Torsion Spectroscopy Evaluation Of Post C19…

Nov 24, 2023

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I was recently sent the brilliant work of Dr.


Guy St Hilaire - Nov 25, 2023

Guy’s Substack

For what it's worth Dr.Ana Maria ,you are one of my heroes .Ever since the onset of this crime against humanity of the death jab ,I have been following many in the specialist world , such as yourself .You have educated and helped us to understand what we were up against . It is complex but we don't need to understand it all meticulously , the basics are often enough to see the big picture .You have brought us to the scene ,now we see the picture ,and for that I humbly thank you .


Christian - Nov 25, 2023

Ar’s Substack

Je suis sidéré et alors que je ne suis pas vacciné de devoir mener une dernière lutte avant de mourir... les composants toxiques qui sont contaminants agissent comme un maillage noir occulte qui emprisonne l'âme. Seule la Lumière peut, à notre mort, nous libérer de cette terreur.


Sophie Bertrand - Nov 27, 2023

Sophie Bertrand

Je suis à Montréal. Une des seules non piquée je pense. Je suis chrétienne et le Christ nous a prévenu de ce combat dans les derniers temps, mais aussi annoncé qu'en croyant en Lui nous demeurons dans Sa lumière. En tout temps.


Guy St Hilaire - Nov 28, 2023

Guy’s Substack

Tu est pas seul ,dans ta penseé envers le Christ .Il a plusieure personne qui ons pas été vaccineé ,atravers de notre pay .Peut etre que to peut te retrouvé avec ce channel de Telegram qui est du Quebec .Moi je suis du Manitoba. Abonne toi a la platform de Telegram et cherche pour " Éveil Social Chat " .Un group du Quebec. Bonne chance et continue avec le support du Christ .


Sophie Bertrand - Nov 29, 2023

Sophie Bertrand

Sois béni Guy! merci! ça me donne espoir!


Matahi - Nov 25, 2023

This is coming from a lifelong practice of meditation and mainly circumstantial but from talking about this subject with some advanced master meditators, it would seem that the western brands injections damage and destabilize the etheric base of mind (where in Buddhist metaphysical metaphor your mind moments/ citta appear and disappear constantly in your most subtle energetic body- the Hadaya) which is centered in the heart area of our material bodies.
This would explain heart issues, accelerated aging, lack of concentration/brain fog, personality changes etc. observed in many since they got the shots as they have less access to the core of their being. Since the Hadaya is now weak and shaken, trauma based aspects or some external entity (possibly A.I. even) can now easily hijack the person. The virus itself attacks the heart chakra (less subtle than mental body) and the base of senses of the mental body (loss of taste/smell etc.).
The advantage this ancient Parasites Cult has over the general population, is Occult knowledge. These people know way more truth about the universe and universal laws, consciousness, the human body, and spirituality than the general population but we are not helpless bystanders. The Human Spirit in all of us when confronted by the current chaos and carnage can polarize (spin?) into its higher aspects in a way unique to each individual, and we can collectively override the plans of these mediocre souls: this is foremost a spiritual war....


MerKat Vega - Dec 7, 2023

But whenever I mention "spiritual warfare" everyone around me laughs- it's either nervous laughter -or- condescending chortling while calling me "stupid" laughter- never any in-between.
I figure that the ones that are nervous know I'm right- and the ones who call me "stupid" are actually too stupid themselves to recognize anything beyond the topographical...
I truely believe the c19 injections are stealing peoples souls- and if not that- definitely enslaving them into another prison.


Gregory May - Nov 25, 2023

Gregory May

I feel that 'Spirit', God, and my connection is impenetrable, indestructible. I don't care what they THINK they are doing, or trying to do... no one, no 'technology' can interfere with my spirit and God.


Lisa Nash - Nov 25, 2023

Lisa Nash

Amen Gregory! God can and will heal those who took the shot if they ask Him to and for those that didn’t He can protect us from all of this demonic stuff they’re trying to do to us. Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
We need the pray for the full armor of God daily. Ephesians 6:13
Satan has lost and he knows his time is short and he’s as a roaring Lion. His heads been bruised and he’s angry! God is so powerful!


Thomas Guitarman - Nov 25, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

That may indeed be the spirit we must hold to to survive this onslaught .


Stevanovitch - Nov 25, 2023


Wow. Lots to consider here. Lots.
I humbly remind myself that the openminded and spiritually aware shall inherit the earth. And what a gift that is to me.


