Truth, Science and Spirit: Episode 6 …

Feb 2, 2024

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My Friend Lisa - Feb 2, 2024

My Friend Lisa

Thank you so much for your labors of love. Humanity Matters!!!!!!


Douglass Hetherly - Feb 2, 2024’s Substack

The File Lisa Mcgee’s (vaxxchoice) Report On The 2022 2023 Cdc Recommended Immunizations For Children cannot be downloade
The message received"
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>Header value cannot be represented using ISO-8859-1.</Message>
<ArgumentValue>attachment; filename="Lisa_Mcgee’s_(vaxxchoice)_Report_On_The_2022_2023_Cdc_Recommended_Immunizations_For_Children.pdf"</ArgumentValue>
Really would like to see this file.
Thank You


Rebal - Feb 2, 2024’s Substack

They have been good at not allowing links to work, it appears


Roman S Shapoval - Feb 2, 2024

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

The rise in autism coincides with the rollout of digital phone systems in the 90s, along with metal-laden vaccines. Reducing body voltage in our bedrooms is critical:


Stefatanus - Feb 2, 2024

Stefatanus’s Substack

Roman. Off topic but do you think the decline in insect populations is EMF related. I’ve really noticed a lack of insects this year (Melbourne Australia)


Rebal - Feb 2, 2024’s Substack

The Audubon Society is reporting much lower bird populations too, which can go hand in hand. However, have we looked at all the poisons we dump on the earth and in the water (and in/on our bodies)?
Bees were the canaries in the coal mine, maybe, as they have been dying off quickly.
Then, we have the mad wanna be "scientists", gates, one if them, who decided to wipe out the mosquito population. Now, is that like the Chinese ruler, Mao, I believe, who set out to kill all the birds because he thought they were eating some of the crop.
Well, the crop failed due to insect infestation because the birds weren't there to eat them. Show the stupidity.
With every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Every thing has a purpose. Sometimes, oy the creator knows. Best to trust Him.


Raphael - Feb 2, 2024


I will share my observations for raptors at least seem to be expanding from snowies ...owls in the DC area and bald eagles in Houston, also so I will add in northern Wisconsin where I live most of the year we had two falls from the more then usual foliage on the trees yay co2, I have a house in Houston with bird feeders for years with lots of birds with falcons and sharp shins occasionally attacking the birds around the feeders, a tower went up in late 21 the Bird activity has decreased at least 70%. The tower is less than 100 yards away. Very disappointing.


Stefatanus - Feb 2, 2024

Stefatanus’s Substack

Regardless of the cause, it has a sinister feel to it.


Stefatanus - Feb 2, 2024

Stefatanus’s Substack

Further to that point you made about Mao. Years ago I saw a documentary about an old man in China whose job for his entire life was to pollinate plants with little brushes. Under Mao the entire population of pollinating insects had been poisoned to such an extent that they never returned, so plants had to be pollinated by hand. Charming indeed.


Raphael - Feb 2, 2024


I saw that documentary as well. The man pollinating with the little feather brush all day. New Hampshire senate has proposed no aircraft spraying above the state.
I sure hope it passes it will be the second state I believe..


Sandy K - Feb 6, 2024

Sandy K

I agree. Insects live in a completely different matrix than humans; they see UV, they are guided by the geomagnetic energy in the earth (MANY insects migrate, not just the Monarch butterfly!) Their behavior is affected for finding their host plants (food for their offspring), their mates, and their ability to find nectar. There is a global decline in insect populations for decades; between pesticides, EMFs and habitat loss, we are losing the foundation of Life. At this point, we are seeing a cascade of ecosystem collapse, most of which is (was) upheld by insect populations above and below the soils. (A great article:


Truth Matters - Feb 2, 2024

Truth’s Substack

Ana and all,
Thank you for your information!
For those who have enough information and want SOLUTIONS here you are…
Figure out where you can help!
1. Pushing the decent American doctors and scientists to work together with the support of strategic planners…a necessity for wins on the STOP THE VACCINE FRONT!
Encourage doctors and scientists to Contact…
To help on this issue, contact Leaders at…


Truth Matters - Feb 2, 2024

Truth’s Substack

NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER is the ONLY America First Constitutional Conservative group strategic planners in America….a necessity to have any wins!
Join us!


Joy Lucette Garner - Feb 2, 2024 - Edited

Joy’s Newsletter

The truth about regular (soft-kill) childhood vaccines is in the NUMBERS compiled in the only nationwide (48 states) study ever conducted of ENTIRELY unvaccinated children AND adults. A paper on this study has now been peer-reviewed and published in an international journal. SEE:
Do you want your kid to have a 60% risk of chronic conditions into adulthood, (including a 48% risk of heart disease, 11% risk of diabetes, 18% risk of arthritis, etc.? Get them vaccinated. Are you more comfortable with them only having a less 5% risk of any problems at all into adulthood? Avoid vaccines completely, and ALSO avoid the "vitamin" k-shot .


Joy Lucette Garner - Feb 2, 2024 - Edited

Joy’s Newsletter

Comment removed.


