Tobacco Solution/ Nicotine Enhances Nano and…

Sep 4, 2024

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I was intrigued by the recent findings of La Quinta Columna regarding the Nicotine dissolution of microchips from dental anesthetics.


Pasheen Stonebrooke - Sep 5

Diva Drops

Dr. Ardis has done a lot of work with nicotine with regard to the venoms - a theory that I believe has merit. Nicotine is said to block ACE receptors - and it was the primary cause of lack of smell and taste. He has shown that it has had a curative effect on symptoms. As we know, pHarma drugs are full of snake venom and venoms are likely some of the many different poisonous payloads IN the nanocapsules...
He has a three-part series on this on his Brighteon channel.
So, I would say that adding a 7 nic patch to your daily detox protocols may be something to consider.


Alouicious Jackson - Sep 5

The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter

I cut a 14mg patch into 6, and wear a piece(2.3mg) 6 days a week. I feel better with it, and wouldn't want a higher dosage than this.


Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Sep 5

The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter

I eat some small fried green tomatoes every morning and other veggies. Tastes great. I will pickle them for the cold season. I have some nicotine gum, but it tastes bad.


Therisa - Sep 5


Pasheen, the nicotine blocks the venoms from attaching to the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors, not the ACE2 receptors. 😉


Marty - Sep 6

Nano Ordo Mundi

That is correct, but nicotine also increases the expression of ACE2 receptors in the cells, so in theory nicotine use can make things worse when ACE2 receptors are an attack vector.


Black Pill News - Sep 6

Black Pill News

Electromagnetic radiation is the cause of loss of smell and taste, they R on the list of symptoms of electromagnetic exposure.


Christopher Leezer - Sep 7

What I would like to see is the effect of just nicotine on m8crobot activity and replication. It may come to nothing but as she says, you could use EDTA+VITAMIN C along with nicotine. 9ne if the problems we have is we're fighting spike protein and nanobots.


matt. j.a.o.b - Sep 5 - Edited

matt’s microscopy

Good work, thanks.
5 decades of heavy nicotine use ( still smoking) has not stopped me from having the tech, dots, clots and fibers. but unlike some unjabbed I still don't have a mac address so its still a possibility there is some action / benefit. Just a personal observation.


E.C. - Sep 5 - Edited

matt’s microscopy

Do you do any grounding? Barefoot on grass.


matt. j.a.o.b - Sep 5

matt’s microscopy

Hi EC,
I have a 3mm copper wire through my floor to a copper stake in the ground that i use when on the pc. Its just coiled into 2 spirals for my feet.


E.C. - Sep 6

matt’s microscopy

How can i find out how to do this or do i have to hire someone?


matt. j.a.o.b - Sep 7

matt’s microscopy

Buy a roll of copper wire ( even 1mm ) and coil some in the floor for your feet. Take the wire outside anyway you can even out a window. hammer a 300kmm bit of copper pipe into the ground and connect your wire. put your bare feet on the coil's a few times a day. I bent 2 ends up a few mm so I can ground in socks in winter. Some mornings you can feel a charge or discharge. Happens in seconds. It helps if the ground is dampened occasionally if in very dry area. You can also just attach it to any plants or vine that has roots in the ground.


E.C. - Sep 10

Thank you Matt!


Black Pill News - Sep 6 - Edited

Black Pill News

How did u know? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣🤣🤣 matt is next level on grounding 🙌🤷🏻‍♀️😹😹😹


NewAmericanPioneers - Sep 9


God bless you, Matt. I quit after 3 decades, and for me, it wasn't a moment too soon. I'd prolly be dead today as 10 years after, I was prescribed 3 inhalers. Fortunately (or unfortunately) only have to use 1 most of the time. It's never too late. If I reincarnate, hope I don't repeat the folly of my youth! Take care.


Christopher Leezer - Sep 7

matt’s microscopy

How do you know you don't have a Mac address. Are you using the developer mode on your cellphone?


matt. j.a.o.b - Sep 7

matt’s microscopy

Hi Christopher, Yes developer mode , auto debugging off , see all and no updates on an older motog3, set up just for it. I have tested myself weekly since the poking rollout. When I first saw them (2021) people had to come within a meter of me but within 5 months I could see them from about 20 meters away. i have tested many people in rural settings where there is no signal since then and watched as it changed from just the jabbed to include those tested, and then some unjabbed.
In 2022 I wrote down hundreds looking for patterns and found some as well. Its real.