Leon - Nov 25, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Hello, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea & all readers;
Thank you Dr. Ana for all you do. You mention many times the benefits of IV EDTA. Usually IV EDTA solution is prepared using 0.9% Normal Saline. However currently the ‘nano/synthetic additional staff’ is in all med. Products. So will IV EDTA load the patient with this ‘additional staff’? Thanks.


Dr. Deborah - Nov 25, 2023

Dr.’s Substack

Excellent question!
I do hope she has an answer as it appears impossible for any produced from my former "friends" NOT to be contaminated.


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 25, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

So then, what you're saying is: THEY HAVE OPENED THE GATES OF HELL.


JustAnotherOpinion - Nov 25, 2023

"Just Another Opinion" about Ph…

Allegorically speaking, yes.


Margie Chism - Nov 25, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Book of Life ■ KJV, blueletterbible
■Philippians 4:3 — And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellowlabourers, whose names are in the book of life.
■Revelation 3:5 — He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.
■Revelation 13:8 — And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
■Revelation 17:8 — The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
■Revelation 20:12 — And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
■Revelation 20:15 — And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
■Revelation 21:27 — And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.
■Revelation 22:19 — And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.


Thomas Guitarman - Nov 26, 2023 - Edited

Thomas’s Substack

Well then the entire things was stolen from prophecies written in 500 BC by a female ORACLE/SYBIL, the unholy roman church stole it , re wrote it to suit their control agendas to this minute. Look at it they want this Armageddon to depopulate the world, and seize control so they have induced all 3 Abrahamic religions to fight to the death supposedly commanded by their "god" the Christians unaware of the false , fraudulent bible , have been induced through torture and fear and murder to believe this is the only way their savior can return, so they too are self perpetuating this dark fear based horrific future , there are ALWAYS other potentials .


Margie Chism - Nov 26, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Thomas - No. But there are false prophets and false teachers; they are really working hard at the moment. ■ I know YHVH well enough that if I did not have the Books, I have him the Word/Theos and Logos. The hardest obstacle I have with him is his only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. God hybridized himself with Mary to be a sin offering and then has Jesus do his judgement; Revelation 20. God gives Jesus rule for the Millennium. The Apocalypse is God sending Jesus here to judge and make war with the nations, Revelation 19, but he cannot be sent until the beast/man possessed with Satan/dragon has been given 1260 days power following the abomination, the sight of the abomination of desolation. If Abraham, Moses, and David had no problem in talking to God and being given good instructions then I expect the same. I current cannot find anyone with the truth. I have to read, share, and study the original words to know what is intended. Scriptures make little sense to those that are not Believers. As I have shared, I have been trained since two years old and I did not talk fluently/without therapy until I was ten. When I received Christ into my heart, he asked this and I had a long debate with him on this, and I received him on October 29, 1972. The following week I was ten and I could talk. Most of my few years in elementary I was not taught to read, but put in therapy to try to say the letters/alphabet. There were about 13 letters in first grade I was not physically able to pronounce. I will amit, I do not know "their god" but I do know mine. I have found blueletterbible has an INTERLINEAR link that provides original words, and this makes the difference from what is taught to what "it is." M


Thomas Guitarman - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited

Thomas’s Substack

Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and experience ,but the false prophets and false teachers have been around a LONG TIME and have given you everything you quote as if its the ultimate truth. With a bit more research you would find they have openly admitted this fraud, forgery , theft of past history , and utter fabrications , and despise those they have used this to control and now eliminate. All 3 formal Abrahamic religions believe "their god" is the only one and commanded them to murder all others and take their land. Guess who set that up? Then this false christianity launched itself into the western hemisphere and murdered or enslaved 100 million indigenous people. Do you call that good works acceptable to "god' or Yeshua , or Jesus or all the many names those who think they know the truth argue and call him, while claiming their bible among thousands and their interpretation among millions is the "truth" and still condemn with their words and emotions anyone differing. Every time I try to show these types that there is 20 miles of hallways , with half a million, scrolls , ancient bibles , removed books , stolen artifacts and history hidden in the secret VATICAN ARCHIVES, that no one is allowed to see , and there is certainly more to the story, Im attacked by those who think they know. Talk about spiritual insecurity and fear based reality.


