The Targeted Individual Phenomenon On Making…

Feb 10, 2024

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The Targeted Individual Phenomenon | MSOM Ep.


Adrian - Feb 10, 2024


Two bills deserve your full attention and support.πŸ‘ˆBans chemtrails and harmfull microwaves, note there are no safe levels of microwaves. RFK with CHD sued the FCC two years ago, the FCC lost, the courts said the current FCC guidelines are capricious and arbitrary, (meaning based on nothing), the courts ordered the FCC to come back with meaningfull guidelines, to date nothing has happened, bc the FCC CAN NOT PROVE MICROWAVES FROM CELL TOWERS ARE SAFE, BC THERE ARE NO SAFE LEVELS. WE HAVE TO STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND BAN THE CELL TOWERS. REPLICATE THIS BILL IN ALL STATES.
Secondly, Tennessee Rep Hulsey HB0726 NULLIFICATION ACT...WE HAVE AND ALWAYS HAVE HAD the ability to nullify rogue unconstitutional fed laws, mandates, statutes...our ignorance of this factoid as a whole has allowed every unconstitutional act thats happenening now. When we step up to the plate, with this NULLIFICATION KNOWLEDGE we can and will put an end to every unconstitutional cdc, fcc, hhs, dhs, fbi, cia, fed res Biden dnc uncharteted fail means we lose America due to ignorance...WE HAVE THE POWER...NOW USE IT...STUDY THE HB0726 NULLIFICATION ACT AND TEACH YOUR REPS, DEMAND YOUR REPS REPLICATE IT IN ALL STATES.


Apologetic Yankee - Feb 11, 2024

Apologetic Yankee

See & Support>
Anti Geoengineering Proposed Legislation is nothing new > Rosalind Peterson (RIP) Authored such language in 2016 which Rhode Island sponsored > BUT as soon as tptsNb learned of what she was doing, they got the Fed to fast track what's known as the Weather Forecasting Act ... promoted as to protect us from "extreme weather" due to global warming utilizing latest tech > of course just the opposite they're doing > thus the Weather Forecasting Act (passed under late 2nd Term O'bomber & signed into law March 2017 by Agent Orange) LEGALIZED Climate Engineering > names like Wolf (as in Naomi) & Wigington (as in Geowatch) were nowhere to be found back then supporting the Rosalind Peterson language.
For those who don't know, Rosalind was the 1st (& last) to formerly address the UN Climate Committee on the dangers of Climate Engineering way back in 2006 > her 20+ min talk still canebe found on yt surprisingly > also see The Agricultural Defense Coalition which Rosalind Founded.
The latest Class Action that Senum is promoting will likely end up just as both of the Geowatch class action attempts did several yrs ago. ..a $$$ grab for the attorneys only.... neither ever even got introduced...& $$$ raised of course never refunded.
OpStopPsyop in this the biggest LARPing wealth transfer in history


Jeff Piotrowski - Feb 11, 2024

Jeff’s Substack

These politicians, not all but the one's that control things need to be removed otherwise its the same ole thing!! Secondly we're mistaken if we believe any politician is going to save us until we have a sovereign republic political system in place that is truly controlled by its citizenry. Along with strict quarterly review of actions and procedures taken by truly elected representatives ! None of this Dominion voting either! Has much changed your life for the better voting Republican or Democrat? Of course not because there all the same false choices . Choose A or B those in power don't really care, because those that get 'elected' do what they're installed to do. Next time the other gets in and changes everything the last Dominion did! I fell better now, WAKE UP!


denise ward - Feb 10, 2024


Is everybody really going to go along with this? I know I'm not. Why do millions and even billions of people abide by these ridiculous laws?


Jeff Piotrowski - Feb 11, 2024

Jeff’s Substack



John Roberts - Feb 10, 2024

John Roberts

If they have been doing this to people with out their knowledge, it makes me wonder what else they may be doing we don’t know about yet.
Thanks Dr. Ana for keeping us all informed of these evil deeds.


Apologetic Yankee - Feb 11, 2024

Apologetic Yankee

Climate Engineering became legalized in 2017 > see The Weather Forecasting Act. . passed under late 2nd Term O'bomber & signed into law by Agent Orange...was in his very 1st stack of Bills passed to sign into law > Nobody ever mentions this ... heck...who supported Rosalind Peterson's anti Geoengineering Legislation in 2015/16?....who
People are absolutely clueless because most fail to engage past the Psyop Platforms of Geowatch + all the other amplified suspect platforms that all they really do is info grab for the opposition so most effective Advocates become TI's


John Roberts - Feb 11, 2024

John Roberts

Thanks for that additional information.
I was not fully aware.
Appreciate you adding to the conversation.


