Thanks Dr. Ana.
There's a few of us who've been trying to raise awareness about the graphene oxide in the vaxes for almost two years.
Virtually all of the alternative media is convinced that it's mRNA and the 'spike protein' doing the damage, because we can trust that what pharma and the DOD tell us about the vaxes is truthful, right?
Lots of evidence says the mRNA story is all misdirection, and it's really rGO functionalized with PEG that's doing the damage. I've found published research from 2018 proving that it was already known what GO does in the body, and it matches perfectly with not only vax injury symptoms, but with the original 'covid' symptoms as well.
Yes, looking at live blood under darkfield microscope is what will reveal what's happening. It's blood poisoning with GO or rGO.
The good news is that the published research shows that the body can slowly break down the GO, but obviously we have to survive the acute damage long enough for the body to recover.
One of the specific things the GO research shows is that it causes the blood to produce fibroblasts, which explains the big fibrous clots that pathologists are pulling out of all the dead people.
People need to understand that this isn't just coming from the vaxes. GO is the new wonder-material that the soulless technocrats are planning on using in a thousand ways and insuring that it becomes pervasive in the environment. They're already applying it to textiles as an anti-microbial, including N95 masks, sanitary wipes, bedding, etc. They've added it to the geoengineering aerosols for cloud seeding and solar radiation management. They're experimenting with using it for drinking water treatment. And it will be in virtually all plastics & metals because it makes them stronger and lighter.
The ability to manufacture GO in industrial quantities is recent, ramping up in 2018-19, with a $billion funding push by the EU. So significant exposure to GO really only started around 2019. What a coincidence.
If anyone wants more info, LMK and I'm happy to share.
Yes I agree the Graphene Oxide is the real danger. At the concert in Houston, TX that Travis Scott performed, all of the audience were required to have 2 vaccinations where several people died and over 300 had to be taken to hospitals. The speakers had mechanisms inside that were putting out specific vibrations of the MHz wave band to activate the graphene and cause it to expand and cut the veins and arteries due to its metallic nature. This was a test run to see what they could do with controlled vibrations at specific ranges. This was a test run. Every batch of the vaccines are slightly different and thee deep state is keeping track of what and people and groups were injected with these deadly shots to later be used with 5G to kill at will any specific group that they decide to eliminate and they can regulate the MHz to specific frequencies to kiss these groups of people, All that the deep state is doing is planned and has purpose to decimate the world population and reduce the population to 500 million, so that the population can more easily be controlled as they want to move us to the middle ages where there were nobles and slaves, and we will be the slaves or dead. I WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE MORE DATA THAT YOU HAVE. THANK YOU Doug Hetherly
Georgia guidestones are gone,have heard nothing about that timecapsule.No500 million now maybe?I've read there's a deal to replace mankind with synthetic biology,a deal with an ET species.Yeah if you were filthy rich and offered immortality what would you do?That's from Anna Von Reitz and she accused the CFR.That does appear to be happening with the smartdust chemtrails the first attack and ongoing.A full body EMP might neutralize the nanobots,EMF protection might be wise.They want (Smart) Robots,Robots just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork and just dumb enough to passively accept.Well you know Robots!
Add the "Smart phone" Sure enough my moto "(Hiya moto) has two phone numbers,voice mail notification is a different number.I did not take the Jab but about 8 months ago had an accident,needed about 50 stitches in two fingers.Dr. did a good job as the novocaine needle was right there.Think that helped them mind control me into accepting a "Shot".In pain and most vulnerable.Seems like time has speeded up since then.Everything has been weaponized including cell phones and the atmosphere and scaler energy which from what I understand would cure all disease.That from the Jeff Rense website but lost thatBM.Asa poor kid growing up in Ohio I got chicken pox,mumps and measules,missed about a week ofschool.Gota tetanus shot when bit by a wild animal about 55 yrs ago.I'll just post the whole link about our smart phones from the Author,it is pretty hard to keep your vibration high.
During that first visit a male nurse asked me when was the last time I had a tetanus shot I stupidly said oh about 50 yrs ago so it's clear to me now there was collusion.
Just watched the lastone.BlackGoo graphene oxide.I think Harold Kautz Vella is legit and agree it's alien.All the heavy metals that have been sprayed on us especially heavily the last 10 yrs or so has lowered the vibration of humanity making it easier for interdimensional entities to come in.Lower vibrational evil entities.I've seen them online in magnified photo's of blood by the owner of the microscope.That's not all though,have seen both the greys and reptilians and a few others similar to them.There's a utube channel called morgs research channel,not sure about them but they have magnified videos taken of the sky and it mimics what i've seen in the owners of those microscopes.Same kind of shapeshifting morphing WTF,
This is AMAZING and confirms your postulation of alien influence. The beginning is quite boring with ubtos so start at about 25 minutes in. Speaks of Dracos and other alien presence. Brilliant interview with a man with military background that knows why Hillary twitches, what there are so many earthquakes at 3, 5 and 10, covid17 (yes! We got covid19 after someone in Wuhan switched the vials as he knew 17 would kill all of Humanity, adrenochrome, China Lake, Antarctica alien population and why nobody can fly over it, etc. Excellent interview. After you are befuddled, share!!
The heavy metals and toxins are primarily from combustion of fossil fuels and go back waaay more than just the last 10 years. This is not news; it's just that most people ignore their health and don't care to find out just how much cadmium they're exposed to by driving their car, and how much lead is still in aircraft fuel.
Yes there's that,maybe that was true before Geoengineering but not now so much now.When you look at the smog laws and "smoging"your vehicles what does the catalytic converter do?They heat exhaust smoke from 400 to 1200 degrees,the smoke is not eliminated,it's broken down into finer particles.I'll wager so fine they can cross our blood/brain barrier! After 10 yrs of reading a lot about this subject,started about 12 yrs ago after getting online. Read about majestic 12, I recently stumbled upon the 1952 white house/UFO incident and read that the white house surrendered to theAliens.SoI "googled"it.Googleis fast becoming worthless for information as they are hiding alternative info in the search results but I did read that the incident lasted7-8-9-days.Bythe way Segfish there's no such thing as fossil fuels,oil does not come from dead dinosaurs!Another lie that creates the perception of scarcity in the brainwashed humans mind.
And DOJ is MUTE, along with this Government, Medical Cabal, Fake News Cabal and the silent Majority. CDC has taken over water treatment plants according to info Dr Ardis, and obviously putting this into the tap water as Karl C test show it is there. What do we do? We are up against the NWO/Gates/BIG TECH/CDC/EPA/FDA and the bioweapons and munitions that will be used against us. We are monitored 24/7 and in the hands of Demons who have overthrown this country and the world long ago. I Pray the LORDs way out. Pray for divine intervention. God can make a way out. I have faith even though it looks futile as hell.
Look into how we have been lied to since Constantine invented Christianity in 325 CE. Yahuah is the true Name of the Father and Yahusha is the Name of the Son. Remember, the Son IS the Truth and the only truth that there is in this entire world….so if we have been told a counterfeit name, we have been lied to about everything else, including Christmas, Easter, etc. Please look into it. It is the root of this whole matter. Read the whole book, study it, and don’t allow preconceived beliefs that have stemmed from the world’s programming that we have received from grandparents, parents, churches, radio, tv, music, etc. tell you a different narrative….because that’s exactly what they have all done to us. Satan has been a liar and a murderer since the Beginning……..not just since 2020. You will know the Truth and it will set you free. This is a spiritual war and, of course, it has real physical manifestations. If people read the Word and obeyed it, they would have known that Yahuah says not to put things like vaccines into our bodies because they are unclean and defile us. Seek and you will find - a promise!
Doug, did you hear about the S.Korea event a while back. There was a huge crowd and panic hit and many people died. There were a lot of heart attacks in young people. It was in 2022
For those who've asked for more info, here's the 2018 article I mentioned. This is the best resource I've found, and the best starting point, with a very informative overview of what graphene and its various forms are (including GO and rGO), how they're manufactured, and then a lot of summary of the research to date on toxicology in animals. And there's a massive number of citations linking to the previous decade of research. There's likely a lot more information to be had by a group of dedicated researchers going through all of the cited papers; I've barely begun that process.
Hi, there is a man in Spain that has done a deep study about this and is trying to make it public for long time without success. The clue for him is not that GO is injected through the jabs. According to him there’s GO around us everywhere so all of us are contaminated with GO. The difference is that the jab provide the chemicals that act as bioglue that sticks the GO to our cells. Maybe you want to contact him to join efforts. This is his report (sorry for some reason I am not able to post the report but you can find the English version in the fixed posts, it was posted on the 6th September in his channel). His telegram channel is His name is Daniel Diaz. I don’t have his contact details. I hope this helps.
Remember the movie, "Big Hero 6" and the tiny, black magnetic pieces that they could control with their mind to form whatever they wanted? They always tell us what they're going to do before they do it.
I've often wondered why they named it that. There must be a link to GO in there somehow.
Jesus! That's an appalling list. I first learned about the GO in the shots about a year ago from the video made by Dr. Andreas Noack:
and later from Dr Carrie Madej who observed the GO growing into structures due to heat/radiation. I knew it was used in medical tech but had no idea it was so ubiquitous. I had read about it being found in rainwater - if it is sprayed onto clouds then that explains that one. TPTB are trying to kill us - that is the bottom line, but they have to breathe the air as well - unless they are going to live in bubbles. So indiscriminate use of GO seems pretty insane.
they are preparing earths organisms for all the toxins for decades - they want to have synths survive this and nature as we know it die off - it's a travesty to everything beautiful
they have to have creatures they own and can programme like machines to do their bidding. Their plan is that most will be killed but some will be allowed to survive but be part machine part human. The 'vaccines' contain self assembling (toxic) nano machinery which colonises the body of all those injected who have a 'MAC' address which can be found online if searched for ie a person as an object on the 'internet of things' Gates & others like him ie multi billionaires who see all people and the planet as theirs to do as they will with, have been busy sterilising people, killing them with 'vacicines', toxins in food, water, air, 'wars', mental severe harmful stress, for decades. Gates has been free to inject in Africa and has done for decades and India now the whole world. India banned him for killing injuring at least 40 thousand Indian people with his polio injections.
Yep, I'm familiar with those sources. I'm not in agreement with Madej, because I think she adds a lot of sci-fi fearmongering that shows she doesn't understand the technology. But there's a lot of that going around.
For sure, this prolific use of GO is insane. I think a lot of it is driven by people who are just materialist drones, in a culture where people's careers have become so compartmentalized that nobody pays any attention to the bigger picture.
Oh I agree with you on that. IT is my business and I am appalled by a) the way it is being used as a weapon in so many different ways and b) how people - especially children/teens - are targeted with ads for the latest phone etc. The bigger picture or environmental impact (e.g. 5G WiFi, lithium mining for batteries) is swept under the rug - even now with the climate "crisis" and the WEF/WHO propaganda of "protecting humans, animals and the environment " crap - since the ubiquity of such tech is part of their agenda. It makes me angry and sad. How do we get more people to wake up. I have been shouting this stuff from the rooftops -especially about EMF for years. Very few "average" people listen. It has been the same with "the Vaxx" . Having warned my 2 sisters in the UK in early 2021 not to take it (Pfizer) - and failed to convince them. I am now scared to tell them any of what I have learned since then. It seems that some people are way too trusting of governments. And/Or some people are just in denial, Of course only listening to mainstream media is a huge problem.
I am listening JayD. Recommending two independent researchers with whom I study -- along with a dedicated group of researchers.
George Webb is a 'boots-on-the-ground,' investigative analyst.georgewebb.substack.comand on Twitter: @realgeorgewebb1 ALSO Mark Kulacz on YouTube at Housatonic Live (Mark's website is a great repository of information on the demons who do this.)
Ironic you say that, as at least a dozen sources which have been mentioned in this thread I trust less than Madej. And not many have had their planes sabotaged. I say she's on the right track and she is careful not to jump to conclusions, which I deeply appreciate. And I'm glad she micraculously survived the crash. It sounded like they really had an unbelievable time just getting help after the a crash and both she and her partner were pretty badly injured
If you dont know what GO is for you dont understand the technology. Not that I blame anyone for not knowing; I have found out from people like Dr Ana... GO is necessary if the psychopaths such as Gates, Fauci, Schwab, Rockefellers want to create creatures that are part human but part (programmable) machine.
I think the perps are not human. There is no way any human, no matter how evil and greedy, would do this. I am convinced that certain people living in this planet are actually reptilian and shapeshifters. It's a NAA that's been ongoing for thousands of years. I wish I would have never swallowed the Red Pill.
It’s about the bloodline from the Nephilim. The same families have been in power since the Tower of Babel rebellion (the beginning of Freemasonry - Nimrod was the first Mason.) That’s why they keep close genetics and are all related….to keep the Nephilim blood in them.
Humans can be very very evil indeed it has been shown in history and now they have the technology they have been wanting for a long time so can kill billions relatively easy ie 'vaccines' and nano particles in food, water, the air and more. Gates etc is above the law and even makes laws given his power over so many governments who are part of the Depopulation machine currently in operation.
'TPTB'? Can youtell.mewhat this is please? I too wonder how the psychopath globalists exoect to escape unharmed when they too are breating this poisoned air etc They woukd surely not risk damagi g themselves so either there is an 'antidote' or so.e kind of protection they use/have or we are being infected with these nano, GO etc another way that the psycho9aths are able to avoid
The data gathered from the democide in progress is what they will use to safely and successfully transform themselves into the cyborgs they desire to be. We are Guinea pigs setting up the parameters so they can do it sucessfully. If they destroy life and nature along the way it doesnt concern them because they won't need it to survive in their synthetic dystopian world of the future. And if by chance are negatively effected by the evil they have released on the prematurely they will only need to replace the effected avatar with another clone
The Powers That Be. Those that are controlling things from behind the scenes. They may be in government or they may be non-government people that are controlling the government.
Use a pinch of Borax Mule Team in a pint of water three time a day, nte 1/8 teaspoon for a 100 pound person. This from a researcher whistleblower interview on Dana Ashlie's YouTube channel who worked at a HAARP facility. Dr Ana just posted the video (6/20/23). I am not a Dr or a healthcare provider-just relaying a treatment to raise the pH in the blood. The nano bots and other poisons they are using in geoengineering don't fare well in a high pH environment. What do you think Dr Ana? Great interview, btw
Yes, an alkaline diet. If we eat what we are commanded to in Yah’s Word (as in “Hallelu’Yah’” = praise Yah), backed up by the witness of Peter saying that he did not eat anything “unclean OR common,” we will keep our bodies healthy because those foods were designed as the specific fuel our bodies require to maintain health. Now what is “common” food today? What are the Beast system’s grocery stores filled with? What are the “food” commercials advertising? They are counterfeit foods and/or sugary stuff that creates an acid environment and therefore inflammation which paves the way for all dis-ease.
What is nte 1/8 teaspoon ? I've been fighting this for 7 years and I need help!! Now that I've finally found y'all please.. lead me in the right direction to beat this!!
Watch a video on Dana Ashlie's YouTube channel called, "The solution they DON'T want you to know about" that was posted about three years ago.
This man goes over the remedy at about the thirty minute mark. Not sure exactly but he goes over the solutions.
These genocidal elites are high functioning psychopaths ( likely suicidal) and work hard to dazzle us with their delusional fantasies They are very mentally disturbed and I don’t regard that as an excuse
- since they have full knowledge of their actions. The best weapon against them is truth.
They are not suicidal they are committing Global Genocide on those they call 'Useless Eaters' ie billions of people who are not the correct bloodlines/ billion trillionaires. They are psychopaths and not even high functioning just full of hate and insatiable greed. Often they practise Satanic/Luciferian beliefs requiring human sacrifice, sexual rites etc using babies, children and black magic. They have permeated taken ownership of so much of the world that it is not clear how to get rid of them.
I wonder about that also; they will not be able to avoid all the poisons they put into our air, food, water, 'medicines'.. so there must be an anitidote I guess. The other antidote is to immediately get rid of all these psychopaths who laughingly announce to use they will kill all, enslave all, etc. Schwab is old but has chidden who are now taking over. eg his daughter who looks just like him (lucky woman) and says exactly the some things about human enslavement being necessary (she omits to mention the Depopulation they are currently carrying out )
Great links and those of us who have been aware of Graphene Oxide for years know only too well how horrific a substance it is. The incorporation of it into substances which go into, on, or near the body or foodstuffs, water, medical products, clothing and the like are criminal. GO offers death by a thousand cuts on a microscopic level. It should not be manufactured at all. But it is in medical and dental products, food, more.
Some people have found it in their medications by adding water to the tablets and use of a magnet etc. I imagine that human being s would live many many years longer and be much healthier physically and mentally without all the poisons the Globalists add to our lives to harm and kill. By the time we stop them the human race will scarcely exist. It is mind bogglingly evil & not easy to see how to take them down before they accomplish their very evil goals such as Depopulation of most people and animals also.
Yes they own MSM, Hollywood, all news and much of the information worldwide, music industry, food production often, health systems, Big P Harma of course. I didnt see Big Hero 6 but guess its a tv programme - maybe for children.
Another study on GO for your review from 2018:
"Due to the sharp edges of GO and rGO, hemolytic effects might be expected in vivo, possibly caused by nanomaterial blades disrupting cell membranes, as reported for GO interactions with bacteria.
Feng and colleagues discovered RBC morphological alterations and aggregation above 100 mg mL1 and hemolytic effects above 10 mg mL1 reaching 96% at 500 mg mL1. Lower hemolytic concentrations have been reported by other groups. Small GO flakes (few hundreds of nm) seem to be more destructive."
"Hemostasis cascade prevents blood loss from injured tissue and maintains blood fluidity. The final hemostasis is driven by platelets, which form the clot, a mixture of red blood cells, aggregated platelets, fibrin and other cellular elements (Fig. 3-2b). If the clot forms abnormally, it can induce thrombosis.
Thrombogenicity is an important feature evaluated in nanomaterial design for in vivo delivery and represents the propensity to induce blood clotting and induce occlusion of a blood vessel by a thrombus."
"Furthermore, nanoparticles engineered to have longer systemic circulation times increase the likelihood of contact with blood components including the coagulation system, with thrombogenicity risks."
"When administered in vivo (250 mg kg1 body weight), 48% of lung vessels were partially occluded after 15 minutes"
"Biodistribution and biosafety of GO: future challenges
The focus of this review is the GO interaction with blood components and BC in light of the future design of GO pharmaceutical delivery systems. Intravenously injected drug delivery systems (DDS) developed so far include PEGylated nanographene sheets for tumor passive targeting, rGO functionalized with chitosan and iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles for the delivery of doxorubicin and epidermal growth factor receptor antibody-conjugated PEGylated nanographene oxide for epirubicin delivery in tumors.
Nanoparticles intended for drug delivery applications are being engineered to reduce their clearance and extend systemic circulation times and thus increase the opportunity for targeted delivery. However, the disadvantage of prolonged circulation times is the greater chance of interaction with blood components and activation of adverse effects.
Before any nanomaterial translation into clinical therapy, there are biosafety concerns that need to be addressed. We have seen how GO interacts with blood system components and how BC can influence these interactions, but what is the biodistribution and the toxicity when GO is administered intravenously"
"The early study of Zhang and colleagues determined the distribution and biocompatibility of i.v. injected GO in mice. The half-life of GO in blood is much longer than in other carbon nanomaterials (B5 hours). Within 48 hours after i.v. injection, GO is cleared from the bloodstream and distributed throughout various organs with preferred accumulation in the lungs, liver, and spleen. The lack of pathological changes was reported after 14 days of treatment at a low dose (1 mg kg1), Fig. 5 Illustration of the short-term effects of GONPs and rGONPs on THP-1 cells, and the long-term effects on THP-1a differentiation from THP-1 cells. GONPs and rGONPs could have induced ROS formation and activated the NF-kB pathway in THP-1 cells. rGONPs could not fully transcript proinflammatory genes due to lack of additional transcription factors but at a higher dose (10 mg kg1), granulomatous lesions, pulmonary edema, inflammatory cell infiltration, and fibrosis throughout the lung were observed. Many studies confirmed that the primary site of GO accumulation and toxicity in vivo is the lungs. It seems that the pathological effects on the lungs are proportional to the degree of dispersion and oxidation of GO."
"A systematic study on GO size, dose and dosing frequency was conducted by Liu and colleagues. Liu intravenously administered two types of GO: small GO flakes (s-GO, average hydrodynamic diameter of B250 nm) and large GO flakes (l-GO, average hydrodynamic diameter of B900 nm) at a single high dose (2.1 mg kg1) or seven repeated low doses (0.3 mg kg1); irrespective of size, the single high-dose administration of GO induced lung damage and infiltration of inflammatory cells. In the lungs, GO accumulated in the macrophages but not in the lymphocytes, which were recruited but were not able to trap GO. In this study, the authors claimed that although oxidative stress is a widely existent phenomenon in cells exposed in vitro to GO, the protective effect of proteins forming a BC around GO should be considered in vivo.
Interesting size-dependent results were reported for multipledose exposure. The s-GO did not induce renal damage or accumulate in the kidneys since it was quickly eliminated through the glomeruli. Conversely, l-GO failed to be cleared through kidneys and induced damage. The lungs were damaged only after multiple doses of l-GO. This effect depends on the aggregation of GO with proteins that induce the blockage of large GO-complexes in the lungs. The hypothesis relies on the formation of multiple complexes of l-GO and proteins that enter the capillaries and create multiple injury points and inflammatory cell recruitment. s-GO could instead pass through lungs capillaries after each low-dose administration. The kidneys and lungs were more damaged by l-GO, while the s-GO preferentially accumulated in the liver with toxic effects.
At a high single dose, s-GO can also damage the lungs since at high concentration it forms large complexes that reach a similar size to the l-GO protein complex"
"Finally, the degradation of injected GO is an important biosafety concern. Long-term interaction (14 days) of GO with plasma causes reduction and biodegradation with hole formation caused by the action of hydroxyl radicals. Once internalized by the immune cells, biodegradable particles are digested and cleared from the body, while non-biodegradable particles accumulate in cells for extended periods."
Reading this makes me think that the entire story about mRNA is nothing but a diversion. Ppl are dying suddenly because the GO is cutting them from the inside.
My thoughts, too, when reading the research. To be fair, there are many other sources saying GO is the diversion. It's hard to know for sure. But the studies show that GO research was ongoing pre-2020, had the same known risks and outcomes as we're seeing from the experimental biotech coerced into so many, and that Big Pharma researchers were excited to use GO in their products once they got over that little increased risk of death and severe injury thing it produce. They were experimenting between different sizes of GO, coatings for it, how to get enough adjuvant properties without that pesky accompanying death thing. A population-wide experiment with different sizes of GO and coatings known by lot number matched up with adverse outcome databases would help with that.
So, who knows. A lot of circumstantial pointing to GO. But could be any number of things. All we need to know is that they were experimental and had high adverse outcome rates, that exceeded the adverse outcome rates of the risk they were purportedly trying to mitigate. Advice to avoid any of the hazard in the shot: Just don't take it.
Karen Kingston explained in one of her posts that it is a highly infectious AI parasite. There are numerous stories of unvaxxed coming down with vaxxed symptoms & blood-stacking/presence of ribbon structures. Exchange of body fluids & other contact. The patents are key to understanding the attack on Humanity. Thank goodness for Kingston’s expertise with patents. Worth joining her substack.
if "omicron" was a "vaccine", we are all likely partially vaxxed now... Partial is way better than fully juiced but still... I think everyone has some reason to be worried at this point.
Exposing this isn't going to stop it. The whole 'scientific' and 'tech' communities globally think this is the greatest material ever invented, and they're planning on using it everywhere. It's already started, which is why, I think, we have 'covid-19'.
Many thank s for all your links earlier, much to read.
Covid 19 came for many reasons but as much as anything else to wake the world up to the deceit that has been going on for decades at least.
The madness of the crisis woke some up at the start and others are following. As a supposed new disease Covid 19 is the 'flu weaponised to make big pharma more money as always.
That's what Ramtha says,wonder if she is pleiadian?It may be a venom weaponized Flu but it's connected to EMR.I think it no coincidence that the 1918 spanish flu coincided with the global rollout of Radio and electricity.
Thank you for the comment and link. Ramtha makes many good observations.
The only thing is there are no mutating viruses, only the poisons in the environment and big pharma vaccines and drugs. The Wuhan scenario which kicked things off was a scam due to ignorance of the masses and incessant advertising.
I am sure EMR has a bearing on one's health, but in conjunction with one' body chemistry. I suspect changes in body chemistry can make one vulnerable to manipulation by messages in the air waves as our bodies act like antenna.
Others have put down the so-called Spain 'flu to overdoses of aspirin and/or small pox vaccines.