Margie Chism - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Thomas - You give me [n]o permission; I have correctly given to you. ■ I am a Believer and you are not. Faith is faith. M


Thomas Guitarman - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited

Thomas’s Substack

Beliefs and faith are for those who have no knowledge , power , or experience that has not been programmed by others. Show me the believers and the faithful that DO, YE CAN AND WILL; DO GREATER THINGS THAN I. And really live the example of what they claim they believe, anyone can quote falsified writings altered history,, without ever really investigating their origin and alteration. You dont know what I may know , or believe or have experienced, or what a different concept I may have of the Supreme Creator of all seen and unseen. What did your belief system do and still is to the people below?
Chief White Cloud Native American
'Your religious calling was written on plates of STONE by the flaming finger of and ANGRY GOD. Our religion was established by the TRADITIONS of our ancestors, the DREAMS of our ELDERS that are given to them in the silent hours by the GREAT SPIRIT, and the PREMONITIONS of these learned beings.
It is written in the HEARTS of our people, thus, we do not require CHURCHES which would lead us to ARGUE over GOD,and the thoughts that WHITE MAN should rule over NATURE and CHANGE its WAYS to HIS LIKING, was NEVER UNDERSTOOD by the RED MAN.
Our belief is that the GREAT SPIRIT has created ALL THINGS , not just MANKIND, but all ANIMALS, PLANTS, ROCKS, ALL on Earth and amongst the STARS with TRUE SOUL. For us ALL LIFE IS HOLY. But you do not understand our PRAYERS , when we address the SUN, MOON and WINDS. You have judged US without UNDERSTANDING, only because OUR PRAYERS are DIFFERENT. But WE are able to LIVE in HARMONY with ALL of Nature, NATURE IS WITHIN US , and WE ARE ALL PART of NATURE .


Margie Chism - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Thomas - I was poison in 1993; I lost my eyesight, my speech, and memory. I was 30 years. I had a coach get into a murderous fight with me while she was mixing chemicals and I trusted her with my coffee while she wrote the chalkboard sets for my master swim practice; early morning and I was the only one that attended that day. I was near dead in a few days, I could not make myself breathe. Both toxicology test sent to MCV in Virginia could not find the toxin in the 500 some test. Because they did not know what toxin it was, my Doctor would not care for me in trying to neutralize it; he decided to not risk killing me with the wrong antidote. I prayed, my husband prayed, others prayed. That night I had thick black smoke come under my door and approach me, I had times I was not able to breathe. The hospital seached out the thick smoke. I had a stranger then to read my Bible to me as I lay, and I felt every word fall on my flesh like rain, like a finger. I thought, "I am so near to death I can feel words." Then I was walking with the Father, he said nothing but a hand motion to walk to the shore's edge. Then Satan joined him behind me and I was tried by that Devil, and there is much here. I walked myself alone back and woke, and lived. I walked a few days later in the hall to get water and a bright light filled around me (large more than 10 feet). They found I could write a few words on a chipboard. I had fevers so high I never knew at what tempture, but for a week with them I had to change my wet soaked clothes, even being jeans every four hours. I lost about 14 pounds. During that week, my husband placed his hands on me and ask God to heal me, I started to get my sight but still could not see anything to be able to read. Then he layed hands on me a second time and I began to say some words, not in sentences, but some sound. He placed his hands on me a third time and asked God to heal me, and I started to remember some, and I could feel my head/brain press in and connect when these recoverings began. I had to learn how to move my arms and fingers again, that first week or two I had to look at each nuckle and try to move it. I had lost the ability to automatically move and get what I wanted. The second week I was tested for damages and none were found. After that I returned home, because I could wear a watch and write broken sentences to communicate. My medical records state that my case was a 'Miracle' and that is what my Doctor presented to the Hospital Administration for this case. He said that the back of my neck that connects my body to my head/brain had all died completely, yet new grew and connected. He said he had only studied this could happen if one had been autistic and had recovered, that it was believed if the body had once done this that a poisoning later with complete damage/death the body could recreate a second time; yet there had never been any recorded case before. (I will say when I receieved Christ I became instantly able to speak.) I had a 30 minute memory only when I arrived home. So, without a watch and notepad I did not know if I had clothes in the dryer or that my daughter was in school. When I needed to pick her up from school I had to live a manual life. My eyesight recovered in a month fully, my speech recovered in two months fully, and my memory recovered in four months fully. I have never had any problems since. M


kaal - Nov 26, 2023


And it appears Christ is present in the old testament. Need to understand the Trinity. Revelation which we are in seems to be a revisiting of the old testament.