Apologetic Yankee - Feb 11, 2024

Apologetic Yankee

Of course.... sharing suppressed knowledge is incredibly important if We're to manifest the change We are working to facilitate > thanks in turn for doing Your part πŸ™
Here's Rosalind's UN Presentation from 2007 > please help to ensure this most poignant piece of anti Climate Engineering history is never is a most significant part of this History > show to all who continue denying it is happening... along with former CIA Director John Brennan's comments several yrs ago re "Geoengineering being of great interest" > however that may have been pulled by the nefarious suppressing institutional Agenda > if I can locate it I will return to add here > but recall searching for it recently with no luck shock > but have a few memes with Brennan that say "when the CIA Director mentions Geoengineering is it still a conspiracy theory?" 😁


Apologetic Yankee - Feb 11, 2024

Apologetic Yankee

Would have been helpful to add the link to Rosalind's UN Presentation >>


John Roberts - Feb 11, 2024

John Roberts

Good information for sharing as indicated !!
Thanks so much for sharing and helping myself and others in expanding our knowledge.


Apologetic Yankee - Feb 11, 2024

Apologetic Yankee

YES.... actually found an upload still available where he cites SAI (stratus aerosol injection or Geoengineering) > must be tenacious in this info war We find ourselves on the Front Lines of >


Apologetic Yankee - Feb 11, 2024

Apologetic Yankee

I believe Brennan cited Geoengineering in this speech ...but I do not have the timestamp > will try listening (& not throw up) to as much as I can stomach & hope to get lucky & find it >


Bradley Loves - Feb 11, 2024

Please do come and study/learn all about this subject
I myself am a targeted Individual for over 40 years and have endured about all they can come up with. From V2K ( Voice2Skull ) , Remote Neural monitoring RNM, Brain to Brain Interface... you name it. I've been shot at, zapped, been trucked over...but thanks to the grace of God still walking around and trying to get the message out.
We have created many podcasts about this subject. Please listen to this series about the subject :
You can contact me
Thanks and God Bless.


Max Headroom - Feb 10, 2024 - Edited

MatrixWipeOut’s Substack

Oops….this sounds like something I’ll have to do after I come home from work, take the kids to baseball practice, go home and prepare dinner (or fast food), make sure all homework is complete, get the kids ready for bed (if one of them hasn’t broken an arm falling off the trampoline), get myself ready for bed, shout at the kids telling them it’s quiet time; go to sleep. Then, take my sleeping meds and try to nod off. All the time, hoping all the bills can be paid. Oh….the volcano we have to build for a science project……need I go on? This is where our army sits. The opposing army sits planning our destruction 24/7. They do not have to deal with anything mentioned above. This is an indirect explanation of “An idle mind is the devils workshop”. One of our redeeming qualities in the 21st century is when the devil does show up, more times than not, we mention to him that we JUST DONT HAVE TIME to wreak havoc on humanity, we’re dealing with flowing volcanic lava on the kitchen floor. Yes, our motivations need to change and quickly. I do pity anyone one the receiving end of a Moms wrath when you piss her off. Never seen anything quite like it. GO MOM!


Kali's Wrath - Feb 11, 2024 - Edited

MatrixWipeOut’s Substack

Yes, exactly right 1000%. Those that we as taxpayers have paid to do a job have failed to do their job. The world would be a much better place if predatory billionaires including Bill Gates and BigPharma Mafia et al had to clean their own toilets.