It has been nearly three years with these specific concerns and many more years since Graphene Oxide became the darling get rich quick super substance among the biotechnology folks and more. No attention Paine (paid) to toxicity. These New World Fascists are not very bright.
Well, as this 2018 paper I've posted attests to, there's been a lot of toxicity research. For some reason the whole 'scientific' community globally all have their lips sewn shut. There must be people who've been involved in the research who've seen the links with 'covid' and are keeping silent.
They are complicit including MSM, highly regarded medical research centres such as UK Universities & much more all woirking for & paid by Bill Gates & other billionaire Depopulation obsessed psychopaths who own all. If you find Gates' links to corporatiins, scientists & more you will see that his spuders web catxhes much if our world ie pays them millions a year to 'help' the '(his & Rockefeller etc) 'science' & 'save the planet'.
My super intelligent spell checker AI turned “paid” to “Paine”. The proof is in the pudding.
I had to school a data scientist on the tiny problem of getting one digit wrong. If they can miss one digit imagine the damage of overlooking a single micron or being slightly off on the angle or handedness of the twist when designing biotechnological molecules.
Imagine the damage which could be done.
Dr. Maria Gutschi's presentations, Del Bigtree's interview with Ryan Cole where they look at bood, both talking about the manufacturing inconsistencies, mRNA fragments, DNA, other random material and some unknown 'proprietary' ingredients. Both are extremely interesting
Thank you, ever so, for this information. I think it INVALUABLE and I am extremely interested in pursuing the topic. Am particularly interested in finding a source/naturopath/physician for EDTA chelation. Are you familiar with George Webb, independent, boots-on-the-ground, investigative researcher -- also on the cutting edge of research on this topic.georgewebb.substack.comand on Twitter: @realgeorgewebb1. Also, Mark Kulacz does his own compiling of massive research on the topic of all things 19. I will share this initial 'lead' with them. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny also mentioned a procedure of "35 ECP"(?) treatments" at a cost of $5K to reverse damage wreaked by the jabs. Grateful for any further information you have to share.
I am not alliwed to 'like' any posts on here recently Thanks for links I live in UK, England & woukd live to find EDTA or other help here for 'Long Covid' ie blood contamination as shown by Dr Ana and others' photos& films
When you take a step back and think about it, considering the knowledge we have now, why would TPTB /Big Pharma actually put mRNA into these shots when all they are designed to do is kill people either quickly or slowly. Why waste the effort or money? All you need is an appropriate substrate and the GO. This supports the findings of some labs who have studied vial contents and found that some don't even contain "intact mRNA", some also don't contain GO either , but do contain plenty of other junk (ANH International ). Even 18 months after the vax rollout , so many doctors and scientists ( eg Stephanie Senef) are still making the assumption that the vials actually contain what we have been told they contain!! Why would they? Some of the early batches may have, but you can bet your life that what they injected into the Royal Family was just saline! What was first noticed by Mike Yeadon by about mid 2021 is that there were different batches of each virus being released across the UK which appeared to have different lethality, and he figured that there was possibly some coordination going on between teh companies in terms of effects recorded etc. ( I cannot recall the video in which he talks about this , but could probably find it) . More recently , I saw this video which highlights just how non-existent the "quality-control:" of these shots is. It is quite an eye-opener, but makes perfect sense.
On top of that, and on a slightly different tangent, is Dr Bryan Ardis's stunning - and credible- theory, from studying 2.5 years worth of research papers starting with an early 2020 study of Covid deaths in Italy, that the spike protein in the (Wuhan, human-engineered) VIRUS is composed of snake venom. Specifically venom from the Chinese King Cobra and the Krait snake, at least one of which is neuro-toxic (Cobra, I think) and this explains many of the "weird" covid symptoms as well as the Anosmia, as venom massively depletes zinc in the body. It also explains why monoclonal antibodies works as a cure for covid, since these are essentially anti-venom. Of course, he also suggests that the mRNA in vaxxes is making snake venom spikes in the body, as he too is making the assumption that the standard vaxx technology description is truthful. See just search for "bryan ardis snake venom"
David - thanks for sharing this info. I copied this material from a friend of a friend on Facebook awhile back. I neglected to save/archive his name or site/contact info, I was not adept at record building at the time and was still overwhelmed and mostly incredulous about everything that I was learning.
Oh the marvels of science! Graphene Oxide, an industrial substance which can be “tuned” to respond to radio waves has been grafted onto polyethylene glycol so it can now be soluble in your blood stream. Ain’t science grand?
This was Industry News from SINOPEG on September 1, 2020. SINOPEG is a Shanghai-based company specializing in compounds and uses of polyethylene glycol. SINOPEG is quoting a study published by Elsevier Ltd in 2020 done by Yuchao Li, Xueging Bi, et al. Elsevier Ltd is a Canadian company which publishes scientific studies. The identical paper was also published in 2020 by Materials Science under the heading Composites Science and Technology. I have downloaded and archived both copies.
"Core-shell structured polyethylene glycol functionalized graphene for energy-storage polymer dielectrics: Combined mechanical and dielectric performances"
SEPTEMBER 1, 2020.
"Graphene, as the thinnest, strongest and stiffest material and arranged in a honeycomb pattern structure with sp2-hybridized carbon, finds more potential applications in modern industry than other carbonaceous allotropes; in pristine form, it is also an excellent heat and electric conductor. However, the major obstacle in utilizing graphene, particularly for electronic applications, is its insolubility in the fully reduced state due to the strong affinity between the graphene sheets.
In the present study, they synthesized for the first time a polydispersed graphene with desirable electric conductivity by covalent functionalization with single terminal aminated polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether (PEG-NH2). The PEG-NH2 grafted graphene (PEG@GO) was then reduced by hydrazine hydrate to PEG@rGO and subsequently incorporated into epoxy resin by a solution mixing method. The PEG@rGO with a “core-shell” structure exhibited homogeneous dispersion in epoxy and also effectively reduced the dielectric loss, hence contributing excellent dielectric properties and mechanical strength to the final PEG@rGO/epoxy nanocomposites."
I know this is headache inducing in the raw. But the gist is that these scientists grafted Polyethylene Glycol onto Graphene Oxide to make the Graphene able to dissolve in solutions whereas in its original state graphene isn’t able to dissolve.
I find it interesting that this paper was widely published and accessible to scientists world-wide including SINOPEG of Shanghai, a producer of PEG products, in September of 2020. This is interesting to me because of the "Fact Sheet For Recipients and Caregivers” sent out by the CDC and FDA when Pfizer’s injection was authorized for emergency use in late 2020.
“EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION (EUA) OF THE PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE TO PREVENT CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 (COVID-19) IN INDIVIDUALS 12 YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER” warns anyone who takes Pfizer’s injection about possible side effects and allergic reactions, lists PEG as one of the ingredients and advises anybody who has ever had an allergic reaction to polyethylene glycol NOT to take this injection.
Who, one may well ask, has ever had an allergic reaction to polyethylene glycol? That would be the many people who had such a reaction to PEG in some of the many products which contain PEG including shampoos and even a preparation for colonoscopy which on doctor’s orders people drank to evacuate their bowels. It was vile tasting stuff, let me tell you. And it was switched out for an even more disgusting drink for my second procedure because of the allergic reactions many had suffered and had sued the manufactures because of it.
PEG was in products applied externally and it caused some susceptible people to have an allergic reaction. Then it was put into a product people drank and trouble was the result.
But PEG was never actually injected into people’s bloodstreams before Pfizer included it in their “vaccination”. Over the last year many critics of the Pfizer injection noticed the inclusion of PEG and complained about it. The UAE statement says that PEG and mRNA are in Pfizer’s jab but doesn’t make it plain the PEG is in the nanoparticle envelope which contains and protects the mRNA. This genetic material plays hell with the body by turning our cells into factories of spike proteins, proteins as artificially constructed as the mRNA and violently toxic. We critics and thousands of honest doctors and scientists world-wide have been at great pains to try to warn our friends and loved one’s about PEG and mRNA. To little result, I’m sad to say – sad and worried about people I love.
But we didn’t understand that PEG, soluble in liquids such as blood plasma, had been grafted onto Graphene Oxide to make this violently toxic, magnetic and electromagnetically responsive industrial material possibly soluble in blood plasma, and that to date (before they hide it) you can read the papers describing this breakthrough announced by SINOPEG of Shanghai back in September last year. So the natural question arises: is the PEG in Pfizer’s injection also combined with Graphene?
There is a huge load of graphene in Pfizer’s jab for an absolute certainty. That’s been revealed when people put samples of it under SEMs and optical microscopes. Blood smears from people who have taken this injection also show Graphene and the horrendous damage it does to blood cells.
Check out these papers and share them real quick, my friends.
web archive:
It has been quite a journey from those first concerns about the 2019 Tabletop virus exercise held by WEF & partners to now. From warning everyone of the virus being used to excuse humans rights abuses, to the uselessness and potential harm of PCR tests, to horror as Patients purported to have Covid were harmed and killed by medical mismanagement and to those thousands who died with Covid but not necessarily from Covid. Not to mention the evidence the entire scheme involves an intentionally related bio weapon.
Then comes the vaccine and concerns about the Graphene Oxide, other toxins and that genetic material “mRNA”. Everything we warned about came about. But in this world where top down control of information has been imposed our warnings have been of little use.
Covid 19 has been a vehicle for insuring our acquiescence to a vast diabolical scheme of totalitarian control. We are no closer today than we were in 2019 to wrenching back this control. Three long years since those tabletop exercises of October 2019.
Good write up thanks. Lots of folks not feeling so good at all. What these people have wrought needs to be brought to a screeching peaceful halt. Kids are taking a big influx of what seems to be newly virulent bugs like strep and respiratory viruses. Then there's the electromagnetic energy from all these sources.
Thank you for providing some very critical information above. This field is vast and growing exponentially, especially in terms of the plethora of applications. There are many linkages to the jab platform. Materials scientists who are working in biomedical applications are the most knowledgeable people to speak with about it. Here is something the "Outraged Human" posted: It references this:
Do you have a reference for your statement above that GO causes the blood to produce fibroblasts. Has anyone specifically documented the presence of fibroblasts in the rubbery casts/clots being removed from dead people's vessels? Which research from 2018 are you referring to?
Yes, fibroblast production from GO is described in the paper I've posted and in numerous of the studies cited by that paper.
I haven't seen any scientific analysis of the clots. I just consider GO and fibroblasts to be the high-probability explanation, since it's a known outcome of GO toxicity and I think it's 90% certain that at least some of the vaxes contain rGO or GO. And I've seen no other theory that makes any sense. Applying Occam's razor, this is very likely the cause, as there's no inconsistencies in the theory. But I do think some honest research needs to be done to settle it. And in this political climate I don't see any sign that honest research is possible, other than 'underground', private efforts.
I can't remember if Mike Adams looked for fibroblasts when he did his analysis of the material he obtained from embalmer Mr. Hirschman via Dr. Jane Ruby. I'm in the process of reading that lengthy 2018 paper you drew our attention to and will be on the lookout for the part that addresses fibroblast production. It would go a long way to explaining the intravascular casts/clots. A paper came out in 2016 that people should also be aware of:
Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms - PMC ( (2016).
Also see:
Graphene Oxide and Reduced Graphene Oxide Exhibit Cardiotoxicity Through the Regulation of Lipid Peroxidation, Oxidative Stress, and Mitochondrial Dysfunction - PMC ( No spike related mechanism necessary here.
So far, no evidence of widespread use of GO or rGO in the original round of jabs. I'm aware that it is in development and may have even found its way into a batch or two. Too many psyops; I'm waiting for someone I trust
Hi David - take a look at this.
My premise, and rough conclusion:
The predator class is re-engineering human beings - through the use of gain of function bioweapons "leaks" and followup outcome studies on mRNA / bionanotech injections - to be "intelligently designed" in order to do deep space mining for the private profit interests of Wall Street and City Of London, Inc.
READ and RE-READ the known health issues of outer space habitation, and then compare to what we've come to know about the damage being done by spike protein and/or PEG graphene oxide mRNA lipid delivery systems.
“What I’d like to do now is briefly go through in a little bit more detail, some of the stuff I discussed last night - particularly the human health in space issues, which are REALLY a stopper to all this.
But we’re making progress, but it’s not going to be cheap.
But (Elon) Musk is enabling us to do it, with his factor of 14 cheaper Space Xs, and making Mars the WalMart for the inner solar system.
So first, the health issues:
The effects of radiation are carcinogenesis, DNA damage, immune system degeneration, cardiovascular damage, neurological damage, and digestive system damage.
Mars and moon dust is small, sharp, oxidative: severe respiratory and cardiopulmonary effects.”
- Dennis Bushnell
"FiRe 2018: New Horizons in Space"
Private companies and national space programs are revolutionizing space travel and exploration, opening new doors to colonization, space outposts, and mineral extraction.
- Dennis Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center
- Ariel Ekblaw, Founder & Lead, Space Exploration Initiative, MIT Media Lab
- Chris Lewicki, CEO, Planetary Resources
Moderated by Glen Hiemstra, Founder, Futurist<dot>com
(time stamp 12:42)
Mars will never happen, the same way the Moon never happened. I trust Stanley Kubrick's confession. The Van Allen belt protects Earth and prevents humans from escaping. These schemes are just a way to make money and funnel into other projects, such as global surveillance and weapons systems. Have you seen those 'light caterpillars' in the sky? you can thank Musk for those.
Would also love more information please:
Karen Kingston already warned about the pervasiveness of AI parasite. That these psychopaths intend to taint every possible thing with it -- there is no limit to their want of massive destruction. Thanks for your post.
I've posted a great resource paper here in this thread.
I'm not convinced about AI parasites or 'self-assembling' micro-circuitry. Parasites in the vaxes wouldn't be anything new. I think there are natural phenomena involving magnetism of the particles and crystallization happening that most people don't understand and are confusing with 'self-assembly'.
There is an actual video of Fauci telling someone during interview the specific words that there is self-replicating nanotechnology in the COVID 'vaccines'. Whenever I mention that to any doctor though they just turn away from me or roll their eyes or tell me it is just a conspiracy theory or some AI fake video of Fauci.
Hi, that would take me hours to dig through all my files unfortunately, my entire original WP site featuring 3,800 articles including that from over 11 year's work that was removed by TPTB, and when I try to find that video online today, Google obfuscation renders the task impossible, but the video testimony by Fauci to that effect does exist, sorry I cannot provide the link right now, but it does exist, unless it has been airbrushed into the memory hole totally already.
Wifi exposure is radio waves; a high-frequency electromagnetic field. GO particles are highly electrically conductive and magnetic, and will therefore be energized and magnetized from exposure to any electromagnetic field. So obviously GO particles in liquid will move when exposed to radio waves, and their magnetism and thus attraction to other magnetic particles will be affected.
This is simply a phenomena of magnetism and radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation. There is no exchange of data involved. The exact same thing would happen if there's nothing but white noise in the Wifi transmission.
"Assembling" is just not an accurate description, as the word suggests some sentient intelligence doing it.
If someone drops a magnet into water with iron dust in it, and the iron dust starts moving toward the magnet, would people be sending videos all over claiming "oh my God, look, the iron is self-assembling into a robot"? They probably would, because that's basically what's happening, with the only difference being a high-frequency magnetic field from radio waves instead of a simple magnet.
I'm not at all sure yet that there isn't self-organization being demonstrated in these vial experiments which is different than self-assembly according to those who write about these phenomena. Self-organization does not require specific data transfer to a receiver as I understand it. Even self-assembly where data transfer (via EMF's) is said to induce the building of new structures does not imply sentience of the target and I think we should be very careful not to imply true sentience (self-awareness) on the part of the target, which I seriously doubt for multiple reasons. I admit to doing a great deal of educated guessing since the constituents have not been fully delineated and much of the technology still appears to be shrouded in secrecy. We are stuck trying to assemble an incomplete set of puzzle pieces.
Additionally, I believe George Webb's father worked and invented in the area of radio/radio frequency and inventions in that area. Aside from having a brilliant, analytical mindset, George has a wide breadth of information in a wide spectrum of topics -- frequency, medical, geopolitical. As you seem to be 'on it,' I think his work would add to/amplify your current knowledge. I, still trying to put all the concepts together AND find remedy for the harm that has been and is being done. Again, thank you for your insights -- a huge help in 'assembling' this information.
Simply the fact that the authors think they've discovered something new is testament to their cluelessness. They're describing well-known physics of alternating-current electromagnetic fields interacting with magnetic particles, and induction. Magnetic particles forming a chain in the presence of a strong EMF is not only not news, it's also irrelevant to the creation of even the most simple nano-scale electronic circuit (which is yet to be done). The strong EMF emitted by a Tesla coil will cause electrical flow in anything even slightly conductive, including your body. Equating any of that with imagined 'self-assembly' of computer chips and nanobots is delusion.
I've seen some convincing evidence OF NANO CIRCUITRY AND SELF-ASSEMBLY, but more accurately it is self-replicating...and it isn't crystallization, IMO - triggered by EMFs
Matt Taylor w/ Stew Peters
and Physician and scientist Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt talks about 5G and graphene oxide.
Klinghardt talks about THREE scientists looking at this (nano-razors = GO H) early on who were all "eliminated" within a three-week period. Noack being one - don't know the other two and he didn't name them. Obviously they were over the target. May they RIP...
And it's very difficult to find EDTA chelation therapists...and the cost is astronomical.
My primary source has been La Quinta Columna - and they have a telegram page where they test all sorts of products...and it is in everything now - especially in chemtrails and even supplements that we are using to detox...I'm not sure I would even trust any fluids administered for anything, even IV chelation, at this point. Here's a link to get you there. Horrifying. All of it.
Thanks, GODO, so generous of you to post these links.
Yes...I'm hip to Martin, Kingston and of course, our heroine, Dr. Ana. and Maria Zee, and Stew, who has amazing guests on the subject...and more...I follow closely and I'm so grateful for the brilliant and savvy people posting on these substacks. A wealth of information! I stay close to La Quinta Columna too...which is why I am a mad woman at this point. Until it starts raining EDTA IV chelation fluid I will not be happy...
Thanks again, for the great links...archiving and will look forward to listening to them.
ps - we use herbs. Wormwood is a great antiviral/parasite. Baking soda and epson salt baths, with Betonite Clay. Blue Green algae tablets are good for heavy metals. My eyes crossed spontaneously last year, I tried horse paste ivermectin daily for a month (See and had no change. checked my blood in a microscope and everything looked normal. Maintain now with high dosage Vit D and Zinc, occassionally vit C when I have it. Lots of rest when it seems we've caught something. Avoiding shedding.
Wormwood is good but regular use causes brain damage, and wormwood also causes temporary sterility. I would not recommend taking ivermectin daily as some people are doing, you can get pernament eye damage and encephalopathy doing that including permanent brain lesions, but I have used it successfully along with zinc for brief 5 day periods to defeat nasty COVID.
Regarding using high dose zinc on a regular basis, that can be deadly if you are not also supplementing with copper, use 1.2 mg extra copper per every 15 mg zinc over the first 15 mg zinc supplements you are talking as zinc and copper are antagonistic to each other, at least in supplemental form, and drive each other out.
Copper is what you need to produce elastin that makes your veins elastic. Without being able to produce elastin in the absence of sufficient copper, your veins just break and you get heart attacks and strokes. A turkey farmer put all his livestock on high dose zinc alone to boost their growth rate, and by 6 months time 96% were dead from burst hearts and burst blood vessels in the brain. When he found out the cause, he adjusted their feed and the deaths stopped.
I would recommend taking your zinc and your copper 12 hours apart fom each other.
thank you for your input. i think elastin is also present in the skin and forget to take it to strengthen and revitalize it. and then with Zinc (and everthing) there's the type of supplement, time of day, etc. I'm lucky to remember to take what supplements I do regularly...
Read up on copper overloading via supplements. There are chemical agents that will chelate out excess copper if that is one's problem. Go easy on copper supplementation.
I'm not a huge fan of ivermectin and I'm not a huge fan of DirtRoad...seems extreme...other ways to detox from parasites that are more natural...
do the same supps including NAC/Glutathione too and zeolite powder...and colloidal I can do...
I only tried it because, when your eyes cross for no reason - and ya think something's fishy in the air/ do something you wouldn't normally do. I lost my balance/perspective and didn't drive for a week - until I got used to it. My wife cried the next morning when there was no change. Some friends had been taking Ivermectin prophylacticly, and one gave me a tube, until I realized that I could go to the local feed store. ( I forgot that s/t (daily when I remember) I take a gram or so of borax - boron is supposed to help - and your bones like it so why not? I'm trying some physical therapy from a man who was born legally blind - and just embracing it as an act of God empowerment.
what a doll...thank you so much. If you hear of any new fixes for tachycardia incidents (that I haven't thought of) let me know. I've had it for 20 years without incident - only one incident long ago when I was diagnosed - until about three months it is scaring the crap out of me, messing with me daily. Dr. Ana addressed it in her interview with Stew, and I thank her profusely for that, so at least I know what I'm dealing with - so I've been trying to get the tach episodes under terrifying. And, it doesn't help that I get closer to the hideousness of this with every deep is so unnerving. Hard to decompress and not be royally pissed off, which isn't helping either...
it's a dangerous loop...send me strength...
and here's some music for you...Mine...since you're such a peach...a gift for you , my Jazz CD...enjoy!
i will listen to that, thank you. Fasting is an amazing way to reset the body. Age regression is a feature, within the cells. But it's very difficult for most people - especially psychologically. Get a good herbal book and make tizanes in a french press. Herbs for nervous system, heart, smooth muscles, etc. drink less coffee and stimulants. who told you it was a problem?
I would surmise that there are other chelating agents available for metal detox. I would say the zeolite materials would do the job and quite possibly the humic acid compounds. Heavy metal detox is a subject Dr. Klinghardt has expounded on for many years. Check out some of his papers on the Net.
I appreciate your skepticism. Madej and Catherine Austin Fitts have both brought forward some evidence of 'self-assemblage' and it doesn't look like crystallization; it looks more like a microchip made by some bacteria, sort of sloppy and roughly organized at the same time. Doesn't seem to be showing up all the time. I'm guessing tons of experimental batches, because, hell, if you're playing God, why not? My saliva had pyramids in it when the shots first rolled out (I didn't get one but was doing massage on people who had); now those pyramids are gone. (I have a fertility microscope). Just another experimental batch that I got exposed to via my clients shedding? They went away after a few months, much to my relief!
GO - graphene oxide
PEG - polyethylene glycol
PEG is a polymer derived from petroleum yet "Science" will say it is harmless to the human body. The FDA labels it "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS). PEG (and similar polysorbates) are an ingredient in many processed foods, personal hygiene products, lubricants and of course, pharmaceuticals. PEG goes by MANY different names on product labels. Many people are unknowingly "allergic" to PEG (and polysorbates) often causing rash, naseau and anaphylaxis. Using the term "allergy" here is probably a misnomer as I believe it's just the body reacting to poison.
An extremely sensible opinion. Personally I would just stop at stay away from all meds. Even the ones not neuro-toxic are not necessary if one eats and drinks toxin free and anyway medicine is in the food. I commented to someone elsewhere:
"I understand where you are coming from but there are natural herbs and spices that will do the same thing without the nasty side effects. Big pharma take natural things, refine them/break them down into the one particular thing that is supposed to have the desired effect.
They then add bulking agent to sell to the gullible at a price to reflect them mucking about with something that was perfectly adequate in the first place!
It has always been about the money and not about health. The original products were cheap or free but big pharma does not like free as it does not suit its business model.
hydrogel is not PEG; it's useful for much monkeying around, including encapsulating and delivering quantum dots. Look up the wikipedia for an introduction.
Whatever "it" is killed my Mom, and I am desperate to understand how and why this happened. She did not take the jab and I feel like somehow we were targeted for being "anti" and because my sisters were screaming all over FB about how she was at risk and it was going to be my brother and my fault because of all of us not getting jabbed. Meanwhile, my sisters jabbed all of her grandchildren and broke her heart.
I know this is an older thread and probably no one will see this, but I sure do wish someone like Dr. Ana could explain what this evil illness is and how people get sick from it. I had "it" too at the same time but with different symptoms, initially feeling like I'd been poisoned, which I did not realize was "it" until days later. I know the problem was in her blood, as though the blood was unable to carry oxygen. We thought she was recovering because she didn't have the flu-like symptoms anymore but then we found out her oxygen was dangerously low. It all happened very fast and losing her has destroyed my life and our whole family. Apparently that was the intent of the demons who planned it. I don't even want to live anymore.
