Truth Be Told Symposium: Unraveling the Great…

Feb 14, 2024

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Unraveling the Great Lie: The Truth About Vaxx Injury & Death


Roman S Shapoval - Feb 14, 2024 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

The truth is: no one is talking about EMF and its synergistic impact with vax, but Ana and Kyle Young!


Kyle Young - Feb 16, 2024

the secular heretic

Uh-hemm... what about you and I:)?
Here's one from 3/21. There are dozens more.


Roman S Shapoval - Feb 16, 2024

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

I was being a brown-noser, what can I say. Thanks for the link Kyle! I will include in my weekly article this Monday on dirty electricity. Do you have any info on dirty electricity?


Kyle Young - Feb 16, 2024

the secular heretic

Not as detailed as you. I've been looking more at satellites, cell towers and cell phones as weapons of mass destruction. Like neuro-strike. I'm of the belief that the next plandemic will originate from those sources.
I've written about the frequency and wave forms used in them and how they can manipulate the nanotech in the jabs and the graphene oxide, aluminum, strontium, barium and other toxic particles raining down from chem trails to cause just about any type of illness the predatory culprits choose.
I think the evidence compiled by Arthur about what's happening with birds is a portent of what's coming for humans.


Charlie - Feb 22, 2024

Driving 3600 miles with boots on the ground but looking up and around we are resembling China as the “surveillance” is astounding as to the amount almost everywhere!!! Purple lights on federal byways every third light.
Two observations: cluelessness of the threat and head up ass dumbfuk awareness. Many mask wearers. Wtf.
Not thinking that this assault will be stopped! Realizing that people are cattle to become exportable products for gain is becoming inevitable imo.
Most people are just uninformed or shall I say programmed. At what point does real quantum programming control humans to the point of nothing stops this? We are approaching that threshold soon imo.
Getting real tired of these keyboard enthusiasts that would squint if they went outside. We need to sound the alarm as Dr Ana says. Not optimistic. Heading out Friday for another investigation. This time with gear to test levels of radiation.
Be good and share love, as many are all quelled up with good emotions. They will cry upon a connection of exchange or simply saying “I’m feeling your love! Thanks”
Fun times are out there! Go do it…


Telestai Nexus - Feb 14, 2024 - Edited

Telestai Nexus

Dr. Ana - they are trying to make you and others market products that aid their technology, like carbon 60 and zeolite - Sabrina is just discussing this - "the next trick" of agents to then quote the sale of given toxic products to then disqualify everything you say .... this is already happening and accounts are trying to destroy your reputation for recommending methylene blue and carbon 60 that are allegedly helping this technology and there are some peer reviewed studies .... maybe they are trying to infiltrate the organic sector / detox people now ..... nano silver and nano gold are both conductive as well... maybe we should be very careful with all that stuff - peer reviewed studies are talking about the assembly of biosensors with zeolite - maybe they are abusing us that way, but then other people are trying to tell us the best detoxing products would not work like vitamin c and that would reduce the graphene .... again, other accounts are denying the existence of graphene in the comments of those who are trying to harm the movement - it is getting really intense!


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 15, 2024 - Edited

Telestai Nexus

People have still not understood that EVERYTHING IS CONTAMINATED. Your only choice is to enhance the immune system as best as possible and detoxify as best as you can. Don't worry about my reputation, worry about saving your own life! If people want to listen to such voices, it is their choice and we allow their free will...many who comment have no medical education whatsoever and have never medically treated a single patient, however they declare that they are qualified to give complex medical advice. Should you really listen to that?


Telestai Nexus - Feb 15, 2024 - Edited

Telestai Nexus

Thank you a lot for your response!
I absolutely love your work and hold you in the highest regards - I hope this is clear. I was just warning you about what I am seeing and they are trying to poison the products that they offer as affiliate options with great profits for posts - like on Ickes website or Infowars - they are doing this to harm us directly through faulty products with graphene carbon nanotubes inside or other elements - and then write about people like you in a bad light. Some of these people have a great wealth of knowledge and give a part of the truth so we trust them, like Webb or others (then they ignore every question about graphene or call you crazy) - then they slam and seed doubt .... I hope you stay strong and I hope we investigate this link of zeolite and biosensors.


