Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 08, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Please listen to this important video explaining that the entire Pharmaceutical Industry has been weaponized by the Department of Defense who control all Covid 19 related manufacturing to the minutest details. Fort Detrick is the US distribution Center. The reason we are not allowed in the US to look at the vials is because the DOD has classified the Covid 19 vaccines as a WEAPON - that was deployed against its own citizens.
Here is the link to this important interview.
Dr. Jane Ruby: PROOF: DOD Using 100’s of Pharma To Scale Up Mass Genocide Against Americans
I will be interviewing Sasha Latypova on Monday on my radio show. Stay tuned for more discussions on this topic.
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Jersey Girl - Oct 9, 2022
Jersey Girl
BARDA is involved with managing molnupiravir. I was involved with this project for big pharma but I left in 2021 when I realized what was going on.
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Lynn Ferguson - Oct 8, 2022 - Edited
Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson
Back in December 2019, I stated that the viral agents were being deployed as a lethal bioweapon for Depopulation. Then came the vaxx to further that agenda. It began with DARPA and Fort Detrick in collusion with the Wellcome Trust, the Gates Foundation, and other bases with labs in Ottowa, Canada as well as Europe and Asia. Few people talk about the CIA's interest in the second bloweapon released in Wuhan; they had bribed a research scientist to deliver a vial to be used in Venezuela and Hong Kong at the same time - a story for another day. At least we have vials of the vaxx from European researchers to study.
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