NewAmericanPioneers - Sep 9


Yep. Those antennae sure do replicate.


Froggy - Sep 4


“ I want to drink your blood 🩸 “ isnt so popular in Transylvania these days ….. .. nice work Doc … xoxo ..


Anna - Sep 5

Doug’s Substack

tobacco, nicotine still competes with spike protein for receptors though.....


Doug - Sep 5

Doug’s Substack

that's my guess but people still green pill red pill realities will not let go of green pill realities.
if the green pill = matrix it seems logical that all thoughts in that realm were probably false. But letting go of green pill reality for some is hard to do. Not me I researched this a while back and knew nicotine bad was all a green pill hoax...


Linda McHam - Sep 6

Linda McHam

Blue, not green.


Annie Ocean - Sep 6

Annie’s Newsletter

what is a green pill?


Doug - Sep 6

Doug’s Substack

Matrix movie ever see that? I think it was take the red pill get out of the Matrix or take the green or may have been the blue pill and stay...
Either way learn to get out of the Matrix take the red pill or stay and take the green or blue one. but if you've never seen the Matrix watch it.


jacquelyn sauriol - Sep 4


Thank you for this research in particular. My thoughts move to testing cannibis oils or extracts...


Skupe - Sep 5


Good point!


Bee Gee - Sep 5

Bee Gee

Yes, many people have already tried that, especially with CBD... in my experience it doesnt do much, like nicotine.
It may help some, but not much... nowhere near as good as good as their indicated solution to stop nanotech replication, which is EDTA and Vitamin C.
Also if you are going to do your own testing, you have to remember to scale for human body weight.
Like to get a human to an equivalent nicotine level to the tobacco juice LQC put on the slide would require someone to take Grams of nicotine, which is a beyond lethal dose.


Richard - Sep 5

Ana, how do your experiments align with, or are different from what Bryan Ardis hs been recently talking about. For example, see:
Maybe you and he are talking about related but not identical experiments and observations. Maybe there could be a three-way discussion, with you, Bryan, and Karen Kingston, with Karen being the referee!
Hopefuly Bryan's new book will shine some more light. I believe that all three of you are on the same page realitve to understanding the sinister/demonic nature of what has been done, and is still being done to mankind, and even to nature.
Maybe at some point down, McCullough and his people could connect with you, Karen, Ardis, Nixon, and even bring in Mike Yeadon and the other people that poor Reiner F. brought together when he was still a free man. And don't forget Ricardo Delgado (how is his English?). Whatever will clarify differences, and add more credibility to the Resistance. I do believe Ardis is correct about the multiple ways that humanity and nature are being assaulted with destructve Nanotechnology. You all say that of course.


Doug - Sep 5

Doug’s Substack

cool at least in some small way nicotine does help. Can or is it testable against like lead? And uh if you ding me fine but Amy Holem says that's why they banned lead paint not because of any health risk but the idea lead would help shield against RF signals which I am sure enhance this process...
And woe that first one I saw the one with the blue halo... It seemed to be fluctuating to a rhythm.
v2k rhythm maybe?
but yeah I take EDTA and vitamin C haven't tried the methylene blue yet!
We need for those of us who get v2k need a solution though none of these things do much...
I've been also doing baths with Epson salt Baking soda, sea salt borax and nothing has lower v2k volumes at all... Lasers are used too radar Ham radios walkie talkies UHF VHF ELF and a host of other signals are used.... cable lines transmit it or help... I know you don't do that but we do need to know how RF signals are being utilized in these nano bots...


