Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 10, 2024 โ Paid โ Source
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The Targeted Individual Phenomenon | MSOM Ep. 929
In this episode, we discuss the Targeting program, microchip implants, legal actions and more.
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Targeting is a worldwide phenomenon:
What does targeting have to do with you? Once the digital ID is rolled out worldwide, any dissenting individual can be targeted via their social credit score and vaccine induced surveillance under the skin. Many nations are rolling this out and there is a bill in US Congress to roll this out in the united states as well. The digital ID is linked to your vaccine passport and all financial transaction.
Please read this latest update from the Expose:
Australia sets a date to achieve the first goal of The Great Reset – nationwide digital IDs
The Australian government recently announced it has set 1 July as the tentative rollout date for its nationwide digital ID. The exact date will depend on the timing of its legislation which is due to be adopted by the federal parliament.
The UK has made similar plans, which were made public last year in a document titled ‘ Enabling the Use of Digital Identities in the UK ’ .
Ethiopia, Nigeria, China, the European Union and a host of other countries are in the process of digitising their citizenry.
I reported last year that in the US, Senators Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming have introduced Senate Bill 884, which would offer digital identities for all Americans, but thus far the bill has not been advanced through Congress. They are likely waiting for the opportune time, probably after some major cyber-disruptive event like that which was predicted in the Obama-produced movie ‘ Leave the World Behind ’.
I have also recently reported how Americans are being conditioned at US airports to having their faces scanned, which is part and parcel to having a de facto digital ID.
According to a report by Biometric Update , Australia’s stakeholder-comment period for a sweeping Digital ID Bill came to a close in late January after receiving submissions from business and financial groups as well as civil rights organisations. The government is now consulting with the states, ChannelNews Australia reports .
The Department of Finance told ChannelNews that the new system will allow users to choose their preferred digital ID provider for accessing services from both the government and private sectors.
Private organisations can apply to be accredited as digital ID services from the government’s so-called ‘Trusted Digital Identity Framework’. Among companies that have already received accreditation are Australia Post, MasterCard and OCR Labs. Banks, retailers and other institutions will eventually all be co-opted into this system.
A government spokesperson told ChannelNews : “The legislation will enable the expansion of the Australian Government Digital ID System to include state, territory and private sector organisations that choose to participate.”
The national digital ID will function like an expanded version of MyGovID, which Australians already use to access the Australian Taxation Office, Centrelink (which delivers Social Security payments to Australians) and Medicare.
In other words, whether you need to pay the government or receive payments from the government, you will at some point be locked out of the system if you don’t have a digital ID.
All accredited digital ID systems will be expected to observe the same three levels of security standards with the highest one including registering user biometrics, such as a face, palm or eye scan.
According to ChannelNews :
A user will be able to generate a multipoint image on a device that will be checked against their passport photo and, in the future, driver’s license. Establishing your credentials only needed to be done once, officials say.
Once the legislation passes through Parliament, the new national digital ID will roll out in several phases, according to an explainer published by consumer protection group Choice.
China is ahead with this system and allows us to see where this road is leading to, note these technologies are used to TARGET individuals. They CAN SCAN VIA FACIAL RECOGNITION 1.4 BILLION PEOPLE IN ONE SECOND and single out specific ethnicities:
So far, protesters calling for change in the Chinese government have yet to face the tanks and guns that were used in Tiananmen Square in 1989 — but they are up against a quieter, more pervasive weapon, in China’s extensive facial recognition surveillance network.
Under Xi Jinping, who has amassed more power than any Chinese leader since Mao, the Communist Party of China has spent years building up the world’s largest state security apparatus, including a massive facial recognition surveillance network, a corresponding biometric database, and a national ID card system. According to recent reports from CBC and NPR , it is using these technologies to target ethnic minorities and those who have taken to China’s streets in recent weeks, calling for an end to Xi’s zero-COVID policies and for him to step down as party leader.
Cate Cadell, a security reporter with the Washington Post, told CBC’s The Current that China’s level of surveillance terrifies her. “They can track people over time, their movements through a city,” she said. “They can capture 30 to 100 faces at a single time.” The government itself has boasted that it can scan the entirely of the country’s 1.4 billion people in a single second. While some China observers suspect this is an exaggeration, the idea still works to create a Panopticon-like environment in which the assumption of surveillance is constant.