Joy Lucette Garner - Feb 2, 2024 - Edited

Joy’s Newsletter

What comes with the collapse of America? Oh, that's easy: The WEF will get their "final solution" because the last possible ARMED population that stood in their way will be GONE.
The system that controls America right now is the problem. The very existence of an American REPUBLIC is NOT "the problem." Cheering on the complete collapse of the last Nation on earth that still has any pretense of 1st or 2nd Amendment rights might not be the best answer to the WEF. Taking control of our government (as was promised was "the deal" in the first place) might yield a better outcome than what the WEF is planning for us all.


Joy Lucette Garner - Feb 2, 2024 - Edited

Joy’s Newsletter

Comment removed.


Joy Lucette Garner - Feb 2, 2024 - Edited

Joy’s Newsletter

Continuity of Government means HORRIBLE things for the American people. It means that we are identified, and treated as, the ENEMY of the U.S. Federal government. I'm not sure where anyone got the idea COGS is a GOOD thing for the American people. It assures the U.S. Federal CORPORATION will "continue" NOT the American REPUBLIC or the people.


Joy Lucette Garner - Feb 3, 2024 - Edited

Joy’s Newsletter

Comment removed.


Joy Lucette Garner - Feb 3, 2024 - Edited

Joy’s Newsletter

My husband is a full-on Q guy. And it gives me hope. But the sense of betrayal I feel each time Trump gets on the stage and raves about how wonderful the vaccines are, and says that he got them, when we ALL know he's way too smart to have done THAT, never seems to get any relief.
Mindful, I'm aware that in 2020 (before the warp speed death jab rollout) less than 3% of Americans even questioned the safety of vaccines. And now? Over 50% are questioning the safety of ALL vaccines, not just the warp speed death jabs. It DOES appear the pharma spell (that was surely going to end this Republic) is now on it's way to being fully broken. And at the same time, the wheels are flying off of the MSM death agenda lies as well. The "WEF" is now on the minds and tongues of most Americans.
So they turned the heat up FAST and the frogs are FINALLY jumping out of the pot. I am hoping to see Trump publicly disavow the jabs, (which several of my "MAGA" loved-ones would NEVER have trusted if NOT for Trump) sometime before the general elections. If he goes all the way to election day STILL recommending the jabs and saying they're "safe" (and that they "saved millions") then I will KNOW that both "sides" (left-right, at the top) are FULLY onboard with the EXTERMINATION of the American people.
So I'm not sure what ELSE is supposed to matter when both sides want to exterminate most of us. How does a DEAD person benefit from a tax break, cheaper gas, or secure borders?


Thomas Lewis - Feb 2, 2024

Useless Liberal

Our Human Bodies Are Water Based.
Nothing Derived From Manufactured Metals Or Petroleum Should Be Injected Into Them.
Nothing. Not A Goddamn Particle.
Next Question ...
( There Shouldn’t Be Any. )
( And There Never Should Have. )


Rebal - Feb 2, 2024’s Substack

And there once was, not so very long ago, the beautiful immune system, created by God. Superior to anything any mere man, as egotistical and fallable as he can be, has contrived.


AncientLoveLover - Feb 2, 2024

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

I have spent 1000s of hours studying the effects and mitigators of the myriad poisons/environmental toxins and bioweapons we are all suffering from exposure to and more importantly how to detox from them. I have restored myself to health by avoiding allopathic advice at all costs and delving into natural medicines, especially the ones that get smeared the most. IE gum spirits of turpentine CLO2 Boron sodium bicarbonate sodium citrate & Iodine. I have never had a clearer connection to the Holy Spirit or felt in better health since my youth. Diet is important and prayer and clean pure water.


Kat Elder - Feb 2, 2024

Kat Elder

You are a literal morally sound national treasure. As an independent researcher of world trends 47 years and a retired Holistic Medicine Medical Intuitive, you remain on my daily ritual meditative prayer list.


The Fifth Column Report - Feb 14, 2024

The Fifth Column Report

Fascinating work. Maybe "le Medbeds" aren't too much to contemplate after all. Don't let them get you to settle for bug BBQ and pod-living in 5 minute gulags when you can have a lot more free time, good health, longevity, and perhaps even a good mood to go with it. Imagine the work you could get done under those conditions, after having overcome those obstacles (which are so ridiculous when you even give them a cursory examination).


Placer_Rose - Feb 6, 2024


Wow! Wake up America! It's better to walk alone with God in truth and His righteous strength of convictions; than to follow the go alongs, to get along, the weak, immoral, and scared who are allowing evil to harm our children.


Anita Söderman - Feb 2, 2024

Anita’s Substack

Thank you dr Ana for your relentless work! I much appreciate knowing these cases of wrongdoing, we need to get them told on and on again to not forget anyone, who has been violated in onr respect or another. Thank you both! God bless!


JesuSalva - Feb 2, 2024

JesuSalva’s Substack

TAHNKS God protect all people of good will


Agent Midnight Rider - Feb 2, 2024 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

CONFIRMED by LA Quinta Columna and multiple other sources. and JUST LIKE your boy!!!!...........#AgentMidnightRider has been telling you. Yall got SLIMED with ALIEN TECH AND ALIEN CREEPY CRAWLIES..........>
HINT HINT HINT ........>



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