The TRUTH about the 1918 Spanish Flu Virus and Pandemic

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 08, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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I spent several hours today in meetings and conversation with my colleague Dr. Shimon Yanowitz in Israel. We discussed that many people do not want to know any knowledge that might question their assumptions, and will not look at any evidence contrary to their belief system. People want one simple answer for Covid, the vaccines and they want to believe that everything has been figured out. It has not. No single researcher has all the answers. Many people without scientific training now say that all science is fraud, so no scientific method is necessary for proof. It is enough to have people “believe” it must be so, and all further discussion ends despite contrary evidence. The more sensational the presentation, that must be the truth, even though no actual evidence has been provided and the actual scientific reasoning is nonsensical. Keeping an open mind to allow all possibilities is important, as this war is very complex. Nothing is what it seems.

I would like to highlight one of Shimon’s videos that explain the 1918 Spanish Flu as a consequence of the meningococcal vaccination and he discusses the role of the Rockefellers who created the vaccine. There was no virus that killed 10 million people at the time, but a “vaccine injection” that infected people with a bacterium that caused bacterial pneumonia.

Shimon shows pictures that look just like what we are going through now, lines of people who are getting the vaccines, then make shift hospitals that housed the ill. Mask mandates and jail time for those who did not wear them. We are living an exact repeat 100 years later.

Here is the link to his excellent 15 minute presentation, that will open your eyes to the commonalities with today:

The TRUTH about the 1918 Spanish Flu Virus and Pandemic | Simon Y.

Also please see this brief Interview excerpt with Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich from Coronavirus Ausschuss discussing that we have to learn from history. As a Jewish citizen from Israel, he pleads to the people of the world:

Dr Shimon Yanowitz - We have a worldwide neo nazi government

Dr. Shimon Yanowitz is a researcher who has looked at all vaccine vials and found self assembling nanostructures. I wrote about this in this article and in our recent interview we discuss the potential shedding of nanoparticles to the unvaccinated. Stay tuned for future interviews.

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
Nano Technology Structures in an Unvaccinated Person with Long Covid - Is Vaccine Shedding a Possible Contributor to Long Haul Symptoms?
Photo: Shimon’s blood In this groundbreaking interview, I discuss with independent Researcher Shimon Yanowitz his blood findings after having a toxic exposure with vaccinated people and falling severely ill with eventually persistent “Long Haul” symptoms. Shimon has a background in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science…
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Debra - Aug 8, 2022 - Edited

Very interesting information. One more piece of the puzzle that began around end of the 19th century by a handful of people. I began researching this in 1985 after my first child was born. After reading, "The Case Against Vaccination" I chose not to vaccinate either of my children. They grew up healthy, happy, never rebelled, and they both graduated high school two years early and went on to college. They are successful, happy adults now with children of their own. I have often wondered how much 'not being vaccinated' has contributed to their intelligence, health and success.
Further research led me to discover that the in 1909 Rockefeller Group, and the Carnegie Group, actually came together and decided that they would “reform” medical education in America. Dr. Robert Scott Bell tells us that: “At the time of the late 1800’s, early 1900’s, 20th century, medical schools taught a lot of different things. There were homeopathic medical schools. There were naturopathic schools, there were eclectic herbal-type medicine schools. There was not ‘one way’, but what happened was the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations were interested in establishing the ‘one way’. How would they do that? Well, they would get ahold of the education system and create a medical monopoly by basically eliminating all competition to patent petrochemical medical education. That is the Flexner Report of 1910, as it became known. Abraham and Simon Flexner were hired to do this. It was a preordained commissioned report. Dr. Darrell Wolfe continued: "Predictably those schools that had the financing, churned out the better doctors. Oh, wait a minute... or should I say, the more "recognized" doctors. In return financing, the schools were required to continue teaching course material that was exclusively drug-oriented with no emphasis on natural medicine. By 1925, over 10,000 herbalists were out of business. By 1940, over 1,500 chiropractors would be prosecuted for practicing quackery. The 22 homeopathic medical schools that flourished in the 1900’s dwindled down to just two by 1923. By 1950 all the schools teaching homeopathy were closed. In the end, if a physician did not graduate from a Flexner-approved medical school and receive an MD degree, then he or she could not find a job anywhere. This is why today MD’s are so heavily biased towards synthetic drug therapy and know little about nutrition, if anything." ~ Excerpts taken from the docu-series; The truth about Cancer.
There is much more to the story, but one thing I believe is happening now; these few people that have controlled the masses, are continuing to be exposed, and will be brought to justice. We will win the fight for freedom in the end. Thank you for being a part of that journey! Blessings, Debra McClory

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Margaret Anna Alice - Aug 14, 2022

Margaret Anna Alice Through the…

I just watched a fascinating presentation in which Vera Sharav exposes the role of the meningococcal vaccination in the 1918 flu epidemic:
My maternal grandfather was orphaned at five after both his parents died in their twenties during the epidemic. I know they were injecting soldiers with the meningococcal vaccination but have not had a chance to research how widely it was being administered in the general populace.
What was so odd was that healthy people in the prime of their lives were being struck down while more vulnerable populations like the elderly and children were being spared. I wonder if that reflects the distribution of the vaccine or if something about it targeted people in that age bracket somehow.

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