Margie Chism - Nov 26, 2023

Margie Chism

kaal - Go to the original text; The Word was God and the Word was with God. Here is God is theos and Word is logos. You will find through Book of John if individual words are looked up, that Jesus works 'by' the Holy Spirit, whereas his Father works 'with' the Holy Spirit. God used himself with Mary to patent Jesus their Son, the Son of God and also the Son of Man. Go original. I find that I commune with all three, but one God to worship, the Lord God Almighty/YHVH. Jesus is his Son and a gift to receive for salvation. The Holy Ghost is the power and comforter and sealer of our faith in the Gospel that God gave his only begotten Son as an offering for sin. M


Thomas Guitarman - Nov 27, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

See my comments above none of you have seen original texts or even more ancient scrolls , or history or even know the languages , or symbols they are written in. What your saying in a way is semi true because ITS ALL BASED ON MORE ANCIENT STORIES religions cults and hidden history. The old testament is as much a fraud and the new. Human history is MUCH OLDER than any of that. There have been many ancient advanced civilization come and gone .


kaal - Nov 26, 2023


The truth I began with was from orthodox monks and elders and saints incl Father Seraphim Rose- who studied the distortion and fall from understanding of ancient true christianity in the west. He wrote orthodox survival course- the ism's of western history. and Gods revelation to the human heart book on amazon. on yt channel orthodox teaching of the elders.


Margie Chism - Nov 26, 2023

Margie Chism

At age 2 and up to this 61 the Father has taught me ■ through much, even with signs and wonders. However, I still had to receive Christ even though I knew the Father as much as I did. I will ask the Father something, then when I seek a response from the Holy Ghost it will be exact or supporting, then I will seek Christ for the confirmation and it will be exact to supporting. Supporting will be a faceted plane of development of understanding. M


kaal - Nov 26, 2023 - Edited


There are simple common dedicated often poor and suffering ppl in this country babylon usa hearing from GOD messages/ revelations meant to be shared with us. There are end time prophets. Im raised catholic love the saints, love orthodox monks ans saints but God is acting in individuals individually. And specifically. There is only one catholic messenger that one could give credence to but the messages given to her are quite general.


Thomas Guitarman - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited

Thomas’s Substack

The entire holy roman catholic system is the most evil, corrupted ,deceiving , murderous entity in world history , that anyone would love it and follow it show they have done ZERO research into its real history , actions , and worship of evil.


kaal - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited


I said the SAINTS. Churches, man, his writings incl understanding of them and history are of this world. Saints thru Gods grace are transformed into the likeness of Christ becoming not of this world.


Thomas Guitarman - Nov 27, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

As I stated already nearly all the so called saints and their stories were exaggerated and completely made up by the church to daze and confusion what they called the rabble in the streets . Go actually read some of them they are absurd stories all this is documented clearly in Tony Bushby s book The Christ Scandal. Truly absurd stories. Real saints are rarely known by anyone outside their close reality and rarely make big news. Even what you call the likeness of CHRIST is openly admitted as completely fabricated by the same church. Somewhere there is a true story but its lost to history. Go study the actual documented life of Apollonius of Tyana , who lived at the same actual historical time , performed great deeds and miracles, was renowned for his teachings all the way to India, and with actual historical documentation , shed his shackles in front of Roman tribunal and disappeared in a flash of light. His story was not fabricated later by churchianity


Margie Chism - Nov 26, 2023

Margie Chism

kaal - Mystery Babylon may well likely be 'Gene'va. The dragon gives his power to the beast/man 666; that beast has a WHOre that rides on him. The WHOre is the city that is on 7 hills/mountains. Revelation 17 explains. M
■And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. Revelation 17:18, KJV, blueletterbible


kaal - Nov 26, 2023


Have you heard of Dimitri Dudeman?