Bee Gee - Sep 5

Bee Gee

Yeah, I think she needs a human sized Faraday cage that her patients could sit in just for a few minutes and monitor/record any ingoing or outbound EMF signals. That would fill in some gaps with her 'two-way communication' and 'uploading peoples data to the cloud' statements.
I think it is very possible, but it remains unproven as we have no SigInt. There are many people in Washington with high level signal and frequency skills but we need to find someone with that high level knowledge who could help her detect the EMF.
I also think she should get one of those breathing testers where her patients could breathe into the tube and it goes through the spun glass fiber they use to test and find things people are exhaling.
The we could get more concrete details about Exactly What they are shedding and what, if anything, we can do to counteract it.
Perhaps a certain spectrum of UV light or negative ion generators could counteract what the infected are shedding, but we still dont even know exactly what it is.


AncientHeart369 - Sep 6

AncientHeart369’s Substack

Bee Gee, I really like the way you think!


kaal - Sep 6


digital twin- will probably b used 4 healthcare and everything else.


kaal - Sep 6


will be/ is


kaal - Sep 6


is how there is 2 way comm uploaded 2 cloud-


kaal - Sep 7


webinars nonvaxer420 rumble


paul - Sep 7

Ever heard of mad as a hutter?


Rosalind McGill - Sep 5

Rosalind McGill

My foggy brain can’t remember the dates. I had morgellons after taking Enbrel for a while and a light therapy for psoriasis.( I had no idea back then a leaky gut was the problem w psoriasis) thanks for your work here. Sorry for off topic but it’s all related.
God bless .


Arthur - Sep 5

Bee Gee

Hi were they not discussing nicotine ?
Not tobacco!


Bee Gee - Sep 5

Bee Gee

They are using tobacco juice as a substitute for nicotine, despite the fact that the nicotine is tightly bound within the plant material and not even supercritical extractions can break much of it loose.
It doesnt matter though, it doesnt work, as proven over and over and over and over again.


Steve Have - Sep 7

Steve’s Substack

Hi .. dr ardis was talking about nicotine patches and gum that you can buy for nicotine addiction in cigarettes and smoking modes..
What Dr Ardis discovered is that nicotine in itself is non addictive!!
Surprised ...!!??!
I was .,!!
He discovered that the cigarette companies ( corporations ).. wanted to make smoking tobacco addictive ...
so that they could sell more ?
In their laboratories they worked away and discovered a class of substances that would achieve addiction..
I can’t remember the names of the chemicals they used but Dr Ardis has a book containing all his research etc recently released that you can buy from Amazon.. it’s becoming a best seller..
Anyway ..
Nicotine is not addictive it was the smoking companies that had their laboratory’s add chemicals to the tobacco so that it becomes addictive!!!
It’s not the nicotine in any way !!!!
Nefarious !!!!
He goes in to point out that nicotine is an absolutely essential nutrient !!
It is present in tomatoes potatoes bread plants etc etc.
So ... how do you like them apples !!!! As they say !
So what Dr Ardis discovered wax that when the various COVID 19 vaccine vials were analysed one of the components in the vaccine is being called the spike protein . A virus component .. is that us the outer shell of the virus structure . That’s what we are being told !!
But no ....
the so called spike protein is actually identical to snake venom !! And he points out it’s identical to two snake venoms ..
Shocking news!!
And these venoms tend to block or maybe damage the nicotine receptors sites in your body...
This causes the array of physical symptoms snd illness that we see .. this includes turbo cancer myocarditis etc etc etc ..
And.. all these physical conditions can be seen and are well known when you are bitten by a venomous snake or a sea snail or some such venomous creature !
And all this spectrum of snake bites etc are designed to disable the prey so that the snake can easily capture you and swallow you ..
So ..the venoms work because they inhibit or stop or inhibit the nicotine receptors from working and you then become a victim suffering various serious malfunctions in your body..
And we call this covid 19 ...
The plague !!
Shocking isn’t it .. !!!
So this must mean that the pharma and other players in this story are speaking with a forked rogue ... and I think of David Ickes famous statements that this planet is controlled by reptile humans !!
But that’s another story.
Crazy eh !!
So Dr Brian Ardis has discovered that nicotine can be taken to restore your body to its normal functionality .. that we call being healthy ..
So .. nicotine has been demonised by the powers that be because it is non addictive and it is an essential nutrient. you can find in tomatoes erect etc ..
And the cigarette and smoking companies decided to find a chemical way to make their smoking products addictive ..
So .. the powers that be decide to tell everyone that nicotine in cigarettes can cause cancer and other ailments that and is addictive ...and it can kill you!!!
Thank you dr Ardis is what I say !!!
That’s it for now .. there is more to talk about but ... it will have to be later ..
Shocking though isn’t it .!!!!
And .. who are these people behind all this nefarious activity???