Swan, I lost my Mother on May 11, 2023, the day the pandemic was declared over. She was vaccinated with Pfizer and boosted in 2021. I contracted COVID-19 first, so she likely got it from me. The hospital refused to prescribe treatment protocols from the FLCCC, and she progressed to septic shock until her death. I blame myself for giving her COVID-19 and for failing to get her proper treatment. At minimum, I failed to secretly dose her with a liquid solution of Ivermectin on her belly. By the time I became aware of all the FDA, CDC, and medical journal lies about how Ivermectin was unsafe and ineffective, it was too late.
I'm so sorry, Chris. Thank you for sharing your story. I thought I was the only one. I blame myself too, when it was the Demons who created this evil bioweapon who ought to be blamed. I blame myself for not immediately giving her every treatment available and getting her to an appropriate doctor. She knew she had "it" right away but I felt like I'd been poisoned and it never occured to me that was "it" until she said she had "it". I was more worried about someone coming and taking her away at the time. Somehow I thought she would just recover and I thought she was taking HCQ and all the vitamins. We had both been following the alternative medical treatments for a year and a half but when it actually happened we didn't take the treatments for some reason. We were taking HCQ for "prevention" like they use it for malaria but it didn't work, we got "it" anyway. I gave her IVM but the dose was too low. I did everything wrong and I lost my Mom and my best friend and only ally in this battle. I feel like the Demons planned it that way so I would feel like it was my fault.
I just heard Dr. McCullough say in an interview he was using 0.6 mg/kg which is 3x what was prescribed. We knew not to go to the hospital and thought she would recover as long as she stayed home. My life is totally destroyed and I don't even want to live anymore. My siblings think it's my fault because she didn't get jabbed. This is all just total insanity and I'm still trying to handle her estate and my sisters blame me for what happened and my brother, who is the other executor, got injured by one of our sisters and can't help me. Talk about living in a nightmare...I could have never imagined any of this could happen. I'm ready to go.
Hang in there!. My very vaxxed-up family seem different & frequently catch Covids. Some have other horrible illnesses now.. Some are just unwilling to talk about anything on this. Give your mother the Honor of keeping yourself Healthy & going Strong!!.. To give up on your LIfe, which your mother helped facilitate, is NOT what your mother ever wanted!!.. Have Faith!.. We are not in charge, nor are "the bad guys," by any means!!-
I have a saying that I want to share as I believe it might help you. "Family" is not blood. "Family" are those that treat you well and love you for who you are.
Do not ever give up!! Forgive yourself, even though it wasn't your fault. Forgive yourself for your peace of mind and may God bless you with strength and peace. Lean on him and seek his comfort. It is times like this that draws us to a closer relationship with God, and he promises to be with youπ
The Bible tells us that there is a time coming (I believe it is happening now) when brother will be against brother and father against son. A time when God gives people over to their disalussions because they continue to deny the truth and choose to go their own way. All we can do is pray for them.
Swan, I lost my mom in Dec 21. At first she didn't want to get the jab but was coerced by my siblings, by now some got their 6th jabs..I watched her deteriorate with her foot getting gangrene. All started from a blister that didn't heal. All this happened while I was stuck overseas and the only way home was to be jabbed. Thank God! I made the right decision, my mom up there now knows.
Prob is I see my siblings all have some form of ailments and all they talk now is whose been sick or died. Yet they can't join the dots or look at where own heakth issues..bless them for their stupidity.
So sorry for the loss of your mom, Alan. G_d, please bless her soul. Glad you made the right decision, as difficult as that must have been. There wasn't likely anything you could have done to help her at that point. What a nightmare we are all living in, not being able to help and comfort our loved ones and having our families torn apart by lies.
My siblings (2 "liberal" sisters) tried to bully us into the jab as well...especially our mom, but really all 3 of us who knew better. It was so obviously a nefarious agenda that had absolutely nothing to do with health. I don't know how so many fell for it. I didn't even really believe in "CVD" and I still haven't been able to understand what it is or how it is possibly being targeted at certain people who oppose the Agenda. If I had believed in it, I would have been much more prepared and perhaps the catastrophe would not have happened. We thought we were protecting ourselves with HCQ, NAC, vitamins, etc. I will never be happy again because I didn't save her. I never got sick and certainly did not expect to get "it" and be unable to care for her because my brain wasn't functioning. That was the last thing I ever thought would happen...
Yes, we all go thru some lost that will affect us mentally..I know we're suppose to forgive those that harm us. But not at this scale where humanity us at stake. Just watch a doco on what the Nazi did during WW2 and we're going thru horrors..I hope to be still alive to witness all these satanists hang.
Hold the line Swan. Your mother would want it this way. Our time on this earth is limited. An expiration date exists for all of us. Live without fear and with purpose. That is the best revenge for what is being done to all of us.
The way "it" was done to your mother is twofold. First the state of our blood has been changed from Fe+2 to Fe+3. This means that the oxygen we breath can no longer bind to the iron in our blood. Second after the scamdemic there appears to be another level of complication in that the blood of ALL individuals is showing the appearance of Rouleaux formation. I don't know how the unvaccinated could be experiencing these changes other than to say that somehow whatever is in the vaccinated is shedding to those around them. Spend time on this website:www.carnicominstitute.orgThe answers you seek are there.
I just somehow found this on the Wayback Machine and tried to figure out how...thought it might have been someone's comment here. This makes sense with what happened to my Mother and also what you explained. This is so EVIL it's almost unimaginable that it would have been created and released on humanity. ALMOST. I am screaming and crying that this is how THEY killed my wonderful Mother.
I'm sorry Swan. I know the feeling. When I first fully grasped the fact that countries, governments and borders are simply an illusion, not to mention how we are being systematically poisoned, I remember feeling like I was living in a nightmare. I wanted to share what I'd uncovered with the world. I thought that people would welcome the information with open arms. Obviously as I'm sure you have learned, most people would rather perpetuate a lie then admit to themselves that they have been fooled.
The only solace I can offer is this. Our time here is short. None of us get out alive. How we live, and the legacy we leave is what matters. That and spiritual growth. I know that sounds trite but it is the truth. Your mother is in a much better place, I promise. I hope that you can find some peace in that. If you haven't spent time listening to NDE's I suggest you do so. It will ease your suffering.
As to the why evil exists? My conclusion, through years of research and an attempt at being as unbiased as possible is Biblical prophecy is real. Satan exists and fallen angels do influence our reality. As you have witnessed first hand, evil is rising. There's a quickening as they say. Just know that this too shall pass. Seek God and keep shining bright. That's the way you mother would have wanted it I imagine.
Sorry I did not respond sooner, Thru The Veil....CoVFeFe was in a cryptic tweet sent by President Trump. Please don't feel the need to try and answer...perhaps we'll find out eventually, what he knew and when he knew it.
Now I have realized I have rouleoux formation in my blood. Checked it at home with microscope I bought. Then went and had live blood analysis done and the doctor confirmed yes I’m seeing that correctly. Iron levels, ferritin levels, ferritin saturation levels and hemoglobin all low. Episodes of shortness of breath, chest pain and may have had a mini stroke a few weeks ago. I’m not vaccinated but have been a nurse for 24 years, around tons of people that have had 3,4,5,6 jabs. I believe shedding has to exist.
so sorry for your loss. I too believe this is what killed my mother, she died suddenly. No blockages, no heart attack, no stroke, no trauma to her body.
It sure has. Losing your mom is the hardest thing. I’ve been struggling myself with the loss of my mom. She was everything to me, my best friend. I’m sure you know exactly what I mean.
Yes, this is an old post and I hope you read this. My father was in a facility and got covid from a care giver. He was blamed for bringing it into the building and was the only one with it. The caregivers were allowed to go any and everywhere, but my dad had to stay put. He was blind, deaf, had type one diabetes, etc.etc. They swabbed him and the swabs contain nano particles. It finally caught up with him and he died a horrible death. It was one of the hardest things I have ever seen and now all family members are gone. I hope you are still here. I have been where you are and understand your last sentence. We weren't jabbed either, but are finding that our blood is no different than the jabbed. Not good, but it is what it is. They are working on answers as I write this and hopefully there will be some relief. Dr. Ana uses edta, but not everyone has access to that. Message me if you are able to see this. Take care, Jane
Dear Jane,
I'm so sorry to hear about your Father. Tragically, my Mother died a horrible death as well. We really had no idea what we were up against with this bioweapon. After our catastrophe, I tried my best to warn people that they needed to prepare and find an enlightened doctor to help them before they needed one, and take action immediately and "throw the kitchen sink" at it if they got ill. My friend's 94 YO father and my friend, who is my age, got ill in February of 2022 and I had warned him to prepare as I just mentioned. He also lost his ability to think clearly, but since he had already contacted a couple of doctors and knew what happened to my Mother, he got through it with his dad recovering within a few weeks at home and his dad got an extra 2 years of quality time, sadly passing last month. I got a call from my friend, who was a former air force pilot and very sharp guy, early on when they got ill and he sounded completely lost and asked for my help. That was how I felt but no one helped me in time.
This bioweapon seems to cause something akin to instant Alzheimer's with brain inflammation. I never expected that and assumed I would be able to handle it in the unlikely event we became ill, which I also did not expect, since we almost never did. I was wrong and my life is a nightmare now. Did you read this article I posted above?
Seems like someone figured out early on what was happening but it was censored byMedium.comand maybe other media outlets and many died as a consequence. The description in this article matches the devastating destruction I believe happened to my wonderful Mother, who was in her early 80's but previously healthy and then was gone in only 11 days. I don't know what "it" is, but it was certainly not an ordinary "virus" and it greatly upsets me when people say it was only the flu, or it was non-existent. Had I and others been properly warned and prepared with medical assistance available, our loved ones could have been saved.
I have not had my blood tested and don't feel like there is a problem, although I know there probably is. I take a few things like NAC, spirulina and quercetin that may help. I've had about enough of this world anyway, it is run by pure evil, and the end is near. It is not what it appears to be. Are you aware of Jonathan Kleck? Have a look at this video, although it's long I watched it twice last night and it explains things very well. It also tells how we can ultimately escape this nightmare. I believe he is a prophet. Everyone should watch this...
I wish you all the best...if you watch the video or read the article, please let me know what you think. God bless you.
Dr Bryan Ardis has found research related to extracts of venoms, which could be part of what has happened, happening, and specifically, pure nicotine (Which is non addictive) has now been published as a strong treatment. This view might help your researches. <3
Nicotine 3mg chewing gum, daily Methylene Blue 15mg solution in 200mls water, Melatonin tabs 20mgs daily, 4,000mg Vit-C, Enteric Aspirin tabs 400mgs daily, Lumbrokinase 300mgs daily, Zinc supplementation, Vit-D3 supplementation, NAC 2400mgs daily, Quercetin 2000mgs daily . . All of these seem to be keeping oxygen-in-blood levels at 99% without any great respiration effort, or at a continuous 97% with just normal shallow slow respirations. No noticeable brain fog. No undue fatigue. IV EDTA is a more difficult possibility as I don't trust anyone in this country (NZ) to come anywhere near me with a hyperdermic syringe, since late 2019, when I contracted the bioweapon directly from the huffing in my face and eyes breath of a returnee from a December 2019 Wuhan cone-beam radiology conference, a medical industry specialist, who specifically seemed to target me within the crowd of people present at that time and location. The weapon DOES exist. Aerosol transmission ALSO exists.
I would ALSO like to say that Aerosol transmission of the 'Vaccination' nanites blood cross-contamination ALSO exists, between the 'vaccinated' AND the unvaccinated.
This also happened to me at an enclosed space conference during late 2022 filled with 200 'vaccinated' people, requiring me to fight and RESIST (as above) the suddenly re-imposed Bad Health Affects of Fatigue, severe generalized indisposition, noticeable reduced lower limb circulation, and lowered oxygen-in-blood levels.
I think this can be seen as a spiritual war. Sangraal is our Holy blood, held by our sacred chalice, our bodies, or the Holy Grail.
See the book Holy Blood Holy Grail.
Absolutely it's a spiritual war,war for our souls and then you see some information about soul traps,the tunnel and the light.We have not EVER been told the truth about, just about everything.
I see this shedding phenomenon as the equivalent of rape. Both are without my consent and are a violation of my personal boundaries. I did not consent to having my blood changed. And just like rape, this sort of violation is a crime against Natural Law. I don't care what it says in some stupid rule book. This is a violation and everyone who has participated in this needs to pay the consequences appropriate to their level of contribution and intentionality. We absolutely need to continue supporting research that can win a class action lawsuit in court or the Tribunal that will be created to deal with this. There is a day of reckoning coming.
I think that Day of Reckoning will be what is referred to in GOD'S Word as the 'Great White Throne Judgment'.
It is pretty unlikely it will happen on Earth, because this whole ENTIRE place is fully controlled, in lockstep, by Pure Evil!
To see a wonderful video on the importance of our God given blood/DNA, go to:
revelationsofjesuschrist.comsite and watch the video IWTYT part 1 ( stands for: It's worse than you think).
Phenomenal video! By a very anointed younger man, who has a true gift for understanding the word of God/the bible.
Note:. The video is long! (4hrs) if you watch the full documentary. Otherwise, you can watch it in parts ( 1-3) which is posted there, as well.
So relevant, eye opening, & life changing.
Enjoy! God bless.
Also meant to mention one of the main videos on the revelations of Jesus Christ channel - " The DNA of God and the MARk of the BEAST. ". That video is π₯ & life changing. Imo.
Thank you for the links.
I watched that long time back, Think he was right. Don't follow him anymore. Some truthers think were winning? because Controlled opposition protecting the establishment. Let all men be liars and only god be true. Anyone have any suggestions. What we should do. Seen to much this week thought I had handle on which way to go. going to go see Mom. Pray for me ya'll.
YES!!!! I also realized how profound and significant that statement was myself. After spending lots of time on Carnicom's work and trying to be completely objective as to where I was led, I was led to the only conclusion that made sense. God and Jesus are real and the bible, while corrupted by man, is the whole truth. I came to the exact same comclusion many, many years ago. Disclaimer, I was not raised with any religious or spiritual teachings. I came to it on my own.
The guy in this link is a prophet imo. This is his latest video. God has revealed the "system" to him and this is one of so many videos he's done. He's an end time prophet. Jesus is coming soon!
I am almost sure that this chemical will be carried out by water, that would means a permanent supply a constant contamination. In that scenario how we will able to detoxify such amount of daily toxins??
Reverse Osmosis water has no nano tech in it. I follow Dr. Nixon and his friend Karl C. who has done three or fours years of research on microscopes. They tested the water and it is contaminated and distiller does not work. I thought it did as well and we bought one. Now we are using RO and the distiller. Very clean water, but if you shower etc. the water is contaminated. You solve one thing and another pops up. I came in really late on this feed and it is interesting to look back at what people were saying. It is now May 2024. Take care, Jane
Would you mind sharing the amount of EDTA you are using currently? I also read that you have used IV C also.
I believe that "Covid" is not a virus. I believe that it is a multi-layered bio/mechanical weapon that we have been led to believe was a virus to keep everybody from understanding the real problem.
I believe that time is of the essence. We need to work hard to get ahead of the death spike.
Thank you for your help.
Covid 19 is the 'flu weaponised by ignorance, fear and propaganda on the masses who have been dumbed down over the years. The actual harm is done by vaccines, poisonous PCR tests, masking, etc. etc., plus the very great many toxins in the environment including plastics.
It is a case of the elites shouting 'BOO' and the lemmings rushing into the arms of the maskers, testers and vaxxers.
According to Jonathan Kleck, C OVID 19 in biblical language means c=3 and in strongs 3 is the serpent/satan (Abaddon - angel of the abyss), OVID in Latin means sheep (we are the sheep) and 19 means slaughter. So put it together it means serpent sheep slaughter. Here is his latest video
And what is the Flu?I think it not a coincidence that 5G was turned on full blast in Wuhan 2 months before the first reported Certificate of vaccinationIID.It's not the germs it's the terrain.look at the 1918 spanish flu,is it just a coincidence it coincided with the global rollout of electricity and radio.there's a big role EMR is playing in this,EMR protection is important IMO.
The 'flu is a chemical imbalance, and yes, perhaps one might say an electrical one too as the + and - are not in balance.
I don't disagree re EMF, but I have not read or researched the matter widely.
However, I consider so far that it is part of the mix. If body chemistry is affected by big pharma chemicals then the body can be greater influenced/damaged by EMF, radiation generally. We are certainly walking aerials who can conduct and receive signals via the air waves, hence some people who 'hear' voices.
Much of the issue revolves round people being vitamin D deficient due to increased indoor living and working. The benefits of the sun's rays have been derided and people told to slap on toxic sun creams. Vitamin D has good all round benefits, and I say D for defense.
It both protects and helps repair.
Everything is energy,frequency and vibration.Took me a long time to wrap my head around that.Way I understand it we are electrical beings of resonance and frequency that have no choice but to be tuned in to the frequency of the earth that we live on.EMF,EMR interferes withthat.It's a whole lot bigger than part of the mix as it's the frequencies that power the nano,programs and commands it.
Interesting, thank you. Mmm.....yes, ok. The universe is created by words, language and sound. This is vibration or waves, energy or frequency. In the beginning was the Word...
But being tuned in is also listening to what is being said and fitting into those sounds and doing what is right which includes the body chemistry among other things
Thank you Dr. Thorp for all your hard and brave work. Sorry the catholic managed healthcare fired you.i was fired as a contractor for the NHS in NW UK for giving our some websites raising questions about the vaxxines to a movie star beautiful newstarter nurse.
I don’t know anyone who offers IV EDTA Chelation in Australia. Is it worth taking a supplement instead? Or is IV the only way to boot this cr*p out of your system?
I had covid in January 2021. I take EDTA powered by zeolite orally.
I just got by blood check and I had beautiful and healthy cells. I detox continually due to the constant assault on us (shedding, water, food, air). I do cycles (3 days on detox, 11 days off to rest my body).
I've used Dr Pompa and think it is legit and helpful. My two cents for what its worth! I know that reading the comment sections have often been as helpful as the articles! Best to you and all here.
Yes I also
use a product name GCell (intracellular glutathione proprietary blend including also NAC, fluvic flumic acid, R Alpha lipoic, quercetine etc), 8000 mg vitamin C liposomal, 6000 mg D3K2 (MK7), Vista 1 and 2 (inside and outside cell regeneration), 450g Dandelion leaf, MORS (methylation donor) and a liver-kidney support formula.
No. EDTA is a chelant and a xenobiotic molecule (not occurring in nature) and your kidneys will immediately remove it before it has a chance to remove enough heavy metals. If you have kidney disease, you do not want to do chelation therapy.
There are different forms of EDTA, such as di-calcium di-sodium EDTA, tetra sodium EDTA, etc.
Chelation means claw, or to cleave, and EDTA cleaves a metal ion. Using IV chelation therapy, your kidneys will kick it out and then excrete it and any cleaved metal ions out in your urine.
Also, EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacedicacid) is pH dependent and it will cleave the most electronegative metal first. It will only remove free metals, that is, those that are not bound to tissues. It will not remove iron from your blood, for example, but it will remove zinc, calcium, lead, etc. that are not bound in tissues. That is how it was explained to me.
It was first developed in Germany, I believe, and it was used to remove lead from sailors who developed lead poisoning from painting ships.
Lead was included in paint because it made paint very durable, but it had toxic effects.
EDTA is a very effective chelant and the IV therapy is the safest method for therapy. It has helped many, many people reverse health issues due to heavy metal toxicity.
You will likely need to take zinc and probably some other minerals afterwards. It’s not that easy to find chelation clinics, but they are out there.
My late BF was a chemist and he was a huge fan of EDTA.
There are some organic molecules that are also chelators. Cilantro and vitamin C (?) I believe are able to chelate some things.
Please give me a site which talks about this EDTA and kidney disease. I ordered the EDTA Cream from the site Soma Health as recommended by Dr Ana and Dr Michael Roth. If it harms my kidneys more I'll be very angry.
If you are concerned about your kidneys, doing chelation with a practitioner is recommended. There is always a risk with any supplementation of injuring ourselves -- the dose makes the poison. And we are all different, -- what works well for one person may be too much for another.
I forgot to add that chelation therapy is usually done in a series of 10 IV sessions. Most people do 30 sessions to get the results they need, is what I recall.
A local clinic who used to do the treatments years ago charged $1K for the 10 treatments. Just FYI. I don’t think they exist anymore, or at least I was unable to locate them years ago. I knew some people who received treatments there.
You can do a transdermal creme or take the EDTA as an enema. I have read that if you take the EDTA powder (can get through Amazon or Bulk Supplements) it is recommended to take 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon mixed with some warm water 1 to 2 cups and try to keep it in for at least 15 min to absorb into the colon (lie down). I am experimenting with both.
Yes, from Soma Health. Com
I saw the Dr Ana video with Dr Michael Roth a few days ago about this abd ordered the cream. It is backordered 2-3 weeks. I need more info about this EDTA and use kidney disease.
Earthing is another strategy to improve blood flow by increasing zeta potential. Simply spend part of each day barefoot on soil, sand, grass, even concrete. I spend the entire day barefoot. Strengthens the ankles and feet, too.
I commented above, but something just occurred to me after I shared this with a friend.
We see the young man was unvaxxed. He gets diagnosed with Covid - I assume thru a PCR test.
His case does not respond to anti-vitals.
How in heaven’s name did all this junk get into him and ruin his blood like that?
Is there surface contamination? Is it being inserted randomly into food and water supplies? How did this enter his body?
There must be an answer and we must find it.
Somebody out there somewhere knows exactly what this is because they created it.
Snd how many various toxins are there out there making people sick?
Many ill people have responded rapidly to the anti-virals, especially the Ivermectin.
But what this young man had did NOT respond to all those anti-virals. Yet he had Covid symptoms, long Covid symptoms and I assume yielded a positive PCR test.
What can this be coming from?
Cindy, i find that the two main Covid Operation bioweaponry is: (1) synthetic venoms / envenomation, that disrupts brain signals / Central Nervous System, and therefore disrupts / disregulates various body system networks functionality, and (2) The exotic bionanoelectronics (the nanobots, particularly xenobots type which was developed from frog skin and heart stem cells, and possibly also from flatworms. (Hot detox baths regularly are important, with like 2 cups baking soda, 2 cups sea salt, and 1 cup borax. Also drinking baking soda water, and taking boron, and listening to rife frequency sound files that can help to "burst" the nanobots. )
I took baths like that for 6 months almost every day, it helped my morgellons. Soon after I found an integrative medicine doctor who gave me a heavy metal detox by Metagenics. Very painful but my metals and parasitic overload were back to a normal level after. I still see him for biotoxin mold illness.
Dr Alan Gruning. Ft Myers. He has old YouTube videos still up. I think he can do video appointments. I pay out of pocket and he used my insurance for blood work and labs. Many tests aren’t covered but worth the costs . He left the hospital he worked at? 20 years ago because they wanted him to spend less time with patients and stop offering to pray with them.
I have mold illness, which causes a host of other "friends" to join in. Were you strictly treating for heavy metals or were you also using antimicrobials or antifungals? I believe that when we clean up the terrain, the bugs have no food or protection.
I just know I have the genetic marker that made me terribly sick even after I left the toxic environment. I think my dad had it too but he passed away in 2011. I had many autoimmune issues previously and everything got worse. I have been taking a lot of supplements for detox and immune support. Eating as little gmo food as possible helps & distilled or reverse osmosis water.
If I’m not mistaken, EDTA also detoxes venom peptides. Thought about that after I wrote the above comment.
I believe Dr. Ardis has said that. He is recommending EDTA now as well. He made another fascinating find in one of his most recent videos as well - he researched PCR tests, what they are actually good for, and, yes, they are an analytic tool to detect venom peptides. Those peptides are in the spike if I am not mistaken. They are there because they cut into genetic material so sequences can be inserted if I get this correctly. So if a patient got vaxxed and they got a spike rich dose, then they’ve got venom peptide to deal with.
Dr. Ardis has also recently mentioned hydrogels as well. So we may be coming to some convergence here. I’ve listened to his most recent updates this past week.
Ardis explains for instance how nicotine patches 14 mg are giving great results because the Nicotinic Acetyl Choline Receptors nAChr will prefer the Nicotine over the venom peptides, which are part of the spike. Tge nicotine is knocking the venom peptides off the receptors and freeing the person from it’s toxic effects. People who are active smokers already were dosing themselves with nicotine and thereby simultaneously detoxing themselves. Many papers showing smokers had by far less negative Covid outcomes than non-smokers.
By using nicotine 14mg patches daily plus 2000mg EDTA capsules he is getting great detox results.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has also reported last week that the 14mg nicotine patches are detoxing people very very well.
Klinghardt said he also seeing improvement in his ADD children, much calmer when nicotine patches applied. Their nervous systems apparently are getting detoxed.
Klinghardt said last week that the nAChr receptors modulate platelets, macrophagy and are involved with vagus nerve too. So venom peptides attached to those sites really is damaging in many ways. Many are recovering from brain fog using the nicotine patches and fatigue is improving as well according to Dr. Klinghardt.