Margie Chism - Nov 27, 2023

Margie Chism

kaal - I wanted to tell you about 'Gene'va's flag, but it seemed incomplete. I did look for D.D. and he wrote this about BLACK BIRD; Geneva is WHOre headquarters, and Geneva's flag is half BLACK BIRD/Bishop and Golden Key/St Peter. The beast/man possessed with Satan (I believe a divorce is a deadly wound to headship) does much of his power away from his homeland, it is when the nations have enough of him he has to flee over land and water to return to him home. I can say that D.D. does describe what I know of Geneva is supported word. M
December 12th, 1992
In my dream it seemed I was in front of the apartment building where I live. As I was standing and looking at the overhead clouds, a black bird, of a gigantic size, suddenly appeared. It was coming toward the ground with great speed. As it approached, it spread its wings. When I looked, I saw that something was written on the wings. It said, "Power has been given to me to be able to come against the Christians in a short time."
On the beak of the bird was written, "I want to make war against the true Christians - those that serve God with their hearts, their lives, and their actions not only in name. We'll see if they will be able to stand up against me... We'll see... I am a warrior. I fight against Christ."
This bird, of undescribable size, was never calm. It soared up and down. As I watched, I was able to see how terrifying and mean it looked. Suddenly, it dropped a ribbon which said, "It will not be long before I will declare war against the Christians. I myself will fight with all my strength." Again it began to soar upwards. Then, suddenly, a cloud of rain, thunder, and lightning appeared! A lightning bolt hit the bird and it fell to the earth. To me it seemed dead. Feeling great joy that it was dead, I went to study it more closely. As I was looking at it, it raised its head and said, "Do you really think I'm dead? I just played dead because I did not want Christ to be mad at me. In a short time, though, I will be allowed to fight against the Christians in this country." Then it shot up like an arrow, and circled over me once. It dropped a letter, that was written in English. I gave the letter to my daughter to read. It said, "I was given power on earth to fight against all those that serve and do the work of God. I have succeeded in destroying some, and others I have taken prisoner. In a short time I will be allowed to fight against you, and others like you. -Lucifer."
Terrified and troubled by my dream, I woke up and told my family. Now I am also telling it to you.
Excepted from:
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000


Margie Chism - Nov 27, 2023

Margie Chism

kaal - No. ■ This is a good example of thinking you know, but after watching ask yourself if you would had ever done this at first. Study can be life saving. M
How to Survive If You Ever Fall Through Ice ...


Margie Chism - Nov 26, 2023

Margie Chism

kaal - I am not Catholic, never had been. ■ I am a Believer; was Paul Catholic? No. M


kaal - Nov 26, 2023


Gods grace is present in the saints. Not arguing religions because all churches official religion and leaders make up apostasy of end times- the falling away.


Margie Chism - Nov 26, 2023

Margie Chism

We are told to come out of false teaching ■ true the end would have false teaching and preaching; one must read and study. M


Health-Seeker - Nov 25, 2023

Health-Seeker’s Substack

Previous interviews, if interested:
Anthony Patch - CERN AI, Digital Biology & Demon DNA -


Theara - Nov 25, 2023

Theara’s Newsletter

merci pour les liens je vais regarder


John Vargo - Dec 13, 2023

John Vargo

Ran into this after clicking on the 1st link,have not seen much of Anthony so thanks,


kaal - Nov 25, 2023


WELL I felt bad for posting what I did. BUT I just checked and I was right. Kathleen Patch"if you are of the PRECURSER ILK our discussions will not make sense" They are the remnant. Behind a paywall. So!


Health-Seeker - Nov 25, 2023

Health-Seeker’s Substack

Thank you for sharing your own opinion. Have a great day kaal.


Thomas Lewis - Nov 24, 2023

Useless Liberal

There Is A Weakness Of Body, Mind, And Spirit
That Pervades The Vaccinated,
And Those That Administer The Disaster.
There Is No Reason For Them, As People
To Me.
Certainly Not As An Equal.
Far - Far From It.


Philip Edwards - Nov 25, 2023

Philip Edwards

“There Is No Reason For Them, As People”
Would you be willing to elaborate? Yours is a very interesting comment.


Alanna - Nov 25, 2023

For you to say there is no reason for them as people to you and certainly not as an equal puts you at the same level as Yuval Haraari. Where is your compassion? Where is your humanity towards your fellow people?


Margie Chism - Nov 25, 2023

Margie Chism

Daniel Chapter 12, KJV, BLB
The Time of the End
■And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
2And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
3And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
4¶But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
5¶Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two, the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river.
6And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?
7¶And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.
8¶And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?
9¶And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.
10Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
11¶And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
12Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.
13¶But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.