Steve Have - Sep 10

Steve’s Substack

Comment removed.


Steve Have - Sep 10

Steve’s Substack

Hi Sarah .. what would you point out too be modified etc..
I’m always interested in expanding ..
But I will point out that the covid 19 program including the fallacious and criminal use of the pcr “test”is another vector ..
The nano tech aspect ...another vector..!
It’s been said that there are various different formulations in different batches .
RNA or dna fragments also occur ... the list is long ...
Not to forget graphene ..
On and on ..
What do you think
Of dr David martins work and Judy mikovits ..
I’d be interested to hear !
One things for certain the covid 19 plandemic has been a circus of death and destruction ..!!


Steve Have - Sep 5

Steve’s Substack

Hi .. yes dr Ardis and his nicotine research ..
From what I have seen his research showed that what the world has labelled the spike protein or the active and dangerous component related the the vaccine or the plague itself he has never mentioned , that I’ve seen , anything about it having the ability to affect the nanobots that construct themselves in the blood.
All the work I’ve seen I have seen from Dr Ardis is the recognition. that the “ spike protein” molecular structure is identical to venoms from snakes. Two he names in particular. The nicotine effect he names is that the nicotine neutralises the damage caused by the covid 19 corporate needlings..
I myself have never seen any mention of nanobots in his work ...!!??
Maybe someone should ask him because it looks like someone has gone off on a nanobots adventure that hasn’t any connection to what Dr Ardis has been doing..
The venom components cause all the symptoms and ailments that covid 19 causes and Dr Ardis has much evidence that the nicotine quickly provides remedy for many aspects of the so called covid plague.
Dr Ardis also appeared on Ninos Corner recently with more startling news resulting from his most recent rewatch ..
Dr David Martin calls covid 19 a mullit vector bioweapon ...
( I think it was him).
The nanobots are another vector it seems to me ..
That vector involving what are called nanobots are molecular machines and an artificial biology that appears to be capable of interfacing with organic systems of Mother Nature .
That’s not the same as venoms that are used by a natural creature to disable its prey so that the predator can consume its chest victim ..
Dr Ardis outlines the astonishing array of uses venoms are used to disable the prey .
And what he describes literally are the covid 19 symptoms and what he also describes is many many thankful people ( victims) of that very quickly experience remedy !!
If as myois familiar with Star Trek.. you will know about the Borg.!!’


Therisa - Sep 5


“ These findings would explain why in my clinic I have seen hundreds of patients on Nicotine still have contaminated blood with nano and microrobots and polymer filaments”
That’s because they continue to be constantly contaminated by just being out in public around people that are continually shedding/transmitting these things via their exosomes.
My skin is HORRIBLY affected by the shedding. The public contamination got real in February. I now no longer can go into stores to shop. Nor can I go through a drive thru. I have to do everything as Curbside o Delivery.
By the way, add Botox injections to the list of injectables that are also contaminated with this shit.


Karla - Sep 6

AncientHeart369’s Substack

Yes in same boat...I cant go anywhere. Terrible reaction to shedding even only for a brief time 2-3minutes within 10feet of someone shedding. I get chest pains/burning lips/chemical taste on tongue/rightsided headache/burning eyes. This has been going on since Jan2021 when covid shots rolled out in northern BC. Its so crazy! And yes its in dental husband got tooth extracted and now he is shedding:(


AncientHeart369 - Sep 6

AncientHeart369’s Substack

And pets are affected by shedding too! And now, ALL vaccines, including pet vaccines, will cause the same awful issues as the COVID injection.


NewAmericanPioneers - Sep 9


I have indoor/outdoor kitties. Go figure. The metals and toxins they aerially dump on us wind up in the soil, water, and all surfaces. I have no doubt I am introduced to additional GO on a daily basis, and I refuse to let them to steal that joy from me. They are my heart, and I am their hooman.


