Truth, Science and Spirit Show With Dr Ana Mihalcea - My New Channel On Clouthub - Live Streams Thursdays 3pm Pacific Time - Starts Today

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 04, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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My new show starts today. It will be episodes of me deep diving into my research, discussing different topics from the self assembly nanotechnology, synthetic biology, transhumanism, mind control, artificial intelligence, legal actions to discussions about humanities future. I will also have interviews with thought leaders and freedom fighters in different areas.

Today’s episode to kick of this new year project is called : “Tackling The Future”

Here is the link to my channel to which it will be live streamed. You can subscribe to the channel and also view the videos once posted. We will also upload them to rumble later.

Truth, Science and Spirit

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Cristina Lamana - Jan 4, 2024

Bravo Dr Anna.
Your work is ESSENTIAL ! so the
eassiest we make, it the best :)
A taste of whats happening in Spain and other European countries,
* here in Spain at least 90/100 of 46 million people have at least 2 doses, population zero questioning except for several in Telegram, followers of LaQuintaColumna arround 250.000. People do not speak English.
* As of march I was blocked by Telegram cannot send anything as I did before to channels or people (I used to summarize and translate). As of then, your works are not seen at all.
Try to contact LaQuinta for an interview with translation, as they are also listened in South America.
I can help if necessary although they blocked me several times, I have no idea why. But they are the best way for your works to be seen in Spanish speaking countries.
* In France Rumble forbidden.
* People, dissidents & of health area, do not want to know (ego, fear & unable to understand gravity). Several told me that this is too uncomfortable, :(((.
KEEPING ON anyway Dr, remaining simple & free.
Tu Dr Anna

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Catherine - Jan 4, 2024 - Edited

Congratulations!!! You are an amazing Dr. Please dont push the Methylene Blue. I have had severe effects from just 5 days and 4 drops at 1% solution. Apple Pectin (a natural food) is a better option and wont make you feel like you might die, as a side effect.

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