Maureen - Feb 11, 2024 - Edited


Hi Kali:
Thank you for clarifying your brief comments with all this information.
I have great empathy for the cruel and inhuman suffering of your clients and your abilities to do the deep research in your quests to help them.
I listened to an interview with Kary, at the beginning of covid being a dna collection/database tool and not a diagnostic test for reasons you cited. I think it was on YouTube.
Being a targeting individual encompasses but, is not limited to neural-hacking and voice to skull communications (v2k.) other elements of the TI, Program include: Illegal Home Entries (damages to properties, theft of both personal and intellectual property) Public Gangstalking, Remote Neural Monitoring, enabling 24/7/365 surveillance of brain activity and decoding of a targets thoughts. MK Ultra, MK Ultra 2, control of a targeted individual's visual cortex, control of the central and peripheral nervous systems, synthetic telepathy, WBAN w/Biosensors, Non kinetic brain injuries from being targeted with Directed Energy Weapons, which, is known as Havana Syndrome better known as Neural-Strike and Voice to Skull communications,which, are microwave auditory hearing effects and gaslighting of a target, subliminally communications, soft robotics, entrapments into crimes and much more. Every TI has some or all of these program elements-while other's experience some of the elements. All of them are done to take command and control of a target to asset stripe them; emotionally, mentally, physically, financially and spiritually - to soft skill them or command and control them to kill others and or kill themselves. It's a behavioral modification model based on predictive programming and social engineering.
TI's are bio-metrically ID'ed via their DNA at the beginning of their capture into, "The Program."
Thank you for citing the work(s) of Romola d., and Dr Robert Duncan. I am well acquainted with both their work in the TI community and Dr. Duncan's apparent deep remorse his work has been weaponized against TI's. The only difference between a psychopath and a sociopath is having a conscious. Many, of those who are behind these cruel and inhumane tortures programs - are most likely a combination of both. All of the people behind all elements of, "The Program" have surrendered their humanity while working towards the destruction and degradation of a TI's dignity, integrity and humanity.
We as human beings are born with God gifted Free Will. As a TI, I have progressively learned my Free Will is my greatest personal asset. It's that old saying, "just because you can so a thing, doesn't mean you should" - no TI under the influence of MK Ultra, subliminal messaging nor voice to skull communications should ever do what they are commanded to do. Nor respond to any of those communications. The best a TI can do is ignore them and remember who they are at their core. And hopefully they have a well developed moral culture snd compass and strong since of self awareness and personal responsibility to do so. I have always known I am a child of God. The Ten Commandments are the gold standard of moral conviction and courage - regardless of what comes for us.
Although. I deeply appreciate your comments and feedback, our perspectives are different based on our individual personal experiences with, "The Program" and believe the TI's are the control group for what is being rolled out to the rest of societies including biometric ID's of everyone.
I believe as an advisory board member of Targeted Justice and a TI herself; Dr. Ana has been subjected to and is aware of all elements of the TI "program." And, we are all working to gain a deeper level of understanding what has been and continues to happen to us. We all have the same end game. To end the targeting of every single TI and to educate and create awareness in the general population and make strong appeals to the humanity of others outside of the TI community to achieve our objective.
I have deep respect for your protective nature when it comes to working to safeguard the diminishing value and the co-opting of the words, "Targeted Individuals." And, need to try to control and distinguish between "real" TI's and all others. However, I also believe there are a many TI's out there who have no idea they are indeed being targeted and end up in prisons or mental health incarcerations because of lack of knowledge regarding the nefarious use of the nanotech and neurological technologies based on ideological totalitarianism - and all elements of the TI Program. We are all living through and bearing witness to the most extraordinary advancements in human history with the advancements in technology based brain research and the techno-scientific rush towards depopulation and the transhumanism of mankind.
Who are we to control the term "TI" when some have one program element unleashed upon them snd others have every element and yet others have a combination of a myriad of other elements. There are no litmus tests to take - what we have is our own personal testimony of our targeting experiences. Sharing our stories with the outside world is important in establishing credibility, educating and awareness campaigns of what came for us and our individual and collective need to end this heinous torture program for everyone. Everyday it takes in more victims - getting to them to stop their imprisonment, mental incarceration and suiciding of themselves isn't an easy endeavor- But, God doesn't ask us to so what is easy. HE asks us to so what is right.
I am deeply grateful you are doing everything you can to help your patients! We need more healthcare professionals like you!
Have you seen the Documentary, The Minds of Men? Its on YouTube; Truthstream Media. A channel by the filmmakers, Arron and Melissa Dykes.


Kali's Wrath - Feb 11, 2024 - Edited

MatrixWipeOut’s Substack

OK, I have since listened to Dr Ana's TI testimony that was posted 4 months ago I was unaware that she recently became a TI herself since her experience in 2021, and her disclosure was only posted 4 months ago. She has only recently joined Targeted Justice also. So, I am glad to know that she understands perfectly the full context of TI. Her post had not reflected that and that was why I was so concerned.
I love Truthstream Media, they are brilliant and yes I have seen that documentary.


Bradley Loves - Feb 11, 2024

Please do come and study/learn all about this subject
I myself am a targeted Individual for over 40 years and have endured about all they can come up with. From V2K ( Voice2Skull ) , Remote Neural monitoring RNM, Brain to Brain Interface... you name it. I've been shot at, zapped, been trucked over...but thanks to the grace of God still walking around and trying to get the message out.
We have created many podcasts about this subject. Please listen to this series about the subject :
You can contact me
Thanks and God Bless.