Speaking on NPR’s TED Radio Hour, journalist Alison Killing, who won the Pulitzer Prize for her work on China’s surveillance state, said cameras mounted in public spaces — for instance, in shopping malls, travel hubs and other high-traffic destinations, or at the entrances to residential complexes — collect a huge amount of biometric data, which allows the Beijing government to identify people by gender, age and ethnicity. Some larger cities have Artificial Intelligence (AI) upgrades which can track traits like clothing and gait — and can make it easier for authorities to identify and track down protestors, away from the spotlight of mass demonstrations.
Face biometrics in Xinjiang region
One particular group has faced dire consequences as a result of China’s rapidly expanding surveillance network. In the western region of Xinjiang, the Uyghur minority have been tracked, imprisoned, and subjected to religious discrimination, forced labor and forced birth control, says the UK government’s recent Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office report on human rights and democracy. The report specifically references “facial recognition software targeting specific ethnicities” in China.
“Mass surveillance and ‘predictive policing’ algorithms were used to enable repression in Xinjiang,” says the report, published on December 9. Furthermore, “media reporting indicated the use of similar technologies elsewhere in China, such as software to track ‘suspicious people,’ facial recognition software targeting specific ethnicities, and social media analysis to monitor Chinese citizens living overseas.”
Alison Killing, who has covered the situation in Xinjiang extensively, points out that the engineering of China’s security apparatus in the region goes back a decade, or more.
“From 2013 or 2014 we saw the start of the real campaign of oppression in Xinjiang, with the installation of this incredibly invasive surveillance state,” she says. She cites documents, discovered by the New York Times, which show tech companies “boasting that they could identify Uyghurs using facial recognition software.” In 2021, the BBC reported that Beijing was testing biometric camera systems that use AI to detect emotional states.
China denies repressing the Uyghur minority, which is predominantly Muslim. But UN officials have expressed fears that the government is turning Xinjiang, which is the largest geographical region in China and home to more than 25 million people, into a “massive internment camp.”
China’s surveillance reach has even extended overseas recently, with the discovery of Chinese “police stations” in Toronto and New York City , which pose as ID shops and places that assist with documents, but are in fact installed to intimidate Chinese citizens living abroad and coerce them back to China. These outposts join the technologies and tactics Beijing uses to quash dissent and control online activity, which are spreading to other countries along the Digital Silk Road.
Overall, the UK report tidily summarizes the state of surveillance in world’s most populous nation in the twenty first century: “The human rights situation in China,” it says, “continued to deteriorate.”
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Adrian - Feb 10, 2024
Two bills deserve your full attention and support.๐Bans chemtrails and harmfull microwaves, note there are no safe levels of microwaves. RFK with CHD sued the FCC two years ago, the FCC lost, the courts said the current FCC guidelines are capricious and arbitrary, (meaning based on nothing), the courts ordered the FCC to come back with meaningfull guidelines, to date nothing has happened, bc the FCC CAN NOT PROVE MICROWAVES FROM CELL TOWERS ARE SAFE, BC THERE ARE NO SAFE LEVELS. WE HAVE TO STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND BAN THE CELL TOWERS. REPLICATE THIS BILL IN ALL STATES.
Secondly, Tennessee Rep Hulsey HB0726 NULLIFICATION ACT...WE HAVE AND ALWAYS HAVE HAD the ability to nullify rogue unconstitutional fed laws, mandates, statutes...our ignorance of this factoid as a whole has allowed every unconstitutional act thats happenening now. When we step up to the plate, with this NULLIFICATION KNOWLEDGE we can and will put an end to every unconstitutional cdc, fcc, hhs, dhs, fbi, cia, fed res Biden dnc uncharteted fail means we lose America due to ignorance...WE HAVE THE POWER...NOW USE IT...STUDY THE HB0726 NULLIFICATION ACT AND TEACH YOUR REPS, DEMAND YOUR REPS REPLICATE IT IN ALL STATES.
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denise ward - Feb 10, 2024
Is everybody really going to go along with this? I know I'm not. Why do millions and even billions of people abide by these ridiculous laws?
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