs old ones that taste as good. I read today that the pectin only acts in the intestinal tract. Does anybody know beyond that?
Mario A Leblanc - Jan 4, 2024 - Edited
Mario’s Substack
Hi Catherine. How do you know that it could be MB and not Sodium Citrate?
¨I looked at the blood today of somebody taking 20g of sodium citrate daily for the last two weeks. He feels considerably better but difficult to conclude other than that his blood looks similar to everybody else’s that I have looked at within the last few months
Update on Sodium Citrate, blood and urine by David Nixon
Catherine - Jan 4, 2024
Who's blood are you looking at Dr Fiction?
Catherine - Jan 4, 2024 - Edited
Mario’s Substack
I did not have any of those things you mentioned Mario. My doctor said I had an adrenaline surge and that was caused by MB. He is an MD and a Natural doctor with 40 yrs experience treating patients. Whether a reaction from MB or the few grains (less than a pinch of sodium citrate) for two mornings, I will never do either again. I wouldn't recommend anyone else go through what I have this week.
Mario A Leblanc - Jan 4, 2024 - Edited
Mario’s Substack
I have tried to explain you that you felt bad because of the toxins in your blood coming from the detox. Read my post again. You start to feel good when you took the Apple Pectin Concentrate that have absorbed those toxins. Baking Soda also is good to absorb toxin.
Anyway, trust your feeling and do what you feel good for you. Out.
Catherine - Jan 4, 2024 - Edited
Mario’s Substack
You dont know anything about what I experienced. Goodbye!
Mario A Leblanc - Jan 4, 2024 - Edited
Mario’s Substack
You have deleted all your comments on
Dec 29, 2023
edited Dec 29, 2023
Comment deleted
Mario A Leblanc
Writes Mario’s Substack
Dec 29, 2023
edited Dec 29, 2023
Nice to meet you Catherine.
Dec 29, 2023
Comment deleted
Mario A Leblanc
Writes Mario’s Substack
Dec 29, 2023
edited Dec 29, 2023
Goodnight. Next time I will try to explain you how to use a pendulum. I call it now my compass:)
LIKE (1)
Dec 29, 2023
edited Dec 29, 2023
Comment deleted
Mario A Leblanc
Writes Mario’s Substack
Dec 29, 2023
Ok but now I am watching Join The Symposium: Medical Sovereignty: The Solution To Exit The UN & WHO Starts Today 11:45AM Eastern Until 3PM
Welcome to the symposium Medical Sovereignty and truth. Exit the WHO and UN
Dec 29, 2023
Comment deleted
Mario A Leblanc
Writes Mario’s Substack
Dec 29, 2023
It's live
Mario A Leblanc
Writes Mario’s Substack
Dec 29, 2023
It is very important. It concerns all of us. Try to watch
Catherine - Jan 4, 2024 - Edited
LOL.. Get some help you CLOWN! SEE a REAL DOC not your Pendulum
John Vargo - Jan 5, 2024
John Vargo
i'm not going to stop taking MB because you had a side effect.Mario just gave you a way to deal with it and you cop an attitude.Did you even know why you were taking MB?You should have just said you had some side effects because the MB is potentially life saving.
Mario A Leblanc - Jan 4, 2024 - Edited
Mario’s Substack
Well don't take it anymore but what is bad for you doesn't mean it is bad for others.
Catherine - Jan 4, 2024 - Edited
Mario’s Substack
And whats good for others isnt good for everyone
Catherine - Jan 4, 2024 - Edited
Mario’s Substack
I will continue to warn people and are you a doctor?
Mario A Leblanc - Jan 4, 2024
Mario’s Substack
What is your point? If you want advise from doctors, well ask them. I have spent a lot of my time to give you information on the other substack post and you already knew that I was not a doctor. I find you very cheap.
Catherine - Jan 4, 2024 - Edited
Or do you just use a pendulum to treat talk about CHEAP!!
TAYLOR JAMES - Jan 5, 2024
TAYLOR’s Substack
j d - Jan 4, 2024
DR ANNA .. RAMPTHA is watching you !
And he is very proud of you especially being his ex student
we all are watching you in awe !
Love light & to you
Penny - Jan 4, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Many congratulations!
What a way to start 2024 - looking forward to the show this afternoon. You are an amazingly productive and dedicated dynamo! Thank you.
Piotr Bein - Jan 5, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
...super-charged dynamo :)
Morpheus - Jan 4, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
I don't know HOW you do all that you do!!
Piotr Bein - Jan 5, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
EDTA, Vit C, healthy food and drink, physical activities, no e-gadgets, socializng and engagement for the common good... In the olden days humans had much more vitality than today. Dr. Ana has a gift from God. May He bless her.
Kyle Young - Jan 4, 2024
the secular heretic
Because I'm already subscribed to CloutHub it wont let me subscribe to your site. Will I get notices of your videos?
Mario A Leblanc - Jan 4, 2024
Mario’s Substack
Same here.
Paul Boner - Jan 8, 2024
You have certainly given your listening audience alot to consider in your first presentation but it was brilliantly delivered as usual by your loving heart yet as bold as a lioness.
Neil Rivalland - Jan 6, 2024
A Christian Worldview
1 The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein.
2 For He has founded it upon the seas, And established it upon the waters.
(Psalms 24:1-2 NKJV)
Jeff - Jan 5, 2024
I need help Dr. Ana - have the saline IV bags been checked for nano?
I started EDTA chelations at a local clinic over the last few weeks and I think I may feel worse and my garmin smartwatch says my HRV has plumetted and is below optimal ever since I started the chelations. If insulin, meds, and other pharma products are tainted, PLEASE check the saline bags and let me know which ones are clean or tained. Thank you so much.
Kathy M. - Jan 5, 2024
Kathy M.
Words fall short. 💖
TAYLOR JAMES - Jan 5, 2024
TAYLOR’s Substack
Lauretta Walker - Jan 4, 2024
Lauretta Walker$/download/infersonic_Sound_Wave_Weapon_Found_In_Leave_The_World_Behind_Movie__Obomas_Brain_Initiative_Targeting_YOU_/e99df82d19f521ad303bc39f9b18f24214e6803f$/download/infersonic_Sound_Wave_Weapon_Found_In_Leave_The_World_Behind_Movie__Obomas_Brain_Initiative_Targeting_YOU_/e99df82d19f521ad303bc39f9b18f24214e6803f
Just in^
Mario A Leblanc - Jan 4, 2024
Mario’s Substack
No matching videos?
FreedomWarriorWoman - Jan 4, 2024
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
This is Fantastic!!
I am guessing this replaces your Locals Channel? I guess that didn't work out?
EAMBDGC - Jan 13, 2024
yeah! yippee! 🙌🏻 fantastic! 🎉
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