I know we’ve also seen the anti- virals work like Ivermectin plus the the Vit C Vit D Quercetin and Zinc in a different mode. All of the good docs also now adding NAC in their protocols as it is known to be able to handle the graphene detox.
The graphene is tragically now being found in insulin and other pharmaceuticals that are regularly used. That was in a video last week of some of Dr. Ana’s colleagues.
I am relieved so many good people are fighting this good fight. There are so many pieces of this that have to come together. I would love to see data tied back to precisely which batch was administered to the patient to get more specific info on the patterns. Then the toxins could be better identified. And also what meds they are on because of contamination there as well.
We need to find the people who created all of this and have them reveal precisely how they constructed these injections - so many varied results by batches, was there a plan to test out multiple compounds out or was this manufacturer failure?
It is still so remarkable that the patient here that Dr. Ana treated had never been vaxxed. Yet look at that blood. So this has to be investigated, no batch of vax had anything to do with what happened to him.
We need answers now and we need to help the people working to find these answers. I bless Dr. Ana’s tenacity and pray for her work.
If even a small fraction of these bloated governmental budgets would be allotted to help the vax injured through the research of doctors like Dr. Ana I believe we could stave off much heartbreak.
Beware IIRC Ardis states 7mg patches only, 14 may detox too rapidly and make you throw up. or 2mg nicoitine gum etc. Emphasis on low dose, repeated, not high dose.
Also putting in dental novacaine, general anaesthesia, in flu, rvs, shingles vaxxines. My husband had hernia repair surgery, he threw up after waking up, then he shed for 2 months making my autoimmune induced bursitis much worse. They are putting GO in toothpaste, hair shampoo and merck has been pushing mrna vaxxines in π since 2018!
The pcr 'test' is suspect imo, two cases of covid I know of happened right after taking tests where they felt fine prior then within hours symptoms began. The second 'test' delivered enough toxin to keep him sick for a month with lingering after symptoms for months like numbness in feet and fingers which niacin/nicotinic acid [with the flush factor] has been providing relief, recovery from. Niacin will chelate
Many others online report similar findings on the pcr being a delivery method.
I posted this elsewhere, but I thought you might want to take a look at this. On another forum, I asked if anyone had any data that the PCR test might be causing illness, because I suspected that it could but I had no data.
It has links to the sources as well.
Makes sense now why Bill Gates and George Soros bought up the company that produces the swabs. I think I read that in the USA today. Just Google their names and swabs and it should pop up.
I have never had one of the PCR tests because I was aware of what Kari Mullis said about them. I did wonder if they used the cotton swabs to “place” something in people’s mucosal tissues. I haven’t seen any proof so far nor have I ever heard of anyone doing any studies on the cotton swabs used at the testing facilities or home testing kits.
I certainly am interested in reading about any studies that might have been done. If you have any links to studies, I, and perhaps others, would be interested in reading them.
Interesting thoughts. Would need more information about the patient. Was he fully unvaccinated, as the mRNA shots are not vaccines. Alot of sickness correlated with the flu shot from 2020. Lots to investigate
The positive test is somewhere in the 90s% false positive.IMO it's all the electromagnetic radiation making people sick combined with aerosol spraying of our atmosphere.5g is really bad news for the humanrace.readthe 5G space appeal.Short answer,chemtrails.Long answer,your silence is your consent.I think EMF protection to live and certainly no guarantee even if we have that.I do,have both phone and computer guard from aires tech plus shungite,orgone pyramid reich style.the Covid virus has nver been isolated,it's a hoax.i think they knew 5g would cause a plandemic,between Covid and 5G we are talking hundreds of billions.Covid symptoms pretty much mimic radiation poisoning.Look up,I look up and still see and if not cussing them out just shake my head and marvel
The shedding is happening ALL OF THE TIME. The fact that his blood is like that may or may not have anything to do with the Covid incident! I think we need more evidence to ascertain where it's coming from. I'm a sensitive and am constantly managing exposures. Being female, I have some sense of the quality of my blood with every cycle, and it gets pretty freaky looking at times. Perhaps his blood was already like that, or was partially clotted and then the Covid made it bad enough for him to go to the doc and get it checked. I never got sick with Covid and I can guarantee you my blood isn't going to look great when I finally get it looked at. Everybody is getting exposed to this and some bodies are managing the spike and whatever else is being shed better than other bodies.
Hey guys, look at this pic of Drs. Cole and Malone both wearing Covid-19 Spike Protein ties and smiling. They need to tell us before hand what they are doing.
Is this some of the controlled opposition to divert us from figuring out how to remove these poisons by using the Spike Protein red herring?
“because the life of every creature is its blood. That is why I have said to the Israelites, “You must not eat the blood of any creature, because the life of every creature is its blood; anyone who eats it must be cut off.””
ββLeviticusβ¬ β17β¬:β14β¬ βNIVβ¬β¬
"Covid" is the engineered destabilization of the global economy.
"COVID-19", the operation, is essentially a cover-up for systematic debt-leveraged monetary expansion- the final heist to strip all value out of the world in an effort by the creditors to consolidate what they believe they’re owed.
"Covid-19", the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION to other causes.
COVID phenomenon cannot be understood without understanding the un-televised 2019-2020 unprecedented financial collapse threatening the entire global financial system. The COVID fraud timing became necessary as the world markets were faced with an emergency debt crisis that popped up in formerly mostly liquid markets: Repo markets, money markets and FX markets.
Covid Is Not An Epidemiological Story; Covid Is A Crime Story.
Even many "in the know" are still trapped in some version of the "Covid" merry-go-round. The official narrative of "Covid" is a fiction- all of it. There was no pandemic- EVER.
If you view this whole 'pandemic' situation through the lens of health, safety, science and saving lives, then most of it makes little sense. If you view it through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, then all of it makes perfect sense.
Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering scheme in the history of the world.
The lockdowns, mandatory muzzles, anti-social distancing and the other measures did nothing to protect or improve public health- they were never designed to do so. They were all designed to deliberately break the global economy (and crush competition, especially small businesses) as well as break people's minds, will and the social fabric, in order to “build back better”, according to the diabolical and dystopian visions of the psychopaths waging this class war, which is essentially a billionaires utopia, in which they own the planet like a techno-feudal fiefdom, and oversee the drastically reduced population of digitally branded humanity like cattle in a super-surveilled technocracy.
What we are in the midst of is a planned total economic collapse. This economic collapse was inevitable, Western governments are putting the security infrastructure into place, trying to proactively control the inevitable social disorder which will result from this collapse. To be followed by a global financial reset, after a period of hyperinflation, which destroys both the value of debt and the corresponding paper claims.
There is not now nor has there ever been an epidemiological or viral emergency event of any sort anywhere in the world in the year 2020. The manufactured perception that there was such an event is an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering. All of this has been made possible through institutional programming and accelerated media messaging disallowing basic cognitive processes and eliminating critical thinking possibilities.
The collapse started in 2008 and attempts to salvage this corrupt economic system only delayed the inevitable. In the Fall of 2019 the crisis began to rapidly unravel again.
There was a dramatic decrease in industrial production which showed up in the banking crisis of August of 2019- the so-called Repo crisis when suddenly banks started to refuse US sovereign debt instruments as collateral of overnight loans forcing the Federal Reserve to step in and basically print money to cover this massive shortage.
The Repo market is where banks borrow money each day so that they have 10% liquid assets at the end of each day. If they do not have 10% liquid assets they are not allowed to open the next day. Around the middle of September the Fed started pumping $20 billion per day into the Repo market to keep interest rates down so banks could borrow the money to stay in business. By the end of December the Fed was pumping over $100 billion per day into the Repo market and it was not enough.
Simply everyone on Wall Street was loaded with enormous debt and was holding on to US cash to be able to service it refusing to finance purchases of foreign currencies and then US currency as Repo Market froze at 10% interest on overnight Repo loans as US treasury bonds and even US bills were rejected as collateral for Repos.
What happened in March 2020 was just the spread of the liquidity crisis from primary dealers markets (TBTF banks and Hedge funds were actually bailed out in September) toward all other stock, commodities, bonds CLOs, MBS etc, as well to Ponzi schemes called today ETF funds, not to mention structured derivative products traded on proprietary platforms nominally representing up to several thousands of $$$ trillions.
When US treasury bonds and even USTB became illiquid due to exponential growth of public (but most of all private) dollar debt while the FED was sucking up cash from financial markets by tempering QE (called QT) between 2017 and 2019 reduced FED balance sheet from over $5 T to $3.9T by selling assets, all hell broke loose. Something drastic had to be done.
And hence the FED started to “buy all worthless shit for double the price”, Gates’s and Silicon Valley gang took over the media, and Orwellian shrinks and doctor Fauci-Mengeles came to the “rescue” unleashing operation COVID.
The entire House of Cards was falling for six months and could not be stopped so COVID hysteria was manufactured to cover up what amounts today to $11 trillion of FED bailout in cash, stock boost via POMO and guarantees of value of collateral used in structured derivatives. The end game is that the central banks (Fed) will buy all the toxic, worthless debt from the hedge funds and banks, including the 1.5 quad trillion of derivatives, and then transfer the debt to the treasury as sovereign debt. Then print money to infinity to service the fictitious debt to sink the dollar via hyperinflation and then foreclose on the US and everyone else holding debt in worthless dollars.
That’s the coup. There will be global hyperinflation to vaporize the assets of the masses and the states- as soon as the ruling class mops up the last properties. What this means is the ruling class have limitless claims on everything in the world. Simply put, the seasonal coronavirus was rebranded as Covid 19 on the back of a redefinition of what a ‘pandemic’ was by the WHO at the bequest of its financiers. This unlocked access to financial incentive programs that were large enough to bail out every failing economy.
Yes!!!!! You nailed it!! I tried to explain this in brief to my leftist niece several months ago, but your comments are priceless!! This is the story behind the entire Plandemic and you have ticked all the boxes.
I sincerely appreciate that you took the time to fill in so many pieces of this heinous crime. You superbly articulated this. Priceless!
Allen, thank you.
this is a brillant overview of the economic heist still going on in broad daylight globally. When does the full inflation vaporization of the masses' assets take effect? March, April, May 2023? So apparently the dollar is worthless and all asset classes are wildly overinflated starting in 2008.
When does the economy as we know simply run out of cash which rhymes with gas?
I forecast that every person on the planet will be forced to get another series of mRNA vaccines in mid 2023 because so many are dying post-vaxx.
Your thoughts?
Watch this interview w/ Catherine Austin Fitts. Solutions are offered towards the last half of the interview.
I don't believe there will be forced vaxx in 2023 as the mRNA project is imploding due to the degree of damages.
The "economy" long ago ran out of cash per se so building a separate local economy is the only possible answer to this.
The vaporization of assets is underway full steam. This will continue via a 'slow grind' I believe.
I think this is accurate up to a point when THEY needed to have unvaxxed people getting ill and dying to support the Safe & Effective propaganda and keep the gullible coming back for more shots. Here is one such story from Sheila Holm, who became ill along with several others who were at a conference in summer of 2021. They were apparently targeted with a bioweapon/poison of some sort and many became ill and several died.
These results could be obtained with ozone or chlorine dioxide (CDS)? I would appreciate it being investigated both intravenously and by oral application. Thanks for your job.
This is just FABULOUS!!!!!!
People of the world have to get out of their fog and start to laser focus on answers like Dr. Ana is!!!
I pray this astounding result goes viral with the hero doctors out their fighting this battle!
This is so exciting Dr. Ana! God bless you! This is a HUGE breakthrough!!!!!!!
David Lamb - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
Cosmic Consultant
Thanks Dr. Ana.
There's a few of us who've been trying to raise awareness about the graphene oxide in the vaxes for almost two years.
Virtually all of the alternative media is convinced that it's mRNA and the 'spike protein' doing the damage, because we can trust that what pharma and the DOD tell us about the vaxes is truthful, right?
Lots of evidence says the mRNA story is all misdirection, and it's really rGO functionalized with PEG that's doing the damage. I've found published research from 2018 proving that it was already known what GO does in the body, and it matches perfectly with not only vax injury symptoms, but with the original 'covid' symptoms as well.
Yes, looking at live blood under darkfield microscope is what will reveal what's happening. It's blood poisoning with GO or rGO.
The good news is that the published research shows that the body can slowly break down the GO, but obviously we have to survive the acute damage long enough for the body to recover.
One of the specific things the GO research shows is that it causes the blood to produce fibroblasts, which explains the big fibrous clots that pathologists are pulling out of all the dead people.
People need to understand that this isn't just coming from the vaxes. GO is the new wonder-material that the soulless technocrats are planning on using in a thousand ways and insuring that it becomes pervasive in the environment. They're already applying it to textiles as an anti-microbial, including N95 masks, sanitary wipes, bedding, etc. They've added it to the geoengineering aerosols for cloud seeding and solar radiation management. They're experimenting with using it for drinking water treatment. And it will be in virtually all plastics & metals because it makes them stronger and lighter.
The ability to manufacture GO in industrial quantities is recent, ramping up in 2018-19, with a $billion funding push by the EU. So significant exposure to GO really only started around 2019. What a coincidence.
If anyone wants more info, LMK and I'm happy to share.
Douglass Hetherly - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
John Vargo
Yes I agree the Graphene Oxide is the real danger. At the concert in Houston, TX that Travis Scott performed, all of the audience were required to have 2 vaccinations where several people died and over 300 had to be taken to hospitals. The speakers had mechanisms inside that were putting out specific vibrations of the MHz wave band to activate the graphene and cause it to expand and cut the veins and arteries due to its metallic nature. This was a test run to see what they could do with controlled vibrations at specific ranges. This was a test run. Every batch of the vaccines are slightly different and thee deep state is keeping track of what and people and groups were injected with these deadly shots to later be used with 5G to kill at will any specific group that they decide to eliminate and they can regulate the MHz to specific frequencies to kiss these groups of people, All that the deep state is doing is planned and has purpose to decimate the world population and reduce the population to 500 million, so that the population can more easily be controlled as they want to move us to the middle ages where there were nobles and slaves, and we will be the slaves or dead. I WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE MORE DATA THAT YOU HAVE. THANK YOU Doug Hetherly
John Vargo - Mar 29, 2023
John Vargo
Georgia guidestones are gone,have heard nothing about that timecapsule.No500 million now maybe?I've read there's a deal to replace mankind with synthetic biology,a deal with an ET species.Yeah if you were filthy rich and offered immortality what would you do?That's from Anna Von Reitz and she accused the CFR.That does appear to be happening with the smartdust chemtrails the first attack and ongoing.A full body EMP might neutralize the nanobots,EMF protection might be wise.They want (Smart) Robots,Robots just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork and just dumb enough to passively accept.Well you know Robots!
John Vargo - Apr 10, 2023
John Vargo
Add the "Smart phone" Sure enough my moto "(Hiya moto) has two phone numbers,voice mail notification is a different number.I did not take the Jab but about 8 months ago had an accident,needed about 50 stitches in two fingers.Dr. did a good job as the novocaine needle was right there.Think that helped them mind control me into accepting a "Shot".In pain and most vulnerable.Seems like time has speeded up since then.Everything has been weaponized including cell phones and the atmosphere and scaler energy which from what I understand would cure all disease.That from the Jeff Rense website but lost thatBM.Asa poor kid growing up in Ohio I got chicken pox,mumps and measules,missed about a week ofschool.Gota tetanus shot when bit by a wild animal about 55 yrs ago.I'll just post the whole link about our smart phones from the Author,it is pretty hard to keep your vibration high.
John Vargo - Apr 10, 2023
John Vargo
During that first visit a male nurse asked me when was the last time I had a tetanus shot I stupidly said oh about 50 yrs ago so it's clear to me now there was collusion.
godo - Mar 26, 2023
If you haven’t seen these –
this touches on GO:
This has Neuroweapon Presentation in the beginning, source unsure:
John Vargo - Mar 30, 2023
John Vargo
Just watched the lastone.BlackGoo graphene oxide.I think Harold Kautz Vella is legit and agree it's alien.All the heavy metals that have been sprayed on us especially heavily the last 10 yrs or so has lowered the vibration of humanity making it easier for interdimensional entities to come in.Lower vibrational evil entities.I've seen them online in magnified photo's of blood by the owner of the microscope.That's not all though,have seen both the greys and reptilians and a few others similar to them.There's a utube channel called morgs research channel,not sure about them but they have magnified videos taken of the sky and it mimics what i've seen in the owners of those microscopes.Same kind of shapeshifting morphing WTF,
Danna - Apr 17, 2023
Danna’s Substack
This is AMAZING and confirms your postulation of alien influence. The beginning is quite boring with ubtos so start at about 25 minutes in. Speaks of Dracos and other alien presence. Brilliant interview with a man with military background that knows why Hillary twitches, what there are so many earthquakes at 3, 5 and 10, covid17 (yes! We got covid19 after someone in Wuhan switched the vials as he knew 17 would kill all of Humanity, adrenochrome, China Lake, Antarctica alien population and why nobody can fly over it, etc. Excellent interview. After you are befuddled, share!!
John Vargo - Jul 15, 2023
John Vargo
Danna - Jul 15, 2023
Danna’s Substack
Excellent. From 2017, no less. Thanks for sharing, John.
SIRIUS - Jan 13, 2024
SIRIUS ispod struje
"Geoengeenered Transhumanism"
John Vargo - Jan 13, 2024
John Vargo
This may be the way to eradicate it from the body,with the right frequency of course!
SegFish - Jan 31, 2024
John Vargo
The heavy metals and toxins are primarily from combustion of fossil fuels and go back waaay more than just the last 10 years. This is not news; it's just that most people ignore their health and don't care to find out just how much cadmium they're exposed to by driving their car, and how much lead is still in aircraft fuel.
John Vargo - Feb 2, 2024
John Vargo
Yes there's that,maybe that was true before Geoengineering but not now so much now.When you look at the smog laws and "smoging"your vehicles what does the catalytic converter do?They heat exhaust smoke from 400 to 1200 degrees,the smoke is not eliminated,it's broken down into finer particles.I'll wager so fine they can cross our blood/brain barrier! After 10 yrs of reading a lot about this subject,started about 12 yrs ago after getting online. Read about majestic 12, I recently stumbled upon the 1952 white house/UFO incident and read that the white house surrendered to theAliens.SoI "googled"it.Googleis fast becoming worthless for information as they are hiding alternative info in the search results but I did read that the incident lasted7-8-9-days.Bythe way Segfish there's no such thing as fossil fuels,oil does not come from dead dinosaurs!Another lie that creates the perception of scarcity in the brainwashed humans mind.
David Lamb - Dec 21, 2022
Cosmic Consultant
I've posted the 2018 article here, as a reply to my original post.
Edward Bernaysauce - Mar 20, 2023
Edward Bernaysauce
There was an incident in S. Korea last year that was quite similar to the Astroworld event...
Douglass Hetherly - Mar 21, 2023
Edward Bernaysauce
Do you have any internet links on this ?
Edward Bernaysauce - Mar 21, 2023
Edward Bernaysauce
fwiw- from "newsweak"
godo - Mar 26, 2023
it's been pulled...
Edward Bernaysauce - Mar 26, 2023
Edward Bernaysauce
KW NORTON - Dec 21, 2022
KW Norton Borders
YIKES! More data always good.
Catherine - Jan 2, 2024 - Edited
Andrea’s Substack
And DOJ is MUTE, along with this Government, Medical Cabal, Fake News Cabal and the silent Majority. CDC has taken over water treatment plants according to info Dr Ardis, and obviously putting this into the tap water as Karl C test show it is there. What do we do? We are up against the NWO/Gates/BIG TECH/CDC/EPA/FDA and the bioweapons and munitions that will be used against us. We are monitored 24/7 and in the hands of Demons who have overthrown this country and the world long ago. I Pray the LORDs way out. Pray for divine intervention. God can make a way out. I have faith even though it looks futile as hell.
Andrea - Jan 25, 2024
Andrea’s Substack
Look into how we have been lied to since Constantine invented Christianity in 325 CE. Yahuah is the true Name of the Father and Yahusha is the Name of the Son. Remember, the Son IS the Truth and the only truth that there is in this entire world….so if we have been told a counterfeit name, we have been lied to about everything else, including Christmas, Easter, etc. Please look into it. It is the root of this whole matter. Read the whole book, study it, and don’t allow preconceived beliefs that have stemmed from the world’s programming that we have received from grandparents, parents, churches, radio, tv, music, etc. tell you a different narrative….because that’s exactly what they have all done to us. Satan has been a liar and a murderer since the Beginning……..not just since 2020. You will know the Truth and it will set you free. This is a spiritual war and, of course, it has real physical manifestations. If people read the Word and obeyed it, they would have known that Yahuah says not to put things like vaccines into our bodies because they are unclean and defile us. Seek and you will find - a promise!
SColton - Dec 1, 2023
Doug, did you hear about the S.Korea event a while back. There was a huge crowd and panic hit and many people died. There were a lot of heart attacks in young people. It was in 2022
Douglass Hetherly - Dec 1, 2023
No I did not. Thank You for the information. Do you by chance know the article?
Thank You,
Doug Hetherly
SIRIUS - Jan 13, 2024
SIRIUS ispod struje
We can combat GO w help of Mother Nature!
Nanclea - Jan 22, 2023
Yes for sure would like more data! Thank you!
David Lamb - Dec 21, 2022
Cosmic Consultant
For those who've asked for more info, here's the 2018 article I mentioned. This is the best resource I've found, and the best starting point, with a very informative overview of what graphene and its various forms are (including GO and rGO), how they're manufactured, and then a lot of summary of the research to date on toxicology in animals. And there's a massive number of citations linking to the previous decade of research. There's likely a lot more information to be had by a group of dedicated researchers going through all of the cited papers; I've barely begun that process.
Fernando - Dec 22, 2022
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
Hi, there is a man in Spain that has done a deep study about this and is trying to make it public for long time without success. The clue for him is not that GO is injected through the jabs. According to him there’s GO around us everywhere so all of us are contaminated with GO. The difference is that the jab provide the chemicals that act as bioglue that sticks the GO to our cells. Maybe you want to contact him to join efforts. This is his report (sorry for some reason I am not able to post the report but you can find the English version in the fixed posts, it was posted on the 6th September in his channel). His telegram channel is His name is Daniel Diaz. I don’t have his contact details. I hope this helps.
Baldmichael - Jan 23, 2023
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
Yes, and of course it is known about micro plastics within the body. Inject the right chemicals and polymer chains or 'snakes' are formed.
For Him - Mar 26
Venom peptides also play a significant role, speaking of snakes π
SegFish - Jul 15, 2023
That's interesting to consider
Fernando - Dec 22, 2022
The title of the article is “study lipid nanoparticles”
Danna - Jul 16, 2023
Danna’s Substack
Remember the movie, "Big Hero 6" and the tiny, black magnetic pieces that they could control with their mind to form whatever they wanted? They always tell us what they're going to do before they do it.
I've often wondered why they named it that. There must be a link to GO in there somehow.
Nod - May 19, 2023
Here is another relevant paper.
David Lamb - Dec 22, 2022 - Edited
Cosmic Consultant
Here's some more resources:
The beginning of this article is stunning, as it describes how graphene kills microorganisms by basically causing massive physical damage, in other words attacking them with nano-razorblades. But it doesn't seem to dawn on them that it does the exact same thing to all other living cells:
GO makes diesel fuel much more 'green':
Jet fuel with graphene oxide is way better:
The plan is to add GO to clothing, because it makes fabrics better in every way:
Graphene particles kill plants too:
And because graphene kills every living cell it comes in contact with, the powers that be figure its a good idea to spray it into the air to manipulate the weather:
If there's not enough GO covering your car from the geoengineering, you can buy a bottle at the auto parts store to spray some more graphene oxide on your car. Just make sure you wear a graphene oxide anti-microbial mask so you don't breathe any of the mist, and wear your grpahene oxide coated clothes so you don't get any of the spray on your skin:
Don't forget the graphene oxide glass cleaner:
JayD - Dec 23, 2022 - Edited
Cosmic Consultant
Jesus! That's an appalling list. I first learned about the GO in the shots about a year ago from the video made by Dr. Andreas Noack:
and later from Dr Carrie Madej who observed the GO growing into structures due to heat/radiation. I knew it was used in medical tech but had no idea it was so ubiquitous. I had read about it being found in rainwater - if it is sprayed onto clouds then that explains that one. TPTB are trying to kill us - that is the bottom line, but they have to breathe the air as well - unless they are going to live in bubbles. So indiscriminate use of GO seems pretty insane.