Stephane Roy - Feb 11, 2024 - Edited

Stephane’s Substack

Nicotine 4mg chewing gum, daily Methylene Blue 15mg solution in 200mls water, Melatonin tabs 20mgs daily, 4,000mg Vit-C, Enteric Aspirin tabs 400mgs daily, Lumbrokinase 300mgs daily, Magnesium Malate (Malic Acid) 1,500mgs daily, Zinc supplementation, Vit-D3 supplementation, NAC 2400mgs daily, Quercetin 2000mgs daily . . All of these seem to be keeping oxygen-in-blood levels at 99% without any great respiration effort, or at a continuous 97% with just normal shallow slow respirations. No noticeable brain fog. No undue fatigue. IV EDTA is a more difficult possibility as I don't trust anyone in this country (NZ) to come anywhere near me with a hyperdermic syringe, since late 2019, when I contracted the bioweapon directly from the huffing in my face and eyes breath of a returnee from a December 2019 Wuhan cone-beam technology radiology conference, a medical industry specialist, who specifically seemed to target me within the crowd of people present at that time and location. The bioweapon DOES exist. Aerosol transmission ALSO exists.


Stephane Roy - Feb 11, 2024 - Edited

Stephane’s Substack

I would ALSO like to say that Aerosol transmission of the 'vaccination' nanites blood cross-contamination ALSO exists, between the 'vaccinated' AND the unvaccinated.
This also happened to me at an enclosed space conference during late 2022 filled with 200 'vaccinated' people, requiring me to fight and further RESIST (as above) the suddenly re-imposed Bad Health Affects of fatigue, severe generalized indisposition, noticeably reduced lower limb circulation, and measurably lowered oxygen-in-blood levels.


dyr - Feb 11, 2024

Stephane’s Substack

My own experience corroborates yours re aerosol transmission. From very 1st experience March 2020, to latest over a week ago. (In central Ontario, Canada.) Former I suspect aerosolized "attack" in a targeted natural food store, or else somehow become part of air "purification"; latter from a vaxee-crowded room in a small bank. Re edta infusion distrust where you are, we have benefitted instead from as recommended earlier by our host here, edta skin cream, inter alia.


Stephane Roy - Feb 11, 2024

Stephane’s Substack

Thank you for sharing this information with me . . : )


dyr - Feb 11, 2024

Readers are urged to discount anything that impugns China coming from sources mentioned here. S Zuboff in her important (published a bit pre-covidiana) The Age of Surveillance Capital, while intelligently using reference to China as subtheme, as in they were ahead of what's coming to the West that one should want to avoid, nevertheless she warns off treating their situation as anything akin to our own. For another thing, governance in China as it is will tend to assimilate the economic to social goals; whereas here the tendency is generally opposite. Perversities and benefits can and do attend both. But when e.g. people point the finger accusingly at treatment of certain minorities under Han rule, look more deeply before accepting such accusations, who is saying and why, such as "genocide" of Uighurs which has been debunked, regardless of whether one approves of all going on there. Consider that the Chinese government may have reasonable grounds to address in their way a difficult situation fed and promoted by outsiders who want harm China. It is one thing to point out that one should not want to live under similar rulership. It is quite another to miss that that rulership is being attacked on many sides by anglosupremacists trying to hold on to waning hegemony. China and Russia and various others are in gunsights of that waning hegemon that brought us covidiana, war in Ukraine and elsewhere. Do not unwittingly play into their drumbeats of war prep.


don findlay - Feb 11, 2024


No one is coming to save us. We must do it ourselves.LocalResistance.orgprovides a safe, anonymous search tool to easily locate neighbours in your own city or town who share your concerns and who are willing to stand together and press for truth locally. By linking locally we can find strength and support, we can communicate, coordinate, educate and resist, we can pool resources and organize alternatives.
We need a worldwide network of independent local resistance cells, too numerous to eliminate, autonomous and locally controlled, acting continuously to expose and expel all of the corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and corporations who would deny our personal freedom, sovereignty and natural rights.
Use this website to locate neighbours who are willing to organize local resistance and boycott any business, organization or institution that tries to enforce mask, vaccine or any other mandates in your town or city. The more of us that get involved, the safer each one of us becomes. There is strength in numbers, that is why it is so important to spread the word and organize locally. If a neighbour is hassled or treated unfairly then the local team can mobilize resources to help the victim.
One person can make a difference as this web site proves. After you register, please don’t wait. Reach out to others near where you live and begin a conversation. If no one else has registered yet in your community, spread the word locally yourself, post notices, print and distribute simple flyers. Take the lead and your energy will attract others. It will also boost your spirits to be doing something positive. Check back periodically to search for new members in your neighbourhood. Check it out. Spread the word. Thank-you.


