Truth, Science and Spirit: Episode 6 - Childhood Vaccines - Conversation with Lisa McGee

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 02, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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In this episode, Lisa McGee and I discuss her research efforts at Vaxxchoice in collaboration with Todd Callender. Her findings on childhood vaccines are extensive and unusual. Because it is challenging for her to explain the details of what all she found, I attached the PDF’s here.

For example, I did not know that the antigen production involved “insect viruses” and cells of a moth. If this was disclosed to people, would they still take these shots? It seems to be a great idea to study these manufacturing processes a bit closer.

Some of the side effect stories a gruesome… if you knew this could happen, and you received informed consent, would you still choose to get these shots?

The take away message of this interview is that people need to expand their horizon and do their own research. You cannot rely on allopathic doctors to know anything about vaccine ingredients, manufacturing or side effects. They just give the shot and know they get a hefty pay for performance bonus for the amount of vaccines they give.

As a teacher and single mom, who lost her job because she did not want to take the C19 shots, Lisa changed her life to work with Vaxxchoice and do what she can to help support the fight.

You choose yourself to be part of the army of God, nobody else anoints you. You are the one who can pour your heart and mind into studying new things and learning if facts are really as they are presented.

The journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step.

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My Friend Lisa - Feb 2, 2024

My Friend Lisa

Thank you so much for your labors of love. Humanity Matters!!!!!!

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Douglass Hetherly - Feb 2, 2024

The File Lisa Mcgee’s (vaxxchoice) Report On The 2022 2023 Cdc Recommended Immunizations For Children cannot be downloade
The message received"
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>Header value cannot be represented using ISO-8859-1.</Message>
<ArgumentValue>attachment; filename="Lisa_Mcgee’s_(vaxxchoice)_Report_On_The_2022_2023_Cdc_Recommended_Immunizations_For_Children.pdf"</ArgumentValue>
Really would like to see this file.
Thank You

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