Bufus Alvarius - Jan 20, 2023
they are preparing earths organisms for all the toxins for decades - they want to have synths survive this and nature as we know it die off - it's a travesty to everything beautiful
Noren O Drisc - Aug 12, 2023
they have to have creatures they own and can programme like machines to do their bidding. Their plan is that most will be killed but some will be allowed to survive but be part machine part human. The 'vaccines' contain self assembling (toxic) nano machinery which colonises the body of all those injected who have a 'MAC' address which can be found online if searched for ie a person as an object on the 'internet of things' Gates & others like him ie multi billionaires who see all people and the planet as theirs to do as they will with, have been busy sterilising people, killing them with 'vacicines', toxins in food, water, air, 'wars', mental severe harmful stress, for decades. Gates has been free to inject in Africa and has done for decades and India now the whole world. India banned him for killing injuring at least 40 thousand Indian people with his polio injections.
David Lamb - Dec 23, 2022
Cosmic Consultant
Yep, I'm familiar with those sources. I'm not in agreement with Madej, because I think she adds a lot of sci-fi fearmongering that shows she doesn't understand the technology. But there's a lot of that going around.
For sure, this prolific use of GO is insane. I think a lot of it is driven by people who are just materialist drones, in a culture where people's careers have become so compartmentalized that nobody pays any attention to the bigger picture.
JayD - Dec 23, 2022
Oh I agree with you on that. IT is my business and I am appalled by a) the way it is being used as a weapon in so many different ways and b) how people - especially children/teens - are targeted with ads for the latest phone etc. The bigger picture or environmental impact (e.g. 5G WiFi, lithium mining for batteries) is swept under the rug - even now with the climate "crisis" and the WEF/WHO propaganda of "protecting humans, animals and the environment " crap - since the ubiquity of such tech is part of their agenda. It makes me angry and sad. How do we get more people to wake up. I have been shouting this stuff from the rooftops -especially about EMF for years. Very few "average" people listen. It has been the same with "the Vaxx" . Having warned my 2 sisters in the UK in early 2021 not to take it (Pfizer) - and failed to convince them. I am now scared to tell them any of what I have learned since then. It seems that some people are way too trusting of governments. And/Or some people are just in denial, Of course only listening to mainstream media is a huge problem.
JAired - Dec 24, 2022
I am listening JayD. Recommending two independent researchers with whom I study -- along with a dedicated group of researchers.
George Webb is a 'boots-on-the-ground,' investigative analyst.georgewebb.substack.comand on Twitter: @realgeorgewebb1 ALSO Mark Kulacz on YouTube at Housatonic Live (Mark's website is a great repository of information on the demons who do this.)
JayD - Dec 25, 2022
Thanks for the links. I will check them out.
Christian - Sep 18, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Same problem... here, France, people think you are mad...
Christian - Sep 18, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Pouvez écouter ceci ! Très instructif...
SegFish - Jul 15, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Ironic you say that, as at least a dozen sources which have been mentioned in this thread I trust less than Madej. And not many have had their planes sabotaged. I say she's on the right track and she is careful not to jump to conclusions, which I deeply appreciate. And I'm glad she micraculously survived the crash. It sounded like they really had an unbelievable time just getting help after the a crash and both she and her partner were pretty badly injured
Christian - Sep 18, 2023
Ar’s Substack
badly injured ? we saw her a few days after the crash !
Carol B - Mar 21
Carol B
Yeah, I saw her interview shortly after the crash. I thought she almost died. What’s up with that? Was she replaced? As many have been.
Noren O Drisc - Aug 14, 2023
Ar’s Substack
If you dont know what GO is for you dont understand the technology. Not that I blame anyone for not knowing; I have found out from people like Dr Ana... GO is necessary if the psychopaths such as Gates, Fauci, Schwab, Rockefellers want to create creatures that are part human but part (programmable) machine.
Christian - Sep 18, 2023
Ar’s Substack
et les Rothschild ! et qui sait les Jésuites !
Danna - Jul 17, 2023 - Edited
Danna’s Substack
I think the perps are not human. There is no way any human, no matter how evil and greedy, would do this. I am convinced that certain people living in this planet are actually reptilian and shapeshifters. It's a NAA that's been ongoing for thousands of years. I wish I would have never swallowed the Red Pill.
Andrea - Jan 25, 2024
Andrea’s Substack
It’s about the bloodline from the Nephilim. The same families have been in power since the Tower of Babel rebellion (the beginning of Freemasonry - Nimrod was the first Mason.) That’s why they keep close genetics and are all related….to keep the Nephilim blood in them.
Noren O Drisc - Aug 12, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Humans can be very very evil indeed it has been shown in history and now they have the technology they have been wanting for a long time so can kill billions relatively easy ie 'vaccines' and nano particles in food, water, the air and more. Gates etc is above the law and even makes laws given his power over so many governments who are part of the Depopulation machine currently in operation.
Christian - Sep 18, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Yes, evil but their human minds are run by whom ? The Virgin Mary would call him S.atan... we could call them invisible or visible evil entities !
Noren O Drisc - Jun 26, 2023
'TPTB'? Can youtell.mewhat this is please? I too wonder how the psychopath globalists exoect to escape unharmed when they too are breating this poisoned air etc They woukd surely not risk damagi g themselves so either there is an 'antidote' or so.e kind of protection they use/have or we are being infected with these nano, GO etc another way that the psycho9aths are able to avoid
Charlotte Sandel - Aug 9, 2023
The data gathered from the democide in progress is what they will use to safely and successfully transform themselves into the cyborgs they desire to be. We are Guinea pigs setting up the parameters so they can do it sucessfully. If they destroy life and nature along the way it doesnt concern them because they won't need it to survive in their synthetic dystopian world of the future. And if by chance are negatively effected by the evil they have released on the prematurely they will only need to replace the effected avatar with another clone
godo - Mar 26, 2023
Noren O Drisc - Jun 26, 2023
I tied to 'like' your comment a few times but cannot fir whatever reason
Danna - Jun 22, 2023
Danna’s Substack
TPTB are not human. Please see SFT Report on Bitchute with Laura Eisenhower on 6/21/23.
Christian - Sep 18, 2023
Ar’s Substack
TPTB ??? sorry, je suis français...
Karenvusa - Oct 24, 2023
The Powers That Be. Those that are controlling things from behind the scenes. They may be in government or they may be non-government people that are controlling the government.
Christian - Oct 24, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Tx. What we call "les pouvoirs en place" = Etat <profond.
Trial N. Error - Jan 5, 2023
Tar get done jenn neigh tick ali. Vids alrrsdu a year ago or more
Pelicanus - Dec 23, 2022 - Edited
If this is accurate it will kill the ‘elites’ as well. Are they suicidal or do they have a magic antidote?
Quatervois - Mar 8, 2023
Danna’s Substack
Maybe EDTA Chelation via IV?
Danna - Jun 22, 2023
Danna’s Substack
Use a pinch of Borax Mule Team in a pint of water three time a day, nte 1/8 teaspoon for a 100 pound person. This from a researcher whistleblower interview on Dana Ashlie's YouTube channel who worked at a HAARP facility. Dr Ana just posted the video (6/20/23). I am not a Dr or a healthcare provider-just relaying a treatment to raise the pH in the blood. The nano bots and other poisons they are using in geoengineering don't fare well in a high pH environment. What do you think Dr Ana? Great interview, btw
Andrea - Jan 25, 2024
Andrea’s Substack
Yes, an alkaline diet. If we eat what we are commanded to in Yah’s Word (as in “Hallelu’Yah’” = praise Yah), backed up by the witness of Peter saying that he did not eat anything “unclean OR common,” we will keep our bodies healthy because those foods were designed as the specific fuel our bodies require to maintain health. Now what is “common” food today? What are the Beast system’s grocery stores filled with? What are the “food” commercials advertising? They are counterfeit foods and/or sugary stuff that creates an acid environment and therefore inflammation which paves the way for all dis-ease.
Debi Long - Aug 23, 2023
Danna’s Substack
What is nte 1/8 teaspoon ? I've been fighting this for 7 years and I need help!! Now that I've finally found y'all please.. lead me in the right direction to beat this!!
Danna - Aug 23, 2023
Danna’s Substack
Watch a video on Dana Ashlie's YouTube channel called, "The solution they DON'T want you to know about" that was posted about three years ago.
This man goes over the remedy at about the thirty minute mark. Not sure exactly but he goes over the solutions.
Danna - Aug 23, 2023
Danna’s Substack
Not to exceed...
Blessings π
You got this.
KW NORTON - Mar 30, 2023 - Edited
KW Norton Borders
These genocidal elites are high functioning psychopaths ( likely suicidal) and work hard to dazzle us with their delusional fantasies They are very mentally disturbed and I don’t regard that as an excuse
- since they have full knowledge of their actions. The best weapon against them is truth.
Noren O Drisc - Aug 12, 2023
They are not suicidal they are committing Global Genocide on those they call 'Useless Eaters' ie billions of people who are not the correct bloodlines/ billion trillionaires. They are psychopaths and not even high functioning just full of hate and insatiable greed. Often they practise Satanic/Luciferian beliefs requiring human sacrifice, sexual rites etc using babies, children and black magic. They have permeated taken ownership of so much of the world that it is not clear how to get rid of them.
Carol B - Mar 21
Carol B
I don’t think they are human. And it’s really, really complicated.
Hard for anyone to wrap their head around it.
Noren O Drisc - Aug 14, 2023
I wonder about that also; they will not be able to avoid all the poisons they put into our air, food, water, 'medicines'.. so there must be an anitidote I guess. The other antidote is to immediately get rid of all these psychopaths who laughingly announce to use they will kill all, enslave all, etc. Schwab is old but has chidden who are now taking over. eg his daughter who looks just like him (lucky woman) and says exactly the some things about human enslavement being necessary (she omits to mention the Depopulation they are currently carrying out )
Te Reagan - Apr 13
Te Reagan
They probably have an antidote. Hence, gain of function research π§
Trial N. Error - Jan 5, 2023
They are saved genetically..see duck tour li murr it
Pelicanus - Jan 5, 2023
What? I worked in brokerage in NYC around a lot of these ‘elites’ and they come from all sorts o f backgrounds. No genetic commonality. Lemurians WTH?
Trial N. Error - Jan 7, 2023
Enumerated by duck tour li merri tt on many interviews. Not guesswork
FIONA MCPHERSON - Apr 12, 2023
can you elucidate a bit more please. my searches arent bringing up anything. thanks.
KW NORTON - Mar 30, 2023
KW Norton Borders
Great links and those of us who have been aware of Graphene Oxide for years know only too well how horrific a substance it is. The incorporation of it into substances which go into, on, or near the body or foodstuffs, water, medical products, clothing and the like are criminal. GO offers death by a thousand cuts on a microscopic level. It should not be manufactured at all. But it is in medical and dental products, food, more.
Noren O Drisc - Aug 12, 2023
Some people have found it in their medications by adding water to the tablets and use of a magnet etc. I imagine that human being s would live many many years longer and be much healthier physically and mentally without all the poisons the Globalists add to our lives to harm and kill. By the time we stop them the human race will scarcely exist. It is mind bogglingly evil & not easy to see how to take them down before they accomplish their very evil goals such as Depopulation of most people and animals also.
Danna - Jun 22, 2023
Danna’s Substack
They always tell us what they're going to do. Remember Big Hero 6 and the nano bots he invented? Unbelievable.
Noren O Drisc - Aug 12, 2023
Yes they own MSM, Hollywood, all news and much of the information worldwide, music industry, food production often, health systems, Big P Harma of course. I didnt see Big Hero 6 but guess its a tv programme - maybe for children.
Trial N. Error - Jan 5, 2023
Its the grab fiend HI DRAW CIDE .. see the murr door of Dr New Ache
Freedom Fox - Jan 2, 2023 - Edited
Freedom Fox
Another study on GO for your review from 2018:
"Due to the sharp edges of GO and rGO, hemolytic effects might be expected in vivo, possibly caused by nanomaterial blades disrupting cell membranes, as reported for GO interactions with bacteria.
Feng and colleagues discovered RBC morphological alterations and aggregation above 100 mg mL1 and hemolytic effects above 10 mg mL1 reaching 96% at 500 mg mL1. Lower hemolytic concentrations have been reported by other groups. Small GO flakes (few hundreds of nm) seem to be more destructive."
"Hemostasis cascade prevents blood loss from injured tissue and maintains blood fluidity. The final hemostasis is driven by platelets, which form the clot, a mixture of red blood cells, aggregated platelets, fibrin and other cellular elements (Fig. 3-2b). If the clot forms abnormally, it can induce thrombosis.
Thrombogenicity is an important feature evaluated in nanomaterial design for in vivo delivery and represents the propensity to induce blood clotting and induce occlusion of a blood vessel by a thrombus."
"Furthermore, nanoparticles engineered to have longer systemic circulation times increase the likelihood of contact with blood components including the coagulation system, with thrombogenicity risks."
"When administered in vivo (250 mg kg1 body weight), 48% of lung vessels were partially occluded after 15 minutes"
"Biodistribution and biosafety of GO: future challenges
The focus of this review is the GO interaction with blood components and BC in light of the future design of GO pharmaceutical delivery systems. Intravenously injected drug delivery systems (DDS) developed so far include PEGylated nanographene sheets for tumor passive targeting, rGO functionalized with chitosan and iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles for the delivery of doxorubicin and epidermal growth factor receptor antibody-conjugated PEGylated nanographene oxide for epirubicin delivery in tumors.
Nanoparticles intended for drug delivery applications are being engineered to reduce their clearance and extend systemic circulation times and thus increase the opportunity for targeted delivery. However, the disadvantage of prolonged circulation times is the greater chance of interaction with blood components and activation of adverse effects.
Before any nanomaterial translation into clinical therapy, there are biosafety concerns that need to be addressed. We have seen how GO interacts with blood system components and how BC can influence these interactions, but what is the biodistribution and the toxicity when GO is administered intravenously"
"The early study of Zhang and colleagues determined the distribution and biocompatibility of i.v. injected GO in mice. The half-life of GO in blood is much longer than in other carbon nanomaterials (B5 hours). Within 48 hours after i.v. injection, GO is cleared from the bloodstream and distributed throughout various organs with preferred accumulation in the lungs, liver, and spleen. The lack of pathological changes was reported after 14 days of treatment at a low dose (1 mg kg1), Fig. 5 Illustration of the short-term effects of GONPs and rGONPs on THP-1 cells, and the long-term effects on THP-1a differentiation from THP-1 cells. GONPs and rGONPs could have induced ROS formation and activated the NF-kB pathway in THP-1 cells. rGONPs could not fully transcript proinflammatory genes due to lack of additional transcription factors but at a higher dose (10 mg kg1), granulomatous lesions, pulmonary edema, inflammatory cell infiltration, and fibrosis throughout the lung were observed. Many studies confirmed that the primary site of GO accumulation and toxicity in vivo is the lungs. It seems that the pathological effects on the lungs are proportional to the degree of dispersion and oxidation of GO."
"A systematic study on GO size, dose and dosing frequency was conducted by Liu and colleagues. Liu intravenously administered two types of GO: small GO flakes (s-GO, average hydrodynamic diameter of B250 nm) and large GO flakes (l-GO, average hydrodynamic diameter of B900 nm) at a single high dose (2.1 mg kg1) or seven repeated low doses (0.3 mg kg1); irrespective of size, the single high-dose administration of GO induced lung damage and infiltration of inflammatory cells. In the lungs, GO accumulated in the macrophages but not in the lymphocytes, which were recruited but were not able to trap GO. In this study, the authors claimed that although oxidative stress is a widely existent phenomenon in cells exposed in vitro to GO, the protective effect of proteins forming a BC around GO should be considered in vivo.
Interesting size-dependent results were reported for multipledose exposure. The s-GO did not induce renal damage or accumulate in the kidneys since it was quickly eliminated through the glomeruli. Conversely, l-GO failed to be cleared through kidneys and induced damage. The lungs were damaged only after multiple doses of l-GO. This effect depends on the aggregation of GO with proteins that induce the blockage of large GO-complexes in the lungs. The hypothesis relies on the formation of multiple complexes of l-GO and proteins that enter the capillaries and create multiple injury points and inflammatory cell recruitment. s-GO could instead pass through lungs capillaries after each low-dose administration. The kidneys and lungs were more damaged by l-GO, while the s-GO preferentially accumulated in the liver with toxic effects.
At a high single dose, s-GO can also damage the lungs since at high concentration it forms large complexes that reach a similar size to the l-GO protein complex"
"Finally, the degradation of injected GO is an important biosafety concern. Long-term interaction (14 days) of GO with plasma causes reduction and biodegradation with hole formation caused by the action of hydroxyl radicals. Once internalized by the immune cells, biodegradable particles are digested and cleared from the body, while non-biodegradable particles accumulate in cells for extended periods."
Jim - Feb 1, 2024
Jim’s Substack
Reading this makes me think that the entire story about mRNA is nothing but a diversion. Ppl are dying suddenly because the GO is cutting them from the inside.
Freedom Fox - Feb 1, 2024
Freedom Fox
My thoughts, too, when reading the research. To be fair, there are many other sources saying GO is the diversion. It's hard to know for sure. But the studies show that GO research was ongoing pre-2020, had the same known risks and outcomes as we're seeing from the experimental biotech coerced into so many, and that Big Pharma researchers were excited to use GO in their products once they got over that little increased risk of death and severe injury thing it produce. They were experimenting between different sizes of GO, coatings for it, how to get enough adjuvant properties without that pesky accompanying death thing. A population-wide experiment with different sizes of GO and coatings known by lot number matched up with adverse outcome databases would help with that.
So, who knows. A lot of circumstantial pointing to GO. But could be any number of things. All we need to know is that they were experimental and had high adverse outcome rates, that exceeded the adverse outcome rates of the risk they were purportedly trying to mitigate. Advice to avoid any of the hazard in the shot: Just don't take it.
REPLY - Dec 21, 2022
Cognitive dissonance in wealthy…
This patient was UNVACCINATED.
Veronica Evans - Dec 21, 2022
Karen Kingston explained in one of her posts that it is a highly infectious AI parasite. There are numerous stories of unvaxxed coming down with vaxxed symptoms & blood-stacking/presence of ribbon structures. Exchange of body fluids & other contact. The patents are key to understanding the attack on Humanity. Thank goodness for Kingston’s expertise with patents. Worth joining her substack.
Concerned in Midwest - Dec 21, 2022
Cognitive dissonance in wealthy…
if "omicron" was a "vaccine", we are all likely partially vaxxed now... Partial is way better than fully juiced but still... I think everyone has some reason to be worried at this point.
Baldmichael - Jan 23, 2023
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
Omicron was moronic, the anagram, and like much of what MSM spouts a scam.
Kris - Feb 7, 2024
Omicron (islands)
Is a place in Antarctica where Schwab cum suis checked in when omicron was discovered in SA..
Bodhimom - Dec 21, 2022
Cosmic Consultant
So we need to expose the psychopaths who are planning on dumping the GO on humanity.
David Lamb - Dec 21, 2022
Cosmic Consultant
Exposing this isn't going to stop it. The whole 'scientific' and 'tech' communities globally think this is the greatest material ever invented, and they're planning on using it everywhere. It's already started, which is why, I think, we have 'covid-19'.
Baldmichael - Jan 23, 2023
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
Many thank s for all your links earlier, much to read.
Covid 19 came for many reasons but as much as anything else to wake the world up to the deceit that has been going on for decades at least.
The madness of the crisis woke some up at the start and others are following. As a supposed new disease Covid 19 is the 'flu weaponised to make big pharma more money as always.
John Vargo - Apr 14, 2023
John Vargo
That's what Ramtha says,wonder if she is pleiadian?It may be a venom weaponized Flu but it's connected to EMR.I think it no coincidence that the 1918 spanish flu coincided with the global rollout of Radio and electricity.
Baldmichael - Jul 15, 2023
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
Thank you for the comment and link. Ramtha makes many good observations.
The only thing is there are no mutating viruses, only the poisons in the environment and big pharma vaccines and drugs. The Wuhan scenario which kicked things off was a scam due to ignorance of the masses and incessant advertising.
I am sure EMR has a bearing on one's health, but in conjunction with one' body chemistry. I suspect changes in body chemistry can make one vulnerable to manipulation by messages in the air waves as our bodies act like antenna.
Others have put down the so-called Spain 'flu to overdoses of aspirin and/or small pox vaccines.
John Vargo - Jul 15, 2023
John Vargo
Yes all that but this goes off world and multi dimensional,
SegFish - Jul 15, 2023
LOL actually maybe exposure IS the answer! As in expose all these creeps to high doses of their own 'medicines.' That's more suiting than prison
KW NORTON - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
KW Norton Borders
It has been nearly three years with these specific concerns and many more years since Graphene Oxide became the darling get rich quick super substance among the biotechnology folks and more. No attention Paine (paid) to toxicity. These New World Fascists are not very bright.
David Lamb - Dec 21, 2022
Cosmic Consultant
Well, as this 2018 paper I've posted attests to, there's been a lot of toxicity research. For some reason the whole 'scientific' community globally all have their lips sewn shut. There must be people who've been involved in the research who've seen the links with 'covid' and are keeping silent.
KW NORTON - Dec 24, 2022
KW Norton Borders
Unfortunately no doubt.
Noren O Drisc - Jun 26, 2023
They are complicit including MSM, highly regarded medical research centres such as UK Universities & much more all woirking for & paid by Bill Gates & other billionaire Depopulation obsessed psychopaths who own all. If you find Gates' links to corporatiins, scientists & more you will see that his spuders web catxhes much if our world ie pays them millions a year to 'help' the '(his & Rockefeller etc) 'science' & 'save the planet'.
KW NORTON - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
KW Norton Borders
My super intelligent spell checker AI turned “paid” to “Paine”. The proof is in the pudding.
I had to school a data scientist on the tiny problem of getting one digit wrong. If they can miss one digit imagine the damage of overlooking a single micron or being slightly off on the angle or handedness of the twist when designing biotechnological molecules.
Imagine the damage which could be done.
SegFish - Jul 15, 2023 - Edited
Dr. Maria Gutschi's presentations, Del Bigtree's interview with Ryan Cole where they look at bood, both talking about the manufacturing inconsistencies, mRNA fragments, DNA, other random material and some unknown 'proprietary' ingredients. Both are extremely interesting
Dr. Petra - Dec 21, 2022
Cosmic Consultant
I like more info, thank you David.
David Lamb - Dec 21, 2022
Cosmic Consultant
Posted the 2018 paper in this thread. It's the best starting point I've found.
Reply (1) - Dec 21, 2022
Sirskiwi’s Newsletter
Comment removed.
Crystal Lane - Feb 22, 2023
Me three
JAired - Dec 24, 2022
Thank you, ever so, for this information. I think it INVALUABLE and I am extremely interested in pursuing the topic. Am particularly interested in finding a source/naturopath/physician for EDTA chelation. Are you familiar with George Webb, independent, boots-on-the-ground, investigative researcher -- also on the cutting edge of research on this topic.georgewebb.substack.comand on Twitter: @realgeorgewebb1. Also, Mark Kulacz does his own compiling of massive research on the topic of all things 19. I will share this initial 'lead' with them. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny also mentioned a procedure of "35 ECP"(?) treatments" at a cost of $5K to reverse damage wreaked by the jabs. Grateful for any further information you have to share.
Noren O Drisc - Jun 26, 2023
I am not alliwed to 'like' any posts on here recently Thanks for links I live in UK, England & woukd live to find EDTA or other help here for 'Long Covid' ie blood contamination as shown by Dr Ana and others' photos& films
JayD - Dec 23, 2022
When you take a step back and think about it, considering the knowledge we have now, why would TPTB /Big Pharma actually put mRNA into these shots when all they are designed to do is kill people either quickly or slowly. Why waste the effort or money? All you need is an appropriate substrate and the GO. This supports the findings of some labs who have studied vial contents and found that some don't even contain "intact mRNA", some also don't contain GO either , but do contain plenty of other junk (ANH International ). Even 18 months after the vax rollout , so many doctors and scientists ( eg Stephanie Senef) are still making the assumption that the vials actually contain what we have been told they contain!! Why would they? Some of the early batches may have, but you can bet your life that what they injected into the Royal Family was just saline! What was first noticed by Mike Yeadon by about mid 2021 is that there were different batches of each virus being released across the UK which appeared to have different lethality, and he figured that there was possibly some coordination going on between teh companies in terms of effects recorded etc. ( I cannot recall the video in which he talks about this , but could probably find it) . More recently , I saw this video which highlights just how non-existent the "quality-control:" of these shots is. It is quite an eye-opener, but makes perfect sense.