Apologetic Yankee - Feb 11, 2024 - Edited

Apologetic Yankee

More proof (not that any more is needed) TI's aren't simply crazy > just being made to feel as such so the label can be assigned >


Kali's Wrath - Feb 11, 2024 - Edited

MatrixWipeOut’s Substack

Oh yes, MIT developed "Voice of God" technology at least 10-20 years ago. Listen to Dr Robert Duncan DARPA Neuroscientist and "ex-CIA" whistleblower that has been trying to wake people up for years before C19.


Apologetic Yankee - Feb 12, 2024

Apologetic Yankee

Indeed....& consider all the tech we have no idea of > what We do know / has been proven is more than alarming enough


Kali's Wrath - Feb 12, 2024

MatrixWipeOut’s Substack

Yes, exactly. Numerous top secret compartmentalised, classified and also black projects that are off the books, USAP in the UFO community. Missing trillions then 9/11. etc. etc. The problem is that most people including most tertiary educated people still think the limit is the published science papers and don't realise the 'science' is controlled at the top. You won't get funding unless it is government or private industry approved, yet then we are told "there's no scientific evidence" as though that is a fact (and if you dispute it you are a conspiracy theorist) across the board for many industries. Science is dead. Tertiary institutions control the flow of information and ensure that taboo and classified topics that are of classified interest to the MIC are NOT researched and you are ridiculed if you try to pursue those topics - because THEY are researching them - that has historically included hypnosis, the extreme end of the trauma spectrum that they use to induce split personality and create spies that are dissociative to esnure their secrets are compartmentalised in the split personality/s, all psychic phenomena and extraterrestrials, and NASA is Not A Space Agency either, it is a PR front hiding the secret space program keeping us dumbed down believing we still rely upon rockets to get to the moon. Load of BS.


Apologetic Yankee - Feb 12, 2024

Apologetic Yankee

It's all inverted > while dangling the dollar around to mesmerize those in position to do what they were elected (rather selected) to do > not to mention uphold a CONstitution that's become absolutely useless... a tiny slice of Charmin worth more.
Biowarfare, censorship, greed & apathy together the CONcoction responsibile for the Mass destruction of the traditional way of life that's been marketed us through the Decades.
Truly meaningful progress will manifest when Cross Domain Bacteria exposure is addressed publicly & transparently...until then the best We can do is eat as cleanly as possible & if you're fortunate enough to have access to IV chelation... that seems to be 1 protocol that appears to at least slow down the altering of Our DNA > otherwise in due time whoever is left will find they've been transitioned into Transhumanist slaves serving the tptsNb nefarious UN/WEF Agenda > ALL of which of course via UN-elected Body


Kali's Wrath - Feb 12, 2024

MatrixWipeOut’s Substack

David Icke was right - it's all inverted.


Apologetic Yankee - Feb 12, 2024

Apologetic Yankee

Up is down & black = white > while those awake to this narrative are made to feel as if We're the crazy ones


Wayne Copeland - Feb 10, 2024

Wayne Copeland

Not enough people complaining to their politicians and talking to their neighbours yet!


kasey77312 - Feb 18, 2024


Dear Dr. Ana,
The tageted individual episode 929, is being restricted on Rumble, and is MISSING from Patriot TV. It is still on Bitchute. I guess they do not want us talking about "targeted indiviuals"


Swan - Feb 12, 2024

Pause and read what it says in the green chyron, etc, Listen to the monsters tell you how great it is that the nanotechnology "noninvasively" enters your brain...this is the NWO/All-seeing Eye. Once they get your DNA they've got total control. Bryan Kofron whistleblower testimony.


Stephane Roy - Feb 11, 2024

Stephane’s Substack

Dear Dr Ana, how very appreciative are many people throughout the 195 sovereign states of this embattled Earth for the tireless, faithful work you are doing for humanity. God bless you Ana.


Jeff Piotrowski - Feb 11, 2024

Jeff’s Substack

Apparently the old fingerprint scan isn't good enough? What problem are they solving? Oh, that's right the problem of not having total control over you and commerce!



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