Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 14, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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For those who missed this fantastic symposium, the recording is now available.
Dr. Bill Lionberger - legal actions
Dr. Angie Farella - pediatric observations and developmental delays in children forced to wear masks.
Dr. Ana Mihalcea - self assembly nanotechnology
LTC Dr. Pete Chambers - updated on recovery of his vaccine injury and legal/ military ramifications
Dr. Teresa Long - observations of a military physician in C19 vaccine injured soldiers
Dr. Lee Merritt - considerations about parasites
Dr. Richard Olree - minerals in Covid treatments - in particular Selenium
Dr. Jane Ruby- DOD/DHS and Big Pharma Crimes overview
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Roman S Shapoval - Feb 14, 2024 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
The truth is: no one is talking about EMF and its synergistic impact with vax, but Ana and Kyle Young!
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Telestai Nexus - Feb 14, 2024
Telestai Nexus
Dr. Ana - they are trying to make you and others market products that aid their technology, like carbon 60 and zeolite - Sabrina is just discussing this - "the next trick" of agents to then quote the sale of given toxic products to then disqualify everything you say .... this is already happening and accounts are trying to destroy your reputation for recommending methylene blue and carbon 60 that are allegedly helping this technology and there are some peer reviewed studies .... maybe they are trying to infiltrate the organic sector / detox people now ..... nano silver and nano gold are both conductive as well... maybe we should be very careful with all that stuff - peer reviewed studies are talking about the assembly of biosensors with zeolite - maybe they are abusing us that way, but then other people are trying to tell us the best detoxing products would not work like vitamin c and that would reduce the graphene .... again, other accounts are denying the existence of graphene in the comments of those who are trying to harm the movement - it is getting really intense!
REPLY | 7 replies by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD and others
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