On top of that, and on a slightly different tangent, is Dr Bryan Ardis's stunning - and credible- theory, from studying 2.5 years worth of research papers starting with an early 2020 study of Covid deaths in Italy, that the spike protein in the (Wuhan, human-engineered) VIRUS is composed of snake venom. Specifically venom from the Chinese King Cobra and the Krait snake, at least one of which is neuro-toxic (Cobra, I think) and this explains many of the "weird" covid symptoms as well as the Anosmia, as venom massively depletes zinc in the body. It also explains why monoclonal antibodies works as a cure for covid, since these are essentially anti-venom. Of course, he also suggests that the mRNA in vaxxes is making snake venom spikes in the body, as he too is making the assumption that the standard vaxx technology description is truthful. See just search for "bryan ardis snake venom"
Liberated Lisa - Jan 1, 2023
KW Norton Borders
David - thanks for sharing this info. I copied this material from a friend of a friend on Facebook awhile back. I neglected to save/archive his name or site/contact info, I was not adept at record building at the time and was still overwhelmed and mostly incredulous about everything that I was learning.
Oh the marvels of science! Graphene Oxide, an industrial substance which can be “tuned” to respond to radio waves has been grafted onto polyethylene glycol so it can now be soluble in your blood stream. Ain’t science grand?
This was Industry News from SINOPEG on September 1, 2020. SINOPEG is a Shanghai-based company specializing in compounds and uses of polyethylene glycol. SINOPEG is quoting a study published by Elsevier Ltd in 2020 done by Yuchao Li, Xueging Bi, et al. Elsevier Ltd is a Canadian company which publishes scientific studies. The identical paper was also published in 2020 by Materials Science under the heading Composites Science and Technology. I have downloaded and archived both copies.
"Core-shell structured polyethylene glycol functionalized graphene for energy-storage polymer dielectrics: Combined mechanical and dielectric performances"
SEPTEMBER 1, 2020.
"Graphene, as the thinnest, strongest and stiffest material and arranged in a honeycomb pattern structure with sp2-hybridized carbon, finds more potential applications in modern industry than other carbonaceous allotropes; in pristine form, it is also an excellent heat and electric conductor. However, the major obstacle in utilizing graphene, particularly for electronic applications, is its insolubility in the fully reduced state due to the strong affinity between the graphene sheets.
In the present study, they synthesized for the first time a polydispersed graphene with desirable electric conductivity by covalent functionalization with single terminal aminated polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether (PEG-NH2). The PEG-NH2 grafted graphene (PEG@GO) was then reduced by hydrazine hydrate to PEG@rGO and subsequently incorporated into epoxy resin by a solution mixing method. The PEG@rGO with a “core-shell” structure exhibited homogeneous dispersion in epoxy and also effectively reduced the dielectric loss, hence contributing excellent dielectric properties and mechanical strength to the final PEG@rGO/epoxy nanocomposites."
I know this is headache inducing in the raw. But the gist is that these scientists grafted Polyethylene Glycol onto Graphene Oxide to make the Graphene able to dissolve in solutions whereas in its original state graphene isn’t able to dissolve.
I find it interesting that this paper was widely published and accessible to scientists world-wide including SINOPEG of Shanghai, a producer of PEG products, in September of 2020. This is interesting to me because of the "Fact Sheet For Recipients and Caregivers” sent out by the CDC and FDA when Pfizer’s injection was authorized for emergency use in late 2020.
“EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION (EUA) OF THE PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE TO PREVENT CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 (COVID-19) IN INDIVIDUALS 12 YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER” warns anyone who takes Pfizer’s injection about possible side effects and allergic reactions, lists PEG as one of the ingredients and advises anybody who has ever had an allergic reaction to polyethylene glycol NOT to take this injection.
Who, one may well ask, has ever had an allergic reaction to polyethylene glycol? That would be the many people who had such a reaction to PEG in some of the many products which contain PEG including shampoos and even a preparation for colonoscopy which on doctor’s orders people drank to evacuate their bowels. It was vile tasting stuff, let me tell you. And it was switched out for an even more disgusting drink for my second procedure because of the allergic reactions many had suffered and had sued the manufactures because of it.
PEG was in products applied externally and it caused some susceptible people to have an allergic reaction. Then it was put into a product people drank and trouble was the result.
But PEG was never actually injected into people’s bloodstreams before Pfizer included it in their “vaccination”. Over the last year many critics of the Pfizer injection noticed the inclusion of PEG and complained about it. The UAE statement says that PEG and mRNA are in Pfizer’s jab but doesn’t make it plain the PEG is in the nanoparticle envelope which contains and protects the mRNA. This genetic material plays hell with the body by turning our cells into factories of spike proteins, proteins as artificially constructed as the mRNA and violently toxic. We critics and thousands of honest doctors and scientists world-wide have been at great pains to try to warn our friends and loved one’s about PEG and mRNA. To little result, I’m sad to say – sad and worried about people I love.
But we didn’t understand that PEG, soluble in liquids such as blood plasma, had been grafted onto Graphene Oxide to make this violently toxic, magnetic and electromagnetically responsive industrial material possibly soluble in blood plasma, and that to date (before they hide it) you can read the papers describing this breakthrough announced by SINOPEG of Shanghai back in September last year. So the natural question arises: is the PEG in Pfizer’s injection also combined with Graphene?
There is a huge load of graphene in Pfizer’s jab for an absolute certainty. That’s been revealed when people put samples of it under SEMs and optical microscopes. Blood smears from people who have taken this injection also show Graphene and the horrendous damage it does to blood cells.
Check out these papers and share them real quick, my friends.
web archive:
KW NORTON - Jan 1, 2023
KW Norton Borders
It has been quite a journey from those first concerns about the 2019 Tabletop virus exercise held by WEF & partners to now. From warning everyone of the virus being used to excuse humans rights abuses, to the uselessness and potential harm of PCR tests, to horror as Patients purported to have Covid were harmed and killed by medical mismanagement and to those thousands who died with Covid but not necessarily from Covid. Not to mention the evidence the entire scheme involves an intentionally related bio weapon.
Then comes the vaccine and concerns about the Graphene Oxide, other toxins and that genetic material “mRNA”. Everything we warned about came about. But in this world where top down control of information has been imposed our warnings have been of little use.
Covid 19 has been a vehicle for insuring our acquiescence to a vast diabolical scheme of totalitarian control. We are no closer today than we were in 2019 to wrenching back this control. Three long years since those tabletop exercises of October 2019.
Baldmichael - Jan 23, 2023
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
We are much closer than you think but the scale of the war is world wide of course. I say the tide turned in 2022.
KW NORTON - Jan 23, 2023
KW Norton Borders
Good write up thanks. Lots of folks not feeling so good at all. What these people have wrought needs to be brought to a screeching peaceful halt. Kids are taking a big influx of what seems to be newly virulent bugs like strep and respiratory viruses. Then there's the electromagnetic energy from all these sources.
Baldmichael - Jan 23, 2023
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
Yes, it is grievous. This is the wretchedness of war, the collateral damage. The innocent as it were suffer more than the combatants.
KW NORTON - Jan 23, 2023
KW Norton Borders
Need an international effort to bring us back to sanity.
John H. - Jan 1, 2023
John H.
Thank you for providing some very critical information above. This field is vast and growing exponentially, especially in terms of the plethora of applications. There are many linkages to the jab platform. Materials scientists who are working in biomedical applications are the most knowledgeable people to speak with about it. Here is something the "Outraged Human" posted: It references this:
John H. - Dec 21, 2022
John H.
Do you have a reference for your statement above that GO causes the blood to produce fibroblasts. Has anyone specifically documented the presence of fibroblasts in the rubbery casts/clots being removed from dead people's vessels? Which research from 2018 are you referring to?
David Lamb - Dec 21, 2022
Cosmic Consultant
Yes, fibroblast production from GO is described in the paper I've posted and in numerous of the studies cited by that paper.
I haven't seen any scientific analysis of the clots. I just consider GO and fibroblasts to be the high-probability explanation, since it's a known outcome of GO toxicity and I think it's 90% certain that at least some of the vaxes contain rGO or GO. And I've seen no other theory that makes any sense. Applying Occam's razor, this is very likely the cause, as there's no inconsistencies in the theory. But I do think some honest research needs to be done to settle it. And in this political climate I don't see any sign that honest research is possible, other than 'underground', private efforts.
John H. - Dec 22, 2022
John H.
I can't remember if Mike Adams looked for fibroblasts when he did his analysis of the material he obtained from embalmer Mr. Hirschman via Dr. Jane Ruby. I'm in the process of reading that lengthy 2018 paper you drew our attention to and will be on the lookout for the part that addresses fibroblast production. It would go a long way to explaining the intravascular casts/clots. A paper came out in 2016 that people should also be aware of:
Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms - PMC ( (2016).
Also see:
Graphene Oxide and Reduced Graphene Oxide Exhibit Cardiotoxicity Through the Regulation of Lipid Peroxidation, Oxidative Stress, and Mitochondrial Dysfunction - PMC ( No spike related mechanism necessary here.
SegFish - Jul 15, 2023
So far, no evidence of widespread use of GO or rGO in the original round of jabs. I'm aware that it is in development and may have even found its way into a batch or two. Too many psyops; I'm waiting for someone I trust
Liberated Lisa - Jan 30, 2023 - Edited
Diva Drops
Hi David - take a look at this.
My premise, and rough conclusion:
The predator class is re-engineering human beings - through the use of gain of function bioweapons "leaks" and followup outcome studies on mRNA / bionanotech injections - to be "intelligently designed" in order to do deep space mining for the private profit interests of Wall Street and City Of London, Inc.
READ and RE-READ the known health issues of outer space habitation, and then compare to what we've come to know about the damage being done by spike protein and/or PEG graphene oxide mRNA lipid delivery systems.
“What I’d like to do now is briefly go through in a little bit more detail, some of the stuff I discussed last night - particularly the human health in space issues, which are REALLY a stopper to all this.
But we’re making progress, but it’s not going to be cheap.
But (Elon) Musk is enabling us to do it, with his factor of 14 cheaper Space Xs, and making Mars the WalMart for the inner solar system.
So first, the health issues:
The effects of radiation are carcinogenesis, DNA damage, immune system degeneration, cardiovascular damage, neurological damage, and digestive system damage.
Mars and moon dust is small, sharp, oxidative: severe respiratory and cardiopulmonary effects.”
- Dennis Bushnell
"FiRe 2018: New Horizons in Space"
Private companies and national space programs are revolutionizing space travel and exploration, opening new doors to colonization, space outposts, and mineral extraction.
- Dennis Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center
- Ariel Ekblaw, Founder & Lead, Space Exploration Initiative, MIT Media Lab
- Chris Lewicki, CEO, Planetary Resources
Moderated by Glen Hiemstra, Founder, Futurist<dot>com
(time stamp 12:42)
SegFish - Jul 15, 2023 - Edited
Mars will never happen, the same way the Moon never happened. I trust Stanley Kubrick's confession. The Van Allen belt protects Earth and prevents humans from escaping. These schemes are just a way to make money and funnel into other projects, such as global surveillance and weapons systems. Have you seen those 'light caterpillars' in the sky? you can thank Musk for those.
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Mar 25, 2023
Diva Drops
Great post...and so many great posts by everyone here...thank you all...
Veronica Evans - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
Cosmic Consultant
Would also love more information please:
Karen Kingston already warned about the pervasiveness of AI parasite. That these psychopaths intend to taint every possible thing with it -- there is no limit to their want of massive destruction. Thanks for your post.
David Lamb - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
Cosmic Consultant
I've posted a great resource paper here in this thread.
I'm not convinced about AI parasites or 'self-assembling' micro-circuitry. Parasites in the vaxes wouldn't be anything new. I think there are natural phenomena involving magnetism of the particles and crystallization happening that most people don't understand and are confusing with 'self-assembly'.
mothman777 - Feb 18, 2023
mothman777’s Newsletter
There is an actual video of Fauci telling someone during interview the specific words that there is self-replicating nanotechnology in the COVID 'vaccines'. Whenever I mention that to any doctor though they just turn away from me or roll their eyes or tell me it is just a conspiracy theory or some AI fake video of Fauci.
godo - Feb 21, 2023
I have not seen that - plz provide a link...thanks...
mothman777 - Feb 23, 2023
mothman777’s Newsletter
Hi, that would take me hours to dig through all my files unfortunately, my entire original WP site featuring 3,800 articles including that from over 11 year's work that was removed by TPTB, and when I try to find that video online today, Google obfuscation renders the task impossible, but the video testimony by Fauci to that effect does exist, sorry I cannot provide the link right now, but it does exist, unless it has been airbrushed into the memory hole totally already.
godo - Oct 7, 2023
ps - remember to use other search engines/browsers to avoid/triangulate censorship: Brave Browser, TOR and Yandex Search Engines, etc...
godo - Dec 22, 2022
Dr. Nixon has posted pictures of the nanotech in a drop of v assembling and disassembling depending on wifi exposure
David Lamb - Dec 23, 2022
Cosmic Consultant
Wifi exposure is radio waves; a high-frequency electromagnetic field. GO particles are highly electrically conductive and magnetic, and will therefore be energized and magnetized from exposure to any electromagnetic field. So obviously GO particles in liquid will move when exposed to radio waves, and their magnetism and thus attraction to other magnetic particles will be affected.
This is simply a phenomena of magnetism and radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation. There is no exchange of data involved. The exact same thing would happen if there's nothing but white noise in the Wifi transmission.
"Assembling" is just not an accurate description, as the word suggests some sentient intelligence doing it.
If someone drops a magnet into water with iron dust in it, and the iron dust starts moving toward the magnet, would people be sending videos all over claiming "oh my God, look, the iron is self-assembling into a robot"? They probably would, because that's basically what's happening, with the only difference being a high-frequency magnetic field from radio waves instead of a simple magnet.
John H. - Jan 1, 2023
John H.
I'm not at all sure yet that there isn't self-organization being demonstrated in these vial experiments which is different than self-assembly according to those who write about these phenomena. Self-organization does not require specific data transfer to a receiver as I understand it. Even self-assembly where data transfer (via EMF's) is said to induce the building of new structures does not imply sentience of the target and I think we should be very careful not to imply true sentience (self-awareness) on the part of the target, which I seriously doubt for multiple reasons. I admit to doing a great deal of educated guessing since the constituents have not been fully delineated and much of the technology still appears to be shrouded in secrecy. We are stuck trying to assemble an incomplete set of puzzle pieces.
JAired - Jan 1, 2023
Appreciate your thoughtful response -- clarifying self-organization vs. self-assembly. Am considering and learning as we all plow through. :-)
JAired - Dec 24, 2022
Additionally, I believe George Webb's father worked and invented in the area of radio/radio frequency and inventions in that area. Aside from having a brilliant, analytical mindset, George has a wide breadth of information in a wide spectrum of topics -- frequency, medical, geopolitical. As you seem to be 'on it,' I think his work would add to/amplify your current knowledge. I, still trying to put all the concepts together AND find remedy for the harm that has been and is being done. Again, thank you for your insights -- a huge help in 'assembling' this information.
michael janket - Mar 2
michael janket
Sasha Latypova referred to George Webb as a "clown". . Hmmm.
Bellheezy - Apr 3, 2023
Are you familiar with teslaphoresis?
David Lamb - Apr 10, 2023
Cosmic Consultant
Simply the fact that the authors think they've discovered something new is testament to their cluelessness. They're describing well-known physics of alternating-current electromagnetic fields interacting with magnetic particles, and induction. Magnetic particles forming a chain in the presence of a strong EMF is not only not news, it's also irrelevant to the creation of even the most simple nano-scale electronic circuit (which is yet to be done). The strong EMF emitted by a Tesla coil will cause electrical flow in anything even slightly conductive, including your body. Equating any of that with imagined 'self-assembly' of computer chips and nanobots is delusion.
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Mar 25, 2023 - Edited
Diva Drops
I've seen some convincing evidence OF NANO CIRCUITRY AND SELF-ASSEMBLY, but more accurately it is self-replicating...and it isn't crystallization, IMO - triggered by EMFs
Matt Taylor w/ Stew Peters
and Physician and scientist Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt talks about 5G and graphene oxide.
Klinghardt talks about THREE scientists looking at this (nano-razors = GO H) early on who were all "eliminated" within a three-week period. Noack being one - don't know the other two and he didn't name them. Obviously they were over the target. May they RIP...
And it's very difficult to find EDTA chelation therapists...and the cost is astronomical.
My primary source has been La Quinta Columna - and they have a telegram page where they test all sorts of products...and it is in everything now - especially in chemtrails and even supplements that we are using to detox...I'm not sure I would even trust any fluids administered for anything, even IV chelation, at this point. Here's a link to get you there. Horrifying. All of it.
godo - Mar 25, 2023
1/2 Cole appears to be controlled opposition:
as does Peter McCollough ,and Robert Malone (who have obvious histories).
The No-Virus crowd gets to speak to their claims:
If you’re not familiar with Dr. David Martin, he follows the Patents:
and his film(s): Plandemic
If you know Stew – then you probably know Karen Kingston:
A few more interesting links,
This is a “nice” entry level introduction to MAC in the injections. You’ll be familiar with most of this I imagine:
the last here addresses Neuroweapons and their capability, editing is a little distracting, but the content appears good:
Trying to stay on topic – so I’ll close with some music:
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Mar 25, 2023
Diva Drops
Thanks, GODO, so generous of you to post these links.
Yes...I'm hip to Martin, Kingston and of course, our heroine, Dr. Ana. and Maria Zee, and Stew, who has amazing guests on the subject...and more...I follow closely and I'm so grateful for the brilliant and savvy people posting on these substacks. A wealth of information! I stay close to La Quinta Columna too...which is why I am a mad woman at this point. Until it starts raining EDTA IV chelation fluid I will not be happy...
Thanks again, for the great links...archiving and will look forward to listening to them.
godo - Mar 25, 2023
ps - we use herbs. Wormwood is a great antiviral/parasite. Baking soda and epson salt baths, with Betonite Clay. Blue Green algae tablets are good for heavy metals. My eyes crossed spontaneously last year, I tried horse paste ivermectin daily for a month (See and had no change. checked my blood in a microscope and everything looked normal. Maintain now with high dosage Vit D and Zinc, occassionally vit C when I have it. Lots of rest when it seems we've caught something. Avoiding shedding.
mothman777 - Mar 26, 2023
mothman777’s Newsletter
Wormwood is good but regular use causes brain damage, and wormwood also causes temporary sterility. I would not recommend taking ivermectin daily as some people are doing, you can get pernament eye damage and encephalopathy doing that including permanent brain lesions, but I have used it successfully along with zinc for brief 5 day periods to defeat nasty COVID.
Regarding using high dose zinc on a regular basis, that can be deadly if you are not also supplementing with copper, use 1.2 mg extra copper per every 15 mg zinc over the first 15 mg zinc supplements you are talking as zinc and copper are antagonistic to each other, at least in supplemental form, and drive each other out.
Copper is what you need to produce elastin that makes your veins elastic. Without being able to produce elastin in the absence of sufficient copper, your veins just break and you get heart attacks and strokes. A turkey farmer put all his livestock on high dose zinc alone to boost their growth rate, and by 6 months time 96% were dead from burst hearts and burst blood vessels in the brain. When he found out the cause, he adjusted their feed and the deaths stopped.
I would recommend taking your zinc and your copper 12 hours apart fom each other.
godo - Mar 26, 2023
thank you for your input. i think elastin is also present in the skin and forget to take it to strengthen and revitalize it. and then with Zinc (and everthing) there's the type of supplement, time of day, etc. I'm lucky to remember to take what supplements I do regularly...
michael janket - Mar 2
michael janket
Read up on copper overloading via supplements. There are chemical agents that will chelate out excess copper if that is one's problem. Go easy on copper supplementation.
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Mar 25, 2023
Diva Drops
I'm not a huge fan of ivermectin and I'm not a huge fan of DirtRoad...seems extreme...other ways to detox from parasites that are more natural...
do the same supps including NAC/Glutathione too and zeolite powder...and colloidal I can do...
godo - Mar 26, 2023
I only tried it because, when your eyes cross for no reason - and ya think something's fishy in the air/ do something you wouldn't normally do. I lost my balance/perspective and didn't drive for a week - until I got used to it. My wife cried the next morning when there was no change. Some friends had been taking Ivermectin prophylacticly, and one gave me a tube, until I realized that I could go to the local feed store. ( I forgot that s/t (daily when I remember) I take a gram or so of borax - boron is supposed to help - and your bones like it so why not? I'm trying some physical therapy from a man who was born legally blind - and just embracing it as an act of God empowerment.
godo - Mar 25, 2023 - Edited
Good Luck, stay tight – write me here any time.
and thanks for the links.
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Mar 25, 2023 - Edited
Diva Drops
what a doll...thank you so much. If you hear of any new fixes for tachycardia incidents (that I haven't thought of) let me know. I've had it for 20 years without incident - only one incident long ago when I was diagnosed - until about three months it is scaring the crap out of me, messing with me daily. Dr. Ana addressed it in her interview with Stew, and I thank her profusely for that, so at least I know what I'm dealing with - so I've been trying to get the tach episodes under terrifying. And, it doesn't help that I get closer to the hideousness of this with every deep is so unnerving. Hard to decompress and not be royally pissed off, which isn't helping either...
it's a dangerous loop...send me strength...
and here's some music for you...Mine...since you're such a peach...a gift for you , my Jazz CD...enjoy!
godo - Mar 26, 2023
i will listen to that, thank you. Fasting is an amazing way to reset the body. Age regression is a feature, within the cells. But it's very difficult for most people - especially psychologically. Get a good herbal book and make tizanes in a french press. Herbs for nervous system, heart, smooth muscles, etc. drink less coffee and stimulants. who told you it was a problem?
michael janket - Mar 2
michael janket
Wouldn't carvedilol quell both alpha and beta cardiac sites and thus slow the heart rate down?
michael janket - Mar 2
michael janket
I would surmise that there are other chelating agents available for metal detox. I would say the zeolite materials would do the job and quite possibly the humic acid compounds. Heavy metal detox is a subject Dr. Klinghardt has expounded on for many years. Check out some of his papers on the Net.
SegFish - Jul 15, 2023
I appreciate your skepticism. Madej and Catherine Austin Fitts have both brought forward some evidence of 'self-assemblage' and it doesn't look like crystallization; it looks more like a microchip made by some bacteria, sort of sloppy and roughly organized at the same time. Doesn't seem to be showing up all the time. I'm guessing tons of experimental batches, because, hell, if you're playing God, why not? My saliva had pyramids in it when the shots first rolled out (I didn't get one but was doing massage on people who had); now those pyramids are gone. (I have a fertility microscope). Just another experimental batch that I got exposed to via my clients shedding? They went away after a few months, much to my relief!
Lisa - Dec 21, 2022
Yes, please,
RebeccaGrrrl - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
A Skeptical Laugh
Newbie to terminology here: What is GO or rGO? PEG? Please also share referenced 2018 research. Thank you.
RebeccaGrrrl - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
A Skeptical Laugh
Oh, GO is Graphene Oxide?
ConcernedGrammy - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
GO - graphene oxide
PEG - polyethylene glycol
PEG is a polymer derived from petroleum yet "Science" will say it is harmless to the human body. The FDA labels it "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS). PEG (and similar polysorbates) are an ingredient in many processed foods, personal hygiene products, lubricants and of course, pharmaceuticals. PEG goes by MANY different names on product labels. Many people are unknowingly "allergic" to PEG (and polysorbates) often causing rash, naseau and anaphylaxis. Using the term "allergy" here is probably a misnomer as I believe it's just the body reacting to poison.
Sunnyy1 - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
PEG is in many medications also. Stay away from all meds. My opinion.
Baldmichael - Jan 23, 2023 - Edited
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
An extremely sensible opinion. Personally I would just stop at stay away from all meds. Even the ones not neuro-toxic are not necessary if one eats and drinks toxin free and anyway medicine is in the food. I commented to someone elsewhere:
"I understand where you are coming from but there are natural herbs and spices that will do the same thing without the nasty side effects. Big pharma take natural things, refine them/break them down into the one particular thing that is supposed to have the desired effect.
They then add bulking agent to sell to the gullible at a price to reflect them mucking about with something that was perfectly adequate in the first place!
It has always been about the money and not about health. The original products were cheap or free but big pharma does not like free as it does not suit its business model.
Veronica Evans - Dec 21, 2022
Very helpful information.
Crystal Lane - Feb 22, 2023
GO graphene oxide PEG polyethylene glycol or hydrogel
SegFish - Jul 15, 2023
hydrogel is not PEG; it's useful for much monkeying around, including encapsulating and delivering quantum dots. Look up the wikipedia for an introduction.
consuelo - Dec 21, 2022 - Edited
GOD told us that the life is in the blood and the monsters are murdering by contaminating the blood.