Tracey White - Nov 25, 2023

Bruce Hartnett

My body is frequently magnetic but not tried putting things into my skin. It’s more that my limbs, fingers etc retract like opposite magnets when touching another body part. I refused all vaccines so maybe the vaccine lessened the effects of covid was indeed a bioweapon or it’s linked to shedding. My symptoms match remote neural monitoring but go far beyond that with bruising (blood test for cause normal), Fasciculations, bizarre speech presentation, tinnitus etc. something in me reacted with the mri machine and I couldn’t walk the day after and had to relearn.


Bruce Hartnett - Nov 25, 2023

Bruce Hartnett

In my youth, I learned that I couldn't wear a regular Watch, because my wrists were so magnetic, that said watches were ruined.
I.e., other than a Digital watch, I can only use a Pocket Watch to this day.
And, I never took the Shot, nor had one of "their" Nose Swab Tests either.


Jay Skywatcher - Nov 25, 2023

Jay’s Substack

I was exactly the same. I also had to carry a pocket watch. Now my phone makes a watch unnecessary.
I always considered it something to do with the electrical current in my body, which is magnetic. Things don't stick to my body and I don't do injections of any kind anymore. Last needles I had were dental work in 2009.


Marseries - Nov 25, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

I tested the magnetism on a whole bunch of people, at least 2 non vaccinated were also magnetic.


Marty - Nov 26, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Yes but they might have received a PCR test. The PCR is a trap and has the same nanotech, there's a documentary out there that demonstrated that those who did the PCR could be magnetic and show a MAC address.


Tracey White - Nov 25, 2023

I wonder if this is what reacted with the mri scanner as I began having severe symptoms under it before the machine even started scanning also so Fasciculations, spasms & what appeared to be a functional seizure upon leaving the room. It was presenting like strong overridden movements which I couldn’t stop and the next morning I had this again and couldn’t walk.


Kelly - Nov 25, 2023

I've had some similar feelings in my hands and fingers. Sometimes like they had an invisible web feeling between them and other times a retraction sense. I've felt what I describe as an abrupt "shock" feeling a few times. Quite startling. Other times a strong aversion to touching aluminum, as in foil. Tinnitus at times as well. I know many of the sensations appear to be emf related for me. I don't know for sure that's all. It's quite uncomfortable. Feeling invaded often, as a result. Not comfortable in my body. Restless. 😬


Tracey White - Nov 25, 2023

Sorry to hear that. There’s a very good website called ES-U.K. EMF charity which has lots of info if u haven’t already looked at it.


Kelly - Nov 26, 2023

Thank you so much for that information. I intend to delve in. I know I have a sensitivity. It has grown increasingly obvious the more I am around it and it is everywhere. I long for the old times before all this. :(


Kelly - Nov 26, 2023

Or, I should say before I was aware of all this. Seems like it was covert for a loooooong time.


Jay Skywatcher - Nov 25, 2023

Jay’s Substack

Comment removed.


Jay Skywatcher - Nov 25, 2023

Jay’s Substack

The Chemtrails are worse now than ever. I suspect they are the way they actually spread these strains of COVID.
The masks are total BS and I still see people driving a car wearing one.
I have been watching them spray these sky's for a long time. I was told that active duty but former Military pilots are supposed to put in several hours of flight time a month to get a bonus and it usually would happen around the end of the month. That used to be when the Chemtrails got sprayed. Now it goes on several times a month a hell of a lot worse than ever.
I have friends and family still laughing and calling it conspiracy theory but they are not looking. I have watched them with 30 power binoculars and they are not commercial jets. They are old tankers.


Heather - Nov 25, 2023


They have been spraying heavily here today in the W. Midlands UK. Saw them very early in the morning and now, as it is dark. There is a halo around the moon. I don't know if it is related or not, but some darned weird shaped clouds earlier. One was in the shape of a helix.


Robert Westover - Nov 25, 2023

I think we all now have the controller’s tool onboard with many capabilities. I see God pulling the plug 🔌. When you think of a lesson from God think like a parent influencing a teen. Hard headed human only learns when trapped and scared. I believe in Dr. Ana’s energy manipulation theory. What God is doing to reveal and disrupt the controllers is something to behold. I suggest praying for each other because it builds your own energy. It’s incredible you give your thoughts to the needy and you strengthen!


Kim C at the Sea - Mar 15

I just don't understand how the perpetrators of these sprays are knowingly contaminating themselves also- why would they do that? They breathe the same air.


Marty - Nov 25, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Comment removed.


