The Reason It Is Not Allowed To Analyze C19…

Oct 8, 2022

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Listen to this interview of Dr Jane Ruby with Sasha Latypova


Jersey Girl - Oct 9, 2022

Jersey Girl

BARDA is involved with managing molnupiravir. I was involved with this project for big pharma but I left in 2021 when I realized what was going on.


Lynn Ferguson - Oct 8, 2022 - Edited

Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson

Back in December 2019, I stated that the viral agents were being deployed as a lethal bioweapon for Depopulation. Then came the vaxx to further that agenda. It began with DARPA and Fort Detrick in collusion with the Wellcome Trust, the Gates Foundation, and other bases with labs in Ottowa, Canada as well as Europe and Asia. Few people talk about the CIA's interest in the second bloweapon released in Wuhan; they had bribed a research scientist to deliver a vial to be used in Venezuela and Hong Kong at the same time - a story for another day. At least we have vials of the vaxx from European researchers to study.


Staring back into the abyss - Oct 8, 2022

Staring back at the abyss

I had round one in December 2019. This tracks.


Lynn Ferguson - Oct 15, 2022

Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson

Round one was enough to contend with... What have you done to protect your health given round one? Now, we have learned that there are numerous biolabs in the Ukraine that serve as leverage throughout the world using threats by the CIA to control world leaders into doing their bidding. It is a very purposeful thing for Putin to denounce them and go into the Ukraine to destroy these labs and their stockpiles of bioweapons. No wonder be has been called heroic!


Staring back into the abyss - Oct 24, 2022

Staring back at the abyss

Not much I can do other than avoid the jabs, not wear germ factory masks etc. I have a great immune system so I’m ok


Lynn Ferguson - Oct 24, 2022

Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson

Modeling this behavior yourself is excellent, it reminds people that what each of us does as an informed individual is to be recognized and acknowledged. It is enough, most assuredly!


Grasshopper Kaplan - Oct 8, 2022

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

Yup we all knew tis a bioweapon.
Francis Boyle wrote the law against them.


Thomas Guitarman - Oct 9, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

Is there way we who dont use DEADLY CELL PHONES CAN HEAR THIS please send another way. SK


Deborah Richardson Evans - Oct 8, 2022

Deborah’s Newsletter

Absolutely incredible!


Thomas Guitarman - Oct 9, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

Dr. Ana , if this is true [I agree it is , said it long ago] then how did our DOD get all the other NATIONS to do the same to THEIR people , there may be different batches , supposedly different big PHARMA makers , but essentially the same weapon , INCLUDING RUSSIA who we are supposed to be at war with in/over UKRAINE and they are trying to terrorize the world with nuke war possibilities. If we are at war with China or Russia why would they AGREE to use our bio weapon against their people?


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 9, 2022

Russia does not use mRNA. The Satanic Cabal is one world government. There are no separate countries. All have been invaded by the Cabal. This is why lockstep happened worldwide. When Eisenhower warned of the military industrial complex he warned of this. And ultimately the ties in the deep black ops world and those who pull the strings on and off planet... The war we are in is much bigger then anyone understands. It is the ultimate corruption of spirit and soul of the divine human being. This is a war that involves dimensions. Stay openminded, because the revelation of this evil also will bring the revelation of our greater place in the universe. All happens for purposeful good. Russia is not our enemy. Ukraine is the zestpool of evil moneylaundering and child trafficking for satanists around the world. Why did the US have all those biolabs? Khazarian Mafia. Adrenochrome. Pure Evil. This is just the beginning.

REPLY - Oct 15, 2022

she knows.


HWG - Oct 14, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

Most of Humanity is asleep. Their minds have been captured and ANESTHETIZED by social conditioning of every sort. What is Tell-a-vision but a soft, but incredibley effective mind control? How long have young minds, now adult, been captured and ANESTHETIZED by addictive video games and now by their cell phones as well? The devices imposed upon humanity to keep their minds asleep are multudious. How many brilliant minds were fried in the drug culture of the 60's? and continues to this day? I believe the main function of the JABs is to make sure they, the captured minds, NEVER wake up through the introduction of the nano and micro technologies being injected into the people with the Jab.
But the spell is already beginning to loose its potency and the people ARE waking up, one by one and and two by two. Just tonight I heard Dan Bongino say in his program that he now knew that taking the jab was "the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life" . This is a direct quote and he has now become an ardent warrior against the Jab and Big Pharma. This is the opening of a mind, a mind waking up and this is beginning to happen more and more as Warriors of Truth such as Sasha Latypova and Dr Ana and her collegues refuse to be silenced.
The truth is beginning to leak out into the mainstream now and it's a snowball gaining momentum. When enough people are fully awakened, and learn the true history of what has happened to the Earth and her peoples, and how this has captured the minds of humanity for thousands of years, one by one and two by two in geometric progression people are waking up. At some point the scales will tip, and the Evil ones will be finished. GOD wins.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 14, 2022

So be that. I like to say. GOD WON. It already has happened, we are just moving through slow time to see it manifested....


Thomas Guitarman - Oct 15, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

Well yes to most of your reply , very true , I warned Dan Bongino before and after , Mark Levin as well to bad they will most likely die soon. There is guarantee of win UNLESS WE ACT , beliefs and philosophy wont cut it, they are trying to eliminate our species or convert us into a machine /robot /cyborg /slaves . Waking up means little unless we act upon it , most of the damage has already been done , it will be very difficult to survive now with so much of the human infrastructure damaged , walking dead or dying. I have warned and predicted all this for 40 years NO ONE WANTED TO LISTEN OR WAKE UP THEN , when it could all have been changed to a different timeline reality . Stay safe and prepared if you can


HWG - Oct 15, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

True TG. NO ONE WANTED TO LISTEN OR WAKE UP because the cogitive dissonance
is horriffic, a diffucult, mind bending, even mind numbing thing to watch and experience on both a personal micro level and on govenmental and worldwide macro levels. When I feel myself slipping into that mind numbed space that wants to just get lost in some mindless 'cats doing silly things' youtube episodes because the truth is almost too horriffic to comprehend, I remind myself that I chose THIS timeline PRECISELY because I intended to do something about it and for the knowledge I would gain from it. There ARE no accidents. And so I regroup, dig in and focus my efforts in ways that I can.
And not to worry Thomas Guitarman, Staying safe and preparing is my MO.


Thomas Guitarman - Oct 16, 2022

Thomas’s Substack

Wonderful mine as well , and I have been helping others do that for decades, Ive dealt with so much of this stuff and digging as deep as it can go for so long that , I dont really get numbed by it or react emotionally that much . But what I do is go create music and include both the emotion and even relevant lyrical content to share with others in performances to help them wake up or deal with it , as I know you know, art is the backdoor way to reach people most effectively. And yes realizing that we did indeed chose this time , and knowledge brings responsibility is the only way to go , otherwise its just a long victims journey hahahahh Stay in touch and ILL send thing your way if you wish SK also



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