Annie Ocean - Sep 6

Annie’s Newsletter

Yes I am gonna have to stop going to Potlucks, it takes me two days to recover, if i actually am recovering. sometimes like recently I sleep 36 hours - 12 for two nights with a day of constant deep napping. OMG I love my peeps but this is too much.


Black Pill News - Sep 6

Black Pill News

Wow, u feel the shedding? U said it got bad only this year in feb??


Alouicious Jackson - Sep 5


Nicotine is a necessary nutrient that we have receptors for. We need trace amounts to be healthy. A lot of the COVID symptoms are the toxins it contains occupying nicotine receptors. I use a 14mg patch, cut into 6, and wear a piece 6 days a week. It's 2.3 mg, but I feel better with it(I don't otherwise use tobacco). With Terral Croft's borax/silver protocol and regular detox, I have no issues with nanotech.


NewAmericanPioneers - Sep 9


I get the 21mg and cut it into 8. Saves a little $$$. It's about $30 for a box of 14, so a box lasts me nearly 3 months.


AncientHeart369 - Sep 6

AncientHeart369’s Substack

I’d like to know if you’ve seen the good borax results proven under a scope!


Julie - Sep 5 - Edited

Annie’s Newsletter

Wondering if caffeine can also stimulate or enhance the self assembly of nanobots? … If so, the decades long coffee craze would begin to make sense.


Annie Ocean - Sep 6

Annie’s Newsletter

when I go off coffee and cream it takes me about a week to be free of it, horrible sleeps and feel terrible with a lot of restlessness. But I feel so much better without it.


Bee Gee - Sep 6

Bee Gee

Are you drinking Heavy Cream? A lot of heavy cream has Polysorbate 80 in it, which is a synthetic hydrogel emulsifier that crosses the blood brain barrier. Its causes many problems for peoples health as well.
I never knew that for a few years but now I only drink heavy cream Without it.


Julie - Sep 6

Sound very much like my experience. Been drinking about 1/2 decaf but have read the processing of decaf isn’t healthy. Thanks for your reply Annie.


Bee Gee - Sep 5

Bee Gee

I (and many others) drink a lot of coffee and there is no obvious benefit I have found.


Julie - Sep 6

Lol .. ditto! :)


Charlie - Sep 5

Bee Gee

Did she reach out to LaQ. to get specifics of their testing? The scientific steps? Specifics? Just asking as if I would approach this matter.


Bee Gee - Sep 5

Bee Gee

Did you watch their video? There are no specifics or steps to their non-scientific testing and LQC did not say it was a cure, they said it needs further investigation.
However Extensive further investigation had Already been done well before they made that video the other day. And nicotine doesnt work for that intended use.
It doesnt stop you from getting the shedding and there is no difference between the blood of smokers and nonsmokers, who have FAR higher nicotine levels than non-smokers wearing patches.
Also most of those patches are made in China and we have no idea what else is in that patch so I would avoid them.
IMO of course people 'feel' better when using a nicotine patch... smokers also feel better after they smoke, because Nicotine.


NewAmericanPioneers - Sep 9


I use all 3 - EDTA, MB, & nicotine. The nicotine patch is said to interfere with venoms, which is why I have included it as part of my arsenal. Glyphosate - which is said to be venom-based - can be found in food products labeled as organic, non-organic, as well as in addition to water and soil from runoff and rain. I'm very glad and grateful you've conscientiously observed the actions and shared your observations with us, Dr. Ana. I'm grateful to everyone, as just about everyone adds something to the picture.
I'm planning on growing some tobacco and learning how to make a tincture from it and how to cautiously microdose. It's too late in the season, but I can purchase seed and have some starts ready for the spring.
Thanks and many thanks, again, Dr. Ana.


S R 3 J 0 - Oct 2

Here in Spain you can't grow your own tobacco plants, like cocaine or other drugs. You have to buy the shit the big corporations sale if you want to smoke. Everything is planned since many years.


alexxxxxxxx - Sep 6


nicotine will function as areplacement for acetylcholine [neurotransmitter] ... should / may be used if we have damaged neurotransmitters from pesticide , 5g etc and are suffering any nerve issues... good God help us all



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