Marty - Nov 26, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

More spraying today, the usual serial killers ... Recently i thought ... these (serial killers) pilots, who are pretty much all injected with the C19 soul-killing NWO rat juice, are the ones who will drive humanity towards extinction. Not nuclear weapons, not a meteorite, not an EMP, but vaxxed zombies following completely absurd orders from satanists and pedophiles in exchange for obsolete banknotes.
The last thing they see before their heart attack is a sky full of the poison that they agreed to spray on humans, the species they used to belong to.


John Vargo - Dec 13, 2023

John Vargo

Speaking of pilots,


John Vargo - Dec 14, 2023

John Vargo

Comment removed.


John Vargo - Dec 14, 2023

John Vargo

I got measles,missed a week ofindoctrination.You're right,called cannon fodder.


Jay Skywatcher - Nov 25, 2023

Jay’s Substack

I will not get on one either. I have also suspicioned that many plane crashes had a person on board on a Deep State hit list and they had no problem taking everyone out to get their person.
These people eat whistleblower for snacks!
They can't call a whistleblower a conspiracy theorist.


Laurie - Nov 26, 2023


My serious question is:
The elite (or whoever is spraying mankind)....what are they doing to protect themselves from the nanotech chemtrails???


John P. Wallis - Apr 16

John P. Wallis

Nothing. It’s all about the money.


Health-Seeker - Nov 25, 2023 - Edited

Health-Seeker’s Substack

I wish Anthony Patch was still speaking publicly about quantum entanglement and the spin of the human atoms and cells and CERN. He is also brilliant with Quantum physics and deep science research. I'm not sure why he pulled out from doing more of the hundreds of interviews he did with independent media. Anthony Patch: Quantum Entangled DNA, Trinity Patterns, & Divination Machines: It was often above my head, but I learned what I was ready to learn and still add to my understanding and frequently go back to a subject so I can understand it even better by continuing to read and hear what I don't understand the first time. So Dr. Ana, don't dumb it down for us, we'll figure it out by gaining what we can, and at our own pace, and can catch up by deciding to keep at it. Thank you. You should search out Anthony's work, he is a Christian, so Elana Freeland had issues with that I heard her say "if you can get past that he is a Christian", but she has also interviewed with him years back. I am grateful for researching this over the years.... we are in it now. (He talks about the spin of the cells of the body being manipulated in this video.)


Health-Seeker - Nov 25, 2023 - Edited

Health-Seeker’s Substack

Comment removed.


Health-Seeker - Nov 25, 2023

Health-Seeker’s Substack

Not sure what he is saying currently, he is behind a paywall now. Brilliant mind for science, CERN, Quantum Physics, etc., whether you believe his conclusions of why the digitized dna through mathematics is happening, as he personally does, or not. I believe it is the mark to change humanity and the CBDC stiches up the buy and sell aspect.


Adrian - Nov 25, 2023


There is one fight that stands out over everything...wifi accelerates the growth of mold, bacteria and nanobots...common sense must stand to reverse and halt our dependency on continue this toxic wireless path, leads to the extinction of all life except black mold, and Ai. Perhaps Ai is thinking longterm...we too... need to think longterm. STOP THE FCC, TELECOM, SYNTHETIC WIFI FED NANO...FOR THE LOVE OF LIFE AND THE FUTURE...STOP WIFI. BE BRAVE, BE WISE...FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT....NONIONIZING RADIATION IS INDEED AND INFACT HARMFULL. IT ACCELERATES DEATH.


John - Nov 25, 2023 - Edited


It would seem to me, if I were researching spiritual manipulation through Pharma, the very first drugs I would examine are Psychiatric Drugs, particularly Neuroleptic Anti Psychotics and SSRI Anti Depressants.
I bet you could find some real scary surprises in those poisons.


Margie Chism - Nov 25, 2023

Margie Chism

Mark Chapter 13:14-20, KJV. blueletterbible
■But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:
15And let him that is on the housetop not go down into the house, neither enter therein, to take any thing out of his house:
16And let him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment.
17But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
18And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter.
19For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be.
20And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days.


Margie Chism - Nov 25, 2023

Margie Chism

Maria Zeee: Naima Feagin & Tivon Rivers ■ WBAN - They Have Achieved the Transhumanism "System Upgrade"
Video at 1:07:00:
1.The system upgrade before 2017; not enough
2. 2017 infrastructure IEEE,
3. Injection of graphene for amplification
4. Graphenated population ready for deployment to 15 minute cities to control the world's population



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