Swan - Apr 25, 2023 - Edited
Thru’s Substack
Whatever "it" is killed my Mom, and I am desperate to understand how and why this happened. She did not take the jab and I feel like somehow we were targeted for being "anti" and because my sisters were screaming all over FB about how she was at risk and it was going to be my brother and my fault because of all of us not getting jabbed. Meanwhile, my sisters jabbed all of her grandchildren and broke her heart.
I know this is an older thread and probably no one will see this, but I sure do wish someone like Dr. Ana could explain what this evil illness is and how people get sick from it. I had "it" too at the same time but with different symptoms, initially feeling like I'd been poisoned, which I did not realize was "it" until days later. I know the problem was in her blood, as though the blood was unable to carry oxygen. We thought she was recovering because she didn't have the flu-like symptoms anymore but then we found out her oxygen was dangerously low. It all happened very fast and losing her has destroyed my life and our whole family. Apparently that was the intent of the demons who planned it. I don't even want to live anymore.
Chris - Jul 15, 2023 - Edited
Thru’s Substack
Swan, I lost my Mother on May 11, 2023, the day the pandemic was declared over. She was vaccinated with Pfizer and boosted in 2021. I contracted COVID-19 first, so she likely got it from me. The hospital refused to prescribe treatment protocols from the FLCCC, and she progressed to septic shock until her death. I blame myself for giving her COVID-19 and for failing to get her proper treatment. At minimum, I failed to secretly dose her with a liquid solution of Ivermectin on her belly. By the time I became aware of all the FDA, CDC, and medical journal lies about how Ivermectin was unsafe and ineffective, it was too late.
Swan - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
Thru’s Substack
I'm so sorry, Chris. Thank you for sharing your story. I thought I was the only one. I blame myself too, when it was the Demons who created this evil bioweapon who ought to be blamed. I blame myself for not immediately giving her every treatment available and getting her to an appropriate doctor. She knew she had "it" right away but I felt like I'd been poisoned and it never occured to me that was "it" until she said she had "it". I was more worried about someone coming and taking her away at the time. Somehow I thought she would just recover and I thought she was taking HCQ and all the vitamins. We had both been following the alternative medical treatments for a year and a half but when it actually happened we didn't take the treatments for some reason. We were taking HCQ for "prevention" like they use it for malaria but it didn't work, we got "it" anyway. I gave her IVM but the dose was too low. I did everything wrong and I lost my Mom and my best friend and only ally in this battle. I feel like the Demons planned it that way so I would feel like it was my fault.
I just heard Dr. McCullough say in an interview he was using 0.6 mg/kg which is 3x what was prescribed. We knew not to go to the hospital and thought she would recover as long as she stayed home. My life is totally destroyed and I don't even want to live anymore. My siblings think it's my fault because she didn't get jabbed. This is all just total insanity and I'm still trying to handle her estate and my sisters blame me for what happened and my brother, who is the other executor, got injured by one of our sisters and can't help me. Talk about living in a nightmare...I could have never imagined any of this could happen. I'm ready to go.
Sassafras - Dec 2, 2023 - Edited
Hang in there!. My very vaxxed-up family seem different & frequently catch Covids. Some have other horrible illnesses now.. Some are just unwilling to talk about anything on this. Give your mother the Honor of keeping yourself Healthy & going Strong!!.. To give up on your LIfe, which your mother helped facilitate, is NOT what your mother ever wanted!!.. Have Faith!.. We are not in charge, nor are "the bad guys," by any means!!-
Thru The Veil - Jul 24, 2023
Thru’s Substack
I have a saying that I want to share as I believe it might help you. "Family" is not blood. "Family" are those that treat you well and love you for who you are.
Louise - May 8 - Edited
Do not ever give up!! Forgive yourself, even though it wasn't your fault. Forgive yourself for your peace of mind and may God bless you with strength and peace. Lean on him and seek his comfort. It is times like this that draws us to a closer relationship with God, and he promises to be with youπ
The Bible tells us that there is a time coming (I believe it is happening now) when brother will be against brother and father against son. A time when God gives people over to their disalussions because they continue to deny the truth and choose to go their own way. All we can do is pray for them.
Alan Tan - Jan 2, 2024
Alan’s Substack
Swan, I lost my mom in Dec 21. At first she didn't want to get the jab but was coerced by my siblings, by now some got their 6th jabs..I watched her deteriorate with her foot getting gangrene. All started from a blister that didn't heal. All this happened while I was stuck overseas and the only way home was to be jabbed. Thank God! I made the right decision, my mom up there now knows.
Prob is I see my siblings all have some form of ailments and all they talk now is whose been sick or died. Yet they can't join the dots or look at where own heakth issues..bless them for their stupidity.
Swan - Jan 10, 2024
So sorry for the loss of your mom, Alan. G_d, please bless her soul. Glad you made the right decision, as difficult as that must have been. There wasn't likely anything you could have done to help her at that point. What a nightmare we are all living in, not being able to help and comfort our loved ones and having our families torn apart by lies.
My siblings (2 "liberal" sisters) tried to bully us into the jab as well...especially our mom, but really all 3 of us who knew better. It was so obviously a nefarious agenda that had absolutely nothing to do with health. I don't know how so many fell for it. I didn't even really believe in "CVD" and I still haven't been able to understand what it is or how it is possibly being targeted at certain people who oppose the Agenda. If I had believed in it, I would have been much more prepared and perhaps the catastrophe would not have happened. We thought we were protecting ourselves with HCQ, NAC, vitamins, etc. I will never be happy again because I didn't save her. I never got sick and certainly did not expect to get "it" and be unable to care for her because my brain wasn't functioning. That was the last thing I ever thought would happen...
Alan Tan - Feb 23, 2024
Alan’s Substack
Here is the doco ... it starts with how the left manipulated the public.
Swan - May 14
That was just Newsmax2...not a doco, just FYI.
Alan Tan - Feb 23, 2024
Alan’s Substack
Yes, we all go thru some lost that will affect us mentally..I know we're suppose to forgive those that harm us. But not at this scale where humanity us at stake. Just watch a doco on what the Nazi did during WW2 and we're going thru horrors..I hope to be still alive to witness all these satanists hang.
Ronald McAlpine - Aug 1, 2023
Thru The Veil - May 23, 2023
Thru’s Substack
Hold the line Swan. Your mother would want it this way. Our time on this earth is limited. An expiration date exists for all of us. Live without fear and with purpose. That is the best revenge for what is being done to all of us.
The way "it" was done to your mother is twofold. First the state of our blood has been changed from Fe+2 to Fe+3. This means that the oxygen we breath can no longer bind to the iron in our blood. Second after the scamdemic there appears to be another level of complication in that the blood of ALL individuals is showing the appearance of Rouleaux formation. I don't know how the unvaccinated could be experiencing these changes other than to say that somehow whatever is in the vaccinated is shedding to those around them. Spend time on this website:www.carnicominstitute.orgThe answers you seek are there.
Swan - Jun 14, 2023
Thru’s Substack
I just somehow found this on the Wayback Machine and tried to figure out how...thought it might have been someone's comment here. This makes sense with what happened to my Mother and also what you explained. This is so EVIL it's almost unimaginable that it would have been created and released on humanity. ALMOST. I am screaming and crying that this is how THEY killed my wonderful Mother.
Thru The Veil - Jun 16, 2023
Thru’s Substack
I'm sorry Swan. I know the feeling. When I first fully grasped the fact that countries, governments and borders are simply an illusion, not to mention how we are being systematically poisoned, I remember feeling like I was living in a nightmare. I wanted to share what I'd uncovered with the world. I thought that people would welcome the information with open arms. Obviously as I'm sure you have learned, most people would rather perpetuate a lie then admit to themselves that they have been fooled.
The only solace I can offer is this. Our time here is short. None of us get out alive. How we live, and the legacy we leave is what matters. That and spiritual growth. I know that sounds trite but it is the truth. Your mother is in a much better place, I promise. I hope that you can find some peace in that. If you haven't spent time listening to NDE's I suggest you do so. It will ease your suffering.
As to the why evil exists? My conclusion, through years of research and an attempt at being as unbiased as possible is Biblical prophecy is real. Satan exists and fallen angels do influence our reality. As you have witnessed first hand, evil is rising. There's a quickening as they say. Just know that this too shall pass. Seek God and keep shining bright. That's the way you mother would have wanted it I imagine.
KT-SunWillShineAgain - Jan 2, 2024
Sorry for your mother's passing.
Swan - Jul 20, 2023
Thru’s Substack
Is this in any way related to CoVFeFe in your opinion? I should have asked you before, not sure why I didn't...
Thru The Veil - Jul 24, 2023
Thru’s Substack
Hi Swan. Just seeing your question now. I don't understand the question though as I don't know what CoVFeFe is? Please explain. Thank you.
Swan - Oct 22, 2023
Robert’s Substack
Sorry I did not respond sooner, Thru The Veil....CoVFeFe was in a cryptic tweet sent by President Trump. Please don't feel the need to try and answer...perhaps we'll find out eventually, what he knew and when he knew it.
Robert D. - Nov 19, 2023
Robert’s Substack
Wow.. all this make my gears turn.. Cov and Fe fe is Iron 2 in our blood.. wow..
Amy - Mar 21
Now I have realized I have rouleoux formation in my blood. Checked it at home with microscope I bought. Then went and had live blood analysis done and the doctor confirmed yes I’m seeing that correctly. Iron levels, ferritin levels, ferritin saturation levels and hemoglobin all low. Episodes of shortness of breath, chest pain and may have had a mini stroke a few weeks ago. I’m not vaccinated but have been a nurse for 24 years, around tons of people that have had 3,4,5,6 jabs. I believe shedding has to exist.
Swan - Dec 4, 2023
One thing I want to add here is that Dr. Beverly Rubik has done experiments that show that the radiation from cell phones causes the blood to form the Rouleaux formations. That could explain why everyone is affected. Of course WiFi and all other wireless devices almost certainly have this effect as well.
Amy - Oct 22, 2023
so sorry for your loss. I too believe this is what killed my mother, she died suddenly. No blockages, no heart attack, no stroke, no trauma to her body.
Swan - Oct 22, 2023
I am so sorry, Amy. May G_d bless you and your family.
What a nightmare everything has become...
Amy - Oct 22, 2023
I really wish someone would be held accountable for these sudden deaths. Makes me feel that my mom was murdered.
Amy - Oct 22, 2023
It sure has. Losing your mom is the hardest thing. I’ve been struggling myself with the loss of my mom. She was everything to me, my best friend. I’m sure you know exactly what I mean.
Neil Wilson - May 14 - Edited
Yes, this is an old post and I hope you read this. My father was in a facility and got covid from a care giver. He was blamed for bringing it into the building and was the only one with it. The caregivers were allowed to go any and everywhere, but my dad had to stay put. He was blind, deaf, had type one diabetes, etc.etc. They swabbed him and the swabs contain nano particles. It finally caught up with him and he died a horrible death. It was one of the hardest things I have ever seen and now all family members are gone. I hope you are still here. I have been where you are and understand your last sentence. We weren't jabbed either, but are finding that our blood is no different than the jabbed. Not good, but it is what it is. They are working on answers as I write this and hopefully there will be some relief. Dr. Ana uses edta, but not everyone has access to that. Message me if you are able to see this. Take care, Jane
Swan - May 15 - Edited
Dear Jane,
I'm so sorry to hear about your Father. Tragically, my Mother died a horrible death as well. We really had no idea what we were up against with this bioweapon. After our catastrophe, I tried my best to warn people that they needed to prepare and find an enlightened doctor to help them before they needed one, and take action immediately and "throw the kitchen sink" at it if they got ill. My friend's 94 YO father and my friend, who is my age, got ill in February of 2022 and I had warned him to prepare as I just mentioned. He also lost his ability to think clearly, but since he had already contacted a couple of doctors and knew what happened to my Mother, he got through it with his dad recovering within a few weeks at home and his dad got an extra 2 years of quality time, sadly passing last month. I got a call from my friend, who was a former air force pilot and very sharp guy, early on when they got ill and he sounded completely lost and asked for my help. That was how I felt but no one helped me in time.
This bioweapon seems to cause something akin to instant Alzheimer's with brain inflammation. I never expected that and assumed I would be able to handle it in the unlikely event we became ill, which I also did not expect, since we almost never did. I was wrong and my life is a nightmare now. Did you read this article I posted above?
Seems like someone figured out early on what was happening but it was censored byMedium.comand maybe other media outlets and many died as a consequence. The description in this article matches the devastating destruction I believe happened to my wonderful Mother, who was in her early 80's but previously healthy and then was gone in only 11 days. I don't know what "it" is, but it was certainly not an ordinary "virus" and it greatly upsets me when people say it was only the flu, or it was non-existent. Had I and others been properly warned and prepared with medical assistance available, our loved ones could have been saved.
I have not had my blood tested and don't feel like there is a problem, although I know there probably is. I take a few things like NAC, spirulina and quercetin that may help. I've had about enough of this world anyway, it is run by pure evil, and the end is near. It is not what it appears to be. Are you aware of Jonathan Kleck? Have a look at this video, although it's long I watched it twice last night and it explains things very well. It also tells how we can ultimately escape this nightmare. I believe he is a prophet. Everyone should watch this...
I wish you all the best...if you watch the video or read the article, please let me know what you think. God bless you.
Elizabeth - Feb 23, 2024
No words other than I am really sorry about your mom. Take care.
Swan - Feb 24, 2024
Thank you...God bless you, Elizabeth.
candtalan - Jan 3, 2024
Dr Bryan Ardis has found research related to extracts of venoms, which could be part of what has happened, happening, and specifically, pure nicotine (Which is non addictive) has now been published as a strong treatment. This view might help your researches. <3
Stephane Roy - Feb 11, 2024
Stephane’s Substack
Nicotine 3mg chewing gum, daily Methylene Blue 15mg solution in 200mls water, Melatonin tabs 20mgs daily, 4,000mg Vit-C, Enteric Aspirin tabs 400mgs daily, Lumbrokinase 300mgs daily, Zinc supplementation, Vit-D3 supplementation, NAC 2400mgs daily, Quercetin 2000mgs daily . . All of these seem to be keeping oxygen-in-blood levels at 99% without any great respiration effort, or at a continuous 97% with just normal shallow slow respirations. No noticeable brain fog. No undue fatigue. IV EDTA is a more difficult possibility as I don't trust anyone in this country (NZ) to come anywhere near me with a hyperdermic syringe, since late 2019, when I contracted the bioweapon directly from the huffing in my face and eyes breath of a returnee from a December 2019 Wuhan cone-beam radiology conference, a medical industry specialist, who specifically seemed to target me within the crowd of people present at that time and location. The weapon DOES exist. Aerosol transmission ALSO exists.
Stephane Roy - Feb 11, 2024
Stephane’s Substack
I would ALSO like to say that Aerosol transmission of the 'Vaccination' nanites blood cross-contamination ALSO exists, between the 'vaccinated' AND the unvaccinated.
This also happened to me at an enclosed space conference during late 2022 filled with 200 'vaccinated' people, requiring me to fight and RESIST (as above) the suddenly re-imposed Bad Health Affects of Fatigue, severe generalized indisposition, noticeable reduced lower limb circulation, and lowered oxygen-in-blood levels.
candtalan - Feb 12, 2024
Thank you very much for your detailed and insightful comments
Stephane Roy - Mar 2
Stephane’s Substack
Comment removed.
Stephane Roy - Mar 4
Stephane’s Substack
Thanks . . : )
Citizen Seer - Dec 21, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
I think this can be seen as a spiritual war. Sangraal is our Holy blood, held by our sacred chalice, our bodies, or the Holy Grail.
See the book Holy Blood Holy Grail.
John Vargo - Mar 31, 2023
John Vargo
Absolutely it's a spiritual war,war for our souls and then you see some information about soul traps,the tunnel and the light.We have not EVER been told the truth about, just about everything.
Bernadette - Jul 5, 2023
The video has been removed.
Alison H. - Oct 3, 2023
John Vargo
What is the name of the video, and can it be found elsewhere?
John Vargo - Oct 4, 2023
John Vargo
Google took it down and couldn't see which one it was.
Alison H. - Oct 4, 2023
Thank you!
SegFish - Jul 15, 2023
Stephane’s Substack
I see this shedding phenomenon as the equivalent of rape. Both are without my consent and are a violation of my personal boundaries. I did not consent to having my blood changed. And just like rape, this sort of violation is a crime against Natural Law. I don't care what it says in some stupid rule book. This is a violation and everyone who has participated in this needs to pay the consequences appropriate to their level of contribution and intentionality. We absolutely need to continue supporting research that can win a class action lawsuit in court or the Tribunal that will be created to deal with this. There is a day of reckoning coming.
Stephane Roy - Feb 11, 2024
Stephane’s Substack
I think that Day of Reckoning will be what is referred to in GOD'S Word as the 'Great White Throne Judgment'.
It is pretty unlikely it will happen on Earth, because this whole ENTIRE place is fully controlled, in lockstep, by Pure Evil!
Denise - Dec 29, 2022
To see a wonderful video on the importance of our God given blood/DNA, go to:
revelationsofjesuschrist.comsite and watch the video IWTYT part 1 ( stands for: It's worse than you think).
Phenomenal video! By a very anointed younger man, who has a true gift for understanding the word of God/the bible.
Note:. The video is long! (4hrs) if you watch the full documentary. Otherwise, you can watch it in parts ( 1-3) which is posted there, as well.
So relevant, eye opening, & life changing.
Enjoy! God bless.
Baldmichael - Jan 23, 2023
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
From a quick skim all very useful stuff thank you very much. I have done posts on some of the issues, so links if you or anyone is interested.
If you haven't seen this before I will mention that 'vaccination' is an anagram of 'Icon Vatican'. An icon is an image, brand or mark and the Vatican is beastly, so mark of the beast.
Denise - Jan 24, 2023
Also meant to mention one of the main videos on the revelations of Jesus Christ channel - " The DNA of God and the MARk of the BEAST. ". That video is π₯ & life changing. Imo.
Thank you for the links.
scott funkhouser - Feb 11, 2023
scott’s Substack
I watched that long time back, Think he was right. Don't follow him anymore. Some truthers think were winning? because Controlled opposition protecting the establishment. Let all men be liars and only god be true. Anyone have any suggestions. What we should do. Seen to much this week thought I had handle on which way to go. going to go see Mom. Pray for me ya'll.
Thru The Veil - May 23, 2023
Thru’s Substack
YES!!!! I also realized how profound and significant that statement was myself. After spending lots of time on Carnicom's work and trying to be completely objective as to where I was led, I was led to the only conclusion that made sense. God and Jesus are real and the bible, while corrupted by man, is the whole truth. I came to the exact same comclusion many, many years ago. Disclaimer, I was not raised with any religious or spiritual teachings. I came to it on my own.
Maui Carrie - Jan 2, 2024
Maui Carrie
The guy in this link is a prophet imo. This is his latest video. God has revealed the "system" to him and this is one of so many videos he's done. He's an end time prophet. Jesus is coming soon!
Swan - Feb 24, 2024
He is the best!
Vi - Apr 11, 2023
I am almost sure that this chemical will be carried out by water, that would means a permanent supply a constant contamination. In that scenario how we will able to detoxify such amount of daily toxins??
Nod - May 5, 2023
wont survive the water distiller me thinks. Happy to know EDTA works, and I will get a D dimer test next week
Neil Wilson - May 14
Reverse Osmosis water has no nano tech in it. I follow Dr. Nixon and his friend Karl C. who has done three or fours years of research on microscopes. They tested the water and it is contaminated and distiller does not work. I thought it did as well and we bought one. Now we are using RO and the distiller. Very clean water, but if you shower etc. the water is contaminated. You solve one thing and another pops up. I came in really late on this feed and it is interesting to look back at what people were saying. It is now May 2024. Take care, Jane
Joey - Apr 14, 2023
Joey’s Substack
110% percent correct
Bob Lersch - Dec 21, 2022
Bob’s Substack
Would you mind sharing the amount of EDTA you are using currently? I also read that you have used IV C also.
I believe that "Covid" is not a virus. I believe that it is a multi-layered bio/mechanical weapon that we have been led to believe was a virus to keep everybody from understanding the real problem.
I believe that time is of the essence. We need to work hard to get ahead of the death spike.
Thank you for your help.
Baldmichael - Jan 23, 2023
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
Covid 19 is the 'flu weaponised by ignorance, fear and propaganda on the masses who have been dumbed down over the years. The actual harm is done by vaccines, poisonous PCR tests, masking, etc. etc., plus the very great many toxins in the environment including plastics.
It is a case of the elites shouting 'BOO' and the lemmings rushing into the arms of the maskers, testers and vaxxers.
Maui Carrie - Jan 2, 2024
Maui Carrie
According to Jonathan Kleck, C OVID 19 in biblical language means c=3 and in strongs 3 is the serpent/satan (Abaddon - angel of the abyss), OVID in Latin means sheep (we are the sheep) and 19 means slaughter. So put it together it means serpent sheep slaughter. Here is his latest video
Baldmichael - Jan 5, 2024
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
Yes. I consider there are various meanings to COVID 19 which can be considered valid.
candtalan - Jan 3, 2024
CORONA Latin - Cor heart, ONA attack? Google translate
Maui Carrie - Jan 4, 2024
Maui Carrie
John Vargo - Apr 1, 2023
John Vargo
And what is the Flu?I think it not a coincidence that 5G was turned on full blast in Wuhan 2 months before the first reported Certificate of vaccinationIID.It's not the germs it's the terrain.look at the 1918 spanish flu,is it just a coincidence it coincided with the global rollout of electricity and radio.there's a big role EMR is playing in this,EMR protection is important IMO.
Baldmichael - Apr 1, 2023
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
The 'flu is a chemical imbalance, and yes, perhaps one might say an electrical one too as the + and - are not in balance.
I don't disagree re EMF, but I have not read or researched the matter widely.
However, I consider so far that it is part of the mix. If body chemistry is affected by big pharma chemicals then the body can be greater influenced/damaged by EMF, radiation generally. We are certainly walking aerials who can conduct and receive signals via the air waves, hence some people who 'hear' voices.
Much of the issue revolves round people being vitamin D deficient due to increased indoor living and working. The benefits of the sun's rays have been derided and people told to slap on toxic sun creams. Vitamin D has good all round benefits, and I say D for defense.
It both protects and helps repair.
John Vargo - Apr 2, 2023
John Vargo
Everything is energy,frequency and vibration.Took me a long time to wrap my head around that.Way I understand it we are electrical beings of resonance and frequency that have no choice but to be tuned in to the frequency of the earth that we live on.EMF,EMR interferes withthat.It's a whole lot bigger than part of the mix as it's the frequencies that power the nano,programs and commands it.
Baldmichael - Apr 2, 2023
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
Interesting, thank you. Mmm.....yes, ok. The universe is created by words, language and sound. This is vibration or waves, energy or frequency. In the beginning was the Word...
But being tuned in is also listening to what is being said and fitting into those sounds and doing what is right which includes the body chemistry among other things
Seeking Truth - Dec 21, 2022
Seeking Truth
sounds about right.
James A Thorp MD - Dec 21, 2022
James A Thorp MD
This is extremely important work Ana. Keep it up please! We need your brilliance.
KT-SunWillShineAgain - Jan 2, 2024
Thank you Dr. Thorp for all your hard and brave work. Sorry the catholic managed healthcare fired you.i was fired as a contractor for the NHS in NW UK for giving our some websites raising questions about the vaxxines to a movie star beautiful newstarter nurse.
Jessa - Dec 21, 2022
I don’t know anyone who offers IV EDTA Chelation in Australia. Is it worth taking a supplement instead? Or is IV the only way to boot this cr*p out of your system?
Sandra Sky - Dec 21, 2022
I had covid in January 2021. I take EDTA powered by zeolite orally.
I just got by blood check and I had beautiful and healthy cells. I detox continually due to the constant assault on us (shedding, water, food, air). I do cycles (3 days on detox, 11 days off to rest my body).
BAB - Dec 21, 2022
Hi Sandra, Are you saying you take this Cyto+ and BIND together 3 days on and 11 days off ongoing for detoxing? Thank you!
Sandra Sky - Dec 21, 2022
Seeking Truth - Dec 21, 2022
Seeking Truth
which do you take?
Sandra Sky - Dec 21, 2022
Seeking Truth
Cyto+ (zeolite powered by EDTA) I also take BIND (chelator). Look up health revelation website.
Seeking Truth - Dec 21, 2022
Seeking Truth
it says you can only get it through a provider
Sandra Sky - Dec 21, 2022
Sandy K
I use Dr Pompa with Health Revelation.
Sandy K - Dec 22, 2022
Sandy K
I've used Dr Pompa and think it is legit and helpful. My two cents for what its worth! I know that reading the comment sections have often been as helpful as the articles! Best to you and all here.
Sandra Sky - Dec 21, 2022
I am on a program for Heavy Metal Detox with Dr Pompa. Maybe try reaching out to them and ask options.