Mark A Girard - Feb 14, 2024 - Edited


At least we are getting back to a state where experts are all arguing with each other about everything again, news stations are starting to cover harm by other pharmaceuticals like fluoroquinolone antibiotics and there is at least some acknowledgement in mainstream media of failures with the injections. It's far from a healthy environment, but it's better than the contrived consensus we had going for a few years. Hopefully that meme with the dam comes true sometime soon and the truth washes over the liars like a wall of water.


Sarah - Feb 15, 2024

Telestai Nexus

What? So now they are saying methylene blue and carbon 60 and zeolite are actually helping the conductivity of these nano bots? Dr Ana, please comment if possible.


Telestai Nexus - Feb 15, 2024

Telestai Nexus

There is a multitude of issues - some entities outright lie that vitamins and EDTA would reduce the graphene to a more conductive state and this is fearmongering and scientifically false- detoxing and antioxidants are good for you. The same entity tried to sell fake products that harmed people so I am sure he was working against those trying to heal from this tech. I don't know much about methylene blue but carbon 60 has to be identified as a fullerene, similar to graphene but as a ball ... there are now a few contradicting scenarios out there and the "counter- intelligence" is working intensely to amplify this confusion. Namely, I think an alkaline environment is working against their tech that needs acidic environment. Maybe bad actors are now telling us the tech would be supported by alkaline environments so we basically get unwell to be interfaced and "reduced" ...


Sarah - Feb 15, 2024

Telestai Nexus

WHO is saying this? Dr Ardis also recommends EDTA and High dose Vit C


Telestai Nexus - Feb 15, 2024

Telestai Nexus

which is absolutely fine and good ! the issues are carbon 60, methylene blue and zeolite. I have ordered some high quality zeolite just recently and this is by no means any criticism towards ana. I consider her humanities most precious whistleblower among Dominique Guillet and Astrid Stuckelberger, Dr. Nixon, Shimon and others!


Christopher - Feb 15, 2024

Hi Dr. Ana. Would the blood filtering method Renal Replacement Therapy be a solution to clean our blood from the contamination of nanotech?


Kyle Young - Feb 16, 2024

the secular heretic

The link is a dead end for me Doc.


lecolo - Feb 17, 2024



Kyle Young - Feb 17, 2024

the secular heretic

That works. Thanks.


Jorge Rebagliati - Feb 16, 2024

Jorge Rebagliati

The link to IClout for the symposium is not working


Paving the Way - Feb 16, 2024

Paving the Way

Unfortunately there appear to be guests on this panel that have a poor track record.


Truth Matters - Feb 15, 2024

Truth’s Substack

Ana and all,
What a complete waste of time? This is such a distraction getting people NOT participating in the 2 most actionable SOLUTIONS to save America!
1. STOP THE VACCINES at the state level because of STATES RIGHTS…won’t at the Federal or global level!
NO 2024 election integrity=NO more America!
What has LAWYER, Todd Callendar done to help to STOP THE VACCINES…Other than learn how to collect $$$???
Who cares what any American doctors and scientists are doing unless they are helping to STOP THE VACCINES???
HOW ANA and medical colleagues?
By uniting with Janci Lindsay, PhD and serious strategic planners who have the expertise to get the STOP THE VACCINE job done at the state level!
My bets are on Janci Lindsay, PhD and Mike Yeadon who likes her! Of course…these 2 are NOT wasting time getting lost in political weeds, focusing only on their scientific areas of expertise!
Winning serious issues will take strategic planners with experience in winning wars in these court rooms! Janci completely understands this!!!
SO do some of persons in the lineup for this symposium! Why are they wasting time at this critical, dangerous time in America???


Truth Matters - Feb 15, 2024

Truth’s Substack

Comment removed.


Truth Matters - Feb 15, 2024

Truth’s Substack

Thank you for your comments!
Why have you given up HOPE that a few of the doctors and scientists just might see the Truth/light and do the right things?
Janci Lindsay, PhD is!
Doctors and scientists unfortunately need to be pushed to do the right things JUST LIKE THE POLITICIANS!!!


David Mohr - Feb 15, 2024

· Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has sued Pfizer, Inc., for unlawfully misrepresenting the effectiveness of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine and attempting to censoR PUBLIC DISCOURSE.
If you have any evident that could help with their claim please email
Dr. David Martin explains the lawsuit in this video
Dr. David explains the patents the crooks used to make money.


Laura - Feb 15, 2024

Modern Healthcare

I think Nanotech Implant Illness is a more correct term because it’s adjuvants trigger Igg4, like Breast Implant Illness


EAMBDGC - Feb 15, 2024

Looking forward to this. Thank you.



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