Seeking Truth - Dec 21, 2022
Seeking Truth
Thank you.
Catherine - Jan 8, 2023
Catherine’s Substack
Can you share which zeolite product this is?
Lisa - Dec 21, 2022
Thanks for sharing with us. That brings all of us hope.
Sandra Sky - Dec 21, 2022
There is definitely hope β€οΈ
Lisa - Dec 21, 2022
Do you use anything else in your 3 days on detox? again, thank you!
Sandra Sky - Dec 21, 2022
Yes I also
use a product name GCell (intracellular glutathione proprietary blend including also NAC, fluvic flumic acid, R Alpha lipoic, quercetine etc), 8000 mg vitamin C liposomal, 6000 mg D3K2 (MK7), Vista 1 and 2 (inside and outside cell regeneration), 450g Dandelion leaf, MORS (methylation donor) and a liver-kidney support formula.
Lisa - Dec 22, 2022
Thank you!! xox
Ekoh - Dec 21, 2022
No. EDTA is a chelant and a xenobiotic molecule (not occurring in nature) and your kidneys will immediately remove it before it has a chance to remove enough heavy metals. If you have kidney disease, you do not want to do chelation therapy.
There are different forms of EDTA, such as di-calcium di-sodium EDTA, tetra sodium EDTA, etc.
Chelation means claw, or to cleave, and EDTA cleaves a metal ion. Using IV chelation therapy, your kidneys will kick it out and then excrete it and any cleaved metal ions out in your urine.
Also, EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacedicacid) is pH dependent and it will cleave the most electronegative metal first. It will only remove free metals, that is, those that are not bound to tissues. It will not remove iron from your blood, for example, but it will remove zinc, calcium, lead, etc. that are not bound in tissues. That is how it was explained to me.
It was first developed in Germany, I believe, and it was used to remove lead from sailors who developed lead poisoning from painting ships.
Lead was included in paint because it made paint very durable, but it had toxic effects.
EDTA is a very effective chelant and the IV therapy is the safest method for therapy. It has helped many, many people reverse health issues due to heavy metal toxicity.
You will likely need to take zinc and probably some other minerals afterwards. It’s not that easy to find chelation clinics, but they are out there.
My late BF was a chemist and he was a huge fan of EDTA.
There are some organic molecules that are also chelators. Cilantro and vitamin C (?) I believe are able to chelate some things.
Sunnyy1 - Dec 22, 2022
Please give me a site which talks about this EDTA and kidney disease. I ordered the EDTA Cream from the site Soma Health as recommended by Dr Ana and Dr Michael Roth. If it harms my kidneys more I'll be very angry.
Lisa - Dec 22, 2022
If you are concerned about your kidneys, doing chelation with a practitioner is recommended. There is always a risk with any supplementation of injuring ourselves -- the dose makes the poison. And we are all different, -- what works well for one person may be too much for another.
Jen Claybourne - Apr 12, 2023
Jen’s Substack
Would you be so kind as to put in a link for he EDTA cream. I can't seem to find it. Thanks so much!
Ekoh - Dec 21, 2022
I forgot to add that chelation therapy is usually done in a series of 10 IV sessions. Most people do 30 sessions to get the results they need, is what I recall.
A local clinic who used to do the treatments years ago charged $1K for the 10 treatments. Just FYI. I don’t think they exist anymore, or at least I was unable to locate them years ago. I knew some people who received treatments there.
Lisa - Dec 21, 2022
thanks for sharing...
John Vargo - Apr 2, 2023
John Vargo
Well Lead also blocks EMR yes?Pretty sure people have used lead paint to do exactly that.I have to wonder if that's the real reason it's banned
Baldmichael - Jan 23, 2023
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
As CoviD means among other things vitamin C for Cure and D for defense this makes sense. Cure is in the name CoviD.
Bodhimom - Dec 21, 2022
You can do a transdermal creme or take the EDTA as an enema. I have read that if you take the EDTA powder (can get through Amazon or Bulk Supplements) it is recommended to take 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon mixed with some warm water 1 to 2 cups and try to keep it in for at least 15 min to absorb into the colon (lie down). I am experimenting with both.
Lisa - Dec 21, 2022
Let us know your progress. Ideally you would have had live blood analysis or d-dimer first. But please keep us posted.
Jessa - Dec 21, 2022
That is excellent advice, thank you ππ»
John Vargo - Apr 2, 2023
John Vargo
I have bought from Pure bulk on the advice of Alexandria Bruce.
Un-silent - Dec 21, 2022
I once got EDTA suppositories from a naturopathic pharmacy here in the US. That might be an option.
Jessa - Dec 21, 2022
I am definitely looking into that πππ» Thank you so much ππ»
Citizen Seer - Dec 21, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
Investigate her previous posts on the substack. She referenced an EDTA chelation cream that is applied topically.
Sunnyy1 - Dec 22, 2022
Yes, from Soma Health. Com
I saw the Dr Ana video with Dr Michael Roth a few days ago about this abd ordered the cream. It is backordered 2-3 weeks. I need more info about this EDTA and use kidney disease.
Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Dec 21, 2022
Just a headsup about that particular cream-- it's very "paste- like when applied on the skin, similar to toothpaste.
Amanda Neil - Dec 21, 2022
They don’t ship outside of the US.
Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Dec 21, 2022
Jessa, maybe try EDTA suppositories, i think the effect is supposed to be near up to par with chelation method.
Lisa - Dec 21, 2022
Do you have a link where to purchase these?
Sunnyy1 - Dec 22, 2022
Jen’s Substack
Soma Health . Com
Jen Claybourne - Apr 12, 2023
Jen’s Substack
Is this the website: I don't see that they sell supplements on this site.
Lisa - Dec 22, 2022
Do you know where to get the suppositories? I have the cream.
jencal - Mar 29, 2023
jencal - Mar 29, 2023
Gary Ogden - Dec 21, 2022
Earthing is another strategy to improve blood flow by increasing zeta potential. Simply spend part of each day barefoot on soil, sand, grass, even concrete. I spend the entire day barefoot. Strengthens the ankles and feet, too.
Cindy Weidner - Dec 21, 2022
Rosalind McGill
I commented above, but something just occurred to me after I shared this with a friend.
We see the young man was unvaxxed. He gets diagnosed with Covid - I assume thru a PCR test.
His case does not respond to anti-vitals.
How in heaven’s name did all this junk get into him and ruin his blood like that?
Is there surface contamination? Is it being inserted randomly into food and water supplies? How did this enter his body?
There must be an answer and we must find it.
Somebody out there somewhere knows exactly what this is because they created it.
Snd how many various toxins are there out there making people sick?
Many ill people have responded rapidly to the anti-virals, especially the Ivermectin.
But what this young man had did NOT respond to all those anti-virals. Yet he had Covid symptoms, long Covid symptoms and I assume yielded a positive PCR test.
What can this be coming from?
Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Dec 21, 2022
Rosalind McGill
Cindy, i find that the two main Covid Operation bioweaponry is: (1) synthetic venoms / envenomation, that disrupts brain signals / Central Nervous System, and therefore disrupts / disregulates various body system networks functionality, and (2) The exotic bionanoelectronics (the nanobots, particularly xenobots type which was developed from frog skin and heart stem cells, and possibly also from flatworms. (Hot detox baths regularly are important, with like 2 cups baking soda, 2 cups sea salt, and 1 cup borax. Also drinking baking soda water, and taking boron, and listening to rife frequency sound files that can help to "burst" the nanobots. )
Rosalind McGill - Dec 21, 2022
Rosalind McGill
I took baths like that for 6 months almost every day, it helped my morgellons. Soon after I found an integrative medicine doctor who gave me a heavy metal detox by Metagenics. Very painful but my metals and parasitic overload were back to a normal level after. I still see him for biotoxin mold illness.
Veronica Evans - Dec 21, 2022
Rosalind McGill
Can you share the name of your doctor?
Rosalind McGill - Dec 21, 2022
Rosalind McGill
Dr Alan Gruning. Ft Myers. He has old YouTube videos still up. I think he can do video appointments. I pay out of pocket and he used my insurance for blood work and labs. Many tests aren’t covered but worth the costs . He left the hospital he worked at? 20 years ago because they wanted him to spend less time with patients and stop offering to pray with them.
Rosalind McGill - Dec 21, 2022
Rosalind McGill
He’s only open Monday- Wednesday noon to 5 eastern standard time.
Veronica Evans - Dec 23, 2022
Thanks for sharing & responding back.
Lisa - Dec 21, 2022
I have mold illness, which causes a host of other "friends" to join in. Were you strictly treating for heavy metals or were you also using antimicrobials or antifungals? I believe that when we clean up the terrain, the bugs have no food or protection.
Rosalind McGill - Dec 24, 2022
Rosalind McGill
I just know I have the genetic marker that made me terribly sick even after I left the toxic environment. I think my dad had it too but he passed away in 2011. I had many autoimmune issues previously and everything got worse. I have been taking a lot of supplements for detox and immune support. Eating as little gmo food as possible helps & distilled or reverse osmosis water.
Cindy Weidner - Dec 21, 2022
If I’m not mistaken, EDTA also detoxes venom peptides. Thought about that after I wrote the above comment.
I believe Dr. Ardis has said that. He is recommending EDTA now as well. He made another fascinating find in one of his most recent videos as well - he researched PCR tests, what they are actually good for, and, yes, they are an analytic tool to detect venom peptides. Those peptides are in the spike if I am not mistaken. They are there because they cut into genetic material so sequences can be inserted if I get this correctly. So if a patient got vaxxed and they got a spike rich dose, then they’ve got venom peptide to deal with.
Dr. Ardis has also recently mentioned hydrogels as well. So we may be coming to some convergence here. I’ve listened to his most recent updates this past week.
Ardis explains for instance how nicotine patches 14 mg are giving great results because the Nicotinic Acetyl Choline Receptors nAChr will prefer the Nicotine over the venom peptides, which are part of the spike. Tge nicotine is knocking the venom peptides off the receptors and freeing the person from it’s toxic effects. People who are active smokers already were dosing themselves with nicotine and thereby simultaneously detoxing themselves. Many papers showing smokers had by far less negative Covid outcomes than non-smokers.
By using nicotine 14mg patches daily plus 2000mg EDTA capsules he is getting great detox results.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has also reported last week that the 14mg nicotine patches are detoxing people very very well.
Klinghardt said he also seeing improvement in his ADD children, much calmer when nicotine patches applied. Their nervous systems apparently are getting detoxed.
Klinghardt said last week that the nAChr receptors modulate platelets, macrophagy and are involved with vagus nerve too. So venom peptides attached to those sites really is damaging in many ways. Many are recovering from brain fog using the nicotine patches and fatigue is improving as well according to Dr. Klinghardt.
I know we’ve also seen the anti- virals work like Ivermectin plus the the Vit C Vit D Quercetin and Zinc in a different mode. All of the good docs also now adding NAC in their protocols as it is known to be able to handle the graphene detox.
The graphene is tragically now being found in insulin and other pharmaceuticals that are regularly used. That was in a video last week of some of Dr. Ana’s colleagues.
I am relieved so many good people are fighting this good fight. There are so many pieces of this that have to come together. I would love to see data tied back to precisely which batch was administered to the patient to get more specific info on the patterns. Then the toxins could be better identified. And also what meds they are on because of contamination there as well.
We need to find the people who created all of this and have them reveal precisely how they constructed these injections - so many varied results by batches, was there a plan to test out multiple compounds out or was this manufacturer failure?
It is still so remarkable that the patient here that Dr. Ana treated had never been vaxxed. Yet look at that blood. So this has to be investigated, no batch of vax had anything to do with what happened to him.
We need answers now and we need to help the people working to find these answers. I bless Dr. Ana’s tenacity and pray for her work.
If even a small fraction of these bloated governmental budgets would be allotted to help the vax injured through the research of doctors like Dr. Ana I believe we could stave off much heartbreak.
candtalan - Jan 3, 2024
Beware IIRC Ardis states 7mg patches only, 14 may detox too rapidly and make you throw up. or 2mg nicoitine gum etc. Emphasis on low dose, repeated, not high dose.
Paul Barbara - Dec 21, 2022
Paul Barbara
Shedding from vaxxed people. You can't avoid it. But I have heard they are putting it in Chemtrails now, as well as possibly food and water systems.
John Vargo - Apr 2, 2023
John Vargo
All the above.
KT-SunWillShineAgain - Jan 2, 2024
Also putting in dental novacaine, general anaesthesia, in flu, rvs, shingles vaxxines. My husband had hernia repair surgery, he threw up after waking up, then he shed for 2 months making my autoimmune induced bursitis much worse. They are putting GO in toothpaste, hair shampoo and merck has been pushing mrna vaxxines in π since 2018!
pat - Dec 21, 2022
The pcr 'test' is suspect imo, two cases of covid I know of happened right after taking tests where they felt fine prior then within hours symptoms began. The second 'test' delivered enough toxin to keep him sick for a month with lingering after symptoms for months like numbness in feet and fingers which niacin/nicotinic acid [with the flush factor] has been providing relief, recovery from. Niacin will chelate
Many others online report similar findings on the pcr being a delivery method.
Ekoh - Jan 6, 2023
I posted this elsewhere, but I thought you might want to take a look at this. On another forum, I asked if anyone had any data that the PCR test might be causing illness, because I suspected that it could but I had no data.
It has links to the sources as well.
Kelly Holland - Sep 19, 2023
Makes sense now why Bill Gates and George Soros bought up the company that produces the swabs. I think I read that in the USA today. Just Google their names and swabs and it should pop up.
Kelly Holland - Sep 19, 2023
Also makes sense why they freely send you these test to your address free of charges
Ekoh - Sep 19, 2023
Speaking of Gates…
Ekoh - Dec 21, 2022
I have never had one of the PCR tests because I was aware of what Kari Mullis said about them. I did wonder if they used the cotton swabs to “place” something in people’s mucosal tissues. I haven’t seen any proof so far nor have I ever heard of anyone doing any studies on the cotton swabs used at the testing facilities or home testing kits.
I certainly am interested in reading about any studies that might have been done. If you have any links to studies, I, and perhaps others, would be interested in reading them.
Sunnyy1 - Jan 5, 2023
Ekoh - Jan 5, 2023
Thank you very much for this!
Ekoh - Jan 6, 2023
Ahhhh! I couldn’t recall where I received this information from! I posted this a couple of times elsewhere. Excellent link! Much appreciated!!
Sunnyy1 - Dec 22, 2022
I read that the swabs (PCR) hydrogel
Ben Musclow - Dec 21, 2022
Interesting thoughts. Would need more information about the patient. Was he fully unvaccinated, as the mRNA shots are not vaccines. Alot of sickness correlated with the flu shot from 2020. Lots to investigate
John Vargo - Apr 1, 2023
John Vargo
The positive test is somewhere in the 90s% false positive.IMO it's all the electromagnetic radiation making people sick combined with aerosol spraying of our atmosphere.5g is really bad news for the humanrace.readthe 5G space appeal.Short answer,chemtrails.Long answer,your silence is your consent.I think EMF protection to live and certainly no guarantee even if we have that.I do,have both phone and computer guard from aires tech plus shungite,orgone pyramid reich style.the Covid virus has nver been isolated,it's a hoax.i think they knew 5g would cause a plandemic,between Covid and 5G we are talking hundreds of billions.Covid symptoms pretty much mimic radiation poisoning.Look up,I look up and still see and if not cussing them out just shake my head and marvel
Ekoh - Jan 6, 2023
I asked a question elsewhere about the possibility of the test kit swabs being a source of contamination with something that causes illness. I received this link in response. You might find this interesting?
SegFish - Jul 15, 2023
The shedding is happening ALL OF THE TIME. The fact that his blood is like that may or may not have anything to do with the Covid incident! I think we need more evidence to ascertain where it's coming from. I'm a sensitive and am constantly managing exposures. Being female, I have some sense of the quality of my blood with every cycle, and it gets pretty freaky looking at times. Perhaps his blood was already like that, or was partially clotted and then the Covid made it bad enough for him to go to the doc and get it checked. I never got sick with Covid and I can guarantee you my blood isn't going to look great when I finally get it looked at. Everybody is getting exposed to this and some bodies are managing the spike and whatever else is being shed better than other bodies.
Ernie Rockwell - Dec 21, 2022
Ernie Rockwell
Awesome thanks πDr. Ana.
jacquelyn sauriol - Dec 21, 2022
I am struck by the similarity to lakes full of algae overgrowth
Bodhimom - Dec 21, 2022
Hey guys, look at this pic of Drs. Cole and Malone both wearing Covid-19 Spike Protein ties and smiling. They need to tell us before hand what they are doing.
Is this some of the controlled opposition to divert us from figuring out how to remove these poisons by using the Spike Protein red herring?
Danette Moore - Dec 21, 2022
Good question.
James A Thorp MD - Dec 21, 2022
James A Thorp MD
“because the life of every creature is its blood. That is why I have said to the Israelites, “You must not eat the blood of any creature, because the life of every creature is its blood; anyone who eats it must be cut off.””
ββLeviticusβ¬ β17β¬:β14β¬ βNIVβ¬β¬
Sandy K - Dec 22, 2022
Sandy K
And thank you, Dr Thorpe, for your care as well!
Allen - Dec 21, 2022
"Covid" is the engineered destabilization of the global economy.
"COVID-19", the operation, is essentially a cover-up for systematic debt-leveraged monetary expansion- the final heist to strip all value out of the world in an effort by the creditors to consolidate what they believe they’re owed.
"Covid-19", the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION to other causes.
COVID phenomenon cannot be understood without understanding the un-televised 2019-2020 unprecedented financial collapse threatening the entire global financial system. The COVID fraud timing became necessary as the world markets were faced with an emergency debt crisis that popped up in formerly mostly liquid markets: Repo markets, money markets and FX markets.
Covid Is Not An Epidemiological Story; Covid Is A Crime Story.
Even many "in the know" are still trapped in some version of the "Covid" merry-go-round. The official narrative of "Covid" is a fiction- all of it. There was no pandemic- EVER.
If you view this whole 'pandemic' situation through the lens of health, safety, science and saving lives, then most of it makes little sense. If you view it through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, then all of it makes perfect sense.
Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering scheme in the history of the world.
The lockdowns, mandatory muzzles, anti-social distancing and the other measures did nothing to protect or improve public health- they were never designed to do so. They were all designed to deliberately break the global economy (and crush competition, especially small businesses) as well as break people's minds, will and the social fabric, in order to “build back better”, according to the diabolical and dystopian visions of the psychopaths waging this class war, which is essentially a billionaires utopia, in which they own the planet like a techno-feudal fiefdom, and oversee the drastically reduced population of digitally branded humanity like cattle in a super-surveilled technocracy.
What we are in the midst of is a planned total economic collapse. This economic collapse was inevitable, Western governments are putting the security infrastructure into place, trying to proactively control the inevitable social disorder which will result from this collapse. To be followed by a global financial reset, after a period of hyperinflation, which destroys both the value of debt and the corresponding paper claims.
There is not now nor has there ever been an epidemiological or viral emergency event of any sort anywhere in the world in the year 2020. The manufactured perception that there was such an event is an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering. All of this has been made possible through institutional programming and accelerated media messaging disallowing basic cognitive processes and eliminating critical thinking possibilities.
The collapse started in 2008 and attempts to salvage this corrupt economic system only delayed the inevitable. In the Fall of 2019 the crisis began to rapidly unravel again.
There was a dramatic decrease in industrial production which showed up in the banking crisis of August of 2019- the so-called Repo crisis when suddenly banks started to refuse US sovereign debt instruments as collateral of overnight loans forcing the Federal Reserve to step in and basically print money to cover this massive shortage.
The Repo market is where banks borrow money each day so that they have 10% liquid assets at the end of each day. If they do not have 10% liquid assets they are not allowed to open the next day. Around the middle of September the Fed started pumping $20 billion per day into the Repo market to keep interest rates down so banks could borrow the money to stay in business. By the end of December the Fed was pumping over $100 billion per day into the Repo market and it was not enough.
Simply everyone on Wall Street was loaded with enormous debt and was holding on to US cash to be able to service it refusing to finance purchases of foreign currencies and then US currency as Repo Market froze at 10% interest on overnight Repo loans as US treasury bonds and even US bills were rejected as collateral for Repos.
What happened in March 2020 was just the spread of the liquidity crisis from primary dealers markets (TBTF banks and Hedge funds were actually bailed out in September) toward all other stock, commodities, bonds CLOs, MBS etc, as well to Ponzi schemes called today ETF funds, not to mention structured derivative products traded on proprietary platforms nominally representing up to several thousands of $$$ trillions.
When US treasury bonds and even USTB became illiquid due to exponential growth of public (but most of all private) dollar debt while the FED was sucking up cash from financial markets by tempering QE (called QT) between 2017 and 2019 reduced FED balance sheet from over $5 T to $3.9T by selling assets, all hell broke loose. Something drastic had to be done.
And hence the FED started to “buy all worthless shit for double the price”, Gates’s and Silicon Valley gang took over the media, and Orwellian shrinks and doctor Fauci-Mengeles came to the “rescue” unleashing operation COVID.
The entire House of Cards was falling for six months and could not be stopped so COVID hysteria was manufactured to cover up what amounts today to $11 trillion of FED bailout in cash, stock boost via POMO and guarantees of value of collateral used in structured derivatives. The end game is that the central banks (Fed) will buy all the toxic, worthless debt from the hedge funds and banks, including the 1.5 quad trillion of derivatives, and then transfer the debt to the treasury as sovereign debt. Then print money to infinity to service the fictitious debt to sink the dollar via hyperinflation and then foreclose on the US and everyone else holding debt in worthless dollars.
That’s the coup. There will be global hyperinflation to vaporize the assets of the masses and the states- as soon as the ruling class mops up the last properties. What this means is the ruling class have limitless claims on everything in the world. Simply put, the seasonal coronavirus was rebranded as Covid 19 on the back of a redefinition of what a ‘pandemic’ was by the WHO at the bequest of its financiers. This unlocked access to financial incentive programs that were large enough to bail out every failing economy.
Ekoh - Jan 6, 2023
Yes!!!!! You nailed it!! I tried to explain this in brief to my leftist niece several months ago, but your comments are priceless!! This is the story behind the entire Plandemic and you have ticked all the boxes.
I sincerely appreciate that you took the time to fill in so many pieces of this heinous crime. You superbly articulated this. Priceless!
Allen - Jan 6, 2023
Article here with more details:
COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation
KT-SunWillShineAgain - Dec 25, 2022
Allen, thank you.
this is a brillant overview of the economic heist still going on in broad daylight globally. When does the full inflation vaporization of the masses' assets take effect? March, April, May 2023? So apparently the dollar is worthless and all asset classes are wildly overinflated starting in 2008.
When does the economy as we know simply run out of cash which rhymes with gas?
I forecast that every person on the planet will be forced to get another series of mRNA vaccines in mid 2023 because so many are dying post-vaxx.
Your thoughts?
Allen - Dec 25, 2022
Watch this interview w/ Catherine Austin Fitts. Solutions are offered towards the last half of the interview.
I don't believe there will be forced vaxx in 2023 as the mRNA project is imploding due to the degree of damages.
The "economy" long ago ran out of cash per se so building a separate local economy is the only possible answer to this.
The vaporization of assets is underway full steam. This will continue via a 'slow grind' I believe.
KT-SunWillShineAgain - Jan 2, 2024
Another year has passed, you were right: no forced vaccinations.
What's on the horizon for 2024? An upcoming default? Catastrophic disasters?
Swan - Sep 1
I think this is accurate up to a point when THEY needed to have unvaxxed people getting ill and dying to support the Safe & Effective propaganda and keep the gullible coming back for more shots. Here is one such story from Sheila Holm, who became ill along with several others who were at a conference in summer of 2021. They were apparently targeted with a bioweapon/poison of some sort and many became ill and several died.
Luisa73 - Dec 21, 2022
El Substack de Luisa73
These results could be obtained with ozone or chlorine dioxide (CDS)? I would appreciate it being investigated both intravenously and by oral application. Thanks for your job.
Trial N. Error - Jan 5, 2023
Used both. Part success. Lived. Other modalities used. Those two substaces also mentioned in part thtee of this show
Cindy Weidner - Dec 21, 2022
This is just FABULOUS!!!!!!
People of the world have to get out of their fog and start to laser focus on answers like Dr. Ana is!!!
I pray this astounding result goes viral with the hero doctors out their fighting this battle!
This is so exciting Dr. Ana! God bless you! This is a HUGE breakthrough!!!!!!!
Citizen Seer - Dec 21, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
Now that's a bright ray of hope to take into the high holidays! So grateful to hear it, thank you!
Chris Burrett - Dec 21, 2022
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